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Paper litehe9
society of Paper Money Coliector4
Vol. XIV No. 5
Whole No. 59 Sept./Oct. 1975
Long before it became a catchword, "detente" appeared on this "short snorter"
autographed by World War II personalities. see Paul Carr's article on page 229.
110.00 F-757-AU $95.00: CN 150.00
150.00 F-759-Fine $33.50 • CN 140.00
79.50 F-760 -AU 170.00
100.00 F-761 -Fine $52.50; AU 160.00
F-765-CN 110.00
F-767-Fine $37.50 ; ExF 52.50
AU $62.50 ; CN, Top Close 75.00
CN 110.00
79.50 F-769-CN, F/F 150.00
62.50 F-772 CN, Top Mgn. Close 236.00
42.50 CN Plate 6 275.00
CN, Top Mgn. Touches
F-750-CN, Top Close 69.50
F-751-CN 87.50
F-752- CN 92.50
F-753-CN, Top Close
All Circulated Notes are Accurately Graded. The Low and/or Unusual Numbers in Both the $1.00 and $2.00 are Superb Crisp
Unc.-Truly "Prestige" Notes from the Famous James M. Wade Collection. All are Offered Subject to Prior Sale.
F-708-CN, F/F 42.50
CN 57.50
F-710-VF $21.50; ExF
AU $38.50; CN 52.50
F-711-AU 31.50
CN, F/F $37.50, CN
F-713-CN 49.50
F-714-AU $39.50, CN
F-715--VF $27.50, ExF 37.50
CN, F/F 47.50
F-717-VF $24.50, ExF
CN, F/F $42.50, CN 57.50
F-718-ExF 22.50
AU $32.50 ; CN 52.50
F-719-CN, F/F
F-720-AU 32.50
CN, F/F 39.50
F-721-ExF $39.50, AU 54.50
CN, Top Mgn. Close 63.50
CN, Small Brown Spot 56.50
CN 75.00
F-722-Fine $17.50, VF 27.50
ExF $38.50 ; AU 54.50
CN 75.00
F-723- -VF $28.50 ; ExF 39.50
AU $49.53; CN 72.50
F-725--( N, F/F
F-726-Fine $19.00; VF 31.50
ExF $41.50 ; AU 52.50
CN 68.50
F-727-CN 42.50
F-728--AU 32.50
F-729-ExF $24.50 ; AU 32.50
CN 42.50
F-730-AU 69.50
CN, Top Mgn. Close 83.50
CN 99.50
F-732-ExF $44.50 ; AU
F-733-CN, F/F 57.50
CN, Top Mgn. Close 69.50
CN 89.50
F-734-F-VF $44.50 44.50
ExF/AU 97.50
F-736 Fine $41.50 ; VF
CN, F/F 147.50
F-7 -7-ExF/AU 37.50
CN, Bottom Mgn. Close 52.50
CN, Top Mgn. Close 56.50
CN 72.50
F-739-CN, F/F 44.50
('N, Top Mgn. Close 49.50
CN 62.50
F-740-VF 29.50
F-741-F-VF 94.50
F-742-Fine 21.50
ExF 47.50
F-743-ExF 29.50
ExF/AU $38.50 ; AU
CN, F/F 59.50
F-746-ExF 29.50
ExF/AU 39.50
AU 48.50
F-708-A131A, A141A 110.00
A150A, A161A 110.00
A444888A, A919191A 85.00
F-711-B55A, B80A 125.00
B200A, B600A 105.00
B800A, B900A 105.00
B1144A, B1500A 85.00
B667667A, B836836A 105.00
B1444441A, B715517A 135.00
B767767A. B811118A 135.00
B8383838A, B99099A 125.00
F-714 C7000A, C8000A 77.50
C7777A 150.00
F-713-D91A, D125A 95.00
D170A, D222A 95.00
D388A, D404A 90.00
F-721-E44A, E55A 140.00
E50A, E70A 130.00
F-723-F90A 135.00
F-773-Fine $47.50 ; AU 190.00
F-774-AU $145.00 ; CN 245.00
F-775-VF $90.00; ExF/AU
F-776-CN. Top Mgn. Close
CN 295.00
F-777-CN 295.00
F-778-F-VF $65.00; VF 90.00
ExF 125.00
F-779--VF $90.00 ; ExF 125.00
AU 155.00
F-780-VF $90.00; ExF 125.00
F-747-A75A, AMA 160.00
A1500A, A1600A 150.00
A1700A, A1800A 150.00
A1414A, A1515A 150.00
A1717A, A1818A 150.00
F-750-B75A, B125A 135.00
B150A, B175A 135.00
B400A, B500A 115.00
B333A, B888A 150.00
B1600A, B1700A 115.00
F-753-C66A, C77A 165.00
C70A, C88A 150.00
C400A, C500A 150.00
C444A, C555A 175.00
C55555A, C77777A 200.00
C60000A, C80000A 145.00
F-757-D50A, D60A 200.00
D72A, D80A, D91A 200.00
D55A, D77A, D88A 215.00
D104A, D118A 200.00
F-757-D181A, D241A
D272A, D303A 200.00
D143A, D499A 200.00
D900A, D1000A 185.00
F-776-K30A, K40A 365.00
K50A, K60A 365.00
K44A, K55A 385.00
K66A, K77A 385.00
K80A, K90A 365.00
FRIEDBERG'S "Paper Money of the United States." 8th Ed. ($17.50). Special-During Oct.-Nov. NET , Postpaid 13.50
Please Refer to our Ad in the July/August Issue for Prices on other Books-also Small Size $1.00 Federal Reserve Sets. Please
write for our List of Small Size Currency, Books & Accessories.
Please add $1.00 under $100.00. Nebraskans add Sales Tax. 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed always.
MEMBER: Life #110 ANA, ANS, PNG, SCPN, SPMC, IAPN, Others.
Bebee's, inc.
"Pronto Service"
4514 North 30th Street Phone 402-451-4766 Omaha, Nebraska 68111
Founded 1961
PAPER MONEY is published every other
month beginning in January by The Society
of Paper Money Collectors, Inc., J. Roy Pen-
nell, Jr., P. 0. Box 858, Anderson, SC
29621. Second class postage paid at An-
derson, SC 29621 and at additional entry
office, Federalsburg, MD 21632.
Annual membership dues in SPMC are
$8.00, of which $5.25 are for a subscrip-
tion to PAPER MONEY. Subscriptions to
non-members are $10.00 a year. Individual
copies of current issues, $1.75.
© Society of Paper Money Collectors. Inc.,
1975. All rights reserved. Reproduction
of any article, in whole or in part, without
express written permission, is prohibited.
1 Time
Contract Rates
3 Times 6 Times
Back Cover $40.00 $108.00 $204.00
Inside Front &
Back Cover 37.50 101.25 191.25
Full page 32.50 87.75 165.75
Half-page 20.00 54.00 102.00
Quarter-page 12.50 33.75 63.75
8.00 21.60 40.80
25% surcharge for 6 pt. composition; en-
gravings 6- artwork at cost + 5%; copy
should be typed; $2 per printed page typing
Advertising copy deadlines: The 15th of the
month preceding month of issue (e.g.
Feb. 15 for March issue). Reserve space
in advance if possible.
PAPER MONEY does not guarantee adver-
tisements but accepts copy in good faith,
reserving the right to reject objectionable
material or edit any copy.
Advertising copy shall be restricted to
Paper currency and allied numismatic mate-
rial and publications and accessories related
All advertising copy and correspondence
should be addressed to the Editor.
Papa *obey
Official Bimonthly Publication of
Vol. XIV - No. 5
Whole No. 59 Sept./Oct. 1975
225 S. Fischer Ave.
Jefferson, WI 53549
Tel. 414-674-5239
Manuscripts and publications for review should be addressed to the Editor. Opinions
expressed by the authors are their own and do not necessarily reflect those of SPMC
or its staff. PAPER MONEY reserves the right to edit or reject any copy.
Deadline for editorial copy is the 1st of the month preceding the month of publica-
tion (e.g., Feb. 1 for March issue, etc.)
Correspondence pertaining to the business affairs of SPMC, including membership,
changes of address, and receipt of magazines, should be addressed to the Secretary
at P. a Box 4082, Harrisburg, PA 17111.
—Gene Hessler 227 .
—Paul K. Carr 229
—Forrest W. Daniel 232
—Harry G. Wigington 233
—Brent H. Hughes 236
—Dr. Michael Kupa 243
—Peter Huntoon 245
—Lawrence F. McGrail 248'
—Howard W. Parshall 249
—C. John Ferreri 250
—Charles E. Kirtley 254
—Graeme M. Ton, Jr. 257
—Paul H. Johansen 258
—S. K. Whitfield 260
—Parmeshwari Lai Gupta 261
The Society of Paper Money Collectors, Inc.
—Vernon L. Brown 264
Cacietv of Paper Motel Collecter4
Robert E. Medlar
220 Alamo Plaza, San Antonio, TX 78205
Vice-President Eric P. Newman
6450 Cecil Ave., St. Louis, MO 63105
Secretary Harry G. Wigington
P.O. Box 4082, Harrisburg, PA 17111
Treasurer C. John Ferreri
P.O. Box 33, Storrs, CT 06268
Barbara R. Mueller
Librarian Wendell Wolka
Larry Adams, Thomas C. Bain, Vernon L. Brown, Forrest W.
Daniel, David A. Hakes, William J. Harrison, Robert E. Medlar,
Eric P. Newman, Charles O'Donnell, J. Roy Pennell, Jr., Glenn
B. Smedley, George W. Wait, M. Owen Warns, Harry G.
Wigington, Wendell Wolka
When making inquiries, please include stamped,
self-addressed envelope.
Society Library Services
The Society maintains a lending library for the use of mem-
bers only. A catalog and list of regulations is included in
the official Membership Directory available only to members
from the Secretary. It is updated periodically in PAPER
MONEY. For further information, write the Librarian-Wen-
dell Wolka., P.O. Box 366, Hinsdale, III. 60521.
The Society of Paper Money Collectors was organized in
1961 and incorporated in 1964 as a non-profit organization
under the laws of the District of Columbia. It is affiliated
with the American Numismatic Association and holds its an-
nual meeting at the ANA Convention in August of each year.
MEMBERSHIP-REGULAR. Applicants must be at least 18
years of age and of good moral charter. JUNIOR. Applicants
must be from 12 to 18 years of age and of good moral char-
acter. Their application must be signed by a parent or a
guardian. They will be preceded by the letter "J". This letter
will be removed upon notification to the secretary that the
member has reached 18 years of age. Junior members are
not eligible to hold office or to vote.
Members of the A.N.A. or other recognized numismatic
organizations are eligible for membership. Other applicants
should be sponsored by an S.P.M.C. member, or the secretary
will sponsor persons if they provide suitable references such
as well known numismatic firms with whom they have done
business, or bank references, etc.
DUES-The Society dues are on a calendar year basis and
are $8.00 per year, payable in U.S. Funds. Members who join
the Society prior to October 1st receive the magazines already
issued in the year in which they join. Members who join after
October 1st will have their dues paid through December of
the following year. They will also receive, as a bonus, a
copy of the magazine issued in November of the year in which
they joined.
One of the stated objectives of SPMC is to "encourage
research about paper money and publication of the re-
sultant findings." In line with this objective, the following
publications are currently available:
We have the following back issues of PAPER MONEY for
sale for $1.00 each. For orders of less than 5 copies at
one time, please include $0.25 per issue for postage. We
have only the issues listed for sale.
q Vol. 4, 1965, No. 2 (No. 14) q Vol. 9, 1970, No. 3 INo. 351
q Vol. 4, 1965, No. 3 (No. 15) q Vol. 9, 1970, No. 4 (No. 361
q Vol. 4 , 1965, No. 4 (No. 16)
q Vol. 10, 1971, No. 1 (No. 37)
q Vol. 5, 1966, No. 1 (No. 17) q Vol. 10, 1971, No. 2 (No. 38)
q vol. 5, 1966, No. 2 (No. 18) q vol. 10, 1971, No. 3 (No. 39)
q vol. 5, 1966, No. 3 (No. 19) q Vol. 10, 1971, No. 4 (No. 401
q Vol. 5, 1966, No. 4 (No. 20)
q Vol. 11, 1972, No. 1 (No. 41)
0 Vol. 6,
Vol. 6,
1967, No. 1
1967, No. 2
q Vol.
No. 2
No. 3
q Vol. 6, 1967, No. 3 (No. 23) Vol. 11, 1972, No. 3 (No. 44)
q vol. 6, 1967, No. 4 (No. 24)
q Vol. 12, 1973, No. 1 (No. 45)
q vol. 7, 1968, No. 1 (No. 25) q Vol. 12, 1973, No. 2 (No. 46)
q Vol. 7, 1968, No. 2 (No. 26) q Vol. 12, 1973, No. 3 (No. 47)
q vol. 7, 1968, No. 3 (No. 27) q Vol. 12, 1973, No. 4 (No. 48)
q vol. 7, 1968, No. 4 (No. 28)
Vol. 13, 1974, No. 1 (No. 49)
q Vol. 8, 1969, No. 1 (No. 29) Vol. 13, 1974, No. 2 (No. 50)
El Vol. 8, 1969, No. 2 (No. 30) q Vol. 13, 1974, No. 3 (No. 51)
q Vol. 8, 1969, No. 3 (No. 31) Vol. 13, 1974, No. 4 (Nb. 52)
q Vol. 8, 1969, No. 4 (No. 32) Vol. 13, 1974, No. 5 (No. 53)
q Vol. 13, 1974, No. 6 (No. 64)
q Vol. 9, 1970, No. 1 (No. 35)
q Vol. 9, 1970, No. 2 (No. 34) Index Vol. 1-10 $1.00
We have a few cloth bound copies of PAPER MONEY for
sale as follows:
Vol. 5 & Vol. 6 Nos. 17 through 24 Cloth Bound $12.50
Vol. 7 & Vol. 8 Nos. 25 through 32 Cloth Bound $12.50
Vol. 9 & Vol. 10 Nos. 33 through 40 Cloth Bound $12.50
Vol. 11 & Vol. 12 Nos. 41 through 48 Cloth Bound $17.50
We have the following books for sale:
Harley L. Freeman
R. H. Rockholt
Robert. E. Medlar
Mayre B. Coulter
Warns - Huntoon - Van Belkum
L. Dandier Leggett
The above prices are for
SPMC Members.
All of these cloth bound books are
8 1 :2 x 11" and have many illustrations.
Write for Quantity Prices on the above books.
1. Check the box at the left of description for all items ordered.
2. Total the cost of all publications ordered.
3. ALL publications are postpaid except orders for less than 5 copies
of Paper Money.
4. Enclose payment (U.S. funds only) with all orders. Make your
check or money order payable to Society of Paper Money Collectors.
5. Remember to include your ZIP CODE.
6. Allow up to six weeks for delivery. We have no control of your
package after we place it in the mails.
Send remittance payable to
The Society of Paper Money Collectors, Inc.
P. 0 Box 858, Anderson. S.C. 29621
Be Sure To Include Zip Code!
WHOLE NO. 59 Paper Money PACE zn
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Dunbar Dunbar. : Dunbar : Dunbar : Dunbar : Dunbar : Dunbar : Dunbar
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The number 13 usually has a connotation of bad luck; however the Dunbar National Bank proved
to be a most successful bank.
This bank only issued large size notes ($5, 10 & 20) for one year, the last large size notes being
printed on August 7, 1929.
$5, 10 & 20 small size notes were issued by the Dunbar National Bank.
ber 1 is a reminder that the Harlem community considered their
Serial num-
bank to be
The Dunbar National Bank
The Chase Manhattan Bank
Numismatic/Syngraphic Collection
Photographs by the author.
N MAY 1, 1975 a United States stamp was issued
honoring Paul Lawrence Dunbar, the first Amer-
ican black poet to receive such recognition. The
Dunbar National Bank, which was named after the poet,
has also been credited with a few firsts. Before we
examine the bank, who was Paul Lawrence Dunbar?
Dunbar. a writer of poetry and folk tales, was born
in Dayton. Ohio in 1872. His parents were former
slaves who came north from Kentucky. He attended
Dayton's Central High School and saw his first poem
published at the age of 16. For the graduating class
of 1891 Paul Lawrence Dunbar composed the school
song. He composed a second school song a few years
later, this time for Tuskegee Institute. When he was
21, Dunbar's first book of poems, Oak and Ivy, was
published, the author selling the book himself to repay
the publisher. Two years later Majors and Minors was
published. The book that gained national attention for
Paul Lawrence Dunbar was Lyrics of Lowly Life.
Greater recognition followed. In 1898 the musical
review "Clorindy" was produced in New York City.
The story and lyrics were the work of the young black
writer. Mozart and Schubert were only two of many
creators who died at an early age and to this list we
can add Paul Lawrence Dunbar. who lived only 34
years. succumbing to pneumonia in 1906. William Dean
Howells wrote of young Dunbar, saying he was the
first man of African descent and American training who
had felt the life of his people esthetically and expressed
it lyrically.
About twenty years after the poet's death, John D.
Rockefeller, Jr. and his associates were looking for a
way to make a contribution to the community of New
York's Harlem. At a meeting with members of the
community, Rockefeller suggested an apartment com-
plex, which would bear the name of Paul Lawrence
Dunbar. The idea was accepted and the Paul Lawrence
Dunbar Apartments soon became a reality. However, to
PAGE 228
Paper Money WHOLE NO. 59
Mr. Rockefeller's surprise, members of the black com-
munity also expressed interest in having a bank. Being
in a financial position to assist, he agreed, and very soon
thereafter in August, 1928, the Dunbar National Bank
received Charter Number 13237, and opened for busi-
ness at 2824 Eighth Avenue.
(Only 70 additional banks would be chartered during
the time large-size National Bank Notes were to be is-
sued, the last issuing bank being the City National Bank
and Trust Co. of Niles. Michigan, Charter No. 13307.)
As of December 31, 1928, the capital of the new bank
was $500,000, and by January 19, 1929, the employees
of the bank numbered 15. J. D. Higgins was named
president, A. H. Thien, vice-president and G. C. Loomis,
cashier. Alderman Fred R. Moore and Principal Robert
R. Moton of Tuskegee Institute were elected as directors
of the Dunbar National Bank. The prestigious mem-
ber of the Board of Directors was J. D. Rockefeller, III.
As founder of the bank, Mr. Rockefeller wanted the
residents of Harlem to feel the Dunbar National Bank
was their bank. In the Dunbar News—a newspaper for
residents of the Dunbar Apartments—on July 10, 1929,
bank president Higgins wrote, . . Mr. Rockefeller has
now set aside a number of shares with which he wishes
us to make as wide a distribution as a maximum of
ten shares to each individual will permit. It has been
arranged, therefore, that you may have anywhere from
one to ten shares." The purchase price was $52 per
share. Mr. Higgins went on to say, "Mr. Rockefeller
agrees to take back the stock at purchase price any time
prior to January, 1930."
During the following year when some banks lost de-
positors and some even failed, the Dunbar National
Bank became a pillar of security in the Harlem com-
munity and became known as "One of the World's
Safest Banks." It was locally referred to as "The Friendly
Bank." In 1931, a thousand new depositors were added.
While many banks had to borrow money to stay open
during the depression, the Dunbar National Bank never
had to borrow a cent. 1932 proved to be the bank's
most successful year.
The Dunbar National Bank was not only one of the
select banks to receive a license to resume normal busi-
ness following the bank holiday, it was the first National
Bank permitted to open a branch, doing so on July 10,
1933. The manager of the new branch, at 135th Street
and Seventh Avenue. was Robert P. Broddicks, a black
who had worked as a Pullman porter and valet to John
On July 22, 1935, all National Banks lost the privilege
of issuing currency. However, the two banking facilities
of the Dunbar National Bank operated until May 31,
1938, when the bank was placed in voluntary liquidation
with a liability of $1,447,220. Depositors could freely
withdraw their funds in full at their convenience. The
Dunbar National Bank was not absorbed or succeeded
by another bank.
Paul Lawrence Dunbar came from a poor and simple
background, as previously mentioned, proving his worth
in the field of prose and poetry. This background
established somewhat of an ascetic outlook, an attitude
of resignation. Many of his poems expressed joy, love
and happiness but the following lines almost seem to
say-don't expect too much:
A crust of bread and a corner to sleep in,
A minute to smile and an hour to weep in,
A pint of joy to a peck of trouble,
And never a laugh but the moans come double;
And that is life.
If Paul Lawrence Dunbar would have lived to see the
success of the National Bank which took his name, he
most certainly would have been happy to admit he was
wrong. For once the Dunbar National Bank was orga-
nized, it was operated by blacks, for blacks. The success
of the bank also gained recognition for the black com-
munity, and most certainly caused some envy from a few
white-operated banks which had failed.
"Majors and Minors," Poems by Paul Lawrence Dunbar, Mnemosyne
Publishing Co. Inc.
Syngraphie Sidelights from
Old Newspapers
Selected by GARY DOSTER
From the Southern Watchman, Athens, Georgia
December 18, 1856
This institution has failed to pay specie at two of its
branches (Jonesboro and Chattanoga). The Knoxville
Register, published in the town where the mother bank
is located, says that brokers there refuse to take its notes
at any price. Look out reader. Be careful as to what
bank bills you receive.
While on this subject, we must again request our
customers not to send us "Wild-Cat" bills (as some are
in the habit of doing) and furthermore, when we send
them back we hope they will return us good money (as
none of them have yet done).
We learn by a gentlemen from Dalton (Ga.) that Capt.
James Morris, President of the Planters and Merchants
Bank, in that town has at last got his eyes opened—that
he has recently discovered some stupendous schemes
headed by Preston and Kibbee, not only calculated to ruin
the wild cat nest, but designed to rob him of his own
private estate. The name of Capt. Morris gave the con-
cern all the credit it ever had and we always felt satisfied
that his motives were right; but we have been equally
certain that there were two or three sharpers around who
would finally work out his ruin if he did not discover their
nefarious designs in time to thwart their accomplishment.
We further learn that Preston is in jail in Louisville,
Ky., on two charges—one for swindling and the other for
passing counterfeit money; and that an officer from this
state is in hot pursuit of Kibbee, who is somewhere in the
Northern cities, with a requisition from the Government
of the State.
;77 d: /2,D4 of jeer-ems/74s.
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City of Washington, iss sir
TAFEL UP 111311111114MILI
PAY to }Xs-I-x.4.4..9 „/".--Ajos•-, al-••••a' or Bearer ,
— Dollars,
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Paper Money PAGE 229
George Washington
Thomas Jefferson
1835 check filled in and signed by Andrew Jackson.
Note his desire to receive the amount in gold coin.
John F. Kennedy
geAdece4 CfrIA
A 50c note signed by Brigham Young and Heber C.
NEW•TORK, AlncuTJ, r5
1 s_
that on pitying the aura of Fire Hundred Hallo,
c")!eyei or Sir assignee will he
entitled to one share in the ,ft rEyk FITE,431.- p, DA J STor ,R.
As per articles of tisreeitoint with Hubert Fulton, beating dote the thirtictli dity
play, 1814, and &certain memorandum of agreement with him. hearing date the first day
of August, 1814, which stock is only toxiiiifernble on the books of sail company on
producing thin certificate.
RECEIVED of the above mentioned now Tiro Hundred Dollars.
:27,71.-^ ....f •
Stock certificate signed by Robert Fulton
Numismatic- Syngraphic
Dear Daddy,
Please sign your John Hancock on
these 11 dollar bills for. . . .
from Harry S. Truman by Margaret Truman
carried an article by Larry Sanders entitled "Auto-
graphed Currency" which furnished invaluable
suggestions to collectors of such material.
Autograph collectors have long competed with numis-
matic collectors for banking and related paper items
signed by prominent people. We have all read about
auctions offering checks of such famous people as George
Washington, Abraham Lincoln and the like for prices
beyond the reach of most serious collectors. But, un-
known to many people, items of almost equal interest
are sold for far lower prices and mostly within the
scope of the average person's resources. Checks signed
by Theodore Roosevelt, Harry Truman, Albert Einstein.
Babe Ruth and other such notables are available at
reasonable prices.
Second World War "short snorters" signed by illu-
strious people of that era are avidly bought and sold.
Currency signed by Douglas MacArthur, Dwight Eisen-
hower, in fact, almost an endless procession of names—
are available and at equally modest costs.
Taking these examples from the past, collectors can
form a potentially valuable and historic collection by
acquiring autographs. The forming of such a collection
is limited only by the imagination of the collector. As
an example, the Joseph W. Barr series of Federal Reserve
Notes, obviously not a rare issue, could be made into
a collector's item by having such notes signed by Mr.
Barr. 1 might add I have never known him to refuse
a request.
vtt /
James L. Garfield on Riggs & Co. check, 1879
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PAGE 230
Paper Money WHOLE NO. 59
Autographs on Checks:
A check filled out and signed by R. E. Lee
Abraham Lincoln on Riggs & Co. check, 1862
Signed checks usually can be purchased from any
reputable autograph and some currency dealers who
specialize in checks. All reputable dealers guarantee
what they sell, but beware purchasing material offered
"as is." Forgeries do exist and mechanical pen signa-
tures are abundant.
I have known collectors who ask the famous for can-
celled checks and very frequently are given one for an
honest request. The secret is in knowing where to write
to ask for autographs or to send material to be signed.
Check with your public library for a current copy of
"Who's Who;" listed along with each person's biography
is unsually a business address, and in most cases a home
address. The use of home addresses guarantees the best
results. Common sense dictates that you enclose en-
velopes along with postage for your requests: don't
expect others to pay for your collection.
Treasury officials are very considerate in signing cur-
rency for your collection. You will find that all living
Secretaries of the Treasury (John W. Snyder through
William E. Simon, excepting George Humphrey, who is
deceased), will oblige collectors. Remember Georgia
Paper Money PAGE 231
An interesting "short snorter" with signatures (top to bottom) of Franklin D. Roosevelt, Winston
Churchill, Carl Spatz, Harry Truman, and Dwight D. Eisenhower.
Neese Clarke is now Georgia Neese Gray, and Elizabeth
Rudel Smith is now Elizabeth Rudel Gatov. Both will
autograph currency using their former names.
To make autograph collecting challenging you need
to be aware of two problems, viz.
Secretarial Signatures and Machine Signatures
Secretarial signatures should not he a real problem
for a serious collector. Secretaries or authorized forgers
are not infallible. If you take time to study your
subject's autograph, you will soon find signatures
signed by an amanuensis are not difficult to spot. The
real problem of modern times (1960 or so 1 has been
the increasing use of mechanical signature pens. These
devices use authentic signatures as models and can
reproduce that model up to 3,000 times per day. The
individual involved furnishes an authentic example, and
the manufacturer makes a matrix from that specimen.
By playing that matrix on their machine, much like play-
ing a phonograph record, the matrix will reproduce the
signature using whatever writing device is placed in
the machine, ball point pens to felt writers. This machine
is known as the "Autopen." Currently another device
called the "Signa-Signer" is on the market, and it, too,
can sign names as well as write out whole sentences.
This device works on a taping principle whereby it can
be programmed and replayed at will.
The federal government is a heavy user of mechanical
pens. President Ford makes use of one, as do most
members of Congress, the Cabinet, and Departments.
This includes Secretary Simon, who has used an Autopen
since his days as "Energy Czar" under the Nixon
Administration. Patience will pay off if one waits until
these people leave public office and material is sent to
home addresses.
The only way to prove the use of mechanical pens is
to superimpose two examples to see if the signatures
match. If they do, you know the mechanical pen was
used since no one signs his name exactly the same way
Machine signature of the present Secretary of the Trea-
sury, William E. Simon
Vice President of the United States and
President of the Senate.
Authentic signature of President Ford
Mechanical pen signature of President Ford
each time. Keeping this in mind, strive for authentic
material which will have value as opposed to secretarial
or machine examples which will have none.
1!■dtr1it'usllial treye'e.: //4,
..... . - . . ...
PAGE 232
Paper Money WHOLE NO. 59
Here Sec. David M. Kennedy used the mechanical pen
to sign these two different notes. Both signatures match
Notes and Stock Certificates
A truly rich area for autographs often overlooked lies
in the domain of engraved stock certificates, broken bank
notes and colonial currency. With the coming of our
Bicentennial, more interest in colonial currency will
bring many notes into the forefront. A large amount of
these notes were signed by prominent colonial leaders
and in sonic cases, notes were signed by signers of the
Declaration of Independence.
Broken bank notes also were signed by the famous.
The Mormon note pictured has the signatures of Brigham
Young and Heber C. Kimball, the latter being one of
the Twelve Apostles of the Mormon Church.
An American Express Co. stock certificate signed by
Henry Wells and William G. Fargo of Wells, Fargo fame
Stock certificates are a rich and visual history of
American commerce. Many old certificates long cast
aside as worthless or valueless possess valuable auto-
graphs. In recent years. a collector turned up a cache
of certificates on the Alabama Gold and Copper Com-
pany of J arilla, New Mexico signed by the secretary,
Pat Garrett. This is the same Pat Garrett who shot
--Billy the Kid" and himself was later killed by an
ambush. The American Express Company had stock
certificates issued signed by Henry Wells as President
and William Fargo as Secretary. Fargo is also available
as president of American Merchants Union Express
Company. President Millard Fillmore at one time was
a comptroller for the Hudson and Berkshire Railroad
Company. These are but a few examples which are
available on stock certificates.
Paul K. Carr, a member of the Society of Paper Money
Collectors, is also vice-president of the Universal Auto-
graph Collectors Club, an organization d'3voted to the study
of autographs in all historical areas. Correspondence
would be welcomed at 5618 Pier Drive, Rockville, Mary-
land 20851.
Inside Washington - circa 1871
HEN Moses K. Armstrong arrived in Washington,
D. C., in February, 1871, as Congressional Dele-
gate from Dakota Territory he was introduced
to the city by resident Dakotans. He had several pro-
posals in the interest of Dakota and he got right to
them. After being introduced to President Grant he
and Secretary Batchelder called on the secretary of war
to see what could be done to procure arms and equip-
ment for the Dakota company of national guards. He
was told Dakota was already overdrawn and that until
Congress appropriated funds the Yankton guards would
have to uniform themselves in buckskins and use bows
and arrows.
"We next called at the treasury department to inquire
about starting a national bank in Yankton, and were
plainly told that no bank would be ordered by the
government unless the citizens could unite harmoniously
in an application. He ( whether the secretary of the
treasury or the comptroller of the currency, Armstrong
does not say I had no desire to establish a political bank
in the interest of anyone."
In closing his first newsletter to constituents in Dakota,
Armstrong wrote, "I have been in the house of repre-
sentatives twice this week, and in coming out each time
I lost my way among the labryinths, and found my-
self once in the basement and once in the garret of
the capitol. I have learned to watch the drinking mem-
bers, for when they go out they take the shortest cut
to the street."
After his week of discovery and diversion he got to
work for the advancement of the 10-year-old territory.
The principal need was for a railroad, for without the
necessary transportation to haul produce to eastern
markets settlers would have little incentive to move to
Dakota. After a year a few bills of interest in Dakota
had been passed but he was still working for a rail-
road and more settlers.
In February, 1872, Armstrong again went to the
treasury in reference to a bank for the territory. In his
newsletter dated on the 24th he described the activities
of the office of the comptroller as though he were escort-
ing his readers on a tour of the city. After an imaginary
visit at the White House:
"We now stroll down through the eastern lawn of
the grounds, passing a number of gushing fountains
and smooth grassy mounds, to the broad stone approach
to the mammoth treasury building.
(Continued on Page 2421
Paper Money PAGE 233
Excerpts From the "Report on the Finances 1855-6"
While researching several items, I located some interesting information in the REPORT
ON THE FINANCES 1855-6. The full title of this informative publication is Report of the
Secretary of the Treasury, on the State of Finances, for the year ending June 30, 1856. It
was printed by P. Nicholson, Printer, Washington, D. C. in 1856.
Statement "N" deals with the balances due from banks, formerly depositories of the public
money, which are unavailable, and have been so reported by the Treasury for a number of
years. There are 39 banks named, with locations, and the amount due per the last state-
ment of the Treasury. In short, this is a listing of 39 banks which failed, and their out-
standing circulation, as of 1856. Also, there is a short statement regarding some of the banks,
giving some background information on their failures.
It is hoped that this reprint of the REPORT ON THE FINANCES will give students of
obsolete currency some information on speci Sc banks.
Statement of balances due from banks, formerly depositories of the
public money, which are unavailable, and have been so reported by
the Secretary of the Treasury for a number of years.
Amount due per
last settlement
No. Name and style of the banks. of the treasury.
1 Bank of Vincennes
2 Bank of Missouri
3 Bank of Tombecbee, Alabama
4 Bank of Washington, Pennsylvania
5 Bank of Steubenville, Ohio
6 Elkton Bank of Maryland
7 Bank of Somerset, Maryland
8 Farmers, Mechanics, and Manufacturers' Bank of
Chillicothe, Ohio
9 Miami Importing and Exporting Company
10 Farmers and Mechanics' Bank of Greencastle
11 Commercial Bank of Buffalo
12 Farmers and Mechanics' Bank of Pittsburg
13 Centre Bank of Pennsylvania
14 Farmers and Mechanics' Bank of Cincinnati
15 Bank of Illinois, Shawneetown
16 Saline Bank, Virginia
17 Juniata Bank of Pennsylvania
18 Bank of Edwardsville, Illinois
19 German Bank of Wooster
20 Bank of Columbia
21 Farmers and Mechanics' Bank of Indiana
22 Franklin Bank of Alexandria
23 Union Bank of Tennessee
24 Planters' Bank of Tennessee and branches
25 Franklin Bank of Cincinnati
26 Agricultural Bank of Mississippi
27 Franklin Bank of Boston
28 Merchants' Bank of Alexandria
29 Parkersburg Bank
30 Urbana Bank 2,839.00
31 Huntington Bank 2,380.00
32 Lebanon Miami Banking Company
33 Bedford Bank 4,059.57
34 Bank of Cincinnati
35 Commercial Bank of Cincinnati 1,021.50
36 Bank of Columbia, Georgetown 469,113.50
37 Commercial Bank of Lake Erie 10,900.00
38 Farmers and Mechanics' Bank of Cincinnati 20,213.01
39 Bank of the Metropolis 3,059.64
Deduct the amounts paid, and held up for payment,
in the following banks, viz :
Farmers and Mechanics' Bank, Indiana $31,683.90
Agricultural Bank, Mississippi 583,404.30
Bedford Bank 4,059.57
Commercial Bank of Lake Erie 10,900.00
Union Bank of Tennessee 246,905.21
Planters' Bank and Branches 271,630.87
Franklin Bank, Cincinnati 12,753.52
Bank of Washington, Pennsylvania
5,658.15 1,166.905.52
No. 1.—Bank of Vincennes.—In 1821, an arrangement
was made with this bank for the security of this debt, by
which sundry tracts and lots of land, and other securities,
were vested in trustees, to be sold for its payment. In
March, the Secretary of the Treasury was advised that
the debt would be nearly all lost. On the 3d September,
1830, the district attorney was instructed to institute suit
against the bank and sell all the trust property. One of
the tracts of land was sold in 1831 to William H. Neilson
for $6,000, and the remainder of the trust property was
disposed of at auction for $2,650.40; and on the 14th
January, 1833, the district attorney reported that the
above sums were all he expected to realize in the case,
the bank being hopelessly insolvent. On the 16th July,
1834, the department informed the district attorney of a
suspected abstraction of the funds of the bank, previous
to its failure, to avoid the claims of creditors; and in-
structed him to inquire into the matter, and if there
should appear a probability of establishing the fact, to
engage associate council in any legal proceedings that
might be necessary. On the 24th March, 1835, the dis-
trict attorney reported that nothing new could be estab-
lished, and the matter was suffered to rest. On the 3d
January, 1856, the district attorney was again written
to by the department, and a full history of the case, from
its earliest stages, furnished him, with a request to as-
certain what disposition has been made of the assigned
property, and the proceeds arising therefrom; and, also,
whether there has been legal proceedings commenced
against the officers of the bank, to make them liable for
the debt due the government beyond the property assigned,
to which no reply has been received.
No. 2.—Bank of Missouri.—This bank failed in 1821.
In 1823, its officers assigned and transferred to the United
States, for the security and ultimate payment of this
debt, notes, bonds, judgments and real estate due and be-
longing to it, amounting to $189,237.19. These evidences
of debt were placed in the hands of George S. Strother,
esq., a special agent appointed by the Secretary of the
Treasury, for collection, and for which he receipted,
January 20, 1823. Mr. Strother entered upon the duties
of his agency soon after, brought suits, recovered judg-
ments, foreclosed mortgages, caused executions to be
issued and levied on real estate, &c., and the property
sold; most of which he bought in as agent of the United
States. Mr. Strother surrendered his agency in 1830,
and was succeeded by Messrs. Shannon, O'Fallon and
Maginis, they by A. S. Jones, and he finally by the dis-
trict attorney A. S. Maginis.
Of the sum of $194,402.17, which consisted of judg-
ments, mortgages, rents, interest, &c., in Mr. Strother's
hands, but $40,503.69 and $6,078.61 compensation, allowed
Mr. Strother as agent, have been collected. On the 1st
February, 1856, the district attorney was furnished with
a history of this case by the department, and requested
to give his early attention to the matter, with a view to
closing the account against this bank. On the 25th Jan-
uary, 1856, Charles D. Drake, esq., acting district attor-
PAGE 234
Paper Money WHOLE NO. 59
ney, advised the department that Mr. Reynolds, the dis-
trict attorney, was then in Cuba, on government business,
and on his return would doubtless give the subject his
usual diligent attention. This case is now in the hands of
the proper government officer, but the department is with-
out advice as to the probable eventuality of success.
No. 3.-Bank of Tombecbee, Alabama.-Suit was in-
stituted in this ease July 21, 1827, and in December fol-
lowing, a transfer was made by the bank of notes dis-
counted, bonds, judgments, &c., to an amount exceeding
the debt to the United States. The district attorney was
instructed to suspend legal proceedings, on the debts
assigned being secured to his satisfaction, and to grant
indulgence to the parties of 1, 2, 3 and 4 years. Henry
Hitchcock, esq., then district attorney, was appointed to
carry this arrangement into effect, and all the notes,
bonds, &c., assigned, were placed in his hands for collec-
tion. Mr. Hitchcock collected at different times, and
paid over to the United States, the sum of $117,987.90.
A large amount of these debts still remains uncollected.
Mr. Hitchcock, although repeatedly requested, failed to
make a report before his decease, of his transactions in
the premises. On the 1st March, 1856, the district attor-
ney for southern Alabama was put in posession of all the
information respecting this case within the knowledge of
the department, and requested to ascertain the wherea-
bouts of the missing securities, and the responsibility of
the officers of the aforesaid bank to meet their obligations
to the government. The district attorney, on the 17th
March, and April 8, 1856, advised the department that
the case was utterly hopeless, both in regard to a recov-
ery of the lost securities and the balance due.
No. 4.-Bank of Washington, Pennsylvania.-This bank
failed in 1817. To secure the debt due by this bank to
the United States, George Baird, William Baird, and
Thomas H. Baird, on January 12, 1821, executed a bond
to the United States for $3,784.47, payable in eight an-
nual instalments, with interest from the date thereof.
On the same day, George Baird, John Wilson, and Wil-
liam Baird executed a similar bond for $4,000, with like
conditions, making the debt due and thus secured by the
hank $7,784.47.
The obligors on these bonds made payment on account
of interest and principal at different times, amounting
to $9,657.73, leaving a balance due, on the 20th August,
1842, of $5,658.88. On the 18th August, 1856, an act was
passed for the relief of Thomas H. Baird, administrator
of Absalom Baird, a commissioned surgeon in the army
of the revolution. From the amount thus appropriated,
the balance due on the above bonds has been suspended
as security for the debt.
No. 5.-Bank of Steubenville, Ohio.-This bank stopped
payment in 1825, and in that year an agreement was
made with the Secretary of the Treasury, by which the
bank confessed judgment for $170,000, and gave its note
for the amount, payable January 1, 1827, with interest.
B. Wells & Co., debtors to said bank, also confessed judg-
ment for $120,000, and gave their two notes for $60,000
each to the United States, one payable January 1, 1830,
and the other December 31, 1830, each bearing interest
from January, 1827. The parties having failed to comply
with the terms of this arrangement, executions issued
against both the bank and Wells & Co. The amount
collected and paid into the treasury, from the sale of
property belonging to the bank and Wells & Co., was
$38,295.13. A general proposition for compromise was
made, under the act of March 3, 1837, the result of which
is unknown to the department.
On the 13th March, 1856, the district attorney was
furnished with a detailed statement of all the facts in
this case within the knowledge of the department, and
requested to give a full history thereof. The district
attorney is now engaged in its investigation, the result
of which has not transpired.
No. 6.-Elkton Bank of Maryland.-The Bank of Co-
lumbia, while acting as fiscal agent of the United States,
towards the close of the last war with Great Britian,
received and held certain notes of the Elkton Bank on
special deposite. Suit having been ordered on these notes,
the bank assigned two notes of P. Thomas to the United
States, amounting to $20,000. The payments credited
on said notes amount to $20,184.06, and warrants were
drawn to cover the interest in favor of the Treasury of
the United States. The balance due the United States,
December 31, 1843, for principal and interest, was
$25,372.19. The district attorney, on the 30th April, 1856,
advised the department that the debt was desperate, all
the officers of the bank having passed away, and the act
of the general assembly of Maryland of 1810 having
absolved all those concerned therein from individual
No. 7.-Bank of Somerset, Maryland.-On the 15th
July, 1820, an agreement was entered into between the
Comptroller of the Treasury, on behalf of the United
States, and directors of this bank, by which the latter
entered into bond to pay the principal of this debt on or
before the expiration of five years. The bond not being
paid at maturity, the district attorney of Maryland was
instructed to institute suit against the parties. Suit was
instituted, but never decided for want of the report of the
accountant, and was finally stricken off the docket. The
amount due by this bank, February 1, 1844, exclusive of
interest, was $62,420.36. On the 7th April, 1856, the
district attorney was furnished with all the leading facts
in this case, and directed to give it his personal attention,
but up to this time has made no report of the proceedings.
8.-Farmers, Mechanics and Manufacturers' Bank
of Chillicothe, Ohio.-At the time this bank stopped pay-
ment, in 1817, the receiving and disbursing agents were
in posession of its notes and bills to the amount of $23,905.
Suit was instituted against the bank, and at September
term, 1823, judgment was obtained for $29,729.45 and
costs, upon which executions issued, which were returned,
"no goods, no lands."
On the 16th April, 1856, the district attorney was
informed of all the facts in this case known to the depart-
ment, and requested to give it his immediate attention, to
which that officer has made no reply.
9.-Miami Importing and Exporting Company.-In
this case, the bank claimed a greater sum than the bal-
ance against it. The suit brought was tried at June
term, 1825, and the court allowed a credit of $5,417.41,
and judgment was rendered for 3,373.59. Further pro-
ceedings were suspended to enable the parties to petition
Congress for relief. On the 21st April, 1856, the district
attorney was written to by the department, and put in
possession of all the information within its reach. No
report has been received from that officer.
10.-Farmers and Mechanics' Bank of Greencastle,
Pennsylvania.-This bank stopped payment in 1817.
Judgment was obtained in 1821, against Matthew Lund.
cashier, and the president, directors and company for
$595, for which an execution was issued, and returned
"nulla bona." On the 25th April, 1856, the district attor-
ney for Eastern Pennsylvania was written to concerning
the debt, and requested to ascertain the liability of the
defendants or their legal representatives to meet the
claim of the United States, but the department is unad-
vised of his action in the premises.
11.-Commercial Bank, Buffalo.-On the 25th October,
1837, this bank failed to comply with the requisitions
made upon it in conformity with the first section of the
act of Congress for adjusting the remaining claims upon
the late deposite banks, passed October 16, 1837. On
November 13, 1837, its officers entered into bond to secure
to the United States the balance then due; payments
were made from time to time, until the debt was reduced
to $846.94. The department addressed a communication
to the district attorney for Northern New York, setting
forth the facts of the case, and requesting his attention
thereto, but is without advice as to the result of his in-
Paper Money PAGE 235
12.—Farmers and Mechanics' Bank, Pittsburg.—This
claim arose from a deposite of the notes of this institu-
tion in the Bank of Columbia, as early as January 1, 1817,
which were included in the special deposite transferred
by the Bank of the United States. On the 29th April,
1856, the district attorney was requested to furnish a
full history of this case, with a view to its settlement,
but the result of his labors has not yet been communi-
cated to the department.
13.—Centre Bank of Pennsylvania.—This bank stopped
payment in 1823. On the 26th March, 1826, it executed
a bond to the United States for $10,901.25, and on the
20th June, 1826, paid $1,000. It also assigned to the
United States the bond of John Norris, dated August 8,
1821, for $11,500, the payment of which was secured by
mortgage on real estate, from John Norris and James
Chiswell. These papers were delivered to the district
attorney, where it is believed they still remain. The
sum of $4,500 has since been collected from the proceeds
of a sale of Mr. Norris's property. On the 26th June,
1856, the district attorney was fully advised of all the
facts in this case, and requested to report all the pro-
ceedings had therein. The department has not yet been
advised of the result of his labors.
14.—Farmers and Mechanics' Bank of Cincinnati.—On
the 8th March, 1822, the bank was indebted to the United
States in the sum of $36,966.01. Joseph S. Benham, esq.,
by letter dated May 12, 1831, informed the department
that while he was district attorney for Ohio, he recovered
a judgment for a large amount against this bank, in
favor of the United States, which was still unsatisfied.
A large amount of the stock of this institution was at
its failure transferred by the stockholders to the bank,
in payment of their debts, and in this way the fund to
which the creditors had a right to look for payment was
absorbed. The supreme court of Ohio decided that the
transfer was illegal, and that the stockholders were liable
in chancery to the amount of their stock. Proceedings
were commenced against the stockholders in June, 1831,
but the result thereof is unknown at this time to the de-
partment. The district attorney, on the 3d July, 1856,
was furnished with all the information known to the
Solicitor of the Treasury, and requested to investigate
the matter thoroughly, with a view to the final disposi-
tion of the case. No answer thereto has been received.
No. 15.—Bank of Illinois, Shawneetown.—This bank
stopped payment in 1825. In 1828 it made an assign-
ment to the district attorney of debts due the bank to a
large amount. Of the debts thus assigned, collections
had been made to the amount of $25,173.16, and there
yet remained to be collected about $2,000 of good debts,
and $16,000 of bad or doubtful, on which no calculation
could be made, (vide district attorney's report dated April
23, 1836.) In April, 1856, the district attorney for
southern Illinois was furnished with all the information
concerning this case known to the department, with in-
structions to use his best endeavors to secure the debt,
and ultimately close this case. No report has been re-
No. 16.—Saline Bank, Virginia.—Suit brought in this
case against the stockholders of the bank, the bank itself
being hopelessly insolvent, in August, 1820. In 1825 the
court decided that the stockholders were not liable, and
at January term, 1828, the Supreme Court confirmed the
No. 17.—Juniata Bank of Pennsylvania.—This bank
stopped payment in 1817. It has never been reported for
No. 18.—Bank of Edwardsville, Illinois.—This bank
failed in 1821. Suit was brought against it in the
United States district court of Illinois, in March 1823;
and judgment was recovered at June term, 1824, for
$53,442.86. In the year 1829 an execution issued on the
judgment at law against the bank, under which the bank-
ing-house and sundry lots of land were sold by the
marshal for $1,189.29, and the marshal returned "no more
property found." On the 6th March, 1833, the district
attorney reported that the trustees of the bank were all
insolvent. In the years 1834, 1835, and 1836, the district
attorney reported that the receiver was using his exer-
tions to make collections, but with little prospect of suc-
cess; that the chancery suit was still pending, but that
he had little hope of making anything out of it.
No. 19.—German Bank of Wooster.—Judgment as-
signed Adamson Bentley $3,857.72; judgment assigned
Robert Bentely $165.70.
No. 20.—Bank of Columbia.— Not reported for suit.
No. 21.—Farmers and Mechanics' Bank of Indiana.—
Under an act of Congress passed July, 1832, this debt
was settled by compromise, and the amount was secured
to be paid in three annual instalments of $10,561.30 each,
from 15th March, 1833, without interest. The first in-
stalment of $10,561.30 was paid at maturity; the second
instalment of $10,561.30 was also paid at maturity; but
the third instalment was not paid, and suit was brought
to collect it, and the sum of $10,692.17 was collected,
leaving a small balance not accounted for, which the
present district attorney is in pursuit of. The whole
amount collected is $31,814.77.
No. 22.—Franklin Bank of Alexandria.—Not reported
for suit.
No. 23.—Union Bank of Tennessee.—Referred state-
ments of payment to auditor for settlement, 22d April,
1856. Not reported for suit.
No. 24.—Planters' Bank of Tennessee, and branches.—
Not reported for suit. Referred statement of payments
to auditor for settlement 22d April, 1856.
No. 25.—Franklin Bank of Cincinnati.—Not reported
for suit. Referred to the First Auditor for settlement
(money having been paid) 22d April, 1856.
No. 26.—Agricultural Bank of Mississippi.—Case closed.
No. 27.—Franklin Bank, Boston.—Brought suit Janu-
ary 22, 1838, and the sum of $4,368.75 was collected.
Judgment was obtained August 2, 1839, for $14,897.10.
Execution issued, and was levied upon real estate, which
was set off to the United States, by extent, for $9,784.15,
the title to which is in litigation. Nothing further col-
lected. Bank is insolvent.
No. 28.—Merchants' Bank, A lexandria.—Suit ordered
in 1820, but never brought, the district attorney reporting
the bank as hopelessly insolvent.
No. 29.—Parkersburg Bank.—Suit brought in 1820.
In 1825 the district attorney reported that the cause a-
waited the decision of the Supreme Court, the questions
being the same as Saline Bank in all respects. That case
was decided against the United States, and this debt was
consequently lost.
No. 30.—Urbana Bank.—Not reported for suit.
No. 31.—Huntingdon Bank.—Not reported for suit.
No. 32.—Lebanon Miami Banking Company.—Not re-
ported for suit.
No. 33.—Bedford Bank.—Case closed.
No. 34.—Bank of Cincinnati.—Not reported for suit.
No. 35.—Commercial Bank of Cincinnati.—Not re-
ported for suit.
No. 36.—Bank of Columbia, Georgetown.—Not reported
for suit.
No. 37.—Commercial Bank of Lake Erie.—Case closed.
No. 38.—Farmers and Mechanics' Bank, Cincinnati.—
Utterly insolvent. Nothing done since date of settlement.
RACE 236
Paper Money WHOLE NO. 59
Development of the Spinney. Signature
THE world of numismatics has had its share ofcharacters and personalities over the years, all of
whom left their mark of one kind or another.
Among paper money collectors one individual stands
out in both the charm of his personality and the distinc-
tion of his signature. He is fondly remembered today
as "the father of fractional currency," the man who
delighted in closing his many letters with "your obedient
servant, F. E. Spinner."
His famous signature has fascinated people for over
a century. It symbolizes the spirit of a time when the
schoolmarm insisted upon strict attention to the teaching
of "readin'. writin' and 'rithmetic," when the graceful
curves of Spencerian script were seen on every black-
board, and every businessman expected every employee
to write a "good hand." As a result, today's collector
finds in every box of old documents a wealth of beautiful
handwriting with signatures rendered with a flourish
rarely encountered in the modern business world.
But even among his countemporaries, Francis Spinner's
signature stood out. So unique was his autograph that
two reporters from Scribner's Monthly in 1873 delighted
in watching him sign his name with his unusual pen,
which they described as "of peculiar construction, and
has three points, . . . the ink used has the thickness and
consistency of mud and the blackness of Egyptian dark-
ness, and is piled up on the paper to a height of which
we would be incredulous had we never seen it, arid
which, having been seen. renders us more ink-credulous
(sic) still."
The female member of the reporter team had examined
Spinner's portrait on the third issue fifty-cent fractional
currency note and found that it did not do him justice.
She stated, "There is an expression of honesty and open-
ness of nature about his homely features, and a twinkle of
humor in the eye, which the artist has failed to re-
produce, and which render the face, like Lincoln's fine
and genial. and far from unpleasing. A grizzly mus-
tache, cut unreasonably short at the corners of the month,
does not help to supply the lack of beauty in the features.
The wide, determined mouth, and the square, heavy
chin, suggest the irreverent idea that personal appear-
ance, no less than watchful care, of the nation's treasure,
have led to the bestowal of the sobriquet of 'Watchdog
of the Treasury' by which the faithful Treasurer is so,
well known."
Development of the Man
A study of the famous autograph shows that it deve-
loped, even as yours and mine, over a period of years
with many variations. To trace this development, some
biographical material is in order.
Francis Elias Spinner was born on January 21, 1802,
the first-born of John Peter Spinner and Mary Magdalene
Bruement Spinner. The year before his birth, his
Photographic enlargement of the engraved portrait of
Francis E. Spinner used on the Third Issue 50c fractional
currency note (Friedberg 1324 through 1338). It is this
portrait that many modern writers mistakenly view as
illegally used since Spinner was living at the time the
note appeared. The law banning such use stated, ". . .
no portrait or likeness of any living person hereafter
engraved, shall be place upon any of the bonds, securi-
ties, notes, Fractional or Postal Currency of the United
States." The key words are "hereafter engraved"; since
this act was dated April 7, 1866, any note engraved
prior to that date could be legally issued. The Third
General Issue was provided by the Act of June 30, 1864
with notes being issued from December 5, 1864 to Au-
gust 16, 1869. Thus the statement that the portrait of
Spencer M. Clark on the 5c note, William Pitt Fessenden
on the 25c note, and Spinner on the 50c note were used
illegally is incorrect.
parents had emigrated from Baden, Germany where his
father had been a Catholic priest before embracing
Protestantism and marrying. In this country his father
became pastor at the old Fort Herkimer Church at Ger-
man Flats (later Mohawk) in New York state. He was
to remain at this church for the next 40 years.
As was the custom at the time, young Francis was
apprenticed, first to a candy maker in Albany and later
to a saddler in Amsterdam, N. Y. At age 22. Francis
returned to Herkimer where he opened a small store.
Two years later, he married Caroline Caswell. Some-
how he became interested in the military and took an
active part in the State Militia, which was climaxed in
1834 when he achieved the rank of Major General of
1825 - Age 23.
(-3,N ce— • • ,
1826 - 1st. Lt., State Militia
1831 - Deputy Sheriff
To asierrr of ff
Mohawk Bank1855 - Cashier,
1847 - Cashier, Mohawk Bank 1866 - Treasury
1848 - Cashier, Mohawk Bank 1869 - U. S. Treasurer
1869 - Personal letter
1876 - Retired, age 83
1 .•=z
1887 - Age 85.
i t
1889 - ‘g7.
1865 - U. S. Treasurer
--- 1- .E...tsurn of tlgt r!lititrb ,.4"tatts.
1839 - Bank Document 0 Cf. \ L BUSINESS.
1865 - Written frank on envelope1845 - Cashier, Mohawk Bank
1846 - Cashier, Mohawk Bank 1866 - U. S.
Paper Money PAGE 237
eor. )
1832 - Col. , State Militia
1836 - Sheriff
1838 - Hospital Fund Raiser
1859 - President, Mohawk Bank
1860 - Member of Congress
• 1PgiliC'
,Treasurer ale 5S'.
1869 - Printed Signature as
U. S. Treasurer
1872 - U. S. Treasurer
1890 - Age 88, six weeks
before his death.
the Third Artillery Division. Two signatures from
documents signed during his military career have sur-
vived and are illustrated in our chart. It was in his
military work that Spinner first demonstrated the organi-
zational abilities that would serve him well in later
years. He was tireless in his efforts to bring industry
to his town, and the development of the Mohawk Valley
was due largely to his influence.
As a young man he was appointed Deputy Sheriff and
later was elected Sheriff of Herkimer County. In this
office he became involved in some kind of incident in
which his signature was forged, one possibility being the
fraudulent release of a prisoner. One old record states
that as a result of this incident Spinner "perfected" his
signature to make it more difficult "for counterfeiters."
This apparently consisted of adding flourishes and broad
PAGE 238
Paper Money WHOLE NO. 59
Photograph of engraved portrait of Francis E. Spinner,
Treasurer of the U. S., 1861-1875.
U. S. Fractional Currency varieties showing two printed
signatures of Spinner. Minor variations are present, but
the general configuration is more or less standardized.
U. S. Fractional Currency varieties showing autographs
of Spinner. Such notes were personally signed by the
Register and Treasurer for presentation to Congressmen
and other dignitaries.
Photograph of Treasury Department official envelope bearing handwritten frank
of F. E. Spinner, Treasurer, addressed to M. D. Phillips, Esqr., Henrietta, N. Y.
Paper Money PAGE 239WHOLE NO. 59
Nfl VALLE I2-46
////," /-//;/. ( c/7 c /
This note is rejected because it was stolen when unsign,ed, and is
therefore worthless, the sign,atares being forged.
4.7(Zsie st,4‘,#.4AC
Treas. U. S.
vInd Redemption Agent.
Check of the Mohawk Valley Bank, Mohawk, New York, 1853, bearing signature of F. E. Spinner
as cashier.
Photograph of printed Treasury Department form advising citizen that a note submitted for redemp-
tion was worthless. Note the short concise language used, a feature missing from so many govern-
ment form today.
Vasurp of tip IniteD *tats.
//i/— lacy-• i as...
'4 4177 ( 9--t■ r z
CC7eli Pla (4-
PAGE 240
Paper Money WHOLE NO. 59
Photograph of letter entirely hand-written by E. F. Spinner: "Treasury of the
United States, Washington, March 5, 1869. Dear Sir:—In response to your note of
the 3rd instant I would answer that country where every citizen is the political
peer of every other citizen—the adoption of the 15th article of the Constitution
will go a long way in the right direction. Very respectfully yours, F. E. Spinner.
John N. Scouller, Esq., Philadelphia, Pa." The 15th Amendment referred to deals
with the right to vote by any U. S. citizen regardless of race, color, or previous
condition of servitude.
strokes toto the capital letters. Hours of practice are
necessary to consistently achieve a smooth flow with
the pen point needed for such strokes, and Spinner be-
came an expert.
In 1839, Spinner joined some other local businessmen
in founding the Mohawk Valley Bank, an institution
which he served for the next 16 years as cashier, director
and finally president. During this time his signature
acquired a certain uniformity, and we are fortunate that
many checks signed by Spinner still survive today. In
fact, most collectors of checks today regard the Spinner
item as a most interesting part of their treasures.
Inevitably Spinner moved toward national politics and
service in Washington. In 1854. he was elected to Con-
gress as a Free-Soil Democrat, a party which had been
formed in 1848 in a dispute over slavery in the newly-
formed states. The Free-Soilers and Northern Whigs
formed the nucleus of the Republican Party when it was
established in 1854. Spinner was re-elected twice but
declined the nomination in 1860, apparently intending
to return to his beloved bank.
Salmon P. Chase, Lincoln's Secretary of the Treasury,
had other plans for Spinner, however, and on March
4, 1861. he was appointed Treasurer of the United
Treasurer of the United States.
Paper Money PAGE 241
rmutp of fly. anitcb
CneVaded yca vara '
Aczyaa /a olli° ciao' . rjee'eldl (7//C/
zee( f, aim/ falizzn e ./ 7(7 /41 #ef' 17Y
070004// 7L
//a acaanzAerpwraa:f
a12(-7 catata
(71117 41/ 71/
ait aa74
41ezemplaa /aymapt weidatyl
4 Ce 7/ 71'1'/O//?;
del ?XII
N. B.—The payee vf a Treasury draft, ylan he ectlosses it, or. presenting it jar payment, receipts it, should
• write his 'name thereon as it is 7ClittC11, ill the draft or in the endorsement that assigns it to him, taleing care to
AFFIX his official or representative style or tide, if it be written in the draft or in said C71110CSCMCl2t. At C -fielOrSC-
wwq by a MARK dirndl/ be attested by two subscribing witnesses; if by a substitute, it nntst be accompanied
eridnnee of 81,7,4itction, except in the rw.,e of in, , ,ddvnt or each ivr ryf a bank cc other institution.
Photograph of a cover letter bearing hand-written signature of Francis E. Spinner. The letter asks
the payee to sign and return a receipt for the enclosed check, and to cash it without delay. Note
that Spinner felt inclined to fill all the available space with a large, exuberant signature.
States. The famous autograph would soon be known
all over the world, for the approaching Civil War meant
that the U. S. Government would be forced for the first
time to issue paper money. Spinner's signature would
appear on the first issues and on a multitude of Treasury
Department documents.
Spinner faced great difficulties in operating the Trea-
surer's office during the war. His staff was continually
depleted by the military draft. He solved the problem
in a novel fashion he hired women. This immediately
brought on a political flap in Congress where all kinds
of charges were w oiced that these women engaged in
"immoral activities" while on duty, especially on the
night shift. Throughout the turmoil Spinner staunchly
defended his employees and eventually the so-called
scandal died out. In his annual report for 1864, the
Treasurer paid his "Treasury girls" a great compliment:
"But for the employment of females, whose compensation
is low, and in most cases too low, it would have been
impossible to have carried on the business of the office
with the compensation allowed." His continual battle
for better wages and working conditions for his staff
brought him great respect, and his obvious ability kept
him in office until 1875.
if:.t ye,e./
c42, cefiX,/ 7*
Z..te/: v/c,;,/1
PAGE 242
Paper Money WHOLE NO. 59
Photograph of letter entirely hand-written by F. E.
Spinner: "Jacksonville, Fla., May 26, 1876. Dear Sir:
Your letter of the 20th instant, by you directed to my
address at Utica, was from there forwarded to my
home at Mohawk, and from there to me here, where I
spend my winters.—The request therein preferred has
been complied with. Very respectfully yours, F. E.
Spinner. Mr. Louis R. Mengh, Newark, N. J."
The Spinner signature underwent minor changes, pri-
marily in the large flourishes, to fit it to currency de-
sign limitations. He continued to sign many documents
at the Treasury and the signature became more or less
standardized. To the end of his career in Washington
he took time to personally greet visitors and willingly
signed a variety of items that were offered. If Spinner
were living today, most commentators would probably
say that he had "charisma," the personal magnetism
that great men have that separates them from the usual
run of mankind.
Upon retirement he moved to Florida where he re-
mained active for another 15 years. As he aged, the
famous autograph became more and more erratic, finally
becoming almost illegible just before his death. Cut
down by cancer, he passed away on December 31, 1890
at the home of his daughter, Mrs. James Schumacher,
wife of the president of the First National Bank of
Jacksonville. His unique signature lives on, as fascinat-
ing today as it was a century ago.
The chart shown herein is based on one compiled by
Herman K. Crofoot, an early collector of Spinner
material, with additions from the author's collection.
Much of the Crofoot collection is now housed at the
Smithsonian Institution, but enough other Spinner docu-
ments are still available even today to make the search
First. National in Dakota
(From Page 232)
"Let us climb the great granite steps and enter its
marble palaces of gold and greenbacks. First we will
try to find our way to the office of the comptroller of the
currency, to ascertain what he can do for us in the way
of starting a national bank in Dakota. We pass between
marble pillars standing as thick and large as forest trees,
until we find at the entrance a one-legged messenger
who points us up a broad, gas-lighted and steam heated
hall, as long as a whole block of lots in Yankton. We
pass on, witnessing scores of clerks at work in the long
line of rooms that open upon either hand, until we
reach the other end. Here we inquire of another mess-
enger, one-armed this time, who directs us up the iron
stairs to the next floor, and here we are met by a little
old Irishman, with an eye shot out by a rebel bullet,
who points us down another long passage, to the comp-
troller's room. On we go, passing, as before, hundreds
of clerks busily engaged in the rooms that open to the
right and left. We find the comptroller attentively
engaged signing his name to papers and a female clerk
beside him 'blotting' his signatures, and withdrawing
the manuscripts.
"He turns to us for a moment, and says that he has
awarded to Dakota $100.000 of the national currency,
but that the parties whom he had authorized last summer
to subscribe for the bank stock have thus far failed
to deposit the required security before the issue of notes
can be authorized. We then filed the application of
forty merchants of Yankton, who agree to deposit the
bonds in thirty days, if a charter be given them for the
First National Bank of Dakota. He takes the paper,
reads it and requests us to call to-morrow. We bow and
retire, and walk down the long aisle past the multitude
of rooms where are flying the lightning fingers and
flexible tongues of five hundred female clerks who are
counting, cutting, trimming, packing and making, bright,
new, laughing greenbacks. If a man can ever believe
with Shakespeare, the 'money is worthless trash,' he
will believe it here, where the stuff is handled and
packed by young girls as freely and abundantly as new
mown hay. But we must begin to get out of this great
cave of the national finances. There are too many
ladies and greenbacks here for the safety of a Western
man, so we begin to descend again the heavy iron stair-
ways to the marble gold rooms, where we witness a
number of male clerks standing and counting, by the
wagon load, filthy lucre, with a rapidity truly astonish-
ing. . . ."
(Concluded on Page 247)
Palmanova siege notes, 1848
CL ItitMrP,
4, P
Paper Money PAGE 243
Siege Money Issued in the Occupied Territories of Italy 1813-1848
Budapest, Hungary
URING both the Napoleonic (1813-1814) and the
Revolutionary (1848) Wars in Italy, the following
siege money was issued in the occupied territories:
At the siege of the French-occupied town and fortress
of Cattaro by the British and Montenegrin troops, the
Town-Council issued emergency paper money, the so-
called "Billet", of two francs denomination. The note
was printed in black on white paper. The signatures and
serial numbers were handwritten; the reverse was blank.
No copy is known in existence today.
At the same time obsidional coins (siege pieces or
necessity money) of one and five francs denominations
were in circulation.
II. 1813 ZARA
During the siege of the French-occupied fortress and
town of Zara, the Town-Council issued emergency paper
money of two francs. Seven series appeared, each is-
sue consisting of 10,000 pieces of the two franc note.
They were printed in black on white paper. Each has
two signatures as well as the serial numbers handwritten,
and a brown oval stamp. The reverse is blank. Dimen-
sions are 105 x 85 rnm. This "Papier de Siege" had
valuations in both French francs and Venetian lira. The
French 2 francs equalled Venetian lira 3:18:2.
During this period also, obsidional coins in the fol-
lowing denominations were circulated:
1 once equivalent to French francs 4.60
2 onces equivalent to French francs 9.20
4 onces equivalent to French francs 18.40
The coins were also marked with the valuations ac-
cording to both the Italian and French monetary sys-
III. 16 October 1813-19 April 1814 PALMANOVA
The fortification of Palmanova was occupied by the
French General Barone di Volterre. After the start of
the siege by the Austrian troops, the COMMISSIONE
DI FINANZA PALMANOVA issued emergency notes to
alleviate the money shortage.
The notes were done on bluish-white handmade paper
in a sum of 50,000 lire, with the usual handwritten parts
supplied by an oval stamp. The paper has the watermark
C e I HONIG, or A F G-1810.
The notes were signed by the following: Giuseppe
T o r n a s c h i, Burco, Francesco Carminati, Giacomo
Biasiolli, Pasquale Celin, Paolo Ebro, Gio Batta Fabris,
Gio Batta Pellegrini, Lodovico Ferrari, Giovanni Nada-
nich, Giuseppe Putelli, Gaspar() Zanulini.
2 Lire, 95 by 145 mm (7,500 pieces)
5 Lire, 125 by 125 mm (3,000 pieces)
10 Lire, 180 by 125 mm (1,000 pieces)
25 Lire, 205 by 110 mm ( 400 pieces)
During the siege a bronze coin in the 50 centimes
denomination was also struck and put into circulation.
IV. 24 March 24 June 1848 PALMANOVA
While Milano and Venice were free from the Austrian
troops, the Austrian fortress PALMANOVA went over
to the Italian insurgents and later was besieged by the
Austrian forces.
emergency paper money as during the 1813-14 period
in the sum of 60,000 lire.
The centesimi notes were printed on white card 75 x
90 mm. The single signature and the serial numbers
were handwritten, and at the left border is an oval stamp
The lire notes were partly handwritten, partly printed
on white card with two stamps in a dimension of 166 x
146 mm. The notes appeared rarely on watermarked
paper with only a single letter or mark visible on a
note. On the printed notes the value indication is made
in red, the date in green.
The lire notes were signed by the following: Dr.
Giuseppe Putelli, Dr. Bastiano Torre, Pietro Fredericis,
Paper MoneyPAGE 244 WHOLE NO. 59
Sebastian° Buri, Nicol° Michielli, G. Batt. tliana,
Francesco Fabris, Giuseppe Focazzi.
Each note has two stamps: in an oval, COMMISSIONE
1848; and in a circle, COMANDO DELLA FORTEZZA
PALMA NOVA. Both are in black. The reverse of each
note is blank.
Naturally, there are some varieties among the hand-
written notes.
A. Handwritten notes :
1 Lira 3 Lire
2 Lire 6 Lire
B. Printed notes :
5 centesimi 1
not put into circulation
10 centesimi j
25 centesimi, 6,000
50 centesimi, 9,000
1 Lira, 11,000 pieces (together with handwritten ones)
2 Lire, 8,000 pieces (together with handwritten ones)
3 Lire, 5,000 pieces (together with handwritten ones)
6 Lire, 2,000 pieces (together with handwritten ones)
10 Lire
50 Lire not put into circulation
100 Lire
V. 7 April-12 October 1848 OSOPPO
The fortress Osoppo also went over from the Austrian
forces to the Italian insurgents. To remedy the money
shortage the Finance Commission issued wholly hand-
written emergency paper money in a sum of Austrian
lira 6,180.
The notes were written on greyish-white paper in a
dimension of 158-169 x 70-74 mm. The reverse is blank.
All notes have five signatures as follows: Zannini, L.
Andervolti, G. Vecchiaritti, Enrico Francia, Giacinto
All notes also have three stamps in rectangles: COM-
Comunale di Osoppo. and COMMANDO DEL FORTE
50 centesimi, 169 by 70 mm
1 Lira, 159 by 72 mm
2 Lire, 158 by 72 mm
3 Lire, 159 by 74 mm
6 Lire, 159 by 72 mm
50 Lire, 160 by 73 mm
100 Lire, 160 by 73 mm
BUKY, Jozsef DR: Ausztria papirpenz kibocsatasanak tortenete a
XVIII. szazad kozepetol 1850-ig (History of the Austria's paper
money emissions from the middle of 18 Century to 1850), Budapest,
Katalog der Papiergeldsammlung weiland Dr. Adolf Ehrenfeld, Wien,
KUPA, Mihaly DR: Carta-Moneta. del Regno Lombardo-Veneto 1796-
1866. Reprint from Italia Numismatica 5/1964.
CIAMBERINI, di Scarfea Cesare DR: La Carta Monetata in Italia.
Volume I., Bologna, 1907.
MINI, Adolfo: La Carta Moneta Italiana 1746-1960. Palermo. 1967.
MANCINI, Libero : Catalogo Italiano della Cartamoneta 1746-1966.
Bologna, 1966.
BOBBA, Cesare: Cartamoneta. Italiana dal 1746 ai giorni nostri. IV.
edizione, Asti, 1971.
Postal Use of Russia's Currency Stamps
(From "Philatelic Magazine," London, December 1974)
One of the results of Russia's economic troubles early
in the first world war, was a desperate shortage of metal
for coinage. As a stopgap measure, the imperial govern-
ment reprinted certain of the current postage stamps on
card and released them for circulation as currency. It
has been stated that their use for postal purposes was
categorically prohibited and that postage due was charged
on any letter found to be bearing them. The August 1974
issue of our Moscow contemporary "Philateliya SSSR"
carries an article by D. Kouznetsov which offers evidence
to modify the view previously held. We reproduce the
article below, in translation, by courtesy of "Philateliya
In 1915 the Ministry of Finance issued "stamp money"
in values of 10, 15 and 20 kopeks. These items were
printed on very thick paper from cliches of the postage
stamps of the Jubilee Issue of 1913*. On the reverse side
they carried the inscription: "In circulation on equal
footing with silver coinage."
In philatelic journals and catalogues one reads that it
was forbidden to make use of these currency stamps for
postal purposes. Certainly they were not sold in post
offices; and in cancelled state, especially on cover, one
rarely comes across them.
Recently in the State Archives of the Perm Oblast* *
a document was shown us which demonstrates that the
postal authorities did not in fact stand in the way of the
use of this "stamp money" for the payment of postage.
Carrying out instructions received from the Chief
Directorate of Posts and Telegraphs and dated October
8th 1915 (Order No. 8907), the Chief Officer at the Perm
Posts and Telegraphs region instructs all establishments
under his jurisdiction that "in the event of payment being
made, for the transmission of postal communications,
with currency stamps issued by the Ministry of Finance,
then such items are to be accepted without hindrance . . ."
At the same time, the instructions do point out that
"it is required to be explained to the public that the afore-
said stamps are intended for circulation exclusively as
coinage and therefore should not be used for payment of
postal fees of any kind, instead of postage stamps."
Whether a dispensation similar to that described above
was given in the case of the 1, 2 and 3 kopek values which
were put into circulation as currency in 1917, is not at
present established.
However, as the 10, 15 and 20 kopek currency stamps
were "accepted without hindrance" postally, their exis-
tence on cover does not after all present itself as "an
oversight on the part of postal employees" or as a case
of "cancellation by favour", as was previously thought.
These currency stamps were in practice as valid for
postage as any other stamps. They must therefore be
allowed to take their place in the albums of philatelists.
Commemorating the 300th anniversary of the Romanov
dynasty on the throne of Russia.
'' A province on the western slopes of the Urals.
Paper Money PAGE 245
"Peter" Nationals and a Theory About Collecting
TOR ME a currency collection represents a challenge,a source of pride, an investment, and, some people
would argue, a point of vanity. The photos that
accompany this article may substantiate that last charge!
I heavily weight the challenge part. I discovered early
that if you want to collect, you must collect something
that is tractable BUT virtually impossible to complete.
Tractability implies that you design your goal so that
it falls within your financial means to carry it to a
reasonable conclusion. At the same time it must be of
sufficient scope so that you can be successful in adding
items to the "set" periodically to maintain interest.
However, the task should be impossible to complete;
otherwise you wake up some day with the realization
that you have "done it" and the whole thing becomes
In paper my first experience with this frustration
occurred when I set as my goal a state collection of
Nationals. I figured this to be a lifetime proposition in
1965. However, one fortuitous situation followed an-
other and I landed the keys early an Alaska for $50,
for example—and in less than three years the set was
For months before I added the last states—North
Dakota, Delaware, North Carolina, and finally Vermont
to be specific I realized that the task was almost done
and I began casting about for a new challenge. I settled
on trying to build a bank collection of Arizona Nationals
with its primary objective of containing one note from
every hank which issued them. That is impossible, in
my opinion, although I have gotten within 75 percent
so far.
This brings to mind a very interesting observation by
a coin dealer friend of mine in Tucson, Hal Birt. It
was Hal's opinion that collectors statistically outlived
non-collectors. He attributed this solely to the fact that
die-hard collectors were going to make it just a little
further along in hopes of the chance to fill that last
hole in the album. I think there is something to this.
In fact, I figure that since I will have to wait forever
to find all my Arizonas, I have found the key to im-
With my Arizonas, I found a task that is impossible
but now the problem develops that the new additions to
the "family" are so few and far between that I stand
a chance of burning out, facing such discouraging odds.
The solution is to diversify. I have now set a sub-
sidiary goal to complete a type collection of the small
note mules through the $5 denomination. This lets me
work with other classes of currency and also places me
in a field that currently seems to be in the syngraphic
doghouse. This sad status implies that knowledgeable
competitors are probably scarcer than the rare pieces,
so I may build this collection for little or nothing. Of
course, my heirs may get a lot less for it.
Another secondary collection struck me as a possibility
a few years ago. As 1 picked through the rags looking
for state notes and Arizonas, I began to realize that there
were a lot of Peter-towns. Naturally with the first name
of Peter, I noticed such a thing. I had already checked
and found no Huntoon Nationals were possible although
there is a Huntoon, Texas lost out on the Texas pan-
handle. (My brother discovered this town while routing
oil tank cars for Shell Oil. He traced one "lost" string of
tank cars to a siding in Huntoon.)
My curiosity was aroused, so I got out a postal zip
code directory and dug out all the Peter-towns; I
omitted towns like Petersen because these were proper
names in themselves. Table 1 is the result of this tedious
search. The worst part came in searching the 380 pages
of tables in Van Belkum's great book to find if these
towns had banks. Table 2 summarizes this effort and
the data are taken from Van Belkum's lists. Listed are
20 banks in 12 different towns; 19 issued—a genuine
challenge. The best part is that if you succeeded in
getting all the 19 possible banks, you would be forced
to put together a great type collection as well as have
notes from diverse locations. I couldn't resist. I set
as a goal a collection of notes in any condition from
each different town.
Petersburg, Alaska
San Pedro, California
Saint Petersburg, Florida
Petersburg, Illinois
Saint Peter, Illinois
Petersburg, Indiana
Petersburg, Kentucky
Petersham, Massachusetts
Petersburg, Michigan
Petersburg, Minnesota
Saint Peter, Minnesota
Saint Peters, Missouri
Petersburg, Nebraska
Peterborough, New Hampshire
Peterboro, New York
Petersburg, New York
Petersburg, North Dakota
Petersburg, Ohio
Petersburg, Pennsylvania
Saint Peters, Pennsylvania
Saint Petersburg, Pennsylvania
Petersburg, Tennessee
Petersburg, Texas
Petersburg, Virginia
Petersburg, West Virginia
Peterstown, West Virginia
This collection has been in the works for a number
of years now and at the risk of appearing vain. I am
taking this opportunity to display the results of my
quest to date. You will notice that nine of the 12
towns are represented and there is one bank from each
of the six Petersburgs. Naturally, I am forced to admit
that the Saint Peter, Illinois has my vote for the most
appropriately named town of the bunch.
Of the remaining notes, the Saint Peter, Minnesota
will he the toughest, particularly because my Minnesota
friends such as Ed Kuether have advised me that if
they got one, they wouldn't part with it no matter how
much I pleaded or offered!
' OASO7CUItiogoit '14.#011,r'-4: I
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PAGE 246
Paper Money WHOLE NO. 59
Notes from the six possible Petersburgs
Notes from other Peter-towns
::.11,11110114$05411114611 E312861 F —
S h,
jemitsa :4041144141Mate
%AM- 10dt0
", NATIONAL 11:110i r.
Paper Money PAGE 247
San Pedro
Saint Petersburg
Saint Petersburg
Period in Operation
Charter Bank Name Open Close
7057 First National Bank 1903 Jan. 24, 1929
7730 First National Bank 1905 Jun. 9. 1930
7796 National Bank :
1905 Apr. 21, 1931
Circulation Out
in year in
( )
48,900 (27)
196,100 (26)
196,900 (22)
Central National Bank
(Jan. 21, 1910) ; Central
National Bank and Trust
Company (Jan. 16, 1922)
Saint Petersburg 12623 Alexander National Bank 1925 Oct. 27, 1927 200,000 (25)
Saint Petersburg 13498 Florida National Bank 1930 did not issue
Petersburg 3043 First National Bank 1883 49,600 (34)
State National Bank
(Jan. 23, 1929)
Saint Peter 9896 First National Bank 1910 May 25, 1932 25,000 (31)
Petersburg 5300 First National Bank 1900 25,000 (34)
Saint Peter 1794 First National Bank 1871 15,000 (34)
New Hampshire
Peterborough 1179 First National Bank 1865 100,000 (34)
North Dakota
Petersburg 11185 First National Bank 1918 Dec 20, 1930 25,000
Petersburg 10313 First National Bank 1913 18,750 (34)
Petersburg 10306 First National Bank 1913 30,000 (34)
Petersburg 1378 First National Bank 1865 Sep. 25, 1873 179,200 (73)
Petersburg 1548 Merchants National Bank 1865 Sep. 25, 1873 360,000 (73)
Petersburg 1769 Commercial National Bank 1871 Jan. 14, 1879 99,800 (79)
Petersburg 3515 National Bank ; First 1886 Nov. 16, 1933 692,200 (33)
National Bank and Trust
Company (Sep. 30, 1931)
Petersburg 7709 Virginia National Bank 1905 Sep. 30, 1931 981,040 (30)
Petersburg 13792 Citizens National Bank 1933 100,000 (34)
West Virginia
Peterstown 9721 First. National Bank 1910 25,000 (34)
A note from Victoria, Texas for Vicki
As you see, the Peter collection is not complete and
probably never will be. I have an uphill fight to get a
San Pedro, California, or a nice St. Petersburg, Florida.
Even so I have some of the truly scarce notes, Peters-
town, West Virginia. and Petersburg, Indiana to name
just two. To date, the collection has given me a good
run and a lot of pleasure. It has provided hours of con-
versation with both dealers and collectors and even
writing this article has been fun. What more could a
collector ask of his hobby?
At first my wife Vicki scoffed at the Peter-notes but
then I bought her off with the Victoria, Texas note
illustrated here. Funny, she is now searching for a note
on the First National Bank of Victoria, Virginia, char-
ter 12183. When she learned that I passed up a brown
back on the First National Bank of . Victoria, Texas, did
I take the heat!
I sincerely thank the following dealers for supplying
the notes on these pages. Each has contributed nobly
to making this collection the enjoyable success that it
has been for me. These friends are listed alphabetically
to remove any special bias: each has been equally help-
ful and appreciated: Tom Bain, Johnny 0. Baas, David
Dorfman. Ted Gozanski, John Hickman, Curtis Iversen,
Art Liester. Dean Oakes. and John Waters.
First National in Dakota
(From Page 242)
The First National Bank, Yankton, Dakota, received
charter No. 2068 late in 1872 and filed its first reports
in 1873. For five years it was the only national bank
in the territory. Although the total apportionment of
national currency for Dakota was $100,496, based $65,-
096 on population and 535,400 on wealth, the bank
maintained a circulation of only $45,000 as limited by
its capitalization of $50,000 and deposit of $50,000 of
bonds. That $45.000 of circulation represented $3.17 per
capita and .7 per cent of the wealth of the territory in
1873. according to the comptroller of the currency.
The Early Empire Builders of the Great West, by • Moses K. Arm-
strong, 1901
Message and Documents, 1873-'74. GPO
Annual Report of the Comptroller of the Currency, 1897
National Banks of the Note Issuing Period, 1863-1935, by Louis Van
PAGE 248
Paper Money WHOLE NO. 59
The Unknown Factor Revealed
A Campaign to Wipe Out Indians
California War Bond Coupons
THE CALIFORNIA War Bond Coupons submittedby Don C. Kelly for the May/June issue of PAPER
MONEY were issued by the state of California and
paid by the U. S. government for the debts arising from
suppressing Indian hostilities during the 1850's.
Between 1769 and 1846, the California Indian population
had dropped from 275,000 to about 100,000 due largely
to the effects of epidemics. As the American expansion
gradually progressed further west, the removal policy
used as a general solution to the "Indian problem" was
put to a severe test. In California, where it was no longer
possible to remove the Indian to lands furthur west, many
American settlers argued that the only solution was to re-
move them from the face of the earth. Governor Burnett
told the legislature that a "war of extermination will con-
tinue to be waged between the races until the Indian race
becomes extinct," and that it was "beyond the power or
wisdom of man" to avert the inevitable destiny of this
One method of solving the Indian problem was to enact
laws to protect the citizens from them. The Act of April
22, 1850, entitled "An Act for the Government and Protec-
tion of Indians" provided in part:
Sect. 20. Any indian able to work and support himself in some
honest calling, not having wherewithal to maintain himself, who
shall be found loitering and strolling about, or frequenting public
places where liquors are sold, begging or leading an immoral or
profligate course of life, shall be liable to be arrested on the
complaint of any resident citizen of the county, and brought be-
fore any justice of the peace . . . and if said justice . . . shall
be satisfied that he is a vagrant . . . he shall make out a war-
rant . . authorizing and requiring the officer having him in
charge or custody, to hire out each vagrant within 24 hours to
the best bidder . . . for the highest price that can be had, for any
term not exceeding 4 months. . . . The money received for his
hire, shall, after deducting the costs, and the necessary expense
for clothing for said indian, which may have been purchased by
his employer, be, if he be without a family, paid into the county
treasury, to the credit of the indian fund.
Sect. 6 provided:
Complaints may be made before a justice of the peace, by white
persons or indians ; but in no case shall a white man be con-
victed of any offence upon the testimony of an indian, or indians.
Units loosely organized as state militia went on inef-
fectual and expensive Indian hunting expeditions in 1850.
In 1851, Governor John McDougal asserted in a letter to
President Millard Fillmore that 100,000 Indian warriors
were in a state of armed rebellion.
Cost of the Militia
The state's politicians demanded that the federal govern-
ment provide the funds to pay the expenses of campaigns
conducted against the Indians by state militia volunteers.
This, at first, the federal authorities refused to do.
General Persifor F. Smith complained that the pay of a
private in the latest Indian campaign of the California
militia was equal to the salary of any officer in the Regular
Army, except his own.
The Act of March 17, 1851 provided for the pay of
those called up to suppress the Indian hostilities under
that act. Entitled "An Act authorizing the Governor to
call out troops to defend - our frontier, and providing for
their pay and compensation," it stated:
"Whereas, our Eastern frontier is now being ravaged by hordes
of savages, who are murdering our citizens and destroying prop-
erty of gieat value, and whereas the existence of such a state
of things demands from us prompt, immediate, and determined
actions. Therefore :
Sect. 1. The Governor is hereby authorized to call into service
any number of men, not exceeding 500 in addition to those already
engaged, . . . for the purpose of defending our Eastern frontier
against the attacks of Indians on others.
Sect. 3. All persons now engaged . . . and all others who may
enter the service under the call of the Governor . . . shall be
entitled to receive out of the "War Loan Fund," the following
pay per diem . . . Each Major ten dollars, each Captain eight,
and each Lieutenant six ; each Sergeant five, each Corporal five,
each Private four, each Quarter Master eight, each Commissary
eight, each Surveyor eight, each Adjutant eight, each officer and
private who has furnished his own horse one dollar per day."
The Act of March 7, 1851 provided for payment for
services rendered in the Indian wars, since November 13,
". . . to each Major $15, Captain $12, Lieutenant $10, Sergeant
$7, Corporal $6, Private $5, Quarter Master $12, Commissary $12,
Surveyor $12, Adjutant $12, plus 01 per day per horse furnished."
Secretary of War C. M. Conrad wrote to Governor
McDougal that the pay of California's volunteer Indian-
fighters was "exorbitant and beyond anything ever known
in this country";that "in a population like that of Cali-
fornia, where there are so many ardent young men, the
love of adventure with some and the high pay with others"
offered "inducements to perpetuate collisions with the
Indians" and that this abuse was "as injurious to the
State" as it was "revolting to humanity."
Features of the Loan
Under the Act of February 15, 1851, entitled "An Act
Authorizing the Treasurer of State to Negotiate a Loan
upon the Faith and Credit of the State, for the Purpose
of Defraying the Expenses which have been, and may be,
Incurred in Suppressing Indian Hostilities in this State,
in the absence of Adequate Provisions being made by the
General Government", $500,000 was authorized, payable
in 10 years, or at any period after five years at the
pleasure of the state, at a rate of interest of 12(4 pay-
able annually or semi-annually, by virtue of the power
given the legislature by the constitution of the state "in
case of war to repel invasion or suppress insurrection."
It was intended that the obligations provided for by
the Act should be payable out of any money which should
at their maturity or thereafter be found in the state
treasury, and at which time it reached the treasury, had
not been appropriated to some other purpose.
By the Act of May 3, 1852, entitled "An act authorizing
the treasurer of the state to issue bonds for the payment
of the expenses of the Mariposa, Second El Dorado, Utah,
Los Angeles, Clear Lake, Klamath and Trinity, and
Monterey expeditions against the Indians" it was pro-
Sect. 1. "A sum not exceeding $600,000 is hereby appropriated
and set apart as an additional war fund, payable in 10 years.
out of any moneys which may be appropriated by congress to
defray the expenses incurred by the state of California and in-
terest thereon at the rate of 7% per annum, in the suppression
of Indian hostilities, . . . and should no such appropriation be
made, or if an amount sufficient should not be appropriated within
the said 10 years, then the bonds authorized to be issued by this
act shall be good and valid claims against the state. . . ."
Sect. 5 authorized the State Treasurer "to cause suitable
Bonds to be provided for said payment in sums of $100,
$250, $500, and $1,000 each."
The interest was represented by coupons attached to
the bonds, each coupon representing one year's interest.
These coupons were alike in general language, and differed
only in number, amount, and date of maturity. Coupons
numbered 2, 3, and 4 were for $70 each. Coupon number
5 was for $46.66 each. I have been unable to discover the
amount on coupon number 1, or whether there were
coupons numbered higher than 5.
Repayment of the Loan
In January, 1854, a bill was introduced in Congress to
appropriate sufficient funds to cover California's liability
on the bonds. The amount of bonds issued by the state
Paper Money PAGE 249
in liquidating valid claims existing against it for expenses
it had incurred in the suppression of Indian hostilities
within the state was as follows:
Bonds issued under act of Feb 15, 1851
Bonds issued under act of May 3, 1852
Bonds issued under act of Apr 16, 1853
Bonds issued under act of Apr 16, 1853
Bonds issued under act of May 18, 1853
On August 5, 1854, Congress passed an act (10 Stat.
576) whereby the Secretary of War was authorized and
directed to examine into and ascertain the amount of
expenses incurred and actually paid by the state of
California, prior to January 1, 1854, and then pay that
amount into the state treasury, provided that amount
should not exceed $924,259.65.
At the time this act was introduced in Congress-in
January 1854-the amount specified was estimated to
cover all the state's liability, both principal and interest,
under the Acts of 1851 and 1852. But, at the time the
act passed, April 5, 1854, interest had accrued on the
bonds issued under those acts, so that the amount ap-
propriated by Congress fell short of the total amount of
principal and interest then due.
The amount clue on the bonds issued as of January 1,
1854 was $995,290. The amount of the same debt owing
and unpaid on August 5, 1854, with interest, was $1,036,-
634.13. The amount of the same debt owing and unpaid
on September 1, 1856 was $1,180,243.32.
On or about September 1, 1856, the Secretary of War
paid $914,071.02 on the state bonds dated prior to January
1, 1854. This left $10,183.63 of the congressional appro-
priation remaining.
On June 23, 1860, Congress provided (12 Stat. 104 § 4)
for payment out of the unexpended balance of the ap-
propriation for California's war debt for bonds bearing
date subsequent to January 1, 1854.
Apparently no bonds were turned in based on this ap-
propriation, and the balance left in the fund lapsed and
reverted into the treasury on June 30, 1863.
Again, on July 25, 1868 Congress passed an act (15
Stat. 175) "to reappropriate an unexpended balance of an
appropriation made by an act approved August 5, 1854"
for the amount of $10,183.63.
Since under the Act of 1851 California would not be-
come obligated on the bonds until there were sufficient
funds in the treasury that had not been appropriated for
other purposes, California never paid on these bonds
until 1890. From 1862 to 1889 there was not any surplus
in the fund of the treasury not already allocated for other
purposes. In 1890, for the first time, a surplus of about
$500,000 was received into the state treasury. At that
time California became liable for the unpaid bonds. As
late as 1901 over $34,000 was paid on outstanding war
Bean, Walton E., California: An Interpretive History, 2d ed. New
York. McGraw-Hill. 1973.
Statutes and Amendments to the Codes of California U.S. Statutes at
Sawyer v. Colgan, 36 Pac. 580.
Reis v. State, 59 Pac. 298, reversed 65 Pac. 1102.
Mead v. Same, 59 Pac. 1112, reversed 65 Pac. 1105.
First Charter One-Dollar Nationals: Part III
T HIS ARTICLE is a supplement to two articles bythe same title which appeared in earlier issues ofPAPER MONEY (Whole Nos. 47 and 52). Its purpose
is to report the existence of additional note varieties on
previously reported banks and the existence of notes on
banks not previously reported.
Of the 88 banks reported under "states" in this article,
62 are in addition to those identified in the earlier articles.
An additional District of Columbia note (#2358) has
been reported and three additional uncut sheets of notes,
two from Indiana (#55, #804) and one from New York
The series of notes issued by a bank is indicated im-
mediately following its charter number. The symbols used
are as follows: Original (1865) series, (65) ; 1875 series
(75). Banks issuing Original series notes with charter
number are indicated by the addition of a "W" to the
identifying series symbol, thus: "65W".
If a bank issued Original series notes without and with
the bank charter number, this would be indicated in the
following manner: (65, 65W). If it issued both Original
and 1875 series notes, the symbols would be: (65, 75).
If no notes were reported on the bank in the two earlier
articles, an asterisk follows the bank charter number.
When an asterisk does not appear after the charter num-
ber it indicates that an additional variety (65, 65W, 75)
has been reported.
This series of articles has raised a number of questions
about this brief but significant series of notes. For
instance, which banks are known to have issued all three
varieties (65, 65W, 75) of notes? Why did the charter
number appear on some Original series notes and not
on others? How many banks are known to have issued
$1.00 Nationals of which none is known to exist today?
The author hopes to speak to these and related questions
in future articles.
The reader is urged to share additional information on
this early series with the author. Send to Howard W.
Parshall, P. 0. Box 191, Pineville, Louisiana 71360.
Uncut sheets: 3
INDIANA, #55* (75).
INDIANA. #804* (65).
NEW YORK, #1416* (65).
District banks: 1
Banks by states: 88
CONNECTICUT: 2 banks, charters #845* (65), 1314* (75).
DELAWARE: 1 bank, charter #1281 (75).
ILLINOIS: 8 banks, charters #320* (65), 531* (65), 759* (65), 967
(65W), 1792* (65), 1900
(75), 2042* (65W), 2048 (65W).
INDIANA: 3 banks, charters #968* (65), 1967* (75), 2119 (65W).
KANSAS: 1 bank, charter #1902* (65).
KENTUCKY: 1 bank, charter #995* (not known).
MAINE: 5 banks, charters #65" (65), 330* (75), 782* (65), 2089*
(65), 2306* (75).
MASSACHUSETTS: 31 banks, charters #14* (65), 439 (75), 442* (65),
462* (65), 484* (75), 510 (65W), 578* (75), 582* (75), 595* (76),
603 (75), 609 (75), 615* (65), 647 (65W), 669 (65), 688 (65W), 712*
(65, 75), 714* (65), 716* (65), 806* (65), 833* (75), 934 (65), 957*
(65W), 985 (65W), 1028* (75), 1099* (65), 1107 (65W), 1144* (65,
75), 1260* (65), 1367* (65), 2265* (65W), 2304* (75).
MICHIGAN: 1 bank, charter #191* (65).
NEW HAMPSHIRE: 2 banks, charters #318* (65W), 1059* (75).
NEW JERSEY: 1 bank, charter #374* (65).
NEW YORK: 9 banks, charters #34* (75), 262* (65W), 963* (65),
1231 (75), 1250 (75), 1264 (75), 1344 (65W), 1350* (65), 2370* (75).
OHIO: 2 banks, charters, #422* (65W), 2181 (75).
PENNSYLVANIA: 4 banks, charters #293* (65), 371 (65), 774* (65),
1579* (65).
RHODE ISLAND: 9 banks, charters #983* (75), 1035 (65), 1126*
(65), 1283 (65W), 1366 (75), 1402* (65), 1419 (65W), 1472 (65),
1616* (75).
VIRGINIA: I bank, charter #1137* (65W).
VERMONT: 7 banks, charters #404* (65), 489 (65), 820* (65), 1004*
(65), 1197 (65W(, 1488* (65W), 2109* (65).
PAGE 250
Paper Money WHOLE NO. 59
Collecting Obsolete and Broken
Bank Notes
A Primer for Syngraphists
ALTHOUGH many "rag-pickers" have seen or heardabout the issues of paper money referred to as"obsolete or broken bank notes," relatively few have
actually gotten their feet wet in this area of note col-
lecting. One reason for this reluctance may be the fact
that the average new collector cannot easily find the
answers to his many questions concerning these notes.
I hope this article can help answer some of those typical
questions asked by the neophyte and in some way
strengthen his desire to press on and become involved to
a greater degree in collecting, assembling and cata-
loguing these very historically significant and artistically
executed notes.
Obsolete bank note collecting is quite different from
coin collecting or collecting of U.S. currency. Collectors
of these other numismatic and syngraphic materials in
general have many references with which to evaluate
and catalogue their collections and guide their interests.
With obsoletes, price guides, save for auction catalogs,
the SPMC Wismer revision books and Criswell's catalog,
are practically non-existent. Although the notes in these
catalogs are priced and their rarity established, we must
consider the figures only relative up to this time. It will
be years yet before publications can confidently report
correct values and rarities for these issues. The reason:
not enough specimens of each issue have changed hands
to establish a firm price. This in itself attests to the
rarity of the different issues. Geographical location at
the point of sale also influences price.
During the years 1790 to 1865, the populace was faced
many times with a shortage of specie, this being, of
course, the metallic coins that were legal tender during
that time. The U.S. Government issued only coins and
had no facilities for the printing of paper money. This
void was subsequently filled by the state chartered banks,
reputable businesses, and even downright fraudulent
conspirators. Counterfeiting had its heyday in the early
The banks usually issued notes from $1 to as high as
$1000 and some issued in fractions of a dollar. The
merchants who issued notes more often had denominations
of less than a dollar printed. In some states this was the
law, but often it was to facilitate the making of change
during business transactions.
Because of the lax banking laws and auditing controls,
many banks went "bankrupt," some of necessity, some by
design. The notes available today from banks that went
bankrupt are most often termed "broken bank" notes.
Those from institutions that terminated business with
honor or are still in business are referred to as "obsolete"
notes, as they are now not current money and by law do
not have to be redeemed if presented at the bank for
Some issues are termed "wildcat" notes. These are
nothing more than notes from a bank that was organized
with intent to defraud and located itself in some out-of-
the-way place so as not to be readily found. Many of
these banks were in the wilds. Usually the persons or
officers involved in these banks wanted only to circulate
their paper in exchange for coin or paper of sound banks.
One such bank, the Granite Bank, was supposed to have
operated in Voluntown, Conn. The bank inspectors, it is
said, found no trace of it there nor anyone who had ever
heard of it. Someone became suspicious of it when a
flood of its notes appeared in New York City. Some of
these are still available to collectors.
Many of the available notes today have been passed
down through families as mementos of bygone years.
Many have been found in old bank vaults. It has been
reported more than once that rooms in some old houses
were found to have been wallpapered with this then-
worthless currency.
One of the nicest things about building a collection of
bank notes is that the collector seemingly has an inex-
haustible list of ways to collect. Some like to collect
notes from their home state or town. Others like notes
from certain engraving firms. Some like notes showing
livLstock, ships, trains, monuments, village scenes, etc.
Collecting notes showing different denominations of coins
is also becoming popular. Still others collect for the
portraits or signatures on these notes. Collecting by
denomination can offer quite a challenge also. One will
find notes good for 8c, 33 1/3 c, $1.25, $4.00 and $6.00 among
Whatever course is chosen, it seems that there are al-
ways some previously unknown issues popping up to add
to the excitement. To seek out all possible hiding places,
a collector may find himself eventually corresponding with
other collectors perhaps thousands of miles away or
traveling to distant shows in hopes of locating something
now. It isn't often that one can find an ample supply of
these notes in one small area.
Assume you are living during the early 1800's and are
to open a bank and want to issue paper money. After
clearance from the State, you employ one or more of the
many bank note engraving companies to print your money.
You probably want distinctive and pretty notes to carry
your bank's name. With this in mind you have the rep-
resentative from the engraver call on you with his many
"salesmen's samples" of notes and together you decide
which vignettes you would like to appear on the notes.
The company puts all this together and then sends you
some finished "proofs" of the different denominations you
will probably use. These proofs look like regulation notes
at first glance but actually are printed on India paper,
which takes a precise impression. After looking over
these proofs and deciding which to have printed for cir-
culation, you send your choices back to the engraver.
After some time and just prior to the printing of the
notes for circulation, you receive from the engraver
the final "specimens." These are printed on regulation
bank note paper and in most cases have cancellation holes
in the areas reserved for the signatures of the bank
president and cashier. These notes can now be used for
reference and comparison against counterfeits that may
show up later on.
Now the time has come to order your stock. Suppose
you decide that for this order you will need 1000 each of
these denominations: $1, $2, $3 and $5. If this is the
case, the engraver prints up 1000 sheets containing the
$1-2-3-5 denominations, and probably in that order from
the top of the sheet to the bottom. These sheets are then
sent to you.
Before the notes can be issued they first must be signed,
dated and cut from the sheet. They then can be put into
circulation through loans to people or withdrawals from
savings. You now have had the experience of issuing
your own paper money!
Just like anything else, some notes will be found in
perfect condition and others in terrible shape. The paper
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Paper Money PACE 251
used for these issues was quite durable and was mostly
of rice base. Of course, a better quality note is worth
more than a "rag," the exception here being the crisp
"remainder" notes that on occasion appear in quantity.
These notes are distinguished by the fact that they are
almost always found in extremely high grade; most often
they are not signed or dated. They most likely were re-
cently cut from remainder sheets and sold to meet the
demand. These usually are worth very little even though
most are very attractive. Many notes have fuzzy brown
spots on them. This is called "foxing" and is possibly
caused by moisture. Sometimes one will notice where the
paper is eaten away by the ink of the signature. This is
not uncommon.
Front and Back:
Most of the engraving was on the front of the notes.
The back seldom carried any design at all. Occasionally
an anti-counterfeiting device was printed on the reverse.
To find a vignette there is very rare indeed!
Counterfeiting was quite popular during this time and
many bad notes circulated for years along with valid
issues. Some counterfeits themselves were works of art.
Authentic notes should show a good quality of engraving.
The eyes will be lifelike, the fingers true in proportion.
There will be good depth to the lathework. Counterfeits
are usually flat or crude and some have a washed-out
appearance. Perhaps the hardest bad bills to detect are
those that were altered from one bank that had closed to
another that was still in business. Here the "con" man's
product is very deceptive.
Many bills have been expertly repaired where they
may have been torn. Some have been backed to another
piece of paper in order to give them some body. Those
repaired with Scotch Tape are recent attempts at pres-
ervation. The best type of holder I have found is made
of acetate. This won't "bleed" the way polyethelene
holders do. A note stored for a couple of hot days in a
polyethelene holder could be ruined for good.
The bank note collector will soon realize that his
growing collection will be an experience in United States
history and will develop a legacy of its own. He will be
able to follow the development of the engraving industry
in America. He will notice historical events engraved
on these bank notes. He will see signatures of people
who helped mold the history of this nation. He will
associate places, times and perhaps famous events, and
they will have more meaning. He will notice scenery,
possibly of his own home town, and notice landmarks that
are still there today. From the engravings he will notice
the industry of particular areas and how it has changed
to that of today. The final gratification, however, will
come when this collector fully realizes the educational
and historical potential of a bank note collection and is
able to introduce yet another syngraphist to this segment
of our hobby.
•Ituire to Pa
nine TCCarv'
PAGE 252
Paper Money WHOLE NO. 59
Pine Tree Auction Company, Inc. Announc
Featuring The Elizabeth &Morton ei
(And Other Consignments) To Be Sold At Pt
The New York Barbizon Plaza Hotel 106 Central Pa,
Street And 6th A venue, New York, New York, Octobi
An Offering of Colonial
Currency and Coins seldom
if ever equalled
Highlights of this special sale
Continental Currency — A choice example of the rare May 10, 1775 $20
issue, a very rare antedated 1777-78 $1 /6, a rare James Wilson $60 note of
Sept. 26, 1778 (Wilson was a signer of the Declaration of Independence),
3 Tory counterfeits of Sept. 1778 (all $60 issues), a very rare uncut upper
panel of four detector notes (40. 45. 60, 65 dollar issue of Jan. 14, 1779).
Connecticut — A superb uncancelled 40 Shillings of June 1, 1773. 6 Shillings
of June 1. 1775, 20 Shillings of June I, 1775, 40 Shillings of June 1, 1775,
and I Shilling of June 7. 1776.
Delaware — A choice 20 Shillings of June 1. 1759.
Florida — The unique Newman Plate note of 177-.
Georgia — A superb 1776 I Shilling. the extremely rare 1777 No Resolution
Date $13 and $17. An exceptionally choice June 8, 1777 $5 issue, as well as
the rare $5 issue of Sept. 10, 1777. The May 4, 1778 $20 issue is included
as well as the second finest known 5 Shillings of Oct. 16, 1786.
Maryland — Features the very rare July 17. 1775 Anti-Royalist issue .
Massachusetts — A superb offering featuring five different historic Paul Revere
"Sword in Hand" notes including possibly the finest known of Nov. 17, 1776
(22 Shillings).
New Hampshire — The extraordinary 7 Shilling of Dec. 25, 1734, in excep-
tionally choice condition. '1 10 the hest of our knowledge one of only 3 known
to exist. Additionally the 3 Pounds of Aug. 24. 1775 in Brilliant Crisp condition
as well as the Newman Plate note for the 4 Shillings June 28. 1776 issue.
New Jersey — Featuring the extremely rare 6 Pounds issue lone of only 5(1(1
printed) of Dec. 31. 1763. the 3 Pounds issue signed by John Hart (signer of
the Declaration of Independence ) of Feb. 20, 1776, a 6 Shillings John Hart
note of March 25, 1776 q
is well as the desirable Newman Cover Plate
6 Pound note of March 25. 1776. Rounding out this section will he The Finest
Known I Shilling Sixpence of Ian. 9. 1781.
New York — A parade of rarities is offered in this section starting with the
excessively rare 8 Pounds of July 2(1. 171 I as well as the 10 Pounds of July 21,
1746, 10 Pounds of March 25. 1755 and an unpublished variety of the 5
Pounds of Feb. 16. 1771. Additionally there's the rare Albany 20 Shilling issue
of June 22, 1775 and the $1 /8 Albany issue of Feb. 17, 1776. This section
is further enhanced by The Finest Known 52/3 of March 25. 1776 as well as
The Finest Known 51 issue of the same date.
Florida — The unique Ne
North Carolina — This section of the sale
requires special attention because it is with-
out question the single most important col-
lection of North Carolina notes ever auc-
tioned in the United States. Until the present
collection came to light a few months ago,
our knowledge of the notes of this colony
remained in its infancy. In particular the
existence of notes of certain denominations
of 1748. and of any notes whatever for the
issues dated between 1756 and 1759. was
unconfirmed. Eric Newman listed these notes
only on the basis of available public records
in his Early Paper Money of America. For
the 1756-59 issues. not even the dates of
the notes were known, let alone the in-
scriptions or the designs. The notes offered
in this section forced a major rewriting of
the North Carolina chapter in the Newman
hook. and so far as we know they are not
only unpublished. they ire unique or nearly
unique. though poor duplicates of a few are
reported. They represent an unprecedented
orbital leap in our knowledge of Colonial
American numismatics and an unprece-
dented opportunity for collectors. Among
these extraordinary notes numbering 114
examples. we find the following:
April 4, 1748 2 Shillings Proclamation
the finest kno■Y n of arts denomina-
tion. brilliant. crisp. as well as the 5 Shillings
pine wee auction
company, inc.
200 LU. Willets Road
Albertson, New York 11507
a Subsidiary of First Coinvestors, Inc,
Paper Money PAGE 253
iblic Auction At
rk South At 59th
,r 18, 19 75
lunan Plate note of 177-.
and a unique example of the 6 Shillings.
The 7 Shillings Sixpence is included as well
as the 9. 10. and presently unique 15 Shil-
lings example. This section is rounded out
with the 20. 30. and 40 Shillings, and 3
Pounds examples.
\larch 9. 1754 — An unpublished new de-
sign of the Fourpence as well as the finest
known Fourpence (Puma). and a superb
extraordinary unpublished design — pres-
entl\ unique of the 8 Pence (Boar) in bril-
liant crisp condition.
September 13. 1756 -- 1756/7 written dates
and denominations. This date features an
example of an exceedingly rare 5 Pounds
issue number 158 of possibly 200 issued
in all).
May 28, 1757 -- Two extraordinary unique
unpublished varieties of the 5 Pounds issue
are featured.
November 12, 1757 -- This section has
two unpublished varieties of the 5 Pounds
May 4. 1758 — For the first time at public
auction this section features an exceedingly
rare complete denomination set, including
the 10. 20. and 40 Shillings which is pos-
sibly unique. •
'75 ellart I)
December 22. 1758 Edenton Act -- .1 - he offering of this date features two
unpublished varieties of the One Pound note.
July 14, 1760 — We start here with an excessively rare Sixpence, an extraor-
dinary choice brilliant crisp 20 Shillings, the finest known 40 Shillings, and the
finest known 3 Pounds.
April 23, 1761 — The exceedingly rare Fourpence is featured as well as a
brilliant crisp 15 Shillings and the finest known 20 Shillings.
December 1768 — For the first time at public auction an offering of the
complete denomination set of this issue as well as two varieties of the 2 1/2
Shillings note which until the present time have been unknown and unpublished.
December 1771 — Features a complete denomination set.
August 21, 1775 — The excessively rare Hillsborough -Provincial Congress"
issue. This section including the possibly unique One Quarter Dollar and the
exceedingly rare $4, $8, and $10 issues.
April 17, 1780 — We offer here the extremely rare $50 Liberty and Peace
May 17, 1783 — The exceedingly rare Hillsborough issue. We strart here
with the 20 Shillings which is considered to be the only known genuine
example ever found. as well as a unique presently unpublished Tory counter-
feit of 40 Shillings.
December 29, 1785 — .1 -he North Carolina section closes with an extraor-
dinary unique blue detector note (2 Shillings Sixpence) as well as a Tory
counterfeit 20 Shillings.
While many notes that will he included in the sale from the state of North Carolina have
not been listed. one can only surmise that the offering is unprecedented. and likely never to
be repeated. The material is of museum quality and surely much of it is destined to
go to one.
Pennsylvania — We start with the extremely rare 10 Shillings of Oct. 1. 1755.
a choice 21) Shilling of June 18. 1764. the 2 Shillings Bettering House issue
of March 10. 1769, a 10 Shilling Francis Hopkinson note of March 20, 1771
and. a 2 Shillings Morton note (signers of the Declaration of Independence)
of April 3. 1772. and the extremely rare $4 issue of June I, 1780. This sec-
tion is rounded out by an exceedingly rare historic 1783 $2 note signed by
Mint Director David Rittenhouse and the 3 Pence of the Bank of North
America (August 6, 1789).
Rhode Island — Among the 14 notes from Rhode Island is the very rare
3 Shillings of Nov. 6. 1775 and an unlisted 1777 written date 2 year treasury
South Carolina — This section featuring 2 7 notes is highlighted by a unique
Newman Plate note — that
being the I Pound Counter-
feit of July 25. 1761 as well
as an unpublished unique
misdated Dec. 23. 1776/7
sheet and an exceedingly
rare 3 Pound Loan Office
issue of May I. 1786.
Vermont - An offering of
the excessively rare Feb.
1781 2 Shillings Sixpence.
5 Shillings. the latter pos-
sibly the finest in private
Virginia — A small group
highlighted by a possibl ∎
unique early May 24. 1760
5 Shillings counterfeit as
well as the very rare April
I. 1773. James River Bank
3 Pounds and the July 17.
1775. I Pound Ashby note.
77 I would like to consign coins.
Please call me at
Please reserve for me the following catalogues and
prices realized:
G.E.N.A. '75 - PART I — ()CT. 18, 1975 @ $3.00
G.E.N.A. '75 - PART II — NOV. 21, 1975 @ $3.011
F-1 Full Annual Subscription through Dec. 1976 (id $10.00
I Include Area Code) I
PAGE 254
Paper Money WHOLE NO. 59
SPMC Bicentennial Feature
A Note on Colonial Counterfeiting
T HE PROBLEM of counterfeiting currency in Americabegan almost as soon as the first paper bills were
issued by Massachusetts Bay Colony in 169o. By 1708,
the Massachusetts emissions were overprinted with a red
monogram in an unsuccessful attempt to thwart the abuse.
As the other colonies followed the lead of Massachusetts
and began issuing their own bills, the problem of counter-
feiting, grew rapidly. No colony was immune to counter-
feiting, and no colony was able to effective by combat it.
In 1775, the United Colonies, acting together through the
Continental Congress, voted to emit an issue of paper cur-
rency to be redeemable in specie. Almost immediately the
counterfeiters went to work and spurious notes began to ap-
pear. Newman writes in The Early Paper Money of Amer-
ica that a counterfeit $30 note of that first emission is
often found even today.
It is important to remember that the circulation of large
amounts of counterfeit bills had severe consequences for
the new government. Unlike today, when the existence of
counterfeit bills in the nation's money supply is more of a
curiosity than a danger, the early American counterfeits
were a real detriment to the national treasury and the
people's confidence in it. The struggling national govern-
ment needed a dependable circulating medium of exchange
in order to establish its credit both at home and abroad. It
also needed good credit to conduct the day-to-day business
of government while fighting the Revolution. Since the con-
cept of paper money as valid legal tender was quite new
and untried, the people were slow and often unwilling to
accept it. This fear of paper money was heightened by the
poor performance of the various colonial issues which often
proved to be worthless and hard to pass in the processes
of trade and commerce.
In its attempts to thwart the counterfeiting of its paper
bills the new government tried several things. Among them
were the use of fancy engravings on the bills which would
have been hard to duplicate exactly; the nature printing
process, developed by Benjamin Franklin, which enabled
extraordinarily detailed prints of leaves to be printed on
the backs of certain emissions, which were also hard to copy;
high quality paper, some of which contained colored threads
or mica chips, which would have been hard for counter-
feiters to obtain; printing the bills in two colors, usually
red and blue, using what were then sophisticated techniques;
and finally, the signing of the bills by certain authorized
signers in hopes that the signatures would be easily recogniz-
able and hard to counterfeit. All of these methods met
with varying success, but none was able to stop the flow of
counterfeit money.
Another way by which it was hoped to curtail the counter-
feiting of the nation's money was the issuance of specimen
notes. These notes were printed on specially colored blue
paper and were to be used for comparison purposes with
suspected counterfeits. It has always been thought that
these specimen notes were all issued unsigned and unnum-
bered. However, the following letter from Joseph Nourse,
a treasury official, to Richard Caswell, the governor of
North Carolina, was turned up in The Colonial Records of
North Carolina.
Joseph Nourse, Esq to Gov. Caswell
Philadelphia, Treasury Office, Oct. 22, 1779
By a resolution of Congress of the 14th of January last, it being
provided that a sufficient number of proof sheets of the New Bills,
then ordered to be emitted, should be struck and sent with the Sign-
atures of each Signer to the Assembly of the respective States, to be
lodged by them under proper Regulations in public Offices in the
several Counties, Towns and Districts for the benefit of the Inhabitants
of the United States, the Board of Treasury have so far carried this
Resolution into effect as to have caused a sufficient number of Proof
Sheets of the said Bills, and also of the Emission of the 26th of
September, 1778, to be lodged with the Treasurer in order to be sent
to the several States. Part of the said Sheets are transmitted to the
States without the signatures, and the same measures will be adopted
with the residue, as it is found by experience that each signer so often
varies his writing that the signature of one day differs materially from
that of the next, and would afford very little assistance in detecting
counterfeits, but the advantages of having the proof sheets dispersed in
every part of the United States being such that each Inhabitant thereof,
who may suspect a Counterfeit Bill, may with little trouble to himself
be thus enabled to compare it with the standard, and detect the person
passing the same. The Board request your Excellency to communicate
their desire to the Assembly of your State that the Resolution referred
to may be carried into effect as early as possible.
I have the honor to be.
Your most obedient servant,
Joseph Nourse
Although the wording of this letter is somewhat ambig-
uous, it seems to indicate that there may have been some
signed blue counterfeit detectors issued along with the un-
signed specimens. As of this time, however, only the un-
signed varieties are thought to exist.
Readers who are unfamiliar with the appearance of
these counterfeit detectors may have signed specimens (if,
indeed, they do exist) in their collections without realizing
that they differ from the regular issues. The paper upon
which they are printed is a very light blue in color. Since
it is not drastically different from the color of the circulation
issues, which range in color from light brown to gray, a
signed counterfeit detector which was worn, stained, dirty
I j....44-,, ,,t..,....f44:,4711',,,'
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' L1G11 -1 if:OLLAR:■.44're
'TA iIIS BILL cntitk "
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''''`- 7 1;\.s.
Cc 've E I ci III Spany'r,
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ri. ,-..-- ..s...„,_,. , , . . 4'1\s. ;;_ ji , or the Va:ue thet:of if
.4.. ...-•4 \ '7:-.1.\' Gold or :fp-1:pr, accord-
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'7,911 t- • 4; •.;01: CO «.,t 6'1 ,.re
• 41.y., ;40 1 ' Cs:I -tit"; ‘Ozli..?`' "'taw
Paper Money PACE - 255
The above note provides an example of how a signed
counterfeit detector could be mistaken for a regular
issue. The obverse of this unsigned specimen note has
been bleached by light to a grayish-brown color. The
reverse still retains the original blue.
or bleached from exposure to light could easily pass for
a regular issue bill.
Owners of Continental Currency should check their notes
to see if any are on blue paper or paper that shows traces
of light blue in any way. If these notes do exist, their dis-
covery would contstitute an important and rare numismatic
find. It is asked that anyone who has, or thinks he has,
a signed counterfeit detector contact this writer at P. 0.
Box 5807, Duke Station, Durham, NC 27706.
Pine Tree to Auction Unique
Florida Colonial Note
Herbert Melnick, Chairman of the Board of Pine Tree
Auction Company, Inc. I a subsidiary of First Coin-
vestors, Inc.), has announced that his firm has been
selected to auction one of the most extraordinary items
of Colonial Americana ever to be placed at public sale
in this country. (See advertisement in this issue.)
Pictured on page 85 of Eric Newman's Early Paper
Money of American, this Florida note dated 177- is
described by cataloguer Walter Breen as follows:
177- Unnamed firm, Pensacola, Florida. Script in
amount to be written in, reading Pensacola 177-/I pro-
mise to pay bearer/ the sum of/value received—(this
spelling exact; space left for month, date, final digit of
year, amount firm name and/or authorized signer.)
Printed in deep orange red, from an engraved copper
plate, in lettering or typical British 1760-80 style, using
the long S; on 18th century paper of the same general
type found on many of the colonial notes of the period—
this paper most probably from H. M. Company of Sta-
tioners in London, though the note is too small and/or
from the wrong part of the sheet to show the watermark,
which was crowned Royal Arms.
This note is UNUSED, faint corner fold, paper some-
PLATE. The only other similar note ever reported (from
the Harley Freeman collection) is printed from a different
subject plate (differing in border elements and lay out of
text) in very dark greenish brown; Newman has theorized
that these two notes were issued from the same firm and
probably at the same time, to represent two different
denominations. Though nothing definite is known about
this issue, Harley Freeman (the ranking expert on Florida
notes) has conjectured that these may have been made
on behalf of Panton and Leslie, Royal Fiscal Agents under
George III during the entire British occupation of Florida
(1763-83), with branches in many cities in which Pen-
sacola was one, and continuing in business during the
Spanish rule.
The importance of this unique item, the only piece of
Colonial Americana attributable with certainty to Florida
(aside from a couple of Rare Proclamation Medals made
in 1760 and 17891 is impossible to over estimate.
Paper Money WHOLE NO. 59PAGE 256
Tabulation of Small-Size Silver Certificates
Courtesy of Graeme Ton, Neil Wimmer and Chuck O'Donnell
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