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Society of Paper Money Collectors, Inc., 2007. All
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Paper Money • July/August 2007 • Whole No. 250 241
Paper Money
Official Bimonthly Publication of
The Society of Paper Money Collectors, Inc.
Vol. XLVI, No. 4 Whole No. 250 July/August 2007
ISSN 0031-1162
FRED L. REED III, Editor, P.O. Box 793941, Dallas, TX 75379
Visit the SPMC web site:
Catch Me If You Can: Printers vs Counterfeiters . . . . 243
By Q. David Bowers
Deaf Money: The 1861 North Carolina Note 257
By Priscilla Scott Rhoades
First National Bank of/in Ontonagon, Michigan 265
By Lawrence Falater
Dover Litho Printing Co. Celebrates 50th Anniversry 283
By Mike Frebert & Staff
On This Date in Paper Money History 287, 289
By Fred Reed
Some Interesting Essays of Palestine & the U.S 288
By David Booth
Mrs. J.H. Moore, National Bank President 295
By Karl Sanford Kabelac
Cash 'n' Carry 296
By John Gavel
Second Identity for Darley Vignette 299
By Ron Horstman
Census Count Is Good Information--CAGR IS Better . 312
By Dave Rickey
Information & Officers
SPMC St. Louis 2006 Board Meeting Minutes
President's Column
By Benny Bolin
New Members
SPMC Librarian's Notes
By Jeff Brueggeman
What's on Steve's Mind Today?
By Steve Whitfield
The Editor's Notebook
•. • 1•
242 July/August • Whole No. 250 • Paper Money
Society of Paper Money Collectors
The Society of Paper Money
Collectors (SPMC) was organized in
1961 and incorporated in 1964 as a
non-profit organization under the laws
of the District of Columbia. It is affili-
ated with the American Numismatic
Association. The annual SPMC meeting is held in June at the Memphis
IPMS (International Paper Money Show). Up-to-date information about the
SPMC and its activities can be found on its Internet web site .
MEMBERSHIP—REGULAR and LIFE. Applicants must be at least 18 years of
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Members who join the Society prior to October 1 receive the magazines
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after October 1 will have their dues paid through December of the following
year; they also receive, as a bonus, a copy of the magazine issued in
November of the year in which they joined. Dues renewals appear in a fall
issue of Paper Money. Checks should be sent to the Society Secretary.
mit Ni()NEN.
PRESIDENT Benny Bolin, 5510 Bolin Rd., Allen, TX 75002
VICE-PRESIDENT Mark Anderson, 115 Congress St., Brooklyn, NY
SECRETARY Bob Schreiner. POB 2331, Chapel Hill, NC 27515
TREASURER Bob Moon, 104 Chipping Court, Greenwood, SC
Mark Anderson, 115 Congress St., Brooklyn, NY 11201
Benny J. Bolin. 5510 Bolin Rd., Allen, TX 75002
Bob Cochran, P.O. Box 1085, Florissant, MO 63031
Wes Duran, P.O. Box 91, Twin Lakes, CO 81251-0091
Gene Hessler, P.O. Box 31144, Cincinnati, OH 45231
Robert J. Kravitz, P.O. Box 6099, Chesterfield, MO 63006
Tom Minerley, 25 Holland Ave #001. Albany, NY 12209-1735
Judith Murphy, P.O. Box 24056, Winston-Salem, NC 27114
Fred L. Reed Ill, P.O. Box 793941. Dallas, TX 75379-3941
Robert Schreiner, P.O. Box 2331, Chapel Hill, NC 27515
Wendell A. Wolka, P.O. Box 1211. Greenwood. IN 46142
Jamie Yakes, P.O. Box 1203, Jackson, NJ 08527
PUBLISHER-EDITOR Fred L. Reed III, P.O. Box 793941, Dallas,
TX 75379-3941
CONTRIBUTING EDITOR Gene Hessler, P.O. Box 31144,
Cincinnati. OH 45231
ADVERTISING MANAGER Wendell A. Wolka, P.O. Box 1211,
Greenwood, IN 46142
LEGAL COUNSEL Robert J. Galiette, 3 Teal Ln., Essex,
CT 06426
LIBRARIAN Jeff Brueggeman, 711 Signal Mountain Rd. # 197,
Chattanooga. TN 37405
MEMBERSHIP DIRECTOR Frank Clark, P.O. Box 117060,
Carrollton, TX 75011-7060
PAST PRESIDENT Ron Horstman, 5010 Timber Ln., Gerald, MO
Box 1085, Florissant, MO 63031
24056, Winston-Salem, NC 27114
CSA and Obsolete Notes
CSA Bonds, Stocks &
Financial Items
Auction Representation
60-Page Catalog for $5.00
Refundable with Order
P.O. Box 2522, Lexington, SC 29071 BRNA
PH: (803) 996-3660 FAX: (803) 996-4885
Paper Money • July/August 2007 • Whole No. 250
Catch Me If You Can!
Currency Printers vs. Counterfeiters
From Canada Green to Cycloidal Configurations
By Q. David Bowers ©
Cat Versus Mouse
A little bit of background....
F- ROM TIME IMMEMORIAL, OR AT LEAST WITHIN THE REALM OF PAPER MONEYissuance in America, no sooner did a colony, bank, or other entity issue a piece of sound paper money thancounterfeiters set about making their own versions. In colonial times several issues were so heavily coun-terfeited that even genuine notes were viewed with suspicion almost everywhere, and the designs were
soon replaced with other motifs. The often-repeated warning, "To counterfeit is death," appeared on many early
notes. While quite a few unscrupulous individuals received this ultimate and irreversible penalty, and even more
were punished by cropping of ears and branding, such threats did not seem to do much in deterring others.
Continental Currency bills were so widely counterfeited that blue-tinted reference copies of genuine bills
were made available so that a suspected note could be compared to an original. Nestled in New York City during
the Revolution, indeed until Evacuation Day on November 25, 1783, the British were active counterfeiters of
Continental paper while the war was in progress. The entire issue of May 20, 1777 "Yorktown" (York,
Pennsylvania) notes was so extensively counterfeited that most genuine bills were called in and replaced with later
imprints. Decades later during the Civil War, phony Confederate bills were a popular item for Northerners to buy,
at least as evidenced by extensive advertisements, such as this of October 25, 1862:
REBEL NOTES AND POSTAGE STAMPS. Thirty-five different Rebel Notes, Shinplasters and Postage Stamps
sent, postpaid, on receipt of 50 cents. Trade supplied at 50 cents per 100, or $4 per 1,000. Address S.C. UPHAM,
403 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia
244 July/August • Whole No. 250 • Paper Money
And this of December 12, 1862:
Facsimile Treasury Notes, exactly like the genuine. $500.00 in Confederate Notes of all denominations, sent by
mail, postage paid, on receipt of $5 by W.E. HILTON, No. I I Spruce Street, NY.
The game goes on, and in September 2005 when I was an invited guest to testify before the congressional
committee supervising the Treasury Department, questioners from the committee expressed great concern about
the "super-notes," fake $100s of incredible quality, coming out of it was said, North Korea.
A curious twist in logic is provided by criminals who did not sell counterfeit bills, but profited from the notion
anyway. This is the "green goods game," so familiar to readers of 19th century Secret Service reports and newspa-
per accounts. The usual method called for the criminal to frequent a bar or other such place, strike up conversa-
tions, and show the "mark" several genuine federal bills, say of the $10 denomination.
"These are counterfeits, but you would never know it! Here, take a couple as a gift and spend them. I'll be
back tomorrow night and we can talk some more."
Hesitantly, the mark spends one bill, then the other. No questions asked. Indeed, these counterfeits are great!
No one can tell them from the genuine!
The next night a deal is made: the mark is to bring, say, $500 in worn currency to the bar, and in exchange the
sharper will deliver $5,000 worth of his freshly-printed counterfeit $10s. The transaction is made, and the mark is
slipped a securely wrapped package of bills. The sharper then heads for the men's room, then out the door to the
street, never to be seen again. The mark opens the package and finds it stuffed with cut strips of blank paper.
What to do? He can't complain that he was cheated and didn't receive the phony bills he paid for.
A Catalyst for Currency Design Changes
Real counterfeits have been so dangerous over the years that they have continually influenced changes in cur-
rency designs. Indeed, "security printing" is the general term for producing bank notes, checks, bonds, and other
documents with security features to deter altering and counterfeiting. Traditionally, the view has been that the
more ornate an engraved design is, the more difficult it is to counterfeit. On the other hand, the Bank of England in
the 1820s and the Bureau of Engraving and Printing in the United States in the early 1890s held that large "open"
spaces on bills were more of a deterrent than complex designs that filled the entire space on the front and back.
Changing the designs of paper money has been a tactic used for hundreds of years, creating new appearances and
motifs to force counterfeiters to create new products. The use of watermarked or tinted paper, colored fiber or silk
threads, and other devices have been popular from time to time. Presently, the Bureau of Engraving and Printing is
combining hold-to-light features, microscopic printing, and other elements in its latest round against worldwide
counterfeiters equipped with high-technology devices. Only the $1 and the occasionally made $2 bills have not been
modified to date.
Numismatically, the cat versus mouse, spy versus counterspy game of currency printer versus counterfeiter has
furnished a panorama of collectible bills. New designs create new collectible types. Counterfeit detecting devices
ranging from bank note reporters and counterfeit detectors to Fractional Currency Shields are highly desired today.
Counterfeit bills themselves are widely collected and often have high values. James A. Haxby's four-volume
study, Standard Catalog of United States Obsolete Bank Notes 1782 - 1866, published in 1988, lists and prices many dif-
ferent kinds of false notes, including bills altered to represent a different bank or a higher denomination, counter-
feits from false plates, and spurious notes, the last being fantasies of bills never issued, sometimes bearing the names
of non-existent banks.
While to a newcomer to numismatics the thought of avidly seeking and buying counterfeits may seem strange,
it has many time-honored traditions. Some of the most valuable coins associated with the Vermont copper series
1785-1788 are contemporary counterfeits, not to overlook the rare 1786 Nova Constellatio copper (no originals of
this date were ever made), and more than just a few copper issues of New York and Connecticut.
The key to the value of counterfeit coins and paper money is the word contemporary. If such pieces were
made contemporary to the original use of genuine pieces, they are collectible today. Modern copies, however, are
worthless (but do provide lively fodder for stupid bargain seekers in many Internet offerings!).
Anti-Counterfeiting Currency Innovations
Books can and have been written on the innovations and procedures adopted by private and government cur-
rency printers to deter counterfeiting. Indeed, in 1957 Kenneth Scott provided us with Countezfeiting in Colonial
America, to add to his other books on phony bills of various colonies, not to forget Murray Teigh Bloom's widely
distributed 1982 text, Money of Their Own, the True Stories of the World's Greatest Counterfeiters, a list to which other
titles can be added.
Paper Money • July/August 2007 • Whole No. 250 245
For colonial American issues, the use of secret marks, watermarked paper, frequent changes of design, mica
flakes in paper, and other methods were used, culminating in having bills signed by hand by designated officials.
For notes issued by various banks in the era from 1782 to 1866, many anti-counterfeiting techniques were
devised. The most famous was Jacob Perkins' Patent Stereotype Steel Plate (PSST), which saw wide use beginning
in the first decade of the 19th century. So convincing were Perkins' arguments that the state of Massachusetts in
1809 mandated its use on all currency issued by banks within its jurisdiction (which included the Maine district,
which in 1820 became a separate state). For Perkins and his successors the PSST system was a boon, as bills for var-
ious banks in different states could be printed from slug plates quickly put together in a frame, into which slugs
imprinted MASSACHUSETTS, BOSTON, and LAFAYETTE BANK could be quickly inserted, after which
other slugs could be put in for still another bank at a different place.
Abel Brewster was one of several others who devised printing techniques to combat counterfeiting, claiming
circa 1810 that Perkins pirated some of his ideas. In 1852, W.L. Ormsby, in his magnificent Bank Note Engraving
book, espoused the "unit system." Logical in concept, this theory held that if a complex and ornate design were to
be made unique for a given bank and denomination, such a note would be difficult to counterfeit, and notes intend-
ed for one bank or denomination could not be altered to another.
Although the unit system seemed reasonable enough, reality proved it to be unfeasible. There were not
enough engravers in America to produce hundreds of different plates each year. The cost of custom plates would
also be prohibitive, in contrast with the usual practice in the industry of creating standard designs and simply insert-
ing the names of different banks and locations into the plates. As it seems to have turned out, Ormsby produced just
one bill under the unit system for a customer!
During the 1850s a scare arose when it was learned that bank notes, particularly those issued with just black
printing, could be effectively counterfeited by photography. In New England the Association of Banks for the
Suppression of Counterfeiting signed up dozens of banks and issued regular reports. False notes were printed on
photographic paper, which was then artificially aged and made limp, to give it the appearance of an authentic bill
that had been in commerce for a long time. Various defenses were mounted by bank note printing companies, the
best known being the use of colored overprints, called "protectors" or "guards" today. Actually, most such protec-
tors were printed first on a sheet of note paper, after which it was dried and regular designs applied. Commercial
and scientific journals make note of progress, and new innovations were regularly announced in popular newspa-
It was said by some that the color red could not be photographed and on a false note would appear solid black.
Thus, a red overprint furnished a safeguard. Perhaps most popular, however, was green, the "Patent Green Tint" or
"Canada Green" devised by Dr. Sterry Hunt, a Canadian who registered it in 1857 under Canadian patent no. 715
and U.S. patent 17,688. Such action did not indicate that the Patent Office had approved of its claimed merits.
However, it looked good in advertising and publicity. The license passed to Rawdon, Wright, Hatch & Edson, who
promoted it heavily in mailings to banks. "PATENTED 30 JUNE 1857" was boldly printed on bills with this tint,
said to have been made with the ink of sesqui-oxide of chromium, a name at once mystical and marvelous enough to
have been used on a patent medicine.
RWH&E was merged in 1858 into the American Bank Note Company (ABNCo), which kept up the beat for
what was generally referred to in the trade as "Canada green." When Demand Notes were printed by the American
Bank Note Company in 1861, they employed this tint, for which the government paid a surcharge of $5 per thou-
sand impressions. Then in 1862 came the widely circulated Legal Tender Notes (United States Notes). The green
reverses of the latter gave rise to the term "greenbacks" still in use today. Green has been called "the color of
money," and its origin is as a defense against counterfeiting.
The National Bank Note Company, formed in New York City in 1 859, quickly became an important player
in the production of bills for state-chartered banks, but with volume that measured a distant second to ABNCo.
Most of their product included the inscription, "Patented April 23, 1860." This so-called innovation was reviewed
by competitor W.L. Ormsby, a curmudgeon whose sometimes telling comments were not appreciated by others in
the trade. He found that the essence of National's claim was:
1st. The combination in repetition of the valuation or denomination, and the configuration.
2d. Combined use in repetition of the valuation or denomination with the title of the institution or corpora-
tion, and the configuration of the geometric cycloidal waved-line or rosette.
These "cycloidal configurations," as Ormsby called them, were nothing more than gobbledygook and non-
sense he wrote. Still, many numismatists of today agree that National's notes are among the most colorful and
attractive of the 1860s. The cycloidal configurations joined the Patent Green Tint as a feature of many federal notes
in the same era.
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246 July/August • Whole No. 250 • Paper Money
A Gallery of Anti-Counterfeiting Styles
Shown below are selected obsolete currency notes from the 1 9th century, together with selected federal issues,
illustrating several different plans, ideas, and innovations devised to deter counterfeiting, alteration, and other abus-
es of paper money.
Perkins' Patent Stereotype Steel Plate Notes
One of the earlier styles of Perkins notes, this a $2 for the Farmers Exchange Bank of Gloucester, Rhode Island. In this instance the bill
was genuine, but the bank itself was a fraud! Jacob Perkins' Patent Stereotype Steel Plate (PSST), launched in the early 1800s, was the
best known of the anti-counterfeiting systems. Explained in detail in the writer's Obsolete Currency Issued by United States Banks 1782-
/ 866 and other texts, the system had several features: The face printing plate was made up of components locked together in a frame,
permitting border elements and other features to be changed, and to create notes with intricate lettering and decorations in a fraction of
the time it would have taken to hand engrave a custom plate. Slugs with the name of the bank, town, and state could be inserted into
openings, permitting suitable printing plates to be made quickly and inexpensively.
Detail of the $2 Perkins note showing the Patent Stereotype Steel Plate imprint.
Later and more intricate style of Perkins Patent Stereotype Steel Plate, this for a $1 note of the Bank of Winthrop in Maine. Inserted slugs
reading MAINE, BANK OF WINTHROP, and WINTHROP identify the issuer and location. By using slug plates, Perkins made hundreds of
different varieties for many banks, particularly in New England.
Paper Money • July/August 2007 • Whole No. 250
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Detail of some of the intricate engraving on the Bank of Winthrop $1 note.
Back of the Winthrop $1 note showing the Perkins Patent Check Plate. The idea was to take a suspected counterfeit and fold the note so
that the edge of part of the segmented back design could be aligned with that on a note known to be genuine. A phony note would likely
be off-register. As an extra printing step was involved, the Patent Check Plate back was usually employed only on higher denomination
bills from $5 upward, and not consistently. The writer has found no contemporary accounts of the Check Plate being widely used by
bankers, merchants, and others, but it was widely promoted by Perkins and his successor, the New England Bank Note Company.
Close up of Patent Steel Stereotpe Check Plate back revealing the intricate checking features.
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248 July/August • Whole No. 250 • Paper Money
Later style Patent Stereotype Steel Plate note incorporating vignette illustrations. The plate had inserted slugs for THE OXFORD BANK,
FRYEBURG, and STATE OF MAINE. Although not much publicity was given to this shortcoming until the 1850s, Perkins plate notes were
among the easiest to alter, a boon for fraudsters who bought up worthless Perkins notes from insolvent banks and bleached out the slug
imprints, replacing them with imprints of solvent banks. In still other and rarer instances, phony slug plates were made with intricate
details (often irregular in quality, if examined under magnification), and fake slugs were added—in effect giving counterfeiters the same
speed and efficiency that the Perkins enterprise itself enjoyed!
$3 note of the Duxbury (Massachusetts) Bank with a Perkins Patent Stereotype Steel Plate face combined with a Congreve Patent Check
Plate back, the last either copying or licensed from an innovation of Sir William Congreve of England. The face is from a slug plate, with
Back of the Duxbury $3 note. The Congreve Patent Check Plate was used by the New England Bank Note Company on selected issues of
the 1830s, after which it seems to have been discontinued.
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Paper Money • July/August 2007 • Whole No. 250 249
The Curious Starr Patent System
A curious and are advertising note dated February 10, 1824, advertising E. & C. Starr's patent process. With multiple denominations, 1 to
50 dollars, it is imprinted for the Mechanics Bank in the City of New York. W.L. Ormsby called it a "typographical colored printing plan."
Apparently, the idea was short-lived, as little is known of the process today.
Notes by W.L. Ormsby
Having the elements in a note's design equal in number to the denomination was an idea used by several engravers. This $3 1856 note by
VV.L. Ormsby for the State Bank of LeCompton, Kansas shows three cherubs. Its back (below) has three lobes each with hundreds of tiny
"3" numerals. It would have been virtually impossible to have altered this bill to a higher denomination.
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Paper Money • July/August 2007 • Whole No. 250 265
The First National Bank
of/in Ontonagon, Michigan
by Lawrence Falater
was organized on May 26, 1903, in a small upper peninsula vil-
lage in a lumbering community on the shores of Lake Superior.
The primary organizers of this bank, C. Meilleur and James
Mercer, were previously partners in a private bank in the nearby village
of Greenland, which had a total of 21 individuals investing a total of
The First National Bank was capitalized at $25,000, the minimum
allowed for banks located in small towns. The bank issued the following
National Bank Notes:
Third Charter Red Seals
10 - 10 - 10 - 20 plate $63,150 serials 1 to 1263
Third Charter 1902 -1908 Date Backs
10 - 10 - 10 - 20 plate $83,000 serials 1 to 1660
Third Charter Plain Back Blue Seals
serials 1661 to 4850
serials 1 to 576
serials 1 to 144
serials 1 to 57
serials 1 to 21
10 - 10 - 10 - 20 plate $159,500
Small Size, Series 1929
$10 Type 1 $34,560
$20 Type 1 $17,280
$10 Type 2 $570
$20 Type 2 $420
The first $20 banknote
issued by the bank, a
marvelous Red Seal,
ex-Grinnell. (courtesy
Dr. Wallace Lee)
266 July/August • Whole No. 250 • Paper Money
The archives of the First National Bank of Ontonagon, Michigan.
and its successor, The First National Bank in Ontonagon, offer insight
into National Banking history in general. especially during the Great
Depression, when few if any documents were preserved.
Below: A letter from the Comptroller of the Currency dated Oct. 27, 1915, to officers and
directors of all National Banks reminding them of the director's sworn duty to uphold various
provisions of the National Bank Act. The letter includes the statement that laws regarding
usury have often been grossly ignored by some banks.
OCTOBER 27, 1915.
To all National Banks:
SIRS: The attention of your officers and directors is called to the oath which was signed by each director
upon his qualification, in. which he solemnly swore as follows:
"-* * I will, so far as the duty devolves on me, diligently and honestly administer the affairs of
said Association; that I will not knowingly violate, or willingly permit to be violated, any of the provisions of
the Statutes of the United States under which this Association has been organized.. * "
Your attention is called to Seat 5197 of the Revised Statutes of the United States, being part of the
National Bank Act„ which provides that a National Bank—
`'may take, receive, reserve, and charge on any loan or diScount made, or upon any note, bill of
exchange, or other evidences of debt, interest at the rate allowed by the laws of the State, Territory, or
DiStrict where the bank is located, and no more,. except that where by the laws of any State a different
rate is limited for banks of issue organized under State laws, the rate so limited shall be allowed for
associations organized or existing in any such State under this Title.
When no rate is axed by - the laws of the State-, or Territory, or District, the bank may take, receive,
reserve, or charp.:e a rate not exceeding - reven per centum r 'and such interest may be taken in advance,
reckoning the days for which. the note, bill, or other evidence of debt has to run. *
This office regrets to report that the sworn_ statements of condition of a great many national - banks show
that section 5197:„ LT.. St R. S..„ against usury; has been grossly violated by these bank,.
You :Irc respectfully advised and admonished that this provision of the National Bank Act should be
faithfully observed by all national banks, their officers and directors, in accordance with the solemn oaths
taken by the directors_
Youare requested to read this letter at the next meeting of your board of directors, and to have it
inscribed upon the minutes, and to. send a copy of this letter to every member of your board who may not
be present at such meeting;. with the request that he promptly acknowledge its receipt to you.
Within- thirty days after your next hoard meetil Er and not later than December 20,. 1915„ you are
requested to send to thti office letters from. members of your board who may not have been present at the
net-mg at which CF-di; letter is read, acluaowledging the receipt by each absent director of a copy hereof,
together with a certified extract from your minutes,. showing that this letter has been read to your board
and giving the names of the directors present at the meeting at which it is read.
Comptroller of the Currency.
---) 12. / ( ji (( -'< J 11//1 /ill; • J.,) ar,12EYBER 301 1922.
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Paper Money • July/August 2007 • Whole No. 250 267
The original document
extending the charter of
#6820 of the First
National Bank of
Ontonagon for a period
of 99 years. It bears the
signature of the
Comptroller of the
Currency, D.R.
Crissinger as well as the
Comptroller's bronze
seal. Such documents
are highly prized by
National Bank Note col-
lectors, although not
nearly as desirable as an
actual charter.
Unfortunately, neither
the original charter of
1903, charter #6820,
nor the successor bank,
charter #13929, appears
to have survived.
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