Paper Money - Vol. XIII, No. 3 - Whole No. 51 - May 1974

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I •h Nis tardier. 361,775 361,775 CI ►*1 • PAYING fora To COUPON .URCNA .t■a ON MAME AN AGO Street City d State Cants Pair * * * * The value. not exceeding 99, 0any Postal Note Stamps aff.eed to p•y•nd office coupon. 361,775 l!C G PUTICMAsas RECEIPT Detach and hold. Clam cannot bo cons.derol or paym ent traced without United States Postal Note •Q W ANY POSTMASTER WILL PAY U• Postal Note Stamps to be all tied here , h.' and canceled at lesion° Office t • FE(.EIlEDiAV MENT DO NOT FOLD. MUIVATE OR SPIND $10. BUFFALO. 1893. . I il •No 1604 MARINE BANK lq Pay to Bearer TEN DOLLARS through the But- ; Walo Clearing House and charge to pay-roll account of1 Certified by The Marine Seek we &Maio Paper *014 BIMONTHLY PUBLICATION OF THE 5'ocie4 of Paper 4tintq Collector, Vol. XIII No. 3 Whole No. 51 May 1974 Payroll scrip and postal note - paper money alternatives discussed in this issue Bebee's, inc. "Pronto Service" 4514 North 30th Street Phone 402-451-4766 Omaha, Nebraska 68111 $1 FEDERAL RESERVE SETS / ..IV: , '''-1. : ' (I 'Seta ,(_ . ::' 21 Nos, Match Star Sets 1963 Granahan/Dillon (12) 22.95 25.75 (12) 22.95 1963A Granahan/Fowler (12) 20.95 22.75 (12) 21.95 9.75 - ( 4) 7.95 1969 Elston/Kennedy, , (12) 18.75 19.75 (12) 18.95 1569A Kabis/Kehneilst'l '.(eii.•.: . -V (12) .._18.46. 1969E Kabis/Connally (12) 17.95 1,9.75' 19.75 ' ; ' (11) (12) 81 .95 1969C BanueloS/COnruTIFf (10) 14.95. 16.75 ' Soon= Write 1969D Banuelos/Schultz (12) 16.95 18.75 ? Write 1963/1969D-All Ei(.(it, Se„ts 187 Notes), Sitrini4Each Note ight- .iderttibitlatisi Two Numbers ,,,Siuperb,,CcAsy NEWASFts-Buy NOW at these :LOW Pricii,s. Complete Star Set - LastComplete Sets - Last 2 Nos. Match 24.95 23.95 8.95 200..9955 21.95 Write Write 133.75 169.75 106.751963/196913 Star Sets (63 Notes) Same-Each Iote.,witt iornpioll Last Two Numbers 139.75 Please adviSe-a-IF you wish to be notified when 1969C & 1969D Star Sets are available. l'reetiii Aiik ii)14 ? -Mtr List of. Scarce Blocks--other Small Size Notes & Accessories t62Z-1470-t rt• .:Ii . WESTPORT CURRENCY ALBUMS Beath nab ikiblifen h Pages for the following Sets (Ask for Descriptive List) : _,$1.00 Federal Reserve Sets-1963, I963A, 1969, 1969A, 1969B, 1969C, 1969D each 2.95 11.00 Block Set Pages-1963, 1969, 1969A, 1969B, 1969C, 1969D each 6.95 1963A, $13.95, 1963B 3.50 Deluxe 3-Ring custom made Binder-each 4.95 WANTED + $1.00 STAR NOTES-WANTED Packs (100) 1969-B, Dist. 9; 1969-C Dists. 2, 4, 9, 11, 12, 1969-8 Dists. 1, 2, 6, 9. Call-or write IF you can supply 1 or more Packs. WANTED-WANTED-WANTED EDUCATIONAL SERIES SILVER CERTIFICATES We're Paying following TOP Prices Perfect Crisp New Gem Crisp New 1896 $1 History Instructing Youth 185.00 250.00 1896 $2 The Five Females Note 440.00 535.00 1896 $5 Electricity, etc. 725.00 825.00 The Complete Set 1,450.00 1,700.00 BUYING GRADING REQUIREMENTS In Order to Merit above BUY Prices, Notes Must meet these "Qualifications": GEM Crisp New-Must be Bright, Super-Pristine; Well Centered ; Perfect Corners, No Pinholes ; Brown Spots nor Counting Smudges. PERFECT Crisp New-Must be Equally as Nice except not as Well Centered. Please do not send any Notes IF they are not at least Perfect Crisp New. We're Paying TOP-Almost unbelievable Prices for other Notes: Scawe/Rare in above Two Grades ; Also Extremely Rare in VF/CN (Sorry, not Buying 1914 Fed. Reserve). Please describe accurately each Note in your First Letter. WHY WAIT-When Bebee's are Paying Far More. ++++ $1.00 "R" & "S" EXPERIMENTAL ISSUE ++++ 1935-A $1.00 Red "R & S" Special Issues Notes, Superb Crisp New: Red "R" $89.75: Red "S" $69.75; The Pair 139.75 IMPORTANT BOOKS-POSTPAID Need other Books? IF so, send $1.00 for our Big Book Catalog (Free with Order). DONLON'S "Paper Money of the U. S. 1861/1923". New 3rd Ed. 3.50 FRIEDBERG'S "Paper Money of the United States". 7th Ed. 14.50 HESSLER'S "The Comprehensive Catalog of U. S. Paper Money". Truly a MUST 20.00 O'DONNELL'S "The Standard Handbook of Modern U. S. Paper Money": New 4th Ed.- Limited Edition-Sure to be a Sell-out soon 7.50 SPECIAL-The Above BIG Four 39.50 Need other Books on Paper Money? IF so, send $1.00 for our Big Book Catalogue (It Lists over 100 Books on Paper Money). And, it's Free with Order. Add 50e to Book Orders for Faster P. 0. Special Handling. 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed. Please Add $1.00 under $100.00 (Note Orders sent Airmail/. Nebraskans Add Sales Tax. Numinsmatic HAPPINESS IS being a "Bebee Booster"-Make Someone Happy-Send us the Names of your Collecting Friends and we'll put them on our Mailing List. ur PAPER NI( )NE1 (1 II .F.("I( )1(S I NI „2"3",e/ 31■01 Founded 1961 Pape:, Motley tcial 0 , 71..blieation of 17111E. fETi OF P.\ MONEY COLLECTORS, INC. PAPER MONEY is published every other month beginning in January by The Society of Paper Money Collectors, Inc., J. Roy Pen- nell, Jr., P. 0. Box 858, Anderson, SC 29621. Second class postage paid at An- derson, SC 29621 and at additional entry office, Federalsborg, MD 21632. Annual membership dues in SPMC are $8.00, of which $5.25 are for a subscrip- tion to PAPER MONEY. Subscriptions to non-members are $10.00 a year. Individual copies of current issues, $1.75. 0 Society of Paper Money Collectors. Inc., 1974. All rights reserved. Reproduction of any article, in whole or in part, without express written permission, is prohibited. Vol. XIII - No. :3 Whole No. r;:1 1974 ..:.■.;iLLER. F. 2 ache: . A re. effer::.zon. Manuscripts and publications for review shoul,.. to the Editor. expressed by the authors are their own and do not necessarily reflect those of SPMC or its staff. PAPER MONEY reserves the right to edit or reject any copy. Deadline for editorial copy is the 1st of the month preceding the month of publica- tion (e.g., Feb. 1 for March issue, etc. 1 SOCIETY BUSINESS Correspondence pertaining to the business affairs of SPMC, including membership and changes of address, should be addressed to the Secretary at P. 0. Box 8984, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33310. ADVERTISING RATES IN THIS ISSUE: Space Outside 1 Time Contract Rates 3 Times 6 Times Back Cover ..$40.00 $108.00 $204.00 Inside Front C.7 Back Cover .... 37.50 101.25 191.25 Full page 32.50 87.75 165.75 Half-page .... 20.00 54.00 102.00 Quarter-page .. 12.50 33.75 63.75 Eighth-page .. 8.00 21.60 40.80 25% surcharge for 6 pt. composition ; en- gravings & artwork at cost 4- 5%; copy should be typed ; $2 per printed page typing fee. Advertising copy deadlines : The 15th of the month preceding month of issue (e.g. Feb. 15 for March issue) Reserve space in advance if possible. PAPER MONEY does not guarantee adver- tisements but accepts copy in good faith, reserving the right to reject objectionable material or edit any copy. Advertising copy shall be restricted to paper currency and allied numismatic mate- rial and publications and accessories related thereto. All advertising copy and correspondence should be addressed to the Editor. "THE PLEDGE OF A NATION": Survey of Confederate Note Printers --Samuel E. Roakes, Jr. 99 PIONEER PAPER MONEY ARTICLE—WEST INDIAN SHINPLASTERS 104 WOMEN'S SIGNATURES ON NATIONAL BANK NOTES M. Owen Warns 105 WORLD NEWS AND NOTES — M. Ti itus 106 EXCERPTS FROM DYE'S COUNTERFEIT DETECTOR 108 THE UNITED STATES POSTAL NOTE -Nicholas Bruyer 109 BANKNOTE NEMESIS OF A TRAIN ROBBER —Charles G. Colver 111 CORRECTION TO "KNOWN COUNTERFEIT FIRST CHARTER NATIONAL BANK NOTES" 111 PAYROLL SCRIP—PANIC OF 1893 — Robert H. Lloyd 112 HUDSON'S BAY COMPANY TRADE AND PAPER MONEY - --Forrest W. Daniel 113 ABSTRACTION OF TWENTY THOUSAND DOLLARS --F. E. Spinner 115 SCHULTZ AND BANUELOS RESIGNATIONS PORTEND NEW FEDERAL RESERVE SERIES 116 ONLY-KNOWN 8-ZERO $1 FEDERAL RESERVE NOTE — Tom Morrissey 116 INTERMEDIATE SIZE CHECK NUMBERS — Peter Huntoon 117 NUMISMATIC POLITICAL GRAFFITI -- Larry Sanders 118 THE HUMOROUS SIDE Brent H. Hughes 120 The Society of Paper Money Collectors, Inc. SPMC CHRONICLE 121 MEMBER PARTICIPATION COLUMN 121 LIBRARY NOTES — Wendell Wolka 122 SECRETARY'S REPORT --Vernon L. Brown 125 MONEY MART 128 Cociety off Paper litatiq Collectors OFFICERS President J Roy Pennell, Jr. P. 0. Box 858, Anderson, S. C. 29621 Vice-President Robert E. Medlar 4114 Avenue Q, Lubbock, Texas 79412 Secretary Vernon L. Brown P. a Box 8984, Fort Lauderdale, Fla. 33310 Treasurer M. Owen Warns P. O. Box 1840, Milwaukee, Wis 53201 APPOINTEES Editor Barbara R. Mueller Librarian Wendell Wolka Attorney Ellis Edlow BOARD OF GOVERNORS Thomas C. Bain, Vernon L. Brown, Forrest W. Daniel, James N. Gates, Maurice M. Gould, David A. Hakes, William J. Harrison, Brent H. Hughes, Robert E. Medlar, Eric P. Newman, Charles O'Donnell, J. Roy Pennell, Jr., Glenn B. Smedley, George W. Wait, M. Owen Warns. When making inquiries, please include stamped, self-addressed envelope. Society Library Services The Society maintains a lending library for the use of mem- bers only. A catalog and list of regulations is included in the official Membership Directory available only to members from the Secretary. It is updated periodically in PAPER MONEY. For further information, write the Librarian—Wen- dell Wolka., P.O. Box 366, Hinsdale, Ill. 60521. The Society of Paper Money Collectors was organized in 1961 and incorporated in 1964 as a non-profit organization under the laws of the District of Columbia. It is affiliated with the American Numismatic Association and holds its an- nual meeting at the ANA Convention in August of each year. MEMBERSHIP—REGULAR. Applicants must be at least 18 years of age and of good moral charter. JUNIOR. Applicants must be from 12 to 18 years of age and of good moral char- acter. Their application must be signed by a parent or a guardian. They will be preceded by the letter "J". This letter will be removed upon notification to the secretary that the member has reached 18 years of age. Junior members are not eligible to hold office or to vote. Members of the A.N.A. or other recognized numismatic organizations are eligible for membership. Other applicants should be sponsored by an S.P.M.C. member, or the secretary will sponsor persons if they provide suitable references such as well known numismatic firms with whom they have done business, or bank references, etc. DUES The Society dues are on a calendar year basis and are $8.00 per year, payable in U.S. Funds. Members who join the Society prior to October 1st receive the magazines already issued in the year in which they join. Members who join after October 1st will have their dues paid through December of the following year. They will also receive, as a bonus, a copy of the magazine issued in November of the year in which they joined. One of the stated objectives of SPMC is to "encourage research about paper money and publication of the re- sultant findings." In line with this objective, the following publications are currently available: OBSOLETE BANK NOTE LISTING SERIES Hard-covered books profusely illustrated Texas Obsolete Notes and Scrip by BOB MEDLAR Postpaid to members, $6.00 Others, $10.50 Florida Obsolete Notes and Scrip by HARLEY L. FREEMAN Postpaid to members, $4.00 Others, $5.00 Vermont Obsolete Notes and Scrip by MAYRE B. COULTER $10.00 postpaid —Dealers—Write for Quantity Prices to J. Roy Pennell, Jr. P. 0. Box 858, Anderson, SC 29621 Back Issues of PAPER MONEY $1.00 each while they last All issues from Vol. 4, No. 2, 1965 (Whole No. 14) to date. Earlier issues are in short supply. A limited supply of bound books containing two volume- years each also available for $12.50 per book. Specify Vols. 5 and 6 (Nos. 17-24) ; or 7 and 8 (Nos. 25-32) ; or 9 and 10 (Nos. 33-44). Send remittances payable to The Society of Paper Money Collectors, Inc. J. ROY PENNELL, JR. P. 0. Box 858, Anderson, S. C. 29621 Be Sure To Include Zip Code! The National Bank Note Issues of 1929-1935 by M. 0. WARNS-PETER HUNTOON-LOUIS VAN BELKUM This is a hard-covered book with 212 large pages and 329 illustrations. $9.75 Postpaid $12.00 to Others Send remittance payable to The Society of Paper Money Collectors, Inc. M. 0. WARNS P. 0. Box 1840, Milwaukee, Wis. 53201 Be Sure To Include Zip Cide! WHOLE NO. 51 Paper Money PAGE 99 A Survey of Confederate Note Printer% "The Pledge of a Nation" By Samuel E. Roakes, Jr. ITH the outbreak of war, the infant government of the Confederate States of America found it necessary to immediately establish a Treasury Department and produce a national currency to finance the war effort. Curtiss G. Memminger, from South Carolina, was selected as the first Secretary of the Trea- sury. At the suggestion of Secretary Memminger, a con- vention of bankers was held in Atlanta, Georgia, on June 3, 1861. The object of the meeting was expressed in the final resolution which recommended that all the Southern banks accept the soon-to-he issued Treasury notes in payment of all dues. In a circular to the various banks dated June 17, 1861, C. G. Memminger assured the hankers that the notes would be safeguarded by an early levy of a direct tax and also would be fundable in 8% bonds to prevent depreciation. In his initial review of the financial situation, Secretary Memminger found that. in the period 1852-1858, the circulating currency and deposits in the seven Confed- erate States where banks were located amounted to 585,000,000 with a total coinage of $18,500,000 on hand. There was estimated to be another $200,000,000 on inter- est outside of the banks, whose capital amounted to $85,000,000. The Secretary thus reasoned that the Con- federacy could easily sustain $100,000,000 of Treasury notes, especially if a large portion of the interest-bearing notes was treated as an investment by the citizens and withdrawn from circulation. Until the first Confederate Treasury notes could be printed, Secretary Memminger called on the hankers for a temporary loan of their banknotes to fill the need for small denominations of currency created by the initial issue of notes only in denominations of $50 and higher. On May 28, 1861, Memminger proposed that the $500 and $1000 Confederate notes be deposited as security, and interest on the notes at the rate of 3.65% be paid to the banks. With the issue of the first emergency lithographic notes, numerous complaints were lodged about the inferior quality of the notes and their suscepti- bility to counterfeiting. Consequently, the banks re- quested that, rather than continuing to issue the litho- graphed notes, a second loan of their notes be accepted at 5% interest until the desired engraved notes were ready for circulation. Although this offer was tempo- rarily refused, by mid-October, 1861, due to continued delays in printing the notes, the government was far behind in its payments and accepted a loan of approxi- mately $10,602,134 from various banks. Northern Printers SINCE there were no Southern firms, except the NewOrleans branch of the American Bank Note Co.,actively involved in the engraving and printing of bank notes, the first notes were obtained through the active coordination of Mr. G. B. Lamar, President of the Bank of the Republic of New York City. In March, 1861, Mr. Lamar entered into a contract with the National Bank Note Co. for the engraving and printing of bonds and Treasury notes as authorized by the Con- federate Congress, Later in the war, Mr. Lamar re- turned to Savannah, Georgia, and accepted a position with the Bank of Commerce. At best, the evidence of their total production for the Confederacy is somewhat confusing and incomplete. According to Henry D. Capers, the chief clerk and disbursing agent for the Confederate Treasury Depart- ment, the first notes were executed by the American Bank Note Co., and all notes and plates were captured by the United States government as contraband of war. On the other hand, F. Shepard, President of the National Bank Note Co., recalled, "The idea was the occasion of some amusement, no one believing then that there would be opportunity for the use of such issue. 554 sheets were printed and delivered, when the proc- lamation of President Lincoln appeared, interdicting commercial intercourse with certain Southern States: upon which we declined to print any more. The plate was then requested by the party who ordered it; instead of complying with which request, we at once effaced and canceled it. Subsequently at the instance [sic] of Mr. Secretary Chase, the United States Marshall called and informed us that he had instructions to take in charge whatever plates, etc. had been made for like purposes by either company. We promptly delivered the one face and tint we had made (thus canceled) and were sub- sequently informed that those made by the other com- pany had also been delivered in similar condition." It would seem then that between the placing of the order by Mr. Lamar in March and the Lincoln proc- lamation on April 18, 1861, at least 554 sheets of notes reached the Confederacy. However, a cc or ding to Raphael P. Thian. Chief Clerk of the Adjutant General's Office and noted Confederate historian, 607 sheets con- taining one note of each denomination were actually re- ceived. The second point would be that apparently the National Bank Note Co. had sub-contracted the en- graving and printing of three of the four requested notes to its competitor, the American Bank Note Co. Since 554 sheets of the notes printed by the National Bank Note Co. were delivered, it would seem likely that some of the sub-contracted notes were also delivered instead of being destroyed as stated. Based on a letter from F. Shepard to the Secretary of the Treasury. Mr. H. McCulloch, in December, 1865, it would seem that the National Bank Note Co. engraved and printed only the Criswell Type 2 note, while Types 1, 3, and 4 were prepared by the American Bank Note Co. with the imprint of the National Bank Note Co. fOclatt,•-tatesAnt PAGE 100 Paper Money WHOLE NO. 51 The National Bank Note Co. was formed after the merger of the major hank note engraving firms into the American Bank Note Co. in 1858. It was com- prised of those partners of Danforth. Wright and Co. who did not join the American Bank Note Co. and certain staff members who left after the merger. The National Bank Note Co. continued its independent operations for an.7•ther 20 years before it finally merged with the American Bank Vte Co. New Orleans Printers ITH the Lincoln proclamation of April, 1861, closing the door to further trade with the major printers in New York City, it became necessary to return to the South in the search for a printer to produce the Treasury notes. The first contract was made with a Samuel Schmidt, the manager of the New Orleans Office of the Rawdon, Wright, Hatch and Edson Co., a part of the American Bank Note Co., on May 13, 1861, followed by a second contract for $20,000,000 in notes on May 24, 1861. Although Schmidt already was in possession of numerous vignettes which were to be adapted for use by the Confederacy and had previous experience in banknote engraving and printing, he was handicapped by a lack of sufficient employees (i.e., his son and one other worker I and a lack of equipment to operate on a scale large enough to supply the growing currency needs of the Confederacy. Operating out of a small office on 312 Rue Royal in New Orleans, two months passed before he had produced even the first note. On May 2, 1861. Tracy Edson, president of the Ameri- can Bank Note Co., wrote Mr. Schmidt, directing him to stop all work for the Confederate government. Per- haps to avoid embarrassment to his home office, Mr. Schmidt produced a total of six different notes, all of a very high quality, in the name of the Southern Bank Note Company. These issues are now known as Criswell Types 5, 6, 15, 19, 22, and 31. On August 28, 1861, Schmidt was asked to either move all of his tools and equipment to Richmond where he would join an establishment to be created by the Treasury to engrave notes or else remain in New Orleans and expedite the delivery of notes promised in his second contract. Shortly thereafter some of his tools, materials, and paper were seized, moved to Richmond, and distributed to the firm of Leggett, Keatinge, and Ball. On November 16th Schmidt was ordered to sur- render his plates and the last of his equipment. In Decem- ber, Memminger learned from John Douglas. a New Or- leans printer, that the cause of Schmidt's slow output of notes was his tendency to neglect his government con- tracts in order to fill orders for the New Orleans banks. In December, 1862, Mr. Schmidt finally wrote to the home office and sent a payment of $17,000 as the net operating revenues, less the loss of printing equipment seized by the South, for the period 1861-1862 as a result of his contracts with the Confederacy and various Southern states. While Mr. Schmidt was struggling to produce his first engraved notes, Secretary Memminger was forced to T31 Serial #14215—Southern Bank Note Co. $5 note decide in favor of the more easily produced, and thus easier to counterfeit, lithographic notes. A small con- tract was made with the small New Orleans lithographic firm of J. Manouvrier to produce $5 (Type 121 and $10 notes. History reveals that the very distinctive $5 note was actually issued. but poor handling and pack- aging for shipment to the Treasury in Richmond re- sulted in the theft or loss in Petersburg of a large quantity of the $10 notes. Since none of the remaining $10 notes had been issued in Richmond, it was reasoned that the best course of action would be to not issue any notes of the $10 denomination so that it would be easier to catch the thieves in possession of these unissued no tes. Hoyer and Ludwig W ITH the movement of the Confederate Congressto Richmond, Secretary Memminger ordered lithographic notes in the denominations of $100, $50, $20, $10, and $5 from the Richmond firm of Hoyer and Ludwig. Charles Ludwig was considered to be an all-purpose lithographer, having learned the art of lithog- raphy from the inventor, Alois Senefelder, in his native Germany, before migrating to the United States in the 1840's. After settling in Richmond, Virginia, Ludwig established his firm by catering to the printing needs of the dominant tobacco industry and the social needs of the community. His partner, Hoyer, was a goldsmith and watchmaker who provided the capital for the firm of Hoyer and Ludwig. Receiving their first contract from the Confederate Treasury Department in the late spring of 1861, Hoyer and Ludwig produced their first lithographic notes be- ginning with the series dated July 25, 1861, as authorized by the Act of May 16, 1861. Actually, they produced notes for the Bank of Scottsville. the Southern Manu- facturer's Bank, the Trader's Bank, the City of Norfolk, the Corporation of Richmond, the Corporation of Fredericksburg, and the Virginia Central Rail Road months before their first Confederate issues. In all, they produced a total of 14 different type Confederate notes and numerous state, town, and county issues. While Mr. Chase suggests that the firm had a large stock of vignettes, borders, portraits, rosettes, and other illustrative as well as decorative materials, my own analysis of the vignettes used by the firm of Hoyer and Ludwig would suggest that they probably were purchased from the American Bank Note Co. or copied on transfer paper from current designs and reproduced in order to TWENTY DOLLARS v:ti T29 Serial #4545—B. Duncan $10 note crate itates-Anteriar /6„., • -,71:Ftt T36 Serial #33356—J. T. Paterson $5 note WHOLE NO. 51 Paper Money PAGE 101 T18 Serial #3354—Hoyer & Ludwig $20 note save the time required by the process of creating new vignettes, etc. Although it was customary for the engrav- ing firms to have all art work intended for use on bank notes copyrighted for their own exclusive use, with the outbreak of hostilities in 1861, the Confederate govern- ment chose not to recognize the copyright laws of the Federal government and allowed its printers to copy any design needed in making up the various notes. My own incomplete research indicates that at least half of the 48 issues, including the two essay notes, issued prior to the Act of October 13, 1862, made either partial or complete use of vignettes borrowed from earlier issues of bank notes. To simplify the process, renditions were prepared of the lines "The Confederate States of Amer- ica," "Two years after date," "Will pay," "Richmond. Va. July 25, 1861," etc. and transferred to the basic stone for each note while the various vignettes would be used to complete the design. After completing its contract for notes issued under the Act of August 19, 1861, the firm of Hoyer and Ludwig sold half of the firm's assets on May 16, 1862. to Dr. J. T. Paterson, a Richmond jeweler and friends of Ludwig. Operations in South Carolina EGINNING with the issue of September 2, 1861, notes also appeared with the imprints of J. T. Paterson, Columbia, South Carolina: Col. Blanton Duncan, printed in both Richmond, Virginia, and Columbia, South Carolina; and Leggett, Keatinge & Ball, Richmond, Virginia. As mentioned above. when Dr. Paterson purchased half of the assets of Hoyer and Ludwig,he obtained a contract to print lithographic notes and began operations in Columbia, South Carolina. Three types of notes bear the imprint of J. T. Paterson and nine types also bear the imprint of J. T. Paterson & Co. While Types 28, 36, 39, and 40 seem to he the sole Confederate effort of the firm, their later issues were apparently engraved by the firm of Keatinge and Ball and sent to them for the actual process of print- ing. Notes produced for the State of North Carolina in 1863 indicate that J. T. Paterson and Co. finally settled in Augusta, Georgia. This pattern of sub-contracting was also quite common with most of the other major printing firms after 1861. The probable explanation was the realization by Secre- tary Memminger that no one firm could supply notes in sufficient quantity to meet the growing demand for Treasury notes. Although Hoyer and Ludwig printed almost $2,000,000 a week in August, 1861. a contract was let on October 1, 1861, to provide $600,000 a day. By November, the daily production of currency had been increased to $800,000. Despite this deluge of new notes, $12.000,000 in unpaid claims remained unpaid on October 24, 1861, and a second request for a loan of $10,000,000 in banknotes was made to the banks of Georgia and South Carolina. As if the printers were not busy enough trying to supply the growing demand for notes, several of them were primarily interested in political maneuvering. Col. Blanton Duncan, with his considerable military influence, sought to have his own printers exempted from military service while he tried to drive his competitors out of business by expecting their printers to serve in the military. Leggett, Keatinge & Ball it S mentioned previously, the South was deficient in its supply of qualified printers and had to resort, in most cases, to importing printers and lithograph- ers with promises of high pay. In one of the earliest attempts to acquire qualified personnel, Thomas A. Ball, a Virginia lawyer, was sent from Richmond to hire printers and engravers from the American Bank Note Co. in New York. One of the men hired was an Edward Keatinge, a British subject and professional hank note engraver. Mr. Keatinge reached Richmond by running the blockade. After a conference with President Davis and his Cabinet as to the best manner in which to obtain the supplies needed to accomplish the printing of Treasury notes, he returned to New York by running the blockade from Norfolk, Virginia. Having hired more engravers, purchased presses, steel plates, paper etc., in New York, Keatinge then managed to return with most of his supplies through the blockade. ' I) PAGE 102 Paper Money WHOLE NO. 51 While the original firm was Leggett, Keatinge & Mall, Mr. Leggett was suspected of being involved with Captain Leonard, a captured spy, and pressure was brought to hear on Keatinge and Ball to remove Leggett from the firm or have their assets confiscated within 24 hours. The fact that Leggett remained in the printing business is evidenced by Bank of the Commonwealth notes which bear his imprint in 1862. Perhaps he catered to the large number of merchants or banks in Richmond which issued currency to satisfy their need for a medium of exchange. As General McClellan moved within range of Rich- mond in April. 1862, the Confederacy, fearing that the presses and supplies of the Treasury Department would be captured or destroyed, authorized the firms to move south and select a more secure location. Since Columbia, South Carolina was in the center of the state and re- moved from the area of enemy operations, the firms of Keatinge & Ball, J. T. Paterson & Co., and B. Duncan moved to Columbia and continued their operations. An additional advantage of this location was its proximity to the port of Charleston, where agents of the firms could board one of the blockade runners and sail for England to purchase printing supplies. T41 Serial #102456—Keatinge and Ball $100 note Cooperation Among Printers W ITH three establishments operating in Columbia,each of the firms specialized in certain of the numerous denominations then being printed. The firm of Evans and Cogswell, utilizing 75 hand-press- es, printed the lower denominations (ones and twos) and "cotton bonds." Keatinge and Ball, with 10 copper-plate presses, produced the high denomination notes (one hundred and five hundred) while Col. Blanton Duncan, with 17 lithographic presses, printed notes of the me- dium denominations—five, ten, twenty, and fifty dollars. The total capacity of these three firms was estimated at the 100 million dollar mark. By late 1862, the choice of firms to provide the grow- ing needs for Confederate currency had been narrowed down. The cost per 1,000 notes charged by the various firms was: $15 for Evans and Cogswell, $16 for J. T. Paterson, and $20 for Col. Duncan. Contracts were made with the first two firms on April 7, 1863, and. B. Duncan's bid was rejected. While Keatinge and Ball could not print all the required notes, they probably engraved the plates used by their competitors who did the actual printing. By way of explanation, attention is directed to Type 60, variety 469, which was engraved by Keatinge and Ball lithographed by J. T. Paterson and Co., and printed by Evans and Cogswell. This suggests that Keatinge and Ball engraved the copper plate which was then transferred from enameled paper to a lithographic stone by J. T. Paterson and Co. before it was finally printed by Evans and Cogswell. Although this friendly cooperation among the competing firms would seem unusual, the enormous multiplying power of this mode of operation is best understood when one realizes that an engraved plate would print approximately 25.000 notes, and each one of the impressions, when transferred to stone, would yield 6,000 notes. In other words, instead of each firm's having to prepare new lithographic stones (which were already in extremely short supply) after only 6,000 notes, one plate would prepare an unlimited supply of stones to keep the presses rolling, as the stones quickly wore out. Another possible advantage was that the final product, since each printer's transfer came from the same engraving, would have a greater similarity with notes produced by competing firms. With a large volume of circulating currency, it was hard enough to detect counterfeits without generating additional differences in designs on the same note by having each firm produce its own engraving. Counterfeiting Problems OST of the contemporary counterfeits were poorly executed woodcuts and easily detected upon examination, but perhaps the most dangerous threat to the security of the currency was the practice of allowing the printers to take printed sheets of notes almost at will. The only obstacles to this type of counter- feiter would be forging the signatures and then putting the false notes into circulation. With the vast number of clerks signing notes, it was almost impossible for the average citizen to detect a note of such quality with only a false signature. One such enterprising individual allegedly took $200,000 in notes before he was dis- covered and sentenced to he shot. However, this was in 1865, the Union Army was approaching, and the sentence was never executed. In August of 1862, certain plates were stolen from Hoyer and Ludwig, and the resultant spurious notes circulated in the West. In 1863, various unsigned notes were stolen from Columbia, South Carolina. Such activities could account for the quality of many of the better counterfeits which today can only be detected by verifying the signatures with the records in Thian's Register of the Confederate Debt. While only two of the regularly issued notes bear engraved signatures, Secretary Memminger is known to have made numerous requests to the Congress for such authority. In 1862, Congress disapproved one such re- quest. While all the notes of the first issue of the Act of March 9, 1861, were signed by Alexander B. Clitherall as Register and E. C. Elmore as Treasurer, the Act of July 24, 1861, authorized the Secretary of the Treasury to appoint clerks to assist in the signing of notes since the quantity of notes was too great for only two men to handle. By January, 1863, a total of 262 clerks, of whom 139 were women, was employed to sign the ever- expanding volume of currency. The Act of April 6. 1863, produced the first note with an engraved signature. WHOLE NO. 51 Paper Money PAGE 103 Printers of the 50c Note HE contract for the fifty-cent note was given torip Archer and Daly of Richmond, Virginia. In the fall of 1861, engraver John Archer left his job with a New York bank note firm and formed a partner- ship with Joseph Daly, a Richmond businessman, to print stamps for the Confederacy. The engraving of the Jefferson Davis bust is attributed to John Archer. Some- time in 1863, possibly April, another portrait engraver, Frederick Halpin, arrived from New York and joined the firm. With the possibility of a move of all Treasury operations to Columbia, South Carolina, it is believed that Daly, with his business roots in Richmond. dropped out of the firm in May of 1863. When the Treasury Note Bureau ordered the new firm to alter the fifty-cent note to meet the requirements of the Act of February 17, 1864, the phrase, "Six months after the Ratification of a Treaty of Peace," was changed to "Two years . . ." and the imprint was changed to Archer and Halpin. However, with the movement to Columbia beginning on April 26, 1864, it has been sug- gested that the firm made the required changes in the plates before turning them over to the Treasury for printing in Columbia by Keatinge & Ball. This sug- gestion has been reinforced by information from the philatelic field which indicates that the stamp designs used by Archer and Daly were turned over to Keatinge & Ball, who in turn supplied the postage stamps for the rest of the war. Despite its continued resistance to the use of engraved signatures, apparently Congress felt that the fifty-cent note was not worth counterfeiting and thus allowed this one exception to its ridiculous policy. T63 Serial #81974—Archer & Daley 50c note Paper for Printing A SIDE from the difficulty in obtaining competentengravers and printers, the greatest problem facing the Confederate Treasury was obtaining sufficient paper and ink. Many of the 1861 issues were printed on red fiber paper from the Ivy Mills, owned by James Willcox, located near Chester, Pennsylvania. Since Mr. Willcox refused to supply the South with his paper, the New Orleans office of the American Bank Note Co. utilized its stocks to print various Confederate notes. When the Southern Bank Note Co. was seized by the Confederacy in October, 1861, its remaining supply of paper was most likely distributed to the Richmond firm of Leggett, Keatinge & Ball. Several attempts were made by the printing firms to obtain paper from either the North or Europe. Henry D. Capers states that Hoyer and Ludwig obtained their paper from an unknown source in Baltimore. At least four of the eight watermarked papers, utilized primarily - by Keatinge and Ball. came from English paper mills. The NY, FIVE, TEN, and TCC watermarks probably were obtained in 1861 from sources somewhere in the North. The largest mill in the South, operated by William S. Whiteman at Manchester, Tennessee, supplied much of the plain paper used in Confederate notes and bonds. The pink paper most likely came from sources in England. According to the recollections of John Hodge, formerly a worker in the London office of Samuel Straker and Sons, and later Evans and Cogswell in Columbia, the paper all was manufactured in England and stamped with the mark of the Confederacy, a small palmetto tree encircled by the words, "Treasury Department C.S.A." As suggested by E. K. Cooper, this paper was probably utilized to offset the activities of counterfeiters, such as S. C. Upham, then active in the North. The British Printer ITH the increasing confusion and turmoil in the declining years of the war, proposals were made77- to have a series of notes produced in Europe. On January 19, 1864, S. G. Jamison, Chief of the Trea- sury Note Bureau, wrote to Memminger, "The style is so different in the two countries that we may be sure of obtaining a note which will be as difficult for the American counterfeiter to imitate as it would be for the American to counterfeit the European style." The London firm of S. Straker and Sons was given a con- tract to prepare plates to be used on the reverses of a new issue of $5, $10, $20, $50, $100, and $500 Treasury notes. While the plates never reached their destination, various sets were captured on blockade runners and survived through years of private ownership and, oc- casionally, utilized for striking reprints of the chemico- graphic designs. The Need for Notes Ends F LEEING Columbia on February 20, 1865, Jamisonwent to Charlotte, North Carolina, and awaited the trains carrying the evacuated printing equip- ment and supplies. The only firm leaving Columbia with him was that of Evans and Cogswell. While he sat in Charlotte. Jamison considered the advantages of moving to either Lynchburg or Richmond, Virginia; however, on March 4, 1865, he decided to move the remains of his Treasury Note Bureau to Greenville, South Carolina, where it remained until the collapse of the Confederacy in April, 1865. Thus ended the existence of the young Treasury Note Bureau, not formally established until February 3, 1864, nearly three years after the war began. Despite its failure to exercise proper financial responsi- bility, the accomplishments of the Confederate Treasury in the areas of recruiting men and obtaining needed supplies and equipment to produce a national currency were most incredible when viewed in the proper per- PAGE 104 Paper Money WHOLE NO. 51 spective. Perhaps the essence of Confederate currency is best described in the following poem writen by Major S. A. Jonas of Aberdeen, Mississippi, on June 2, 1865: THE CONFEDERATE NOTE Representing nothing on God's earth now, And naught in the waters below it, As the pledge of a nation that's dead and gone, Keep it, dear friend, and show it. Show it to those who will lend an ear To the tale that this paper can tell Of liberty born of the patriot's dream Of a storm-cradled nation that fell. Too poor to possess the precious ores, And too much of a stranger to borrow, We issued to-day our promise to pay, And hoped to redeem on the morrow. But days flew by, weeks became years, Our coffers were empty still; Coin was so scarce our treasury'd quake If a dollar would drop in the till. We knew it had scarcely a value in gold, Yet as gold the soldiers received it; It looked in our eyes a promise to pay, And each patriot believed it. But the faith that was in us was strong indeed, And our poverty well we discerned; And these little checks represented the pay That our suffering veterans earned. But our boys thought little of prize or pay, Or of bills that were over due; We knew if it bought us our bread to-day 'Twas the best our poor country could do. Keep it, it tells our history over From the birth of the dream to the last; Modest and born of the angel hope, Like our hope of success it passed. Appendix A FIRMS AND THEIR NOTES 1. National Bank Note Co., N.Y.-T 1-4 2. (Am.) Southern Bank Note Co.-T 5, 6, 15, 19, 22, 31 3. Hoyer and Ludwig-T 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 17, 18, 27, 28*, 35, 36*, 39* 4. J. Manouvrier-T 12 5. Leggett, Keatinge & Ball-T 23, 24*, 32, 33* 6. Keatinge & Ball- A. Rich.-T 16, 24*, 25, 26, 33*, 34, 50*, 57* B. Col.-T 21, 41, 49, 50*, 51, 52*, 53*, 54, 55, 56, 57*, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71 7. B. Duncan- A. Columbia-T 20, 30, 37*, 38, 42, 43, 44, 45 B. Richmond-T 20, 29, 37 8. J. T. Paterson- A. Columbia-T 28*, 36*, 39* 9. J. T. Paterson & Co. (formed in May 1862)- A. Columbia-T 36*, 39*, 40, (51), (53), (54), (58), (59), (60) 10. Evans & Cogswell-T 52*, 53*, 59*, 60*, 61*, 62*, 68*, 70*, 71* 11. Archer & Daly-T 63 12. Archer & Halpin-T 72 13. Keatinge & Ball (Columbus, S.C.)-T 47, 48 Produced by more than one firm. Selected Bibliography Ball, Douglas B. "Confederate Currency Derived from Banknote Plates." The Numismatist, March, 1972, pp. 339-352. Bradbeer, William W. Confederate and Southern State Currency. Omaha: Aubrey E. Bebee, 1956. Chase, Phillip H. Confederate Treasury Notes. Phila- delphia, 1947. "Confederate Paper Money and How It Was Printed." American Journal of Numismatics, January, 1905, pp. 84-86. Cooper, Everett K. "Confederate Money-A Survey of the Source and Use of Paper." Paper Money, Vol. 6, No. 1, 1967, pp. 19-23. Cooper, Everett K. "A Study of the Confederate Fifty- Cent Note." Paper Money, Vol. 10, No. 3, 1973, pp. 99-102. Fuller, Claude E. Confederate Currency and Stamps. Chattanooga: The Parthenon Press, 1949. Keatinge, Edward and Thomas A. Ball. "Remarks on the Manufacture of Bank Notes and Other Promises to Pay." Essay Proof Journal, No. 75, pp. 117-122, No. 76, pp. 155-160. Slabaugh, Arlie R. Confederate States Paper Money. Racine: Whitman Publishing Company, 1961. Smith, Earnest A. The History of the Confederate Trea- sury. Harrisburg: Harrisburg Publishing Co., 1901. Thian, Raphael P. Register of the Confederate Debt. Boston: Quarterman Publications, Inc., 1972. Thompson, Walter. "The National Bank Note Company and Confederate Currency." N10)14871? atic Scrapbook, May, 1961, pp. 1193-1194. Todd, Richard C. Confederate Finance. Athens: Univer- sity of Georgia Press, 1954. Pioneer Paper Money Article The first article on paper money to be published in The Numismatist appeared in September 1893 and is reprinted here by courtesy of J. Roy Pennell, Jr.: West Indian Shinplasters ONE I promise to pay the bearer on demand the sum of One Penny Halt Penny. PENNY Sam'l Nelmes. Half Pewwy Small change is evidently scarce in Bermuda, for a friend of the writer who recently returned from a visit to Hamilton brought with him a couple of specimens of scrip issued by the proprietor of one of the leading stores in that place. The scrip is about 100 millimeters long and 55 mm wide, and is printed in script type on salmon colored paper. In the 1A penny value the denomination is expressed "One-half Penny" and the end inscription is of course modified in a similar manner. The reverse bears an advertisement of the "specials" on sale at the tower. The signature is written. WILLIAM C. STONE Tower, HarnittoR, 13ermhda. SIC x3Y, A. saitoLer.silikaaeow.E.Eamsaime-axitommiadmisoforo.n 7C1r4r4 ="14, ijiO4102011040. )220 gowiTiviso Notilsr""4;43iii 111113WKIPI IAD NYX-7.41:11.3C1relASICIL 4060t4IftiattiaaliggialittloWtYflar .:A---:".1-:"41/11011(Ndlailffifil nr)20 CO 44IFIXttiiii41144. NorlifmtIMAtai 1214Y6Tie 44w. .a.304meumiciaiirikx•cri>acqwwp. 1M, t11(4.11t,t1.2.53E. ,101.314" (.0 N110- 4144AcJwii 124 0.1 • rsuxuswaiatus.uu.t,.i:,,, Aattlei N.,,,,,,X1101141%, • Iv, ,_.' tilOitfillitottiataiitaim 9220 ▪ 04.0M 1114.44 d+ 1KIl 11*-jti,Kiiik. 124 AMICEECCElli:f"L- 441iIiiilt410.7.44MIS&1114 ataAiti 434444LASAIS* ti .ta 3v-so?. • ..ormagiat. fi '""'"41110610100auffs 8 r=232aZ. 4.,. 46/04:1 404146,1%.10100 (0 9221 vittpottototutiBia, TIE GlikPE PRI c:* NOOK BMA! WESTFIELD New YON( FIVE DOLLARS 8000031A B000031A WHOLE NO. 51 Paper Money PAGE 105 Women's Signatures on National Bank Notes By M. OWEN WARNS From David J. Levitt comes this rather attractive Third Charter $5 National Bank Note sheet on the Grape Belt National Bank located at Westfield, the famed grape growing center in western New York. The sheet is of particular interest because it bears the signature of a woman cashier, Lucile Lichtenwalter. Other National Banks reported to have had female cashiers are: The First National Bank of Casey, Illinois, charter 6026; signed by Rose Turner, the sister of J. E. Turner, the bank's president. This is the well-known "Brother and Sister Bank" (see page 76 of SPMC's National Bank Note Issues of 1929 -1935 where the note is illustrated). The National Bank of Argyle, New York, charter 13521, signed by Lillian J. Johnson. The Montour National Bank of Montour Falls, New York, charter 13583, signed by Belle P. Cornell. (Both of these New York State banks' notes are illus- trated in PAPER MONEY, VOL 11, No. 1, p. 5.) These four instances are the only ones known to date with women cashier signatures on National Bank Note issues. However, the Grape Belt National Bank has an additional distinction. Its notes are the only ones bear- ing a woman's signature which cover two note issuing periods, the Third Charter and the 1929-1935 period. the woman being Lucile Lichtenwalter. This same set of circumstances could not have obtained on the other New York banks, charters 13521 and 13583, as all banks chartered after number 13307 were limited to issuing small size notes of the 1929-1935 period only. However, charter 6026 of Casey. Illinois could have had notes of the Third Charter period signed by Rose Turner as cashier. Happy Hunting! Bank Officers, 1930 Report President, Roy T. Crandall Vice -President, E. T. Welsh Cashier, Lucile Lichtenwalter Ass't. Cashier, Gerald Martin #12476 THE GRAPE BELT NATIONAL BANK OF WESTFIELD —chartered in Dec. 1923 with a capital of $50,000. - placed in voluntary liquidation on April 13, 1931 ; cap.—$50,000. absorbed by #3166 CIRCULATION ISSUED Third Charter Plain Back Blue Seals 5- 5- 5- 5 plate=8236,780 worth ; serials 1 to 11839 10-10-10-20 plate=$ 30,000 worth ; serials 1 to 600 Small Size $5 type 1=681,450 worth ; serials 1 to 2715 —Total amount of circulation issued =$348,230 —Amount outstanding in 1931 =8 50,000 —Amount of large outstanding at close=$ 1,610 Larry Adams of Boone Iowa has called to our atten- tion an article in Popular Science magazine of October 1973 on paper money. Called "Counterfeit Money Detec- tors: Do They Really Work?", it was written by Doug Carr. According to Mr. Adams, the article is very well done. PAGE 106 Paper Money WHOLE NO. 51 WORLD NEWS AND NOTESBANGLADESH is perhaps trying to givethe Scottish banks a run for their money by providing collectors with a seemingly perpetual supply of new varieties. This time they have issued new 1 and 5 Taka notes. Inasmuch as they don't date their notes, at least not in such a manner that I can detect it, I'll just have to refer to their notes by series. These new notes, then, would "belong" in their Third Series. The 1 Taka, 99x60mm, violet and yellow note pictures a girl using a pole-like device to crush something in a container not too far in appear- ance from a bird-bath; coat-of-arms and a hand gripping a sheaf of grain adorn the back. The 5 Taka, 121x- 65mm, red, portrays Sheikh Mujibur Rahman on the front; flowers and various other plants dominate the back. BARBADOS' previous issue of notes, con- sisting of Barclays Bank notes in $5, $20 and $100 denominations, went out of circulation not demonetized) in 1951, when Barbados, together with some other Caribbean countries, collectively surrendered their cur- rency-issuing rights to the British Caribbean Currency Board whose notes are known to collectors by the title: East Caribbean Currency Au- thority. Having recently gained independence, Barbados is again issuing its own notes, this time titled: Central Bank of Barbados. Printed by Thomas de la Rue (Td1R), the notes measure 149x65mm, making them slightly smaller than USA's F small-size notes. The five denominations and corre- sponding portraits are: $1, Samuel Jackson Prescod; $5, Prescod; $10, Charles Duncan O'Neal; $20, Prescod; and $100, Sir Grantley Adams. BELIZE is the new name of the former British Honduras, having always been the name of their capitol city. I imagine this means that their main political preoccupation a tug-of-war between nearly equal factions of pro and anti-absorption into Guatemala— is finally settled. They have already issued new coins, and we collectors will undoubtedly be entertained with new note issues soon. BRAZIL is withdrawing from circulation all "old" Cruzeiro notes, issued be- fore the recent revaluation, effective 1 June 1974. The new Cruzeiro is now equated to 1000 "old" ones. BRUNEI has issued its own notes since 1967. Their first series, consisting of $1, $5, $10, $50 and $100, in sizes ascending with denominations, features a portrait of the Sultan, Sir Omar Ali Saifu'd-din III, facing a quarter turn to his right, wearing a modern military officer's hat. A new series is circulating concur- rently with the first, its primary dif- ference being that the Sultan is now facing to the front, and wearing a songkok (a kind of a fez-like cap). The $1 and $100 have been around at least since May 1973, and I have just learned of a new $50. If we all blink, perhaps the new $5 and $10 will appear? What a wonderful hob- by! Never a dull moment! JAMAICA has just issued what figures to be the first FAO note. As every- body knows, the letters stand for Food and Agriculture Organization, a sub- sidiary of the UN. And, as almost everybody knows, FAO, or rather its medallists, have been "issuing" FAO oin sets, the idea being to either feed the Hungry of Planet Earth, or least- wise to publicize their plight. Their tactics have been a marvelous study of applied psychology. First they suckered collectors in with some easy (read: inexpensive) sets, and then when they knew they had a cap- tive audience, they hit with the heavy artillery. Now, now, I'm not arguing against providing for the needy. I am arguing against singling out col- lectors as special targets/victims. Anyway . . The tactical commemorative is the $2 note, appropriately overprinted, whose back design consists of group picture of children of various races arranged to illustrate the motto "Out of Many, One People." I have not yet seen what exciting changes have been incorporated on the front of the note. One thing is certain: Governor Brown, the original signer of this series (also the signer of last signature variety of the Sterling System series) will, or has already, been promoted. Ergo, new signature varieties are imminent, rendering the previous variety some- what scarce (the emphasis is on somewhat). JAPANESE OCCUPATION OF T H E PHILIPPINES: Before you dash out to the nearest enlistment office, let me rush to explain that what we are con- cerned with here are World War Two issues, you know, the kind which every dealer has coming out of his ears. Nevertheless, they are back in the news. According to a rather lengthy article in "Coin World" (page 58, 13 March) at least three types of rubber stamped "overprints" have been logged, each of these types ap- pearing in at least two varieties. Types one and two are oval, type three circular; varieties involve differences in wording, font, and I imagine colors of ink. In a nutshell, Filipinos had tons of these notes at the end of the war, but no place to spend them. Hope springs eternal, and in this case the hope was that some existing treaty could be enforced or a new one pre- pared which would result in the Jap- anese honoring these notes. In case you're falling off the edge of your chair from suspense, they haven't been honored, and quite likely never will be honored. Meanwhile, back at the end of the war, associations were formed to negotiate for the partici- pants, the latter receiving receipts for amounts submitted, and the former "overprinting" some of these notes received for safekeeping, but generally defacing only the top and bottom notes of a given stack (of 100, prob- ably). Thus, you get wordings such as "JAPANESE WAR NOTES CLAIM- ANTS ASSOCIATION OF THE PHILIPPINES," or abbreviations there- of. Further details bore me, so read- ers thirsting for same are urged to study the abovementioned article. There are several observations to be made, however. First, the subjects under discussion are not "overprints," but rather "overstamps"! The dif- ference between the meanings and implications of the two words are significant, if not monumental. For one thing, overstamps are infinitely easier to create and indeed generate spuriously. On the other hand, ex- perts exist who can determine the authenticity of other overprinted Philippine notes with relative ease. Second, such notes are not really col- lectors' varieties because they were not issued as such, and they did not circulate as a medium of exchange in their overstamped form; at best they compare to any other note in the universe which while appearing at one of the extremes of a stack received a marking from a bank teller, e.g., total amount remaining in stack. But then, what do I know? I was the one who labeled Specimen notes as non-cur- rency, never having been intended nor used as a medium of exchange, but look at them go (pricewise) among gullible collectors! Third, one should always be suspicious of any "varie- ties" which are easy to manufacture, especially if the "normal" variety is relatively inexpensive. Did you know that one of the easiest "rare errors" to create is a missing serial number or digit) on FRNs—all it takes is a proper eraser and a little patience! Admittedly, the removal of the Trea- sury Seal demands a bit more skill. Personally, I would not mind if these notes were honored: I would cease to be concerned with such mundane things as necessities of life, and could limit my Earthly activities to the prep- aration of this column. LIBERIA has not issued any paper cur- rency in the 20th Century. While they have their own coins, Liberians use the same notes which circulate as legal tender in USA. Novice collect- ors seeking a modern Liberian note for their "One-of-a-Country" collection will be well advised not to waste their time, nor that of the dealers they are writing to, by asking for something which doesn't exist. But, should Liberia begin issuing its own notes, you'll read it in this column! X11 t. err E4rEN EEN.FiAlVr cur ucv WHOLE NO. 51 Paper Money PAGE 107 by M. Tiitus LUXEMBURG demonetized the follow- ing notes on New Year's Eve, 1973: 10 Francs, undated, issued on 23 Feb 1953; 20 Francs, undated, issued on 7 June 1955; both bore the title "Grand-Duche de Luxembourg," and featured the portrait of the Grand Duchess Charlotte. MALAWI: My source of info for this country's entry in PM-50 was prob- ably in error. I now doubt that seven new notes were issued very recently. There are 12 notes currently in cir- culation. Four are from the original Sterling System: 5/-, 10/-, £1 and £5. There are eight notes in Kwacha (=100 Tambala) denominations, two of each of the 50 Tambala (or 0.50 Kwacha), 1 K, 2 K, and 10 K. The two different Kwacha series are easily distinguishable from each other as the first series has the president's portrait on the left, as in the Sterling System series, while the second Kwacha series has his portrait on the right. The only new note in the whole ball of wax seems to be the 1 K of the second type, with the president on the right. •**This is as good a place as any to shed some light on a subject which has puzzled some collectors, especially insofar as collector values are con- cerned. In the process of decimaliza- tion, i.e., abandonment of the Sterling System, either the Pound was retained, in which case only the 10/- (10 Shillings) note became 0.50 Pounds, or Dollars, Kwachas, Nairas, etc. were introduced. In the latter instances, the 1 (or Unit) denomination was generally designed to replace the 10/- note (exceptions may exist, but I can't think of any). Thus 5/- be- came $0.50; 10/- became $1 ; £1 became $2; and £5 became $10. Therefore, unless a country has de- cided to create a totally new denomi- nation, it is quite futile for a collector to seek, say, a $5.00 note; Barbados, above, seems like an exception, but they didn't just now switch from the Sterling System, but merely converted from a previous decimal currency. MALTA has withdrawn all its 10 Shill- ings notes from circulation, but not demonetized same. The Central Bank of Malta has issued new 1, 5 and 10 Pound notes, titled - Bank Centrali Ta'Malta" on the front and "Central Bank of Malta" on the back, conspicuously lacking the portrait of Queen Elizabeth II. All the notes feature coat-of-arms and map of Malta on the front, and contain a watermark of an allegorical head of Malta. The 1 Pound note, green and mc (multicolored) , 1 34x- 66mm, features a prehistoric temple and Mdina castle on the back. The 5 Pounds, blue and mc, 145x77mm, depicts a yacht marina and various boats on the back. The 10 Pounds, dark and light brown and mc, 151x- 84mm, pictures the Grand Harbor, with boats in the foreground, and city on an island mountain in the back- ground. NETHERLANDS has recently placed a new type 5 Gulden (or Guilder) note into circulation. No news yet about the "old" type being withdrawn. If you have a sackful of the old type, I wouldn't suggest contemplating jumping off the Golden Gate, or any other bridge. The guilder is one of the world's most stable currencies; in fact the Dutch banks generally give people 30 years' warning (from with- drawal from circulation to demonetiza tion). NIGERIA "went decimal" on 1 Jan 1973, and while some denominations were issued immediately, the series of four denominations was completed sometime prior to Nov 1973. They are: 50 Kobo (0.50 Naira), 127x- 73mm, blue, purple and mc (multi- colored), the back depicting natives working on a large diameter log; 1 Naira, 137x78mm, red, brown & mc, natives carrying sacks; 5 Naira (1), 151x84, blue-gray, green & mc, na- tive striking at a bunch of fruit with a club-like object; 10 Naira, 157x- 90mm, carmine, dark blue and mc, with a power dam dominating the back design. Nigeria's central bank, familiar from the previous series, dominates the front designs on all denominations, while the scroll work, especially around the margins, has been changed beyond recognition; in fact, the margin no longer exists at all. All notes contain the watermark of the Nigerian eagle. With reference to the note following the Malawi entry, above, there is no decimal equivalent to the old Pound, the 5 Naira roughly approximating a previous, albeit never existent £2.5 (or £2/10/-1. Hundred Kobos, meaning "coppers" in the native language, make up one Naira. I'm not sure what Naira means; it may be an acronymically-derived word in- corporating the name of the country. The symbol for Naira, brilliantly original, is obtained by crossing a capital N with two horizontal bars, thusly: N ( I don't know whether the typesetter is ready for this, it looks terrible on my typewriter when I superimpose an equal sign). The Naira symbol appears at the front of the amount, like the dollar sign. The back designs are roughly the same as those of the previous series, with scrollwork changed, except of course, that the 5 Naira design is similar to the £1 ; also, the natives preparing food on the £5 have been replaced by the power dam on the N10. The Sterling System notes have all been demonetized. SOUTH AFRICA will soon be issuing new 1 and 2 Rand notes; the 2 Rand note will be the same size as the previous 1 Rand, and the 1 Rand will be smaller. Further details later. Come to think of it, I don't believe the presently circulating, i.e., latest series, contains a 2 Rand note, al- though several older series types exist and circulate. SPAIN has recently issued a new 500 Pesetas note, dated 1971. The pre- vious 500 Pesetas note is dated 1954. More details later. SURINAM: 21/2 Gulden, 1 Sep 1973, 128x73mm. Front: A beautiful blue bird, Thraupis Episcopus, perching on a branch; blue, brown and mc. Back: Afobaka Dam, built by Alcoa, creat- ing one of the largest artificial lakes in the world; green lizard; brown, blue, green and mc. VENEZUELA has issued new 50 and 100 Bolivares notes. Further details when I get them. Several Latin American countries employ more than one printer, and quite often identical de- nominations, albeit by different print- ers, circulate simultaneously. Some- times the differences are subtle, sometimes quite pronounced. Vene- zuela has b een working with the American Bank Note Company and Thomas de la Rue in recent history. The current 50 B notes, by both printers, are quite similar, bearing a portrait of Simon Bolivar; on the other hand, while the ABNC 100 B has the portrait of Bolivar in the center, the Td1R 100 B has Sucre at the right. I wonder what the new ones will be like, and by which printer? Perhaps by both? Perhaps the de- signs will be similar to the latest 500 B, which could be referred to as more "modern," if modern means gaudy colors and the elimination of borders from portraits. While I certainly wouldn't consider myself old-fash- ioned, I must admit that I prefer the older designs, described as "over- engraved" by some, to where the portrait subject appears to jump out of the background, much like in a poorly designed baseball card where the subject has been superimposed onto an unnatural background. PAGE 108 Paper Money WHOLE NO. 51 YUGOSLAVIA has again issued a 1000 Dinara note, filling a hiatus in this denomination since the 30th of June 1969, when the previous 1000 Din- are notes, dated 1 May 1955, were demonetized. ZAIRE (REPUBLIC OF) : 50 Makuta, 30 June 1973, 150x73mm, wmk of President Mobutu Sese Seko. Front: president, red, brown and mc. Back: full-length portrait, or statue of a native, native loom, red & mc. Also: 10 Zaires, 30 June 1972, 180x9Omm, wmk of president. Front: president in military uniform, blue, brown & mc. Back: arms, albeit different from the one appearing on the 1971 type, blue and mc. Apparently, 100 Ma- kuta make up 1 Zaire. Noteworthy SYNGRAPHICS is the name of a field wherein syngraphists dwell, syngraphi- cally, upon syngraphic items. The preceding sentence is merely an exer- cise utilizing four different forms of a newborn word for the various areas of our hobby. It became public knowledge on page 15, PM-49, has received coverage in the numismatic press, and will undoubtedly be elabo- rated on by our Editor and other people. Therefore, I'll keep my comments brief. All I want to say is: Welcome! You long-awaited messiah-word, you! As for other feeble attempts, near misses, and dis- eases cast in our direction I offer a polite "Good-bye! And good rid- dance!", while emphatically adding "Begone!". Literature PARAGUAYAN PAPER MONEY, by Dale A. Seppa Printed in Chicago, by Obol Interna- tional, 1974; saddle-stitched soft- cover, 50 pages. Profusely illustrated. This specialized country study is a kind of a revised edition of a book by the same author titled "Paper Money of Paraguay and Uruguay," printed in 1970, containing 242 list- ings, confined to 19 pages with limited quantity of illustrations. Just goes to show how helpful WPC col- lectors are to authors and researchers. This new work contains 302 listings of notes. Covers pre-1900 issues, miscellaneous issues, and issues of the government/national bank s. Retail price $3.00. Dealer inquiries in- vited. Available from author: Mr. Dale A. Seppa, 3215 North Cicero, Chicago, Illinois 6.0641. This is a temporary address, so please place your orders as soon as possible, or check back with this column in the next issue for possible new address. DAS NOTGELD PORTUGALS 1917- 1922, by Carl Siemsen "Emergency Paper Money of Portu- gal, 1917-1922," printed in Berlin, by Erich Proh, 1974; in German; softcover, 72 pages; without valua- tions; with foreword by the late Dr. Arnold Keller. Arthur Siemsen, a resident of Denmark, has collected emergency monies of the World War I period for over 50 years. Emer- gency issues of some Portuguese Colonies are included, as are some non-paper issues, notably porcelain. While Dr. Keller catalogued 950 pieces, an American collector had, re- portedly, collected over 2000 varieties of Portuguese paper monies, and it is probable that up to 3500 different varieties were issued. Without hav- ing actually seen the book, it is diffi- cult to determine the range of major varieties, versus minor variations, such as size variations of fonts for serial numbers, etc. The book is available for $2.50 from Mrs. Beate Rauch, Box 60321, Terminal Annex, Los Angeles, California 90060. Help! PAPER MONEY OF THE YUGOSLAVIAN STATES Mr. Dimitri B. Spajic, in Yugoslavia, who is a specialist in the paper cur- rencies of his country, is in the process of revising and enlarging the above- titled , book which appeared in 1969. If you have any information lacking in that edition, or can provide photos of critically needed type notes, please contact: Mr. William Ittel, 136 Dick- son Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. 15292. SAMPLES OF NEW ISSUES WANTED FOR THIS COLUMN If you think you are among the first to receive a newly issued note of any country (except USA), perhaps you would like to "share" it with other SPMC members by submitting it for illustration in this column? It is possible that situations will occur where a note appears illustrated in a given issue after having been de- scribed in the previous issue. We don't mind that—we'll simply refer the reader back to the previous issue for the description. Submitters would be given due credit. The notes submitted for illustrations should be uncirculated, and must be sent to me at: Box 259, Menlo Park, California 94025. Notes with face values under $10.00 will be returned to the submitter by ordinary first class mail (via airmail, if overseas). This process is quite safe, as most stamp collectors and dealers know. I rarely insure ship- ments under $15.00 myself, and the only letter lost during the last five years was to a collector who said that he did not receive it. Well, per- haps, he didn't. Anyway, the idea is to keep things simple. ... Otherwise, we'll spend all our lives at the post office, and won't get to important things, such as collecting. (Editor's Note: In any event SPMC cannot and will not be responsible for the safety of the notes.) It's in the Books — Excerpts from Dye's Counterfeit Detector, ju ây, 1884 Edition Donated to SPMC Library by Morey Perlmutter New Counterfeit $20 Treasury Note Series of 1875. Letter B Another new counterfeit has ap- peared of the same class of work as the new $10 Treasury note just men- tioned. This $20 note also presents a good appearance, is numbered A385, 285, and is signed John Alliso n, Register, and Jas. Gilfillan, Treasurer. The words "Engraved & printed at the Bureau Engraving & Printing" have also been omitted on this bill; but as many special points on all this class of counterfeit bills will vary with each particular bill, and a defect in one may be remedied in the next one, hence it is well to examine care- fully all suspicious notes as to the general quality and accuracy of the work, and a close inspection will in- stantly decide their true character ; also apply moisture, as recommended in the description of the new counter- feit $10 Treasury note. Counterfeit Railroad Tickets W. H. Pinder, Augustus C. Speth and John B. Cole were arrested for forging and issuing five and ten cent tickets on the elevated railroads in New York. General Manager Hain said "The conspiracy has assumed much larger dimensions than at first suspected. A number of the bogus tickets were put in circulation, but the company has not lost any money from that cause, as the plan of the forgers was to substitute those tickets in place of the genuine ones, and when they had accumulated $100,000 of the latter to destroy all the plates and stones and other instruments used in print- ing the bogus tickets, and thus reap a rich harvest in selling the genuine issues. Between twenty and thirty of the agents of the road are involved. Inspector Byrnes has obtained from Coles, the originator of the scheme, a full confession, which is corrobo- rated by Pinder." It is understood that a warrant will be issued for the manufacturer of the paper on which the tickets were printed. The Pres- ident of the Franklin Bank Note Company, which provides the company with its tickets, after examining the counterfeits prounounced them to be so perfect as to be an improvement, even upon the originals. WHOLE NO. 51 Paper Money PAGE 109 A Forgotten Chapter: The United. States Postal Note By NICHOLAS BRUYER SPMC No. 3448 (Concluded from PAPER MONEY No. 50, Page 76) INTERMISSION A COMMITTEE appointed by the Postmaster Generalto report on the status of the money order systemremarked of the now retired note: "The popularity of the postal note could be foreseen before its adoption, because it met an overwhelming demand for a cheap and convenient method of transmitting very small sums of money . .. (However), it was shown by experience that the money order form itself, although not fully conveni- ent, with a slight reduction in fee, could have given the same utility for small sums, but without increased liabil- ity." In spite of the difficulties suffered by the public and the POD with the use of the postal notes, it was generally well-received, a useful currency employed ex- tensively by the public. The spirit of the note was still held in high regard by postal officials. While the little note had physically disap- peared, their concept was kept alive by "almost constant discussion" ever since. When the postal note was dis- continued in 1894, it was thought that two money order systems were not necessary. Yet, necessity and demand from the public conclusively proved otherwise. Beginning in 1906 and for four years thereafter, legislation authori- zing the issuance of postal notes in various forms and amounts was proposed by the POD to Congress. "The reasons advanced were practically all based upon objec- tions to the use of postage stamps for remittances of small sums of money." The 1907 Report of the Post- master General states: There is a great demand from the public for postal notes . . the Third Assistant Postmaster General was directed to thoroughly in- vestigate the subject and to prepare a suitable postal-note bill which would furnish a cheaper and more convenient form of remittances through the mails in denominations of 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 75, 80. and 90 cents, $1, $1.50, $2, and $2.50 . . . The passage of such a measure is of the utmost importance both to the public and to the Department. A fee of not more than 2c was to be charged to issue this proposed note. A law enabling the reestablishment of the postal note passed Congress on March 4, 1911. Curiously and, I believe, unfortunately, this legislation was never exercised, for reasons unknown to this author. The postal note was to remain in limbo for many years to come. DEJA VU: THE SECOND SERIES THE money order system, existing continually fromits establishment on May 17, 1864, "while providingan excellent service, requires considerable work and ti ne on the part of the patrons and postal personnel. It also has been conducted for many years at considerable loss to the Government." The U. S. Government lost $40 million on the sale of money orders during the period 1940-1944, and these war years were considered to be good ones for the system, as "prior to that time the loss was even greater." Money order fees were gradually edging upward over the years, and many persons were again making remittances in the mail of coins, currency and stamps, rather than pay the required fees. In 1941, the Post Office Department made an extensive study of the subject of postal notes, resulting in the enactment by Congress of a law authorizing establish- ment of postal notes in amounts up to and including $10.00, at a fee of 5c. Based on this law, a postal note was devised and placed on sale at all First Class offices on Feb. 1, 1945 (see Plate 37). Ultimately, as sufficient stock was printed, the service was extended to all post offices. No less an ovation was given these new notes by the Department than that "It is believed that it will be the greatest single improvement in money transmission since the establishment of the Money Order System". The new postal note was to be a sort of testing ground for a new concept in money orders. This latest form of note was designed in a perforated, or punched card form, "for the express purpose of affording the Department an opportunity to determine the feasibility of a punched card money order system." This new postal note was then to be a transient thing, existing only to benefit its big brother, the money order. The notes were issued for the express amounts of $1 to $10, with the addition of a note for amounts less than $1. Odd amounts were arranged by affixing special postal note stamps, as in Plate 38. These engraved stamps, Scott numbers PN 1- 18, are rotary-press printed in black on unwatermarked paper by the Bureau of Engraving and Printing, per- forated 11 by 10 1/2 . It is rather interesting to note that, with the appear- ance of this new postal note, the issue of fractional cur- rencies has come full circle: First, postage stamps, then postage currency in imitation of stamps, then a full- fledged fractional currency, followed by the First Series postal note, and concluded by this Second Series postal note, a synthesis of fractional currency and the postage stamp. The note as described by the Department is in three parts: Part 1, the body of the note, on which the pur- chaser writes the name and address of the payee and the payee signs his name when the note is paid (this is the exact recommendation of the Postmaster General back in 1892) ; part 2, the paying office coupon, bearing any necessary stamps for odd amounts; and part 3, the pur- chaser's receipt. The notes were to be paid within two months of issue and were payable at any bank or post office. Purchasers were allowed to make claims for reimbursements for invalid notes and notes lost or erroneously paid. The perforation of the notes allowed the mechanical sorting by denomination and filing for the purposes of inquiry, claim and accounting. It could be issued in half the time it took to issue a money order, although the security protection afforded it was equal to that of the money order. Especially advantageous was the flat fee of five cents charged for the postal note, a savings to customers of 40%. In 1944, approximately 70% of the money order business was for amounts of $10.00 or less. Nearly eight million postal notes were issued in the first half of 1945 (see Table F). On October 1, 1945, postal note service was extended to second class post offices. Government reports indicated that while appeal for the note was proven by public usage, some "incon- veniences and faults" were discovered in the system that might make necessary some changes. "In conjunction with this experiment, intensive studies are being made of the entire money order system, particularly looking into the feasibility of a punch card money order, new mechanical accounting methods and equipment and other 361,775361,775 361,775 s I F.... Cents t'; DI r United States Postal Note ANY POSTMASTER WILL PAY PAYING OFFICE a COUPON .■1 AND aooness OF PAYEE , '617. U, POStil Ni),t0 Wi SU at pi IA be. Z j' aftixed here U.- and caanceled at , 'Issuing' Office - t • t . at.CTS 7E' The value, not exceeding 95( o • any Postal Note Stamps affixed to pay,g office coupon. •• PAY' ENT DO NOT FOLD, MUTE OR SPINE, State Street Crt; PURCHASER'S RECEIPT Detach and hold. Claim cannot be ConaIdened or payment traced without 11141 OFFICE CIIIJPON POSTAL NOTE Issued by POST OFFICE nEPAPTIVENT POSTAL NOTE STAMPS are nut rauuded 9. itzg PAYING OFFICE COUPON Postal Note Stamps to be affixed here tsq and canceled at tetiikiktOftloe trii1 4 L 1, 45, 7 5 4, 8 4 3 PAGE 110 Paper Money WHOLE NO. 51 Plate 37. The Second Series postal note. A punched card form, this particular note was issued for lc. The detachable coupon, to be retained in the paying office and bearing a postal note stamp, is at right, while the purchaser's receipt coupon is at far right. Also notice the cancellation star at upper left. This particular coupon was used only for amounts under one dollar, as evidenced by stars in the dollar columns at upper right. Plate 38. Several paying office coupons detached from the postal notes. Quite an interest- ing selection, as there are three distinct varieties represented here. The second from left and the right end coupons are of the earliest varieties, while the far left is of an intermediate type and the second from right is the latest type. Notice the form of perforations at the left of each coupon, and the style of serial number printing at the top of each. The last type (second from right) has eliminated the use of stamps. On the coupon for $5.06 an inverted 9c stamp has been used to signify 6c, while the $3.15 coupon has substituted lc and 5c stamps to indicate 15c, indicative of the resourcefulness of the American postal system. procedures. . . ." On Jan. 1, 1949, the fee for the issuance of a postal note was increased from 5c to 8c. Public Law 486, chapter 21 (H.R. 6475), approved April 28, 1950 by the 81st Congress, second session reads: Provided, That no claim for the amount of a postal note which is filed later than 1 year from the last day of the month of issue will be considered unless the original postal note is presented with such claim and no duplicate postal note has been issued therefor. This act, then, provides that all postal notes ever issued can at present be redeemed for their full amount, if the original note is submitted along with the claim. Thus, postal notes issued as long as 90 years ago are still redeemable, if submitted through the proper channels. The Second Series postal note served the public success- fully from 1945 to 1951. Postal notes were withdrawn from sale on March 31, 1951, in order to remove them from circulation prior to the introduction of a new punched card money order. To quote the Postmaster General: "the postal note has served its purpose." TABLE F: NUMBERS AND AMOUNTS OF SECOND SERIES POSTAL NOTES ISSUED, PAID AND OUTSTANDING, 1945-53: Year Number Issued Amount Issued Amount Paid Outstanding 1945 7,958,100 $ 38,756,399 $ 38,152,128 $ 604,271 1946 27,542,693 $ 132,242,529 $ 131,858,880 $ 383,648 1947 54,975,236 $ 270,803,722 $ 269,911,457 $ 892,265 1948 73,048,954 $ 373,829,571 $ 373,474,298 $ 355,274 1949 90,114,385 $ 470,342,872 $ 470,081,645 $ 261,227 1950 96,338,185 $ 523,644,668 $ 523,189,343 $ 455,326 1951 73,447,758 $ 415,915,067 $ 416,765,195 1952 $ 262,680 1953 28,597 Totals : 423,425,311 82,225,534,828 $2,223,724,223 $1,788,096. Official amount outstanding, as reported in the annual report of the Postmaster General, 1953. As of June 30, 1953 there were officially $1,788,096 of these Second Series postal notes left outstanding. If we divide this amount by the average value of postal notes issued in 1948, $5.12, we can estimate that a maximum of 350,000 postal notes remained unredeemed as of 1953, or 74% as many notes as First Series notes WHOLE NO. 51 Paper Money PAGE I 11 outstanding in 1897, only 14% as many notes as fractional notes believed extant today. The author is interested in obtaining further infor- mation about postal notes, and about other specimens that may be existing in others collections, especially from states not known by the author to exist. Please contact Nicholas Bruyer, 1503 W. 5th St., Irving, Texas 75060. REFERENCES 1. Ascher, Dr. Siegfried, Born a-Leipzig, Grosser uanzachen-Katalog 1928, verlag von Robert Noske, pp. 1291. Printed in German, lists First, Second and Fourth Issue Postal Notes. 2. Brofos, Frederick A., Postal Notes of the United States, appearing in Covers, July 1954, pp. 23-26. 3. The Congressional Record, Volume 13, Part 6, 47th Congress, first session, June 23-July 25, 1882 (JII, R5, V.13:6). Pp. 6326-6336. 4. Culkin, Wren L., article appearing in Linn's Weekly Stamp News under Carl Rueth's "Notes," possibly De- cember 1963. Illustrates four notes and refers to pre- vious articles on August 5 and Sept 9. (Culkin was curator of the Boy's Town Philamatic Center). 5. Jumper, B. F., an article appearing in Postal Stationery, official publication of the United Postal Stationery Society, Nov.-Dec. 1948. 6. Lurch, E. Norman, "United States Postal Notes" Postal Stationery, Vol. 15, No. 2, Part 1, March-April 1973, Whole no. 159, pp. 63-64, illus., has photos of the First, Second, Fourth and Fifth Issue First Series notes. 7. Morris, Thomas F., a continuing article in The Essay-Proof Journal, No. 93, Winter 1967. 8. The Annual Report of the Postmaster-General for the years 1881 to 1914. Information on Postal Notes indexed under "Money Orders" or "Postal Notes" in the back of each volume. Govt. Printing Office. 9. Post Office Department, The United States Postal Money-Order System, prepared under the direction of Postmaster General Albert S. Burleson. Washington, D.C.; the Post Office Department, 1915. 10. Ross, Myron H., The United States Postal Note, a newspaper article, source and date unknown. 11. The Schwaneberger stamp album, Germany; 1891. According to Mr. Brofos, this catalog contains within its U. S. section illustrated spaces for cut-out stamps (the Liberty vignette, "FEE THREE CENTS") of the First and Second Issue notes of Homer Lee Co. 12. Sloane, George B., Sloane's Column, compiled by George T. Turner. The Bureau Issues Association, 1961. Columns of Dec. 16, 1950 and March 3, 1951. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The following individuals and organizations are to be profusely thanked for all of their plentiful help in obtaining information and Postal Notes to put this article together : 1. Mr. Adrien Boutrelle, photographer, with special thanks for accommodating the particular needs of this article. 2. Mrs. Geneva C. Chancey, with special thanks for her most courteous, prompt help when it was needed most. 3. The Chase Manhattan Bank Money Museum, with special thanks to Mr. Gene Hessler, Curator. 4. Mr. Lowell Cooper, with thanks for the appreciable amount of information he has culled from many news sources over the years. 5. Mr. William R. Devine, photographer, the Chase Manhattan Bank. 6. Mr. F. L. Ellis. 7. Mr. Leonard H. Finn. 8. Mr. Jack V. Harvey, Vice-President, the Bureau Issues Association, with special thanks for his eagerness and ability to get a job done. 9. Mr. E. Norman Lurch, Manager, Stationery Society Sales Circuit. 10. Thomas F. Morris, II. 11. Mr. Gilbert L. Peakes, with special generous loan of his extensive collection Notes. 12. Mr. M. Clay Perdue. 13. Mr. Atsuhiko Tsunoda. 14. The United States Postal Service. Finally, a sincere and hard-earned Thank You to Barbara B. Mueller, our Editor, for her encouragement, dedication, drive, Tea & Sympathy, whose vigorous activ- ities in my behalf made this article. Banknote Nemesis of a Train Bobber By CHARLES G. COLVER SUALLY money is the downfall of a thief, as proved to be the case with "Kid" Curry. A little- known incident in history is the story of how a National Bank Note played a part in the capture of the famous outlaw Harvey Logan, alias Kid Curry, in 1901. After killing Pike Landusky in a saloon shoot out at Landusky, Montana, Curry ran off to join forces with Butch Cassidy and Sundance Kid. This notorious "Wild Bunch" was in need of funds for their routine drinking and gambling activities. They held up the Great Northern Railway express train at Wagner, Montana, on July 3, 1901. After blowing up the mail-express car with dynamite, they escaped on horseback with $80,000 in loot consisting of new, uncut, unsigned, National Bank Notes destined for some of the Far Western banks. These notes, of course, were readily identifiable, to the dismay of the bandits. The notes were stashed away until the heat was off. Later, Kid Curry traveled to Knoxville, Tennessee to visit with relatives and decided he could pass some of the hot money there without danger. He was wrong. A sharp- eyed clerk spotted the offered unsigned $50 note as one of the stolen pieces. The law was summoned and after considerable effort the kid was captured at Jefferson City and jailed. He later escaped by overpowering a guard. He met his end a short time later during another holdup attempt. Exit Kid Curry and his Helena, Montana notes! Correction to "Known Counterfeit First Charter National Bank Notes" The compilation under the above title which appeared on page 188 of PAPER MONEY No. 48 continued two errors. Please note these corrections: Under the Two Dollar category, Peeksville, N. Y. should read Peekskill. Under the Ten Dollar category, the Peeks- kill bank is listed as Winchester National. The West- chester County Bank was established as a state bank in 1833. Since June 30, 1865, it has been known as the Westchester County National Bank. Stamp collectors among paper money collectors have noticed the appropriate "bank note green" chosen for the new 21c denomination in the regular series picturing A. P. Giannini of the Bank of America. The finely en- graved stamp was initially designed with the spelling of his first name as AMEDEO instead of AMADEO. A re- ported 40 million of the wrongly printed version were destroyed at a cost of $15,000. The correct version was issued June 27, 1973 at San Mateo, California. United Postal thanks for the of U.S. Postal 49/114, • I' PI O N MARINE BANKOI 41 Pay to Bearer FIVE DOLLARS through the But- 14 Clearing house and charge to pay-roll account of C rtlfird by ;4O il Met 4.1244.. The Marine Bank of Buffalo. BUFFALO, 1893. Paper Money WHOLE NO. 51PACE 1 1 2 Payroll Scrip - Panic of 1893 By ROBERT H. LLOYD t$10. k I NO., . : of Pay to Bearer TEN DOLLARS through the Buf- - 0'x d'falo. Clearing House and charge to pay-roll account - Certified by The Marine Rank& Buffalo, ill, AwY Gash 604 MARINE BANK BUFFALO, I LLUSTRATED here are two very interesting payrollchecks that date from the financial crisis of 1893. For many years these checks were in the collection of the late Jesse M. Taylor of Buffalo, N. Y. Little is known of their use and origin, for the press accounts of the period seldom reported such activities. For many years there has been a federal law providing that no person or bank may utter checks payable to the bearer in denominations corresponding to those of the paper currency. The idea was to prevent promoters from gaining a "float" as issuers of the well-known travelers' checks obtain, and to prevent competition with Treasury or National Bank currency. The fear of repudiation was still strong in memory, for most of the public at that time could recall state bank issues that were either worthless or redeemed at a fraction of their face value. Obviously, these two checks are somewhat in conflict with the federal statute. The Panic of 1893 was another one of those periods in American history when the banks found themselves short of currency. The Clearing House Certificates of the Panic of 1907 are the best illustration of this recur- ring trouble before the advent of our "engines of infla- tion," the Federal Reserve Banks of 1913. It may well be that these payroll checks were tolerated as being in the nature of Clearing House necessities. But denomina- tion bearer checks are very scarce on the American financial scene. It is most likely that all canceled items of this sort were destroyed years ago. Bearing no rev- enue stamps or vignettes, they had little appeal to col- lectors. Notice that the checks were to be signed by the user, a bank depositor, and then countersigned by an officer of the bank. The printing of the year date in full shows that no long use was contemplated. Thus they are one of the few financial mementoes of that crisis. A similar attempt by other banks was suppressed during the Bank Holiday, 1933. Such scrip had to be so qualified as to payee and instructions that it took more of the nature of a promissory note than an order to pay. Scrip from municipalities seems to have been exempted from the usual ban. The author recommends the collection of American scrip as being fully important to the study of our history. It has been neglected in favor of the more widely catalogued hank notes and merchants scrip of the early years, and of course, revenue stamped bank checks. WHOLE NO. 51 Paper Money PAGE 113 Hudson's Bay Company Trade and Paper Money By FORREST W. DAN I EL (Concluded from PAPER MONEY No. 50, Page 58) HUDSON'S BAY PAPER—A SHORT VIEW BARTER F OR the first 150 years the dealings of the Hudson'sBay Company in Rupert's Land was carried on bybarter. Goods from England—metal knives and other implements, guns, powder, fine woolen blankets, tea, beads and other merchandise—were exchanged to the native Indians for furs and hides. The Company set the price for both their goods and the furs the Indians brought in. It was a fair exchange. The English exchanged items they thought of small cash value for valuable furs. The natives traded surplus furs which they found free for the taking for fine, warm blankets, guns and traps which made their taking the furs easier ; metal knives which were sharper and easier to use than the stone and bone implements they were used to; metal pots that made cooking in fire easier; and of course, colorful items for personal adornment. The Indians were certain they received the best of the exchange. Like all good trades it was mutually advantageous. The establishment of a European agricultural colony in the southern reaches of the Company's land called for the use of money—coins and bills. Furs, however, re- mained the sole medium of exchange in all areas outside of the Red River Settlement. USE OF NOTES HE first shipment of promissory notes, 2,000 of one pound and 4,000 of five shillings, arrived at York Factory in 1820. Use of the notes was delayed be- cause their necessity was questioned by George Simpson, governor of Rupert's Land. It appears none were released until September 1824. Circulation was carefully controlled by the Company. Use of coins and Hudson's Bay Company notes in- creased in Red River Settlement. Alexander Ross wrote that the Company's notes were "practically better than Her Majesty's stamped gold, yet [they] neither are, nor can be declared to be, a legal tender." The growth of free trading in the 1840s brought in- dependent competition to the Company and since Com- pany notes were the currency of the colony, complications arose. The Company threatened to withdraw their notes if the free traders did not curtail their activities. In retaliation the traders petitioned the English government to have the regular notes, which were payable 60 days after sight in London, replaced by silver coin. Governor Alexander Christie, in 1845, replaced the ordinary bills of exchange with a non-negotiable currency intended for use only in the settlement. Because of the isolation of the area and the ties of trade and family between Red River Settlement and Pembina, the notes certainly had some circulation in the United States. It also seems a reasonable assumption that the notes were used at Georgetown, Minnesota, an important Company way-station on the St. Paul-Red River Trail, at least during the first few years after it was established in 1859. Georgetown consisted of a few dwelling houses, the Company store, and warehouse build- ings. The hotel was the upstairs room of the stage station. The expansion of American settlement following the Civil War brought in United States money and because of its nature, Hudson's Bay notes retreated immediately north of the border. The currency situation was stirred again in Red River when Alexander G. Dallas again stopped issuance of Com- pany notes in 1862 in an effort to curtail activities of the independent traders. The drastic reduction of cur- rency in circulation affected the entire community. Dallas was replaced in 1864, and the situation returned to normal. Another interruption of the normal supply of currency occurred when Louis Riel made his forced loan of more than £1,000 from the safe of the Hudson's Bay Company on December 22, 1869. It is noted that the bills were marked in the handwriting of Accountant J. H. McTavish. According to Larry Gingras' list of signatures, the notes taken must have been five-shilling notes York date March 1, 1866, and/or one pound notes dated June 1, 1868 ; May 1, 1869; or June 1, 1869. In May 1870, there was a need for notes and they were provided, even though there was unrest in Red River. Reil's Provisional Government was in control and Can- adian troops were expected. Two series of notes were issued; the facts are not known but this seems a plausible explanation: Circulation was never great. Only five-shilling and one- pound notes were "borrowed" by Riel, and those the entire stock, since none were released at a later date. A supply of one-shilling notes was found at York Factory and sent south ; none had been dated for use since March 4, 1846. At Fort Garry they received the rubber stamp of Governor W. Mactavish dated May 1, 1870, and were released. Mactavish was ill and unable to put his sig- nature on the notes. Though very scarce these are some of the more numerous of Hudson's Bay Company notes now known which reached circulation. The second series of notes is considered an emergency issue. It is type-set and printed on thin brownish paper, most likely at the local print shop. Two new denomina- tions appear : five pounds dated May 10, 1870, and ten pounds dated May 16, and bearing the stamp of W. Mactavish dated May 12 and May 17, respectively. Notes of five shillings and one pound were dated May 2 and stamped May 5. These with the one-shilling notes saw circulation through the summer and during the occupation of the troops of the Red River Expedition in August and September ; indeed, until they were replaced with Can- adian money. At least one of the surviving one-shilling notes, in cus- tomary military fashion, has a signature on the back: "J. B. McBean, Fort Garry, Sept. 23rd, 1870, Red River Expedition." Notes of the regular Hudson's Bay Company type of one and five pounds with a London date of June 1, 1870, arrived later in the summer, probably after the transfer of the province had been made, with only a few placed in circulation. Gingras lists only undated and unsigned notes of one pound and five pounds dated October 7, 1870. The dominance of the Company over the commerce of Red River and its control of the quantity of notes issued made redemption of them almost complete. The common- est notes are listed as Rarity 5-21 to 30 known. Some unissued notes with stub are among the commonest types ; these were released by the Company to collectors in the 1920s. Paper Money WHOLE NO. 51PAGE 114 ‘'',., e0,,',,, ------,-) , 4, s :1-- ->:-_,- 4,-- 1-__:.--,,-4-- ,.... - 11-r-1----S-itie( ')Iltlintis (---- )ferf='• ') /%2 --,_-_-_-.2-- _ -.--,- .\...-,\. 4, ,,,,L v k , II IT IDSON-S BAY ('()31PANY. ) '!) ) i ---- , ) g /// ,,, - J / (--- /7) /-..1/ // • ///, ...)(///t /:,./ /man.- IssN ( 'I,) // - 4/i/ /lib e!!-,.. , 1)itttitil .,//;,/),;,/,/;,/,,,,„/,),,,,,,,/, /,,,,,/, Ni *, - ,„ // . /..1 / /47 ( C. le i//- /-----/,7:/ 7, 7 ,/ / //, (!4.1/711;/// , ,////, /•• ,/y/i/ if/ /h/i ifILDSOirS 2.-11(71:0//oZ :1( ,///k///!' ' , ., / , ,.-/,(7- // X ---// ( 1 ( ( ' 9, _____7i , . o/ //,, n ,(,,/ ,/,- ((ay if 2,2-: .. 9 , „ , Ay 'l ///(Y ' ) Y1/////// :.---...,' '''''' ,, , - r-,,, 11 --` - rip la ),/ -... ․) ,,t- ,:y4C,I,7/,,,w,/ , / ,,,, X. ,,7 /pi,' 2.thsOits ....t).)--- /./-Ak; /tic( ( ) ;) r/../eY1)K,, ) u. PAC1.0 R V, /4 /C '47 / G/ 1,144,. 1/2o, /7 3 ‘'// '(( ( ,,.., ' ' / ,-, /- ,-',;:',.5,'"-Y-'2,..../ -?;/,,,,,/:;,,i ) / /// ' / d i /fre----- ( ( /7',.. ,/ ,,/,-,,,, / ) ' Unissued five-shilling note with counterfoil. t . 0898 0\ 1•, SIIILLING - ////// ) /(----„. , (,) \ (. - _ ( _Rinkitlio- itlitt) k l. 011iPall1). ) _ . . Vi) ///'//// 11 /, Air //, - ) //1/ / , ,, // 4/// / ONI: Sill I. 1.1 Nc ,A, ///'///iinm i'i( ivv ,,e);,,, -77y,,,, i :, 1) / ,f ( //ire - ////, "../7/;///(//)//..)- /1117 / /6 e e f ,VA'r /,'/ 7•//,') .)./() ) 11 i),./ , / /4, // / 1 'rt { 1-/) . ( / , 7 /,,, //////ei/A-) One shilling note printed in blue with blue stamp of W. Mactavish, Red River Settlement. The back has the signature of J. B. McBean, a member of the Red River Expedition. -/// L0.3 - 1)0.1: A / ///y/■2" /' // / 1/.1 /1// / 4/4 //, 10 //r/ l/St 110 On 0898 . /-/ //, ///,/IV; 6 • /,. A - .)( A lot of "6 promissory notes of the 1832-1840 period (Hudson's Bay Company), all five shillings, York Factory type . . . all F-G with much of the writing illegible . . . probably some scarce, but difficult to tell without close study . . . several have 'Registered at Fort Garry, this 30th Sept. 1844. Alex Christie, Gov'r' " sold for $210 against an estimate of $150 at the Charlton Numismatics auction sale of Jan. 25-26, 1974 featuring the Walter D. Allan collection of Canadian paper money. (Description quoted from auctioneer's catalog.) HUDSON'S BAY BLANKE TS ARE NOT PAPER S OME collectors insist upon calling any large-size billa blanket or horse-blanket. This is especially inap-propriate when notes of the Hudson's Bay Company are called blankets, even though their size is large—in the neighborhood of 5 x 7 inches. Genuine Hudson's Bay blankets are made in England of 100 percent wool. First placed in the Indian trade 200 years ago, they are still produced. The trade blankets were of the finest quality wool made in white and colors to suit the Indians' love of color. A blue band was woven across each end of the blanket to distinguish it from imitations. Later a system of "points" was incorporated to grade the different sizes and weights. The "points" were blue markings five inches long woven into the edge. Similar lines, half as long, indicated "half points." A four-point blanket measured WHOLE NO. 51 Paper Money PAGE 11 5 72 by 180 inches and weighed about 12 pounds. One point or one and a half points indicated much smaller sizes. In the beaver trade with the Indians the number of points indicated the blanket's price in made-beaver. On the Pacific coast, where the paper notes were not used, the Hudson's Bay blanket became a standard of value in its own right. The large shield-shaped coppers of the Haida Indians were valued in blankets. ARCHIVES TO COME TO MANITOBA 14_ N agreement signed by George T. Richardson, gov- ernor of Hudson's Bay Company, and Premier Ed Schreyer of Manitoba on July 31, 1973, provides that the archives of the Company be transferred from Beaver House in London to the Provincial Library and Archives Building in Winnipeg. The transfer of the records of 303 years of trading in Canada comprising 4,200 linear feet of material will be made in the summer of 1974 and be administered by the provincial archivist. The Company records include minute books, corre- spondence to its employees dating from 1679, journals of exploration, account books, maps and ships' logs. As early as 1683, Company representatives were instructed by the London Committee to keep journals of activities at their stations and all occurrences so that the Committee might have detailed knowledge of how the posts were adminis- tered. Some of the reports are very detailed. Since the 1930s, records from 1670 to 1870 have been available to scholars, and in 1970 the records were opened to 1900. When the archives are at last available in Winnipeg, some researcher may write an authentic and detailed history of the use of Hudson's Bay Company promissory notes. SOURCES : Diary, Etc., of Chief Trader John MacLeod, Senior, of Hudson's Bay Company, Red River Settlement, 1811. Collections of the State Historical Society of North Dakota, Vol. II, 1908. Industrial History of the Valley of the Red River of the North, by John Lee Coulter. Collections NDHS, Vol. III, 1910. The Red River Colony and the Northwest American Indians, by John West. Collections NDHS, Vol. III, 1910. The Hudson's Bay Company and the Red River Trade, by Hattie Listenfelt. Collections NDHS, Vol. IV, 1913. Summary of Evidence in the Controversy between The Hudson's Bay Company and the North-West Company, House of Commons 1819. Collections NDHS, Vol. IV, 1913. The Minutes of the Council of the Northern Department of Rupert's Land 1830 to 1843, etc, by Isaac Cowie. Col- lections NDHS, Vol. IV, 1913. The Red River Settlement, etc., by Alexander Ross. London 1856. Reprint Minneapolis 1957. Minnesota and the Manifest Destiny of the Canadian Northwest, by Alvin C. Gluek, Jr. "Narrative and Final Report of Exploration for a Route for a Pacific Railroad near the Forty-seventh and Forty- ninth Parallels of North Latitude from St. Paul to Puget Sound," by Isaac Stevens. The History of the City of Saint Paul, and the County of Ramsey, Minnesota, by J. Fletcher Williams. West on the 49th Parallel, Red River to the Rockies, 1872-1876, by John E. Parsons. Paper Money of the Hudson's Bay Company, by Larry Gingras. A History of Pembina County, by Centennial Committee. The Beaver. Several issues of the Company's quarterly magazine. "Hudson's Bay Blanket", by Anthony A. Amaral, True West, Nov.-Dec. 1963. The Numismatist, April 1921; July, September 1923; January 1924. Paper Money, 1966 No. 2. Abstraction of Twenty Thousand Dollars By F. E. Spinner (An extract from the Annual Report of F. E. Spinner, Treasurer of the United States, dated November 1, 1870, and published in "Message and Documents," 1871.) I N my last annual report, the fact was stated that with-in the eight years that the Treasury had been in mycharge, money transactions were had that footed on the books of this office at a sum exceeding $44,000,000,000, and that not one cent had been lost to the people of the United States on account of the management of the Trea- sury or on account of the conduct of any the employes in this office; and I concluded by saying that such good fortune could not last always, and that the law of chances would be strongly against me in the future. The fore- bodings then felt have during the year, in a single case, been verified. On Saturday, the 11th day of June last (1870), an uncounted package of 2,000 new United States ten-dollar notes, numbered consecutively from H 3,530,001 to H 3,532,000*, both inclusive, was stolen from the division of issues, where it had been delivered from the division of engraving and printing, to be counted and covered into the Treasury. Two strangers had for several days been seen about the halls of the Treasury Building. On the day mentioned, the wife of a prominent resident of this city, with her young son, and two relatives, a gentleman and his wife, residents of a western city, were passing the upper door of the long room, where the money packages were piled on a table to be counted. The first-named lady and the chief of the division were well acquainted, and as she came to the open door they recognized and saluted each other ; she, with her friends, naturally advancing into the room. Now, the theory of the manner of the robbery is, that the two strangers were in the hall, watching for just such an opportunity to act the part that they had long been rehearsing. When the party named entered the room, one of the thieves forced himself between the lady who led the way and her friends. This man immediately entered into conversation with Mr. Root, the chief of the division, making all manner of inquiries in regard to the manufacture, receipt, and counting of the notes, and after the disposition made of them. Mr. Root supposed him to be of his friend's party, and was thrown entirely off his guard. The lady in turn, from his apparently familiar manner, supposed him to be particular friend of Mr. Root. The lady and her friends walked down the length of the room, passing all the counters, and passed out into the hall at the farthest door. The principal thief in the meantime held Mr. Root in conversation, and gradually drew him to the table where the money packages were piled up. Here he managed so to place Mr. Root as to (Continued on Page 119) PAGE 116 Paper Money WHOLE NO. 51 Contemporary Currency Schultz and Banuelos Resignations Portend New Federal Reserve Series Treasury Secretary George Schultz has announced his intention to resign in May. Together with the resig- nation of U. S. Treasurer Romana Banuelos, his action spells eventual replacement of both signatures (1969C and 1969D series I on our paper money after successors have been named. However, the Treasurer's post may go unfilled for the remainder of the Nixon administration as it did for two and a half years during the Johnson administration following the resignation of Kathryn O'Hay Granahan in 1966. Because the currency presses were completely devoted to gasoline rationing coupon production during late January, February and most of March, the currency stockpile has been reduced somewhat. According to E. J. Prescott, chief of the office of currency and stamp printing at the Bureau of Engraving and Printing, not ever before in the memory of the oldest living employees has the Bureau stopped printing paper money completely. A Chicago Tribune Press Service dispatch of March 25. 1974, relates that the 1,500 tons of ration coupons now pose a storage problem. Mr. Prescott said the entire order was to be packaged and delivered to the Federal Energy Office on April 5. The coupons were cut into sheets of 16, wrapped in plastic in packages of 100 each, then boxed in units of 25 packages. Prescott calculated a total of 120,000 such boxes weighing 25 pounds each, or 1,500 tons in all. Asked if he could come up with some idea of just how much 1,500 tons of coupons and boxes would amount to in space occupied, Prescott said, "Well, each box measures 13 by 12 by 71/4 inches and there are 120,000 boxes. Using arithmetic, that comes out to a stack 72,500 feet high. Or, if you prefer, 13.73 miles straight up." This printing order, given its size and deadline for completion, was unequalled in the history of intaglio printing. It is believed that the Bureau produced 3.7 billion of the coupons, but in spite of the paper money stoppage, it had to subcontract for the rest of the order. The American Bank Note Co. of New York produced 650 million and the United States Bank Note Co. of Philadelphia prepared an additional 450 million. Cost of manufacturing all the coupons was estimated to be $12 million. The possibility that the office of Treasurer of the United States may be phased out arose at the time of Mrs. Banuelos' resignation when it was revealed that the office is being stripped of much of its traditional re- sponsiblity. To replace it is a new agency, the Bureau of Government Financial Operations in the Fiscal Ser- vice. The eventual effect of this change on paper money signatures is still unknown. Mrs. Banuelos' name first appeared on E. S. currency in April, 1972 in connection with that of then-Treasury Secretary John Connally on 1969-C notes in the $1 denomination and 1969-B notes in the larger denomi- nations. After Schultz became Treasury Secretary, the $1 denominations became 1969-D, with the larger denominations still series 1969-C. The next new series of Federal Reserve Notes will probably be series 1969-E in the $1 denomination and 1969-D in the larger denominations. The following check list of signature combinations used on U. S. Federal Reserve Notes since 1961 was made available by Numismatic News Weekly. It shows which denominations were printed in each series, along with examples in the footnotes where certain demomi- nations were not printed for a particular Federal Reserve Bank: Series-Signatures $1 $5 $10 $20 $50 $100 1950C Smith-Dillon 1 X x X x x 1950D Granahan-Dillon X X X X 1950E Granahan-Fowler X X X X X 1963 Granahan-Dillon X x x x 1963A Granahan-Fowler X x X X X X 1963B Granahan-Barr x 1969 Elston-Kennedy x x x x x 1969A Kabis-Kennedy x 1969A Kabis-Connally x x x x x 1969B Kabis-Connally x 1969B Banuelos-Connally x x 1969C Banuelos-Connally x 1969C Banuelos-Shultz x x x x x 1969D Banuelos-Shultz x 1—$50 note not produced for Atlanta. 2—$10 note not produced for Minneapolis. 3—Notes produced only for New York, Chicago and San Francisco. 4—$5 note produced for Richmond or Minneapolis, $10 note not produced for Minneapolis, $20 note not produced for Philadelphia or Minneapolis. 5—Production limited to $1 notes for New York, Richmond, Chicago, Kansas City and San Francisco. 6—$20 note not produced for Boston or Philadelphia, $50 note not produced for Cleveland, St. Louis, Minneapolis, Kansas City or San Francisco. Story of the Discovery of The Only-Known 8-Zero $1 Federal Reserve Note As Told by Tom Morrissey V" ISITORS to the 1973 ANA convention at Bostonwill recall Nathan Goldstein's reporting of the possibly unique Federal Reserve Note of the Boston district, Series 1969A carrying the serial number A00000000A, representing the 100 millionth note in the printing. I It is not possible to print number 100000000. FEDIECUAILIMENIXWMMWOWS T11121111431111), f*OFAAI AOf 0,0 33 A WHOLE NO. 51 Paper Money PAGE 117 although in some of the earlier series such a note was hand overprinted and contained ten digits.) Now the discoverer of the note, Tom Morrissey of Tewksbury. Mass., tells how he found it. Tom is now retired, but at the time of the discovery he was a supervisor in the Money Department of the First National Bank of Boston, largest in New England and 17th largest in the nation. He recalls that while his co-workers were hunters of rare coins, only he watched the paper currency. The time was January, 1971, when the first notes of the Kabis-Kennedy 1969A series were appearing. Learn- ing that this would be a short issue and that the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston would have only 200 "bricks" of 4,000 each, he watched carefully for the new notes. Oddly enough, the FRB released the low-numbered prefix A and suffix B second series first. Tom thought that he had overlooked the first series in his daily handling of some eight million dollars' worth of currency, but on February 11th he received 40 bricks, high numbers A99200001A up. He scanned each brick carefully, putting aside brick #25000 be- cause of its possibilities in his search for one-digit palindromes (radar notes). At the time he had in his collection A11111111A, A22222222A, and A88888888A. His goal was to complete a series from one to nine and here was the chance to find A99999999 .A. As he opened the brick and fanned the last pack, he found that the eight 9's had been removed and a star note put in its place. Disappointed because a single digit radar note occurs only once in every 11 million notes, he still noticed that the note behind had a red crayon inspector's mark, indicating that it should have been removed and replaced by a star, too. But it wasn't, and this was the eight-digit zero note. That is when Tom's blood pressure zoomed. But not to the point where he forget to remove both inside and outside label and the first note in the pack, A99996001A, to complete a rare label set. Mr. Morrissey still owns the note despite many offers to buy it at astronomical prices. Intermediate Size Check Numbers By Peter Huntoon A CLOSE look at the five-dollar 1934B New YorkFederal Reserve Note shown in Figure 1 revealsthat the size of the numbers used in the face check Figure 1. $5 19348 Federal Reserve Note with intermediate size check number 212. micro check number 2 intermediate check number 149' large check number Figure 2. Comparison between micro, intermediate, and large check numbers. number, 212, are intermediate in size when compared to the micro check numbers used on early series small notes and the large check numbers used on current series. Figure 2 is a blow-up of each of the three check num- bers to illustrate the obvious differences between them. The size that should have been used for the 1934B series notes is the large size. The conversion to the large size from micro size on Federal Reserve Notes occurred with the beginning of the 1934A series. Intermediate check numbers were first brought to my attention by Meyer Fulda in 1970. Meyer claims to have discovered them and wrote that Leon Goodman, co-author of the first three editions of the Standard Handbook of Modern. U.S. Paper Money, had taken specimens of the variety to the Bureau of Engraving and Printing for verification. The experts at the Bureau acknowledged that the numbers were indeed intermediate in size. Chuck O'Donnell used to call these Filipino check num- bers because they were similar in size to the plate num- bers used on the Philippine currency when the Philip- pines were under U.S. sovereignty. Similar check num- bers also appear on other products of the Bureau of Engraving and Printing. It is clear that on occasion the engravers at the Bureau accidentally used the templates containing the inter- mediate numbers when preparing plates for the early 1934 series currency. Consequently, it is my opinion that the notes bearing intermediate size numbers represent a distinct and very interesting variety. These have equal standing with mules and the famous wide and narrow reverse plate designs associated with the early small note issues. See the Standard Handbook of Modern U.S. Paper Money for a description of these other varieties. Meyer also wrote that he had found intermediate plate numbers on other classes, series, and denominations of currency of the same vintage as the 1934B note described here. He even mentioned what he thought were inter- mediate reverse plate numbers. I was never able to verify his finds so I am not able to list them here. With a little searching, the reader may find other examples of intermediate check numbers in his collection and report them through PAPER MONEY. 114 (Ii;1111:: Ij) L1Nfl .1 7% L t kW limn • gt F..1 ■■► 111111[11LalLulk "TWE" note signed by "A. Phonebill" and "U. Cant- cashit. No indication of origin. PAGE 1 1 8 Paper Money WHOLE NO. 51 Numismatic Political Graffiti By LARRY SANDERS HAT nicer way could there be to enhance the election of your rival political candidate than to "plaster" his picture on look- alike notes, similar in design to United States currency? Even though the picture is usually in caricature form, everyone seeing the note knows well who is represented. Although the Department of the Treasury, United States Secret Ser- vice, has definite laws and regulations which govern the reproduction of United States currency as "play" or "funny" money, in this instance there seems to be a never-ending flow of political graffiti money avail- able, especially during elections. In this connection, section 474 of title 18, United States Code, pro- hibits making any engraving, photo. graph, print or impression in the likeness of obligations or securities of the United States, or any part thereof. Section 475 of title 18. United States Code, prohibits, among other things, engraving, printing, circulating, or distributing any cir- cular, handbill, or advertisement in the likeness or similitude of any obligation or security of the United States. The term "obligation or security of the United States" is de- fined by section 8 of title 18. United States Code, to include all of the various forms of paper currency of the United States. Section 504 of title 18, United States Code, makes an exception to the foregoing prohibitions and per- mits illustrations of United States currency provided the illustrations appear in black and white of a size less than three-fourths or more than one and one-half times the genuine obligation and would appear in articles, hooks, journals. newspapers or albums for numismatic, education- al, historical, or newsworthy pur- poses. It must also be accompanied by information about the particular currency reproduced. Further, in- dividual facsimiles of United States currency are not permissible, except glossy prints necessary to reproduce the illustrations in publications. The reproduction of currency for purposes other than those outlined in section 504 would not be permis- sible under the foregoing statutes, if the design features are in similitude to the design appearing on genuine currency. Notwithstanding the above statutes governing the reproduction of United States currency, there seems to be no problem in producing this so-called lookalike funny money as used in political campaigns and passing it among the public, or even charging PIR HAI ESs IS SHRINKING DOLLAR meClURE PUBlICATION ,K9yroshinoton, 0. C 6 a dollar or so for a piece to further the campaign itself. Many individuals have taken to pasting the likeness of some import- ant political person, or even them- selves, on the front of a dollar bill, over the picture of George Washing- ton, to be used only as a curiosity for display. In this case I believe the laws are specific in that an obligation of the United States such as currency cannot be altered in any 1201WV2161111111MICE11171011111111Mann..7, 1∎1 :1-t 6,981341 /1E1;11 '..924i111 What ix a Lyndon: Lyndon is any denomination of Great Society Inflation Money h's a silverlr — Mine which no longer Iroya a cup If riWarion is hurting so,— If vso a, mught Lesvos, s tiled ineo,e and !is .11■1`d ,, ,Ildrter which won: I, a peek of rising so ws , iigareeros— If shrinking dollars are keeping your kids from 's a silveries, half Which g. you in s 1,1^. are barring son from Ili forni, o! , ' ,eryt g ihsn mei before you we ism', Mom Me Imo, Redeem this Lvnilon for full ratite on Election Da C/2 VOTE REPUBLICAN y CI' \ MAN CONGRF,AIONAL COIIIIITI EE. ROB 'NIL SON; CHAIRMA KEEP AMERICA SAFE AND SOUNIDDL_ LBJ "Great Society" note from McClure Publications. *7- Canadian "Just Society" note featuring Prime Minister Trudeau, from the "Fuddle Duddle Bank Note Co." • R1 Just-A-Buti JUST FOR SOME - NOT TOO JUST FOR OTHERS THIS BUCK PASSED BY JUST TRY AND SPEND IT BANK OF THE JUST SOCIETY WHOLE NO. 51 Paper Money PAGE 1 1 9 way, manner or form from its origi- nal intent. Getting back to our original funny money, the distribution of this type of an item such as shown here represents just one of the many various ways by which different political parties will take advantage of the monetary exchange media and use the funny money idea to arouse public curiosity about their party's candidate. In this instance, the polit- ical candidate does not care who says what, or prints what about him, so long as someone says something! From an initial investigation it seems that tokens similar in form to United States coins were much more prevalent in the earlier political days than paper political items. As the cost of producing coinage items went up, more printed matter was used. Paper political items were original- ly produced with the portrait of a candidate on the note with inscrip- tions telling all the wonderful things he would do when elected. As soon as something of this nature was passed out in public, the opposition party got on the bandwagon and printed something similar in design but in caricature and with inscrip- tions, which in effect said how bad the opposition candidate was and what bad things would happen if he was elected! All in all, it seems to have been clone with much deliberate fun by all individuals, for who can say which party (or candidate) re- ceived more publicity, good or bad from it, and in politics that's what counts, publicity. And what better way to publicize something, than us- ing a gimmick in a design similar to United States currency. SOURCE: Mr. David H. Martin, Legal Coun- sel, United States Secret Service, Department of the Treasury (Editor's Note: Future issues will feature numismatic political graffiti dealing with one of the more nu- mismatically-oriented parties--t h e Greenback Party of the late 19th century.) (See also the Truman inflation certificate illustrated in PAPER MONEY No. 48, page 185.) Spinner's "Abstraction" make him a screen to cut off the view of a female clerk, whose duty it was to keep an eye on the money. Mr. Root's body was interposed between her and the packages. At this moment the accomplice came stealthily into the room, through the same door, from the hall, and threw himself in front of, and partially over a female messenger, who was sitting on the opposite side, watching the money packages. He made inquiry for a female clerk, calling her by name, and although told that there was no such person belonging to the office, he insisted that there was, and he persisted in thus preventing the messenger from seeing the money, long enough to give the principal thief the opportunity to effect his purpose. The principal thief now diverted Mr. Root's attention, by pointing to the party leaving the room, and saying, "My friends are going, and I must go too," and at this moment took the package with his left hand, and thrust it under his right arm. Thief No. 2 now quietly left the room by the same door through which he entered. The package of all the denominations of United States notes, when they come from the printing division, contain each two thousand notes. Each package is just the length and breadth of a single note, and the 2,000 notes make a pack- age of a little over six inches high. The principal thief came into the room holding a large Panama hat by the rim, with lapel of his large sack-coat over his right breast, and thus he continued to carry it until he left the room. The package was effectually hidden under his hat and coat. Packages of $20 notes were lying side by side with packages containing $10 notes; but the thief, being obliged to keep his eyes upon Mr. Root, inad- (Continued from Page 115) vertently took one of the lesser packages, because he could not look at them to tell the difference. Mr. Root followed his friend, accompanied by the thief, with the money, the whole length of the room to the lowest door, out of which the thief passed, with thanks to Mr. Root for his kind attention to himself and his friends. The money was missed within the hour that it was taken; but there was at that time no suspicion that it had been stolen. The theory then was, that it had not been received from the printing division, and all investigations for that, and a part of the next day, were made under that sup- position. In the after part of the following day, which was Sun- day, I learned for the first time, from the female messenger, that another person had been in the room, and of his strange conduct toward her while there. The case now seemed plain enough. Mr. Root called on his lady visitor, and learned from her the facts as before related, and that she was inclined to denounce the stranger at the time for his rudeness to herself and her party, and that she was only deterred from doing so, because from his manner she supposed him to be a parti- cular friend of Mr. Root. The scheme for the robbery had, no doubt, been planned and matured for some time before, and only awaited a (Concluded on Page 120) PAGE 120 Paper Money WHOLE NO. 51 3h2 .gtufnivw.uh ode BRENT H. HUGHES The notations written on the back of early banknotes are often a source of amusement and amazement to many collectors. The existence of so many counterfeits in cir- culation caused most merchants to be wary of any note offered by a stranger, so they resorted to many novel methods of protecting themselves. The notation of the back of this $5 note of The Me- chanics Bank of Philadelphia issued on October 1, 1853, reads as follows: "Received April 17 from a man with a sorrel horse in payment for 16 empty barrels." This raises some interesting questions. For instance, did the purchaser put all 16 barrels on the one horse? If so, the barrels must have been small or the horse quite large. And what were the barrels to be used for? Could they have been used to hold the product of a local still? For medicinal purposes, of course. But in Philadelphia? /6 ge:.9 t J. ht....a.„. tar •••••■■•••• •••■■■••■■■■••••••■-••■■■•■ •••• ••••■••■•••■••■•••■••■••••••■•••• .••■•••• ■•■•• •■■■••■••■••■••-•■•••■•■•■•••••■•••■■••■■■••■ Spinner's "Abstraction" (Concluded from Page 119) favorable opportunity to accomplish it. The whole thing was most ingeniously planned, and adroitly carried out. As soon as these facts became known, telegraphic dis- patches were immediately sent to the principal cities, through the Associated Press, and otherwise, and Govern- ment and other detectives employed, to the end that the thieves might be arrested and the money recovered. Advertisements of the robbery were sent to every bank, banker, and broker, and to all newspaper publishers in the United States and the British colonies in America, stating the fact of the robbery, describing the notes, and that no new ten-dollar note of a number higher than H 3,236,000: had been issued. The intervening numbers between the highest number issued and the lowest num- bered note stolen are held in this office, and will not be issued unless the stolen notes are recovered. These intervening notes so held here represent nearly $3,000,000. This has, it is believed, prevented the thieves from using the stolen notes, except as hereafter stated. On the 28th of June last, a letter bearing date of the day before was received at this office, from the Stuyvesant Bank in the city of New York, stating that one of their "dealers had deposited on the morning of that day, $1,500 in United States ten-dollar notes, coming within the numbers and series which were in the lot of $20,000 stolen from the Treasury Department." Colonel Whiteley, the chief of the secret service of the Department, being in New York at the time, was immediately informed by telegraph of this fact, and asked to call on the bank's officers for further information on the subject. He answered that he had found the facts as stated, and the further sum of $6,400 of the stolen notes had that morning been deposited with the same bank by another party. These two sums, amounting to $7,900, were de- posited by persons who could give no satisfactory account for their possession of the notes. One of the depositors was arrested and held to bail for his appearance at court, and the other has fled the country. The money is in the hands of the officers of the court. The cashier of the bank named wrote me, under the date of June 30, 1870, "We have stopped the depositor's balance, thus securing the Department from any loss." A letter was received from the cashier of a bank in the interior of the States of New York, bearing date July 27, 1870, stating the fact that note No. H 3,530,198*, being one of the stolen notes, had come into his posses- sion. This is the only note, of those stolen, that has been heard from, except those that were recovered as above stated, in the city of New York. It is confidently believed that the remainder of the notes stolen cannot be disposed of for the benefit of the thieves without instant detection, and that, therefore, the whole amount stolen will even- tually be recovered. (Submitted by Forrest W. Daniel) WHOLE NO. 51 Paper Money PAGE 121 SPMC Chronicle SPMC Enrolls 4000th Member The 4.000th member to join the Society of Paper Money Collectors since it was organized in 1961 is Sam Bettis of Chattanooga, Tenn. Mr. Bettis was born in Atlanta, Georgia in 1925, and moved to Nashville, Tenn. with his parents when he was about a year old. He grew up in Nashville and while going to school he worked in a drug store during the evenings and on weekends. It was during this period, the late 1930's and the early 1940's, that he became interested in collecting coins, and especially U. S. cents, nickels and dimes. When Bettis finished school he went to Detroit where he worked in a steel mill for about a year. In 1945, he left the mill and started to work in a wholesale plumbing and heating supply house. His company transferred him to Chattanooga in 1959, and in 1966 he founded The Piping Supply Co., of which he is president. This company specializes in pipe and miscellaneous supplies for contractors and industrial plants. Soon after he moved to Chattanooga, he renewed his interest in numismatics and joined The American Numis- matic Association in 1961. In 1973, he was introduced to the fascinating aspects of paper money and now specializes in collecting National Bank Note of Tennes- see, Series of 1929. Mr. Bettis is married, his wife's name is Naomi, and they have a 12-year-old daughter who collects everything—stamps, coins, candles, shells, rocks, etc. As for him, his other hobbies are bowling and fishing, but according to him, "they take a back seat to collecting and work." MEMBER PARTICIPATION COLUMN Although several members have submitted material for this column, only two titles have been proposed: "Mem- bers' Forum" by M. Tiitus and "Paper Chase" by Paul H. Johansen. Any more suggestions? Wants Junior Paper Money Exhibits at ANA, Miami The first letter received for the column came from Tom Fitzgerald of Vero Beach, Florida, who has been active in junior numismatic work. His sentiments ex- pressed here have been echoed by other members in private correspondence with the Editor, taking SPMC to task for failing to provide more assistance to youthful paper money collectors: "It seems too bad in the light of other junior activities that no mention was made in PAPER MONEY regarding the lack of junior exhibits in the paper money field. For two conventions now, New Orleans and Boston, no U. S. paper money (with the exception of some Confederate at New Orleans) has been shown. If we have junior members, they can't be very proud of their material or they lack the competitive instinct to show. "The award known as the Charles K. Lyle Award for the best exhibit of U. S. paper money was not awarded in Boston and being held hopefully for presentation at the Miami convention this coming August. "I would hope that more effort on behalf of juniors who belong to SPMC would be forthcoming at this con- vention. The field is wide open and I'm quite sure the eventual winner, if we have one, will get the thrill I get from exhibiting my Colonial materal. "Come on juniors—let's get with it and enjoy your col- lections to the fullest by showing at ANA this year." Bruyer Protests Discontinuance of Bureau Souvenir Cards I The following is a copy of a letter addressed to Mr. James A. Conlon, director of the Bureau of Engraving and Printing, by Nicholas J. Bruyer. Now that the energy crisis has eased somewhat, the Bureau may re- consider its ban on issuing more souvenir cards.) "Recently I learned that, in a move to conserve energy as a result of our country's energy crisis, the Bureau is discontinuing the production of the American Numismatic Association's annual souvenir card along with that of various philatelic souvenir cards. "I am indeed sorry to hear this. For many years now the Bureau has issued numerous philatelic souvenir cards, along with literally hundreds of varieties of commemo- rative stamps comprising billions of individual stamps, to the delight of the stamp collector. "Yet, there are many thousands of paper money col- lectors today such as I, steadfastly devoted to the pres- ervation of the history and the art that have so wonder- fully enriched the last hundred years of production of United States currency, the purpose for which the Bureau was originally conceived. Our many collections house the finest examples of security engraving known, spiced and dressed with carefully and painfully researched historical fact, both which would be doubtless lost and forgotten except for our efforts. Finally, bolstering the hopes and expectations of the paper collecting fraternity, the BEP produced, on one occasion each year, a small number of numismatic souvenir cards. "Abruptly that is gone, tossed into the furnaces with a rousing chorus of 'ENERGY CRISIS!'. Meanwhile, around the corner, the presses are busy: the Bureau continues to turn out millions upon millions of 'commemo- rative' stamps, appropriately perforated, gummed and multi-colored, heedless of the alleged energy snafu. None of these stamps are necessary to the smooth and complete activities of either the BEP or the USPS. "I do not like to defame the issuance of commemorative stamps; they, also, are beautiful and historical. But the discrepancy is so clear and so nakedly obvious: Why not a compromise? I sincerely doubt that the philatelic fra- ternity would begrudge paper collectors the privilege of obtaining our one small 'commemorative' ANA souvenir card each year, if need be by the elimination of one of the proposed commemorative stamp designs. This would result in a transfer of energy conservation from one area to another, and the more equitable sharing of what energy supplies we have. "Is it too much to ask that the Bureau show paper money collectors at least this minimal consideration by continuing to issue this yearly numismatic token? I ask you to seriously and earnestly consider this matter." Economics of Paper Money Collecting (Since the following was written by Robert J. Betchyk, an article by Morey Perlmutter giving some of the desired statistics on the Onepapa note appeared in PAPER MONEY PAGE 122 Paper Money WHOLE NO. 51 No. 50, the March 1974 issue. However, the other re- quests are still valid:) "Being a recent member of SPMC, I have been im- pressed with the quality of the articles submitted. I'm sure many members are also interested in the economics of paper money collecting (i.e. price trends, supply and demand, etc.) What amaze me are the price variations for the same note, in different grades, and between dif- ferent areas of the country. Naturally price is a function of supply and demand. I would find it very interesting if someone could direct me to a reference that would have quantity issued and estimated notes still outstanding for large-size notes. "For analytical purposes I would like to perform a small experiment with my fellow members (results of this experiment will be published at a later date). "Simply write on a postcard or letter the prices you would pay for different grades of the $5 "ONEPAPA" Silver Certificate Series of 1899. Also requested is your estimate of how many notes still exist in different grades of condition. $5 `ONEPAPA' Silver Certificate Series of 1899 Est. of Quantity Condition. Price presently in existence `Please send the above information to: Robert J. Betchyk 2113 Pheasant Hill Rd. Lansdale, Pa. 19446 • SP IC Literature List • A four-page brochure listing all SPMC publications in stock and for sale is available for a stamped, addressed envelope from J. Roy Pennell, Jr., P. 0. Box 858, Anderson, SC 29621. It includes a handy order form also. Two SPMC governors have written chapters on syngraphics for the ANA's Young Numismatist Course. Eric P. Newman did the section of "Early American Paper Money." a subject on which he is the acknowl- edged authority. George Wait, former SPMC president, wrote chapter 12 on "Paper Money," covering the his- tory of currency and designs of notes. The Young Numismatist Correspondence Course is distributed by the ANA, Box 2366, Colorado Springs, Col. 80901. The cost is $15 for adult non-members of the ANA and $6 for junior non-members. The charge for ANA adult members is $10 and for junior members it is $4. Each chapter of the course includes a series of questions which have to he sent by the student to one of the course administrators for grading. The grade for that chapter is returned to the student with the material for the next chapter. Library Notes By WENDELL WOLKA, Librarian P. O. Box 366, Hinsdale, IL 60521 US20 Kemm, Theodore. The Official Guide of K4 United States Paper Money. First edition 1968, Third edition 1970. Gifts of the author. These concise books give both the beginning and veteran collectors of U.S. paper money a handy reference to literally every aspect of the many Federal paper money issues from 1861 to date. Well illustrated with prices. VA80 Hunter, James J. Partners in Progress 1864- H2 1950, A brief history of the Bank of Cali- fornia, N.A., and of the region it has served for 85 years. 1950. (2 copies) 76 p. Illus. Gift of Don T. Thrall. A very interesting and delightful history of the Bank of California. VA80 Wilson, Neill C. 400 California Street. 87 p. W2 Illus. 1964. Gift of Don T. Thrall. A truly wonderful history of the Bank of California with many illustrations of early checks, drafts, buildings, and the people involved with the operation of the Bank of California. This is a good one! The Society owes a big thank-you to J. Roy Pennell, Jr. for his large contribution of much needed second copies of the standard references of our hobby as well as a number of important new books. Thank you Roy! The following is a list of his contribution: Duplicate copies of works in the library: US20 Friedburg, Robert. Paper Money of the United F7 States. 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, and 6th editions. US60 Criswell, Grover. Confederate & Southern C7 State Currency. 1st edition 1957. 277p. Illus. w/price lists. (2 copies) US70 Donlon, William P. United States Large Size D6 Paper Money 1861 to 1923. 1st edition 1968. 176p. Illus. US20 Criswell, Grover. North American Currency. C7 1st edition 1965. 910p. Illus. US90 Shafer, Neil. A Guide Book of Modern United S5 States Currency. 2nd edition 1967. 160p. Illus. Raymond, Wayte. Coin Collectors Journal, Jan.-Feb. 1953. 16p. with charts. US70 Dillistin, William. A Descriptive History of D5d National Bank Notes 1863-1935. 1956. 55p. w/charts. US60 Haseltine, John. Descriptive Catalogue of H3 Confederate Notes and Bonds. 1876 (re- print). 36p. US60 Douglas, B. M. et al. Catalogue of Confederate D6 and Southern States Currency. 1955. 31p. UNC. EXTRA FINE VERY FINE FINE GOOD POOR WHOLE NO. 51 Paper Money PAGE 123 US60 Affleck, C. J. et al. Confederate Bonds and AS Certificates. 1960. 38p. Illus. The following are new additions contributed by Mr. Pennell: US80 Sheheen, Austin M. South Carolina Obsolete S6S5 Notes. 1960. 80p. Illus. This is one of the first and most authoritative works on South Carolina obsolete notes. It is well illustrated with rarities given for each note. A must! US60 Bradbeer, William West. Confederate and B7 Southern States Currency. 1915 (1945 re- print). 2'7'7p. Illus. This is one of the pioneer volumes on Confederate and Southern State issue. While it has perhaps been replaced to an extent by Grover Criswell's fine efforts, it still contains many tantalizing tidbits and general information which make it required reading for all collectors of these interesting series. US75 Muscalus, John A. State Bank Notes. 1942. M8s 144p. The main value of this book, besides the large listing of known state bank notes arranged by state and town, lies in the fact that many vignettes are identified. Any collector knows that this can be a very perplexing problem. US60 Chase, Philip H. Confederate Treasury Notes. C5t 1947. 148p. Illus. This book contains a detailed catalog of Confederate issues as well as an excellent section on spurious and counterfeit issues. The last section alone should make the book required reading. Beautiful illustrations. US15 Quaker Currency Company. One each of Q8 United States paper currency. Illus., and United States Canadian and Confederate Paper Money. 114p. Illus. "United States Paper Currency" is a priced catalog of all Federal issues while, as the title suggests, the later edition has been expanded to include Canadian and Confederate issues. US15 Raymond, Wayte. The Standard Paper Money R3 Catalogue. 1940. 106p. Illus. 1953. 48p. (part II) 1955. 48p. Illus. (part I) The 1940 edition illustrates and prices Colonial, Con- tinental, United States, Fractional, Confederate, and city and town obsolete issues. Oh those 1940 prices! The 1953 edition prices United States and frac- tional issues. Prices here aren't bad either. The 1955 edition prices and illustrates both Colonial and Continental notes. The prices still looked good! VA30 Nichols, Dorothy M. Modern Money Me- N4 chanics. 31p. with charts. 1971 Ever wonder how the Federal Reserve System and the modern banking business work?? Try this booklet put out by the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago. REGULAR ADDITIONS ANA Club Bulletin. Jan. & Feb., 1974 The Numismatist. Jan., Feb., & March, 1974 Canadian Paper Money Journal. Jan., 1974 The Check List. Oct., 1973 Paper Money. Vol. 13, nos. 1 & 2 New Hessler Paper Money Catalog Gene Hessler (left) being interviewed by Gene Shalit about his new catalog on the NBC "Today" show. PAGE 124 Paper Money WHOLE NO. 51 Announced but not yet received for reviewing at the time of this writing is a major new effort in the U. S. paper money catalog field by Gene Hessler, curator of the Chase Manhattan Bank Money Museum and SPMC 3157. The Comprehensive Catalog of U. S. Paper Money is to be published by Henry Regnery Co. of Chicago. It is a hard-bound hook of 456 pages and more than 400 black and white illustrations. The retail price is S20. In a foreword to Hessler's work, SPMC President J. Roy Pennell, Jr. said, "To introduce a new paper money catalog with a fresh vibrant text such as this is truly an honor and a pleasure. We have had several catalogs issued in the past, and with these to build on, it is only natural that a culminating work would appear. This new perspective and approach of Mr. Hessler's catalog is most welcome. It is a work that will become a standard for collectors of United States paper money." The work covers the nation's paper money from 1861 through the current Federal Reserve Notes. A typical listing includes, besides the illustrations, catalog numbers, signature combinations, quantities printed and valuations in three conditions, an additional column of "Average Buying Prices" indicating the prices most dealers will pay in minimum collecting grades. Also, the names of designers and engravers plus other historical background round out each listing. Other features are chapters devoted to the history of paper money from earliest times to the present, unissued and rejected designs, counterfeiting, the care of paper money, fractional currency, military payment certificates, paper money circulated outside the continental U. S., encased postage stamps, and uncut sheets with numbers delivered and values. Error and freak notes receive special attention in a 27-page section. The cataloging numbering system is entirely new. Beginning with the $1 United States Note of 1862, red seal, all notes are numbered consecutively and each denomination is grouped together. Unused numbers are left for future additions. Notes are priced by series or signature combination, with Federal Reserve Notes priced by district. In the latter case quantities issued by district are also included. Copies of the new Hessler catalog are available from Henry Regnery Co., 114 W. Illinois St., Chicago, IL 60610. ,Tlacis VIVRA M. Tiitus, Intercol, Box 1122, Menlo Park, CA 94025 Numismatic-Syngraphic Wholesaler—"Pilot issue" published April, 1974, a four-page 81/, x 11 pamphlet said to be the first publication for numismatic and syngraphic wholesale dealers. ("Also said to be the first to utilize the new term "syngraphics" for paper currency collecting.) Includes offerings of both coins and paper money. Annual subscription $5 in North America. Ed Shlieker, P. 0. Box 66061, Chicago, IL 60666 February 1974 retail price list of bank notes of the world. lancAarci Memorial Award The Julian Blanchard Memorial Award was established in 1968 to encourage exhibits in the fields in which Dr. Blanchard, a vice-president of The Society of Paper Money Collectors, and president of The Essay-Proof Society, was interested. Three types of exhibits can qualify for the award: la I Proof notes; ( b I Tie-in of stamps and paper money; lc I Matching vignettes on paper money with other vignettes, such as mounted die proofs, patriotic envelopes, etc. The exhibit may consist of any paper money, American or foreign. The award, a silver-plate bowl, will be presented for the best exhibit in any of the above categories at the ANA Convention, this year in Miami Beach. Presen- tation will be made at the annual luncheon meeting of The Society of Paper Money Collectors. Few exhibits have qualified for consideration for the Blanchard Memorial at past conventions and the Awards Committee urges that exhibitors of paper money plan their displays to compete for this handsome trophy. Only by competition can the Julian Blanchard Memorial Award become the prestigious honor it is intended to be. FORREST W. DANIEL Awards Chairman (Since the above was submitted, an agreement has been reached with Charles Blanchard, donor of the trophy, to expand the field in which entries may compete. This will make the competition more challeng- ing and useful. All paper money of any kind issued in the U. S.— federal, state, obsolete, scrip, etc., is eligible. More information is available from Forrest Daniel, Sykeston, ND 58486.) advance 94Dianalion SPMC Florida Meeting As usual, our Society will convene for its annual meet- ing in conjunction with the ANA convention at the Ameri- cana Hotel in Bal Harbour, Fla. Although details are not complete at the time of this writing, the following an- nouncements have been received from President J. Roy Pennell, Jr.: This year it is our turn to have a luncheon meeting. It will be held at noon on Saturday, August 17th. There will also be a general business meeting on Friday, August 16th. Complete assignments have not yet been made by ANA but all times and rooms will be posted on the hotel's bulletin board and, hopefully, can be printed in our July issue. —Once again there will be a famous "Tom Bain" raffle. Tom can still use more donations of notes or related mate- rial, for which the donor receives full tax deduction for its value. Contact Tom at 3717 Marquette Dr., Dallas, TX 75225. He hopes to have a printed list of the donations placed at each luncheon table so that prospective raffle ticket purchasers will know in advance what is available. —While a public announcement of the speaker's identi- ty cannot be made at this time, Mr. Pennell assures us that he will be a popular, knowledgeable syngraphist. —SPMC will sponsor one day of the ANA's hospitality room as well as furnishing a separate room for our mem- bers on Thursday, Friday and Saturday of the conven- tion. WHOLE NO. 51 Paper Money PAGE 125 SECRETARY'S REPORT New Member Roster VERNON L. BROWN, Secretory P. 0. Box 8984 FORT LAUDERDALE, FL 33310 Dealer or No. New Members Collector 4021 Ben B. Nolen, 612 Amesbury Lane, Austin, Texas C 78752 4022 Frederick C. Ouellette, P. 0. Box 21, E. Lynn, Mass. C 01904 4024 Robert W. Ross III, P. 0. Box 743, Camden, S.C. C, D 29020 4025 Emmett Curry, 333 W. Hampden, Englewood, Colo. C 80110 4026 John P. Ricci, 1046 Fisher Ave., Secaucus, N.J. C 07094 4027 Jimmy E. Gilliam, 1110 Williamson, Killeen, Texas C 76541 4028 Ray Slavin, 1223 N.W. 23rd Ave., Portland, Ore. C 97210 4029 J. F. Boucher, 72 Avenue de Suffren, 75015 Paris, C France 4030 Anthony W. Vernon, 7949 Tuckerman Lane, Rock- C ville, Md. 20854 4031 Frederick C. Stone, 62 Alexandra Road, London C SW19 7LB, England 4032 Donald C. McWilliams, P. 0. Box 225, Junction City, C Ks. 66441 4033 Joseph E. Seiter, 2117 Winchester Dr., Indianapolis, C Ind. 46227 4034 Frank Pierson, P. 0. Box 332, Sidney, Nebr. 69162 C 4035 James W. Thompson, P. 0. Box 228, Clarksburg, C W. Va. 26301 4036 Jay H. Lieske, P. 0. Box 71, La Canada, CA 91011 C 4037 Ken Prag, P. 0. Box 607, Hermosa Beach, CA 90254 C, D 4038 Joseph Serino, Sr., 69-13 38th Ave., Woodside, N.Y. C 11377 4039 George A. Fifer, 9000 So. Cicero Ave., Oak Lawn, C Ill. 60453 4040 George Kolesar, Sr., 977 Warwick Dr., Sheffield C Lake, Ohio 44054 4041 John T. Hamilton III, P. 0. Box 6765, Tucson, Ariz. C 85733 4042 Joseph H. Heymann, P. 0. Box 91, Merrick, N.Y. C, D 11566 4043 Joseph R. Lasser, c/o Shufro, Rose & Ehrman, 63 C Wall St., New York, N.Y. 10005 4044 Charles T. Koehler, 1390 Southern Hills Blvd., C 4045 David R. Horgan, 1839 Bluff St., West Mifflin, Pa. Hamilton, Ohio 45013 C 15122 C4046 A. L. Kesselman, Naval Reg. Med. Clinic, Box 121, FPO San Francisco, 96610 C4047 Gerald C. Anderson, 106 Central Ave., Osseo, Minn. 55369 C4048 C. M. Nielsen 4049 Dan Wong, P. 0. Box 1232, Yuma, Ariz. 85364 C, D 4050 Herbert N. Benson, 555 E. 10th Ave., Apt. 514, C Denver, CO 80203 C4051 Herbert D. Rice, 3883 Turtle Creek Blvd #2317, Dallas, Texas 75219 C4052 L. Winans, 2019 Mar Azul Way, Rancho La Costa, CA 92008 C4053 Albert J. Caruso, 324 Brompton Rd. So., Garden City, N.Y. 11530 4054 Julijs Lauris, 33A Burroughs St., Jamaica Plain, C Mass. 02130 C4055 S. D. Reiss, 6750 W. 11th Ave., Hialeah, Fla. 33012 4056 Noel Wiggins, 329 S. Indiana Ave., Kankakee, Ill. C 60901 C4057 William E. Decker, 174 So. Maple Ave., Apt. 2B, Ridgewood, N.J. 07450 Specialty Texas, Confederate North Carolina obsoletes U. S. broken banknotes, checks Korea Foreign banknotes Banknote relative to the oil industry Caribbean, Latin America, Australia A.M.C., Confederate States, Great Britain U. S. small-size notes Obsolete currency, Ind. sutler notes, Santa Claus on checks and scrip Silver & gold certificates, Barr notes U. S. U. S. fractional; fractional scrip; Conti- nental and Colonial Stock & bond certificates, checks U. S. and some foreign Western scrip Continental and Colonial currency Currency errors; large and small-size type collection M.P.C.; foreign Worldwide; MPC; military currency; U. S. fractional and Continental WW II, military occupation, emergency, guerilla, etc. Australia, New Zealand, England, Canada Japan, Korea, China Large bills, small FRN, Gold Ctfs., emer- gency, errors, $2 notes, Silver Ctfs. Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania & Occup. Forces, and Czar Russia Paper money relating to Lincoln PAGE 126 Paper Money WHOLE NO. 51 4058 Warren C. Shaw, 1635 So. Third Ave., Arcadia, CA 91006 4059 Joseph F. Nowak, 17 Pleasant St., Dorchester, Mass. 02125 4060 Robert Gelman, 142 Grace St., Plainview, N.Y. 11803 4061 Blair W. Shinn, 120 Schultz St., Batesville, Ind. 47006 4062 Stephen Hernandez, 140 Spruce St., Massapequa Park, N. Y. 11762 4063 Gerald Schwartz, 270 Northwest St., Bellevue, Ohio 44811 4064 Joseph J. Wilkus, 1644 S. Lawrence St., Philadel- phia, Pa. 19148 4065 Robert P. Gokey, RD 1, Whitesboro, N.Y. 13492 4066 Michael R. Iacono, 168 Spring St., Medford, Mass. 02155 4067 Dr. Gary Clayton, Drawer 4X, State University, Ark. 72467 4068 Frank F. Burgert, 339 So. Lark Street, Oshkosh, Wis. 54901 4069 Capt. William A. Thomas, 30-384H Cherry Hill, APO Seattle 98742 4070 Gaylord D. Wetherill, Jr., 1216 West 68th Terr., Kansas City, Mo. 64113 4071 W. C. Anspach, 420 Harrow Lane, Saginaw, Mich. 48603 4072 Dennis S. Peltonen, P. 0. Box 63, Mass, Mich. 49948 4073 Ralph W. Jenkins, 2587 Ashurst Rd., University Heights, Ohio 44118 4074 Leah A. Bradshaw, 203 4th Ave., Apt. 4, San Francisco, CA 94118 4075 Michael Catalon, 38 Gertrude St., Clark, N.J. 07066 4076 Clinton Hollins, 9215 Setter Place, Springfield, Va. 22153 4077 Diane R. Dietz, 8500 Cunningham Drive, Berwyn Heights, Md. 20740 4078 Edward V. Baclawski, 97 Pulaski Hwy., Ansonia, Conn. 06401 4079 John T. Hadden, Jr., 350 E. Twinbridge Apts., Penns Grove, N.J. 08069 4080 William L. Rohning, 308 East 12th, Kansas City, Mo. 64106 C C C C U. S. large-size notes and $2 small-size C U. S. large-size notes C Ohio National Bank Notes C Nazi and Baltic C U. S. large and small-size notes, N. Y. National Currency C Fed. Res. Notes and error notes C C U. S. large-size notes, Canada, Foreign C, D U. S. Educational Series C Fractional currency C U. S. large-size type notes C, D National Currency Notes C C South and Central American; U. S. broken bank notes C U. S. large-size notes, Gold Ctfs., Colonial currency, broken bank notes C, D C Foreign; children's portraits C C U. S. large-size notes D Deceased 1000 Dr. Conway A. Bolt 1069 Michael J. Kotsobos 3238 C. C. Kinnaman 492 John E. Maher Resignations 1606 Mrs. Esther Anaszewski 3334 Robert Beiler 2468 Albert E. Bertini 863 Paul Bookout 1225 Fred W. Boyd 1210 Robert F. Braun, Jr 2750 Roger A. Budnick 2694 Lewis W. Cellio, M.D. 2132 A. P. Chase 3128 W. L. Clayton, Jr. 2794 Douglas Constantine 2824 Charles H. Cox 2855 Fred Drost 2562 Eldon Frazier 3322 Nathaniel Gluck 882 Donald B. Huetson 2771 H. Lee Noblitt 3788 Mack Garver 3641 John Parker 2517 Capt. Samuel E. Roakes, Jr. 3361 Erik Johanson 1883 LeRoy T. Lambert 2605 Robert S. Latham 3758 William P. Lewis 2913 Silas Little 2927 Paul D. Lyons 3805 Deloys Mathis 857 James F. Morris 3577 Robert G. Polina 140 Elliott Richardson 3453 George J. Seals 2793 C. R. Smith 3073 Donald R. Steinke 3289 J. Wesley Wittig 1173 W. A. Woodward Moved-- No Forwarding Address 3735 Ronald P. Wilson Correction in Name or Title 166 Matt Rothert, Sr. 1997 Major Donald W. Schleicher —C:41:278114.617k:t CURRE* B ' ql r 11;7 V172271. -7,o,os ;11! 74e.:(tkZD 9 " it t'c )ts tt c o I co:fialic==to .4=mr sc, WHOLE NO. 51 Paper Money PAGE 127 Address 2426 Ben E. Adams, 3001 Mountain View Dr., Carls- bad, N. Mex. 88220 1320 David Ray Arnold, Jr., P. 0. Box 2822, Seal Beach, CA 90740 3375 J. Beard, Box 224, Fraser, Mich. 48026 2594 Earl Buffington, R2, Box 5A, Summersville, Mo. 65571 3050 Joe Flynn Sr., 2854 W. 47th St., P. 0. Box 3140, Kansas City, Kans. 66103 551 Thomas B. Hollingsworth, 107 Phipps St., Chapel Hill, N.C. 27514 3424 Carl C. Lavery, 2400 Fountainview, Suite 314, Houston, Texas 77027 3106 John T. Alvey, c/o U.S.A. Coin Co., P. 0. Box 875, Sioux City, Iowa 51101 3917 Baron Auckland, Manor of Sandridge, Near St. Albans, Herts, England AL 4 9BZ 1750 Edward J. Black, P. 0. Box 3328, Lakeland, Fla. 33802 3477 Philip L. Cucinotta, 340 Williams St., Mansfield, Mass. 02048 3529 Gregory James Gaskill, 2401 N. Halsted, Chicago, Ill. 60614 2832 Robert Hoskins, 6931 Cross Drive, Orangevale, CA 95662 2155 Arthur C. Leister, P. 0. Box 607, Camp Hill, Pa. 17011 2641 SGM Eugene Marvin, D CO. USAIC/S Box 4346, Fort Huachuca, Ariz. 85613 3122 K. N. Armstrong, P. 0. Box 4065, Hampstead, N.C. 28443 3927 Williard N. Blair, 405 S. Broadway, Coalgate, Okla. 74538 3531 Kenneth W. Fabian, 17039 Los Banos, Hayward, CA 94541 2588 Rev. William E. Herbst, P. 0. Box 4, Amster- dam, N.Y. 12010 2936 David Keable, 69 Elmfield Way, Sanderstead, Surrey, U.K., 01-657 7543 1528 James E. Lund, Rte 3, S. Lake Cowdry, Alexan- dria, Minn. 56308 Changes 2483 Dale Lloyd, RR 3, Box 696A, Monticello, Incl. 47960 2758 Lawrence McGrail, 524 E. Elk Ave., Glendale, CA 91205 3677 John J. Nichols, P. 0. Box 505, Montrose, CA 91020 3676 Don Quiggins, 9912 Cloverdale, Westminster, CA 92683 2511 J. T. "Tommy" Wills, Jr., P. 0. Box 1842, El Dorado, Ark. 71730 1105 William R. Geijsbeek, 8449 N.E. 9th St., Bellevue, Wash. 98004 1733 Stanley W. Scieszka, 1443 Kim Pl., Chula Vista, CA 92011 2612 John E. Weaver, 644 Knollwood Dr., Woodland, CA 95695 3684 S/Sgt Kenneth M. Miller, Armor School, C-2, Fort Knox, Ky. 40121 3606 Ronald T. Ohama, P. 0. Box 1455, APO New York 09023 380 Leonard M. Rothstein, M.D., Route 3, Owings Mills, Md. 21117 2964 William B. Sonnenberg, 181 Madonna Drive, Ft. Myers, Fla. 33905 3233 Jerry Williams, 7640 Chelsea Place, Beaumont, Texas 77706 3445 Ronald F. Worley, P. 0. Box 1138, St. Joseph, Mo. 64502 423 George W. Killian, 3728 So. Date Street, Kenne- wick, WA 99336 1155 Earle T. Myers, Rt 1, Box 186, Highlands, N.C. 28741 352 Sammlung Albert Pick Hypobank, 8 Munchen 2, Postfach 20 05 27 Germany 1334 Roy T. Williams, 1002 Gleason, Cleburne, Texas 76031 3801 Arthur Wyllie, 4801 Stearns Hill Rd., Waltham, Mass. 02154 2265 Jerry K. Lorenzen, P. 0. Box 1173, Storm Lake, Iowa 50588 2411 Sidney H. Veasey, Jr., Route 4, Box 1617, Chris- tiansburg, Va. 24073 Hope to See Y'all at the Florida Show, Aug. 13 -1Z Americana Hotel, Bal Harbour/Miami Beach! FLORIDA NOTES WANTED ALL SERIES• Also A Good Stock Of Notes Available WARREN HENDERSON P. 0. BOX 1358, VENICE, FLA. 33595 PAGE 128 Paper Money WHOLE NO. 51 MONEY MAUI' FOR USE BY MEMBERS OF THE SOCIETY ONLY PAPER MONEY will accept classifield advertising from members on a basis of 5c per word, with a mini- mum charge of $1.00. The primary purpose of the ads is to assist members in exchanging, buying, sell- ing, or locating specialized material and disposing of duplicates. Copy must be non-commercial in na- ture. At present there are no special classifications but the first three words will be printed in capital letters. Copy must be legibly printed or typed, accompanied by prepayment made payable to the So- ciety of Paper Money Collectors, and reach the Editor, Barbara R. Mueller, 225 S. Fischer Ave., Jeffer- son, Wis. 53549 by the 10th of the month preceding the month of issue (i.e., June 10, 1974 for July, 1974 issue). Word count: Name and address will count for five words. All other words and abbrevia- tions, figure combinations and initials counted as separate words. No check copies. 10% discount for four or more insertions of the same copy. Sample ad and word count: WANTED: CONFEDERATE FACSIMILES by Upham for cash or trade for FRN block letters, $1 SC, U. S. obsolete. John Q. Member, 000 Last St., New York, N. Y. 10015. (22 words; $1; SC; U. S.; FRN counted as one word each) (Because of ever-increasing costs, no receipts for MONEY MART ads will be sent unless specifically requested.) OREGON OBSOLETE SCRIP wanted: all types—Depres- sion, advertising, Centennial, etc. Also, political satire notes all elections, any state. Price and describe. Michael Calaba, 228 Rock St., Silverton, OR 97381 CALIFORNIA AND OTHER Western States Nationals plus certain other large-size currency wanted for collec- tion. Have trades available. Richard A. Sara, Box 296, LaFayette, CA 94549 ILLINOIS AND CHICAGO obsolete notes wanted. Pri- vate collector interested in Chicago historical items, scrip, maps and books. James J. Conway, M.D., 2300 Children's Plaza, Chicago, IL 60614 MISSISSIPPI OBSOLETE NOTES and scrip wanted for my collection. Also need Alabama and Louisiana notes. Byron W. Cook, P.O. Box 181, Jackson, MS 39205 (52) STAR NOTES WANTED: $1 Silver Certificates before 1935. $5 and $10 Silver Certificates all series. $1, $2 and $5 United States Notes all series. $5 Federal Reserve Notes before 1963. 1929 Federal Reserve Bank Notes wanted in all denominations. Please state price and condi- tion in your first letter. Frank Bennett, 12233 Woodland N.E., Albuquerque, NM 87112 (52) DO YOU HAVE all your block-letters or ending numbers on your sets? Send 25c for 10-page sample price list, $1 for complete list for 1974 listing Silver Certificates, legals, FRN Dillons through Shultz by blocks, Copes, radars, end-sets, low and fancy serials, errors. Send want list. James Seville, Drawer 866, Statesville, NC 28677 (53) WANTED FRN $1 series 1969D, District 2, B543 and District 8, H543, star or any block letter. F. Edward Burke, 7862 Seward Ave., Mount Healthy, OH 45231 (53) NEW MEXICO, COLORADO company store scrip wanted. Would like to hear from collectors having such scrip, or information, for current research project. Also wanted: 1907 Clearing House Certificates and related material. Art Curths, P. 0. Box 1091, Albuquerque, NM 87103 (53) WANTED: VIRGINIA OBSOLETE paper money issued by banks, counties, cities, and private scrip issues. Virginia proof bank notes especially wanted. Richard Jones, P. 0. Box 1981, Roanoke, VA 24009 (53) MISSOURI CURRENCY WANTED: Nationals, obsolete and bank checks from St. Louis, Maplewood, Clayton, Manchester, Luxemburg, Carondolet and St. Charles. Ronald Horstman, Route 2, Gerald, Mo. 63037 (54) GEORGIA BROKEN BANK notes wanted by serious collector. Willing to pay fair price. Especially want early and rare pieces. Gary L. Doster, Rt. 2, Box 18A Watkinsville, GA 30677 (54) WANTED: VERMONT OBSOLETE paper money Please describe fully and send price wanted and quantity available. Interested in singles, sheets or entire collec- tions. William L. Parkinson, Woodbine Road, Shelburne, VT 05482 (55) WANTED INDIANA OBSOLETE before 1861, especial- ly Indian Reserve Bank, Kokomo, Ind. Louis H. Haynes, 1101 E. Fischer, Kokomo, IN 46901 (55) UPGRADE YOUR MPC collection. Trade your duplicate notes, gold coins, commemoratives for hi-value MPC notes. Pricelist SASE. Make offers. Mervyn H. Reynolds, P. 0. Box 3507, Hampton, VA 23663 (57) MILITARY CURRENCY WW2 wanted: Allied, Axis, Japanese Invasion/Occupation and U. S. Military Pay- ment Certificates. Edward Hoffman, P. 0. Box 8023-S, Camp Lejeune, NC 28542 (59) CONNECTICUT 1777 PENCE sheet, Quinnibaug, Tolland County, Middletown, Bridgeport, Litchfield, and Water- bury obsolete sheets, singles especially sought. Your cor- respondence is welcomed on any Connecticut items. Robert J. Galiette, Brown University Graduate Center, Box 7023, Providence, RI 02912 FOR MY COLLECTION: wanted U. S. MPC 5 dollars series 471, 5 dollars series 481, all replacement notes prior to series 611 wanted. Also San Bernardino Nationals. Write or ship. Gary F. Snover, P. 0. Box 3034, San Bernardino, CA 92413 (56) GREENBACK LABOR PARTY satirical notes and re- lated items wanted. L. Candler Leggett, P. 0. Box 9684, Jackson, MS 39206 (55) MISSISSIPPI AND SOUTHERN States obsolete notes and scrip or anything relating to Mississippi wanted. L. Candler Leggett, P. 0. Box 9684, Jackson, MS 39206 (55) DELAWARE OBSOLETE NOTES and scrip wanted; also research information and photos of Delaware notes. Collect other Delaware items. Cash or trade. Terry A. Bryan, 452 E. Loockerman St., Dover, Del. 19901 (54) Witxmxoir Catowe, ,), //,/,/,„,„ . „ „Zw„.„,„/ TWO DOLLARS WHOLE NO. 51 Paper Money PACE 129 MONEY MART BELLEVUE, OHIO FIRST National Bank Notes wanted. Epecially first or third charter notes. Gerald C. Schwartz, 270 Northwest St., Bellevue, OH 44811 (54) WANTED: 10 PIECES each $1 FRN CU 1969C BD over 76,160,001 and 1969C L star under 07040001. Dorothy Robson, 13511 Coliseum Dr., Chesterfield, MO 63017 $5 FRN WANTED: I need the following $5 notes to com- plete district collection: 1950 Dist. A-C-F-G-K-L; 1950A- Dist. C-F-I-K; and 1950C Dist.-L only. Please quote cash price my 1969D-HB $1 FRN for your collection. Tim Fleming, 627 W. Lockwood Ave., Webster Groves, MO 63119. P.S. $1 S.C. duplicates for sale and still need some. SASE a must! HAVE ASHEVILLE, N. C. small $20 National Ch. 12244. The Commercial National Bank. Grades about Very Fine. Will trade for nice common date silver dollars. Stanley Treadway, Route #6, Box 270, Johnson City, TN 37601 CONNECTICUT CURRENCY W ANTE D: Colonial, obsolete, scrip, large-size Nationals (uncirculated), mis- cellaneous Connecticut paper items. Buying single pieces or lots. Send with prices or describe. Also need Con- tinental Currency. Richard J. Ulbrich, Box 401, Cheshire, CT 06410 (57) WANTED: TEXAS COUNTY and Treasury Warrants; Kelsey Douglass $5 notes; Nazi and Communist pro- paganda leaflets. William Manning, 4636 Wellesley #107, Ft. Worth, TX 76107 WANTED: SANTA CLAUS on obsolete notes, checks, scrip, etc. I also want National Currency on the Saint Nicholas National Bank and the National Banks of Green- wood and Whiteland, Indiana. Old Indiana bank checks are wanted. Joseph Seiter, 2117 Winchester Dr., India- napolis, IN 46227 (54) MICHIGAN BROKEN BANK notes wanted for my collec- tion. Describe or send list with price. David Granzin, 15151 Ellen Dr., Livonia, MI 48154 McNEAL COAL COMPANY scrip. Pennsylvania. Dated 186—. Have 5c and $1 pieces, $7.50 each. Frank Sprinkle, Box 864, Bluefield, WV 24701 WANTED: POSTAGE STAMP scrip money, Civil War stamp envelopes (Necessity money), cardboard chits, fractional currency. J. Lieske, P. 0. Box 71, La Canada, CA 91011 (54) WANT POSTAL NOTES and money orders per following plate (illustration) numbers in Nicholas Bruyer article on U. S. Postal Notes: Plates 1, 13, 23, 34, 35, 36. Also money orders of 1910-45 period. Arlie Slabaugh, 1025 Crozer Lane, Springfield, PA 19064 JAPANESE NOTES WANTED: Need common and scarce, for I collect by plate numbers as well as by type. Please send what you have with your prices. Payment or notes sent right back. David B. Carlson, 49 Buttles Rd., Granby, CT 06035 PHIL MACKAY WILL be overseas May 15-July 15. FRN $1 traders please note! NOTICE! my address is now PETER HUNTOON P. 0. Box 3681, Laramie, Wyoming 82071 Top prices for Arizona Nationals State or Territory Standard Handbook of Modern U.S. Paper Money $7.75 postpaid while my small supply lasts WANTED OBSOLETE PAPER MONEY (Bank Notes. Script. Warrants, Drafts) of the AMERICAN WEST Oregon, California, Idaho, Nevada, Arizona, Utah, Mon- tana, New Mexico, Colorado; Dakota, Deseret, Indian, legerson Territories! Cash paid, or fine Obsolete Paper traded. Have Proof notes from most states, individual rarities, seldom seen denominationals, Kirtlands, topical=_; Colonial, Continental; CSA, Southern States notes and bonds. Also have duplicate Western rarities for advantageous trade. JOHN J. FORD, JR. P. O. BOX 33, ROCKVILLE CENTRE, N. Y. 11571 OBSOLETE NOTES $10 Same, Oglethorpe, plowing, Unc. 5.00 $20 Same, Oglethorpe, train crossing bridge, Unc. 7.50 $ 8.00 $50 Same, maiden with sickle, tine. 10.00 4.00 $100 Same, maiden seated, Washington & Franklin, Unc. 15.00 10.00 $100 Augusta Ins. & Banking, maiden with torch, VF stained 20.00 60.00 $10 City Bk. of Augusta, red "ten", F-VF 5.00 10.00 $20 Same, red "twenty," F-VF 5.00 10.00 $1 Mechanics Bk., eagle, VF 4.00 20.00 $2 Same, blacksmith, VF 5.00 18.00 05 Same, Fine 4.00 15.00 $10 Same, VF 5.00 20.00 $100 Same, nude in stream, Fine 15.00 7.50 $5 or $10 Union Bk., VGD 3.00 5.00 $50 Union Bk., two maidens seated, Fine 10.00 00.00 75c Macon Savings Bk., Macon, Good 2.00 $1 Same, corner missing, VGD 4.00 $20 Ocmulgee Bk.. Macon, nude in stream, Fine 15.00 $20 Bk. of Columbus, Columbus, VG-F 6.50 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA 25c Bullion Bank, Fine $1 Bullion Bank, Good $2 Bullion Bank, Good $3.00, Unc. $5 Bk. of District of Col., farming & industry, Unc. $1 Columbia Bank, EXF $8.00, Unc. 03 Same, Unc. $10 Same, VF $15.00, Unc. $20 Same, Unc. $1 Bank of the Union, Tine. $1.50 Same, Good-VG 01 Farmers Bank, Georgetown, plowing, Good 03 Merchants Bank, Good $1 Mercantile Bank, train, Unc. CANADA $1 Agricultural Bk., Toronto, 1837, Fine 15.00 $2 Bk. of Brantford, green, Good-VGD 8.00 $5 Same, green, Fine 10.00 $2 Bk. of Clifton, Good, $5.00, VGD 7.50 $2 Same, Unc. 25.00 $1 Colonial Bk., salmon, Fine 12.00 $2 Same, salmon, Fine 15.00 $5 Same, red, Unc. 27.50 $5 Farmers Joint Stock, Toronto, red Unc. 25.00 85 Same, twenty-five shilling, Unc. 23.00 $5 Federal Bk., Ontario, 1874, abt. Good 50.00 $1 International Bk., red "one", Fine $13.00, AU 35.00 $5 Same, red "one", VGD 12.50 $5 Same, green "five", VGD 10.00 $1 Suspension Bridge, Queenston, abt. Good 3.00 $1 Same, Fine 10.00 $1 Westmoreland Bk. of New Brunswick, Gd. $3.50, Fine 8.00 $2 Same, abt. Gd. $4.00, Fine 10.00 CONNECTICUT 5c J. S. Berry, Greenwich, Unc. 7.00 5c Charter Oak Bk., Talcott & Post, Fine 7.00 $1 City Bk., New Haven, village, tine. 7.50 $2 Same, Unc. 12.50 $3 Same, Unc. 15.00 $5 Same, paddle steamer, Unc. 7.00 $10 Same, cherubs, Unc. 17.50 $20 Same, village, Use. 10.00 $50 Same, village, Unc. 20.00 $100, Same, Village, Unc. 20.00 $10 Same, village, Fine 15.00 $5 Eagle Bk., New Haven, 1822, Fine 7.00 $2 Exchange Bk., Hartford, train, VGD 8.00 $2 Manufacturers Exchange, Bristol, Unc. 12.00 85 Same, Unc. 10.00 $10 Same, Tine. 12.00 $3, $5, $10 set of three Manuf. Ex., no. 215, same sheet, Unc 35.00 $1 Stonington, red, sailor, Unc. 4.00 $2 Same, red, whale, Unc. 8.00 $3 Same, red, paddle steamer, Unc. 9.00 $5 Same, large red "fives", whale to left, line. 5.00 $5 Same, chariot, Unc. 5.00 $10 Same, chariot, line. 7.50 $20 Same, chariot, lions, Unc. 7.50 $3 Same, old train, line. 12.00 -Preston, check of Doane & Treat, Unc. 10.00 $3 Union Bk. of New London, milkmaid, Unc. 12.50 $10 Same, red "10", Unc. 5.00 $20 Same, red "20", line. 5.00 $50 Same, red "50", line. 7.50 FLORIDA KENTUCKY $1 Frankfort Bk, Frankfort, Unc. 6.00 $1 Same, Unc. 9.00 $5 Same, Unc. 4.00 $10 Same, Unc. 7.50 $10 Bank of Ashland, Ashland, 1857, Fine 50.00 $1 Newport Lyceum, Newport, 1837, VGD 6.00 $5 Bank of Georgetown, Georgetown, 1818, Unc. 15.00 $5 Farmers Bk, Frankfort, 1860, Unc. 7.50 $10 Same, line. 7.50 $20 Same, Line. 9.50 LOUISIANA $5 Bk. of Louisiana, New Orleans, orange rev., AU 10.00 $10 Same, VF 7.50 $20 Same, Greek on horseback, XF 12.00 $50 Same, orange rev., F-VF 14.00 $50 Same, "fifty" overprint, Fine 10.00 $50 and $100 Same, 1851, scarce set, VGD 25.00 $100 N.O. Canal & Banking, New Orleans, Unc. 4.50 $500 Canal Bank, New Orleans, Unc. 12.50 $100 Municipality #1, New Orleans, roping steer, edge tears, Fine 10.00 $5 State of La., New Orleans, two maidens' heads, Unc. 35.00 $1 State of La., Baton Rouge, back of Texas notes, EXF 4.00 $2 Same, EXF 5.00 $1 Same, back of Holly Springs, EXF 4.00 $2 Same, EXF 4.00 $3 Same, EXF 5.00 105 Same, South striking North, EXF 6.00 $5 State of La., Shreveport, South striking North, EXF 6.00 $20 Same, Gen. Beauregard, line. 6.00 $50 Same, Gen. Polk, Unc. 13.00 $100 Same, Gov. Moore, line. 20.00 MAINE $5 Washington Co. Bk., Calais, F-VF 4.50 $1 Amer. Bk., Hollowell, VGD 810.00, Good 8.00 $5 Bk. of Old Town, Orono, Une. $15.00, EXF 12.00 $10 Same, line. 15.00 $1 Bk. of Geo. Lumber, Portland, stag, Good 7.50 $2 Hancock Bk., Ellsworth, VGD 15.00 $1 Searsport Bk., Searsport, Unc. 5.00 $2 Same, Unc. 8.00 $3 Same, tine. 10.00 $5 Same. Tine. 6.00 7.50 15.00 17.50 10.00 12.50 12.50 30.00 25.00 7.50 12.50 15.00 40.00 5.00 4.00 8.50 $1 Bk. of Jacksonville, Unc. $2 Same, Unc. $3 Same, Unc. $5 Bk. of St. Johns, VGD, corner torn $7.50, VGD $5 Bk. of West Florida, Appalachicola, Use. $10 Same, EXF $5 Comm. Bk. of Florida, Good $20.00, Fine $10 Same, cut short left end missing, VF $1 Tallahassee RR., line. $2 Same, Unc. $3 Same, line. $5 Comm. Bk. of Florida Bk. of U.S. Phila., VF-EXF 10c State of Florida, one space for signature, line. 25c Same, two spaces for signature, Unc. $5 Same, Ceres seated Oct. 1861, VG-F GEORGIA $1 Bk. of Augusta, three maidens, Unc. $1 Same, Franklin left, Unc. $1 Same, Columbia & Justice, Peter Maverick, Unc. $2 Same, Unc. 03 Same, Unc. 04 Same, Archimedes and lever, Unc. $5 Same, Ceres, Tine. $5 Same, Oglethorpe, train, Unc. $10 Same, Oglethorpe, Franklin, signed 1831, Unc. MARYLAND $1 Allegheny Co. Bk., Cumberland, Good 2.50 $2 Same, F-VF $5.00, Unc. 8.00 $5 Same, Unc. 7.00 $10 Same, F-VF 7.00 $5 Same, pink, line. 10.00 $3 Somerset-Worcester, Salisbury, 1862, green, line. 10.00 $3 Same, red & black, VF 7.00 $5 Same, F-VF 3.00 $5 Comm. Bk., Millington, Fine 7.50 0 14 c Baltimore Savings Inst., Good 3.50 $5 Frederick Town Branch, Greenfield, 1839, mill, EXF-Unc 8.00 $5 Valley Bank, Hagerstown, tine. 5.00 $10 Chesapeake & Ohio Canal, Frederick, AU 5.00 $10 Susq. Bridge & Bank, Port Deposit, Fine 7.50 3.50 $3 Farmers Merchants Bk., Greensborough, Good 9.50 4.00 $1 Amer. Bk., Baltimore, F-VF 10.00 7.50 $5 Same, Unc. 8.00 15.00 $1 Farmers & Millers Bk., Hagerstown, Good 5.00 10.00 $10 Hagerstown Bk., Hagerstown, line. 6.00 7.50 $20 Valley Bk., Hagerstown, line. 12.00 3.50 $5 Clinton Bk., Westerport, train, Good 4.50 5.00 $50 Hagerstown Bk., Hagerstown, Une. 25.00 10.00 $100 Same, line. 25.00 GORDON HARRIS 101 GORDON PKWY., SYRACUSE, N.Y. 13219 PM-51 M. Tiitus Box 259 Menlo Park, Ca. 94025 USA ( WORLD PAPER CURRENCIES-Price List & Order Blank Name & complete mailing address For Office Use Received Remittance $ Amt. Filled $ Amt. Due Ref. or Credit $ Shipped To help me serve you better, please read carefully: 1-Please make all remittances payable to: M. Tiitus 2-All prices are given in USA funds 3-ABSOLUTE SATISFACTION GUARANTEED-five day return privilege 4-USA : Orders over $15.00 are sent by insured airmail 5-USA : Orders under $15.00 sent first class at buyer's risk 6-Canada: Registration (indemnity up to $200.00) $1.00 extra 7-Canada: Without registration, orders airmailed at buyer's risk 8-ELSEWHERE: Registration (indemnity $13.00) $1.00, plus $11.20 for each •)-oz. for airmail; buyer assumes risk over $13.00 9-All orders under $3.00 must include 30c for handling a-Asterisk (.): Limited quantity in stock at time of printing b-Second choices appreciated-used only if needed c-Many items on previous lists again, or still, in stock d-ABBREVIATIONS: B-Bank ; ENGR-Engraved ; mc-m u 1 t i- color(ed) ; Sig-Signature, Signed ; wmk-watermark (ed) ; U- Uncirculated. Please do use this handy order blank-it will be returned to you with your order, and may be reused with a different color pencil. NOVICE LIST AFG 10 Afghanis 1929 (green/brown) large U 2.75 AFG 2 Afg 1948 (King Zahir, blue/wall) U 1.75 ARG 1 Peso (Liberty, blue/green) salmon paper U 1.25 ARG 5 P (San Martin, brown/bldg) CdM U .35 ARG 10 P (San Martin, red/Convention) U .65 ARG 1 P, new ( Belgrano, orange/resort lake) CdM U .55 AUSTRIA 10 Kr, 2 Jan 1915 (boy, blue/boy) Engr U .65 AUS 1 Kr, 1 Dec 1916 (two heads, red/cameo) U .25 AUS 1 Kr, 2 Jan 1922 (red design/ ) U .15 AUS 2 Kr, 2 Jan 1922 (girl, red/-) U .20 BANGLADESH First Issue: 1 Taka (map/brown/me) AU-U 1.00 BAN Second: 1 T (sheaf of grain, lavender/arms) U .75 BAN Third: 1 T (girl milling, me/grain, arms) U .50 ...... BIAFRA Second Issue: 1 Pound (palm tree/arms) U .30 BRAZIL 1 Cr (Tamandare, blue/school) VR ABNC U .35 BRA 2 Cr (Caxias, blue/another school) VR ABNC U .30 BRA 2 Cr (Caxias, green/another school) VR Td1R U .30 BRA 5 Cr. 1 Branco, olive/topless native, etc) VL Td1R U .20 BRA 5 Cr (Indian/water lily) CdM U .50 BRA 10 Cr (Vargas, blue/Unity Allegory) VL ABNC U .45 .BRA (revalued) 1 New Cr/10 Cr (Vargas/Unity) VL Td1R U .25 BRA 5 NC/50 Cr (Isabella, violet/Law) VL Td1R U .45 BRA 10 NC/100 Cr (Pedro II, red/Culture) VL Td1R U .65 BULGARIA 1951 set of 7 colorful notes 3-200 Leva U .75 BURMA Jap Occ WW2 1 Rupee (temples, green/green) U .50 CHILE 5 Pesos (O'Higgins, blue on pink/design) U .20 CHL 5 Cen/50 P (Pinto, green/surcharge, etc) CdM U .25 CHL 10 Cen/100 P (Prat, red/surcharge, etc) CdM U .30 CHL I, Escudo (O'Higgins/Spaniards & Indians) CdM _..0 .30 CHL 1 E (Prat, violet/Founding of Santiago) CdM U .15 COLOMBIA 1 Peso c1970 (2 portraits/condor) U .25 COL 2 P c1972 (lady, violet/golden barge) U .40 COL 5 P c1961 (Cordoba, condor/Cartagena) U 1.50 ECUADOR 5 Sucres c1970 (Sucre, me/arms, red) U .45 ECU 10 S c1968 (Benalcazar, me/arms, blue) U .95 EGYPT 5 Piastres (Nefretiti, blue/Min of Treas) U .50 ESTONIA 10 Krooni 1937 (girl, blue/arms, mc) VF 3.75 EST 20 Kr 1932 (sheperd, olive/arms, me) U 4.75 FORMOSA 1 Yuan (1961) Dr 5, cliff/parliament) U .20 GERMAN EAST AFRICA 1 Rupie 1916 (arms/design) EF-U 1.00 .HAITI 1 Gourde (Dr D facing rt/arms) ABNC U .45 HAITI 2 G (Dr Duvalier facing right/arms) ABNC U .80 ... Novice list will continue in subsequent lists EVERY SOLUTION HAS A PROBLEM! The reader/client is obliged to generate his own problem. Here is my solution: Lay magazine flat on the table. Place a sheet of cardboard under this page, as close to center of mag as pos- sible. Slice with sharp knife or razor, vertically, approximately 1,j-inch from the staples. See! Other side of signature won't fall out ! This list is not an adornment-it is meant to be used. I could have ruined some text by choosing facing pages at the center of mag. But I didn't. So you wouldn't be afraid to use this order blank. So, PLEASE use THE ORDER BLANK! ALBANIA 100 Franga (1944) (t op I es s woman/100) P-8 F-VF 4.75* ....ALGERIA 5 Fr 1941 (girl, me/veiled woman, harbor G-VF .505 ALGERIA 5 Fr 1942 (girl, green/design) VF .70 ARGENTINA-Banco Central de la Republica Argentina (new type) 5 Pesos (Belgrano, blue/monument, city) wmk-arms II 2.25 AUSTRALIA £1 (QE2, green & bk/"coin portraits") VF 4.75. AUSTRIA-Harth bei Amstetten (WW 1 Prisoner of War Camp) 20, 50 Heller, 1, 5, 10 Kronen ; 1st issue, thin paper (5) U 3.25* BAHAMAS-The Bahamas Government 4 Shillings (QE2, arms, green/design) Td1R VF 5.75" 1 Pound (QE2, arms, black/design) Td1R VF 13.50* $ 1/2 (QE2, violet-brown & me/Straw Market, me) Td1R U 1.50* $1 (QE2, green/Sea Garden, mc) Td1R "A" 2-sig only ! U 6.00* $3 (QE2, red/Paradise Beach, mc) A, 2 signatures U 9.50* $4 (QE2, green/Gvmt House) A, 2 signatures U 17.50. ... Current notes similar, but titled: Bah Monetary Authority ! BERMUDA $1 current (QE2, arms, blue/sailboats, etc) U 2.15 BRAZIL-Republica dos Estados Unidos do Brasil 10 Cruzeiros (Vargas, green/Unity Allegory) VL Td1R U .30 10 Cr, similar, but VR (Valor Recibido) Td1R U .40 20 Cr (Fonseca, blue/Republic Allegory) VL ABNC U .50 20 Cr, similar, but brown front, VL Td1R U .50 20 Cr, same brown, but VR (Valor Recibido) Td1R U wtd 50 Cr (Isabella, blue/Law Allegory) VL ABNC U 1.10 50 Cr, need both (VL & VE) violet types, Td1R U wtd 100, 200, 500, etc, etc, need various types for stock U wtd 500 Cr (Joao VI, blue/Transportation) VL ABNC U 4.75" 1000 Cr (Cabral, orange/First Mass) VL Td1R U 6.50. 5000 Cr (Tiradentes, red & me/church altar) VL Td1R U 8.50. 50 NCen/500 Cr (Joao VI, blue/Transportation) VL ABNC U 1.75. 1 NCr/1000 Cr (Cabral, blue/First Mass) VL ANNC ....0 2.75* BRAZIL-Banco Central do Brasil (current type) 1 Cr (Liberty Cameo, green, etc/bldg, green) U .45 BRITISH GUIANA-The Government of British Guiana 1 Dollar, 1 Oct 1938 (bird, falls, red/Geo VI) W&S VG-F 18.75* 1 Dollar, same except date is 1 Jan 1942 F-VF 17.50' CANADA Dominion $1 (George V, green & black/cathedral, green) CBNC, purple brown seal, McCavour & Saunders ....VF+ 22.50" Royal B: $10, 2 Jan 1935 (2 portraits/arms) BABNC ..VF 39.50. B of C: $2 1935 (Q Mary/Mercury, etc) BABNC F-VF 17.50. B of C: $10 1937 (Geo VI, lavender/Mercury) BABNC VF 21.50* CHINA B of China: k.25 1940 (Dr S, green/pagoda) ABNC stained U 5.75. B of Comm: Y1 1914 (train, violet & me/ships) ABNC U 7.75* EAST CARIBBEAN CURRENCY AUTHORITY $1 (QE2, map, red & mejoceanside village, ship) Td1R ..0 1.10 * Some signature varieties available EGYPT 5 Piastres (Queen Nefretiti, violet/brown design) signed by the Minister of Treasury & Planning U 1.75. 5 P, same, but signed by Min of Treas, Hegazy U 1.25* 5 P, similar, but blue front; Min of Treas, Dix U .45 10 P (people with flag, purple/des) M of T, Dix U 1.00 25 P (UAR Eagle-Arms, blue & me/blue design) 1966 .0 1.90* ENGLAND--U K of G B and Ireland (Gibbons numbers) 01 1914 (T14) (Geo V, black/-) John Bradbury, tears E-VF 48.50* £1 1919 (T23) (Geo V/Parliament) Fisher EF 32.50* 11 11927) (T28), similar, but ". . . and Northern Ire" VF 22.00* FINLAND-Soumen Pankki (Pick numbers) 50 M 1922 (nudists at lake, blue/arms) P-64 G-F 5.75. 500 M 1922 (diff. nudists, green/arms) P-66 F-VF 18.50. 1000 M 1922 (still diff., brown/arms) P-67 F-VF 26.50. GERMANY: Local inflation issues 500 M, Dortmund, 20 Sep 1922 (blue & tan/factories) VF 1.75. 500 M, Hoerde i. Westf. 20 Sep 22 (green/-) "Phoenix" VF 1.50* 5000 M, H i. W, 20 Feb 1923 (violet/-) "Phoenix" AU-U 1.50. 5000 M, same, but surcharged in red 1 Million Mark F-VF 1.50* 5 Billionen M, Dusseldorf, 10 Nov 23 (red & olive/etc) AU 1.50. GHANA-Bank of Ghana 10 Shillings c1963 (bldg, green & me/trees, star) U 3.75. 1 Pound c1962 (bldg, violet, blue & me/jungle kitchen) U 7.75* GREECE 1000 Drachma 1926 (portrait, red ovpt/ruins, mc) ABNC EF 1.30 500 D 1932 (warrior cameo, me/bulls, mc) ABNC ..VF-EF 1.40 500 D 1939 (girl, purple & violet/boats, city) VF-EF 1.10 1000 D 1939 (girl, green & me/goddess, temple on cliff) VF .50 1000 D 1939, same engraved note, better condition EF-U 1.25 10 and 20 D, regional issue, 6 April 1940, two notes U 1.00 GUATEMALA-Banco de Guatemala (recently replaced series) 1A-Quetzal c1968 (church, brown & me/2 native chicks) Td1R U 1.75 1 Q c1968 (military palace, green & mc/Atitlan) Td1R U 2.75. GUINEA-Banque Centrale de la Republique de Guinee 100 Francs 1960 (Pres Toure, violet & me/harvesting) VF 1.25 INDIA-Government of India 1 Rupee 1935 (Geo V, blue & me/coin, Ser #) Kelly .......0 8.75. 5 R (Geo V, brown & me/design) Sten I224L, Kelly ....VG 9.50. 10 R (Geo V, blue & me/design) Sten I224M, Taylor ....EF 18.50. 5 R Geo VI, brown & me/design Sten I227A, Taylor EF 7.50* (continued overleaf ) Stamps ... and Stamps ... and Still More Stamps! WORLDWIDE COLLECTIONS (in envelopes) 2000 different stamps 7.75 3000 different stamps 11.75 5000 different stamps 27.50 10,000 different stamps special! 87.50 MOUNTED COLLECTIONS OF WORLDWIDE STAMPS 50,000 different stamps 1,275.00 108,000 different stamps 14,750.00 125,000 different stamps 21,500.00 Whether you want to launch a collection of your own, or have a special youngster in mind, here is your opportunity to do things "right". Caution ! A collector is evolved in his own mind. No matter how good your intentions are-whether you want to be generous on general principles, or merely want the kid off the streets-you cannot force someone to become a collector. Therefore, before you invest in behalf of someone else by ordering any of the above offers, make certain that the recipient has the proper mentality for a collector and is truly enthused about collecting. (continued from previous page) ISRAEL (Haffner numbers) Anglo Palestine Bank 1 Pound (1948) blue & green F 4.75* 50 and 100 Pruta (1952), N-3d & N-4c, two fractionals U 8.50* 250 P (1953) N-5 (green & brown/scenic view) U 13.00* 500 P 1955 N-16 (temple ruin, red & mc/mc design) ....0 7.50* 1 Pound 1955 N-17 (Lipper Galilee, blue & me/design) AU 7.50* 1/ Pound 1958 N-21 (girl with basket, green/ruins) U 2.75° 1 Pound 1958 N-22 (fisherman, blue design) U 18.00* 1 Pound 1958 N-22b, same, but with Morse Code line U 1.75 5 Pounds 1958 N-23 (laborer, brown & tan/lion coin) ....0 5.00° 10 Pounds 1958 N-24c (chemist, violet & me/scroll, urns) U 27.50. JAPAN Hansatsu Note 1 Silver Momme (18??) 36mm wide U 3.50* JAPAN: Military issues, WW2 (Toy & Mayer numbers) 1 Sen (dragon, brown/purple) 7-characters, CAN-24 U .75 50 S (dragon, green/green) 11-characters, CAN-19 U 1.00 5 Yen (birds, black & mc/green) 7-characters, CAN-29 U 1.25 10 Yen (dragons, black & me/purple) 7-, CAN-30 U 1.75 100 Y (portrait, gray & mc, ovpt/violet) Sten-J166C U 2.25° 100 Y (portrait, gray, purple, etc/purple) S-J174B U 2.25* MADAGASCAR (Malagasy Republic) 100 Francs (3 native chicks, me/trees, mc) girl wmk MALAYSIA-Bank Negara Malaysia (1967) $1 (Tuanku Abdul Rahman, blue & me/arms, blue) BW U $5 (TAR, green & me/arms, green) BW $10 (TAR, red, brown & me/arms, red) Td1R MALDIVE ISLANDS 3/i Rupee 1947 (palm tree, sailship, me/-) U 12.50 0 5 Rupees 1947 (palm tree, ships, me/mansion) VG MEXICO-El Banco be Mexico S A (current, new types) $5 (La Corregidora, brown & me/aquaduct, city view) ..0 $10 (Hidalgo, bell, green & me/church, me) MONACO: Essai note, thick paper, quite scarce I imagine 1 Franc 1920 (arms, red & green/view of city) MONGOLIA 1 Tugrik 1925 (rainbow of colors/brown) G 11.50* 2 Tugrik 1925 (rainbow of colors/green) G 15.00° 1 Tugrik 1939 (portrait, tan & me/me design) VG 1 Tugrik 1941 (portrait, tan & me/mc design) F 7.00° 1 Tugrik 1941, same, better condition VF 12.50 0 10 Tugrik 1941 (portrait, red & mc/mc design) F 17.50 0 1 Tugrik 1955 (portrait, tan & mc/mc design) F-VF 7.00* 1 Tugrik 1955, same, better condition VF-EF 10.00° 25 Tugrik 1966 (portrait, violet-brown & me/me) ..EF-AU 38.00° PAKISTAN 1 Rupee (arms, blue/arch, violet) U 1.50° 5 Rupees (portrait, purple & me/terraces, violet) ....AU-U 2.50. 10 R (portrait, brown & me/gardens, brown) VF-EF 3.25* 100 R (portrait, green & me/mosque, green) U 15.00 0 500 R (portrait, red & me/modern building, red) U 32.50. *** The portrait is of Mohammed All Jinnah PALESTINE-Palestine Currency Board 1 Pound, 20 April 1939 (temple, green/fortress) Td1R F-VF 24.50° 5 P, 20 April 1939 (tower, red/fortress) A crude counter- feit, possibly worn and tattered purposefully G 38.00 0 PARAGUAY-Rep del P, El Banco de la Republica (signed) 5 Pesos, 26 Dec 1907 (Liberty, blue & bk/arms) W&S U 3.75. 100 P, 26 Dec 1907 (bldg, yellow & bk/arms, blue) W&S U 7.50* PARAGUAY--Banco Central del Paraguay (Law . . 1952; US size 1 Guarani (soldier, green/Central Bank bldg) Td1R U .65 1 G, similar, back design changed: Legislature, common U .15 5 G (girl with urn, blue/Hotel Guarani) Td1R U 1.25 5 G, similar, but color changed to black U .25 10 G (General Garary, red-brown/Par-Brazil bridge) ....0 .45 2.25 50 G (Marshall Estigarribia, brown/gaucho, horses) U 100 G (Gen Diaz, green/Humaita Ruins) TdIR U 4.25 PERU-Banco Central de Reserva del Peru 5 Soles de Oro 1965 (seated Liberty, green/arms) Td1R U .95 5 SdO 1972 (Inca Pachaeutec, green & me/historic) Td1R U .45 POLAND-Bank Polski (Warszawa 28 Feb 1919; Pick-58) 500 Zlotych (Kosciuszko, green & gray-violet/arms) .VF 19.50° POLAND-Darlehnskassenschein, Posen 17 Apr 1916, Ger Occ WWI 20 Kopeken (greenish-blue & black/design) VG-F 1.25* 50 Kopeken (rust & gray-green/design) VF 2.25° 1 Rubel (blue, brown & black/design) VF 1.75. 3 Rubel (brown & light green/design) VF 4.50. PORTUGESE INDIA-Nova Goa (New Goa) 4 Tangas 1917 (rust, green arms & ovpt/allegory) BW VG 8 Tangas 1917 (green, red arms/allegory-girl) BW VG 1 Rupia 1924 (tiger, blue & me/building complex) Td1R F 5 R 1938 (temple, green/tiger) Td1R, larger note 10 R 1938 (temple, red-violet/tiger) Td1R F-VF PORTUGESE INDIA-India Portuguesa 5 Rupias 1945 (Albuquerque, arms, green/girl, ships) BW VF 10 R 1945 (Albuquerque, arms, brown/girl, ships) BW ....F 30 Escudos 1959 (Albuquerque, carmine/man, ships) Td1R F PUERTO RICO-La Republica de Cuba, Junta Central Repub- licana de Cuba y Puerto Rico 1 Peso, 17 Aug 1869, New York ("broken bank" style) EF-AU 95.00* RHODESIA-Reserve B of R (Ian Smith "rebel" issue) 5 Pounds 1966 (QE2, arms, blue-gray & me/ruins) VF 35.00° 5 Pounds 1966, same, better condition EF 45.00 0 ST PIERRE & MIQUELON (very colorful French type printing) 5 Francs (portrait, ship near shore/native woman) U .25 10 Fr (Colbert, sailships/native boat) U .40 20 Fr (Emile Gentil, natives by huts/native) U .75 1 New Franc surcharged on 50 Francs (d'Esnambue, gal- leon/topless native girl, etc, multicolored) U 1.75 . ..2 NF/100Fr (La Bourdonnais, topless girl/girl, mtns( .0 2.75 10 NF/500Fr (2 native women, ship/oxcarts) U 13.50° 20 NF/1000Fr ('nother 2 women/girl, native & canoe)_.. U 22.50° SARAWAK (with portrait of Sir Charles Vyner Brooke, Governor) 1 Dollar 1935 (portrait, green & me/arms, green) BW F-VF 8.50. Dollars 1929 (portrait, brown & me/numeral) BW .F-VF 17.50* SAXONY-Die Siichsische Bank (zu Dresden) 100 Mark 19n (two figures, blue & me/ornate) engr U 2.75 500 M 1922 (2 fig, rose & me/ornate) larger U 3.50 1 Million M 1923 (brown & indigo/purple & gray) U 2.25 1 Million M 1923, same, but low 3-digit serial number U 15.00 0 SIERRA LEONE- Bank of Sierra Leone 50 Cents (man, flower, brown & me/bldg) Td1R U 2.25 1 Leone (house, tree, green & me/excavating) Td1R U 3.75. 2 Leones (house, tree, red & me/native village) Td1R 5.75° SINGAPORE (original type-without red chop signature) $1 (arms, red flower, blue & mc/bIdgs) BW 1.75. $5 (arms, orange flower, green & me/boats, city) BW ...0 7.50* $10 (arms, me flower, red & me/4 races hands clasped) U 12.50. .50 .75 1.50 1.50 .90 .45 .30 1.50 2.50 0 1.25 .75 1.20 .75 THAILAND 50 Satang (1948) (tray, green & pink/pagoda) Td1R .. U 1.10 1 Baht (1946) (young King Rama VIII, blue & green/urn) U 1.50 same MPC type ; ser #A..A &A..B exist; either one U 1.50 1 Baht (1956) (Rama IX, blue & me/Throne Hall) Td1R U .25 10 B (1957) (Rama IX, brown & me/Throne Hall) Td1R U 1.75 20 B (1957) (Rama IX, green & me/Throne Hall) Td1R U 2.25 100 B (1959) (Rama IX, red & me/Throne Hall) TdIR U 15.00* 5 B (c1969) (Rama IX, purple & mc/temple) U .45 10 13 (c1969) (Rama IX, brown & me/different temple) U .80 100 B (1968) (R IX, red, blue & me/royal barge) U 12.50* *** Some signature varieties available 3.75* 6.75° 1.50 2.50 17.50. 7.50* WEST IRIAN (Indonesian notes overprinted IRIAN BARAT) Complete country/set of 5 notes : 1 Rupiah 1961 ; 244 R 1961; 5 R 1960; 10 R 1960: 100 R 1960. Quite scarce ....0 75.00. ZAMBIA-Bank of Zambia 50 Ngwee (portrait of president, arms, purple/animals) U 2.50 1 Kwacha (president, arms, brown & me/tractor) Td1R U 4.75* 2 Kwacha (president, arms, green & me/elevator) Td1R U 7.50* END OF LIST PM-51--THANK YOU! M. TIITUS, Box 259, Menlo Park, California 94025 USA 14.50 0 15.50° 7.50 5 15.00° 19.00" SOUTH AFRICA . . 1 Rand (Van Riebeck, brown & me/rams) Afrikaans/ 2.25 English U 2.75 1 Rand, similar, but English over Afrikaans U 2.75 1.00 my choice of one of the above only U 2.25 4.75 5 R (Van Riebeck, purple/mine) Afrikaans/English U 9.50. 8.75* 5 R (Van Riebeck, purple/mine) English/Afrikaans U 9.50° 10 R (VR, bldg, green & me/ships) English/Afrikaans ..0 19.00" 15.00° SPAIN 25 Centimes (1937) (arms, bluejdoekworkers) .75 50 Centimes 1937 (girl, pink & blue/green) Republica ....0 1.50 1 Peseta 1937 (winged & headless/chariot) Republica ....0 2 P 1938 (girl, blue & me/stone bridge) Republica 1 P 1948 (Dama Elche, brown & me/fruit, brown) 85.00* 1 P 1951 (Don Quixote, brown & me/armor) 1 P 1953 (Santa Cruz, brown & black/ship with oars) 0 5 P 1935 (girl, green & me/violet design) BW 5 P 1948 (man with beret, gray-green & me/green & mc) U 5 P 1951 (Balmes, green & me/bldgs, bridge) 5 P 1954 (Alfonso X, d green/library & museum bldg) U 10 P 1935 (queen, rust & me/indigo design) BW 25 P 1928 (LaBarea, statue, blue/religious duel) BW U TIMOR-Banco Nacional Ultramarino (Portugese Timor) 20 Escudos 1967 (Aleixo, arms, olive & me/arms) 50 E 1967 I Reguilo D Aleixo, turquoise-blue & me/arms) U 5.00* TURKEY 5 Lirasi (Ataturk, purple & me/waterfall) wmk U 7.50. UGANDA, first type 5 Shillings (arms, blue & me/falls) U 4.50* USA, Silver Certificate: $10 1934-D (Hamilton/Treasury) VF USA, propaganda notes: "See what we could do to your economy if we wanted to!" on tabs on North Vietnamese 1, 2, and 5 Dung notes dated 1958. Set of 3 notes NATIONAL CURRENCY All national Currency will be listed as follows; Series, type, denomination followed by the bank title, charter number, condition and price. We will also use the following abbrevia- t i ons, N.B.-=National Bank, #=Charter Number, BB=Brown Back, DB=Dated Back, VB -=Value Back, RS=Red Seal. Ex- ample: A note listed as 1882-BB S5 First N.B. of Sterling #3207 would be 2nd Charter $5 Brown Back on the First National Bank of Sterling, Charter #3207. ILLINOIS 1882-D13 $10 Corn Exc. N.B. of Chicago #5106 F/VF 905.00 1902 $20 N.B. of the Republic of Chicago #4605 VG 28.00 1929-I $20 1st N.B. of Pittsfield #1042 XF 49.50 INDIANA 1882-BB $5 1st N.B. of Hammond #3478 XF/AU 145.00 1902 $20 1st N.B. of Green Castle #219 VG 29.00 1929-I $10 City N.B. of Auburn #6509 VG Stained 35.00 1929-I $20 City N.B. of Logansport #5076 Fine 29.00 IOWA 1882-DB $10 Des Moines N.B. #2583 VF 85.00 1882-VB $5 1st N.R. of New Hampton #2588 Rare CU 650.00 1929-I $10 1st N.B. of Woodbin #4745 VG/F 37.00 1929-I $10 1st N.B. of Rock Valley #5200 VG/F 13.00 1929-1 $10 1st N.B. of Northwood #8373 VG 90.00 KANSAS 1902 $10 Commercial N.B. & T.C. of Emporia #11781 VG 37.00 1902 $20 1st N.B. of Leavenworth #182 VF/XF 99.00 1962 $10 Merchants N.B. of Topeka #3909 AU 89.00 1902 $20 Central N.B. of Topeka #3078 State Capitol. Crisp AU 95.00 1902 $20 Kaw Valley N.B. of Topeka #11398 Crisp AU 95.00 1929-I $5 1st N.B. in Wichita #2782 VG 11.00 1929-1I $5 1st N.B. in Wichita #2782 Fine 15.00 1929-11 $5 1st N.B. of Chanute #3819. We have 14 notes in stock. If you need a nice type note on a Western State, these are it. Only 45.00 1029-11 $5 Merchants N.B. of Topeka #3909 VF 29.00 1929-I $5 Commercial N.B. of K.C. #6311 VF 25.00 1929-I $5 Peoples N.B. of K.C. #9309 19.50 1929-1 $10 1st N.B. of Leavenworth #182 1st bank chartered in Kansas VF Washed 39.00 1929-I $10 Peoples N.B. of Ottawa #1910 G/VG 29.00 1929-I $10 Central N.B. of Topeka #3078 Fine 17.50 F/VF 20.00 XF 29.00 XF/AU 32.50 1929-11 $10 Central N.B. of Topeka #3078 VF 25.00 1029-1 $10 1st N.B. of Sterling #3207 Stained VG/F 55.00 1929-1 810 1st N.B. of Winfield #3218 XF Washed 35.00 1929-I $10 1st N.B. of Coffeyville #3324 VF 35.00 1929-I $10 1st N.B. of Pittsburg #3463 G/VG 27.50 1929-1 $10 Citizens N.B. of Independence #4592 VG 20.00 F/VF 25.00 1929-I $10 Commercial N.B. of Kansas City #6311 Fine 17.50 XF 29.50 1929-I $10 1st N.B. of Lyndon #7222 G/VG 27.50 1929-I $10 1st N.B. of Thayer #9465 VG 49.50 1929-I $10 American N.B. of Hutchin- son #10765 VG/F 23.00 19294 $10 Commercial N.B. & Trust Co of Emporia #11781 VG 22.50 1929-I $10 1st N.B. in Alma #13601 Fine 55.00 1929-I 820 1st N.B. of Ottawa #1718 XF 49.00 1929-I $20 Peoples N.B. of Ottawa #1910 AU 49.00 1929-11 $20 Central N.B. of Topeka #3078 VG 29.50 1920-1 $20 1st N.B. of Manhattan #3782 CU 69.00 1929-I $20 Citizens 1st N.B. of Inde- pendence #4592 F/VF 39.00 1929-I $20 Commercial N.B. of Kansas City #6311 XF 35.00 1929-I $20 Southwest N.B. of Wichita #12346 F/VF 36.00 KENTUCKY 1882-DB $10 N.B. of Kentucky of Louis- ville #5312. A beautiful note. CU 350.00 1929-1 $5 N.B. of Louisville #5312 F/VF 19.50 1929-I $10 1st N.B. & T.C. of Coving- ton #718 CU 69.00 LOUISIANA 1882-DB $10 1st N.B. of Crowley #5520 VF 227.50 1902-DB 05 1st N.B. of Shreveport #3595 XF/AU 72.50 1929-I $5 1st N.B. of Shreveport #3595 G/VG 25.00 1929-1 $20 1st N.B. of Lafayette #5023 C9/VG 60.00 MAINE 1902 $5 1st N.B. of Biddeford #1089 VF but taped 80.00 1902 $5 City N.B. of Belfast #7586 AU 179.00 1902 $5 Canal N.B. of Portland #941 CU 195.00 1929-I $5 1st N.B. of Portland #221 G/VG 19.50 1929-1 $10 1st Nat'l. Granite Bank of Augusta #498 AU 110.00 MASSACHUSETTS Orig. $1 1st N.B. of Fall River #256 VG 125.00 MICHIGAN 1902 $20 Old N.B. of Grand Rapids #2890 VG 30.00 MINNESOTA 1882-VB $10 1st N.B. of Thief River Falls #5894 VF 225.00 1902 $10 1st N.B. of Barnesville #4959 CU 97.50 1929-11 $10 1st N.B. of St. Paul #203 VG 17.50 1929-11 $20 1st N.B. of Stillwater #2674 Fine 28.00 MISSISSIPPI 1902 $5 1st N.B. of Corinth #9094 CU .325.00 1902 $10 Citizens N.B. of Corinth #9751 Would go nicely with above note Ch Crisp AU 325.00 NININNIMINW.MMIPIOINIMMI#41~~~4,0 1929-11 $10 N.B. of Commerce of Colum- bus #10361 CU 87.50 MISSOURI 1882-BB $10 Merchants-LaClede N.B. of St. Louis #5002 Fine 49.00 ALABAMA 1902 $10 Houston N.B. of Dothan #7932 XF/AU 150.00 1902 $10 N.B. of Opelika #11635 CU but somewhat dull 169.00 1902 $10 N.B. of Opelika #11635 CU 219.00 1929-I $5 City N.B. #10336 VG 35.00 1929-I $10 1st N.B. of OPP #7985 VG 49.50 1929-I $20 American Traders N.B. of Birmingham #7020 VG 27.50 ARKANSAS 1902 $10 1st N.B. of Fort Smith #1950 F/VF 80.00 1902 $10 1st N.B. of Batesville #7556 CU 250.00 1902 $20 1st N.B. of Newport #6758 Crisp AU 265.00 1929-1 $5 1st N.B. of Mansfield #11195 VG 95.00 CALIFORNIA 1929-11 $10 Farmers & Merchants N.B. of L.A. #6617 Fine 17.50 1929-I $10 Anglo Calif. N.B. #9174 Fine 17.50 1929-1 $20 Anglo & London Paris N.B of San Francisco #9174 VG 26.00 COLORADO 1882-DB $5 1st N.B. of Colorado Springs #2179 Good 99.00 1902-DB $10 Trinidad N.B. #3450 Crisp AU 229.00 1902 $10 Greeley Union N.B. #4437 Scarce as the bank changed to this title in 1926 CU 205.00 1929-11 $5 1st N.B. of Denver #1016 VG/F 44.00 1929-I $5 1st N.B. of Greeley Scarce title #3178 G/VG 50.00 DELAWARE 1902 $10 Union N.B. of Wilmington #1390. A scarce State that only had 90 Nat'l. Banks. XF 169.00 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA 1882-138 $11) Riggs N.B. of Washington #5046. Very scarce in CU 350.00 1902 $10 Nat'l. Metropolis Bank of Washington #1069 VF 45.00 FLORIDA 1902-DB $5 Barnett N.B. of Jackson- ville #9049 CU 350.00 1902 $10 Atlantic N.B. of Jacksonville #6888 F/VF 120.00 1929-I $10 Exchange N.B. of Tampa #4949 VG 27.50 GEORGIA 1882-DB $5 Cordele N.B. #5975. A beau- tiful and scarce note as the bank was liquidated in 1917. CU 725.00 1882-DB $10 Lowry N.B. of Atlanta #5318 F/VF 145.00 1902 $5 Fourth N.B. of Atlanta #5045 CU 99.00 1902 $10 Nat'l. Exchange Bank of Au- gusta #1860 Ch AU 140.00 HAWAII 1929-I $50 Bishop 1st N.B. of Honolulu #5550 XF/AU 195.00 IDAHO 1902 010 Boise City N.B. #3471 VG 140.00 1902 $10 1st N.B. of Caldwell #4690 Fine 165.00 1902-DB $10 1st N.B. of Weiser #6754 VG/F 195.00 1902-DB $10 Western N.B. of Caldwell #8225 F/VF 150.00 1902 $10 Idaho N.B. of Boise #8346 VG/F 150.00 1902 $10 Pacific N.B. of Boise #10083. Right upper corner missing. G/VG 135.00 1902 $10 Overland N.B. of Boise #10751 VG 150.00 JOE FLYNN, SR. COIN CO., INC. 2854 WEST 47th STREET P. 0. BOX 3140 KANSAS CITY, KANSAS 66103 PHONE: 913-236-7171 10:30 A.M. to 5:30 P.M., C.S.T. NATIONAL CURRENCY 1882-BB $100 N.B. of Commerce of K. C. Mo. #3760 F/VF Washed 95.90 1882-DB $20 People's N.B. of Warrens- burg #5156 Bright VF 135.00 1902 $5 Burnes N.B. of St. Joseph #8021 Fine 35.00 I902-DB $5 Gate City N.B. of K.C. #9404 Fine 27.50 1929-1 $5 3rd N.B. of Sedalia 4=2919 Fine 16.00 1029-1 55 1st N.B. of Nevada #3950 VG/F 16.00 1929-I $5 Mercantile-Commerce N.B. in St. Louis #4178 Fine 17.00 1929-I $5 Clinton N.B. of Clinton #7806 G/VG 35.00 1929-11 $5 Burnes N.B. of St. Joseph #8021 VF 17.00 1929-1 $5 Citizens N.B. of Kirksville #8276 VF/XF 19.00 1929-I $5 Peoples N.B. of Clinton #8509 VS' 19.00 1929-1 $5 American N.B. of St. Joseph #9042 VF 15.00 192941 $5 Ludlow N.B. of Ludlow #13293 VG 22.50 1929-I $10 1st N.B. of Nevada #3959 VG 23.00 1929-I $10 Citizens N.B. of Chillicothe #4111 Fine 19.50 1929-1 510 Peoples N.B. of Clinton #8509 VF 22.00 1929-1 $10 1st N.B. of Windsor #9519 VF 29.00 1929-I $10 Booneville N.B. #10915 Fine 17.50 1029-1 $10 Fidelity N.B. & Trust Co of Kansas City #11344 VF 10.00 XF/AU 17.00 AU 20.00 1929-1 $10 Grand N.B. of St. Louis #12220 VG 17.50 1929-I $10 Drover's N.B. in K.C. #12794 VF 17.00 VF/XF 25.00 1929-1 $20 Conqueror 1st N.B. of Joplin #13162 VG 29.00 NEBRASKA 1882-DB $10 1st N.B. of Hastings #2528 F/VF 105.00 1882-DB 510 Farmers N.B. of Pilger #5941 VF/XF 195.00 1902-DB $10 1st N.B. of Fremont #1974 Rag 19.50 1902-DB $100 Omaha N.B. #1633 Bright XF/AU 9 5 0 . 0 0 19294 $10 1st N.B. of Fairburg #2294 Fine 21.00 1929-1 510 Norfolk N.B. #3347 G/VG 14.00 1929-I $10 1st N.B. of Tekamah #4324 VG 19.50 1929-1 $10 1st N.B. of Crofton #8186 Rag 13.50 VG/F 15.00 F/VF 17.50 XF 22.50 1929-I $20 1st N.B. of Wahoo #2780 AU 52.50 1929-1 $20 1st N.B. of David City #2902 VG 43.00 1929-I $20 1st N.B. of Crofton #8186 VF 39.00 NEW YORK 1882-BB $10 American Exchange N.B of New York City #1394 VG/F 45.00 1882-BB $20 Traders N.B. of Rochester #1104 VG/F 59.00 1902-RS $10 Nat'l. City Bank of New York #1461. One small hole, other- wise, VF/XF 50.00 1929-I $20 Lincoln N.B. & T.C. of Syra- cuse #13393 Fine 27.50 NORTH DAKOTA 1902 SIO 1st N.B. of Fargo #2377 Good 75.00 1902 $20 N.B. of Wahpeton #4106 VG . 199.00 1929-1 $20 Merchants N.B. & T.C. of Fargo #13321 VG 72.50 OHIO Original $5 Defiance N.B. #1906. This bank was liquidated in 1891. Scarce VG 100.00 1882-BB $5 Portsmouth N.B. #935. A scarce bank liquidated in 1905. A little dirty but still CU 160.00 1929-I $20 Knox N.B. in Mt. Vernon #7638 VG/F 35.00 OKLAHOMA 1902 $10 1st N.B. of Braggs #10437 Bright VF/XF 149.50 1902 $20 Exchange N.B, of Tulsa #9658 VG/F 65.00 1902 $100 1st N.B. of Muskogee #4385 Rare Fine 349.00 1902 $100 1st N.B. in Oklahoma City #4862. Could issue notes for only 8 years under this title. Scarce Sigs FR #702A VF/XF 375.00 1929-1 $5 1st N.B. in Bartlesville #6258 Fine 40.00 1929-11 $5 Citizen's 1st N.B. of Paw- huska #13526 VG 115.00 1029-1 $10 1st N.B. of McAlester #5052 Fine. 90.00 1029-I $10 1st N.B. of Miami #5252 Fine 69.00 1920-I $10 City N.B. of Lawton #5753 VG/F 110.00 1929-I $10 1st N.B. in Bartlesville #6258 VF/XF 45.00 1929-I $10 American N.B. of Wetumka #7724 VG 200.00 1929-I $10 Eastman N.B. of Newkirk #9011 XF/AU 125.00 1929-I $10 Union N.B. of Bartlesville #9567 VF 35.00 XF /AU 45.00 1929-11 $10 Union NH, of Bartlesville #0567 Fine 35.00 1929-1 $10 1st N.B. of Tyrone #10032 VG 200.00 1929-1 $10 The Commercial N.B. in Mus- kogee #12890 VG 32.50 1929-I $10 Citizens 1st N.B. of Paw- huska #13527 Fine 105.00 19294 $20 1st N.B. & T.C. of Oklahoma City #4862 F/VF 25.00 1929-11 $20 1st N.B. of McAlester #5052 Fine 110.00 1929-I $20 1st N.B. of Thomas #7278 VG 200.00 1929-1 $20 Union N.B. of Bartlesville #9567 VF 49.00 AU 69.00 1929-I $20 Federal N.B. of Shawnee #12339 VG/F 110.00 1929-11 $20 Commercial N.B. in Muskogee #12890 VF 49.50 1929-1 $20 Citizens 1st N.B. of Pawhuska #13527 Fine 105.00 1929-I $50 1st N.B. & T.C. of Tulsa #5171 VF/XF 65.00 PENNSYLVANIA 1882-BB $20 1st N.B. of Schuykill Haven #5216 F/VF 89.00 1882-DB $10 Reading N.B. #4887 F/VF 89.00 1902 $10 lot N.B. of Shenandoah #3143 F/VF 39.00 1929-I $5 American N.B. of Ebensburg #6209 F/VF 32.00 SOUTH CAROLINA 1929-I $5 Marion N.B. of Marion #10085 G/VG 85.00 SOUTH DAKOTA 1902 $10 1st N.B. of Deadwood #2391 VG/F 229.00 TENNESSEE 1002 $20 1st N.B. of Bristol #2796 CU .165.00 NATIONAL CURRENCY TEXAS 1882-DB $20 Frost N.B. of San Antonio #5179 Fine 99.00 1929-I 55 1st N.B. of Teague #8195 VG 65.00 1929-I $10 1st N.B. of Waco #2189 VG 14.00 1920-1 $10 Farmers N.B. of Brenham #10860 CU 45.00 UTAH 1929 -1 $10 1st N.B. of Ogden #2597 VG 36.00 VIRGINIA 1929 -1 510 N.B. of Norton #9746 CU ....119.00 WASHINGTON 1929-1 $5 Brotherhood Co-operative N.B of Tacoma #12667 Rag 30.00 1929-1 $10 1st N.B. of Seattle #11280 VG 19.50 WISCONSIN 1929-I $10 American N.B. of Wausau #4744 VG 15.50 WYOMING 1902 $10 1st N.B. of Rock Springs #3920 Good 175.00 1902 520 Rock Springs N.B. #4755 VG 265.00 1929-1 $20 Albany N.B. of Laramie #3615 Fine 125.30 (Enid of National Currency) LEGAL TENDER NOTES FR #16 $1 AU 115.00 FR #36 $1 AU 18.00 Ch AU 19.50 FR #37 $1 CU 35.00 FR #38 $1 Ch AU 22.00 FR #39 $1 AU 16.00 Ch AU 19.00 CU 35.00 FR #60 $2 CU 45.00 FR #03 $5 CU Scarce 275.00 FR #04 $5 Paper is somewhat wrinkled but still CU. One year type 169.00 FR #80 $5 VF/XF 139.00 FR #91 $5 CU 40.00 FR #96 $10 'Jackass Note'. We have two pieces of this scarce one year type note. One is CU with the right mar- gin closely trimmed at 300.00 The other is CU with a minute corner fold at 369.00 FR #111 510 'Jackass Note' autographed by Morgan. AU 105.00 FR #116 510 'Buffalo Note' Ch AU 150.00 FR #1510 S2 1953-A CU 6.50 FR #1513 $2 1963 CU 5.75 SILVER CERTIFICATES FR #220 $1 Rag 19.00 FR #224 $1 Educational Good 25.00 FR #237 51 Ch AU . 23.00 JOE FLYNN, SR. COIN CO., INC. 2854 WEST 47th STREET P. 0. BOX 3140 KANSAS CITY, KANSAS 66103 PHONE: 913-236-7171 10:30 A.M. to 5:30 P.M., C.S.T. FR #268 $5 Educational. Nicely centered and scarce AU 399.00 FR #279 $5 'One Papa' Ch AU 150.00 FR #280 $5 'One Papa' CU 250.00 FR #281 $5 'One Papa' Ch AU 150.00 CU 250.00 FR #282 $5 Lincoln. A scarce one year type note of which we have several to offer. F/VF 85.00 AU 200.00 CU but the paper is somewhat wrinkled 279.00 Nice CU 349.00 FR #1604 81 1928-D CU 199.00 FR #1609 & 1610 $1 Red R & S Pair XF 49.50 FR #1611 $1 1935-B CU 6.95 FR #1613N $1 1935-D CU 3.95 FEDERAL RESERVE BANK NOTES FR #730 $1 Ch AU 72.50 FR #744 $2 Kansas City, a very rare 'Star Note' Serial #J18100* CU 200.011 FR #801 $5 Kansas City. This note is handsigned by the Secretary and Gov- ernor VG/F 110.00 FR #803 $5 VF 39.00 FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES FR #851 85 VF/XF 15.00 FR #859 $5 VF/XF 13.50 FR #863 $5 AU 19.50 FR #883 $5 VF/XF 13.50 XF 15.00 FR #892 $10 R.S. VG/F 18.00 FR #898 $10 R.S. VG/F 18.00 FR #900 $10 R.S. F/VF 22.00 FR #939 $5 XF 20.00 FR #960 $20 R.S. VG/F 31.00 GOLD CERTIFICATES FR #1167 $10 Washed XF 44.00 FR #1173 $10 G/VG 19.50 VG/F 25.00 VF/XF 35.00 FR #1184 020 Scarce Sigs. VF 60.00 FR #1187 820 VG 39.50 VF/XF 50.00 FR #2400 $10 F/VF 13.50 VF 15.50 XF/AU 25.50 CU 55.00 FR #2400 $10 'Star Note' VF 57.50 FR #2402 020 Fine 24.00 VF 27.00 XF 32.00 Ch AU 45.00 FR #2402 $20 Cats. $100 Save on our CU at 65.00 EMERGENCY ISSUES FR #2309 $10 Yellow Seal AU . 14.00 NN SPECIAL FR #2309 $10 CU YELLOW SEALS Cats. 45.00 Only $22.50 each SPECIAL ON FRACTIONAL CURRENCY Take a 10 discount on all notes except CU notes FRACTIONAL CURRENCY By Friedberg Numbers #1226 3c AU 15.00 CU 25.00 #1230 5c AU 10.00 #1232 5c CU 15.00 #1233 -A 5e CU Rare Cats. 8100 Save at 225.00 #1230 5e AU 29.00 #1238 5c XF 12.50 AU 17.00 CU 25.00 #1239 5c XF 15.00 #1242 10c CU 20.00 #1243 10c AU 39.00 #1246 10c CU 18.50 #1254 IDe AU 60.00 #1255 10c XF 7.50 AU 10.00 CU Corner fold 15.00 CU 20.00 #1256 10c AU 12.00 #1258 10c CU 15.00 #1259 10c CU 17.50 #1264 10c AU 12.50 CU 17.50 #1265 10c Ch AU 8.00 CU 12.50 #1266 10c AU 8.00 #1270 15c VF Scarce 49.00 #1294 25c AU 17.50 CU Corner fold 17.50 #1295 25c AU 19.00 #1297 25c AU 39.50 #1303 25c CU 22.00 #1309 25c CU 12.50 #1312 50e AU 25.00 CU 40.00 #1313 50c AU 75.00 #1341 50c AU 27.50 #1342 50c VF 16.00 #1356 50c CU 75.00 #1381 50c AU 17.50 CU 25.00 SPECIMEN NOTES Take a 10'; discount on all Specimen Notes. All the following are Unc. Isi/M=Narrow Margin W/M=Wide Margin #1251 10c Obv. N/M 25.00 #1254 10c Rev. N/M 20.00 #1255 10c Rev. N/M 25.00 #1274 15c Obv. N/M 130.00 #1274 15c Obv. W/M but has been trimmed on two sides 130.00 #1276 15c Rev. W/M but has been trimmed on two sides 40.00 #1276 15c Rev. N/M 25.00 1863 3rd issue 10c, 25c, & 50c notes similar to design numbers 169, 176 and 181 respectively. Printed on cardboard paper from U.S. Gov't. plates for Mr. Heath by Special Permission. CU 125.00 UNCUT SHEET OF CURRENCY 1953 $10 Silver Cert. Sheet of 18 Notes. Sheet starts with Serial #A00000049A. Face check #1, Back check #1517. A rare and desirable sheet. CU 1295.00 SET OF 1862 LEGAL TENDER COUNTERFEIT DETECTORS In the 1860's, a Mr. Narramore received permission to copy the original die impres- sion for all the 1862 Legal Tender Notes. Just as Fractional Currency Shields were used in banks and post offices as a guide to the genuine notes, these sets were used also as a guide to detect the genuine notes from the counterfeits. This set of 9 Notes, $1 through $1000, (each note 33/4 in. by 1 1/, in.) is pasted on a light manila sheet as was used in ledgers by the bankers. The group grades Fine + over all and is an outstanding conversation piece as well as a rare and unusual part of our currency's history. A seldom offered item 195.00 WE ACCEPT master charriel • JOE FLYNN, SR. COIN CO., INC. 2854 WEST 47th STREET P. 0. BOX 3140 KANSAS CITY, KANSAS 66103 PHONE: 913-236-7171 10:30 A.M. to 5:30 P.M., C.S.T. FREE PHONE SERVICE Call Collect In CootInorital U.L ktation to station To Confirm Ordoes Ovw $100.00 P ERHAPS you may have seen our "buy" and "sell" advertisements in the leading numismatic publica-tions over the past few years. We are justifiably proud of the good reputation we have earned, and hope to continue to provide our customers with the finest of collectibles, as well as continuing our research and assistance to scholars in the specialized fields of our mutual endeavors. W E are purveyors of United States historical antiquities, specifically Western collateral of all descriptions,including: coins, paper money, books, letters, documents, autographs, photos, checks, certificates, broadsides, covers, guns, etc. Also Indian and other artifacts alluding to the "frontier" era, covering ap- proximately the period between the late 1840's to the early 1900s. From the gold rush era through to the early 20th century, we have on hand an array of items with reference to such entities as Wells Fargo, Pony Express, etc. just to name a very few. Suffice it to say that we BUY and SELL a myriad of items, ail of frontier/western connotation, as required. fICCASIONALLY, we are privileged to offer a pedigreed artifact as was the case some months ago when LP we negotiated the sale of an authentic, documented Indian gun used at the Little Big Horn; or when we found new homes for such diversified items as: uncirculated National Bank Notes on Dakota and Oklahoma Territories: two 1854s double-eagles; .signatures of Sitting Bull, General Custer, lohn Sutter, Cherokee Chief John Ross and Wyatt Earp; an almost new .45 Colt Peacemaker with Wells Fargo mark- ings, a Kiowa beaded war club and a Pony Express cover with two "running horse" handstamps. However, this degree of commercial sophistication is indeed rare; it is our desire to aid the collector at every level to the limit of our ability and situation. W E may have just what may have been elusive heretofore: an express cover, a Western Mint or Cali-fornia gold coin; saddlebags, an Indian beaded piece, military or other accoutrements. Certainly a used but not abused handgun or longarm with "character" having borne witness to .some segment of fron- tier history. Indeed, we may surprise you with an item or two from our constantly changing stock. We do not guarantee to fill every request; frankly, with the demand for antiques of every description as strong as it is on today's market, we will no doubt disappoint more inquirants than we will be able to serve, but again we hope the positive satisfaction to be gained will transcend any negative replies. Your inquiries are respectfully solicited; please write to: M. PERLMUTTER P.O. BOX 476, NEWTON CTR., MASS. 02159. (617) 332-6119 WANTED IOWA IOWA IOWA IOWA NATIONAL BANK NOTES From the following IOWA cities and towns: Adair Estherville Holstein Marshalltown Afton Floyd Ida Grove Nashua Belmond Fort Madison I reton Northboro Blockton Garden Grove Jesup Olin Brighton Gilmore Lansing Orange City Brooklyn Goldfield Lawler Sanborn Clutier Grafton Lineville Sutherland Coin Hamburg Linn Grove Wesley College Springs Harlan Lisbon Dike Harris Macksburg Please state condition and price or send insured for my fair offer to WILLIAM R. HIGGINS, JR. BOX 64, OKOBOJI, IOWA 51355 ANA Life #109 SPMC #2950 .tleh isi ttt Nat ional m lc WANTED KANSAS NATIONALS TYPE NOTES WANTED Any Original Series $10 pay 300.00 Any Original Series $20 pay 450.00 Any Series of 1875 $50 pay 1750.00 Any Series of 1875 $100 pay 1750.00 Any Brown Back $100 pay 400.00 Any 1882 Dated Back $50 pay 400.00 Any 1882 Value Back $5 pay 300.00 Any 1929 Type II $50 pay 500.00 We will pay the above prices for VG or better notes and cor- respondingly more for notes XF or better. CHARTER NUMBERS WANTED We will pay $300 for any of the following Charter Numbers, any type in any condition. #2192 #3473 #3791 #2640 #3512 #3805 #2954 #3563 #3807 #2990 #3564 #3812 #3002 #3567 #3833 #3035 #3569 #3835 #3090 #3594 #3844 #3108 #3667 #3852 #3194 #3695 #3853 #3199 #3703 #3880 #3249 #3710 #3900 #3265 #3737 #3928 #3384 #3751 #3963 #3386 #3758 #3992 #3394 #3769 #4150 #3431 #3775 #4288 #3440 #3776 #9097 #3443 #3787 #11887 There are many other Kansas Nationals that we are interested in other than those listed above. If you have any Kansas Na- tionals for sale, please write giving the charter number, type and Friedberg numbers. Please price all notes in your first cor- respondence as we will not make offers. We Also Want Uncut Sheets of Kansas Nationals Joe Flynn, Sr. Coin Co., Inc. BOX 3140 2854 W. 47th STREET KANSAS CITY, KANSAS 66103 PHONE 913-236-7171 NUMISMATIC AND GENERAL U.S. HISTORICAL PAPER AND LITERATURE 1. King's Views of NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE. 1897 -1099. Large (10x15") hard-cover 108 page book, profusely illustrated. Complete history of the Exchange to 1899 ; gloss paper, hand- tooled cover 835. 2. U.S. Geological Survey ; Atlas of the GEOLOGY OF THE COM- STOCK LODE and the WASHOE DISTRICT, NEVADA. Becker, Washington, 1882. Over 21 section and cress-section color maps of all the mines in the famous Comstock Lode of Nevada. (15x18") 051. 3. Mint set of 25 color stereoscope cards depicting aftermath of the April 18, 1900 San Francisco earthquake and fire. Includes the virtually undamaged Mint surrounded by devastation. W. S. Smith, 1906 $35. 4. The Life And Times of Gen. John A. Sutter, T. J. Schoonover, Sacramento, Cal., 1907. Hard cover, 312 pages 520. 5. Grant, Bushnell NATIONAL COUNTERFEIT DETECTOR. Mint issues 164 pages each) of January, March and April, 1910. Lists all known counterfeits from 1862 to date of issue ; EACH $20. 6. Bank Note Reporters and Counterfeit Detectors, 1826-1866 ; William H. Dillistin, A.N.S., 1949. The popular and rare issue. Over 175 pages ; with plates ; soft cover $45. 7. War Comes To The U.S., Dec. 7, 1941, The First 30 Hours; as reported to the TIME-LIFE-FORTUNE News Bureau from the U.S. and abroad. "NEWS BUREAU FILES" copy. Several hundred pages, paper bound. A full bound copy of the teletype files as they came into the news bureau Dec. 7-8, 1941 ; complete with deletions as required by security $50. 8. Report of the COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY, 1886. Hard cover, 976 pages, U.S. Gov't. Printing Office. Hundreds of Na- tional Banks from all States & Territories listed with charter numbers, bank officials, and financial condition $65. 9. A History of Currency In The U.S., A. Barton Hepburn, 1924. Hard-cover, 573 pages $25. 10. Wells, Fargo & Co. shipping receipt; Columbia, Calif., May 31, 1859. Delivery of gold dust to the San Francisco Mint. Torn lower left corner does not negate any of the desirable contents $45. 11. Complete issue-run of the late WHITMAN NUMISMATIC JOUR- NAL, in three custom gold-stamped slip-cases $75. 12. Bushwhacker Mining Co. stock certificate, Aspen, Colo., Feb. 18, 1895. American Bank Note Co., vivid green ; ornately printed. Vignette of miner with pack mules descending mountainside . $20. 13. Extremely rare stock certificate on The Mount Nebo Mining & Smelting Company, Salt Lake City, Utah Territory, August 3, 1872. Cert. #52 for 25 shares to Marcus B. Osborn, also signed by him as President and James J. Bradley, Secretary $45. 14. Large (12x16", bond STATE OF CALIFORNIA, BOND OF THE COUNTY OF HUMBOLDT. 5500 9% bond "in gold coin of the United States." Dated September 14, 1876, signed by Humboldt County officials Geo. Williams and Wm. McKenna. Stamped "PAID MAR 17 1896 COUNTY TREASURER, EUREKA CAL." Beautifully ornate, with a huge carmine central vignette of a loaded stagecoach pulled by a six-horse team 015. 11. Stock certificate (9x12" I The Bull Hill Gold Tunnel Company, "CRIPPLE CREEK GOLD MINING DISTRICT" in large gold letters. (Cripple Creek, Colo., March 28, 1896.) Large gold saw-tooth seal ; very impressive! $25. 10. Wells, Fargo & Co. Express receipt, Astoria, to Portland, Oregon. Shipment of $75 in coin, with authorization letter from original sender to Wells Fargo with shipping instructions. Letter is dated Aug. 2, 1870 (receipt Sept. 2, 18701 and is from Chinook, Mon- tana Tern $35. 17. Two bronze plaques, each 10" in diameter. Made for the 1901 Pan-American Exposition. In relief, one depicting a North American and South American Indian exchanging peace pipes over a globe of the two Americas : the other a striding female figure beside the American bison. Made by Hermon MacNeil, designer of the Liberty-standing quarter. The pair: $75. 18. Hard-cover 700 page reprints of the Albert Grinnell collection sales, 1944-46. While they last, special for SPMC members, $10 per copy. All material offered subject to prior sale ; shipments postpaid and insured. Please note our "WANTED" ad elsewhere in this issue. M. Perlmutter M. Perlmutter P.O. BOX 476, NEWTON CTR., MASS. 02159 (617) 332-6119 Stanley Gibbons Currency Limited Specialists in and Selling of Hare Banknoles Norway—Specimen Set 1,000 Kroner 1943 'Specimen' E.F. 500 Kroner 1944 'Specimen' E.F 50 Kroner 1945 'Specimen' E.F. 100 Kroner 1945 'Specimen' E.F. (as illustrated) Set £450. Germany—Specimen 10 Deutsche Mark 1948 'Specimen' £125. Remember it pays you to contact Where you get real Value for Money! Stanley Gibbons Currency Ltd., maw GIBBONS WW11121 Write or call Drury House, Russell Street, London, WC2B 5HD Tel: 01-836 8444 WANTED: RARE LARGE-SIZE NOTES We require RARE large-size notes in any grade; type notes in CU only (no Federals, please), in $1 through $100 denominations. We also need all grades large-size NATIONAL BANK NOTES (requirements subject to change without notice), mainly FIRST CHARTER $1, $2 and $5; SECOND CHARTER brownback $5s, and THIRD CHARTER RED SEALS $5, $10 and $20. TOP DEALER PRICES PAID FOR REQUIRED MATERIAL. We also pay top dealer prices for required "AMERICANA" WESTERN, INDIAN & TERRITORIAL items of mid-1840s to mid- 1890s ONLY, such as: broadsides, Gold Rush, Pony Express and Wells, Fargo memorabilia; documents, letters, coins, bars, books, autographs, checks, bonds, certificates, drafts, covers, pre-1898 firearms,* etc. (* No "Wells Fargo" buckles or "bawdy house" tokens, or reproductions of any kind, please.) WRITE or CALL (collect) first and describe what you have to offer. As dealers, we also have on hand a fine selection of notes and Western collateral for sale. Your inquiries are respectfully solicited. Reprints of the 1944-46 Grinnell Sales Catalogues, hard cover, 700 pg. a "must" for ANY library. Originally $25; NOW only $10.00 Postpaid. M. PERLMUTTER P. 0. BOX 476, NEWTON CTR., MA. 02159 Phone: (617) 332-6119, After 2 P.M. EDT Specializing in U. S. LARGE paper currency, Series 1861-1923, and Western "Americana." Researchers, Dealers and Appraisers. Contributors to the leading publications and trends in the field of U. S. paper money. Members of SPMC (948), ANA, ANS, PMCM, CCRT and other leading syngraphistic, numismatic, exonumistic and philatelic organizations. I nnovators c,_AIRLTUN NUMISMATICS vato In The Field of Canadian Numismatics • Appraisers • Consultants • Licensed Auctioneers MONTHLY FEATURE Catalogues for our June 7/8-1974 Auction, to be held at the Hyatt-Regency Hotel in Toronto, are now available for 82, or on a yearly subscription basis (3 catalogues) for $5. This sale features Part V of the Walter D. Allan Canadian Paper Money Collection, as well as choice Canadian Decimal, Tokens, Medals and Indian Chief Medals. Also included is an interesting group of foreign coins and medals, and the exceptional collection of Business College currency from the Dr. John A. Muscalus collection. CHOICE MATERIALS SOLICITED We are especially interested in choice and unusual Canadian Paper Money, Cheques, Hudson's Bay Material, historic numismatic items and choice Decimal and Tokens. Material for our October Auction will be accepted until July 15, 1974. Write or Phone for further information c/o Mrs. Ingrid Smith, Auction Department. CNA •• Cook le Ewriee these faces • Ill • if you want to SELL if you want to AUCTION if you want to BUY if you want to APPRAISE MOP Jleaatt 2145 50th Street LUBBOCK,TEXAS 79412 (806) 747-3456 ANA-LM, SOPMC, INBNS, TNA 7/tedievt • • WHEN YOU THINK C-A-N-A-D-A THINK IF YOU ARE THINKING OF SELLING CONTACT CHARLTON FOR EITHER PUBLIC AUCTION OR PRIVATE SALE Members of Our Firm Have Travelled Thousands of Miles To Successfully Negotiate Countless Transactions PAN I: REFERENCES SUPPLIED ON REQUEST C FIARLTO'N NUMISMATICS LTD. 299 Queen St. West — Toronto, M5V 1Z9, Canada TEL: 1416 / 362-5281 TELEX: 06-219750 ANA PNG •• 31ontileau NEW ENGLAND BROKEN RANK NOTES, SHEETS, SCRIP — SINGLES OH COLLECTIONS — NEBRASKA OBSOLETE CURRENCY • wanted for a research and exhibit collection I have been putting together for over 5 years. If you have had enjoyment collecting this type of material and when the time comes to sell, would you not like to see this same material remain avail- able for the enjoyment of others rather than be sold and dispersed into the "four winds"? Consider selling your collection or duplicates to someone who knows, appreciates, and will exhibit this material. Paying generously for nice material. Please con- sider contacting me. I know you will be glad you did. Duplicates for sale or trade—will send on approval. C. JOHN FERRERI P.O. BOX #33, STORRS, CONN. 06268 A. N.A. 1-203-429-6970 S.P.M.C. I am buying single notes and uncut sheets of Nebraska Obso- letes for my collection. Also, medals, badges, pins, book- lets, etc. of the Trans-Mississippi Exposition. Describe and Price. • LEONARD M. OWEN SPMC 2044 684 NORTH 59th STREET OMAHA, NEB. 68132 MISSOURI NATIONALS WANTED • Will Buy Any Condition If I Need The Bank. Keenly interested in Uncut Sheets & other material pertaining to National Banks from 1863-1935. List information and prices in first letter and send for prompt action to: • FRED SWEENEY KANSAS CITY, MO 64111 BOX 10144 FOR AN AWARD-WINNING COLLECTION WANTED I am buying 1st and 2nd Charter Nationals and higher grade 3rd Charter and Small-Size Nationals of all south- ern and western states. I am also in need of good or better 1st Charter $50 and $100 from any state, CU Educationals, CU $10 Legals series of 1901 and CU "Onepapas," CU 1st and 2nd Charter Nationals of all states. I am paying the highest prices for 1 st and 2nd Charter Tennessee Na- tionals. I especially want a "lazy $2" on Tennessee and will pay $600 for one in V.G. or better condition. CHARLES A. DEAN BOX 2262 NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE 37214 ANA Life Member 812 TSNS Life Member 23 SPMC, PMCM, BRNA, FUN, GNA MANA, CSNS, NASC, GENA, VNA, TNA. SMALL-SIZE Minnesota National Currency WANTED Adrian, National Bank of Adrian #9033 Barnum, First National Bank #11761 Brewster, First National Bank #10946 Buffalo, Buffalo National Bank #12959 Canby, First National Bank #6366 Cold Spring, First National Bank *8051 Cannon Falls, First National Bank #13713 Cottonwood, First National Bank #6584 Deer River, First National Bank #9131 Grand Meadow, First National Bank #6933 Halstad, First National Bank #7196 Hendricks, First National Bank #6468 Hendricks, Farmers National Bank #9457 Kerkhoven, First National Bank #11365 Le Sueur, First National Bank #7199 Lanesboro, First National Bank Waterville, First National Bank #10507 #7283 Madison, First National Bank #6795 State price and condition or send for my fair offer. I have many notes in stock as well! What do you need? JOHN R. PALM Deephaven 18475 THORPE ROAD, WAYZATA, MINN. 55391 1g/0er/ix Associates POST OFFICE BOX 314 PA WT1TCKET, RHODE ISLAND 02861 SELLING? Would you try to sell your stamp collec- tion to a coin dealer? Don't make the same mistake with your U. S. paper money. We are a full-time dealer spe- cializing exclusively in U. S. paper money. Need we say more? O BUYING? Our current ten-page comprehensive price list of large and small U. S. paper money is yours for the asking. • THE VAULT P. 0. BOX 2283 PRESCOTT, ARIZ. 86301 Mankato, National Bank of Com- merce #6519 Mapleton, First National Bank #6787 McIntosh, First National Bank #6488 Menahga, First National Bank #11740 Minnesota Lake, Farmers Na- tional Bank #6532 Osakis, First National Bank #6837 Park Rapids, Citizens National Bank #13692 Pipestone, Pipestone National Bank #10936 Roseau, Roseau County National Bank #11848 Sauk Center, First National Bank #3155 Stewartville, First National Bank #5330 Staples, First National Bank #5568 Verndale, First National Bank #6022 Waseca, Farmers National Bank #9253 Confederate State Notes $100.00 August 19, 1861 - C.48 $12.00 500.00 August 19, 1861 - C.54 30.00 500.00 August 19, 1861 - C.60 12.00 1000.00 August 19, 1861 - C.84 22.00 500.00 April 12, 1862 - C.111 20.00 500.00 February 20, 1863 - C.121A 26.00 1000.00 February 20, 1863 - C.122 12.00 100.00 February 20, 1863 - C.123A 11.00 1000.00 April 30, 1863 - C.138 15.00 500.00 February 17, 1864 - C.143 10.00 1000.00 February 17, 1864 - C.144 12.00 Colonial and obsolete notes in stock. Want lists solicited. Also want to buy. • Richard T. Hoober ANA 9302 P. 0. BOX 196 NEWFOUNDLAND, PENNA. 18445 FREE LIST of POPULAR SCARCE RARE WORLD PAPER MONEY Now Available! MHR'S COIN CABIN DEPT. PM 9728 SEAVIEW AVE. BROOKLYN, NY 11236 "FOR SALE" PAPER MONEY AND OBSOLETE CURRENCY LARGE AND SMALL USA CURRENCY LARGE AND SMALL NATIONAL CURRENCY "RADAR" SERIAL NUMBER NOTES "UNUSUAL" SERIAL NUMBER NOTES FRACTIONAL CURRENCY COLONIAL AND CONTINENTAL CURRENCY CONFEDERATE AND CIVIL WAR ERA PAPER ITEMS EARLY U.S. CANCELLED CHECKS BROKEN BANK NOTES Above price lists available for a large-size, self-addressed and stamped envelop e. Please, state your interest so I may send the lists of your choice. Prompt attention to every request. Satisfaction guaranteed. Robert A. Condo P. 0. Box 304, Drayton Plains, Michigan 48020 ANA-LM 813, SPMC 2153 SELL HARRY YOUR MISTAKES! Harry wants to buy currency er- rors . . . large and small-size notes . . . also interested in buying Na- tionals. Harry is selling error notes. Please write for list or specify notes .. . a large selection of error notes available. HARRY E. JONES P. 0. BOX 42043 CLEVELAND, OHIO 44142 WANTED "LAZY TWO" GRAND RAPIDS, WIS. Universal Numismatics Corp. FLOYD 0 JANNEY LM No 415 P. 0 Box 143 Waukesha, Wisc. 53186 Society Certified Professional Numismatists WANTED PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIAL Advertising notes, scrip, tickets, broadsides, premiums, labels, trade cards, advertisements, tokens, medals, etc., relating to Daguerreotypists, ambrotypists, tintypists, photog- raphers, manufacturers, stock houses, publishers, etc., and early motion pictures. Also interested in cameras, equipment, early images, Daguer- reotypes, photographic jewelry, albums, books and catalogs. ANYTHING RELATED TO PHOTOGRAPHIC HISTORY N. M. GRAVER BOX 18051, ROCHESTER, N.Y. 14618 WANTED SOUTH CAROLINA Ct, RR IF NCY OBSOLETE NOTES SCRIP—BONDS NATIONALS Send description of notes or mail registered. KENNEY'S RARE COINS BOX 244, AIKEN, SC 29801 SPMC ANA SCNA BRNA WANTED Maryland National Bank Notes Contact: JOE ELLIOTT c/o Fred Sweeney Rare Coins P. 0. BOX 10144 KANSAS CITY, MO 64111 Telephone 816-753-5860 We're Extending OUR SPECIAL SALE ON SMALL SIZE NOTES. Send stamped envelope for free price list. Example: 1935A, 1935D wide or 1935D narrow $1 silver certificates are $210 per 100. Piedmont Coin Company POST OFFICE BOX 848 BURLINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 27215 WANTED SMALL-SIZE MASSACHUSETTS NATIONAL BANK NOTES Send description of notes and prices. Michael Iacono Worldwide Banknotes $1.00 Gets You My 92-Page Stocklist, Largest Fixed Pricelist of Foreign Banknotes in the World (Overseas airmail $2.00) Have you foreign banknotes to sell? I am a buyer for all worthwhile paper money. If you are buying or selling it will pay you to contact me. GARY F. SINTOl'Ell Currency of the World P.O. BOX 3034, SAN BERNARDINO, CAL. 92413 NATIONAL BANK NOTES If you have National Bank Notes to sell or want to buy Nationals, it will pay you to contact me. Lists sent out about every 10 weeks. I am always in the market for notes. CURTIS IVERSEN P. 0. BOX 1221 SIOUX CITY, IOWA 51102 Phone 712-255-6882 or 712-365-4514 168 SPRING ST., MEDFORD, MASS. 02155 SPMC ANA PMCM Collector/Dealer Since 1935 SPMC #38 4 Nt.litININA:1 1 11 7 ) 1(h-N,TE Y \A'.4 NT - l'i'PE3 OF CINCINNATI AND SOUTH- TTE►',1 OHIO PAPER MONEY FOR MY PERSONAL COL- LECTION. I Need OBSOLETE BANK NOTES FIRST CHARTER NATIONALS SECOND CHARTER NATIONALS I HAVE SIMILAR MATERIAL FROM OTHER STATES THAT I WILL TRADE FOR NOTES THAT I NEED. I WILL BUY COM- PLETE ACCUMULATIONS OR COLLECTIONS TO OBTAIN NOTES OF INTEREST. I Also Collect — OHIO FIRST CHARTER NATIONALS NEW YORK CITY NATIONALS OTHER US ISSUES BEFORE 1890 WILLIAM P. KOSTER SPMC #3240 ANA #70083 8005 SOUTH CLIPPINGER DRIVE CINCINNATI, OHIO 45243 'WEED SOUTIIICIUMUNA PAe4 I WANT TO BUY ALL TYPES OF"SUCYT-1-7M7./GBIANIA . PAPER MONEY FOR MY PERSONAL COLLECTION: eaw I Need — PROOF NOTES OBSOLETE BANK NOTES S.C. NATIONAL BANK NOTES CITY, TOWN & PRIVATE SCRIP I HAVE SIMILAR MATERIAL FROM OTHER STATES THAT I WILL TRADE FOR NOTES THAT I NEED. PLEASE WRITE FOR MY DETAILED WANT LIST. I Also Collect — PROOF NOTES WORLDWIDE SPECIMEN NOTES BRITISH COMMONWEALTH VIGNETTES USED ON BANK NOTES COUNTERFEIT DETECTORS BANK NOTE REGISTERS J. ROY PENNELL, J II) SPMC #8 ANA #11304 P. 0. BOX 858 ANDERSON, SOUTH CAROLINA 29621 NOW PAYING TOP PRICE FOR CHOICE NOTES SERIES 1861 - 1923 U. S. LARGE SIZE PAPER MONEY • Fast Check For Single Notes Or Complete Collection WHETHER IT TOTALS $10.00, $10,000 OR $100,000.00 You may send your duplicates or complete collection by registered mail for best possible offer accompanied by check in full, sent subject to your complete satisfaction. If check is re- turned your notes will be returned to you PREPAID! PERHAPS YOU WOULD PREFER TO PLACE YOUR NOTES IN ONE OF DONLON'S MAIL BID SALES. LIBERAL TERMS AND CASH ADVANCES IF YOU REQUEST. NEXT MAIL BID SALE JUNE 28 MANY RARITIES LARGE AND SMALL SIZE NOTES Something for everyone. Collectors and dealers. Your $2.50 for Catalog and List of Prices Realized will help defray increased printing and mailing costs. Order today. WILLIAM P. DONLON P. 0. Box 144. Utica. New York 13503 •UMISMMISIS uto .'"