Paper Money - Vol. LIX - No. 5 - Whole #329 - Sep/Oct 2020

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Table of Contents

The Curious Career of T. W. Dyott, M.D.—Q. David Bowers

$1 Series of 1923 S.C. Signature Combinations--Peter Huntoon

1917-1924--A Burst of New Type Notes—Peter Huntoon

The Farmers & Merchants National Bank --J. Fred Maples

James J. Ott, Nevada Assay Office—Robert Gill

Commodore Jacob Jones' Gallant Fight Terry Bryan

Coney Island-The Greatest American Park—Steve Feller

official journal of The Society of Paper Money Collectors Q.D.B. & T. W. Dyott, MD 1231 E. Dyer Road, Suite 100, Santa Ana, CA 92705 ? 949.253.0916 470 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10022 (Fall 2020) ? 212.582.2580 ? California ? New York ? New Hampshire ? Oklahoma ? Hong Kong ? Paris SBG PM Free Grading 200731 America?s Oldest and Most Accomplished Rare Coin Auctioneer LEGENDARY COLLECTIONS | LEGENDARY RESULTS | A LEGENDARY AUCTION FIRM Starting immediately, we will pay the grading fees at PCGS, PCGS Banknote, NGC or PMG for the coins and bank notes you consign to an upcoming Stack?s Bowers Galleries auction. Our grading giveaway will continue until we have given $1 million in free grading to our clients1. Upcoming events include auctions of United States coins and currency in November, March and June, and sales of Ancient and World coins and paper money in January and April. We also welcome consignments for our popular monthly Collectors Choice Online auctions. We invite you to contact Stack?s Bowers Galleries today to learn how you can consign to one of our upcoming auctions and have your coins and paper money graded for free. One of our experts can discuss your consignment and determine if our free grading program is right for you. Call Today About Free Grading on Your Consignment to a Stack?s Bowers Galleries Auction! 800.458.4646 West Coast ? 800.566.2580 East Coast ? 1Terms & restrictions apply Stack?s Bowers Galleries invites you to take advantage of FREE Third-Party Grading for items consigned to auction. FREE GRADING Stack?s Bowers Galleries Announces $1 Million Free Grading Program a_oM_om            W?????&??????????? ??? ^??????? ?????????>????d?????????????????K???????D????? 32%R[6DQ$QWRQLR7;SLHUUHIULFNH#EX\YLQWDJHPRQH\FRPZZZEX\YLQWDJHPRQH\FRP $QGPDQ\PRUH&6$8QLRQDQG2EVROHWH%DQN1RWHV IRU VDOH UDQJLQJ IURPWRILYHILJXUHV Q. David Bowers -SL njT_nk @kL_Q-?4? z_mm? 302 166 (LmLjn]m__] ??????????? njkm_QLt-zgL_mLk ?jLK@g[Lk -SL@j\Ljk?LjIS@]mk@mT_]@[ @]Z -Ljjz jz@] _\\_K_jL@I_H_]Lk?@[[@]mTRSm 366 37 (LmLjn]m__] ??,LjTLk_Q????,? ?,TR]@mnjL _\HT]@mT_]k ,mLsLL[[Lj _]Lzk[@]K?-SLjL@mLkm\LjTI@](@jZ 301 360 Paper Money * Sept/Oct 2020 * Whole No. 329 297 Contents continued Columns Advertisers SPMC Hall of Fame The?SPMC?Hall?of?Fame?recognizes?and?honors?those?individuals?who? have?made?a?lasting?contribution?to?the?society?over?the?span?of?many?years.? Charles Affleck Walter Allan Doug Ball Joseph Boling F.C.C. Boyd Michael Crabb Martin Delger William Donlon Roger Durand C. John Ferreri Milt Friedberg Robert Friedberg Len Glazer Nathan Gold Nathan Goldstein James Haxby John Herzog Gene Hessler John Hickman William Higgins Ruth Hill Peter Huntoon Don Kelly Lyn Knight Chet Krause Allen Mincho Judith Murphy Chuck O?Donnell Roy Pennell Albert Pick Fred Reed Matt Rothert Neil Shafer Austin Sheheen Herb & Martha Schingoethe Hugh Shull Glenn Smedley Raphael Thian Daniel Valentine Louis Van Belkum George Wait D.C. Wismer From Your President Shawn Hewitt 299 Editor Sez Benny Bolin 300 Uncoupled Joseph E. Boling & Fred Schwan 352 Quartermaster Michael McNeil 357 Cherry Pickers Corner Robert Calderman 362 Obsolete Corner Robert Gill 364 Chump Change Loren Gatch 366 New Members Frank Clark 367 Small Notes Jamie Yakes 368 Stacks Bowers Galleries IFC FCCB 369 Fred Bart 319 Vern Potter 372 Tom Denly 319 Higgins Museum 372 CSNS 320 DBR Currency 372 ANA 330 Jim Ehrhardt 372 Lyn F. Knight 341 PCDA 385 Gunther & Derby 363 Heritage Auctions OBC Paper Money * Sept/Oct 2020 * Whole No. 329 298 Officers & Appointees ELECTED OFFICERS PRESIDENT Shawn Hewitt VICE-PRES. Robert Vandevender II SECRETARY Robert Calderman TREASURER Bob Moon BOARD OF GOVERNORS Mark Anderson Robert Calderman Gary J. Dobbins Matt Draiss Pierre Fricke Loren Gatch Steve Jennings William Litt J. Fred Maples Cody Regennitter Wendell A. Wolka Robert Vandevender APPOINTEES PUBLISHER-EDITOR Benny Bolin ADVERTISING MANAGER Wendell A. Wolka LIBRARIAN Jeff Brueggeman MEMBERSHIP DIRECTOR Frank Clark IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT Pierre Fricke WISMER BOOK PROJECT COORDINATOR Pierre Fricke From Your President Shawn Hewitt 2IILFHUV $SSRLQWHHV (/(&7('2)),&(56 35(6,'(17?6KDZQ+HZLWW VKDZQ#VKDZQKHZLWWFRP 9,&(35(6,'(17? 5REHUW9DQGHYHQGHU,, UYSDSHUPDQ#DROFRP 6(&5(7$5