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Table of Contents
$20 Series of 1882 Gold Certificate Intaglio Plate Layout Varieties—Peter Huntoon
Paper Money with a Connection to Keokuk’s Estes House—Tom Gardner
Napier-Burke Nationals are Sleepers—Peter Huntoon
The National Howard Bank of Baltimore, Maryland—J. Fred Maples
Pat Lyon at the Forge—Terry Bryan
A Black Issue Date Stamp on Confederate Currency—Dr. Enrico Aidala
Grand Discovery—Gary Bleichner
Paper Money
Vol. LIX, No. 4, Whole No. 328 July/August 2020
Official Journal of the Society of Paper Money Collectors
1231 E. Dyer Road, Suite 100, Santa Ana, CA 92705 ? 949.253.0916
470 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10022 (Summer 2020) ? 800.566.2580 ?
California ? New York ? New Hampshire ? Hong Kong ? Paris
SBG PM ANA2020 HLs 200601 America?s Oldest and Most Accomplished Rare Coin Auctioneer
Call Us for More Information Today!
800.458.4646 West Coast
800.566.2580 East Coast ?
ANA World?s Fair of Money?
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania ? August 4-7, 2020
Stack?s Bowers Galleries Featured Highlights
Fr. 97. 1875 $10 Legal Tender Note.
PCGS Banknote Choice Extremely Fine 45.
Fr. 1220. 1922 $1000 Gold Certificate.
PMG Choice About Uncirculated 58.
Fr. 333. 1891 $50 Silver Certificate.
PMG Choice Uncirculated 63 EPQ.
Fr. 1133-C. 1918 $1000 Federal Reserve Note.
Philadelphia. PMG Gem Uncirculated 65 EPQ.
Fr. 163. 1880 $50 Legal Tender Note.
PMG Extremely Fine 40.
Fr. 2221-E. 1934 $5000 Federal Reserve Note.
Richmond. PMG About Uncirculated 55.
Fr. 2200-Kdgs. 1928 $500 Federal Reserve Note.
Dallas. PMG Gem Uncirculated 66 EPQ.
Fr. 190b. 1864 $10
Compound Interest Treasury Note.
PCGS Currency New 61.
Fr. 268. 1896 $5 Silver Certificate.
PCGS Currency Superb Gem New 67 PPQ.
Fr. 2221-K. 1934 $5000 Federal Reserve Note.
Dallas. PMG Gem Uncirculated 65 EPQ.
Vol.?LIX,?No.?4,? July/August?2020?? ? ? ISSN??0031?1162?
Cover Story
$20 Series of 1882 Gold Certificate Intaglio
Plate Layout Varieties?Peter Huntoon
Paper Money with a Connection to Keokuk?s Estes House?Tom Gardner
234 Napier-Burke Nationals are Sleepers?Peter Huntoon This?signature?combination?on?National?Banknotes?is?one?of?the?rarer?in?the?series.??
241 The National Howard Bank of Baltimore, Maryland?J.?Fred?Maples A?detailed?history?of?the?National?Howard?Bank?of?Baltimore,?Maryland,?charter?#4218?is?given.?
244 Pat Lyon at the Forge?Terry Bryan The?history?of?the?man?and?of?one?of?the?most?popular?vignettes?of?the?era?is?discussed?at?length.?
251 Postage Currency Note with Cairo, Illinois Bank Stamp?Rick Melamed
274 A Black Issue Date Stamp on Confederate Currency?Dr. Enrico Aidala
294 Grand Discovery?Gary Bleichner
Departments Advertisers
Uncoupled 254 Stacks-Bowers IFC Denly's 267
Quartermaster Column 260 CSNS 240 Vern Potter 296
Cherry Picker's Corner 265 ANA 250 FCCB 296
Obsolete Corner 268 Lyn Knight 270 Higgins Museum 296
Chump Change 271 DBR PCDA IBC
New Members 272 Fred Bart 264 Heritage Auctions OBC
Pierre?Fricke?Buying and Selling!
P.O. Box 33513, San Antonio, TX 78265;;
And many more CSA, Union and ObsoleteBankNotes for sale ranging from$10 to five figures
_____________________________________________________________ Paper Money * July/August 2020 * Whole No. 328___________________________________________
Officers &
PRESIDENT?Shawn Hewitt,
Robert Vandevender II
SECRETARY?Robert Calderman
Mark Anderson
Robert Calderman
Gary J. Dobbins
Matt Drais
Pierre Fricke
Loren Gatch
Steve Jennings
William Litt
J. Fred Maples
Cody Regennitter
Wendell A. Wolka
Benny Bolin,
Wendell A. Wolka
Robert Galiette
LIBRARIAN--Jeff Brueggeman
Frank Clark
Pierre Fricke
COORDINATOR--Pierre Fricke
From Your President
Shawn Hewitt
In this July/August edition of the journal, I would normally
provide some comments about the just-held IPMS in June in Kansas
City. The cancellation of the physical event, however, did not prevent
Lyn Knight from arranging a virtual version over Zoom, along with
the usual auctions, all day on Friday, June 12. Earlier that week, we
were informed of the event details, added it to our calendar, wrote a
press release, and sent a special email to those subscribing to our newsletter. From what
I can tell, it was fairly successful. I hear there were about 60-80 participants for each
of the presentations. I was able to catch most of Lyn?s presentation of his national bank
note cutting machine. Kudos to Lyn for making lemonade out of lemons.
I am excited to tell you that we have some significant changes coming up in the
appearance of our journal. I will hold off on particulars for now, but very soon it will
have a new look. In that edition we will also announce the winners of our annual
literary, ODP registry sets and service awards that we normally present at the SPMC
Breakfast at IPMS.
Another recent change is that Joshua Herbstman recently resigned as one of our board
members, for personal reasons. I think Joshua?s greatest contribution is that of helping
to craft our mission statement a couple years ago, of which I am very proud. It is concise
and clear -- found on the home page of our website -- much more so than I could have
drafted. Joshua leaves with our thanks for his service.
Replacing Joshua in that seat is Bill Litt. At my urging, Bill was able to gather the
required number of recommendations and submitted them to the board, who voted him
in at our most recent meeting. I?m pretty sure many of you know Bill personally, or at
least heard the name. I?ve long thought that Bill would be a valuable asset on our board,
and I am looking forward to working with him. See his biography elsewhere in this
Finally, I would like to thank Megan Regennitter, spouse of board member Cody
Regennitter, for agreeing to be our legal counsel. She replaces long-term counsel
Robert Galliette, whom we also thank for his service.
There is no denying that the year 2020 seems to be packed as a year of change. It is my
hope that we can find ourselves in a better place by the manner in which we handle
_____________________________________________________________ Paper Money * July/August 2020 * Whole No. 328___________________________________________
Editor Sez
? Just four short months ago, I was sitting care-free
on a beach in Hawaii contemplating what I was having
for dinner that night. Times have sure changed now
haven?t they? A global pandemic, the likes of which
have not happened in a very, very long time. Unrest and
protests (and unfortunately riots with damage to both people and property)
seeking equality and an end to police brutality and then in the midst of all
that, we enter into a political season that has and will put the UG in UGLY!
I hope you are all doing well and have managed to stay safe and well.
I know in our hobby, dealers have been hit especially hard by the pandemic
and the resultant stay at home orders. I with you the best as you are truly
the backbone of our hobby. Hopefully, we have seen the worst of the
pandemic but we must be smart in the future. Social distancing and masks
seem to be the new norm. Someone tell me when in the past you felt
uncomfortable going into a bank not wearing a mask! A quick nod or
elbow smashing has now replaced handshaking. With the cancellation of
the KC show, followed by Long Beach, summer FUN and now the
summer ANA, and any number of regional and local show, we are all show
hungry. Hopefully we will be able to return to them soon.
In the meantime, there have been some wonderful advancements on
the technology side related to our hobby. The board of the SPMC is now
holding their meetings live on ZOOM. The MPC group held an e-Fest that
was well attended and had many great presentations. Lyn Knight replaced
the IPMS with a virtual one that had good attendance and of which I have
heard good things about. So, we shall see what the future holds for us and
see what the new ?norm? is.
Speaking of changes, the next issue of Paper Money will look
differently. A new and updated, modern cover will greet you as you take
it out of the envelope. The inside will have some more changes
cosmetically to make it more modern along with the ones we have already
done. But, the content will remain the same. Our authors and their works
are what makes this journal so great. Thanks to Robert Calderman and
Phillip Mangrum for making this transition a reality.
Also, in the next issue, we will announce the winners of our literary
awards and our Obsolete Database winners as well as our service awards.
As you spend this expanded amount of time at home, I ask that you
continue to write and research and turn that into an article. I have a number
of larger articles and really need some short and medium length ones.
The Society of Paper Money Collectors (SPMC) P.O.Box
7055, Gainvesville, GA 305504, publishes PAPER
MONEY (USPS 00-3162) every other month beginning
in January. Periodical postage is paid at Hanover, PA.
Postmaster send address changes to Secretary Robert
Calderman, Box 7022, Gainesville, GA 30504. ?Society
of Paper Money Collectors, Inc. 2020. All rights reserved.
Reproduction of any article in whole or part without written
approval is prohibited.
Individual copies of this issue of PAPER MONEY are
available from the secretary for $8 postpaid. Send changes
of address, inquiries concerning non - delivery and requests
for additional copies of this issue to the secretary.
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Accepted manuscripts will be published as soon as
possible, however publication in a specific issue cannot
be guaranteed. Include an SASE if acknowledgement is
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does not endorse any company, dealer or auction house.
Advertising Deadline: Subject to space availability,
copy must be received by the editor no later than the first
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(i.e. Feb. 1 for the March/April issue). Camera-ready art
or electronic ads in pdf format are required.
Space 1 Time 3 Times 6 Times
Full color covers $1500 $2600 $4900
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The SPMC assumes no financial responsibility for
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upon prompt notification.
_____________________________________________________________ Paper Money * July/August 2020 * Whole No. 328___________________________________________
$20 Series of 1882 Gold Certificate
Intaglio Plate Layout Varieties
Peter Huntoon
Introduction and Purpose
Section 12 of the Act of July 24,1882?the same act that provided for 20-year corporate extensions
of charters for national banks?provided for the issuance of gold certificates against deposits of gold with
the U. S. Treasury. The 1882 act was a compromise between the hard and soft money factions in Congress
whereby the hard money advocates received this gold provision, which was their tentative foot in the door
on their way to eventually placing the nation on a gold standard, whereas the soft money crowd won
The Paper
Figure 1. Series of 1882 $20 gold certificate payable in New York City that carries the engraved
signature of Assistant Treasurer John C. Acton. It has a variety 2 layout using the classification
presented herein. Heritage Auction Archives photo.
_____________________________________________________________ Paper Money * July/August 2020 * Whole No. 328___________________________________________
extensions for their national banks, which perpetuated legal tender based national currency.
The Series of 1882 gold certificates that resulted initially came in two types, those payable in New
York and others labeled ?Department Series? payable in Washington, DC. Those payable in New York
were discontinued before A. U. Wyman replaced James Gilfillan as Treasurer in March 1883.
This two-part subdivision created two types of notes, but the series is further enriched with lesser
modifications to the overall designs printed from the intaglio face plates.
It is the purpose of this article to document all the face plate varieties on the $20s. An intaglio plate
variety is herein defined as a specific combination of variable elements other than the Treasury signatures.
The $20s serve as a good template for identical varieties on the higher denominations in the series.
However, some of the varieties found on the $20 are absent from the suites of varieties available for the
various higher denominations. To compensate, some of the treasury signature combinations found on the
higher denominations didn?t appear on the $20s!
Plate Classification Scheme
The classification scheme proposed here applies only to the variable design elements printed from
the intaglio face plates other than the Treasury signatures.
The main element that varies is the language that differentiates notes redeemable in New York from
those redeemable in Washington. ?Department Series? appears above the lower left serial number on all
the Washington notes whereas it is absent from all those redeemable in New York.
A secondary element that varied on the New York notes was whether a blank was provided for
Assistant Treasurer Thomas C. Acton?s signature or whether his signature was engraved. This variable
yields either a variety 1 or 2 layout for the New York plates.
Secondary elements that varied on the Washington plates were whether Washington was presented
with or without D.C. and whether the plate date of Sept. 1, 1882 appeared or not. The combinations used
were: (1) Washington with date, (2) Washington without date and (3) Washington, D.C. without date,
yielding varieties 3, 4 and 5.
The intaglio plate variety is determined before the Treasury signatures are considered.
Consequently, the note illustrated in Figure 2 is an intaglio variety 5 with Rosecrans-Huston signatures.
The most available of the Series of 1882 $20 gold certificates are variety 5 Lyons-Roberts notes.
You can then go on to specify the seal used on your note. The note in Figure 2 comes out as a
variety 5 Rosecrans-Huston with large brown seal.
Figure 2. Spectacular Series of 1882 $20 Department Series gold certificate with a large Treasury
seal redeemable at the Treasury in Washington. Carefully contrast the language on this note to
that on the note pictured on Figure 1. This note was printed from plate 799 after the signatures had
been altered to Rosecrans-Huston and D.C. had been added to Washington. It has a variety 5 layout
using the classification presented herein. Heritage Auction Archives photo.
_____________________________________________________________ Paper Money * July/August 2020 * Whole No. 328___________________________________________
. V
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, D
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_____________________________________________________________ Paper Money * July/August 2020 * Whole No. 328___________________________________________
Table 1 lists all the intaglio plate varieties along with all the signatures found on the $20 Series of
1882 gold certificate proofs in the National Numismatic Collection. The holding appears to be complete.
Plate Alterations
A total of six 4-subject $20 Series of 1882 gold certificate plates were made. All were made at the
outset of the series in 1882, the first four for notes payable in New York and the other two for notes payable
in Washington. All were subsequently altered to yield the suite of entries on Table 1.
The most obvious design element that was altered was the addition of Thomas C. Acton?s signature
to the four New York plates, a change that probably took place before the end of 1882. Originally a blank
was provided for his penned signature because hand signing the notes quickly became impractical.
Curiously they didn?t bother to remove the line from under his engraved signature.
The most interesting alterations occurred when the Rosecrans-Huston signature combination was
added to the two Departmental Series plates in 1890. They dropped the superfluous plate date of Sept. 1,
1882 from both plates, a date that appears to have no particular significance. Someone also decided that
D.C. should be added to Washington, but that change made it only to plate 799 at the time. D.C. was
belatedly added to plate 798 when the signatures on it were updated to Lyons and Roberts in 1899.
Figure 3. Variety 1 intaglio plate layout characterized by a blank for the Assistant Treasurer?s
signature at New York, display of the plate date and no D.C. after Washington.
Figure 4. Variety 2 intaglio plate layout characterized by the addition of Assistant Treasurer
Thomas C. Acton?s signature, display of the plate date and no. D.C. after Washington.
_____________________________________________________________ Paper Money * July/August 2020 * Whole No. 328___________________________________________
Figure 5. Variety 3 intaglio plate layout for a Department Series plate characterized by having a
plate date and Washington without D.C.
Figure 6. Variety 4 intaglio plate layout for a Department Series plate characterized by having no
plate date and Washington without D.C. This proof was lifted from plate 798.
Figure 7. Variety 5 intaglio plate layout for a Department Series plate characterize by have no
plate date and Washington, D.C. The only difference between this layout and Variety 4 is the
addition of D.C. to Washington, a feature brought to my attention by Doug Murray. This proof
was lifted from plate 799, the same plate used to print the note shown in Figure 2.
_____________________________________________________________ Paper Money * July/August 2020 * Whole No. 328___________________________________________
Plate Numbers
Two types of plate numbers were assigned to the $20 Series of 1882 gold certificates at the outset:
sequence numbers and plate serial numbers. In addition, Treasury plate numbers?a third type of plate
number?were added to the Washington plates after that numbering scheme was adopted in 1886.
Understanding these numbers helps unravel the entries on Table 1.
Sequence numbers were assigned to the $20 plates in the order in which they were made. The four
New York plates were made first followed by the two Washington plates, all during the latter months of
1882. The sequence numbers were placed in the top margin of the plates except they were omitted from the
first for both New York and Washington. A 5 was added to the first Washington plate when it was reentered
during the Bruce-Gilfillan era so it finally appears on the proof lifted to prove that reentry.
Plate serial numbers were assigned to plates of the same denomination that have the same design.
Conseqeuntly, separate sets of plate serial numbers were used for the New York and Washington plates.
These numbers appear below the upper left plate position letter on all of the notes.
An omnibus set of Treasury plate numbers was adopted in 1886 that threaded through all the plates
made for the Treasury Department including plates made for currency, bonds, revenue stamps, checks, etc.
Initially the still servicable existing plates were numbered and then numbering progressed sequentially to
new plates as they began to be made. The still current $20 Washington plates were assigned numbers 798
and 799. Those numbers were added to the bottom margins of the plates in 1890 when the plates were
altered to carry the Rosecrans-Huston signature combination.
Altered Treasury Signatures
It was common practice for the Bureau of Engraving and Printing to update the Treasury signatures
on still servicable plates on an as-need basis. Consequently the two New York $20 plates ultimately carried
four difference Treasury signature combinations as listed on Table 1. Some of the possible signature
combinations were skipped on the $20s but appeared on the higher denominations in the series.
All of the Series of 1882 $20 gold certificates were printed from six plates that were made in 1882.
Those plates were repeatedly altered over the life of the series, primarily in order to display current Treasury
officials as printings were required.
Assistant Treasurer John C. Acton?s signature was added to the New York plates shortly after they
were made, probably before the end of 1882. No further alterations were made to the New York plates
because their use was discontinued before a new Treasury signature combination came along.
Minor tweaks were made to improve the presentation of information on the Washington plates by
apending D.C. to Washington and removing the sperfluous plate date. As an aid for accounting, Treasury
plate numbers were added to the lower margins of those plates after adoption of that numbering system in
The demand for $20 Series of 1882 gold certificates was small so the Washington plates lasted to
the end of the series. Their long lives provide excellent examples of plates that underwent repeated
alterations. The changes that occurred yielded for collectors interesting and very collectable varieties
beyond simple signature changes. The fact that plate serial numbers were appened to the upper left plate
position letters allows us to unambiguously determine exactly which plate produced a particular note.
_____________________________________________________________ Paper Money * July/August 2020 * Whole No. 328___________________________________________
Paper Money with a Connection to Keokuk?s Estes House
by Tom Gardner
Keokuk?s Estes House hotel had the misfortune to
be built at exactly the wrong time. Before it was
completed in 1857, a financial panic swept through
what was then considered the West but would today be
called the Midwest. This panic, or "business
revulsion," was the result of a bubble in western land
prices, and it hit Keokuk especially hard, with some
real estate parcels taking several decades to recover the
prices they had sold for at the time the Estes House
was first proposed. Furthermore, Keokuk lost well
over a third of its population in the late 1850s,
dramatically reducing the community?s need for a
So, for a couple of years the Estes House stood
nearly empty on Keokuk?s Main Street, though at 150
by 140 feet and five stories high (six stories high on at
the lower alley behind it), it clearly dominated the
downtown district. And then the Civil War started in
April of 1861. Keokuk, located on the Mississippi
River in the southeastern corner of Iowa, became a
principal point of departure for Iowa?s volunteer
soldiers, off to fight for the Union further south.
Within a few months, some of these soldiers began
returning to Iowa, some dead or dying, to be buried in
Keokuk?s National Cemetery, while others were
seriously ill or wounded, in need of hospitalization.
For some years Keokuk had had a medical
college, so it had both physicians and those training to
become physicians. What it needed was suitable space
to care for an ever-increasing number of patients. In
the spring of 1862, just after the battle of Shiloh, the
Estes House was converted into the largest of Keokuk's
five Civil War hospitals. By the time 300 wounded
soldiers arrived in Keokuk from Pittsburg Landing in
Tennessee, 179 rooms had been fitted out for hospital
use. Doctors from Keokuk's medical college attended
to these wounded and ill soldiers, and they were nursed
by the women of Keokuk, who also provided a lot of
the hospitals? supplies during the first few months of
By the end of the Civil War, Keokuk had regained
much of its lost population and the promise of
peacetime prosperity encouraged the establishment of a
number of new businesses in Keokuk as well as other
communities across Iowa and the Midwest. This
quickly led to the establishment of a number of new
business colleges and the expansion of the few
business colleges that predated the war. In the first two
years after Lee surrendered to Grant at Appomattox,
business or commercial colleges were established in
Burlington, Davenport, Des Moines, Iowa City,
Keokuk, Oskaloosa and several smaller cities. Baylies
Commercial College, later to be called Baylies
Mercantile College and other names, got started in
Keokuk in 1866 by the same firm that established
Baylies Commercial College in Dubuque in 1858.
An advertisement for Baylies Great Mercantile College that
features an image of the Estes House.
_____________________________________________________________ Paper Money * July/August 2020 * Whole No. 328___________________________________________
The man for whom both institutions were named
was Aaron Baylies. In 1862 he brought his cousin
Cornelius Bayless into the firm, first as an instructor,
and then, in 1863, as his partner. On August 2, 1863,
just a few months after forming this partnership, Aaron
Baylies died suddenly during a visit to Boston.
Cornelius would continue operating the college in
Dubuque until 1909, at first spelling his last name the
same way as his cousin did, but then changing the
name of the college to Bayless Commercial College in
the 1880s. Under this name it continued to be run by
several different owners until 1967.
In 1866 Cornelius Bayless established a branch of
Baylies Commercial College on the second floor of the
Estes House in Keokuk. William H. Miller, a senior
instructor at the Dubuque college, was put in charge of
this enterprise. A ?5? denominated note was issued for
COLLEGE Keokuk, Iowa.? It is signed ?C. Baylies,
Prest.? And ?W.H. Miller, Cash.? This note is not
listed in Schingoethe, and most likely it did not have
much of an instructional role to play, but was used in
advertising the college.
Shortly after this note was issued, a ?1000?
denominated note was issued with the same two
signatures but a different institutional name. It reads
in Schingoethe, and because of its high denomination,
it probably also functioned as an advertising piece.
There is a series of ?Baylies? College Bank? notes,
again with the same signatures, that were most likely
issued for instructional purposes. They are printed face
side only on blue paper and can be found with the
usual run of lower denominations that might be
encountered in ordinary business situations: ?$1,?
?$2,? ?$10,? ?$50,? and perhaps other denominations.
Schingoethe does not list them.
The 5 denominated note for Baylies? Commercial College.
The 1000 denominated note for Baylies Mercantile College.
_____________________________________________________________ Paper Money * July/August 2020 * Whole No. 328___________________________________________
As the Schingoethe?s point out, Cornelius Bayless
apparently sold the Keokuk branch to William Miller
in 1871. Miller continued to operate the school
through the 1870s, but under yet another change of
name. There are two denominations of notes, a ?100?
note and a ?1000? note (that I know of) that have the
name presented as ?First National Bank OF GREAT
IOWA. On these notes ?W.H. Miller? has signed as
president and ?F. Longwith? has signed as cashier.
Both of these notes, along with the 1000 note from
Baylies Mercantile College, were printed by A Gast &
Co., St. Louis. Schingoethe does not list the 1000
denominated Great Mercantile College note.
Again, as noted by the Schingoethe?s, the Great
Mercantile College underwent another change of
ownership in the early 1880s. The new owner is
Chandler H. Pierce. He evidently thought there was an
adequate supply of college currency on hand, and that
he did not need to add to this supply any additional
notes, even though he changed the name of the
institution to Peirce?s Business College. Instead, he
used a rubber stamp with this name on it to update
some of the notes.
By 1890 Pierce had changed the name of his
business college once again, renaming it the Gate City
Business College.
In 1894 it was
reported that half
of the upper floors
were being used as
a "strictly first-
class hotel with
elevator and all
modern conveniences." These modern conveniences
included new furnishings and hot and cold running
water. They may have led to an increase in the rent
Pierce was paying or there may simply have been a
decline in his school?s enrollment. Business conditions
throughout the United States in the 1890s were not
good. In any event, late in 1894 C.H. Pierce accepted a
position of Supervisor of Writing with the Evansville,
Indiana, City Schools, and that was the end of the Gate
City Business College in Keokuk.
From 1866 on, through all of its name and
ownership changes, Keokuk?s business college had
remained in the Estes House. Initially, it had also been
considered a good location for shops, offices and a
meeting hall, but even in the years just after the Civil
War it was most likely seen as somewhat deficient in
the amenities of a first-class hotel. Most notably, it had
been constructed without even the provision for indoor
plumbing. All water had to be carried up as many as
five flights of stairs to be used for bathing, shaving or
The courtyard in the middle of this 200+ room
hotel contained one of the seven wonders of the
American West: a five-story, cone-shaped outhouse, a
marvel of mid-nineteenth century engineering that ran
all the hotel?s waste out to a sewer on Morgan Street
and then into the Mississippi River. Flushing out this
system was accomplished through a combination of
used water that had been carried up to guests and
rainwater from the roof, all of which was directed to
the central outhouse. It was not a system that worked
very well after a prolonged dry spell.
Still, several prominent Keokuk attorneys had
their offices in the Estes House, including William W.
Belknap, one of Keokuk's Civil War generals, who
later became Secretary of War in the cabinet of Ulysses
S. Grant until he resigned just ahead of being
impeached by the House Of Representatives. That
1876 impeachment effort was led by Representative
Hiester Clymer, who many years earlier had been
Belknap?s college roommate at Princeton. Belknap
had been accused of receiving kickbacks from men he
had appointed to post traderships on the western
frontier. The kickbacks soon became established fact,
The 100 and 1000 denominated note for the Great Mercantile
College, Keokuk.
_____________________________________________________________ Paper Money * July/August 2020 * Whole No. 328___________________________________________
but they had been arranged by his second and third
wives. They were sisters, the third Mrs. Belknap
succeeding her sister some months after the second
Mrs. Belknap?s death. It was never determined if
Belknap actually knew where the money was coming
from, and in the subsequent Senate trial a number of
acquittal votes were based on the fact that Belknap had
resigned prior to any congressional action.
In 1866 the shop at the main entrance to the Estes
House was the clothing emporium of Marks and
Ehrlich. The firm was listed in an 1866-1867 city
directory for Keokuk but not in the 1868 directory. It
issued an advertising note that leaves off the ?s? at the
end of Marks? name, though it can be seen in his
signature as well as in the directory. This ?5?
denominated note reads ?No. 3 ? Estes House United
EMPORIUM Keokuk, IOWA Call and See H.
Ehrlich, Treas. Abe Marks, Pres. A. McLean lith.
Alexander McLean, like August Gast, was a
prominent St. Louis lithographer in the 1860s. This
note is not listed in Vlack?s Early North American
Advertising Notes.
We know little about Abe Marks and even less
about H. Ehrlich. Abraham Marks (1841-1892) and his
wife Jeanette (1842-1904) had a daughter, Dora, who
was born in Keokuk October 28, 1868. Both Abraham
and Jeanette died in St. Joseph, Missouri, which is
probably where they went to live not long after the
birth of Dora. H. Ehrlich, apparently the junior partner
in the firm, may also have moved to St. Joseph. He
may have been single while living in Keokuk, and so
may have lived at the Estes House, which might be
why there is no separate directory listing for him.
When the Estes House was torn down in 1928
several treasures that included paper money were
found. A local newspaper reported that in the walls a
pocketbook was found that contained $50 in well-worn
U.S. notes?so worn that some doubted if it would be
possible to turn them in for newer notes. No record
was kept of who found or who got to keep this money.
Then, as the demolition continued, more money
was found: three $1000 notes, a source of some
curiosity, for the notes were not U.S. currency. Some
later speculation was that these notes may have been
issued by the State of Iowa or even by the City of
Keokuk, both of which did issue paper money in the
years before the Civil War. However, neither Iowa nor
Keokuk issued notes of a higher denomination than
$10. Most likely these notes were issued by either
Baylies College or by the Great Mercantile College.
Finally, in August, as the demolition got down to
ground level, anticipation grew about the remaining,
well- known treasure of the Estes House: the contents
of its cornerstone. It was known to contain a bottle of
Catawba wine, copies of three city newspapers, a one-
dollar bill of City of Keokuk scrip, an 1857 one cent
coin, an 1854 three cent piece, an 1857 quarter, a copy
of Mayor Hawkins inaugural speech and a list of the
premiums of the Lee County Fair. Gathered together
for the opening of the cornerstone was nearly every
Keokuk dignitary, so you can imagine their dismay
upon discovering that the cornerstone had been looted!
The wine had been drunk and the rest of the treasure
was missing.
Within hours two men had been taken into
custody. (Could it have been wine on their breath that
gave them away?) However, both men denied their
participation and no evidence could be found to back
up the charges against them, so they had to be set free.
The contents of the cornerstone were never recovered.
Works Consulted
? ?Bayless Business College.? Encyclopedia Dubuque.
? Bickel, R.J. ?The Estes House.? The Annals of Iowa, 40(6) Fall 1970: 427-444.
? Keokuk General Directory, City Guide, and Business Mirror? for 1866-?67. Keokuk,
Iowa: Rees? Book and Job Printing Office, (1866).
? Lee County Gazetteer, Containing? City Directories of Keokuk and Fort Madison, (etc.)
Chicago, IL: J.F. Coffman & Co., 1868.
? Shrock, J. ?Rise and Progress of Business Education in Iowa.? The Annals of Iowa,
7(3) July 1869: 294-299.
? plus, several issues, available online, of The American Penman and Business Educator.
The 5 denominated note for the Mark & Ehrlich Clothing
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The Paper Column
Peter Huntoon
Nationals are Sleepers
Two common signatures on large size notes are those of Register of the Treasury James C.
Napier and Treasurer John Burke. Napier served from May 18, 1911 to October 1, 1913; Burke
from April 1, 1913 to January 5, 1921. Both of those terms of office were sufficiently long that
their signatures got on plenty of printing plates in both type and national bank note series.
The big deal, though, was that Napier
was leaving as Burke was arriving so the two
overlapped for only six months between April 1
and October 1, 1913. Only six other signature
combinations were current for shorter periods
during the large note era.
Although their signatures are common
when mated with other officials, they are
decidedly scarce when paired. Type note
collectors have long recognized that the Napier-
Burke combination is a rarity
The fact is that the combination didn?t
even make it to most type note plates. It
appeared only on $100 and $10,000 Series of
1882 and $1000 Series of 1907 gold certificates,
and $10,000 Series of 1900 certificates of
Figure 1. James C. Napier, born a slave,
served as Register of the Treasury from 1911
to 1913 under President Taft.
Figure 2. Honest John Burke, governor of
North Dakota, was appointed U. S. Treasurer
by Woodrow Wilson, a post that he held from
1913 to 1921. Library of Congress photo.
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Of these four, you would expect one of the canceled 1900 $10,000s to be the most readily
available because plenty of the type are floating around. But none with Napier-Burke signatures
have been reported yet despite the fact that 6,000 were printed. It turns out that the 1882 $100s are
the most readily available so you can purchase a used one for a couple of thousand bucks.
The Napier-Burke combination is available on national bank notes, but only on Series of
1902 date and plain backs. A total of only 85 national banks received 1902 notes with the
combination. This compares to 132 that got notes with Napier-Thompson signatures.
Astute national bank note collectors delight in finding a Napier-Thompson note, but few
would notice if a scarcer Napier-Burke passed through their hands! The Napier-Burke is a sleeper.
The combination hasn?t received its due from national bank note collectors because most
could care less what treasury signatures are on their notes. The more recognizable Napier-
Thompson combination was current for a little over four months. Far fewer banks got Napier-
Burke notes despite the fact that the combination was current for six months.
The Series of 1882 still was current when the Napier-Burke combination came along in
1913, but the only way an 1882-issuing bank could receive notes with it would be if the bank
received approval for a title change while the combination was current. New plates would have
been prepared bearing the new title. The important thing is that the new plates would carry the title
change date so Napier=s and Burke=s signatures would be mated with it. No 1882-issuing banks
applied for a new title during their joint tenure so it didn?t happen. That=s too bad because it would
have yielded 1882 Napier-Burke date and even value backs.
Table 1 is a list of all the banks that received Napier-Burke Series of 1902 notes. There are
enough of them that type collectors who have to have the combination can obtain it with a bit of
searching. The way that a bank made it to this list was that the plate date had to have fallen within
the period when the Napier-Burke combination was current, regardless of how that plate date came
There were six exceptions. Often the previous signature combination was used on plates
made for the first banks that were extended after a new signature combination became current
between 1911 and 1922. The result was that the first six banks that were extended during the
Napier-Burke era in April 1913 ended up with Napier-Thompson signatures. These were 2106
Figure 3. Type collectors desiring the Napier-Burke signature combination have to fight
over big ticket gold certificates to have the opportunity unless they will accept a national
bank note. Heritage Auction Archives photo.
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FNB of Missoula, MT (Apr 11, 1913), 2108 Union Market NB of Watertown, MA (Apr 11, 1913),
4910 Columbia NB of Pittsburgh, PA (Apr 3, 1913), 4897 FNB of Cresco, IA (Apr 7, 1913), 4900
Citizens NB of Hillsboro, TX (Apr 12, 1913), 4901 Second NB of Vincennes, IN (Apr 12, 1913)
and 4902 FNB of Blanchard, IA (Apr 13, 1913).
Some of the banks that received Napier-Burke notes would flame anyone who came into
possession of one. The stellar example is a note from one of the 200 sheets of 10-10-10-20 1902
dates banks sent to The First National Bank of Paia, Territory of Hawaii!. Obviously such a note
would command attention, but forget it. The bankers never circulated any. Instead they held on to
their entire stock of sheets and sent them back to the Treasury for redemption when they liquidated
their bank in 1917.
A truly great Napier-Burke note that is possible, but which hasn?t turned up, is a note from
The First National Bank of Seeley, a minimally capitalized California bank. A note from that bank
ranks as one of the most eagerly sought of all the little California banks, being from a wide spot
on old US 80 in Imperial County a little west of El Centro and some ten miles north of the Mexican
border. The town is all but gone today with at most possibly a little of the foundation of the bank
visible. The bank was the last to receive Napier-Burke notes.
A favorite Napier-Burke issue of mine is from The Farmers National Bank of Hydro,
Oklahoma, because I was educated as a hydrologist. This is from a small bank in a small town just
north of I40 half way between Oklahoma City and the Texas line. The bank was organized in 1913
and liquidated three years later after issuing a handful of notes. Two notes are reported from the
Figure 4. The
graces the to-die-
for but impossible
notes shipped to
The First National
Bank of Paia,
Territory of
Hawaii, charter
Figure 5. One of
the most sought
notes from
California is
from wide-spot-
Seeley, charter
10462, which
happens to sport
_____________________________________________________________ Paper Money * July/August 2020 * Whole No. 328___________________________________________
Not all states had banks that received Napier-Burke notes. Notes from only 28 states and
the Territory of Hawaii sported them.
James Carroll Napier was born a slave June 9, 1845 in Nashville, Tennessee. He and his
family were freed when he was three years old. By 1864, Napier had become involved in politics
and worked alongside Ohio Republican Congressman John Mercer Langston on behalf of newly
freed Blacks. He studied law at Howard University in Washington, D.C., where he earned a law
degree in 1872. He then married Lanston=s daughter Nettie in 1873. He returned to Nashville in
1878 to become the first African-American to preside over the Nashville City Council, where he
served until 1886. He was instrumental in the hiring of Black teachers in public schools for Blacks.
He organized the Nashville One-Cent Savings Bank in 1904, the first bank in Tennessee
owned by an African-American. He was appointed Register of the Treasury by Republican
President William H. Taft whereupon he served from 1911 to 1913. He died April 21, 1940, at age
John Burke was born February 25, 1859 in Sigourney, Iowa, and earned a law degree from
the University of Iowa in 1886. He moved to Dakota Territory in 1888 and, after North Dakota
was admitted to the union, he served in the state House of Representatives in 1891 and Senate
from 1893 to 1895. He married Mary E. Kane, a teacher, on August 22, 1891.
He then served three terms (1907B1913) as the tenth Governor of North Dakota esteemed
as a man of unquestioned integrity. ?Honest@ John?s greatest accomplishment was ridding North
Dakota of corrupt political control. He initiated many reforms, including regulation of lobbying,
establishment of a tax commission, and laws providing for the first primary election. He supported
legislation regarding child labor, juvenile courts, and an employment compensation commission.
His concern for public welfare was reflected in food and sanitation laws; a public health law; and
regulation of medicine, surgery and public utilities.
Burke enthusiastically supported Woodrow Wilson at the 1912 Democratic National
Convention in Baltimore where he swung all of North Dakota's votes to Wilson on the first ballot.
William Jennings Bryan, himself a supporter of Wilson and also a good friend of Burke's, wanted
Burke to run for Vice-President. Burke demurred owing to a promise he had given Indiana
delegates for their votes. As a result, Thomas Marshall of Indiana was chosen Vice-President.
Burke was appointed United States Treasurer by Wilson where he served from 1913 to 1921.
Later he was elected as a justice on the North Dakota Supreme Court from 1924 until his
death on May 14, 1937. During that period, he served as Chief Justice from 1929 to 1931 and from
1935 to 1937. Burke County, North Dakota was named in his honor. The State of North Dakota
donated a statue of Burke to the United States Capitol National Statuary Hall Collection in 1963.
Figure 6. Ground
water hydrologist
favorite Napier-
Burke notes were
issued from
charter 10442.
_____________________________________________________________ Paper Money * July/August 2020 * Whole No. 328___________________________________________
Biographical Sources
Asanta, Molefi K., and Mark T. Mattson, 1998, The African-American Atlas, Black History and
Culture, an Illustrated Reference: Macmillan USA, Simon & Schuster, New York, 251 p.
Table 1. National banks that issued Series of 1902 date or plain backs bearing Napier-Burke Treasury signatures.
The number of issuing banks was 85 compared to 132 for Napier-Thompson.
The Napier-Burke combination was current April 1, 1913 through October 1, 1913.
There were no Series of 1882 Napier-Burke issuers.
Code for why the bank received Napier-Burke plates: N = newly organized bank, E = extended, T = title change.
Ch. No. Location Bank Name Plate Date Code
252 PA Pittsburgh The First-Second National Bank of Apr 21, 1913 T
906 KY Lexington The First and City National Bank of Aug 8, 1913 T
2114 TN Fayetteville The First National Bank of Jun 9, 1913 E
2116 IL Griggsville The Griggsville National Bank May 13, 1913 E
2117 NY Ellenville The Home National Bank of May 6, 1913 E
2119 IN Plymouth The First National Bank of Marshall County at Jun 19, 1913 E
2125 WI Chippewa Falls The First National Bank of May 1, 1913 E
2126 IL Lincoln The First National Bank of Jul 29, 1913 E
2127 TN Memphis The Central-State National Bank of Jul 26, 1913 E
2128 IL Shelbyville The First National Bank of Aug 21, 1913 E
2129 CO Central City The First National Bank of Sep 15, 1913 E
2130 IA Red Oak The First National Bank of Sep 24, 1913 E
3417 WA Tacoma The National Bank of Sep 2, 1913 T
4319 AL Jacksonville The First National Bank of Apr 7, 1913 T
4857 PA Patton The First National Bank of Sep 13, 1913 E
4868 ME Portland The Chapman National Bank of Sep 16, 1913 E
4904 IL Carbondale The First National Bank of Apr 15, 1913 E
4905 TX Hempstead The Farmers National Bank of Apr 15, 1913 E
4907 MA Springfield The Springfield National Bank Apr 22, 1913 E
4908 PA Reynoldsville The First National Bank of Apr 20, 1913 E
4912 WI Stevens Point The Citizens National Bank of Apr 27, 1913 E
4913 PA New Kensington The First National Bank of May 6, 1913 E
4914 NY Matteawan The Matteawan National Bank May 9, 1913 E
4915 PA Athens The Farmers National Bank of May 1, 1913 E
4916 MN Wadena The Merchants National Bank of May 15, 1913 E
4917 PA Newport The First National Bank of May 8, 1913 E
4918 PA Pittsburgh Western National Bank of May 18, 1913 T
4919 PA Blairsville The Blairsville National Bank Jun 9, 1913 E
4920 IL Decatur The National Bank of May 16, 1913 E
4921 IA Waukon The First National Bank of Apr 22, 1913 E
4922 TX Atlanta The First National Bank of May 13, 1913 E
4923 PA Ephrata The Farmer's National Bank of May 27, 1913 E
4925 NY Liberty The Sullivan County National Bank of May 29, 1913 E
4926 MD Frostburg The Citizens National Bank of May 24, 1913 E
4927 PA North East The First National Bank of Jun 3, 1913 E
4928 MN Owatonna The National Farmers Bank of May 29, 1913 E
4929 VT Chelsea The National Bank of Orange County at Sep 9, 1913 E
4930 IL Normal The First National Bank of Jul 3, 1913 E
4937 WI Appleton The Citizens National Bank of Jun 1, 1913 E
_____________________________________________________________ Paper Money * July/August 2020 * Whole No. 328___________________________________________
6535 IL Chicago The Drovers National Bank of May 22, 1913 T
8230 ND Lidgerwood The Farmers National Bank of Sep 6, 1913 T
8827 CA Los Angeles Security National Bank of Sep 2, 1913 T
9966 CA Alhambra The Alhambra National Bank May 27, 1913 T
10416 SD Henry The First National Bank of Apr 30, 1913 N
10417 NJ Lyndhurst The First National Bank of May 20, 1913 N
10418 TX Krum The First National Bank of Jun 26, 1913 N
10419 IN Fishers The Fishers National Bank Jul 5, 1913 N
10420 TX Freeport The Freeport National Bank Apr 23, 1913 N
10421 AL Enterprise The Farmers and Merchants National Bank of Jul 2, 1913 N
10422 AR Green Forest The First National Bank of Jun 7, 1913 N
10423 AL New Decatur The Central National Bank of Jul 10, 1913 N
10424 OK Broken Bow The First National Bank of Jul 3, 1913 N
10425 ND East Fairview The First National Bank of Jun 19, 1913 N
10426 TX Omaha The First National Bank of Jul 7, 1913 N
10427 CA Riverbank First National Bank of Jun 26, 1913 N
10428 IA Mason City The Security National Bank of Jul 16, 1913 N
10429 ID Rupert The First National Bank of Jul 29, 1913 N
10430 NJ Westville The First National Bank of Jul 16, 1913 N
10431 OK Tishomingo The Farmers National Bank of Jul 23, 1913 N
10432 OR Paisley Paisley National Bank of Jul 14, 1913 N
10433 KY Whitesburg The First National Bank of Jul 14, 1913 N
10434 AR Morrilton The First National Bank of Jul 19, 1913 N
10435 CA San Diego The Union National Bank of Jul 23, 1913 N
10436 OH Haviland The Farmers National Bank of Aug 1, 1913 N
10437 OK Braggs The First National Bank of Aug 1, 1913 N
10438 MT Plentywood The First National Bank of May 12, 1913 N
10439 AR Judsonia The First National Bank of Jul 3, 1913 N
10440 NJ Minotola The First National Bank of Jul 25, 1913 N
10441 AL Boaz The First National Bank of Sep 1, 1913 N
10442 OK Hydro The Farmers National Bank of Aug 9, 1913 N
10443 MT Baker The First National Bank of Aug 19, 1913 N
10444 NY Forestville The First National Bank of Sep 3, 1913 N
10445 IL Mounds The First National Bank of Aug 29, 1913 N
10446 NY Heuvelton The First National Bank of Mar 28, 1913 N
10447 AR Horatio The First National Bank of Aug 15, 1913 N
10448 KY Bowling Green The Warren National Bank of Sep 8, 1913 N
10449 TN Ripley The First National Bank of Sep 6, 1913 N
10450 WV Worthington The First National Bank of Apr 14, 1913 N
10451 HI Paia The First National Bank of Jul 29, 1913 N
10452 PA Strausstown The Strausstown National Bank Jul 19, 1913 N
10453 CA Gardena The First National Bank of Sep 10, 1913 N
10455 WV Wheeling The Citizens National Bank of Jun 7, 1913 N
10456 NY Jeffersonville The First National Bank of Sep 8, 1913 N
10459 AR Stuttgart The First National Bank of Sep 25, 1913 N
10462 CA Seeley The First National Bank of Sep 5, 1913 N
_____________________________________________________________ Paper Money * July/August 2020 * Whole No. 328___________________________________________
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The National Howard Bank of Baltimore, Md., Charter 4218
by J. Fred Maples
The National Howard Bank of Baltimore, Md.,
Charter 4218 was converted to the national system in
1890 with Dr. John R. Hooper, president, and Thomas
P. Amoss, cashier. As reported by the Baltimore Sun on
January 9, 1890: ?The stockholders of the Howard
Bank of Baltimore held a meeting yesterday at Benson's
Hall, on North Howard street, and unanimously resolved
to change from a state bank to a national bank. The
name of the new institution will be the National Howard
Bank of Baltimore.? The bank was reportedly named
for Baltimore patriot John Eager Howard, a
Revolutionary War hero, governor, and U.S. senator.
As expected the bank continued successfully at its
Howard Street location, but by 1903 its growth
warranted erection of a larger building in the same
location, of ?very handsome design? and including an
adjoining lot. This bank operated for 25 years before
consolidating with The National Exchange Bank of
Baltimore, charter 1109, in 1915. This bank issued
$1,064,650 in 1882 Series and 1902 Series notes, while
averaging about $70,000 in circulation, but increased its
circulation nicely in 1907 and 1909. While just a few
notes are available for collectors today, one resides in
the Smithsonian Institution, and one in the Federal
Reserve Bank of Philadelphia.
As president Hooper was followed by the equally
successful Henry Clark from 1894 to 1915, and Amoss
was followed as cashier by William H. Roberts, Jr. from
1892 to 1915. Interestingly Hooper was an amateur
astronomer, and Halley's Comet authority, who
observed and lectured on the comet in 1910. Hooper
was fortunate as the comet is only visible from Earth
every 75-76 years. As cashier Amoss was a successful
bookkeeper and businessman, who lived a long and
productive life, but was unlucky in love, and widowed
three times. Clark was a shoe manufacturer, and earlier
from Massachusetts, who came to Baltimore in 1856.
Roberts, son of a produce dealer, was a career
bookkeeper and a bachelor.
The best note known from this bank today is this
$100 1882 Brown Back, Friedberg # 524, certified by
PMG as Extra Fine 40. This note is wonderful in all
respects, combining rarity and grade, with great color,
pen signatures, broad margins, and eye appeal. This
note is one of just eight known $100 Brown Backs from
Figure 1: $100 1882 Brown Back. The National Howard Bank of Baltimore, Md. Ex-Grinnell Lot 1255. The bank
was named for Baltimore patriot John Eager Howard, a hero of the War of 1812. This note was issued to the bank on
December 19, 1904, where pen signatures of W.H. Roberts, cashier, and Henry Clark, president, were applied. This
bank issued 2,640 sheets of $50 and $100 1882 Brown Backs between 1890 and 1908.
_____________________________________________________________ Paper Money * July/August 2020 * Whole No. 328___________________________________________
Maryland, and according to the National Bank Note
Census, the highest grade $100 from the state. This note
has a distinguished pedigree -- most notably from the
Albert Grinnell sale in the 1940s, Part III, lot 1255.
Recently this note was a highlight of Marc Watts?
Maryland collection before selling for $31,200 in
Heritage?s 2018 FUN sale, lot 20878. Previously this
note sold in Lyn Knight?s February 2000 auction for
$30,800, and a Stacks auction in 1990 for $6,325.
The 1882 Brown Back national currency series was
created by the Act of July 11, 1882. The new legislation
was required to allow extensions of the earliest national
bank charters, and formation of new ones. The Act
required new notes to look distinctly different, resulting
in the new design, and the backs of notes were changed
to create the Brown Back style of that color. Banks that
extended their charter from mid-1882 until 1902, and
any new bank chartered during that period, received
notes of this Brown Back type for up to 20 years, even
as new Series of 1902 notes were introduced to other
banks. Indeed 1882 Brown Backs were printed until
March 1908, when the Aldrich-Vreeland Act mandated
new wording on notes, and production of 1882 and 1902
Date Backs took over.
The layouts of $100 1882 Brown Backs are
stunning in every way. Refer to Figure 1 -- top left this
note is highlighted by the distinctive Roman numeral C,
followed by the decimal 100. Below the left decimal
100 is the beautiful vignette named "Commodore
Perry's Victory on Lake Champlain", which depicts
Commodore Oliver Hazard Perry leaving his flagship,
the Lawrence, during the Battle of Lake Erie in 1813. In
the center is the bank?s official name ?The National
Howard Bank of Baltimore? in four interesting fonts.
Immediately left and right of ?The? in the bank?s name
are facsimile signatures of W.S. Rosecrans, Register of
the Treasury, and J.N. Huston, Treasurer of the United
States, although Huston?s signature is obscured by the
bank?s charter number. Immediately right of the charter
number is the regional letter ?E? for East ? both are
overprinted in reddish brown. Regional letters helped
workers with sorting and redemption, and their use
started in 1902. Nearby the Treasury seal is also
overprinted in reddish brown. Top right the distinctive
Roman numeral C is repeated, followed by the decimal
100. Just below the decimal 100 is this note's treasury
serial number, B411125, which was unique across all
banks. Separately this note can be identified by its bank
serial 1869-A, but that serial is only unique to this bank.
And finally, the right vignette is a depiction of Liberty,
seated by a fasces representing the Union, along with the
message ?Maintain It!?.
Figure 1: Reverse of $100 1882 Brown Back, treasury serial B411125. The National Howard Bank of Baltimore, Md.
At far left and below the decimal 100, is a vignette with Maryland?s official state seal, including a farmer and his spade,
a shield, coat of arms, and a fisherman. At center the bank?s charter # 4218 is prominent in large blue-green numerals.
Far right is a vignette of a majestic perched eagle.
_____________________________________________________________ Paper Money * July/August 2020 * Whole No. 328___________________________________________
Refer to Figure 2 for the reverse of this $100 1882
Brown Back and its distinctive style. While the bank?s
charter is featured in the center, with a perched eagle on
the right, a vignette with the Maryland state seal is
included on the left. While this note was issued (and
likely printed) in 1904, Brown Backs printed before
1896 used an older state seal. During its history
Maryland has used multiple seals, with the newer and
present Maryland seal being adopted by the Maryland
General Assembly in 1876. The newer seal relates back
to the days of Maryland's original settlements, with a
farmer with his spade, a shield, coat of arms, and a
William S. Rosecrans (1819?1898), served as the
Register of the Treasury from 1885 to 1893, but was also
an American inventor, coal-oil company executive,
diplomat, politician, and U.S. Army officer. Rosecrans
gained fame for his role as a Union general during the
American Civil War, and was victorious in prominent
Western Theater battles, but his military career was
effectively over with his disastrous defeat at the Battle
of Chickamauga in 1863. Rosecrans spent much of his
postwar life in California, and was elected to Congress
as a Democrat in 1880. The first Democratic president
elected after the war was Grover Cleveland in 1884, and
newspaper reports say Rosecrans was seriously
considered to be Cleveland?s Secretary of War, but
instead Rosecrans was appointed as the Register of the
Treasury. James N. Huston (1849?1927) was a banker,
businessman, and politician who served as Treasurer of
the United States from 1889 to 1891, as appointed by
President Benjamin Harrison. Huston, like Harrison,
was a Republican. Huston was in a number of business
ventures, including coffins, milling, silver plating,
buggies, hosiery, and gas. After leaving office, Huston
later became president of the National Trust Company,
but was charged and convicted of mail fraud with two
associates in 1910.
Baltimore is Maryland's largest city and birthplace
of the Star-Spangled Banner. Baltimore acquired its
name "The Monumental City" after an 1827 visit and
toast by President John Quincy Adams. Originally
Baltimore was part of Baltimore County but seceded in
1851 to become an independent city. Baltimore's
history dates back long before the American Revolution,
when its main industry was the refinement of sugar cane
from the Caribbean. During the War of 1812, the British
attacked Fort McHenry from land and sea after burning
Washington, D.C., but were repulsed from both
directions. This historic battle was the setting for
Francis Scott Key's Star-Spangled Banner. During the
Civil War Maryland was a border state, but didn?t
secede from the Union. However, when Union soldiers
marched through the city at the start of the war,
Confederate sympathizers attacked the troops, which
led to the Baltimore Riot of 1861. Baltimore?s history
also includes the Great Baltimore Fire of February 7th
and 8th, 1904, which destroyed several banks and
hundreds of buildings ? but not this bank. After much
of the city was rebuilt over the next two years, the
Baltimore American reported the city had risen from the
ashes, and "one of the great disasters of modern time had
been converted into a blessing." Indeed, it had.
Welcome Bill Litt ? New SPMC Governor
William Litt started collecting U.S. paper money in 1980, at the age of thirteen, after having collected
coins for several years. He saw his first National Bank Note, a 1902 example from the Bank of Italy in San
Francisco, while working on Saturdays at a neighborhood coin shop. Soon after acquiring that note, he
bought a beautiful EF 1902 $5 from the Crocker First National Bank of San Francisco, from John Heleva,
a note he still has in his collection. When he found out by looking in the back of the Friedberg book that
two National Banks in his hometown of Palo Alto, California, issued Nationals, he set out to acquire
them. He succeeded in finding a note from the more common bank while still in eighth grade, and added
an example from the rare, large-size only institution before graduating from high school.
Since the early 1980s, Bill has been an active collector of, and part-time dealer in, U.S. currency, with
a particular love of Nationals and National Bank memorabilia. He collects seven counties in Northern and
Central California, and enjoys dealing in Nationals from across the country.
Bill is married, with one teenage stepson and two dogs. He graduated from Cornell University and the
UCLA School of Law, and has practiced law since 1993. He currently is a Deputy County Counsel for
Monterey County, California.
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Pat Lyon at the Forge
by Terry A. Bryan
The blacksmith was an important member of
every community from ancient times. Gods in many
cultures were identified with forging, thunder, fire or
lightning. Techniques used in iron foundry were
derived from earlier copper, gold and bronze
workings. There is evidence of iron forming back to
1500 B.C. The second most famous American
blacksmith was Patrick Lyon (1769-1829).
Admittedly, John Deere became more famous. Lyon?s
fame originated with riveting news of a huge bank
robbery, then a landmark court case, and finally an
admired oil portrait. Dramatization of his story
appeared on stage in 1858. Lyon rose from ordinary
workingman to wealthy Philadelphia businessman, but
he never presumed to be a ?gentleman?. His outlook
remained influenced by his humble beginning and by
his ill-treatment by Philadelphia?s upper crust.
Engraving companies and bankers sought images
to grace their currency. Famous news items and
paintings were rendered into engraved work for
printing reproduction. Prideful representations of
ships and railroads on local money would suggest the
vigorous commerce of a town. Blacksmith images
became one of the most common vignettes on United
States Obsolete Currency. The smith was
recognizable by all, and he represented business
vitality, labor and craftsmanship. Many different
engraved vignettes of blacksmiths and farriers are
Several engravers copied John B. Neagle?s life-
sized portrait of blacksmith Pat Lyon, and the image
was variously re-worked or improved. There were
many uses of this portrait on currency, scrip and
checks from about 1832 onwards. Roger Durand
attributes one Lyon vignette to the artist?s son,
engraver John B. Neagle, Junior.
The use of his image on currency is not the only
connection Pat Lyon has to numismatics. People in his
story figure into many aspects of money history.
Artist John Neagle (1796-1865) was born in
Boston. Early talent was recognized, and he studied
under several reputed artists of his time. Most of his
life was spent as a portrait artist in Philadelphia. He
married a (step-) daughter of portrait artist, Thomas
Sully (1783-1872). [Prolific vignette designer Felix
Octavius Carr Darley (1822-1888) married another of
Sully?s daughters.]
Neagle made two business trips with his friend,
James Barton Longacre (1794-1869), also a portraitist
and later chief engraver of the U.S. Mint for 23 years.
Longacre designed several U.S. coins, among them the
Indian Head Cent.
Neagle was gaining a reputation when
businessman Pat Lyon commissioned a portrait in
1825. Lyon was emphatic in his requirements:
?I wish you, sir, to paint me at full length, the
size of life, representing me at the smithery, with my
bellows-blower, hammers, and all the et-ceteras of the
shop around me. I have no desire to be represented in
the picture as a
gentleman - to which
character I have no
pretension. I want you
to paint me at work at
my anvil, with my
sleeves rolled up and
a leather apron on.? -
Patrick Lyon
Presumably, Lyon also specified that his late-
lamented apprentice appear in the picture. The site of
Lyon?s imprisonment in 1798 was also added to the
composition. The instructions were so rigid that
Neagle went to a blacksmith shop to measure the tools
for accuracy. Lyon and the artist were so busy during
this time, that Neagle had trouble scheduling sittings,
and the job extended into January, 1827. The large
portrait (93?x68?) caused a sensation. Lyon?s
personal picture now resides at the Pennsylvania
Academy of the Arts in Philadelphia, and he sold the
earlier version, now at the Boston Museum of Fine
Arts. The Boston painting is considered more finely
painted, but the Philadelphia version has more detail
and vividness.
The painting insured further lucrative
commissions from substantial citizens, and Neagle
achieved success. One aspect of public acclaim was
the unique setting of a working man in ordinary
John Neagle?s portrait Pat
Lyon at the Forge gained
national fame. Lyon sold
this copy in Boston and had
a second painted.
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clothes. This is considered a first in American
portraiture. People wealthy enough to afford a painter
usually flaunted their success by their fine dress and
surrounded by symbols of status. The laborer
celebrated in a painting was a new concept for the
time, and the public was astonished. The man and the
picture somehow typified the American Work Ethic,
such as earlier espoused by the likes of Ben Franklin.
Patrick Lyon was born in London about 1769 and
immigrated about age 25 in 1793. He gained a
reputation as a mature expert workman and within 5
years had a shop with four or five apprentices. It is
known that he taught his helpers basic math and
geometry, and apparently treated them well. The
Philadelphia portrait includes a diagram of
Pythagoras? Theorem, perhaps a reference to Masonic
membership, perhaps to his reliance on science over
the unpredictability of people, or to his teaching of
apprentices. One apprentice appears prominently in
Lyon?s story.
Another major facet of the tale involves yellow
fever. After coming to America, both Lyon?s wife and
a daughter died of the terrible infection. The periodic
epidemics continued to influence Pat Lyon?s life.
The Bank of Pennsylvania was founded in 1793,
and closed during the Panic of 1857 due to gross
mismanagement. Their first location was in a Masonic
Hall, possibly a converted Philadelphia dwelling. Pat
Lyon contracted to build iron doors for the ?book
vault?. The bankers supplied locks that he found to be
questionable. A few months later, someone attempted
to break in. Doubts about the security of the location
influenced the decision to seek better quarters. The
next summer?s fever season coincided with the Bank?s
move. A vacancy occurred at the more prestigious
Carpenters? Hall, when the [First] Bank of the United
States shifted to their new building in 1797.
Carpenters? Hall was built in 1775, and it is still
in the hands of its original owners, the Carpenters
Company of the City and County of Philadelphia. The
first Continental
Congress met in the
unfinished hall in 1774.
The building was
occupied by the British
in 1777, and it served as
a hospital for both sides
during the Revolution.
Ben Franklin?s Library
Company and the
Philosophical Society were tenants. The Bank of
North America and both the First and Second Banks
of the United States rented there. It was briefly the
U.S. Customs Office for Philadelphia. The new
location suited the Bank of Pennsylvania better.
However, the bankers were unwise to economize on
security. They hired Pat Lyon to alter the old iron
doors of the ?book vault? to fit the cash vault of the
new location. The bank?s ledgers were kept in a book
vault, mainly to guard against fire. Initially, cash was
kept in an iron chest. One lock recycled on the old
doors secured the street door of the first location. The
other lock was similar to a brass latch on a ship?s
cabin. Lyon agreed to alter the doors, but again he
warned the supervising bank carpenter that the locks
were not adequate security for the money vault. Later,
a witness testified that newer locks were obtained, but
Pat warned that ?any ironmonger? could supply keys
for these cheap devices.
Lyon finished the doors in his shop while being
urged to hurry the installation. This was August of
1798?prime Yellow Fever Season.
Yellow fever is caused by a virus spread largely
by mosquitos. Today it is controlled by vaccination
and by mosquito control measures. The disease is
thought to have been brought from Africa by the slave
trade. Outbreaks occurred in the 1600s. In 1793, it is
estimated that 9-10% of Philadelphia?s population
died. Terrible fevers, headache and chills were
followed by liver and kidney failure. Catastrophic
bleeding was caused by deficiency of clotting factors.
Primitive medical intervention, such as bloodletting,
made it worse. It was truly horrible, and of course,
not understood at the time. The outbreak in
Philadelphia in 1798 killed an estimated 1,300 people.
Summers in plague areas were the time when cities
were deserted by those who could afford to leave.
Pat Lyon and his apprentice, James (Jamie)
McGinley, age 19, a ?favorite
of him? got the work done
and sped to the docks to
secure transport out of town.
They sailed down the
Delaware River on
Wednesday, August 29,
1798. On Thursday, young
Jamie complained of illness.
The next day, he was so weak
that he almost fell overboard.
The sloop landed at the
mouth of the Broadkill River
Philadelphia?s Carpenters? Hall
was the home of many
distinguished tenants since 1774.
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in Delaware on Friday. Pat Lyon took the boy to
Cornelius Fleetwood?s tavern a few miles inland and
went the 7 miles to Lewestown [Lewes, Delaware] for
help. He returned to find Jamie worse, and he died
September 4 after two doctors had consulted. Lyon
obtained a coffin and arranged to bury him in a nearby
plantation graveyard. Lyon did not have enough cash
on hand to pay the innkeeper and Jamie?s expenses, so
he left his watch as security. What little cash he had
was used to pay for a room in Lewes. During the next
week, Delaware River pilots and people fleeing
Philadelphia brought news. Lyon learned of the huge
robbery of the Bank of Philadelphia, and he was
sought as a suspect.
[Lewes, Delaware has some numismatic
connections. The iconic Cape Henlopen Lighthouse
was featured on Pennsylvania Colonial Currency, on a
bank note vignette, and on numerous medals. Two
months before Lyon?s adventure, the British brig-
sloop HMS (De)Braak capsized off shore. Lyon met
the British Captain whose ship was attempting salvage
of the wreck. The rumor of great treasure persisted
until 1986 when major salvage was accomplished.
Quite a few coins were recovered, but no great gold
fortune. Archaeological treasure was realized from
the quantity of ordinary goods preserved. Director
Peter Weir of the movie Master and Commander with
Russell Crowe, insisted on absolute authenticity, and
the DeBraak artifacts were examined for costuming
and props.]
On September 1, 1798, the Bank of Pennsylvania
was found to have been robbed overnight.
Philadelphia and the nation were shocked by the
amount taken, some $162,821.61 in bank notes and
specie. There was little damage done to doors and
locks, and employees were immediately suspected.
The Bank notified area banks and advertised a $1,000
reward nationally.
The bank notes that were stolen were typical for
the time. Contemporary counterfeits exist. Fancy
engraved words were printed from copper plates. Any
vignettes would have been only the simplest designs.
Their appearance was elegant, but unadorned.
Pat Lyon detailed his actions in a biographical
tract and in later court testimony. He was anxious to
appear at home to answer any suspicions about his part
in the robbery. Heading to Philadelphia by boat, on
Thursday, September 20, he landed at the Brandywine
River, found yellow fever active and liveries and inns
closed. Boats were not moving north, and he had no
alternative but to walk to Philadelphia. He made an
appointment to meet a magistrate the next day,
September 21, 1798. Lyon?s acquaintance, the
Philadelphia alderman John C. Stocker was also a
member of the Board of the Bank and a Pennsylvania
legislator. Lyon related suspicions about the Bank?s
carpenter who had brought a stranger around to his
shop during the door alterations. Next day, Stocker
called in the Bank President and Cashier from their
country places to the ?sickly? town. He also lined up
a Constable to arrest Lyon.
Lyon was taken immediately to Walnut Street
Prison, a foul jail, locked into a solitary cell with no
bed and with bars so close together that he could not
receive food and water in the usual way. He was
prohibited visits by friends, and he had no way to get
money to better his situation in jail. While he was
there many prisoners died of yellow fever. The death
toll in Philadelphia in 1798 was almost as bad as in
Walnut Street Prison was built in 1773, and lasted
for over 60 years at 6th and Walnut Streets in
Philadelphia. A 1790 addition was the first
penitentiary in the country. In 1793, the first manned
balloon flight took off from the courtyard. In the large
crowd were George Washington, Adams, Jefferson,
Madison and Monroe. The prison building was
featured on the reverse of Pennsylvania Colonial
Currency dated April 10, 1775.
The origin of the suspicion that fell on Lyon was
his possession of the vault doors and locks. In
November, another man was caught and confessed to
the robbery. He had visited Lyon?s shop while the iron
doors were there, and he hung around the Bank with
one of the porters. The Bank porter was an
accomplice. The Bank was already shorthanded with
the yellow fever death of another porter. With
watchmen outside, the porter slept in the bank. Later
testimony revealed that he periodically held the keys
to the vault. He avoided capture and punishment by
dying of yellow fever shortly after the robbery.
Pennsylvania Colonial
Notes of April 10, 1775
featured the Walnut
Street Jail on the reverse.
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The bankers failed to question the trusted bank
employee who had brought the stranger to Lyon?s
shop. The stranger and the deceased Bank porter were
the robbers, but Lyon was still not let out of jail. The
perps were discovered when one made large deposits
in the three city banks, including the Bank of
Pennsylvania where the money was stolen. This
mastermind also lent out money in his mother?s name.
While his buddy was on his fever deathbed, the other
Prince of Thieves took away his share. The Bank
recovered $161,979.53, including the mother?s assets.
With restitution and confession, the Governor
pardoned the robber. The robbers never spent a day in
jail, and Pat Lyon languished for a few more weeks
before his bail was lowered enough for friends to pay
it. Lyon?s total jail time was a miserable 85 days in a
solitary 4?x12? cell most of the time.
The Mayor?s alderman?s court heard the charges
and failed to return an indictment for theft on January
7, 1799. Prosecutors spoke on abetting. The alderman
again refused to indict. The third try was ?accessory
after the fact? which went to the Grand Inquest (Jury)
with no findings. The bankers were determined to
implicate Lyon, no matter what the evidence.
Testimony reiterated at length the suspicions without
evidence; this was all repeated in the subsequent
lawsuit. Lyon?s own coherent story, and the
proceedings of his later lawsuit were widely
distributed when published.
Pennsylvania Chief Justice Tilghman later spoke
to the issues: ?defendants had not shown probable
cause, but alleged that they suspected Lyon for his
ingenuity; which doctrine, if admitted in a court of
law, would encourage stupidity and punish genius.?
The Mayor?s Court was a distinguished crew:
Mayor Wharton (1757-1854) was a war veteran, and
held the longest term ever as Mayor of Philadelphia.
Alderman Michael Hillegas (1729-1804) was the first
Treasurer of the United States, and a charter
stockholder of the Bank of Pennsylvania. He is
pictured on the 1907 and 1922 Ten Dollar Gold
Certificates. Alderman/architect Gunning Bedford
(1720-1802) had a son who signed the Constitution
and signed Continental Currency in 1778.
Pat Lyon survived his ordeal, but his business and
physique suffered greatly. Later testimony revealed
that the Philadelphia Bank (1803?) decided not to
hire him for vault work. Business was revived by
manufacturing of elegant fire pumpers. Gangs of
firemen could man the levers to send water three
stories high. About 12 of Lyon?s heavy fire wagons
still exist. He is credited with improvements in the
mechanism. As he was picking up the pieces, he had
time to write an account of his experience.
In March of 1801 Pat Lyon brought suit against
the bankers and magistrates who engineered his arrest
and poisoned his reputation. The suit alleged
malicious prosecution, which was an unfamiliar issue
in U.S. courts. Again, the players were among the elite
Samuel Mickle Fox (1763-1808) and Jonathan
Smith were President and Cashier of the Bank of
Pennsylvania. John C. Stocker, magistrate, Bank
Board member, consigned Lyon to jail. He was a
Pennsylvania Legislator at the time. John Haines was
High Constable of the City. It was alleged that his
interest in the arrest was the reward. These men
insisted on Lyon?s guilt in the face of all evidence to
the contrary. Presumably, the bank notes that were
stolen had Fox?s and Smith?s signatures.
Defense lawyers were: Jared Ingersoll (1749-
1822), ex-Continental Congress, a former
Pennsylvania Attorney General, and he argued the first
two cases ever to appear before the U.S. Supreme
Court. William Lewis was one of the charter members
of the 1802 Philadelphia Bar Association.
The Justices of the Supreme Court of
Pennsylvania were distinguished senior men from
backgrounds in British law. Hugh Henry
Brackenridge (1748-1816) founded the University of
Patrick Lyon?s attorneys were similarly qualified:
Alexander James Dallas (1759-1817) had been
Secretary of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, later
was Madison?s Secretary of the Treasury, created the
Second Bank of the United States, and briefly held
simultaneous offices of Secretary of State and War.
Dallas? portrait appears on the $1,000 U.S. Treasury
Note of 1847. Joseph Hopkinson (1770-1842) was the
son of signer of the Declaration and of Pennsylvania
Colonial Currency. Hopkinson wrote ?Hail
Jonathan Smith was still cashier of the Bank of Pennsylvania
when this later design was issued. Pictured is a
contemporary counterfeit that typifies the plain style of early
Obsolete Notes. (Image courtesy Heritage Auctions).
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Columbia? and was in the U.S. Congress at the time of
the trial. Jonathan W. Condy served on the
Philadelphia Common Council with Hopkinson, was a
Clerk of the U.S. House of Representatives and the son
of a famous nautical instrument maker.
Lyon?s all-star lawyer lineup eventually
produced a large settlement from the defendants.
$9,000.00 was a huge amount, talked about across the
country. It was the first litigation of its kind in United
States courts.
Success returned to Lyon in the coming years. He
married Catherine. Census figures show a number of
step-children in a large household. Lyon owned
income-producing properties in several wards of
Philadelphia, and his manufacturing facilities turned
out fire engines, machines and commissioned
Late in life, he had the famous portrait painted,
posing over a protracted period of time, due to his
many business activities. It was hard to make him sit
still. He died at age 60 in 1829 and is buried in
Philadelphia. His portrait broke new ground in raising
the workingman to a position of respect in the
American consciousness. The bank note usages of
Lyon?s portrait are many. The engraved dies were in
the hands of several related companies. One vignette
is much like the painting, but the view outside the shop
is a board fence and a railroad viaduct. This view is
found cropped into an oval and a rectangle. Another
cropped picture is from a different die. A refinement
of the first oval is found on later notes. [The
Confederate #20 T-19 blacksmith vignette is
sometimes mis-identified as Pat Lyon.] Numerous
cartoonish lithographic reproductions were also done
for scrip and checks.
Notes have been found with the following imprints: [all dates from Hessler]
Charles Toppan
1829-1834 (portrait is on his ad sheet)
Draper, Toppan, Longacre 1835-1839
Draper, Toppan 1839-1844
Draper, Underwood 1828-1833
Draper, Underwood, Spencer 1833-1835
Underwood, Bald, Spencer 1835-1837
Underwood, Bald, Spencer, Hufty 1837-1843
Danforth, Underwood 1839-1840
Danforth, Hufty 1847-1850
Bald, Spencer, Hufty, Danforth 1843-1844
Danforth, Spencer, Hufty 1845-1847
Danforth, Bald, Spencer, Hufty 1843-1844
Spencer, Hufty, Danforth 1844-1847
(Roger Durand attributed this engraving to John B.
Neagle, Jr (1801-1866).
Danforth, Bald 1850-1852
Toppan, Carpenter & Co. 1852-1858
(none found, but cited in print)
American Bank Note Company 1858-present
The early engraved version of the famous painting expanded
the scene at the sides. A board fence and elevated train
replaced the Walnut St. Jail in the original.
Several versions of the popular image of Pat Lyon
were used under the imprint of successive companies.
_____________________________________________________________ Paper Money * July/August 2020 * Whole No. 328___________________________________________
? Anderson, Laurie Halse. Fever 1793. Simon & Schuster, 2000.
? Durand, Roger. Interesting Notes about Vignettes III. 2001.
? The E-Sylum. ?America?s First Bank Burglary?? Cole Shenewerk. Vol.14#20m 2011 (Numismatic Bibliomania Society).
? The E-Sylum. ?The 1798 Pennsylvania Bank Heist?. Dave Ginsburg. Vol.18#17, 2015 (Numismatic Bibliomania Society).
? Haxby, James. United States Obsolete Bank Notes. Iola: Krause. 1988.
? Hessler, Gene. The Engraver?s Line. Scott Publishing, 1993.
? Lloyd, Thomas. The Robbery of the Bank of Pennsylvania in 1798: The Trial in the Supreme Court of the State of Pennsylvania.
? Lyon, Patrick. The Narrative of Patrick Lyon: Who Suffered Three MonthsSevere Imprisonment in Philadelphia Gaol; On Merely a
Vague Suspicion of Being Concerned in the Robbery of the Bank of Pennsylvania; With His Remarks Thereon. Philadelphia: F. & R.
Bailey. 1799.
? Newman, Eric P. The Early Paper Money of America. Iola: Krause, 1990.
? Patrick, Ransom R. ?John Neagle, Portrait Painter and Pat Lyon, Blacksmith?. The Art Bulletin, Vol.33 #3, 1951 (College Art
Association of America).
? Scharf, J. Thomas. History of Delaware. Philadelphia: J. Richards, 1888.
? Shenewerk, Cole. ?America?s First Bank Robbery?? Coin Week. May 13, 2011. Expansion of E-Sylum article above.
? Weinsteiger, Brigitte. Pat Lyon at the Forge, Portrait of an American Blacksmith. Penn State University, 2010.
? at the Public Archives of Delaware.
? Carpenters? Hall History/Robbery. Bank of Pennsylvania.
? The Newman Numismatic Portal.
? Special thanks for Danielle McAdams, Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts for kind advice and articles.
Announcing the H. G. ?Bill? Corbin Silent Auction
of Past issues of the SPMC journal, Paper Money
The Society of Paper Money has received a donation of back SPMC Journals. The donation was
made by Sue Corbin, wife of Bill Corbin (1928-2011), SPMC Member#6. Mike Gibson, a former
member of SPMC and lifelong friend of Bill and Sue Corbin was instrumental in contacting the SPMC
and delivering this material. We are selling these via Silent Auction, by volume (year). This is a great
opportunity for you to add to your library while benefitting the SPMC.
The Journals are consecutive and complete from Volume 1 (Year 1962) thru Volume 28 (Year
1989). The other complete Volumes in this set are years 1992, 1993, 1994, and 1997. Volumes 1 thru 12
(1962 thru 1973), contain 4 Journals per year. The Journal advanced to a bi-monthly publication, (6 per
year), beginning with the 13th Volume in January of 1974.
Five years of the volumes are incomplete. 1990 (Nos. 3 and 4); 1991 (Nos. 4,5 and 6); 1995
(Nos. 1 and 2); 1996 (Nos. 2,4,5 and 6); and 1998 (Nos. 1 and 2) are all incomplete year sets.
If you are interested in bidding, send your bids to Bob Moon (SPMC Treasurer) at Bob will notify successful bidders. For simplicity in bidding, identify the desired
volume(s) by year - i.e. Year , Amount $XX.XX. If bidding on more than one volume (year), bid
on each item individually (ex. - Year 1981, Amount $XX.XX; etc). Please note that the amount you bid
will be the amount entered and bids will not be reduced. The cost of Priority Mailing will be added to
the winning bids--a medium Priority (flat rate) Box is $15.05 and a flat rate cardboard envelope is $7.75.
The bidding will conclude on August 31, 2020.
_____________________________________________________________ Paper Money * July/August 2020 * Whole No. 328___________________________________________
By Rick Melamed?
I recently came across a fractional (1st issue 25? postage note ? Fr. 1281) with a vivid bank stamp from the City
Bank of Cairo, Illinois. The stamp is dated December 18, 1863. Banks frequently stamped currency to show that the
note had been received in deposit. These are scarce on fractionals since the denomination is so small, but they do
occur from time to time. In the past, I have seen bank cancellation stamps on fractional currency from some far-flung
locations such as Australia and Germany.
Cairo (pronounced ?care-o?) is the southernmost city in Illinois and is the county seat of Alexander County. It
was founded in 1818 and was named after the Egyptian capital. Cairo is located at the confluence of the Ohio and
Mississippi Rivers. It served as an important port city for steamboats coming to and from New Orleans. During the
Civil War the city became a major military hub for the Union Army and Navy with training facilities and a large
supply distribution center.
?Late 19th Century Cairo,
At the start of the Civil War, Union General Ulysses S. Grant and Admiral Andrew Foote surveyed Cairo with
plans to build military headquarters. Being such a strategic site and a very short distance to the Confederate state of
Kentucky, the city was an ideal location. By June 1861, 12,000 Union soldiers were deployed in the Cairo area and
another 38,000 soldiers within 24 hours. The soldiers built Fort Defiance to protect the confluence. There were
many supporting businesses in Cairo for the War effort (stables, hospitals, drug stores, post office gun shops,
blacksmiths, harness shops?as well as some unseemly businesses such as brothels, gambling houses and saloons).
General Grant relied heavily on Cairo as a supply chain as he pushed forces deeper into the Confederacy. Though
never engaging in direct battle, the fortified city quickly gained national attention, drawing many reporters to observe
the military presence. The New York Times referred to Cairo as ?the Gibraltar of the West 1.?
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Fort Defiance ? Union
Stronghold During the Civil
With the buildup of railroad supply lines to Chicago, Cairo lost some of its trade importance after the War. As
more railroads converged on Chicago, which developed at a rapid pace; stockyards, meat processing, and heavy
industries took root in the Windy City. Lighter industries now dominated the Cairo economy. Still Cairo had robust
businesses supporting the shipping lanes on the rivers. So much so that the U.S. Government built a Customs building
in Cairo. The Civil War dramatically altered the city?s cultural landscape as many runaway slaves took residence.
While a majority went back south after the Civil War when work became scarce, 3,000 African Americans remained
and took permanent residence.
Towards the latter half of the 19th Century, Cairo?s economy continued to do well, and commercial enterprises
found Cairo?s convenient geographic location, abundant natural resources, and large labor pool attractive. The river
routes and 7 railroad lines into the city bolstered their economy.
Things changed in 1905, when a railroad bridge was completed across the Mississippi River at Thebes, a small-
town northwest of Cairo. This dealt a heavy blow to Cairo?s status as a railroad hub and adversely affected businesses.
As traffic shifted to the new bridge in Thebes, it eliminated the ferry operations over the Mississippi resulting in
decreased commerce for the entire town. From that point forward, Cairo economic fortunes never fully recovered to
its halcyon days. With deeply rooted segregation, the worsening local economy resulted in contentious race relations.
Throughout the 20th century, the city had been marred by racial tensions, often leading to protests and violence. Any
attempt at integration was usually met with fierce opposition. This was especially prevalent during the turbulent
1960s where African American boycotted white owned business and repeated arson destroyed several commercial
properties. In one extensive essay on Cairo?s history, the subtitle was labeled: ?Death by Racism.? However, there
are still a few worthwhile attractions in Cairo. The Custom House, Cairo Public Library, Riverlore Mansion (built in
1865) and Magnolia Manor (a 14-room postbellum mansion built in 1869 that?s on the National Register of Historical
Places) are four architectural achievements. Those historical buildings aside, a walk down one of the main streets
today (such as Commercial Avenue) would be met with storefronts either razed, closed or boarded up. As of the 2010
census, the population is under 3,000, less than one-fifth of what it was a century ago. A sad coda to a once vibrant
The City Bank of Cairo was organized in 1858 by Mr. Lotus Niles of Springfield, Illinois. The bank President
was James C. Smith, and Alfred B. Safford was the cashier. Shown are examples of two rare obsolete notes in a $3
and $5 denomination. They are undated and not signed. Knowing what we do about when obsolete notes were printed
and the short tenure of the bank under its original name of City Bank of Cairo, we can reasonably conclude that they
were likely printed between 1858-1862. After 1862, obsoletes were not being widely produced; replaced by U.S.
issued National Bank Notes and Demand Notes.
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City Bank of Cairo continued until 1865, when it became the City National Bank of Cairo; a result of the federal
charter underwriting the banks who deposited money into Federal bonds. Commonly known as National Bank Notes,
Cairo National Bank issued NBN?s from the Original series of the program through the 1902 series. They are
extremely rare; only a few appear in currency auction archives. Four are shown below: An Original Series 1865,
two from Series 1882 and one from Series 1902. The bank did not survive long enough to print Series 1929 National
Bank Notes. In 1907 the bank ceased operations.
The historical context of currency discoveries with an inscription is sometimes poignant often telling stories of
love or loss. Notes with bank stamps often convey interesting histories. In this case, the story associated with the
City of Cairo initially showed a city growing with hope and prosperity only to suffer a decline due to a poor economy
and a marginalized population adversely affected by segregation. For more on the city?s history, I recommend an
award-winning documentary on Cairo called ?Between Two Rivers.? It is available for viewing on YouTube.
Thanks to Heritage and Stacks Bowers for the use of their archives for the currency images. Also, a big thank you to
my son, David Melamed, for his excellent editing skills.
1. Gibraltar is a peninsula, overlooking the Mediterranean Sea, in the southeastern part of Spain and has been
a British territory since 1713. The British used Gibraltar as a fortified military location which was an
important naval outpost during many conflicts including the Crimean War 1853-56; a few years before the
American Civil War (1861-65). Fort Defiance in Cairo was called the ?Gibraltar of the West? because it was
also a military outpost overseeing a strategically important waterway.
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U N C O U P L E D :
Joseph E. Boling Fred Schwan
Artwork from Warrington
For my talk at IPMS this year I was going to cover
the new productions coming out of Warrington under
his current eBay user-name (citygroundhero-6). He
has been using that handle for two years, the longest
he has ever sat on one name (he is up to his 19th eBay
account name since I have known him, starting in June
2009). But he has been prolific these two years. In
addition to continuing his usual menu of fakes
(Fezzan, Berlin, Force-T, Hong Kong, Pakistan, Cape
Verde, Fiume, various JIM overprints, Liguria,
Operation Torch, and so forth), he has devised many
new ones. In addition, he has moved from slapping a
Sachsenhausen rubber stamp on every empty
watermark window to filling those white spaces with
fancy artwork of all kinds?coats of arms, portraits,
calligraphy, flags, and commemorative collages.
My intention for IPMS was to talk about the
numismatic additions first (replications of material
that we can find in catalogs), then move to his use of
specimen and counterfeit markings to make junk notes
salable, then cover the artwork pieces, and finally rip
through the ?same-old, same-old? designs that he
continues to produce from way back. Needless to say,
it was far too much material for a one-hour time slot. I
barely got through the first two groups.
So my next four columns (including this one) will
cover the artwork group?about 25 illustrations per
issue (yes, he has been prolific). A lot of these notes
are obviously not original (and at 20x all of them are
obvious), but many have the look of being at least
semi-official modifications of known notes, or of
having been made this way from the start. Many
legitimate notes have printing on the watermark
window (which is dumb on its face, if the watermark
is supposed to serve as a security feature, but that
argument was lost long ago). So here goes.
See Boling page 257
Writing this column over the past several issues has
been relatively easy because the theme had been
decided. We discussed allied use of military payment
certificates in some detail. Deciding on the subject is
usually the hardest part. While I was discussing allied
MPC use, Joe was discussing World War I
counterfeiting. We had a short editorial meeting trying
to come up with a coordinated topic for this issue.
Since we could not come up with a solution, we are
Uncoupled again.
Even without the pressure of coordinating a topic,
I had a problem deciding while columnist Boling and
Editor Bolin were pressuring me to get it done. I have
been working on the fifth edition of the
Comprehensive Catalog of Military Payment
Certificates. It too is way behind schedule. I was
working on that this morning when the subject jumped
out at me from the (computer) page that I was working
on. Once the decision is made, it seems that the topic
was an easy choice.
I am going to tell you about MPC packaging. This
sounds like a really boring topic, but it provides some
collecting opportunities. Military payment certificates
were packaged in a uniform way. The system was
adopted from Allied military currency, which was
packaged in exactly the same way. At the lowest level,
MPC was wrapped in groups of 100 consecutively
numbered pieces (except for replacements of course).
The group of 100 and the paper band that wraps it are
called straps. Collectors often call the piece of paper a
band and the notes a pack, but the best terminology is
to call them both straps. Some years ago, Joe
confirmed this terminology with insiders at the Bureau
of Engraving and Printing.
For MPC the straps come in two sizes (for two
different heights of notes) and are color coded by
denomination! Of course, that means that series with a
$20 denomination had straps of eight different colors.
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The colors were consistent over most if not all series.
I am happy to show you the eight colors here. I do not
think that these have ever appeared in print. I do not
know if I have the straps or just the scans. Building a
collection of straps in all eight colors is a formidable
I know of one additional, and I think quite remarkable,
strap. Certainly, pay officers, finance clerks, PX clerks
and others used odd scraps of paper to
create their own expedient straps.
American Express military banking
facilities went a step farther, creating
straps for internal use. The strap shown
here replete with American Express
form number (AE 148 12-69) is just
about the ultimate throw away item?an
expedient throw away. A collector
showed this amazing item to me at a
show many years ago. It is the only one
that I have ever seen and I do not expect
to ever see another.
Forty straps of 100 notes were gathered together,
placed in a cardboard carton, and labeled with the
series, denomination, range of serial numbers
included, carton number, dates of inspection and
verification, and initials of the inspector and verifier.
The cardboard cartons were then put in wooden crates.
I call them crates to differentiate them from the
cardboard cartons of 4000 notes, but I am not sure that
the terminology is correct.
In the 1970s, it was popular to collect Federal
Reserve note end labels. Ideally collectors obtained
5-cent 10-cent
25-cent 50-cent
$1 $5
$10 $20
25-cent 50-cent
_____________________________________________________________ Paper Money * July/August 2020 * Whole No. 328___________________________________________
the end label as well as the first and last note from the
package. The sets made attractive additions to
collections of the day. Fortunately (and amazingly in
my opinion) this idea carried over to collecting MPC,
and some enterprising collector or collectors obtained
and kept some labels. A few three-piece sets exist in
The number of packages of 4000 certificates
packed into the crates varied by denomination,
because the notes were printed in different sizes. The
stenciled information on the crates deliberately did not
identify the contents. Crates are very rare. No crates or
even partial crates are known for issued series. A few
crates from Series 691 are known in private
collections. Crates for Series 691 and 701 remain in
government hands. See the picture of Marv Mericle
displaying a Series 691 crate.
Gene Ryan was a
finance warrant officer
in Da Nang, Viet Nam.
He provided us with
the only picture that I
have ever seen of
?issued? crates! The
pile of crates filled
with MPC makes the
heart of this MPC
collector flutter.
As mentioned in the
introduction, the entire
strap, carton/label,
crate system was used
during World War II. Fortunately, we have a
photograph inside Forbes Lithograph Manufacturing
Company of workers loading notes for D-Day (see
?TOMCAT? on the crates). The scene would have
looked very similar only two years later packaging
Finance officers were issued a special
briefcase for carrying payroll money. To my mind this
is sort of a packaging item. It is called leather money
bag (the item is marked on the inside of one top flap
as ?bag, money, leather?). One of the clasps on the bag
has a patent number. Unfortunately, the patent is of a
bag very unlike bag, money, leather. Of course, leather
money bags are very rare, although it is not known if
current finance officers might still use these items (or
at least something similar). Of course, they would not
use the bags for MPC, but for other forms of cash. The
bag shown here also came from Gene Ryan.
Now the hard part?a topic for next time!
End label and label start note
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Boling continued:
I will describe each piece by its illustration
number (or group of numbers), giving just a little
information where I know it (sometimes I cannot
divine the intent behind the choice of artwork). The
illustrations are likely to be muddy?I do not own all
of these pieces, so for those that I do not have in hand,
the resolution we get is what comes off of eBay. I
expect it will be adequate. Where more than one
decoration has been used for a series of notes, I show
only one complete note and then only the artwork for
the others in the group. He does not stick to one catalog
number in a series?a given decoration can appear on
several denominations. Where he has made only one
piece from a given issuer, you get the whole note
(which will make the artwork a bit harder to discern).
All of the underlying notes are genuine; the
portions added in Warrington are inkjet. There is one
pair that includes some laser printing; I am sure that
for those two notes he was not the originator.
Figure 1 is a dense black double-headed eagle on
an Albania 100 franga. He sold this piece twice; the
first buyer evidently did not like it.
Figures 2-6 are all on modern Algerian notes
(1981-1991). #2-3 are both Emir Abd el-Kader; #4
was labeled as ?National Liberation Front,? and #5 is
the Sidi Boumediene mosque. #6 said simply
?commemorative issue,? and since it has no date I
cannot guess what it commemorates.
Figure 7 is the sole Bangladesh note that he has
overprinted. It was described as a Mujibur Rahman
Similarly, figure 8 is the only Brazilian piece he
has prepared. The ribbon on the arms says ?Estado do
Tocantins? with date 1 Jan 1989. Tocantins is the
youngest Brazilian state.
Figure 9 is his sole venture into Brunei in this
format (he also creates false errors by removing the ink
from the backs of Brunei polymer notes; that was
covered in my lecture, which should eventually be
available on YouTube through Lyn Knight?s site). I
cannot make out the text on the green crescent; it is
probably in Arabic script.
Figure 10 is from Burma. This note was also
counterfeited for circulation (with a ?watermark?
printed where the Chinze lion is on this piece).
Figure 1
Figure 2 Figure 3
Figure 4 Figure 5 Figure 6
Figure 7
Figure 8
Figure 9
Figure 10
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Figures 11a,b and 12a,b,c purport to be from
Chechnya. Both have adhesive stamps in the upper left
corner and a printed device or
text at the far right. The portrait
on #11 (11b) is Imam Shamil, an
anti-Russian cleric of the 19th
century in the Caucasus. At right
is a watchful dog.
Note that the same theme is on the stamp of #12 (12b).
At right on #12 (12c) are the denomination and issuer
identification. Both stamps are laser-printed (the
printer a little out-of-register for the second stamp).
The added black on note 11 is also laser; this gives it a
bit more credibility than it might have, as our man in
Warrington does not use a laser printer. The added text
on #12 is wretched inkjet. Has either note ever seen
Chechnya? I couldn?t say.
Figure 13 is a Chilean note with a Lions Club
?thank you? overprint. One problem?there were no
inkjet printers yet in 1960.
Figure 14 is a certain fantasy?Chairman Mao
was not smiling at the Nationalists in 1936.
Figure 15 shows what is presumably intended to
be Chiang Kai-Shek inside the Nationalists? insignia
(a symbol of the sun). Most of these are more pale than
this piece, and this is barely legible. Again, no inkjet
printers were available when this propaganda flyer
was supposed to have been used.
When Czechoslovakia split into the Czech
Republic and Slovakia, this note was adorned with
temporary validation stamps for each new nation until
new notes were issued. Figure 16 must be A?lseyuote?s
stab at remembering the bad old days.
Figures 17 and 18 are two more examples of his
penchant for filling white space. Number 17 is the Free
French Cross of Lorraine; #18 is an ID stamp for a
French military school on the Atlantic coast. That
stamp was also used to validate a bogus piece of post-
Figure 11a (above)
Figure 11b (left)
Figure 12 (above)
Figure 12b (left)
Figure 12c (below)
Figure 13
Figure 14
Figure 15
Figure 16
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WWI New Caledonia emergency local scrip (see my
live lecture on YouTube when it becomes available).
Figure 19 is an amusing cartoon intended to be
understood as German anti-Soviet propaganda. I have
never seen this design, but I congratulate the maker for
digging it up. Note the Star of David on the Christmas
tree ornament.
Figures 20-24 are all used on notes of the DDR?
German (Deutsche) Democratic Republic. All use
elements of the DDR logo and were placed on various
notes of that government. Notice the
?MILITARGELD? legend on #24, to make the note
bearing it a little more attractive.
That?s a wrap for this issue. We will take up
another group of about 25 notes next time. You can see
that some imagination goes into these?they beat
having just another note with a Nazi rubber stamp
applied. But if you see any of these, or others like
them, being offered, don?t buy unless you will be
satisfied with what has become a damaged note.
Figure 17
Figure 18
Figure 19
Figure 20
Figure 21 Figure 22
Figure 23 Figure 24
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The front of the Type-41 Treasury note endorsed by Maj. W. W. Peirce, Quarter Master
image: Roger Adamek
The Quartermaster Column No. 13
by Michael McNeil
War brings out the best and the worst in
human nature. The great Southern evolutionary
biologist, Edward O. Wilson, who specializes in
species with social organization, believes that
genetics determines to what degree we are motivated
by the need to compete or cooperate.1 Wars are won
by cooperators, those who are willing to set aside
their self interest for the common good of winning
the war. Abraham Lincoln put it well in his
Gettysburg address when he referred to those who
had given ?their last full measure of devotion.? War
is ugly, and some of those driven by competitive
desire will take advantage for their own self interest.
While the South had its heroes and cooperators, many
of whom are featured in this column, it also had its
share of self-interested scoundrels, and one of these
turned up as a rare endorsement on a Confederate
Type-41 Treasury note.The endorsement reads:
?Paid out Apl 27/ (18)63
W W Peirce
Maj & QM?
The back of the Type-41 Treasury note with the April
27th, 1863 endorsement by Maj. W. W. Peirce, QM.
Raleigh, North Carolina Interest Paid stamps are
seen at top for the years 1864 and 1865.
image: Roger Adamek
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The spelling of the last name as
?Peirce? is unusual, and 219 documents
for this officer in National Archives
files on are found under the
listing for ?W. W. Pierce.? This is a
mis-spelling and it is also seen on the
covers of vouchers and invoices written
in clerical hands. The genuine signatures are written
in a clear script and leave no ambiguity of the
intended spelling of ?Peirce.?
Although no career summary exists for
Peirce, it is clear that he served most, if not all, of his
career at Raleigh, North Carolina. His documents
mostly consist of the transfer of goods between his
post at Raleigh and other quartermasters. In a letter of
February 4th, 1865, at Raleigh, North Carolina,
Peirce?s letterhead displayed the title of ?Chief
Quartermaster for the District of North Carolina.?
Peirce served in a military capacity to the
State of North Carolina and signed the earliest known
document as an Ordnance Officer on June 12th, 1861.
In a letter dated May 10th, 1862, at Raleigh,
North Carolina, Peirce wrote Col. A. C. Myers,
Quartermaster General, offering his services to the
government. Citing the Conscription Act and the
official end of the North Carolina State service on the
18th, along with his current service as the Quarter
Master for North Carolina State Regiments, he
suggested his offices in Raleigh as the site of his
newly proposed service to the Confederate
government in Richmond.
National Archives summary cards noted that
Peirce was appointed on May 21st, 1862, as Capt. &
QM reporting to the QM General, taking rank
retroactively on May 17th, and confirmed on
September 30th of the same year. Peirce was later
promoted and confirmed on October 7th, 1862, as
Maj. & QM reporting to the QM General, taking rank
on August 30th, 1862.
Capt. Peirce, AQM, traveled from Raleigh to
Richmond and back during May 25th to May 28th,
1862, on Special Order No. 151 of May 24th by Gen?l
Winder ? collect money due the State [of North
Carolina] by the Confederate States on account of
clothing and equipment.? A pay voucher dated June
30th, 1862, interestingly described Peirce as a ?Capt.
& A.A.G.?
Peirce sent a telegram from Raleigh to A. C.
Myers, QM General in Richmond on December 19th,
1862, complaining that ?Bad management blocks the
NCRR, can nothing be done to alter it? Troops,
provisions and all military stores are stopped.? It is
noteworthy that on December 14th Union forces
attacked the Wilmington & Weldon RR at Goldsboro
and overcame Confederate defenders at the Kinston
bridge. On December 17th Union forces were
destroying tracks at the Goldsboro Bridge.
January 30th, 1863, found Peirce in Kinston,
North Carolina. Peirce rarely traveled; virtually all of
his documents are signed in Raleigh. Vouchers with
the letterhead of ?The State of North Carolina? and
signed by Peirce indicate that he worked for both
state and central government entities in 1863.
On June 6th, 1864, at Raleigh, North
Carolina, Peirce had a discussion of having clothing
made in North Carolina rather than shipping the wool
cloth to the Clothing Bureau at Richmond. The first
indication of impropriety occurs on Abstract L, dated
June 30th, 1864: this abstract contains a printed
letterhead which confirms the spelling of the name
?Maj. W. W. PEIRCE? and it also details the
proceeds of a public auction of large quantities of
clothing, some of which was purchased by Capt. H.
A. Dowd, QM. The inference is that Capt. Dowd
purchased these items at auction rather than having
them transferred on a normal voucher at normal
prices to his account.
On January 1st, 1865, Peirce wrote a detailed
description of his duties in response to a general
circular sent to all quartermasters. His response to
this circular is by far the most vague and arrogant of
any quartermaster seen by the author:
Quarter Masters Department C.S.A.
Raleigh NC Jany 1st 1865
September 24th, 1862 image:
_____________________________________________________________ Paper Money * July/August 2020 * Whole No. 328___________________________________________
Capt. T. H. Hall
A. I. G. Raleigh NC
I have the honour to reply to your circular of the
22nd ultimo. Numbering as you require my
answers in correspondence with your questions.
1. May 21/ 62 I was assigned to duty here as Post
Quartermaster by Col. Myers Quarter Master
General. Aug.t 30/ 62 promoted to Brigade
Quarter Master and assigned to duty here and by
Circular March 24th/ 63 I was appointed Chief
Quarter Master for the District of North Carolina.
2. The accompanying lists N. 1. 2. 3. & 4. & 5
embodied the information called for as to the
Employees both white & Black.
3. All my offices and stores are in the building
known as G(illegible) Hotel, occupied in common
by the Assistant Quarter Master of the Post, and
by the Adjutant General of the State of N.
Carolina with his Staff composed of several
Assistant Adjutant Generals Paymasters.
Ordnance officers, Quartermasters &
Commissaries. From whom rented, as well as to
the terms conditions etc., I respectfully refer you
to the report of the Assistant Quarter Master of
this Post. In connection with which I herewith lay
before you the origional (sic) lease. One building
on the East Side of Fayetteville Street a few doors
South of Williams & Haywood Drug Store,
represented by Mr. Ruffin Williams, is occupied
by my department by no positive or direct
authority, but to meet the requirement of the
service, with a due regard to economy as in duty
bound virtue of my office as Chief Quartermaster.
It is occupied as a Government Shoe Shop at a
cost last year of fifty dollars per month. The rent
for the present year had not been agreed upon.
4. The work done in my District and under my
direction is all done under contract with the
exception of the manufactures of shoes to a
limited extent in the building above referred to,
occupied as a Shoe Shop, which was regularly
established on the 1st of November 1864, with no
other authority than that derived from the general
scope and purposes of my office. This Shop is
now operated by twenty-three detailed and light-
duty men assigned as set forth in list No. 5 above
referred to. For the amount of weekly productions
I beg leave to refer you to a copy of the last
weekly report herewith submitted Endorsed
?Weekly report of work done in Government
Shop for the Week ending December 31st 1864.?
The object of this Shop is for the manufacture of
Soldier?s Shoes. But the repairing of Officer?s
and Soldier?s Shoes is permitted and in some
instances the manufacture of Boots and Shoes for
Officers is allowed in accordance with the
accompanying ?Schedule of Prices.? The
production of this Shop is now small and is not
remunerative, but as fast as they can be obtained
it is proposed to increase the number of
shoemakers to Seventy or to such a number as
will ensure economy in the production. The work
done by contract is exhibited in the accompanying
list of Contractors Marked No. (illegible blob of
ink). The number of detailed men as set forth in
the Employment of the contractors is not entirely
accuarate, owing to may (sic) application being in
Suspence (sic) and the incomplete returns of the
Contractors as to the requirements of Army
Regulations Art 40 paragraphs 944, 945, & 946 in
regard to contracts. I have to say that the contracts
have only been made in duplicates, one given to
the contractor and one filed in this office.
In compliance with paragraph 945, ?
with a very few exceptions, bonds have been
required and given by the contractors. Paragraph
946 (illegible due to a paper fold) instance been
complied with.
5. Office hours are from 9 A.M. to 2 P. M. but
for unfinished business the clerks when necessary
are required to be in at 4 P. M. and are sometimes
Employed until 9 or 10 O. Clock. Hours in the
issureing (sic) Department are from 9 until dark.
Respectfully submitted
WW Peirce
Major & Chief Quarter Master
Col. Jno. Withers of the Adjutant & Inspector
General?s Office in Richmond brought charges
against Major Peirce on January 10th, 1865, Special
Order No. 7, XIII, ? regard to his conduct in
certain transactions with a certain Joseph Boxbaun of
Charlotte North Carolina or his agents, and in regard
to the reception by said Major Pierce of presents or
bribes from the said Joseph Boxbaun or others.? A
National Archives summary card noted that Peirce
was relieved of his command on January 24th, 1865,
Special Order 19/32.
Self-interested competitors, having exhausted
all excuses and confronted with their behavior, often
portray themselves as victims. A letter of February
4th, 1865, from Peirce at Raleigh to Gen?l S. Cooper,
Adjutant & Inspector General in Richmond is
reproduced in full:
I respectfully request that Special Orders No.
7 for the detail of a court to enquire into
certain and perticular (sic) matters, touching
_____________________________________________________________ Paper Money * July/August 2020 * Whole No. 328___________________________________________
my dealings with Buxboam (sic) and other
contractors, be so amended and enlarged, as
to embrace a full enquiry into my official
conduct as Chief Quarter Master for the State
of North Carolina, or such subjects as I may
submit for the investigation of the Court, to
the end that I may be afforded the
opportunity of vindicating myself from foul
aspersions afloat, effecting (sic) not only
myself but including the general question of
responsibility and liability of disbursing
agents of the government.
I am General very respectfully
your obedient servant
W W Peirce
Major & Chf Q.M.
Major Peirce and his son embodied the very
definition of graft and corruption. Harold S. Wilson,
in his book Confederate Industry, noted that ?
inquiry was ordered by the War Department. An
investigating quartermaster from Richmond ?was
greatly embarrassed & his report delayed, by the
disinclination of this officer [Peirce] to submit his
affairs to inspection; by his habits, which render it
impossible to transact business with him with any
degree of satisfaction; and, by the confusion and want
of system that pervade his affairs.? Peirce held
agreements with 106 contractors, mostly ?able-bodied
men,? and yet ?no copies of his contracts have ever
been forwarded to this department, and no list of
names or numbers of contractors were kept in the
office.? Pierce?s son, the clerk, ?was but 21 years of
age, without business experience, capacity, training,
or habits.? In expenditures that were ?unauthorized
and extravagant,? ...the younger Peirce...erected ?a
guard house at a cost of $2,680? for which there were
no guards, but it was occupied by a brigadier general
without authority. ...He employed numerous clerks
and ninety-one of his own slaves on public payroll.?2
Peirce was paroled as a citizen, not an
officer, on May 10th, 1865, at Raleigh, North
Carolina; he listed his residence as Wilmington,
North Carolina.
An 1866 letter in Peirce?s National Archives
file from a United States officer:
Head Quarters Military Command of NC
Raleigh, June 5th, 1866
Col. E. A. Carr
5th U. S. Cavalry
Commanding Post
Raleigh NC
The Com?d?g Gen?l desires you to send an officer
to be present at the examination of the safe of Mr.
W. W. Peirce, late Rebel QM Gen?l of the State
of North Carolina. If any of the papers belong to
the late Rebel (illegible) the officer will take
possession of them.
Very respectfully
J. K. Campbell
Asst. Adj. General
By 1866 Peirce was dead.
? carpe diem
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Notes and References:
1. Wilson, Edward O. The Social Conquest of Earth, Liveright, New York, 2012. Wilson, who was brought up with Calvinist
ideals in the Southern Baptist Church, describes competitive self interest as ?sin? and social cooperation as ?virtue.? The 16th
century John Calvin had no understanding of genetics, but he sensed that human behavior was predetermined when he claimed
that humans are predestined to heaven or hell. Those who find this concept alarming may find great pleasure in reading Robert
Plomin?s book, Blueprint, How DNA makes us who we are, Allen Lane, UK, 2018. Decades of meticulous work by Plomin and
his staff in the UK support the validity of Wilson?s theories in particular and the genetic basis of behavior in general.
2. Wilson, Harold S. Confederate Industry, Manufacturers and Quartermasters in the Civil War, University Press of
Mississippi, Jackson, 2002, p. 75.
3. McNeil, Michael. Confederate Quartermasters, Commissaries, and Agents., Pierre Fricke, Sudbury, 2016. The endorsement
of Maj. W. W. Peirce was discovered after the publication of this book. PDF files with the descriptions of all later discoveries
may be found on the website:
W. W. Peirce?s
parole at
Raleigh, North
Carolina, on
May 10th, 1865.
Note the
inscription in the
left margin which
paroles him as a
citizen, not a
military officer.
_____________________________________________________________ Paper Money * July/August 2020 * Whole No. 328___________________________________________
Collecting the Impossible!
In the coin world you always hear the phrase, ?Hoard
the keys?. Stemming from the thought that the toughest
coins in a given series are the ones to keep your compass
pointed to at all times. Why focus on the common dreck
when you can buy multiple examples of the toughies?
Maybe the hope was that these coins would increase in
value, far and above more common issues? Maybe
greed is the all too mighty driving force that makes
collectors want to hoard them all, ?My precious!!!?
Time has proven this logic to be noticeably flawed, and
simply a hopeful notion, as key examples in higher
grade have in numerous cases lost their footing over the
years and dipped in price rather than repeatedly broken
previous record sales. With paper money, things get
even more murky as a key issue may constitute a scarce
large size signature combination variety or a particular
district on a small size federal reserve note with a
miniscule print run. One of the many facets that make
paper money so enticing are the intoxicating instances
where the moniker ?Key-Note? is not a term worthy of
the caliber of collectible one may have in their
collection. Rarity abounds so abundantly that we would
rather deem our ultra-keys as Unique! How can there be
a higher level of greatness that this? Having the only
note known provides an epic opportunity for bragging
rights and pride of ownership. Something that cannot
be attained as easily in the coin world, with the
exception of maybe grade rarity I suppose. Absolutely,
the finest known example can carry a measure of
gravitas worthy of trophy status. However, to hold a
note that is truly unique, grade and condition aside, this
is what makes a collection attain legendary status!
When you study your favorite paper money reference
guide and see notes with lofty price tags, we collectors
often ponder, ?Wow, will I ever own one of those??.
When a note is listed as unique, and it is a series and
denomination that has its hooks in us deep, owning our
psyche, the response quickly changes to, ?WOW, will I
ever SEE one of those??. National Bank Notes seem to
be the area of paper money collecting where this occurs
most often. A survivor on a small town suddenly pops
out of the woodwork and becomes the Discovery Note!
For a time, the note reigns supreme as the only one of
its kind ?until another may surface that is. To raise this
up even higher, sometimes the example is the only note
known and happens to also be serial number one! With
over fourteen thousand national banks, ?Unique? can
oddly begin to appear common place. Depending on the
state, county, and town, interest and demand can waver
dramatically even though the note is still 100% unique!
While national bank notes see the vast majority of
unique collectible examples, Federal issues are quite the
polar opposite! This is where we will examine two
amazing star notes that are each, one of a kind!
Varieties abound in small size with collectors building
sets that they know will likely pose an enormous
challenge. If they can somehow achieve a complete set
ever ?in just one lifetime, constitutes a minor miracle!
While this sounds disparaging, reality sinks in quickly
and fortunately collectors have more than one avenue to
journey towards building a set. Series, denomination,
district, serial number block, stars, and varieties
comprise a wide range of opportunities for collecting
adventure. Grade rarity via third party slabbing has
brought about challenging online registry set
competitions creating an upper echelon tier of finest
known ensembles! The areas that cause the most
difficulty are the sets that include ?All? varieties. Many
collectors shy away from these challenges as the
opportunity to attain completeness cannot simply be
attained at will. An unlimited budget provides no
guarantee that one can locate the missing key to the set
they are after. The thrill of the hunt is overwhelming
when it comes to small size rarities!
Often, I am asked by new collectors, ?What should I
be looking for?? On the surface this is too tough to
answer without sitting a pupil down for a 45-minute
lecture. So, the common response dealers often give is
the canned, ?Buy the best example you can afford!? I
typically offer another approach, ?Buy as many books
as you can, and study them!? Certain drool worthy
trophy notes can only be appreciated to their fullest
extent by studying long enough for the light bulb to
come on. ?Wow when they said unique, they really
meant it. I cannot find a sales record anywhere!?
Let?s take a look at two small size star notes that are
both one of a kind! If you want to know what you
should be looking for while hunting at coin shows, brick
and mortar shops, and on the internet ?this is where
you need to pay close attention! Both of these notes are
equal in grade and not surprisingly, they are also mules!
A mule(a) is a note that has a micro plate serial number
on one side and a macro number on the other. The first
note pictured is a 1928C $5 legal tender red seal mule
star note graded VF25 by PMG. Taking a look at the
population stats, there are currently 22 examples graded
by PMG with 4 of these notes listed as uncirculated, the
highest being a single note graded a lofty 66EPQ.
PCGS-Currency (Legacy) lists a total of 11 examples
By Robert Calderman
_____________________________________________________________ Paper Money * July/August 2020 * Whole No. 328___________________________________________
graded with just one uncirculated note in 63PPQ. Now,
how can a unique note have a total of 33 examples
already slabbed? Has the term unique changed
recently? Are there then somehow thirty-three unique
notes known, how does that make any sense!?! What
makes this star note so important is the three-digit plate
serial number found on the back lower right. ?637?.
This treasure is unfortunately hidden in the PMG
population report since, at the moment, there is not a
separate column designated for 637 examples of this
Friedberg number. While all examples with back plate
numbers 938 and lower are accurately designated as
mules, Bp.637 carries a particular cult following that
makes it stand alone at the highest level of underscored
importance. Up to this point, there has only been one
1928C LT $5 Star example to have ever surfaced
featuring this famous back plate number!
Taking a close look at the rather archaic, near decade
old small-size guide, this note is in fact deemed unique
with the serial number listed as *06928533A and a value
displayed at a very conservative $4,000 in Very Fine.
With some research and help from those in the know, I
have confirmed that there was inadvertently a typo in
the guide and the actual surviving example is the note
here on display featuring SN *06928553A. Back in
2008 this note made its public auction debut as a raw
fine+ note. Unlisted in the auction description was the
vitally important caveat of Bp.637 and instead just brief
reference to a book value of $750 was notated. The
bidders that day knew exactly what was being offered
on the block as the glass ceiling was significantly
shattered when the gavel finally fell at $3,737.50. Take
a close look at this note, memorize the serial number,
will you be the next cherry picker to pluck one of these
amazing treasures out of the wild? At the bare
minimum, there are five other Bp 637-star notes that
were born along with our featured example when
this 6-note half sheet was numbered!
Our next note also has the honor of being
unique and this one is even more spectacular!
Silver Certificates are arguably the most avidly
collected area within the small size paper money
category. While aces have had the most attention
by hard core collectors over recent decades, the
five-dollar denomination with Lincoln?s
decidedly debonair portrait has been taking hold
with a frenzy of collectors competing tooth and
nail at recent auctions! It only makes sense as the
attractive crossover potential from Lincoln Cent
collectors paves the way for expert life-long coin
enthusiasts to dive into the ways of the paper via
a familiar face on both forms of currency, the
modern cent and the small size five-dollar bill. If
a numismatist decided to collect paper, it would
only follow that he would make the obvious
choice to begin with paper money that was
backed by actual specie!
Here we have another Bp.637 mule star, this
time on a $5 silver certificate from the series of
1934C graded VF25 by PMG. A total of fifteen
mule stars have been graded by both services
combined. For many years, the finest known example
was a VF35 no-Q graded by PMG. Until recently no
one had even heard an inkling of a CU example having
survived the tortures of everyday circulation from life in
commerce. Astoundingly as discoveries are still being
made in the hobby at any given moment, a small run of
uncirculated examples surfaced giving six lucky
collectors the chance at a dream note of epic
proportions. A scarce mule variety on a five-dollar
silver certificate, as an even rarer replacement star note,
and in an unheard-of Gem Uncirculated state of
preservation! The epic grades now currently known are:
(1) 66EPQ, (1) 65EPQ, (2) 64EPQ, and (2) 63EPQ.
Included amongst these ranks is an incredible mule to
non-mule change over pair!
Now we find ourselves in a major quandary again!?!
How can there be 15 examples graded and a so-called
VF25 as the only known unique unicorn? Take a close
look at the face plate number and the insert on the PMG
slab. What makes this note achieve the ranks of
impossible rarity is only partly due to the 637-back
plate. The face plate is what pushes this note over the
_____________________________________________________________ Paper Money * July/August 2020 * Whole No. 328___________________________________________
edge! Fp.2028 is the first of the four important Narrow
face plates. Prior to the release of the series of 1934D
$5 silver certificates, the 34C faces were reformatted
giving us four treasured narrow Fp.#?s printed at the tail
end of the series. Face plates 2028, 2029, 2030, and
2031 are extremely special animals that account for only
2.5% of the entire 1934C five-dollar issue. For any
narrow face example to be mated with a 637 back is an
extremely rare occurrence worthy of trophy note status.
These narrow face mule aberrations only occur on two
of the three possible narrow face (non-star) SN blocks,
P-A and N-A. The Q-A block printing dates do not
coincide with use of Bp.637 and mules on this block
were unfortunately never printed. Currently, there are
an absolutely miniscule number of narrow face mules
certified. Rare birds are always far from plentiful, and
collectors must be vigilant if they want a chance to add
an example to their collection. For the N-A block only
twelve individual examples have been third party
graded. For P-A only two notes in total are currently
holdered, a PCGS-Currency (Legacy) VF20 and
65PPQ. The PMG 64 no Q listed in the population
report was crossed at one time by a dedicated Hall of
Fame registry collector and no longer exists as a PMG
note. Narrow face star notes are also extremely
significant rarities. Up to this date, only 10 examples
have been graded with just one note achieving an
original CCU grade of 63EPQ. However, not a single
one of these ten narrow star note examples are
privileged enough to feature Bp.637.
So now that we know how rare 1934C $5 silver
certificate narrow face star notes and narrow face
637 mule (non-star) notes actually are, and until a
new supreme title can be devised, this one and only
narrow face mule STAR note can indeed give new
meaning to the word ?Unique?. Will a dedicated
student one day unearth another higher-grade
example, we may never know??
Do you have a great Cherry Pick story that
you?d like to share? Your note might be featured
here in a future article and you can remain
anonymous if desired! Email scans of your note
with a brief description of what you paid and where it
was found to:
Citations: (a)Huntoon, Peter, Sep/Oct 2015 The
Enduring Allure of $5 Micro Back Plates 629 & 637.
Paper Money, v. LV, Whole No.299, p.304-326.
_____________________________________________________________ Paper Money * July/August 2020 * Whole No. 328___________________________________________
The Obsolete Corner
The Monmouth Bank
by Robert Gill
Hello paper money collectors. I'm hoping that
you and your family are doing fine. These last few
months have completely changed, temporarily, I am
praying, our way of life. We are living in some very
trying times, and it is nice for me when I can just go to
my in-home office, relax, and enjoy a part of my life.
And that is my paper money collection. I've made the
statement many times that, "Outside of my family,
Obsolete Currency sheets are my passion!"
In this issue of Paper Money, we are going to look
at a sheet in my collection that could very well be
unique. We do have to be very careful when using that
word. But looking back in available auction records,
and checking with people in authority in our hobby, all
indications are that this sheet probably is that "one of a
kind". And it is on The Monmouth Bank, which was
chartered in the 1820s to operate in Freehold, New
Jersey. Neither premier New Jersey Obsolete
Currency collector/researcher, David Gladfelter, or
forty-year Obsolete Currency dealer/specialist, Hugh
Shull, had ever seen a sheet on this bank before this
one surfaced in the "Freehold, New Jersey Collection"
that Stacks Bowers auctioned off several years ago. I
felt very privileged when I was able to acquire it. And
now, let's look at the limited amount of history that has
been uncovered on this institution.
The first bank of the city of Freehold was the ill-
fated Monmouth Bank. Receiving its charter in 1824,
it was the 22nd bank to be chartered in the state of New
Jersey. According to History of Monmouth County,
New Jersey, by Franklin Ellis,
"In the following year (of receiving its
charter) it was (nominally) in business, with
William J. Bowne as Manager and Cashier. For
a time in that year, whatever funds, securities or
other property it possessed, liable to be stolen,
was locked, for safe keeping, in one of the cells
of the local jail. Afterwards, a safe or strongbox
was provided, and the office of the bank was
kept in Mr. Bowne's building on Main Street.
Of the history of the old Monmouth Bank
during the years following the time of its
incorporation, very little is known."
In reference to the chartering of The Monmouth
Bank, in Gordon's Gazetteer is found the following:
"Monmouth Bank at Freehold. -- Chartered in 1824.
Capital, $200,000. Amount paid in, $40,000.
Amount paid to Treasurer, $4,000."
The Bank was always regarded with distrust by
the community, and finally suspended operations in the
early 1830s. The end of it, under its first organization,
is marked by an advertisement selling its assets that
was printed in the Monmouth Democrat of February,
1836, as follows:
"Monmouth Bank will be sold at Public
Auction, at the house of Barzillai
Hendrickson, in Freehold, on Saturday, the
12th of March next, at 11:00 AM. The vault
of Monmouth Bank, consisting of iron and
stone, two iron doors, one large fire-proof
iron chest, three copper note plates, bank
note paper, blank account books, one large
bank lock and other articles. W.J. Bowne
Assignee. Freehold, 23rd February, 1836."
The sale was twice adjourned to Saturday,
February 18th, and again to Saturday, the 26th, at which
latter time the articles were doubtless disposed of,
though no account of the sale is found.
The Monmouth Bank was resuscitated under the
same name in 1841, but its charter was repealed in
So, there she is. With the issue of security, and
probably other things, this little bank was fortunate to
last as long as it did. But this "sheet of history" did
survive for us to enjoy today.
As I always do, I invite any comments to my cell
phone number (580) 221-0898, or my personal email
So, until next time... HAPPY COLLECTING.
_____________________________________________________________ Paper Money * July/August 2020 * Whole No. 328___________________________________________
_____________________________________________________________ Paper Money * July/August 2020 * Whole No. 328___________________________________________
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What?s in a Signature?
Among the 19th century banknote reporters
and counterfeit detectors, one curious variety is the so-
called ?autographical? detector, of which John
Thompson?s are the best-known examples. Instead of
listing and describing dodgy banknotes, these
publications instead compiled signature samples of all
the bank officials whose names might appear on the
banknotes. The idea was that, armed with a list of the
genuine signatures, a person could tell if their
banknote was real or fake by comparing its signatures
to those listed in the detector.
Like many other defenses against
counterfeiting, this one was a two-edged sword.
Counterfeiters must?ve been thrilled to have such a
convenient compilation of all the signatures they
needed to forge! Yet the use of signatures as an
authentication device raises a second, and deeply
strange, problem. Even armed with one of these
autographical detectors, anybody wishing to test a
banknote in this way would have to deal with the
paradox that no one example of a genuine signature
can be completely identical to any other genuine
example. Indeed, it?s the variability from one
signature sample to the next that is a mark of their
very genuineness?that the signature comes from a
real human being. Perfectly identical signatures are
either forgeries (traced, or otherwise printed as
facsimiles of the original) or they are mechanical
reproductions done by a lifeless signing machine (an
To put the problem in another way, a
banknote that is declared genuine by dint of its
signature relies on the authenticity of the signature, as
executed idiosyncratically by a bank officer. But
otherwise, the standards for a genuine banknote inhere
in the exactitude and virtuosity of its reproduction.
Ideally, unlike a genuine signature, each genuine
banknote should look exactly like any other genuine
As banknote production grew in the in 19th
century, these two modes of validation collided. For
example, by the early 1850s, the Bank of England?s
note issue was so large that it required the
autographical labors of a squad of scriveners,
employed at some cost, to engage in the mindless task
of signing note after note. A notice in the financial
press sketched out the resulting difficulty: ?Although
twenty gentlemen were daily employed in signing the
notes, it was quite possible that there might be such a
difference in the signature at different times of the day
as to render it difficult for any one of them to vouch
for its identity in a court of law. It was this that gave
rise to the act which empowered the Bank, since
January 1853, to sign all its notes by machinery, by
which the Bank saved the expense of ?10,000 a year,
and obtained a uniformity in the note which no
individual could perform.?*
In the United States, government authorities
accepted this change only belatedly. While almost
from the very beginning greenbacks sported printed
signatures, the government insisted that national
banknotes be actually signed by their officers. It did so
despite the fact that greenbacks and national
banknotes circulated for most purposes side by side as
equivalent forms of currency. Bankers pushed back
against such an inconsistent and illogical rule, often
employing rubber stamps of their facsimile signatures
to ease the tedium of penmanship. Only by 1892 did
Congress relent by recognizing the legal issue of
banknotes with facsimile signatures.
One likely reason for this different treatment
was that the government regarded greenbacks and
national banknotes as genuinely different instruments.
As legal tender emissions, greenbacks were backed by
the law and power of the state. Any signatures were
incidental to this. In contrast, national banknotes did
not enjoy legal tender status, but were technically
promissory notes of the issuing institutions. The
signatures weren?t simply there to make counterfeiting
more difficult. They also, in a sense, executed the
documents to the extent that they were ?promises to
pay? a certain sum to the bearer. Despite circulating at
par with other kinds of paper money, government
regulators persisted in their legalistic scruples, holding
national banknotes to a higher (or at least different)
standard than that applied to legal tender notes.
With the end of the national banking era, all
forms of paper money became legal tender, and
signatures receded in their legal significance to being
just another design feature of a note. For that purpose,
facsimile signatures were good enough. In our present
day, the character and quality of such signatures are
trivial issues. In 2013, there was a minor kerfuffle
over Treasury Secretary Jack Lew?s illegible script. A
few years later, people sniffed at the inability of his
successor, Steven Mnuchin, to even produce a decent
cursive signature. Yet the very levity of these
complaints bespeaks a diminished role for the
signature now, as opposed to the 19th century.
*The Banker?s Magazine and Statistical Register,
Nov. 1854.
Chump Change
Loren Gatch
_____________________________________________________________ Paper Money * July/August 2020 * Whole No. 328___________________________________________
The Society of Paper Money
Collectors was organized in 1961 and
incorporated in 1964 as a non-profit
organization under the laws of the
District of Columbia. It is
affiliated with the ANA. The
Annual Meeting of the SPMC is
held in June at the International
Paper Money Show. Information
about the SPMC, including the
by-laws and activities can be
found at our website-- The SPMC does
not does not endorse any dealer,
company or auction house.
LIFE. Applicants must be at least 18
years of age and of good moral
character. Members of the ANA or
other recognized numismatic
societies are eligible for membership.
Other applicants should be sponsored
by an SPMC member or provide
suitable references.
Applicants for Junior membership
must be from 12 to 17 years of age
and of good moral character. A parent
or guardian must sign their
application. Junior membership
numbers will be preceded by the letter
?j? which will be removed upon
notification to the secretary that the
member has reached 18 years of age.
Junior members are not eligible to
hold office or vote.
DUES?Annual dues are $39. Dues
for members in Canada and Mexico
are $45. Dues for members in all
other countries are $60. Life
membership?payable in installments
within one year is $800 for U.S.; $900
for Canada and Mexico and $1000
for all other countries. The Society
no longer issues annual membership
cards but paid up members may
request one from the membership
director with an SASE.
Memberships for all members who
joined the Society prior to January
2010 are on a calendar year basis
with renewals due each December.
Memberships for those who joined
since January 2010 are on an annual
basis beginning and ending the
month joined. All renewals are due
before the expiration date, which can
be found on the label of Paper
Money. Renewals may be done via
the Society website
or by check/money order sent to the
15102 Thomas Goffigon. (C), Website
15103 Nate Ellis, (C), Website
15104 Roeland Krul, (C), E-Sylum
15105 CVM Enterprises, (C), Website
15106 Chris Birchfield, (C), Website
15107 OliannaZelles, (C), Website
15108 Mark Rielly, (C), Frank Clark
15109 Christian Lengyel, (C), Website
15110 John Gray III, (C), Website
15111 Gildardo A. Bonilla (C), Website
15112 Rick Ewing, (C), Frank Clark
15113 Anthony Gonzales, (C), Frank
15114 Mike Marchioni, (C), SPMC
15115 Shawn Senter, (C), ANA Ad
15116 Robert Bauswell, (C), Website
15117 Michael Davis, (C), Website
15118 Kenneth Shepherd, (C), Website
15119 John Rubisch, (C), Frank Clark
15120 Joseph Newmark, (C), ANA Ad
15121 William Brewer, (C), Website
15122 Lindy Harrell, (C), Tom Denly
15123 Robert Beller, (C), Frank Clark
15124 Lawrence Jelsch, (C), Website
15125 Norman Carnovale/Coin Shop
Biloxi, (D), Pierre Fricke
15126 Marek Mirski, ?, Frank Clark
Dues Remittal Process
Send dues directly to
Robert Moon
SPMC Treasurer
104 Chipping Ct
Greenwood, SC 29649
Refer to your mailing label for when
your dues are due.
You may also pay your dues online at
_____________________________________________________________ Paper Money * July/August 2020 * Whole No. 328___________________________________________
The Texas Association
by Robert Gill
Obsolete sheets, being my passion, are what I usually
collect, research, and write about. But I do,
occasionally, delve into the world of scripophily.
Recently, I came across a very interesting stock
certificate that helps us understand a little more about
the settlement of the State of Texas. And that is on
The Texas Association. Heritage Auctions gives us a
little detail on this neat "piece of history" .
In February of 1841, the Texas Congress
approved of granting impresario contracts to
individuals promising to settle unclaimed public
lands belonging to the Republic. President Sam
Houston granted Charles Fenton Mercer, of
Louisville, Kentucky, a contract to settle at least 100
families a year for five years, beginning in Jan. 1844.
Mercer organized The Texas Association to
advertise and promote colonization, and sold $500
shares to investors in Virginia, Florida, and Texas.
Mercer's association offered 160 acres to families and
80 acres to single men, compared with the 320 acres
offered by the adjacent Peters Colony promoters. By
the end of the first year of the contract, more than
100 families had complied with the requirements and
received land certificates.
However, the Mercer Colony's growth was
impeded by political wrangling, dishonest land
speculators and surveyors, and squatters. Mercer
ultimately severed all connections with the grant in
February of 1852 by assigning his interest in the
Texas Association to George Hancock, of Louisville,
Kentucky. By 1858, Hancock had reorganized the
association and issued new stock shares. This
lithographed certificate is from that issue.
This is just another area in the fascinating
"world of paper" that we collectors can enjoy and
learn about the past history of our great country.
As I always do, I invite any comments to my
cell phone (580) 221-0898, or my personal email
_____________________________________________________________ Paper Money * July/August 2020 * Whole No. 328___________________________________________
A Black Issue Date Stamp on Confederate Currency
A search for its location ? by Dr. Enrico Aidala
On June 4th, 1862, the Treasury Department of the Confederate States reported the ??. issue [of] Treasury
notes of the denomination of one hundred dollars, bearing interest at the rate of two cents per day.... These notes,
?.., offer to the holder the double advantage of an interest of $7.30 per $100, while retained in his hands, and the
capacity of being used as currency whenever he may desire to pay them away.?
Later on, a Collector or Depositary wrote to the Secretary of the Treasury for the Confederate
Government, Christopher Gustavus Memminger asked if it was possible to have someone else do the issuing and
if a stamp would be acceptable for this purpose. Memminger answered saying he had only one absolute
requirement and it was that a date had to be applied to these notes for the purpose of interest calculation.
For interest calculations the only
requirement is an issue date, but on the back
of many of the so called 7.30 Confederate
Notes (T-39, T-40 and T-41) we also
sometimes find manuscript issue
endorsements by military officers and
government agents. Issue Date Stamps by
depositaries are not rare, and they generally
presented the name of the issuer and/or the
place of issue.
Only a few of the issue stamps are found without any name and place. The purpose of this paper is to
locate as precisely as possible where one of these date stamps was used during the Civil War (Fig. 1).
The key evidence in this research was the observation that this Black Issue Date Stamp (BID Stamp) was
found alone or with the signatures of only five military officers, all of them from the Army of Georgia. They are
Capt. & AQM N. B. Brown, Capt. & AQM Thomas Burke, Capt. & AQM James Hightower, Capt. Jesse R.
Hodges Sikes, and Capt. & AQM Nathaniel O. Tilton (Fig. 2).
Fig. 1 Black Issue Date (BID) Stamp example
Fig. 2 From the database, BID stamps with officers? signature or handwritten officers? signature.
1a: BID stamp and T. A. Burke, 1b: handwritten T. A. Burke, 2a: BID stamp and N. B. Brown, 2b: BID stamp and N. B. Brown
stamp, 2c: handwritten N. B. Brown, 3a: BID stamp and N. O. Tilton, 3b: handwritten N. O. Tilton, 4: BID stamp and J. H. R.
Sikes, 5: BID stamp and J. C. Hightower
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I started an extensive research of the 7.30 notes with the endorsements by the five officers, with or without
the BID Stamp, in the databases of Heritage Auctions and Stacks-Bowers, on eBay, on some U.S. currency dealer
websites, and also with the help of the Trainmen, a group of collectors, authors, and researchers who specialize
in Type-39, -40, and -41 Confederate Treasury notes and their endorsements, to which I belong.
At the moment I was able to find a total of 105 notes, 68 with the BID Stamp alone or with the signature
of the five officers, 37 without the BID Stamp but with the officers? signature; in particular:
? 19 notes show only the BID Stamp
? 19 notes were issued by Capt. Thomas Burke: 5 with the BID Stamp, 14 without it
? 35 notes were issued by Capt. N. B. Brown: 27 with the BID Stamp, 8 without it
? 25 notes were issued by Capt. Nathaniel O. Tilton: 10 with the BID Stamp, 15 without it
? 4 notes were issued by Capt. James Hightower, all with the BID Stamp
? 3 notes were issued by Capt. Jesse R. Hodges Sikes, all with the BID Stamp
Table 1 below shows the entire database. The BID Stamps are in red font; some notes presented two BID
stamps and only the first one has a military officer signature. Hw = handwritten; * = B. Dawson June 19/63
endorsement; ? = Thos. McGrath signature.
Type? SN,?plate? Date? BID?Stamp? BID?Stamp?or?other?Issue?date? Officer? IP?stamps?
T39? 4908?Ad? 06/17/62? Sept.?29?1862? John?Boston?24?June?1862? ??? Savannah?63,?65;?Macon?64?
T39? 4965?Ad? 06/17/62? Sept.?29?1862? 24?June?1862??John?Boston? ??? Savannah?63,?65;?Macon?64?
T39? 4968?Ac? 06/17/62? Sept.?23?1862? John?Boston?24?June?1862? ??? Savannah?63,?64?
T39? 5572?Ag? 06/13/62? Oct.?07,?1862? Hw?Issued?28?August?1862? ???? Knoxville?63;?Hw?I.P.?64,?Columbia?65?
T39? 18582?Aa? 07/09/62? Oct.?7,?1862? ???? ???? Macon?65?
T39? 26837?Ab? 07/24/62? Sept.?23?1862? Issued?7th?of?August?
T40? 50159?Ah? 09/23/62? Oct.?7,?1862? ???? ???? Macon?64,?65?
T40? 50463?Aa? 09/23/62? Oct.?10,?1862? ???? ???? Knoxville?63;?Richmond?64?
T40? 50465?Ae? 09/23/62? Oct.?10,?1862? ???? ???? ???
T40? 50905?Aa? 09/23/62? Oct.?10,?1862? ???? ???? Savannah?63,?64;?Advertising?Note?Kenneth?Route?Atlanta??
T40? 52039?Ad? 09/23/62? Oct.?8,?1862? ???? ???? Tallahassee?64?
T40? 52072?Ad? 09/23/62? Oct.?8,?1862? ?????*? ???? Savannah?63,?65;?Macon?64???
T40? 5219??Ah? 09/23/62? Oct.?9,?1862? ???? ???? ????
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Type? SN,?plate? Date? BID?Stamp? BID?Stamp?or?other?Issue?date? Officer? IP?stamps?
T40? 52224?Ac? 09/23/62? Oct.?7,?1862? ???? ???? Tallahassee?64?
T40? 52301?Af? 09/23/62? Oct.?8,?1862? ???? ???? Macon?64,?65?
T40? 52333?Af? 09/23/62? Oct.?7,?1862? ???? ???? Macon?64,?65?
T40? 52737?Af? 09/23/62? Oct.?9,?1862? ???? ???? Richmond?64,?65?
T40? 53101?Ag? 09/23/62? Oct.?8,?1862? ???? ???? Augusta?63?
T40? 53165?Ag? 09/23/62? Oct.?8,?1862? John?Boston?Feb?18?1863? ??? Savannah?63,?Charleston?64,?Columbia?65?
T39? 21545?Ac? 07/24/62? Sept.?9th?,?1862? Sept.?23,?1862?? TA?Burke? Savannah?63,?64?
T39? 21560?Ac? 07/24/62? Sept.?9th?,?1862? Sept.?23,?1862?? TA?Burke? Savannah?63,?64?
T39? 21561?Ac? 07/24/62? Sept.?9th?,?1862? Sept.?23,?1862?? TA?Burke? Savannah?63,?64?
T39? 21597?Ac? 07/24/62? Sept.?9th?,?1862? Sept.?23,?1862?? TA?Burke? Savannah?63,?64?
T39? 21600?Ac? 07/24/62? Sept.?9th?,?1862? Sept.?23,?1862?? TA?Burke? Savannah?63,?Charleston?64,??
T39? 23355?Ac? 07/24/62? ???? Sept?19?1862?(Hw)? TA?Burke? IP?Unknown??63;?Jackson?64;?Tallahassee?65?
T39? 23400?Ac? 07/24/62? ???? Sept?19?1862?(Hw)? TA?Burke? IP?Unknown?63;?Jackson?64;?Augusta?65?
T39? 25332?Ah? 07/24/62? ???? Aug?12?1862?(Hw)? TA?Burke? Savannah?63;?Henry?Savage?Wilmington?64?
T39? 25340?Ah? 07/24/62? ???? Aug?12?1862?(Hw)? TA?Burke? Henry?Savage?Wilmington?64?
T39? 25493?Ae? 07/24/62? ???? Aug?7?1862?(Hw)? TA?Burke? Jackson?63,?64,?65?
T39? 25523?Ah? 07/24/62? ???? Aug?12?1862?(Hw)? TA?Burke? Savannah?63;?Henry?Savage?Wilmington?64?
T39? 25524?Ah? 07/24/62? ???? Aug?12?1862?(Hw)? TA?Burke? Savannah?63;?Henry?Savage?Wilmington?64?
T39? 25525?Ah? 07/24/62? ???? Aug?12?1862?(Hw)? TA?Burke? Savannah?63;?Henry?Savage?Wilmington?64?
T39? 25535?Ah? 07/24/62? ???? Aug?12?1862?(Hw)? TA?Burke? Savannah?63;?Henry?Savage?Wilmington?64?
T39? 25536?Ah? 07/24/62? ???? Aug?12?1862?(Hw)? TA?Burke? Savannah?63;?Henry?Savage?Wilmington?64?
T39? 25539?Ah? 07/24/62? ???? Aug?12/18?1862?(Hw)?
TA?Burke? Savannah?63;?Henry?Savage?Wilmington?64?
T39? 25545?Ah? 07/24/62? ???? Aug?12?1862?(Hw)? TA?Burke? Savannah?63;?Henry?Savage?Wilmington?64?
T39? 25552?Ah? 07/24/62? ???? Aug?8?1862?(Hw)? TA?Burke? Savannah?63;?Henry?Savage?Wilmington?64?
T39? 25595?Ah? 07/24/62? ???? Aug?8?1862?(Hw)? TA?Burke? Savannah?63,?64?
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Type? SN,?plate? Date? BID?Stamp? BID?Stamp?or?other?Issue?date? Officer? IP?stamps?
T41? 24793?X? 10/22/1862? ???
NB?Brown?(Hw)? Savannah?64?
T39? 6140?Ae? 06/17/62? Oct?27th?,?1862? John?Boston?July?5?1862??
(stamp)? Savannah?63;?Macon?64;?Columbus,?GA?65?
T39? 21564?Ag? 07/24/62? Sept?16th,?1862? Reissued?9?April?63? NB?Brown?(Hw)? Augusta?63;?Montgomery?64,?65?
T39? 21581?Ag? 07/24/62? Sept?16th,?1862? ????? NB?Brown?(Hw)? Augusta?63;?Charleston?64;?Columbia?65?
T39? 23308?Ae? 07/24/62? Sept?9th,?1862? John?Boston?Nov?5?1862? NB?Brown?(Hw)? Augusta?63?
T39? 23322?Ag? 07/24/62? Sept?9th,?1862? ????? NB?Brown?(Hw)? ????
T39? 23364?Aa? 07/24/62? Sept?1th,?1862? ?????*? NB?Brown?(Hw)? Savannah?63,?65;?Macon?64?
T39? 23371?Ad? 07/24/62? Sept?9th,?1862? ????? NB?Brown?(Hw)? Richmond?64,65?
T39? 23378?Ag? 07/24/62? Sept?9th,?1862? ????? NB?Brown?(Hw)? Savannah?63,?Columbia?64,65?
T39? 23383?Aa? 07/24/62? Sept?1th,?1862? ????? NB?Brown?(Hw)? Savannah?64?
T39? 23391?Ad? 07/24/62? Sept?9th,?1862? ????? NB?Brown?(Hw)? Richmond?63;?Augusta?64,?65?
T39? 25414?Ah? 07/24/62? ???? Aug?7?1862? NB?Brown?(Hw)? Savannah?63,?64?
T39? 25426?Ah? 07/24/62? ???? Aug?7?1862? NB?Brown?(Hw)? Savannah?63,?65;?Augusta?64?
T39? 25430?Ad? 07/24/62? ???? Aug?5?1862? NB?Brown?(Hw)? Savannah?63,?Charleston?64?
T39? 25465?Aa? 07/24/62? ???? Aug?7?1862? NB?Brown?(Hw)? ???
T39? 25499?Af? 07/24/62? ???? Aug?7?1862,???? NB?Brown?(Hw)? Macon?64?
T39? 25565?Ac? 07/24/62? ???? Aug?7?1862? NB?Brown?(Hw)? Savannah?63,64,?65?
T39? 25579?Ac? 07/24/62? ???? Aug?7?1862;??John?Boston?Feb?18?1863? NB?Brown?(Hw)? Savannah?63;?Macon?65?
T39? 26810?Ag? 07/24/62? Sept?5th,?1862? ????? NB?Brown?(Hw)? Savannah?63;?Columbus,?GA?65?
T39? 26816?Ah? 07/24/62? Sept?9th,?1862? John?Boston?Nov?20?1862? NB?Brown?(Hw)? Augusta?63,?64,?65?
T39? 26825?Ah? 07/24/62? Sept?9th,?1862? ???? NB?Brown?(Hw)? Savannah?63,?64?
T39? 26846?Ag? 07/24/62? Sept?5th,?1862? ????? NB?Brown?(Hw)? Jackson?64;?Columbus,?MS?65?
T39? 26848?Ah? 07/24/62? Sept?9th,?1862? ???? NB?Brown?(Hw)? Savannah?63;?Tallahassee?65?
T39? 26856?Ag? 07/24/62? Sept?5th,?1862? ???? NB?Brown?(Hw)? ????
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Type? SN,?plate? Date? BID?Stamp? BID?Stamp?or?other?Issue?date? Officer? IP?stamps?
T39? 26874?Ah? 07/24/62? Sept?9th,?1862? John?Boston??Jan?5?1863? NB?Brown?(Hw)? Jackson?64;?Richmond?65?
T40? 52523?Ah? 09/23/62? Oct?21st,?1862? ???? NB?Brown?(stamp)? Savannah?63,?64?
T40? 52533?Ac? 09/23/62? Oct?21st,?1862? ???? NB?Brown?(stamp)? Savannah?63,?Augusta?64,65?
T40? 52544?Ah? 09/23/62? Oct?21st,?1862? ???? NB?Brown?(stamp)?
T40? 52556?Ah? 09/23/62? Oct?21st,?1862? ???? NB?Brown?(stamp)? Savannah?64?
T40? 52560?Ah? 09/23/62? Oct?21st,?1862? ???? NB?Brown?(stamp)? Savannah?64?
T40? 52564?Ah? 09/23/62? Oct?21st,?1862? ???? NB?Brown?(stamp)? Savannah?63,?64?
T40? 52566?Aa? 09/23/62? Oct?21st,?1862? ???? NB?Brown?(stamp)? Augusta?64;?Savannah?65?
T40? 52574?Aa? 09/23/62? Oct?21st,?1862? ???? NB?Brown?(stamp)? Savannah?63,?64?
T40? 52590?Ah? 09/23/62? Oct?21st,?1862? ???? NB?Brown?(stamp)? Savannah?63,?64?
T40? 52980?Aa? 09/23/62? Oct?21st,?1862? ???? NB?Brown?(stamp)? ????
T39? 21560?Aa? 07/24/62? Sept.?5th?,?1862? ??? NO?Tilton? Montgomery?63?
T39? 21574?Aa? 07/24/62? Sept.?5th?,?1862? ??? NO?Tilton? Montgomery?63?
T39? 25403?Ab? 07/24/62? ???? Aug?7?1862? NO?Tilton? Savannah?63,?Macon?64,?Columbus,?GA?65?
T39? 25424?Ab? 07/24/62? ???? Aug?7?1862? NO?Tilton? Savannah?63,?Charleston?64?
T39? 25444?Ab? 07/24/62? ???? Aug?7?1862? NO?Tilton? Savannah?63,?Macon?64,?65?
T39? 25446?Ab? 07/24/62? ???? Aug?7?1862? NO?Tilton? Savannah?63,?Macon?64,?65?
T39? 25449?Ab? 07/24/62? ???? Aug?7?1862? NO?Tilton? Savannah?63,?Macon?64,?65?
T39? 25450?Ab? 07/24/62? ???? Aug?7?1862? NO?Tilton? Savannah?63,?Macon?64,?65?
T39? 25451?Ab? 07/24/62? ???? Aug?7?1862? NO?Tilton? Savannah?63,?Macon?64,?65?
T39? 25454?Ab? 07/24/62? ???? Aug?7?1862? NO?Tilton? Savannah?63,?Macon?64,?65?
T39? 25460?Ab? 07/24/62? ???? Aug?7?1862? NO?Tilton? Savannah?63,?Macon?64,?65?
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Type? SN,?plate? Date? BID?Stamp? BID?Stamp?or?other?Issue?date? Officer? IP?stamps?
T39? 25461?Ab? 07/24/62? ???? Aug?7?1862? NO?Tilton? Savannah?63,?Macon?64,?65?
T39? 25463?Ab? 07/24/62? ???? Aug?7?1862? NO?Tilton? Savannah?63,?Macon?64,?65?
T39? 25465?Ab? 07/24/62? ???? Aug?7?1862? NO?Tilton? Savannah?63,?Macon?64,?65?
T39? 25466?Ab? 07/24/62? ???? Aug?7?1862? NO?Tilton? Savannah?63,?Macon?64,?65?
T39? 25467?Ab? 07/24/62? ???? Aug?7?1862? NO?Tilton? Savannah?63,?Augusta?65?
T39? 25488?Ab? 07/24/62? ???? Aug?7?1862? NO?Tilton? Savannah?63,?Macon?64,?65?
T39? 26802?Af? 07/24/62? Sept.?5th?,?1862? Sept.?23,?1862?? NO?Tilton? ??
T39? 26803Ae? 07/24/62? Sept.?5th?,?1862? ???? NO?Tilton? Richmond?63,?64,?65?
T39? 26809?Ae? 07/24/62? Sept.?5th?,?1862? ???? NO?Tilton? Wilmington?63;??Henry?Savage?Wilmington?64?
T39? 26834?Af? 07/24/62? Sept.?5th?,?1862? Sept.?23,?1862?? NO?Tilton? Savannah?63,?64?
T39? 26848?Af? 07/24/62? Sept.?5th?,?1862? Sept.?23,?1862?? NO?Tilton? Richmond?64,?65?
T39? 26853?Af? 07/24/62? Sept.?5th?,?1862? Sept.?23,?1862?? NO?Tilton? ????
T39? 26883?Af? 07/24/62? Sept.?5th?,?1862? Sept.?23,?1862?? NO?Tilton? Savannah?63,?64?
T39? 26889?Af? 07/24/62? Sept.?5th?,?1862? Sept.?23,?1862?? NO?Tilton? ????
T39? 23314?Af? 07/24/62? Sept?9th,?1862? ???? JC?Hightower? Savannah?63;?Charleston?64,?65?
T39? 23317?Af? 07/24/62? Sept?9th,?1862? ???? JC?Hightower? Montgomery?64,?65?
T39? 23319?Af? 07/24/62? Sept?9th,?1862? ???? JC?Hightower? Savannah?63;?Charleston?64,?65?
T39? 23325?Af? 07/24/62? Sept?9th,?1862? ???? JC?Hightower? Savannah?63;?Charleston?64,?65?
T39? 21555?Ah? 07/24/62? Sept?9th,?1862? John?Boston?Feb?18?1863?? JRH?Sikes? Savannah?63?
T39? 21579?Ah? 07/24/62? Sept?9th?,?1862? Sept.?29,?1862?? JRH?Sikes? Wilmington?63,?64,?Raleigh?65?
T39? 21599?Ah? 07/24/62? Sept?9th,?1862? ???? JRH?Sikes? Charleston???,?Augusta?65?
Looking at the table, the main observations are the following:
- The Date Stamp was present only on T-39 and T-40; no T-41 was found with the BID Stamp and only one T-
41 was signed by one of the five officers, N. B. Brown.
- The issue dates on the BID Stamp were all between September 1st, 1862 and October 27th, 1862, in particular,
September 1st, 5th, 9th, 16th, 23rd, 29th and October 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 21st, 27th. In addition, when two of
these stamps were present on the same note, the second date (Reissue?) was September 23rd, 1862 in all the cases,
except one note redated September 29th, 1862.
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- Although the Date Stamp could be found alone (Date Only), it was extensively used by five military issuers, all
Capt AQM from the Army of Georgia.
- The five military officers issued also notes with handwritten dates, meaning without the BID stamp, prior to
September 1st, 1862, mostly in August (7th, 8th, 12th, 12/18th), except two cases where September 19th was
manuscripted by Capt Thomas Burke.
- On eleven notes, it is present with the issue or reissue stamp (7) or endorsement (4) by John Boston, Depositary,
Savannah (Fig. 3). All of these notes, except two, show only Georgia Interest Paid stamps.
- Three notes show two signatures other than the previously listed military officers: one T-39 #25499 was signed
by Thomas McGrath, special agent for the Confederacy: documents on the website show that he was
present in Wilmington and later in Savannah in 1863 (Fig. 4); two notes were signed by B. F.(?) Dawson on June
19th,1863 (there is no match to this name in the documents on for a military officer or government
agent; this may be an endorsement by a civilian or the name may be unclear).
- Among the Registry Dates on the front, almost all the notes presented two dates, July 24th, 1862 (T-39) and
September 23rd, 1862 (T-40). Four notes were dated June 17th, 1862, three with the BID Stamp only and one
issued by N. B. Brown, another two BID Stamp only notes were dated June 13th, 1862 and September 7th, 1862,
and the only T-41 in the database, issued by N. B. Brown, was dated October 22nd, 1862.
- One note, T-39, #26837 Ab shows the issue by J. D. Cameron, Capt. & AQM on August 7th, 1862; later the
note was stamped with a BID on September 23rd, 1862 (the reason for the second issue date will be detailed later).
Capt. J. D. Cameron cannot be considered one of the issuers using the BID stamp, since he wrote his name and a
date as in the other examples of his endorsements, and this is different from the four known issuers using the BID
stamp. But his issuance again confirms the presence of the BID stamp in Georgia and in the Savannah area.
Indeed, John D. Cameron was appointed as Captain & AQM on February 13th, 1862 with the 29th Georgia
Infantry Regiment. The 29th remained at Camp Young on Wylly Island about eight miles southeast of Savannah
(Fig. 21) through the Spring of 1862 until May 1863, and we could find two documents signed by Cameron in
this camp in the National Archives. These data allow the location of Capt. & AQM Cameron around Savannah
in the period of use of the BID stamp. We could infer that Cameron signed the note in Camp Young in August
1862, and later in September the note was issued with a new date to account for the payment of interest.
- Twelve notes presented two BID stamps: five signed by Capt. Thomas Burke (Sept. 9th & Sept. 23rd), six by
Capt. N. O. Tilton (Sept. 5th & Sept. 23rd), and one by Capt. J. H. R. Sikes (Sept. 9th & Sept. 29th). Under the first
stamp we find the signature of the officer, while nothing is written under the second stamp.
We could imagine at least two situations in that period with a large number of notes being prepared for
In one case the stamped date was placed on the note and it was signed by the officer; however, the note
was not issued, and it was held and subsequently issued at a later date. On the later date it was stamped with the
new date without the need of a new signature. Or, the stamped date with the officer?s signature was placed on the
note and given to a sergeant or someone else to buy whatever they needed in the following period. But if many
days had passed, for the calculation of interest a new stamp date was placed on the note at the time of payment,
again without the need for another signature of the officer.
Fig. 3 John Boston Depositary,
Savannah, handwritten signature and
issue stamp
Fig. 4 Thomas McGrath, special agent for the
confederacy: account paid for supply and
signature on?T-39 #25499. image
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Since these notes are interest-bearing currency, on the back of them we very frequently find stamps for
interest payment from many different cities for the years 1863, 1864 and 1865. Studying the interest paid (IP)
stamps, there was a predominance of IP stamps from Georgia cities, meaning Augusta, Columbus, Macon, and
The precise numbers are the following (some notes will have more than one IP stamp):
IP stamps from Georgia among all the database notes (105 notes): 146/216 = 67.6%
IP stamps from Georgia among all the notes including a BID stamp (68 notes): 79/129 = 61.2%
IP stamps from Georgia among the notes with only a BID stamp (19 notes): 24/35 = 68.6%
From the statistical point of view, the Fisher?s Exact Test with Yate?s continuity correction demonstrated
a statistical significance for the association of BID stamps to IP stamps from Georgia, with a p=0.018 and a
According to the evaluation of the database, it is now possible to infer that the BID Stamp has its origin
in Georgia: it was used by five Georgia officers, it was present in association with other Georgia issuers (Capt. &
AQM J. D. Cameron and John Boston, Depositary), and those notes more frequently remained in the State of
Georgia as demonstrated by the statistical higher percentage of Interest Paid stamps from Georgia cities..
As a second step in the research, I tried to better locate the Stamp in Georgia by evaluating the military
careers of the five officers during the summer-autumn of 1862.
Table 2 below shows the date of issue on the notes (handwritten or BID stamped) for the Georgia officers and
for notes with only the BID Stamp and no endorsement by an officer:
st 5
st 6
st 7
st 8
t 1
t 1
Stamp only SO SO SO SO SO SO
N. B.
Brown hw hw # # # # # #
T. A. Burke hw hw hw hw # hw #
J. C.
Hightower #
J. H. Sikes # #
N. O.
Tilton hw # #
Capt. & AQM Nathan B. Brown:
There are seventy-six documents for Brown in the
National Archives files for Officers and seventy-four for
Nathan B. Brown in Georgia, 1st (Olmstead's) Infantry.
Born in New York, Nathan B. Brown was enlisted
as a Private on August 1st, 1861, at Savannah, Georgia, in
Chatham's Artillery; this company was organized into the
1st (Olmstead's) Georgia Infantry and later in October 1862
became independent upon reorganization of the Regiment.
Private N. B. Brown was detached to the
Quartermaster Department in Savannah, from January 1862
until June 1862, as a clerk (Fig. 5). On May 3rd, 1862 he was
recommended for appointment of Assistant Quartermaster
in Savannah by Capt. H. Hirsh (Fig. 6) and after being
commissioned Captain and AQM, he was discharged from
the company on July 3rd, 1862 to take rank in the
Fig. 5 Account for commutation of rations to Private N. B. Brown
from Chatham Artillery as a clerk in the Assistant Quartermaster
Department, Savannah, June 30th, 1862. image ?
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Quartermaster Department in Savannah, where he worked for the rest of 1862 and in 1863 (Fig. 7). As a
Quartermaster and Paymaster, the job was hard and different, handling hundreds of thousands of dollars for pay
vouchers, bounty pay, provisions and pay account and signing a bulk of financial and non-financial documents
(Figs. 8-9).
Fig. 6 Capt.H Hirsh
?recommend private N.
B. Brown ?. for the
appointment of Assistant
Fig. 7 Reverse of T-39 #26816 Ah with
endorsement of Capt. & AQM N. B. Brown
below the BID Stamp (issued Sept. 9th, 1862)
Fig. 8 Abstracts of payment,
Capt. N. B. Brown, Paymaster for
July-August 1862. image:
Confederate States of America
Army Records MS 0169,
Georgia Historical Society
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Capt. & AQM Thomas A. Burke:
Thomas A. Burke was appointed Capt. & Assistant Quartermaster of the 54th Georgia Infantry Regiment
on July 16th, 1862, to rank from April 30th, 1862; later was promoted to Major & Acting QM on August 19th,
1863, to rank from August 1st, 1863 and ordered to report for duty to Brig. Gen'l W. B. Taliaferro.
The 54th Georgia Volunteer Infantry was organized in Guyton, Georgia at the Camp of Instruction during
the summer of 1862. It was deployed in the defense of Savannah until the summer of 1863 and?they stationed all
around Savannah, GA until they moved to Charleston, SC. The regiment before 1864 was often split in assignment
with Colonel Way in command of six companies and Lieutenant Colonel (Major) Rawls in command of the other
four companies. In some references the 54th Georgia Volunteer Infantry is known as Rawls? Georgia Infantry.
The regiment served for some time in the department of South Carolina, Georgia and Florida. Capt. Burke appears
in the Regimental Return from July 1862 to February 1863; in July 1862 in Savannah; from August 1862 to the
first months of 1863 in Beaulieu (Fig.10).
Fig. 9 Account of bounty payments by N. B. Brown for October 1862, for Barton Artillery, in Assistant Quartermaster?s
Office, Savannah, GA. images: Confederate States of America Army Records MS 0169, Georgia Historical Society.
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On the Burke?s career summary from the National Archives, the Order 445 of July 23rd, 1862, showed
him present at Camp Way, near Savannah. Later, from August 1862 to summer 1863, all the documents referred
to Beaulieu as his Station or Head Quarters (Figs.11-12). Confederate camps tended to take the name of the
commander of the unit occupying the ground. Thus, one camp might have had several names between 1861 and
Fig. 10 Reverse of T-39 #21561 Ac with endorsement of Capt.
& AQM T. A. Burke below the BID Stamp (Issued September
9th, 1862) and another BID stamp (Issued September 23rd, 1862)
Fig. 11 Presence of Capt. & AQM Burke in Beaulieu,
according to regimental returns, for August, September and
October 1862. image
Fig. 12 Order for Capt. & AQM Burke from the Head Quarters in Beaulieu, dated October 31st, 1862: ?You
will proceed... to Atlanta, Georgia, for the purpose of obtaining, if possible, from Captain Wm. Bacon, AQM,
150 army wall tents and 30 officer?s wall tents for the 54th Regt, Georgia, Vol.? image
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Beaulieu, Chatham County, (pronounced ?Bewly?) was located at the mouth of the Vernon River, 12
miles south of Savannah. This land was deeded on April 27th, 1737 to William Stephens (1671-1753), the first
?president? of Georgia (1743-50). He recorded in his journal in 1740: ?I was now called to give the place a name;
? I fancied that Bewlie, a manor of his Grace the Duke of Montagu in the New Forest was not unlike it much,
as to its situation?. It was initially called Beaulieu, though now vulgarly Bewlie?.
General Robert E. Lee arrived in Savannah on November 11th, 1861; in planning the defense around the
city, he visited Beaulieu and established a battery on Beaulieu Point. Across the Vernon River is Rosedew Island,
where another battery set up a protection from the Little Ogeechee River and little bit south there is Genesis point,
on the Big Ogeechee River, where Fort McAllister was erected (Figs.13 and 25).
In ?Civil War Savannah: Savannah, immortal city,? Camp Beaulieu refers to the Beaulieu Plantation, on
the Vernon River, ten miles south of Savannah, owned by Mr. David Cole, Sheriff of Chatham County.
Fig. 13 Savannah area, Chatham County (from U.S. War Dept. Map of Portions of Georgia and South Carolina, 1865). Beaulieu (red arrow)
and Fort McAllister and Genessis point (left inferior corner)
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Capt. & AQM James C. Hightower:
In the National Archives, 11 documents are present for James C. Hightower in the file for Officers and
19 are found in the file for the 30th Georgia Infantry, with only one signature on an 1863 store delivery.
J. C. Hightower, born in Clark County, Georgia, was enlisted at Fairburn, Georgia, on September 25th,
1861, reporting to the 30th Georgia Regiment as a Private serving in the role of Acting Assistant Quarter Master.
He was appointed on July 31st, 1862 to rank from June 28th, as Capt. & AQM reporting to the 30th Regiment
Georgia Infantry and serving for a period of three years.
The Georgia 30th Infantry Regiment was assembled at Milledgeville, Georgia, in the fall of 1861. In
September 1861, Georgia Congressman David J. Bailey established Camp Bailey with the permission of
Governor Joseph E. Brown. Camp Bailey was located between Fairburn and Palmetto, Georgia along the railroad
track. On December 16th, 1861, the 30th Georgia moved to Griswoldsville in Jones County, Georgia. By the 23rd
it was encamped just below Savannah.
Fig. 25 Official report on the positions of troops in the district of Georgia under Brigadier General Hugh W. Mercer on
September 25th, 1862: see the 18 companies at Carston?s (Causton?s) Bluff, 8 from the 25th Georgia Regiment, see also
other camp locations for Capt. N. O. Tilton, near Thunderbolt and at White Bluff (yellow arrows); see Beauieu (red arrow)
with 10 companies from 54th Georgia Volunteers for Capt. T. A. Burke.
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Capt. & AQM Hightower, according to Regimental Returns, was present in Camp Hardee in June 1862,
had two periods of 10 days of furlough in July and August and was then present for the entire September and
October period in 1862 (Figs. 14-15)
Camp Hardee was located in an old field near Ferguson?s place, a little over a mile above Bethesda
Orphanage (Fig. 16). This Institution was founded in 1740 near Isle of Hope, 12 miles south of Savannah, by the
Anglican preacher George Whitefield and is the oldest child-care institution in continual operation in the United
The Thirtieth served until the spring of 1863 in the department of South Carolina, Georgia and
Florida. It went to Mississippi, forming the brigade of Col. C. C. Wilson which comprised the 25th, 29th, and
66th regiments, First Battalion Georgia Sharpshooters, and the Fourth Battalion Louisiana. The 30th traveled to
North Georgia and fought in the Battle of Chickamauga in late September 1863.
Hightower was relieved from duty on August 30th, 1864 with its regiment and assigned to duty with
Lieutenant Colonel Robertson?s Battn. Artillery, Army of Tennessee.
Fig. 14 Presence of Capt. & AQM Hightower in Camp
Hardee, according to regimental returns, for September and
October 1862. image
Fig. 15 Reverse of T-39 #23319 Af with
endorsement of Capt & AQM J. C. Hightower
below the BID Stamp (Issued September 9th,
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Capt. Jesse H. Sikes:
Jesse H. Sikes was born on October 10th, 1825 in
Norfolk, VA. The documents in the National Archives
are very sparse, but his story is very interesting.
He was enlisted?at Columbus, Georgia, on July
10th, 1861, in the Muscogee Rifles as Second Lieutenant
(Fig. 17). The Muscogee Rifles would become Company
E, 12th Georgia Infantry. After organizing, the unit was
assigned to Brigadier General Henry R. Jackson?s
command and shared in Lee?s Cheat Mountain
Campaign. Sikes health failed him and he was
furloughed at the hospital of Harrisonburg, Virginia on
October 3rd, 1861, for chronic bronchitis?as shown in the
report by Acting Surgeon W. W. Butler M.D.?s hospital
visit. His health not improving, he resigned the following
spring on May 3rd, 1862.
An article in the June 20th, 1861 edition of the
Richmond Dispatch, quoted from an article in the
Columbus Sun, described: ?We paid visits today to the
shop of Mr. Moshell, of this city, to witness the operation
of sword tempering, which is now an ?institution? of
Columbus. Mr. Moshell has engaged the services of a
superior work man from Tennessee, who, we believe,
was engaged in the service of that State in some capacity, and whose blades were subjected to a test established
by a board of competent military men. The same test is applied to the blades turned out in Mr. Moshell?s shop?..
Fig. 16 Orphanage Asylum
(Bethesda Orphanage): blue arrow,
Camp Hardee: blue rectangle,
Beaulieu: left inferior corner. From
Defense of Savannah (compiled
1880-81 by Military Division of the
Fig. 17 Roll of Muscogee Mounted Rangers, either in Cavalry
and Infantry. Lt. J. H. Sikes (red arrow). image
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He is furnishing blades for the establishment of Mr. DeWitt, and challenges the Confederacy to turn out superior
Though the service of Lt. Sikes with the Muscogee Rifles had been short, the men apparently thought
very highly of him, so much so that they presented him with an A. H. DeWitt sword, marked MOSHELL and
engraved on the top scabbard mount, in three lines: Capt. J. H. Sikes Muskogee Rifles Georgia (Fig. 18).
Not content to sit at home, he raised a company
of partisan rangers known as Captain J. H. Sikes?
Company Partisan Rangers and reentered the service as
Captain of Cavalry in the 7th Confederate Regiment,
Claiborne?s Partisan Rangers, also known as the 7th
Regiment Confederate Cavalry, where he commanded
Company D.
Sikes was an Infantry Captain and, later, Major,
not a Quartermaster, who may have endorsed the only
three known notes as an Acting QM for his unit (Fig.
19). ?Acting? Quartermasters did not have the bond
required of commissioned Quartermasters.
The 7th CSA Regular Cavalry Regiment was
formed by consolidating the 4th North Carolina
Battalion Partisan Rangers and seven independent
Georgia cavalry companies. It served in the Department
of North Carolina and Southern Virginia, then in
General James Dearing?s Brigade, Army of Northern
Virginia. Sikes was captured on December 13th, 1862,
near Zunia (Zuni?), Virginia, and was paroled until
regularly exchanged and sent from Fort Monroe to City
Point, Virginia
Fig. 18 Capt. J. H. Sikes? sword. Mark of Mr. Moshell at the base of the blade; engraving on the top scabbard mount; excellent guard.
Fig. 19 Reverse of T-39 #21579 Ah
with endorsement of Capt. & AQM J.
H. Sikes, below the BID Stamp (Issued
September 9th, 1862) and documents of
Capt. Sikes in 12th Georgia Infantry,
7th Confederate Cavalry and 10th
Georgia Cavalry. images of career
status cards
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Sikes was appointed by Col. W. C. Claiborne on November 13th, 1863 as a Major, reporting to the
7th Regiment Confederate Cavalry, taking rank retroactively on September 12th.
On July 11th, 1864, the 7th was ordered to disband. Part of the regiment, including Major Sikes, was
transferred to the 10th Georgia Cavalry.
Sikes was again captured on September 30th, 1864, at Peebles Farm, Virginia, and was committed as a
prisoner of war to Old Capitol Prison, Washington, D. C, on October 6th and later to Fort Delaware on October
21st. Sikes was admitted to Pettigrew General Hospital No. 13, at Raleigh, NC, on February 10th, 1865,
complaining of Phthisis Pulmonalis (meaning Tuberculosis); he was furloughed to recuperate on March 17th, 1865
and the War ended a couple of weeks later.
He died on May 18th, 1872 at Columbus, Muscogee, Georgia, where he is buried.
According to the aim of this research, documents from the National Archives showed Capt. Sikes as being
in Wilson, NC, at the end of August and the first of September 1862 (Fig. 20), when he signed the three notes
known with the BID stamp.
We might assume that the 7th CSA Cavalry, which was formed with some companies of the Georgia
cavalry, had one of those stamps for the needs of their Quartermaster and Capt. Sikes used it to issue the notes he
endorsed while in North Carolina. Or, as an alternative, since he was not a Quartermaster, he may have signed
the notes using the BID stamp from another Georgia officer who might have been present at that moment in
Wilson, North Carolina.
Capt. & AQM Nathaniel Octavius Tilton:
Nathaniel Octavius Tilton was born on March 1st, 1831 in Wadmalaw Island, Charleston County, SC, and
in the pre- and post-war period he was the superintendent of the upper rice mill at Savannah, GA. He was enrolled
Fig. 20 Special Requisition signed by Capt. .J. H. Sikes on September 6th, 1862 at Wilson, NC
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by Maj. C. H. Olmstead on July 18th, 1861, at Tybee Island, Georgia, as Lieutenant reporting to Capt. Charlton
H. Way?s Company, Forest City Rangers.
When the Twenty-fifth Regiment Georgia volunteers was organized during the summer of 1861, Cladius
C. Wilson was elected colonel and was commissioned as the unit?s first commanding officer. The unit was
mustered into the Confederate service at Savannah, Georgia in early September 1861.
Tilton was appointed on November 14th, 1861, as Capt. & AQM reporting to the 25th Regiment Georgia
Infantry and stationed at Camp Wilson.
The Company H (Chatham County men - Telfair Irish Grays) was established by many men from various
companies of the 1st Volunteer Regiment Georgia Infantry (Olmstead?s); its officer was Capt. W. H. Wylly and
later Capt. J. R.. Cooper, who signed many Orders for Capt. N. O. Tilton.
From November 1861 to March 1863 the documents in the National Archives for Tilton showed he and
the 25th Regiment stationing in four different camps around Savannah (Fig. 21).
In November-December 1861 he was in Camp Wilson, located three and a half miles below Savannah on
White Bluff Road; from January to April 1862 he was in Thunderbolt, five miles southeast of Savannah where,
near a small town, also known as Warsaw, there was the Thunderbolt Battery, defending the Wilmington River
to the south; from December 1862 to March 1863 he was in Camp Young, on Wylly Island about eight miles
southeast of Savannah, on a tract of 110 acres which had been acquired by Judge Levi Sheftall D?Lyon at some
time prior to 1860. Wylly Island is a river island formed by a bifurcation of the Herb River, between Thunderbolt
Battery, and Battery Daniels at Parkersburg on the Skidaway River.
Fig. 21 Military Camps for
stationing of Capt. N. O. Tilton: oval
area (a): Camp Wilson? on White
Bluff Road, yellow arrows: Fort
Thunderbolt and Causton?s Bluff,
oval area (b): Camp Young on Wylly
Island. From Defense of Savannah
(compiled 1880-81 Military
Division of the Mississippi)
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In the period we are interested in for this paper, between June and October 1862 (Figs. 22-24), Capt.
Tilton was present in Causton?s Bluff, four miles southeast of Savannah. Fort Bartow, or the Causton?s Bluff
Battery, as it was known until 1863, was constructed early in 1862, because this area on the Saint Augustine
Creek, part of the Wilmington River, strategically commanded the approach to Fort Jackson, on the Savannah
River, and to the eastern line of the city. Charles C. Jones Jr, an eminent Georgian historian, states in his 1874
study, The Siege of Savannah in December 1864, that after February 1862, Confederate efforts were concentrated
in protecting the water approaches to Savannah, which included ?an interior line of forts and water batteries
which, commencing with Fort Jackson and the Savannah River batteries, included Fort Bartow, works at
Causton?s Bluff and on Whitemarsh island, batteries at Greenwich, Thunderbolt, the Isle of Hope and at Beaulieu,
and rested its right on the Rose Dew batteries?. The first detailed official report on the strength of the garrison at
the Causton?s Bluff Battery was made under Brigadier General Hugh W. Mercer on September 25th, 1862 (Fig.
At the end of October and in November 1862, Capt. Tilton was sent to Richmond, Columbus and
Charleston ?and other places as he may deem proper for the purpose of procuring clothing for the 25th Georgia
The Twenty-fifth, after being equipped and drilled, was assigned to the department of South Carolina,
Georgia and Florida. In 1863 it was sent to north Mississippi, forming part of the army assembled for the relief
of Vicksburg. In September of that year, being transferred to Georgia, in the division of W. H. T. Walker, it shared
the perils and glories of Chickamauga.
After the war, Nathaniel O. Tilton lived in Savannah, where he died on February 11th, 1902 for cardiac
embolism, at the age of 70; he is buried in the Bonaventure Cemetery
in Savannah, Ga.
Fig. 22 Presence of Capt. & AQM N. O. Tilton
at Causton?s Bluff, according to troops and
regimental returns, for July, August and
September 1862
Fig. 24 Reverse of T-39
#26834 Af with endorsement
of Capt. & AQM N. O.
Tilton below the BID Stamp
(Issued September 9th, 1862)
and another BID stamp
(Issued September 23rd,
1862). image Crutchfield
_____________________________________________________________ Paper Money * July/August 2020 * Whole No. 328___________________________________________
From the evaluation of the history and careers of these
officers, I was able to properly locate the Black Issue
Date Stamp in Georgia. For a short period in Autumn
1862, the Quartermasters of the Georgia Army used this
stamp in Savannah and the surrounding military camps
for the purposes of their duties. The stamp could be
properly named as the Savannah Black Issue Date Stamp,
according to this research.
I would like to thank Mr. Michael McNeil for the
suggestions and the revision of the paper; the Trainmen
for the courtesy in sending the images of the notes with
the BID Stamps in their collections; Mr. Shannon
Pritchard,, for the pictures
of Capt. Sikes? sword and for information about this
officer. All other images not attributed are in the
collection of the author.
The text on Capt. Sikes in the book Confederate
Quartermasters, Commissaries, and Agents on pp. 659-
661 is in error with the statement that Sikes did not
provide a date of issue. The author of this book never
considered the possibility that a stamp and manuscript
would be combined. Dr. Aidala has clearly shown that
combinations of Black Issue Date stamps and manuscript
endorsements are not at all uncommon. For this new
understanding the author of the book is very grateful. ?
Michael McNeil
Confederate States of America Army records MS 0169.
Georgia Historical Society, (A collection of pay vouchers,
muster rolls, etc. from Georgia soldiers as well as soldiers from
other states serving in Georgia. They were primarily kept by
Captain N. B. Brown, Assistant Quartermaster, Acting
Paymaster. They are arranged in numerical order as assigned by Brown).
History of the 54th Georgia Volunteer Infantry Regiment. Compiled by William A. Bowers Jr.
Civil War Savannah: Savannah, immortal city. Di Barry Sheehy, Cindy Wallace, Vaughnette Goode-Walker.
Camp fires of Georgia's troops, 1861-1865. Wm S. Smedlund, R.J. Taylor, Jr., Foundation, Kennesaw Mountain Press, 1994.
Beaulieu Plantation. Robert Walker Groves. The Georgia Historical Quarterly 37, no. 3 (1953): 200-09.
Historical Sketch & Roster The GA 30th Infantry Regiment. John Rigdon, Eastern Digital Resources 2004.
Richmond Dispatch, June 20th 1861.
Seventh Confederate Cavalry, National Archives, Compiled Service Records of Confederate Soldiers, Microcopy N. 258.
Charlotte?s Boys: Civil War Correspondence of the Branch Family of Savannah. Walter J. Fraser Jr., The Kent State
University Press 1997 (refers to Tilton as the superintendent of the rice mill).
Levy Sheftall D?Lyon, A Preliminary Biography. Lorraine Netrick, Abraham Armstrong State College, 1992.
Reward Offered for Confederate Deserters. Ray City History Blog, February 2017.
Two Years at Fort Bartow, 1862-1864. Rogers Young, The Georgia Historical Quarterly, 23, no 3 (1939), 253-264.
The War of the Rebellion: a compilation of the official records of the Union and Confederate Armies. Series 1-Volume XIV
page 625, 1885
Confederate Quartermasters, Commissaries, and Agents. Michael McNeil, author and editor, Pierre Fricke, Sudbury, 2016.
Civil War Service Records.
Fig. 23 Documents at Causton?s Bluff: Receipt from Captain N. O.
Tilton, AQM on September 30th, 1862, signed by his Officer Capt. J.
R. Cooper (above) and order for travelling to Charleston and receipt for
expenses on November 8th and 19th, 1862, signed by Capt. Tilton
(below). images
_____________________________________________________________ Paper Money * July/August 2020 * Whole No. 328___________________________________________
?Grand? Discovery
by Gary Bleichner
Those of you who collect National banknotes
know and understand the ?fever? associated with this
hobby. Alas, as we know, there is no cure. There is
no greater joy to be had than in acquiring that ?hard
to find note? to add to a collection. This article is
about that. The pictured small size note on Grand
Meadow, Minnesota, is the first small size to turn up
on the town. The bank issued 99 sheets of type one
$5, 41 sheets of type one $10 and just four sheets of
type one $20s before closing early in January of
1930. The old-time collectors of Minnesota small size
notes, Ed Kuether, Jim Wheeler, and others,
predicted this would be the last town to turn up.
They were correct.
There are other facts that mark the significance
of this note. It is now possible to complete a small size
city set (188 cities) for the state. In addition, it is now
possible to complete a small size charter (248) and title
change (5) set (253 total) on the state.
A picture (at right) appears of the note being held
up in the original vault in which it was stored prior to
being issued. I journeyed to the bank about twenty-five
years ago to try and get a lead on a note. By then, the
bank was a restaurant and you could eat lunch in the
vault. I did! I returned in 2018 for the picture. The
restaurant is gone but a new business is in the bank.
They were kind enough to give me permission to stand
in the vault for the picture. I am sure many of you may
have had your picture taken in the same way I did in a
bank of some significance to you.
For the record, I now have owned all of the one
hundred eighty eight small size city notes and all two
hundred fifty three small size charter and titles. Many
have since been sold. It took me thirty two years to
achieve this. I never imagined this happening when I
first started. Those people who saved the notes, the
many, many, dealers, other collectors willing to
sell/trade duplicates, and above all, John Hickman,
made this possible. I must also thank my wife for
putting up with phone calls, trips to Chicago,
Memphis, etc. as I tried to quell the fever.
Last item, Track and Price shows a small $20
note, serial number three eighty three, in the census. I
checked with the auction house who is given credit for
the note. The serial number was correct but not the
charter or city. Just trying to set the record straight.
_____________________________________________________________ Paper Money * July/August 2020 * Whole No. 328___________________________________________
A Large Deposit at a Small-Town Bank
In 1924 a traveling troupe of entertainers
called Singer?s Midgets toured the country to
great fanfare, playing cities and small towns
alike. Fortunately the troupe was able to find a
local bank that could handle large deposits. The
troupe was formed by Leo Singer in Europe and
moved to the United States at the outbreak of
World War I. By the 1920?s the troupe was
performing in vaudeville theaters far and wide,
complete with three midget elephants. Singer?s
Midgets eventually landed in Hollywood, where
many of the members were cast as Munchkins
in the 1939 film The Wizard of Oz.
Photograph from the Library of Congress. Poster is from Wikipedia. Story by Lee Lofthus.
_____________________________________________________________ Paper Money * July/August 2020 * Whole No. 328___________________________________________
_____________________________________________________________ Paper Money * July/August 2020 * Whole No. 328___________________________________________
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