Paper Money - Vol. LXI - No. 3 - Whole No. 339 - May/June 2022

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Table of Contents

Origin and Demise of the 1890/1891 Treasury Notes--Peter Huntoon

SPMC FUN Activities

Merchant, Postmaster, Planter; Like Father, Like Son--Bill Gunther

Some Interesting Civil War Monetary Instruments--Steve Feller

Second Issue Fractional Currency Progress Proofs--Rick Melamed

Glass-Borah Amendment--Peter Huntoon

National Bank Notes with Women's Signatures--Frank Clark

official journal of The Society of Paper Money Collectors Origin & Demise of 1890/91 Treasury Notes SHARE IN OUR SUCCESS Consign today to the Stack?s Bowers Galleries Global Showcase Auction in August 2022 LEGENDARY COLLECTIONS | LEGENDARY RESULTS | A LEGENDARY AUCTION FIRM America?s Oldest and Most Accomplished Rare Coin Auctioneer Contact us today about including your currency in our August 2022 Global Showcase Auction! West Coast: 800.458.4646 East Coast: 800.566.2580  e Most Valuable United States Paper Money Collection  e Joel R. Anderson Collection for more than $40 Million Winner NLG Best Paper Money Catalog of 2018 and 2019  e Most Valuable U.S. Numismatic Collection  e D. Brent Pogue Collection for more than $140 Million, including Part VI, Masterpieces of U.S. Paper Money which realized over $9 million Winner NLG Best Paper Money Catalog of 2020 Stack?s Bowers Galleries invites you to share in our success when you consign your United States or World currency to our August 2022 auction. Our nearly 90 years of experience and our unsurpassed expertise have resulted in record breaking results and attracted numerous awards.  e robust market, our record of success, and the cutting-edge auction technology developed by Stack?s Bowers Galleries create the perfect environment for you to realize top market price for your currency, across all paper money categories and price levels. Contact us today to consign to our Global Showcase Auction in August 2022! Call 800-458-4646 to speak to a consignment specialist who can help you with all aspects of the process. Email with information about your consignment and receive a con dential reply. 1550 Scenic Avenue, Suite 150, Costa Mesa, CA 92626 ? 800.458.4646 ? 949.253.0916 470 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10022 ? 800.566.2580 ? 212.582.2580 1735 Market Street, Suite 130, Philadelphia, PA 19103 ? 800.840.1913 ? ? California ? New York ? Philadelphia ? New Hampshire ? Oklahoma ? Hong Kong ? Paris SBG CDN_PM AugConsign 220501 a_oM_om            W?????&??????????? ??? ^??????? ?????????>????d?????????????????K???????D????? 32%R[6DQ$QWRQLR7;SLHUUHIULFNH#EX\YLQWDJHPRQH\FRPZZZEX\YLQWDJHPRQH\FRP $QGPDQ\PRUH&6$8QLRQDQG2EVROHWH%DQN1RWHV IRU VDOH UDQJLQJ IURPWRILYHILJXUHV 178 Origin & Demise of the 1890/91 Treasury Notes--Peter Huntoon SPMC F.U.N. Tentative Activities Merchant, Postmaster & Planter: Like Father, Like Son--Bill Gunther Second Issue Fractional Currency Progress Proofs--Rick Melamed Some Interesting Civil War Monetary Instruments--Steve Feller 193 162 179 184 198 Glass-Borah Amendment--Peter Huntoon 204 National Bank Notes with Women's Signatures--Frank Clark * Paper Money * May/June 2022 * Whole Number 339 157 Columns Advertisers SPMC Hall of Fame The SPMC Hall of Fame recognizes and honors those individuals who have made a lasting contribution to the society over the span of many years.? Charles Affleck Walter Allan Doug Ball Hank Bieciuk Joseph Boling F.C.C. Boyd Michael Crabb Forrest Daniel Martin Delger William Donlon Roger Durand C. John Ferreri Milt Friedberg Robert Friedberg Len Glazer Nathan Gold Nathan Goldstein James Haxby John Herzog Gene Hessler John Hickman William Higgins Ruth Hill Peter Huntoon Don Kelly Lyn Knight Chet Krause Allen Mincho Clifford Mishler Judith Murphy Dean Oakes Chuck O?Donnell Roy Pennell Albert Pick Fred Reed Matt Rothert Herb & Martha Schingoethe Hugh Shull Glenn Smedley Raphael Thian Daniel Valentine Louis Van Belkum George Wait D.C. Wismer Robert Vandevender 159 Benny Bolin 160 Frank Clark 161 From Your President Editor Sez New Members Uncoupled Obsolete Corner Joe Boling & Fred Schwan 213 Robert Gill 219 Cherry Pickers Corner Robert Calderman 222 Quartermaster Corner Chump Change Michael McNeil 225 Loren Gatch 228 Stacks Bowers Galleries IFC Pierre Fricke 157 Fred Bart 183 Bob Laub 183 Lyn Knight 191 Richard Whitmire 192 FCCB 197 Higgins Museum 203 Tony Chibbaro 203 Denly's of Boston 212 Spider Press 212 ANA 218 PCDA IBC Heritage Auctions OBC Fred Schwan Neil Shafer * Paper Money * May/June 2022 * Whole Number 339 158 Officers & Appointees ELECTED OFFICERS PRESIDENT VICE-PRES/SEC'Y Robert Calderman TREASURER Robert Moon BOARD OF GOVERNORS Mark Anderson Robert Calderman Gary Dobbins Matt Drais Mark Drengson Pierre Fricke Loren Gatch William Litt J. Fred Maples Cody Regennitter Wendell Wolka APPOINTEES EDITOR Benny Bolin ADVERTISING MANAGER Wendell Wolka LIBRARIAN Jeff Brueggeman MEMBERSHIP DIRECTOR Frank Clark IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT Shawn Hewitt WISMER BOOk PROJECT COORDINATOR Pierre Fricke From Your President Robert Vandevender II 2IILFHUV $SSRLQWHHV (/(&7('2)),&(56 35(6,'(17?6KDZQ+HZLWW VKDZQ#VKDZQKHZLWWFRP 9,&(35(6,'(17? 5REHUW9DQGHYHQGHU,, UYSDSHUPDQ#DROFRP 6(&5(7$5