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PAPER MONEY is published every other month begin-
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Paper Money • November/December • Whole No. 252 401
Paper Money
Official Bimonthly Publication of
The Society of Paper Money Collectors, Inc.
Vol. XLVI, No. 6 Whole No. 252 November/December 2007
ISSN 0031-1162
FRED L. REED III, Editor, P.O. Box 793941, Dallas, TX 75379
Visit the SPMC web site:
The Festival of Christmas Depicted on Paper Money 403
By John Glynn
Final Decade of Canadian Chartered Bank Circulation 411
By Harold Don Allen
Taylor, Texas, Banking: "What We Do Best" 423
By George W. Taylor
$5 1928C LT FA Mules and 1934A SC HA Mules 424
By Jamie Yakes
Paper Column: Kidder National Gold Bank of Boston 434
By Peter Huntoon
Labor Exchange Scrip 442
By Steve Whitfield
On This Date in Paper Money History 447, 449
By Fred Reed
About Nationals Mostly: The Mary Moody Northen Foundation .. 454
By Frank Clark
Notes from Up North: The Best of Times 456
By Harold Don Allen
Murder and Inflation: The Kentucky Tragedy 459
By Clifford F. Thies
The Buck Starts Here: Euros Swallow Up National Heroes 468
By Gene Hessler
Collector Receives "Split" Bill in Change 470
By Dan Fox & Fred Bart
Emanuel Ninger: An "Honest" Counterfeiter 474
By Harrison Knowlton
4th Annual SPMC Author's Forum 430
SPMC Memphis 2007 Board Meeting Minutes 450
SPMC Activities at Memphis & Milwaukee ANA 452
Photos By Dave Harper, Dave Kranz & Bob Van Ryzin
Nominations Open for SPMC Board 455
President's Column: Dear Santa 457
By Benny Bolin
SPMC Librarian's Notes 477
By Jeff Brueggeman
What's on Steve's Mind Today? 478
By Steve Whitfield
The Editor's Notebook 478
New Members 479
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402 November/December • Whole No. 252 • Paper Money
Society of Paper Money Collectors
The Society of Paper Money
Collectors (SPMC) was organized in
1961 and incorporated in 1964 as a
non-profit organization under the laws
of the District of Columbia, It is affili-
ated with the American Numismatic
Association. The annual SPMC meeting is held in June at the Memphis
IPMS (International Paper Money Show). Up-to-date information about the
SPMC, including its bylaws and activities can be found on its Internet web
site .
MEMBERSHIP—REGULAR and LIFE. Applicants must be at least 18 years of
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MEMBERSHIP—JUNIOR. Applicants for Junior membership must be from 12
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DUES—Annual dues are $30. Members in Canada and Mexico should add $5
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Members who join the Society prior to October 1 receive the magazines
already issued in the year in which they join as available. Members who join
after October 1 will have their dues paid through December of the following
year; they also receive, as a bonus, a copy of the magazine issued in
November of the year in which they joined. Dues renewals appear in a fall
issue of Paper Money. Checks should be sent to the Society Secretary. •
PRESIDENT Benny Bolin, 5510 Bolin Rd., Allen, TX 75002
VICE-PRESIDENT Mark Anderson, 115 Congress St., Brooklyn, NY
SECRETARY Jamie Yakes, P.O. Box 1203, Jackson, NJ 08527
TREASURER Bob Moon, 104 Chipping Court, Greenwood, SC
Mark Anderson, 115 Congress St., Brooklyn, NY 11201
Benny J. Bolin, 5510 Bolin Rd., Allen, TX 75002
Bob Cochran, P.O. Box 1085, Florissant, MO 63031
Gene Hessler, P.O. Box 31144, Cincinnati, OH 45231
Matt Janzen, 3601 Page Drive Apt. 1, Plover, WI 54467
Robert J. Kravitz, P.O. Box 6099. Chesterfield, MO 63006
Tom Minerley, 25 Holland Ave #001, Albany, NY 12209-1735
Judith Murphy, P.O. Box 24056, Winston-Salem, NC 27114
Fred L. Reed III, P.O. Box 793941, Dallas, TX 75379-3941
Robert Vandevender, P.O. Box 1505, Jupiter, FL 33468-1505
Wendell A. Wolka, P.O. Box 1211, Greenwood, IN 46142
Jamie Yakes, P.O. Box 1203, Jackson, NJ 08527
PUBLISHER-EDITOR Fred L. Reed III, P.O. Box 793941. Dallas,
TX 75379-3941
CONTRIBUTING EDITOR Gene Hessler, P.O. Box 31144,
Cincinnati, OH 45231
ADVERTISING MANAGER Wendell A. Wolka, P.O. Box 1211,
Greenwood, IN 46142
LEGAL COUNSEL Robert J. Galiette, 3 Teal Ln., Essex,
CT 06426
LIBRARIAN Jeff Brueggeman, 711 Signal Mountain Rd. # 197,
Chattanooga, TN 37405
MEMBERSHIP DIRECTOR Frank Clark, P.O. Box 117060,
Carrollton, TX 75011-7060
PAST PRESIDENT Ron Horstman, 5010 Timber Ln., Gerald, MO
Box 1085, Florissant, MO 63031
24056, Winston-Salem, NC 27114
Paper Money • November/December • Whole No. 252 403
The Festival of Christmas
Depicted on
World Paper
12y John Glynn
rituals go back centuries, putting up
the Christmas Tree, mailing of
Christmas cards, pulling the cracker,
opening presents and kissing under the mistletoe.
The most popular legend that is celebrated by children
throughout the world, is the legend of Father
Father Christmas is known by different names
around the world. In France he is "Pere Noel"; in Denmark,
"Jolinesse"; in Russia, "Dadushka A4oroz" (grandfather frost);
in Dutch, "Sinterklaas." The name Santa Claus is an American
modification to the Dutch name—Sinterklaas (Santa Klaas).
He is recognized by the jolly, chubby, man with the red coat
and white beard who drives a sled pulled by eight reindeers and flies above
the rooftops, dropping gifts down the chimney for the children. The festival of Christmas is a mid-winter festival
lasting twelve days and is celebrated in the majority of countries. It's a time of happiness, joy, family gatherings and
singing Christmas carols. Santa also has a town named after him; it's called "Sint Naklaas" in Belgium.
Much more is told about Santa Claus than is known. There is little evidence that he ever existed. He is
supposed to have been born in the fourth century AD. According to legend, he resided in a town called Myra that
extended along the eastern shores of the Mediterranean Sea, which is located in Lycia and is now incorporated into
present day Turkey. Nicholas as he was known in those clays, certainly had it hard. He was orphaned at an early age
when his parents died from the plague. But inherited wealth which his parents left him, and he pledged to spend it
for the benefit of poor people.
The tradition states that Santa was imprisoned during the Christmas persecution by Diocletian, the Roman
Emperor and released by Constantine, after which he attended the historic council of Nicaea. He is also credited
with numerous miracles which made his tomb in Myra a popular shrine for pilgrims a couple of centuries later.
Many different versions of stories have been told. One story goes that a man had three daughters. They
were so poor that he could not afford their marriage dowries. In fact prostitution seemed to be the girls only career
option. But a miracle occurred, on each of three consecutive nights, a bag of gold sailed into the poor man's win-
dow, a dowry for each of his daughters. On the third night anxious to learn the identity of his benefactor, the father
lay in wait. The next day in his gratitude he did not hesitate to let the town know the benefactor was Nicholas.
Another story goes, Nicholas climbed onto the rooftop one night and dropped a bag of gold in each pair of stock-
ings hanging in front of the fireplace to dry. The bags of gold landing in each of the stockings giving them dowries
to get married. Hence the tradition of Santa Claus coming down the chimney began with this story.
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404 November/December • Whole No. 252 • Paper Money
Another story is that it has him turning three balls of brass into bags of gold, which is fitting for the patron
saint of pawnbrokers. He is also patron saint of the Greek Orthodox Church, and of Greece, Sicily, Aberdeen
Scotland, scholars, travellers, sailors, thieves and children to name a few.
When St. Nicholas passed away, his reputation and practice of giving gifts to the needy quickly spread
across the European continent. It was in France beginning in the 12th century that the custom of bringing gifts in
the name of St. Nicholas may have originated. Nuns at the convents in the central provinces began the practice of
leaving gifts, secretly at the home of poor families with small children on Christmas eve. The gifts were fruits, nuts
and oranges from Spain, which in those days were considered luxuries. St. Nicholas the bearer of gifts became a
patron saint of children throughout the world. A feast day named after him, was celebrated in many European
towns by electing a boy Bishop.
In Early May 1087, a command of 63 Italian mercenaries and sailors slipped into the Byzantine harbor
town of Myra in Southern Italy, smashed their way into a shrine and made off with parts of the bones of St.
Nicholas, 750 years after his death. In the scuffle at the tomb some of the relics were dropped and only part of St.
Nicholas reached Bari, Italy, when they arrived with their trophy. The parts of his remains which were left in
Turkey are now displayed in Antalya. Body snatchers are the name given to the thieves of the Adriatic port of Bari.
Therefore today's pilgrims can have a choice to see St Nicholas in Italy or Turkey. When St. Nicholas died he was
buried in the Cathedral in Myra. The village has never forgotten its humble origin.
Interest in Santa Claus in the United States came about with the publication by Clement Clark Moore's
poem "A visit from St. Nicholas" in 1822. The Christmas myth was brought to life in New York in Moore's home
state, then spread throughout the states. In 1836 Alabama was the first state to declare Christmas a legal holiday.
Oklahoma became the last state to declare it a legal holiday in 1907. The first decoration of the Christmas tree in
the White House was in 1856 by President Franklin Pierce.
The first currency which depicted Christmas scenes or Santa Claus appeared to be in the United States
mainly in the 1850s. In fact in New York City Santa Claus even had his own bank and hotel (shown above). The
St. Nicholas bank 1851-1865 (it became the St. Nicholas National Bank (shown below), charter #972 on April 1,
1865, voluntary liquidated on December 30, 1882) in New York City illustrated on all its denominations (except the
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Paper Money • November/December • Whole No. 252 405
$100 note) some form of Santa on the notes. The St. Nicholas hotel can be found on the one dollar bill in the cen-
ter of the note. Other banks in other states followed with one or more notes depicting Santa in various ways. New
York seems to be where the majority of Christmas notes were circulated. In the 1870s one of the main publishing
companies issued its own scrip note to the value of 25 cents, depicting Santa Claus and his reindeers riding away.
The scrip could be used as part payment for a book purchased from the publisher.
The main portrait on the notes is Santa sitting on a sleigh on a rooftop being pulled by eight reindeers,
(Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner and Blitzen). This image can be found on bank notes
from various states, including the $2 note of the Central Bank of Brooklyn (shown above), also: $5 on the Howard
Banking Co. from Boston; Pittsfield Bank $20 in Pittsfield, Massachusetts. On the $2 note from the Maine Bank in
the state of Maine, Santa can be found in the center of the note. This also can be found on the $2 on White
Mountain Bank, Lancaster New Hampshire; $3 on the Central Bank of Troy, New York (beware this note also
appears as a spurious note); $1 from the Iron Bank, Plattsburgh New York; Sing Sing Bank $2, from Ossining New
York; and the $2, $5 and $10 of the St. Nicholas Bank, New York City , to name a few.
Santa seated by a fireplace stuffing small toys into socks while smoking his pipe, appears on the $2 note
from the Knickerbocker Bank, New York City, and the St. Nicholas Bank $2 note also has Santa by the fireplace.
The $5 note of the Bank of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, (above) depicts Santa visiting a child with a bag of toys on his
shoulder. In the numismatic field the festival seemed to have become very popular with the series of Christmas
notes in the United States, especially New York. All the United States notes which illustrated Christmas scenes are
considered scarce and in many cases are rare.
Approximately seventy years later after World 'War I, Germany tried to meet the colossal cost of losing the
war. The local branches of the Reichsbank did not have sufficient currency for business firms who needed to meet
their wage payments. A law was passed permitting corporations, under license and against the deposit of appropri-
ate assets, to print their own money -- Notgeld (emergency money).
It wasn't long before everyone started to print his own money. Because of the excessive rise in the cost of
living, illegal notgeld equalled about twice the value of the Reichsbank notes. Within a few weeks, notgeld became
as common as the Reichsbank paper over most of the country.
In Austria and Germany several different types of notgeld notes depicted themes from the Christmas festi-
406 November/December • Whole No. 252 • Paper Money
val season as St. Nicholas notgeld. He is still the same person with a white beard and a white trimmed red coat and
hat. The only difference, a very important one, is these notes do not
illustrate reindeers.
Many of the notgeld notes with Christmas themes depicted St.
Nicholas delivering toys to children. In Neustadt, (Sachsen-Coburn,) a
50-pfennig note dated December 1, 1918, was issued. It was good for
three months and could be redeemed. The note showed St. Nicholas
carrying toys in the town. A Grossbreitenbach, 50-pfennig undated
note shows children with gifts under the Christmas tree. The town of
Sonneberg issued a 50-pfennig notgeld, dated 20 February 1920, illus-
trating St. Nicholas with toys on the front of the note (shown at left).
Christmas trees originated in Germany, but really did not catch on elsewhere until the 19th century when
Queen Victoria and Prince Albert of England made it respectable to have them.
Back in the llth century, St. Boniface arrived in Germany to convert the Teutonic Nords to Christianity.
He found them heavenly into the worship of trees which they perceived as a dwelling place for certain Gods and
representatives of basic life forces.
Unable to break the new flock of this habit, Boniface, encouraged them to take into their own dwellings
small trees at Christmas to represent the life force of Christ. An undated Bolkenhain, 50-pfennig notgeld note
shows a man with Christmas trees on the back of the note. In Sonneburg, a 50-pfennig note has the traditional St.
Nicholas holding a candle lit Christmas tree on the back of the note, and an armful of toys for the children. At
Langeln a 50-pfennig note redeemable on the December 31, 1921, depicts a young girl enjoying the Christmas tree
with her family. The town of Lausha had a 50-pfennig note with a Christmas tree on each side of a house and the
comment "in all the world Christmas tree decoration are known." Kahle has one of the most popular Christmas
notgeld series. All six 50-pfennig notes dated 20 November 1921 have an expiration date of 31 December 1921.
The back of the notes require little explanation. They show a Christmas tree in the center with the town of Kahla
in the background. The front of this note shows a Christmas tree lit with candles. A Mississippi and Alabama Real
Estate Banking Company (1838-1839) note depicts a Christmas tree with lights on each end of the note.
The festival season is not without carol singers, who perform in public bringing out the joy and cheer to
those who watch or join in. Many of us also sing along with the choir joining with them in the spirit of Christmas.
The word "carol" is a custom derived from an early dance of pagan origin. The word "carol" comes from the Latin
word "Choraula", a flautist who played during the dance. Until the late middle ages a carol was a ring dance in
which the participant sang.
The link between song and dance is reflected in "choir" and "choreography", both derived from the Greek
"Khoros" a dancing place. The orchestra is so named because it occupies an area equivalent to that used by the
dancers in Greek theatres. The 75- and 90-heller notgeld note in the town of Bruck in Pingz, Austria, depicts chil-
dren dancing to Christmas carols. A notgeld note from Possneck, Germany, illustrates carol singers singing in the
"Silent Night" is probably the world's most loved carol, having giving pleasure to generation after genera-
tion of people since it was composed on Christmas Eve back in the year 1818. It has truly been called the universal
anthem of Christmas and it has been translated into all the major languages of the world, so that the strain of the
melody can be heard everywhere at Christmas time.
The home of the carol is a small village of Oberndorf in the countryside of Austria. Villagers there have
never forgotten that it was their area which first gave the carol to the world. Oberndorf still has a Silent Night
Society. On Christmas Eve each year the mayor leads a procession of children through the streets. The society
starts the carol by ringing the bells of the local church until the stroke of midnight when all becomes silent.
Joseph Mohr, who was the priest of St. Nikolas Church, Oberndorf was born in Salzburg, Austria, on
December 11, 1792. He was sent into panic the day before Christmas Eve. His preparation for the festive service
was ruined when he discovered that mice had gnawed through the church organ's bellows irreparably damaging
them. Without an organ there would be no music and no service.
That night Father Mohr remained awake writing the words of a carol that would be sung to a simple
accompaniment of a guitar. Glancing out the window at the peaceful village of Oberndorf bathed in moonlight, the
words spilled out "all is calm all is bright." The next morning he hastened to his organist Franz Gruber, showed
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Paper Money • November/December • Whole No. 252
him the words, and asked him to set them to a guitar accompaniment. Gruber took up the guitar and quickly came
up with a tune. By that evening the carol had been polished and rehearsed by the church choir ready for its perfor-
mance. It was the first public performance in the little Austrian church. "Stille Nacht" became an immediate suc-
cess of what is today the world's favorite carol "Silent Night."
Numismatics played its part through the issuance of a set of
three identical Austrian notgeld notes from Oberndorf, in denomina-
tions of 10- (shown at left), 20- and 50-heller dated 1920. The front
depicts the Holy Night Church in the center, Father Joseph Mohr in
a circle on the left, and guitarist Franz Gruber in a circle on the right.
Below the image of Mohr is the word "Sille Nacht" (Silent Night),
and below Gruber is "Heilige Nacht (Holy Night).
Another carol associated with the festival season, a fitting
companion to Silent Night and equally well known, is the "Good
King Wenceslaus". This carol narrates the deeds performed by the
good king. The Christmas carol was written about 1582. The place
of its origin is rather doubtful. One thing is certain, though, many
people will hear it sung during the festival season. Good king Wenceslaus was immortalized by the well known
English carol.
Legend has it that in the cold winter months, Wenceslaus (his proper name was Vaclav) would cut wood in
the forest and secretly carry it to the needy widows and orphans. His servant Podivin, assisted him. The legend
further relates that Podivin did not feel the cold when following in his masters footsteps.
Wenceslaus (908-29) is the patron saint of Bohemia and is known as St. Vaclay. He was converted to
Christianity by his grandmother, Ludmille. After ascending the throne as king of Bohemia, he was assassinated by
his brother Boleslas The Cruel on September 929 AD because of his effort to convert his people to the Christian
The Bohemian King Wenceslaus is depicted on the 5,000-kronen bank note of the National Bank fur
Bohmen and Mahren dated 1944 (shown above). This was issued during a short life as an occupied state by Nazi
Germany. He is the only king saint to whom an altar is dedicated in St. Peters Chapel in the Vatican, Italy. The
statue of him astride his horse dominates Vaclayske Namesti (Wensceslaus Square in Prague,) Czechoslovakia.
"Come All Ye Faithful" was written in 1744 by John Francis Wade, a fervent supporter of Bonnie Prince
Charlie of England. The carol had been interpreted as a rallying song for the Jacobites. His call to his faithful is
said to refer not to worshippers of the Infant Christ, but to wavering supporters of the young pretender who was
laying claim to the English throne.
The year after the carol was written the "faithful" were gathering on the shores of Loch Shiel, Scotland, in
preparation for the march to London. The adventure ended in defeat at Culloden with Bonnie Prince Charlie flee-
ing to lifelong exile in France, where he drowned his sorrows in drunken oblivion. Wade also spent the rest of his
life across the channel keeping tight lipped about the political inspiration behind the famous carol.
"Jingle Bells," a popular Christmas song started out as a song for Thanksgiving in America. It was written
by James Pierpont from Savannah, Georgia, in 1857 and was called "One Horse Open Sleigh". He then promptly
forgot all about it. His brother discovered the song buried in an attic trunk seven years later, and we haven't
408 November/December • Whole No. 252 • Paper Money
stopped the jingle yet. A 50 pfennig German notgeld from Sonneberg
shows bells hanging from a Christmas tree on the back, and merits a word
from this popular sing.
"Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer" comes from the United
States, too. In 1939 Montgomery Ward, founder of the American depart-
ment store, hired Robert May to write a poem that their department store
Santa could recite over Christmas. May came up with a poem "Rollo the
Red Nose Reindeer". Company executives liked it, but weren't happy with
the name Rollo. So May changed it to Reginald. Still the name was reject-
ed and May's daughter came up with the new name Rudolph. The poem
was later put with music and sung by country singer Gene Autry.
Bank notes from the United States of the 1850s anticipate the
song, with notes depicting Santa seated in his sleigh being pulled by rein-
deers, as listed above.
"White Christmas" is the best selling Christmas single of all times.
Bing Crosby's "White Christmas" has sold more than 50 million copies
since 1942.
A 25-pfennig, undated, from Possneck, Germany, shows carolers
singing in the snow on its back. From Bruck/Pinzgau, an Austrian 60-
heller note, undated, (shown at right) depicts St. Nicholas carrying his sack
of toys through the snow.
You can call him Kris Kringle, Father Christmas, Santa Claus or St. Nicholas or whatever other name that
he may go by. He is celebrated around the world in many ways. In some areas Buddhist children call him
"Hotelosho," a man who acts like Santa Claus. He brings presents to each house for children. Muslim children
hang stockings up hoping that the Christmas old man (Che Lao Ren) will fill the stocking with gifts and toys.
Jewish children join the festival season by celebrating "Hanukkah" (Festival of Light) where children receive gifts
for a week.
There are many more religions who one way or another join the yuletide spirit. It is certainly a time for all
religions to come together and celebrate our humanity with each other and our neighbors.
You can find other special topics in Christmas paper money to celebrate the yuletide spirit yourself. The
nativity scene is one, another is decorations, toy-making, angels, elves, Christmas wreaths, and many more themes.
This article has just touched the surface of possibilities with notes about a jolly old man in a red suit and white
beard, decorated holiday trees, and the joy of singing our favorite songs with which we are so familiar.
I would like to thank John and Nancy Wilson and Heritage Auction Galleries for supplying the United
States notes illustrated here.
Coffing, Courtney. "It's Christmas Time, The Franktur, December 1993.
Durand, Roger. H. Interesting Notes About Christmas, 1993.
Durand, Roger H. "Santa Claus Scrip," Paper Money, November/December 1982.
Haxby, James. Standard Catalog of United States Obsolete Notes 1782-1866 (4 volumes), 1988.
Muscalus, John. A. St. Nicholas on Early State Notes, 1959.
Musser, Dwight. "Listing of Christmas Notgeld Notes," undated.
Philipson, Fred. "Yuletide Paper Currency," Coin Monthly, January 1974.
Webb, S. B. Hyperinflation and Stabilization in Weimar Germany, 1989.
Wilson, John and Nancy. "Santa Claus is Coming to Town on Notes," Bank Note Reporter, December 1997.
World Coins, small articles throughout the journal, December 1973.
Paper Money • November/December • Whole No. 252 409
A Neglected Collectible
Final Decade of Canadian
Chartered Bank
Circulation Viewed in
Terms of Reported
Surviving Notes
By Harold Don Allen
note varieties whose ten-year service spanned the decade from the Great Depression well into World
War II, offer unique research and collecting possibilities, such notes to date not always having received
the recognition or attention which they have deserved.
Small chartereds were the notes of Canada's then 10 commercial banks of issue, newly released in the sort
of smaller format introduced in the United States from 1929 and adopted by Canada's central bank, the Bank of
Canada, with its initial legal tender issue of 1935.
Like most world countries, Canada had accepted diverse bank paper money long before it had experienced
extended government issues--various provincial notes, post-Confederation "Dominion of Canada" (Department of
Finance) legal tender, the central bank (Bank of Canada) releases. These last, by 1945, were accorded a monopoly of
note issue.
The paper money of chartered banks, institutions chartered by act of the federal parliament, has been well
received by many, though not all, students and collectors. (Government legal tender, for whatever reason, has had
even stronger appeal.) Small chartereds are "state of the art" for 1930s security printing, superb steel engraving, of
banker portraits, bank premises, allegorical art; elaborate tracery, and lettering to highest standards. Black tends to
dominate face engraving, with bright mixes of supporting tints. Color coding of denominations has been common,
as Imperial Bank of Canada ($5 green, $10 blue), itself tending to have had roots in pre-1934 more extended runs
(as, for Imperial, $20 brown, $50 orange, $100 olive). Bank note paper has been high quality, unwatermarked, but
with red and blue random planchettes--the Bank of Canada having claimed exclusive rights to the green.
Aspects of such note circulation are none-too-well grasped, even by many collectors. Chartered bank
issues, admittedly, were not, in general, legal tender--you could decline one, much as you might decline a personal
check, but I don't know that anyone ever did. For generations, the federal government had provided legal tender
Dominion of Canada folding money in denominations of 25 cents (three releases of "shinplasters," still collectible),
and oversize $1, $2, $4 bills. Subsequently $5, but in limited quantities which may principally have served as branch
"cash on hand." Plus such high values as $500 and $1000, and even higher values ("bank legals" to $50,000, to facili-
tate inter-bank "clearings"). The point is: for four or five decades prior to the Bank of Canada opening, all
Canadian $10, $20, $50, and $100 bills, along with most $5s, had been chartered bank releases, universally accepted
as a matter of course.
From the 1890s, a Canadian "Note Redemption Fund," federally administered, had guaranteed negotiabili-
ty of subsequent federally chartered issues, even were the issuing bank to "go under." Still earlier, note holders did
have first claim on assets of a failed bank, but sufficient "broken bank" bills from such times do survive to constitute
a collecting specialty in themselves.
twit •1.. ,
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410 November/December • Whole No. 252 • Paper Money
By the time of the release of small chartereds, such were just memories--notes were negotiable:--but such
memories do linger on.
With the opening of the Bank of Canada in 1935, chartered bank rights to note issue were to be phased out
over a ten-year interval. Strictly speaking, such notes could neither be issued nor reissued after 31 December 1944.
"Please" and "thank you" could on occasion override rules and regulations, however, and more than one friendly
teller, in the years that immediately followed, let me acquire at face such small chartereds as, 60 years later, illus-
trate this presentation.
In any event, in January 1950, ten chartered banks paid over to the Bank of Canada 513,302,046.60, the
total outstanding of unredeemed notes "in the hands of the public" (see Howard, Reference 8, p. 2). By 1989,
according to a readily accessible Bank of Canada report (Reference 4, p. 505), that figure had dropped to
$6,279,678.42, a decrease in excess of 50 per cent.
Looking to this instructive Bank of Canada compilation, several perspectives on Canada's chartered banks
and their note issues, both small chartereds and the countless larger-format releases of the preceding century and
more, come into view. Data on ''notes outstanding" in each bank's own name, which would comprise in all instances
both large and small chartereds, have been brought together for Canada's "final ten" note-issuing institutions, as
Schedule I.
1. (The) Bank of Montreal, Montreal (from 1822; with forerunner The Montreal Bank, from 1817), notes outstanding in
1989: $1,556,227.00; percentage of ten-bank total, 24.8.
2. The Canadian Bank of Commerce, Toronto (from 1867): $1,421,636.00; percentage, 22.6.
3. The Royal Bank of Canada, Halifax, Montreal from 1901 (from name change, 1901): 51,310,773.00; percentage, 20.9.
4. "[he Bank of Nova Scotia, Halifax (from 1832): $568,127.42; percentage, 9.0.
5. Imperial Bank of Canada, Toronto (from 1875): $450,180.00; percentage, 7.2.
6. The Bank of Toronto, Toronto (from 1856): $376,471.00; percentage, 6.0.
7. The Dominion Bank, Toronto (from 1871): $252,246.50; percentage, 4.0.
8. Banque Canadienne Nationale, Montreal (from consolidation and name change, 1925): $195,650.00; percentage, 3.1.
9 (La) Banque Provinciale du Canada / (The) Provincial Bank of Canada, Montreal (from name change, 1900):
$129,777.50; percentage, 2.1.
10 Barclays Bank (Canada), Montreal (from 1929): $18,590.00; percentage, 0.3.
Ten-bank total: $6,279,678.42.
Small chartered note issues are now described, by bank, in conventional order of seniority. This order is
reflected in the number part of the mandated "logo and numeral" overprint, applied at the same time as the validat-
ing signatures, and indicative of seniority at the point, some years previously, when the practice was commenced.
Still earlier releases had been hand countersigned.
BANK OF MONTREAL, Montreal, 14,836,559 small chartered notes estimated (from sheet numbers) to
have been issued, with a mean face value of $7.58. Seven major varieties, issues of 2nd January 1935 ($5, $10, $20),
3rd January 1938 ($5, $10, $20), 7th December 1942 ($5). Note faces feature senior bank officers (president, gener-
al manager), heraldic arms. Olive green supporting tint, as Roman numerals, signature panel. Reverses depict the
traditional Head Office, Montreal, a structure still occupied by the bank ($5, $20), and the Toronto Main Office,
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Paper Money • November/December • Whole No. 252 411
now open to the public as Canada's Hockey Hall of Fame ($10). Portraits and signatures are W. A. Bog and C. B.
Gordon, 1935 $5; Jackson Dodds and C. B. Gordon, 1935 $10 and $20, 1938 $5; G. W. Spinney and C. B. Gordon,
1938 $10 and $20; B. C. Gardner and G. W. Spinney, 1942 $5.
BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA, Halifax, 5,487,156 small chartereds, mean value $7.07. All "small Scotia"
notes are dated 1935, two denominations, $5 and $10, no portrait or signature changes. The $5 depicts John A.
McLeod, president, and Harry F. Patterson, general manager. Green and red face tints, McLeod and Patterson sig-
natures. Bank seal reverse, green. The $10 features the Nova Scotia arms, with small vignettes of a mining scene
and a sailing ship. Blue and ochre tints. McLeod and Patterson signatures. Bank seal reverse, slate.
BANK OF TORONTO, Toronto, 3,087,125 small chartereds, mean value $7.01. Seven "types," dated
1935 ($5, $10, $20) and 1937 ($5 and $10, with signature varieties). Highly traditional, strikingly attractive note
designs from 19th century notes, adapted for small format. Face black intaglio, with intense yellow underprint. The
$5 centers Royal arms (lion and unicorn supporters), with young woman, Commerce allegory vignettes. The $10
features Toronto municipal arms, with beaver and early train vignettes. A particularly fine rendering of a wood-
burning locomotive dominates the distinctly scarce $20, with the likeness of a youthful Queen Victoria and a dairy
1 0 535- 10535
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412 November/December • Whole No. 252 • Paper Money
maid vignette. Signatures are H. B. Henwood and W. G. Gooderham (1935 issue); then H. B. Henwood and Jno.
R. Lamb, followed by F. H. Marsh and Jno. R. Limb (1937). Note reverses are orange, dominated by a medallion-
engraved rendering of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert, flanked by the bank name and note denomination.
BANQUE CANADIENNE NATIONALE, Montreal, 3,054,720 small chartereds, mean value $6.86. All
notes are dated 1935, two values, a green $5 and a brown $10. Note faces feature allegorical art, from a downtown
Montreal monument, with smaller likenesses of the signing officers, Hon. J. NI. Wilson and Beaudry Leman. Note
reverses attractively highlight a ''B C N" monogram surrounded by the then nine provincial arms. Face and back
strongly recall five-denomination note sets of 1925 and 1929. Indeed, significant elements can be traced to forerun-
ner Banque d'Hochelaga releases of 1917, the allegorical sculptures, provincial arms assemblage, even the likeness
of the long-serving Monsieur Leman (note: illustration above is large size Series 1925 note).
BANQUE PROVINCIALE DU CANADA, Montreal, 1,639,652 small chartereds, mean value $6.87.
One of the more difficult of chartered banks, both for comprehension and collecting of later issues. A 1935-dated
single-portrait issue by British American Bank Note, a black $5 and a brown $10, portray long-term president J.-B.
Rolland, and is signed by Rolland and by Chs. A. Roy, general manager. Note reverses depict the St. James Street,
Montreal, head office. This issue is straightforward. A 1936-dated second issue portrays Charles Arthur Roy, and is
6-112ABER/11 erNIL 41#
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Paper Money • November/December • Whole No. 252 413
signed by Roy, the new president, and J. U. Boyer, general manager. Reflecting a change in security printer to
Canadian Bank Note, the 1936 issue, while retaining much of the general layout and the "head office" reverse, is
wholly reworked, including the head office vignette. A blue-and-yellow $5 ("blue back") and an orange-and-yellow
$10 ("orange back") served to launch the issue. Color changes were introduced some time later, the $5 face being
unchanged, but the back being switched from a drab blue to an equally drab dark green; the $10 being substantially
changed from orange to a light green, face and back, with the face tint augmented with large X's, Roman numerals
beneath the French and English versions of the bank name La Banque Provinciale du Canada / The Provincial
Bank of Canada. Reference to printing records reveals that extraordinarily large runs of blue- and orange-backs, the
higher numbers, were destroyed unissued, with even larger runs of the revised notes having been similarly
destroyed when time for small chartereds ran out. These assertions are more than confirmed by consideration of
circulation finds.
CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE, Toronto, 10,619,704 small chartereds, mean value $7.97.
Distinguished allegorical artwork coupled with outstanding note design, by any standards, Commerce small char-
tereds serve to perpetuate, in reduced format, three of five denominations ($5, $10, $20), allegorical faces and backs
dating from 1917. Commerce small chartereds all are dated 1935, with continuous numbering by sheets extending
through signature varieties. (An "A" prefix alludes to a second million of four-note sheets.) The $5 Architecture
allegorical, $10 Agricultural, and $20 Nautical (Neptune, sea maidens) exist in up to three signature combinations,
John Aird / S. H. Logan ($5, $10, $20), S. H. Logan / A. E. Arscott ($5, $10), and John Aird / S. M. Wedd ($5, cur-
rently known as two sheets, one of them cut for marketing, and a single circulated note). Note reverses feature fig-
ures of Mercury and Ceres, flanking a large rendition of the bank seal.
ROYAL BANK OF CANADA, Montreal, 16,240,938 small chartereds, mean value $7.68. Canada's dis-
tinct leader in note circulation during the small-chartered interval, accounting as it does for over 25 per cent of note
issue and of face value, Royal is accessible, even in "better" grades, widely collected, and might be thought to repre-
sent simplicity itself. Notes of a 1935-dated, three-value issue ($5 green, $10 orange, $20 blue) wholly dominate.
Portraits of Morris W. Wilson, newly named president, and Sir Herbert Holt, Wilson's long-term predecessor,
remain unaltered, as do S. G. Dobson signatures. Canadian armorial bearings are centered on the note's face, royal
arms on the reverse.
raitlin tILAALAIANk
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414 November/December • Whole No. 252 • Paper Money
With regard to "small Royals," distinct scarcity arises from two considerations. Firstly, a further $5 was
released on "Jan. 2nd 1943," the latest date for a Canadian small chartered. This new note (our T-34) portrays
Dobson and Wilson, and continues their signatures. The issue, necessarily, was limited, and short-lived. Though
long known, it can be a bit difficult. Secondly, fairly early in the long run of 1935-dated small Royals, signature dies,
while signing officers remained unchanged, were somewhat enlarged, yielding two subvarieties for (we now know)
all three denominations. This fact is a quite recent discovery, and the small-signatures $20 would seem to be, what-
ever else, one tough note.
DOMINION BANK, Toronto, 3,818,246 small chartereds, mean value $7.09. Well engraved, conven-
tionally designed, "small Dominions" should be straightforward to collect, and relatively accessible. Two issues, two
notes each ($5 and $10), the latter release reflecting a succession of bank officers. A "physical features" map of
Canada, modified from 1931-dated "large Dominions," makes for an attractive reverse. Portraits of senior officers
flank an elaborate device indicative of denomination. Initial 1935-dated releases depict Dudley Dawson, general
manager, and Clifton H. Carlisle, president. This $5 note has a green and orange tint, moss green reverse; the
accompanying $10 yellow, pink, and orange tints, orange reverse. Corresponding 1938-dated releases depict
Carlisle as president, Robert Rae as general manager. The 1938 $5 has an orange and brown face tint, brown
reverse; the $10 a blue and yellow face tint, olive green reverse.
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Tor, o ,
Paper Money • November/December • Whole No. 252 415
IMPERIAL BANK OF CANADA, Toronto, 3,395,409 small chartereds, mean value $7.18. Six major
varieties depicting senior bank officers, two values ($5 green, $10 blue), 1934-dated and showing A. E. Phipps, gen-
eral manager, and Frank A. Rolph, president; the same values and colors 1939-dated, portraying H. T. Jaffray as
general manager, Phipps as president. The bank's "lion over crown" device features prominently on note reverses.
Two signature combinations exist for 1934 notes, Phipps-Rolph and Jaffray-Rolph; 1939 signatures are Jaffray-
Phipps. The "1934" date, 1 November, marks, I believe, the start of the Bank's fiscal year. Previous issues, "large
Imperials" through $100, had been dated 1 November 1923 and 1 November 1933. In all, then, three $5's, three
$10's, six "type notes" if one collects by denomination, date and signatures, all of them similar in appearance, and
none of them particularly scarce. Appearances can be deceptive, however. Small Imperials are a uniquely complex
issue, and adequate research has yet to be done. Imperial has alternated logos, either a saltire (cross of St. Andrew)
within a circle, or else its "lion over crown" device, also within a circle, and in different printings has varied the logo
position, to left or to right of the central denomination device.
Furthermore, with its 1923 issue, Imperial pioneered use of a "check letter" prefix,. a device standardized in
subsequent small Imperials. Such notes are numbered by (four-note) sheets, individual notes distinguishable by
position letters A, B, C, D. Six-digit sheet numbers, 050001 and up were prefixed, "E" for 050001 through 100000,
"F" for 100001 through 150000. A 1934 Jaffray $5 has been recorded as L366382, position C. (Starting "check pre-
fixing" with "E" no doubt had been to avoid confusion with position letters.) Logo changes and check-letter prefix-
ing had been calculated to trip counterfeiters or to pinpoint counterfeits, I rather suspect, Imperial having been
hard hit by out-of-Canada (overseas) counterfeiting of one of its high values, the old-style $100 of 1920.
BARCLAYS BANK (CANADA), Montreal, 301,600 small chartereds, mean value $7.57. "Woman with
globe" allegorical art features prominently on both 1935-dated "small Barclays" ($5 blue green, $10 orange), as it
had on three "large Barclays" when the bank opened its doors in 1929. Reverses depict the St. James Street head
office. The $10 comes in two signature varieties, now about equally common, the earlier with H. A. Stevenson as
general manager, R. L. Borden as president; the second with Stevenson as general manager, A. A. Magee as presi-
dent. The blue-green $5, a somewhat more difficult note, in issued form is known only with the Stevenson-Borden
signature combination. Sir Robert Borden, the Barclays (Canada) founding president, was the former prime minis-
ter, the political figure subsequently depicted on three issues (1975, 1988, 2004) of Bank of Canada $100 legal ten-
der note. Barclays Bank (Canada), the Canadian component of the internationally oriented, English-based banking
enterprise, located its principal domestic operations in Montreal, Toronto, and Vancouver. Barclays Bank (Canada)
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November/December • Whole No. 252 • Paper Money
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L/:_NLM FT:fflani ft 100 :11K tri N► 74
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Paper Money • November/December • Whole No. 252 417
amalgamated with Imperial Bank of Canada in 1956. Ten commercial banks of issue to serve some (in those times)
11.5 million Canadians? Yes, after natural selection, growth and expansion, strategic acquisitions, ten survivors out
of close to 100 note issuing banks--several of which survivors would go on, with justifiable sense of accomplishment,
to celebrate the opening of a 1000th branch.
The Bank of Canada data groups note-issuing banks as seven principal families of institutions, as of 1989,
and this approach also can provide insights for collectors. Under Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce are no less
than 13 institutions for which data are provided, including three issuers of small chartereds, Canadian Bank of
Commerce, Imperial Bank of Canada, and Barclays Bank (Canada). Notes outstanding, as recorded, aggregate
$2,261,841.18. Larger amalgamated banks include Bank of Hamilton (1872-1923) and Standard Bank of Canada
(1876-1928). The Bank of Montreal group comprises eight institutions, $2,250,908.50 in notes outstanding. Larger
component banks are Merchants Bank of Canada (1868-1923), Bank of British North America (1836-1918), and the
Molsons Bank (1837, chartered from 1855-1925). The Royal Bank of Canada listing notes ten mergers, several of
them critical to the bank's phenomenal growth to national status. Larger acquisitions include the Union Bank of
Canada (1886-1925) and the venerable Quebec Bank (1818-1917). Also listed in Royal's name are notes issued by its
forerunner institution, the Merchants Bank of Halifax. Bank of Nova Scotia absorbed five banks of issue, the larger
being the Bank of Ottawa (1874-1919) and the Bank of New Brunswick (1820-1913). Banque Canadienne
Nationale listings include notes of the two institutions which merged in 1925, Banque d'Hochelaga and Banque
Nationale. Banque Provinciale listings include pre-1900 releases in'its former name, La Banque Jacques Cartier. A
Toronto-Dominion listing comprises notes of the two component banks. No notes were issued in the "T D" name.
A particularly thought-provoking listing concludes the central hank's 1989 note redemption report: "notes
outstanding" on some 12 "defunct banks," latter-day (20th century) failures occurring subsequent to a Note
Redemption Fund having been in place, for whose redemption the Bank of Canada is responsible. The two largest
sums relate to the 1923 failure, with loss to depositors and other creditors, of the Home Bank of Canada (1905-
1923), $35,027.46 to be repaid, and of the. St. Stephen's Bank, New Brunswick (1836-1910), $11,066.67. Those
"odd cents," in these instances, reflect the fact that the Note Redemption Fund, to which issuing banks contributed,
paid interest to noteholders over the interval during which affairs of the troubled bank were being wound up.
Next to be presented are known sheet number or serial number ranges, for each of 47 recognized varieties
(Schedule II). Such notes were printed, or processed, in sheets of four, the use of identical sheet numbers, differ-
enced by on-plate position letters, having been the more usual practice, as was done with first-issue Bank of Canada
418 November/December • Whole No. 252 • Paper Money
legal tender of 1935. Banks having opted for numbering of individual small chartereds were Bank of Nova Scotia,
Dominion Bank, and Barclays Bank (Canada).
BANK OF MONTREAL, logo 1 (saltire, within oval reading Concordia Salus), numbering by four-note sheets
(A, B, C, D).
T-01 1935 $5 LOW: 024233/D HIGH: 1477401/B
T-02 1935 $10 LOW: 011329/D HIGH: 1084380/D
T-03 1935 $20 LOW: 003151/B HIGH: 093406/A
T-04 1938 $5 LOW: 030144/A HIGH: 590697/A
T-05 1938 $10 LOW: 005781/D HIGH: 354267/D
T-06 1938 $20 LOW: 02104/C HIGH: 63996/A
T-07 1942 $5 LOW: 003829/D HIGH: 044996/B
BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA, logo 2 (lion, in shield), numbering of individual notes.
T-08 1935 $5 LOW: 028392 HIGH: 3216031
T-09 1935 $10 LOW: 131002 HIGH: 2271125
BANK OF TORONTO, logo 3 (BT monogram, in shield), continuous numbering by sheets.
T-10 1935 $5 LOW:
007361/C HIGH: 235733/D
T-11 1937 $5, Henwood sign. LOW: 246111/C HIGH: 395955/D
T-12 1937 $5, Marsh sign. LOW: 402191/B HIGH: 483273/B
T-13 1935 $10 LOW: 012640/D HIGH: 134308/D
T-14 1937 $10, Henwood sign. LOW: 157390/A HIGH: 225485/D
T-15 1937 $10, Marsh sign. LOW: 232595/D HIGH: 277974/C
T-16 1935 $20 LOW: 00001/C HIGH: 10535/D
BANQUE CANADIENNE NATIONALE, logo 6 (beaver), numbering by sheets.
T-17 1935 $5 LOW: 012929/B HIGH: 479194/D
T-18 1935 $10 LOW: 018268/C HIGH: 284486/D
BANQUE PROVINCIALE DU CANADA, logo 8 (beaver, maple leaf), numbering by sheets. Large blocks of T-21
through T-24 destroyed unissued.
T-19 1935 $5 LOW: 006382/C HIGH: 119333/D
T-20 1935 $10 LOW: 00001/D HIGH: 74661/C
T-21 1936 $5. blue back LOW: 000003/A HIGH: 122315/A
T-22 1936 $5. greem back LOW: 160344/B HIGH: 175661/B
T-23 1936 $10. orange LOW: 000612/P HIGH: 072334/D
T-24 1936 $10, green LOW: 114029/D HIGH: 119982/B
CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE, logo 10 (caduceus), continuous numbering by sheets. Release of $5
notes essentially ended with T-26.
T-25 1935 $5, Aird-Logan LOW: 000002/D HIGH: A146107/B
T-26 1935 $5, Logan-Arscott LOW: A180575/B HIGH: A372184/C
T-27 1935 $5, Logan, Wedcl LOW: A425389/C HIGH: A432023/C
T-28 1935 $10, Aird-Logan LOW: 000001/B HIGH: 623917/B
T-29 1935 $10, Logan-Arscott LOW: 659539/B HIGH: A136575/A
T-30 1935 $20, Aird-Logan LOW: 004509/A HIGH: 146166/C
ROYAL BANK OF CANADA, logo 11 (crown), numbering by sheets, subvarieties (1935 issue) have small and
large signatures.
T-31a 1935 $5, small sigs. LOW: 024620/B HIGH: 352724/D
T-31b 1935 $5, large sigs. LOW: 408105/B HIGH: 2129266/C
T-32a 1935 $10, small sigs. LOW: 018588/A HIGH: 2 79546/D
1-32 b 1935 $10, large sigs. LOW: 325435/A HIGH: 1648565/B
T-33a 1935 $20, small sigs. LOW: 00034/D
T-33 b 1935 $20, large sigs. LOW: 23359/D HIGH: 175522/A
T-34 1943 $5 LOW: 000001/D HIGH: 106883/D
Paper Money • November/December • Whole No. 252 419
DOMINION BANK, logo 12 (maple leaf), numbering of individual notes.
T-35 1935 $5 LOW: 008640
T-36 1935 $10 LOW: 073256
T-37 1938 $5 LOW: 057382
T-38 1938 $10 LOW: 038128
IMPERIAL BANK OF CANADA, logo 17 either saltire within circle or lion on
ment varies), numbering by sheets (prefix letter advances by intervals of 50,000 shee
HIGH: 1443078
HIGH: 1004833
HIGH: 776349
HIGH: 593986
crown within circle, logo place-
T-39 1934 $5, Phipps sign. LOW: 004610/B HIGH: G186722/C
T-40 1934 $5, Jaffray sign. LOW: H210919/A HIGH: L366382/C
T-41 1934 $10, Phipps sign. LOW: 008379/C HIGH: F143779/D
T-42 1934 $10, Jaffray sign. LOW: G157548/D HIGH:
T-43 1939 $5 LOW: 015138/B HIGH:
T-44 1939 $10 LOW: 001630/A HIGH: E083388/A
BARCLAYS BANK (CANADA), logo 22 (spreadeagle on shield), continuous numbering of individual notes.
T-45 1935 $5, Borden sign. LOW: D007501 HIGH: D146860
T-46 1935 $10, Borden sign. LOW: E009581 HIGH: E118670
T-47 1935 $10, Magee sign. LOW: E122038 HIGH E154740
Computed from known sheet and serial number ranges, data which reflect many years of bourse floor
observation and significant collector and dealer help, numbers and aggregate face values of small chartereds released
into circulation are compiled as Schedule III. Confidence in the reasonableness of these approximations takes into
consideration the modest differences (increases) since these figures first were published in April 2002 ... for both
totals, 0.5 per cent (see Preliminary Readings).
Institution Note Issue Dollar Value
Royal 16,240,938 (26.0%) 124,707,255 (26.6%)
Montreal 14,836,559 (23.7%) 112,399,765 (24.0%)
Commerce 10,619,704 (17.0%) 84,599,950 (18.1%)
Nova Scotia 5,487,156 (8.8%) 38,791,405 (8.3%)
Dominion 3,818,246 (6.1%) 27,085,325 (5.8%)
Imperial 3,395,409 (5.4%) 24,382,320 (5.2%)
Toronto 3,087,125 (4.9%) 21,627,200 (4.6%)
National 3,054,720 (4.9%) 20,963,320 (4.5%)
Provincial 1,639,652 (2.6%) 11,257,225 (2.4%)
Barclays 301,600 (0.5%) 2,281,700 (0.5%)
Total 62,481,109 468,095,465
Data in Schedules II and III provide instructive insights into aspects of "small chartered" issuance and cir-
culation. Some 62,481,109 notes which entered circulation--our current best estimate--aggregated $468,095,465
(Schedule III), an overall mean of $7.49. Broken down by denomination, these figures give: $5 notes, 35,260,105
(56.4 per cent of the aggregate); $10 notes, 25,262,514 (40.4 per cent); $20, as issued by four of the ten banks,
1,958,490 (3.1 per cent). The $7.49 overall mean is seen to have varied significantly from bank to bank (see individ-
ual bank descriptions), from a low for the two dominantly "French-speaking" banks (Banque Canadienne Nationale,
$6.86; and Banque Provinciale, $6.87), to such highs as $7.58 for Bank of Montreal, $7.68 for Royal, and $7.97 for
Commerce. Inclusion of a $20 high value in a bank issue would be a partial explanation for the higher means of
those "top three", but Barclays Bank, which didn't have a small $20, averaged $7.57, well above Bank of Toronto,
which did have a small $20 but averaged $7.01, the third lowest such figure.
The ten banks of issue, as well, can be seen to have released a quantity of $10 notes that was, overall, but
71.6 per cent of the number of $5s. This result might be surprising until it is appreciated that a Depression-era $5
would have been not only a make-up denomination (counting out, say, $35 as "three tens and a five") but also a sig-
nificant sum in itself. In this light, it can be instructive to compute this statistic for individual banks: For Bank of
Montreal, the number of issued $10s was 68.1 per cent of the number of $5s; for Bank of Nova Scotia, 70.6 per
cent; for Bank of Toronto, 57.5 per cent; for Banque Canadienne Nationale, 59.4 per cent; for Banque Provinciale,
420 November/December • Whole No. 252 • Paper Money
59.5 per cent; for Bank of Commerce, 82.8 per cent; for Royal Bank, 73.7 per cent; for Dominion Bank, 72.0 per
cent; for Imperial Bank, 77.4 per cent; and Barclays Bank (Canada), 105.4 per cent.
That final figure should serve to set thoughts in motion. Barclays Bank (Canada) had been, first and fore-
most, a businessman's bank, dealing in larger sums and facilitating national and international trade. "On cash," it
counted out orange $10s, its blue-green $5, to this day scarce for collectors, really having been a make-up note. The
"fewest tens" banks, in marked contrast, had many, relatively small branches, a preponderance at village or neigh-
borhood level, and no doubt facilitated and encouraged individual savings. Their $5 low value, for their clientele,
served day-to-day needs with much of the purchasing power of $50 today.
Were you to visit Canada and to go "bank spotting," the street corner and shopping mall branches might
seem a bit reduced in number, having given way to ATMs and such, but the names of the note issuers do survive,
some with subtle alterations. Bank of Montreal has been branding itself with its stock exchange symbol, BMO.
Canadian Bank of Commerce, Imperial Bank, and Barclays Bank (Canada), merged with Imperial back in 1956, now
operate (since 1961) as Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, CIBC. Royal Bank is Royal, or perhaps RBC, with
its striking "lion and globe" corporate emblem. Bank of Toronto and Dominion Bank joined forces back in 1955--
"a marriage of equals," it was said. Look today for TD Canada Trust. Banque Canadienne Nationale and Banque
Provinciale united in 1979, as Banque Nationale (National Bank of Canada), a strong force within Quebec and a
significant presence across Canada. All in all, a youthful bank staff will try to field your questions on small char-
tereds, but--time passes! -- it's more than possible that they'll not know what you mean.
At bourse or dealer level, you could go after, say, those 20 banker portraits (20 of them, calling for 13 small
$5s), or the 31 signatures (20 notes, but a truly formidable task).
All this could easily lead you to considerably broader numismatic thinking. Small chartereds much resem-
ble United States small nationals, except of course for numbers of issuing institutions. They also resemble consoli-
dated bank issues of the Irish Republic, the post -- 1928 "ploughman" notes. Paper numismatics does have many
such intriguing fields which beckon just a bit beyond the well -- beaten path.
Toward a Broader Perspective
Listed below are two groups of published sources which can offer insights into Canada's "small chartereds"
and their lore. The first listings represent my own writings, indicative of what knowledge was available--and what
wasn't--over the 40-50-year interval. Several of the later of these listings specifically invited reader input, and in
some instances significant help was forthcoming. Information so gained has been incorporated into this definitive
version of the study. The numbered references that then follow are "recommended readings" for those who wish to
view consulted sources, or to gain perspective on Canadian banking and its century and more of note-issuing char-
tered banks. The focus here being on the final decade of such currency, the small chartereds, we are looking at rela-
tively accessible, by and large affordable, material -- 47 or so small but attractive notes, readily perceived as a dis-
tinct challenge unto themselves.
Preliminary Writings
"The Bank of Montreal Bank Note Issues Since 1871," Canadian Numismatic Journal, 2:10 (October 1957), pp. 191-97.
"The Final Decade of Canadian Bank Currency, 1935-1944," Numismatic Scrapbook Magazine, 26:3 (March 1960), pp. 609-20.
"The Royal Bank of Canada Note Issues, Halifax and Montreal, 1901-1943," Numismatic Scrapbook Magazine, 27:5 (May 1962),
pp. 1281-90.
"Canada's Counterfeit Originals," International-Bank Note Society Journal, 3:4 (Autumn 1963), pp. 14-15.
Depicts from Royal Bank of Canada archives and discusses hand-drawn counterfeits, the battleship
Bellerophon $10 of 1913 and the Donaldson Line steamer $5 for Trinidad, both complete with credible Neill-Holt
"A `Conversation'-Invitation about 46 (I Think) Small Chartereds," Canadian Paper Money Newsletter, 7:2 (July 1999), pp. 46-50.
"An Extended Consideration of 46 Canadian 'Small Chartereds,"' Canadian Paper Money Newsletter, 8:1 (April 2000), pp. 14-19.
The 47th small chartered was the Canadian Bank of Commerce $5, Wedd signature (T-27), which at that
point had not been seen as an issued (circulated) note.
"Small Chartereds: Tidying the Record," Canadian Paper Money Newsletter, 10:1 (April 2002), pp. 10-11.
"Canadian 'Chartered Bank' Currency Offers Challenging Final Chapter," FUN-Topics, Florida United Numismatists, Inc., 51:2
(Fall 2006), pp. 43, 48-49.
Additional References
1. Benoit, Benoit. "The Provincial Bank of Canada Note Issue of 1st September 1936," Canadian Paper Money Journal, 6:1
(January 1970), pp. 6-7.
Documents from bank records large blocks of T-21 through T-24 that were destroyed unissued.
2. Charlton, flames] E. "Canadian Paper Money Collecting, 1949-1976," Canadian Paper Money Journal, 12:3 (July 1976), pp. 83-
In a brief note, Canada's foremost auctioneer and dealer of the half-century, recalls when there had been "no appar-
L A P.ER01133EW A 7:
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Paper Money • November/December • Whole No. 252 421
422 November/December • Whole No. 252 • Paper Money
ent interest in late-issue chartereds," then deemed "too expensive to collect, even at face value."
. Standard Catalogue of Canadian Coins, Tokens and Paper Money, 26th ed. Toronto: Charlton International
Publishing, 1978, pp. 341.
Reflective of the state of knowledge at this time, this well-received reference devotes 81 pages (pp. 223-303) to list-
ings of small chartereds.
4. Cross, W. K., publisher. Charlton Standard Catalogue of Canadian Bank Notes, 3rd ed., Walter D. Allan, editor. Toronto:
Charlton Press, 1996. pp, xii + 524.
A compendium whose primary focus is chartered banks and their note releases. A separate volume treats government
and central bank legal tender.
5. Denison, Merrill. Canada's First Bank: A Histozy of the Bank of Montreal, 2 vols. Toronto and Montreal: McClelland & Stewart,
1967, pp, xix + 472 (vol. 1), xiii + 454 (vol. 2).
Such Canadian bank histories can prove of great interest to monetary students. This celebration of Bank of
Montreal's 150th anniversary extends through the "small chartered" interval, and depicts in color the face of T-07, the
Gardner-Spinney $5 of 1942. As well, comparison of bank officer portraiture in these volumes with corresponding note
vignettes can be instructive.
6. Graham, R[obert] J. "A Study in Bank Note Survival Rates: The Barclays Bank Small Size Issue 1935," Canadian Paper Money
Newsletter, 14:2 (June 2006), pp. 52, 54, 60.
An investigation from collector holdings of $5 (T-46) and $10 (T-46 and T-47) "small Barclays" notes, by ranges of
1000, with interpretive considerations.
7. . "Twentieth Century Note Issues of the Bank of Nova Scotia, Canadian Paper Money Journal, 27:3 (July 1989), pp.
Relevant to this study, reports high-number, 1935-dated Nova Scotia $5 notes, T-08 (3230001 to 3700000) and $10
notes, T-09 (2317001 to 2700000) to have been destroyed unissued in 1944. His assertion that lower number ranges
were issued agrees essentially with observations (Schedule II).
8. Howard, C. S. Canadian Banks and Bank-Notes: A Record. Republished from The Canadian Banker, Canadian Bankers
Association. [Toronto, ca. 1955], pp. 48.
A pioneer presentation, which served collectors as a respected principal reference for many years.
9. Hunter, E. R., and Edward R. Grove, "The Men Who Produced the Canadian Bank of Commerce 1917 Notes," Canadian
Paper Money .7ournal, 9:3 (July 1973), pp. 65-66, 77-86.
A learned and lavishly illustrated presentation considering face and back design components subsequently adapted for
"small Commerce" issues, domestic and "southern," and, as well, the "woman with globe" vignette employed on all
Barclays (Canada) releases.
10. Jamieson, A. B. Chartered Banking in Canada, rev. ed. Toronto: Ryerson Press, 1957, pp. x + 448.
Conceived, one senses, as a textbook for banker education, the comprehensive work so treats Canadian
banking history and banking practice as to provide valuable perspective and insights into the context and
the times in which chartered bank currency functioned.
11. Kreilkamp, Gunther, "Duisenberg Euro Notes: A Summary," International Bank Note Society Journal, 45:3 (2006), pp. 17-23.
An exhaustive study of Euro currency of the initial, Willem F. Duisenberg presidency, by note denomination, nation-
al origin, and printery, an investigation rooted in "circulation" observation.
12. "Listing of the 'Small Size' Chartered Bank Notes Issued 1934-1943," Canadian Paper Money Journal, 2:3 (July 1966), pp. 55-56.
Indicative of state of collector knowledge at this time.
The Journal carries a sequel, 4:3 (July 1968), pp. 61-62.
The Journal provides clarification as to the Bank of Montreal final (1942) release, 5:2 (April 1969), p. 37.
13. Morris, Thomas F., "Notes Printed for Canadian Chartered Banks by the British American Bank Note Co., Limited,"
Canadian Paper Money journal, 4:3 (July 1968), p. 63.
A listing strong in Victorian classics, both negotiable and "broken bank," but quite lacking in latter-day small char-
tereds. Missing are the Banque Provinciale 1935s, the $5 and $10 Jean-Baptiste Rolland portrait notes (T-19 and T-
20), and the range of Royal Bank small chartereds (T-31ab, T-32ab, T-33ab, T-34).
14. Pick, Albert. Standard Catalog of World Paper Money, 7th ed., vol. I (specialized issues). Ed. by Neil Shafer and Colin R. Bruce
II. Iola, WI: Krause Publications, 1995, pp. 1096.
Includes Canada (non-government issues), pp. 135-240; hence, small chartereds. Illustration quality, portrait identifi-
cation, signature variety recognition, could have been strengthened.
15. Rudin, Ronald. Banking en francais: The French Banks of Quebec, 1835-1925. Social History of Canada 38. Toronto: University
of Toronto Press, 1985, pp. xxvi + 190.
To put eight small chartereds (T-17 to T-18, T19 to T24) in historical perspective, academic background reading on
their issuing institutions and their distinctive Quebec-based antecedents.
16. Walker, Sir Edmund, "Banking in Canada, a paper read before the Congress of Bankers and Financiers, Chicago, 1893,"
Canadian Paper Money Journal, in five parts, 4:3 (July 1968), pp. 65-68; 4:4 (October 1968), pp. 87-88; 5:1 (January
1969), pp. 15-18; 5:2 (April 1969), pp. 43-44; 5:3 (July 1969), pp. 69-70.
As B. E. Walker, Sir Edmund signed Commerce notes of 1907, 1912, and early allegoricals issue-dated 1917. Indeed,
as Hunter and Gore underscore (Reference 9, p. 66), it was Sir Edmund who had been responsible for commissioning
the art and engraving that resulted in the Commerce allegoricals. •
644‘ 44 ;aawr `S
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Paper Money • November/December • Whole No. 252
Banking: "Doing What We Do Best"
by George W. Taylor
I THE LATE 1800S AND 1900S TAYLOR, TEXASlwas a major hub of economics, business and social life for an
important rural area of central Texas. Farming with all of its
satellite businesses: wagon yards, livery stables, blacksmiths,
equipment companies, and "King of
All" The Cotton Gin (1877) was the
major source of income for the local
Second only to farming was rail-
roading: passenger service, mail ser-
vice, shipping with its storage and
maintenance facilities. Taylor, Texas
was so located to have two railroad
companies: the International and
Great Northern (1876), and Missouri,
Kansas and Texas (1882). The IGN
and the MKT railroads occasioned
need for a large railroad repair shop
called "the round house," with its turntable to redirect the
engines or other equipment being repaired.
All of this activity brought the need for many services and
the stores and companies to render these services: grocery,
clothing, shoe and repair, hotels, cafes, and an assortment of
other businesses. In 1900 the population of Taylor, Texas was
4,211 with that many more in the adjacent countryside. As a
result of these conditions and the fact that farming was a sea-
sonal business it was apparent that the community could not
conduct normal business and pursuit of livelihoods without
banking facilities.
Farmers borrowed money in the late winter time to carry
them through non-productive times and in the spring time
money was borrowed for seeds, etc. to plant their crops. Small
withdrawals weekly or frequently carried the families through
the non-income periods. As summer passed and fall
approached, the crops had to be harvested. Pay for the work-
ers, money for the ginning of the cotton, repairs and a myriad
of other things cause the need for monetary transactions.
IVith a lot of luck the farmer hoped to recover enough income
from the harvest to pay the loans he had made with the bank
and enjoy a profit for his efforts.
John H. Griffith came with his family o Taylor, Texas in
Above: City National Bank of Taylor, 1909-1965; at right, the cur-
rent bank building.
1883 when he was six years old. He was educated in the City
of Taylor School. Later he was active in the lumber business.
On Feb. 10, 1900, he and others established the City National
Bank of Taylor, Williamson County, Texas. John H. Griffith
became Vice President and served in that capacity until he was
named President on Jan. 14, 1913. He actively served in this
position until Jan. 9, 1940, when he became chairman of the
board of directors. Dr. Eanes and J.J. Thames were the first
and second presidents of the bank, but neither served actively
as an officer.
Having deposited $50,000 in bonds with the Comptroller
of the Currency, Charles G. Dawes, the bank was issued
Charter #5275. It opened for business on April 3, 1900. With
this capital deposit and federal charter, the bank was allowed
to issue National Currency with the name of the bank on
them. A total of $925,260 worth of these bills were issued
before they were discontinued in 1935.
The primary significance of this essay does not depend on
the capital or growth of this bank but that as of this date, the
bank has operated and given community services since its
founding in 1900. It has survived the "Panic of 1907," and the
"Great Depression." It has not been sold, merged, nor bank-
rupt, and has operated under the original name with four gen-
erations of family leadership.
Currently, the bank has Edward C. Griffith as Chairman
of the Board of Directors, Andrew D. Littlejohn as President,
and Edward C. Griffith Jr. as Executive Vice President.
During its first hundred years, the bank's assets had grown to
$145 million. In this fast moving day and time, I find this
bank and its history most unusual, and hope its operation con-
tinues for many generations to come. •:•
424 November/December • Whole No. 252 • Paper Money
$5 1928C Legal Tender FA Mules
& 1934A Silver Certificate HA Mules:
Cousins in Production and Rarity
by Jamie Yakes
during February 1940. Two micro back mule rarities were created then, the $5 Legal Tender Series of
1928C FA block and $5 Silver Certificate Series of 1934A HA block notes.
Concurrent Creations
Three factors converged to create the rarities during this period: (1) less than one percent of available back
production was in the form of micro backs; (2) $5 LT and SC production was high so $5 back production was not
sitting around very long before being overprinted; plus, existing stockpiles of $5 backs were being consumed; and
(3) serial numbering was just entering the Legal Tender FA and Silver Certificate HA blocks.
Three $5 back plates with micro size numbers were still in use during August 1939; specifically, 902, 905
and 938. Plate 905 continued to be used until February 14, 1940. The result was that only small numbers of micro
back sheets were overprinted with serials on the two blocks. The reported specimens are listed in Table 1.
Table 1- Reported notes.
Series Serial Plates Printed
1928C LT F00577379A E347/905 December 1939
1928C LT F00703140A G332/905 December 1939
1928C LT F00841637A 1(324/896 December 1939
1928C LT F01584870A L332/895 January 1940
1928C LT F01662061A A332/896 January 1940
1928C LT F01956613A January 1940
1928C LT F02073566A January 1940
1928C LT F02356095A C332/905 Jan/Feb 1940
1928C LT F02376180A F327/895 Jan/Feb 1940
1928C LT F02518451A 1(332/905 Jan/Feb 1940
1928C LT F02837816A B331/905 Jan/Feb 1940
1928C LT F03922924A J337/905 February 1940
1934A SC H00678185A E1074/905 Spring 1940
1934A SC H01357321A G1130/905 Spring 1940
1934A SC H01998115A G1025/905 Spring 1940
The first Legal Tender serial number printed in 1940 was F00868001A. Three of the reported FA serials
predate this number revealing that the Legal Tender FA mules were being printed during the winter of 1939.
The Silver Certificates represent a slightly different scenario. Serial numbering was only half way through
the GA block at the beginning of 1940. The HA block did not commence until spring 1940, much later than the
Legal Tender FA block.
H01357321 A SCROES,OF
' A
Paper Money • November/December • Whole No. 252 425
Micro Backs on the Rarities
The production data for the micro plates observed on these rarities appear in Table 2.
Table 2- Usage of key $5 micro backs.
Back plate Inclusive dates sent to the press Date canceled
Dec 15, 1937-Jan 27, 1939
Nov 28, 1939
Dec 15, 1937-Jan 27, 1939
Nov 28, 1939
Dec 17, 1937-Feb 14, 1940
Feb 15, 1940
Back Plate 905
Rare 1934A $5 Silver Certificate HA
mule printed during the spring of 1940.
The author purchased this note off eBay
in 2004.
Micro back 905, the last regular micro used, is common to both rarities. The last serial numbers coupled
with 905 were in the Silver Certificate HA block which was overprinted during the spring of 1940, possibly May.
It is apparent that both of the mule rarities were created from recently printed 905 backs based on when
the faces with which they are mated were in use. The late use of 905 also explains why it is the most frequently
encountered on these rarities.
Back Plates 895 and 896
Printings from other micro backs found their way to the Legal Tender FA serial numbering presses. The
two that have been observed are 895 and 896.
Printings from them predate the overprinting of the first Legal Tender 1928C FA mules by almost a year.
Consequently, the mules created from 895 and 896 had to be from stockpiled backs. Some of them were mated with
faces 331 and 332, which were used well into 1940, revealing that there was a substantial time lag between the back
and face printings on at least some of the Legal Tender $5s.
A third micro back plate, 901, had the same press dates as plates 895 and 896. This back plate has been
observed on 1934A Silver Certificate GA mules printed in December of 1939, indicating that sheets from this back
plate were also stockpiled throughout year. This late use of back plate 901 means it may be possible to find this
plate on a 1928C LT FA mule.
wiconsuo piagrarriezmosi,",,,,ja.'
4-4 IgiU.11'3( ejtk_Likijokx
F02376180 A
WILL, 'MILS' It! 41WINIL.,1111114111.1111V.SEJOIV ITEMILlaN
426 November/December • Whole No. 252 • Paper Money
1928C $5 Legal Tender FA mule printed
during early 1940. This note exhibits
micro back plate 895.
Changeover Pairs
The Legal Tender FA and Silver Certificate HA blocks were the last blocks during which $5 changeover
pairs were created as a result of the 1938-1940 micro/macro changeover period.
Only one COP is reported from this period for either type: $5 LT 1928C F00703140A non-mule with
macro back plate 1012 and F00703141A mule with micro back plate 905. Both have face plate 332. It appeared as
lot 2714 in the 2005 Memphis/Smythe auction.
Normal mule production in the $5 LT and SC series ended with the proverbial bang. Dwindling use of
micro backs coupled with the start up of the Legal Tender FA and Silver Certificate HA blocks caused the creation
of the two rarities profiled here.
Recent Auction Appearances
$5 1934A Silver Certificate HA mule:
2004, eBay, H01357321A, F.
2002, R. M. Smythe, 217:2668, H00678185A, F, $1,650.
$5 1928C Legal Tender FA mule:
2006, Currency Auctions of America, 424:13507, F02837816A, F, $431.25.
2005, Currency Auctions of America, 364:15614, F02356095A, F-VF, $862.50.
2004, Lyn Knight, PCDA auction, lot 1466, F02837816A, F, $260.
2004, Currency Auctions of America, 354:15694, F01584870A, F-VF, $719.
2003, Lyn Knight, Baltimore ANA, lot 5007, F01662061A, choice CU, $3800.
2003, eBay, F02073566A, VG-F.
Peter Huntoon provided the plate usage data. Dave Sclalingman and Jim Hodgson both provided serial
number data. Hodgson also provided scans of the $5 LT 1928C FA mule.
Paper Money
of the United States
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• Nag size eases • IMAM/ postage stamps
• Colonial and Continental so/army
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Arthur L and Ira S. Friedberg
The Complete Catalog or
1910 - 1929***
R., silk.
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Paper Money • November/December • Whole No. 252 427
Paper Money Special Book Section rates high praise
Dear Fred,
Thank you so much for your glowing review of The Coinage of Augustus Saint-Gaudens in
the May/June issue of Paper Money. We are thrilled to have received such a favorable critique
from someone of your expertise. There's no higher praise than to hear you have a copy on your
Fred, we also value our relationship with you, and expect that it will continue for many,
many years. Steve Ivy sends his regards, your way.
Best regards, --7int Halperin
Dear Fred,
I often send e-mails, but this "Thank You" is far too important for that. Hence, a regular
letter, with copies to certain of the principals at Anderson Press and Whitman.
I appreciate more than I can say the wonderful review and coverage you gave of my book
Obsolete Paper Money in your May/June issue of Paper Money. I am absolutely delighted and
Thank you again. The thoughts were wonderful. Wishing you the best of continued suc-
cess, I remain sincerely yours,
-- Q. David Bowers
Two books for every paper money bookshelf
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Wanted information on U.S. Chopped up Money.
Who made the Items, where sold, and anything of Interest.
Also I am a buyer of these items. Top Prices paid.
M. Cohen, 169 Marlborough St., Boston, MA 02116-1830
E-mail. Marblebert•
November/December • Whole No. 252 • Paper Money
Ever AuctionLot is Now Available for Online Vim lg._
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Paper Money • November/December • Whole No. 252 429
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November/December • Whole No. 252 • Paper Money
4th Annual SPMC Author's Forum Brings
Writers', Publishers' Views to the Table
THE SOCIETY'S 4TH ANNUAL AUTHOR'S FORUMbrought a star-studded panel of numismatic authors and
publishers to the Memphis Marriott Heritage Ballroom July
6th during the recent Memphis International Paper Money
The event was organized by Paper
Money, and emceed by Wendell Wolka. An
audience of approximately 50 attendees were
welcomed to the
event by Society
President Benny
Bolin (left).
"This forum
was conceived as a
way for authors
and prospective
authors of paper
money books to
exchange ideas,
`tricks of the
trade,' and form
mutual support on
the long road between conception and publication of a worth-
while book," Bolin told the audience.
"This Forum, in tandem with our Society's George W.
Wait Memorial Prize which supports research of book length
paper money projects, is part of SPMC's outreach to hobbyists
by supporting numismatic education.
"Our Author's Forum is unique in the hobby. We invite
all prospective authors and others interested in paper money
books to attend and participate in
this event. As in the past, this year's
presenters' works cover a wide
diversity of paper money topics, so
you should find something of inter-
est to you" Bolin added.
As in years past all presenters
were experienced and well known
in the hobby. Leading off the show
was Shawn Hewitt (left), author of
the recent work A History and
Catalog of Minnesota Obsolete Notes
and Scrip (R.M. Smythe, 2006).
Shawn started collecting
paper money at age ten, and dis-
covered a lifelong interest in col-
lecting Minnesota money while in
college. First, it was National Bank
Notes, and then obsolete notes,
after being hired as an intern at the
Federal Reserve Bank of
Shawn earned a Bachelor's
Degree in Economics and Finance
from Bethel University, and an MS
in Applied Economics from the University of Minnesota. After
building an important collection of Minnesota obsoletes over
the years, Shawn and three Minnesota colleagues wrote their
acclaimed book.
This book features several innovations, not the least of
which is including a census of all recorded
Minnesota obsolete notes. In his talk, Shawn
shared particulars about the technology he devel-
oped and census
methods. He also
offered his census
program to other
writers interested in
doing what he has
Our second
speaker was renowned
large size researcher
Doug Murray (right),
a 30 year researcher
and collector of U.S.
large size type note
varieties from 1862 to 1929.
Murray has authored three editions of United States Large
Size Star Notes 1910-1929, and a draft of United States Large
Size Mules 1921-1926.
Recently he has added 13 new
catalog numbers to the Friedberg
Paper Money of the United States
(17b, 30a, 52a, 52b, 93a, 93b, 124a,
126c, 229a, 1169a, 1170a, 1173a,
and 1200a). Nearly twice as many
other catalog numbers have been
given the "none printed" comment
after his Washington, DC research
revealed that no plates were made,
hence no notes.
Doug provided an impromptu
discussion about his 160-page third
edition star book that was released
at Memphis. He has developed a new numbering system for
large size currency, and discussed what makes a variety signifi-
cant enough to assign a new catalog number.
Murray's publisher and paper
money and world coin author in his
own right, Arthur L. Friedberg
(right) batted third in the lineup.
Art is the co-author with
brother Ira of the hobby's authori-
tative Paper Money of the United
States. Additionally, he provides
market analysis and current retail
values for some 17,000 federal
notes bimonthly in Coin World's
Paper Money Values magazine.
Friedberg is also coauthor of A
You Are
Invited to
our 4th
Friday, July
6th 2007, at
the Memphis
2, 3, &4
Noon-2 p.m.
Meet &
Door prizes
& soft drinks
Paper Money • November/December • Whole No. 252 431
Show Off
In the Registry, you can track your inventory, build sets,
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Sets are ranked according to grade and rarity of the items
registered. You can begin with one note and watch your
sets grow or you can add an entire collection. Your partic-
ipation provides you with many benefits which include free
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Paper Money
of the United States
• Large size notes • Fractional currency
• Small sire notes • Encased postage stamps
• Colonial and Continental currency
• Confederate States notes
Arthur L. and Ira S. Friedberg
LI CM TO. 01114W•L Wollg •0•1811 TRITOTWO
Silent Witnesses:
Civilian Camp Money
of World War II
ri BY DANK, in II IL L NI I I. I STsm,
Q. David Bowers
Pierre Friar
November/December • Whole No. 252 • Paper Money432
Guide Book of United States Paper
Money: Complete Source for History,
Grading, and Prices; Gold Coins of the
World: From Ancient Times to the
Present: An Illustrated Standard
Catalogue With Valuations and the
author of Coins of the Bible.
Art was the first American
president of the International
Association of Professional
Numismatists (IAPN). He is an
ANA LM and a member of PNG.
In 1993 he was awarded IAPN's
Book Prize for Gold Coins of the World. He also received ANA's
Medal of Merit (1992), its 1st place Heath Literary Award
(1994) and the Swiss Vrenelli Prize (1999) for "outstanding
contributions to numismatics."
Friedberg's book imprint is that of The Coin and
Currency Institute. From these multiple vistas, Art explored
the future of the hobby and the written word.
After a brief intermission to enjoy snacks and beverages
provided by R.M. Smythe, father-daughter duo Steve & Ray
Feller (left) led off the second half
of the forum. The Fellers are co-
authors of Silent Witnesses: Civil
Camp Money of World War II (BNR
Press, 2007).
Ray Feller is best known for
her column "Rachel Notes" that
appeared for 15 years in I.B.N.S.
journal. She has served on the
I.B.N.S. Board of Directors and is
also an MPC fester and member of
ANA and NLG. While an under-
graduate at Lawrence University
she wrote an honors thesis, "Subtle
Rebellion: Symbols of Resistance
on WWII Camp Money," some of
which is part of the present work.
Ray is beginning her last year of
graduate school in clinical psychol-
ogy at Antioch University.
Steve Feller has been a numis-
matic enthusiast for about 50 years.
He has written on World War II
numismatics, Confederate currency
and holography. From 1990 until
earlier this year he was Editor of
the I.B.N.S. journal. Professor of
physics at Coe College in Cedar
Rapids, Iowa, he is also an MPC
fester and member of SPMC,
ANA, NLG, AINA, Chicago Coin
Club, and the Cedar Rapids Coin
The Fellers discussed the dis-
covery of historical information
published for the first time in their
Dennis Tucker (left), publish-
er, Whitman Publishing, LLC,
followed the Fellers. He is an
active collector of coins, tokens,
and medals, who also enjoys study-
ing paper money. His professional
background is in corporate and
nonprofit communications, market-
ing, PR, and publishing.
Paper-money books published
under his tenure at Whitman
include A Guide Book of United
States Paper Money (Friedberg &
Friedberg), 100 Greatest American
Currency Notes (Bowers &
Sundman), A Guide Book of Southern
States Currency (Shull), and Obsolete Paper Money (Bowers).
Dennis discussed "How to Succeed in Numismatic
Publishing (By Really Trying)"—offering an insider's tips on
how to get published in the paper-
money field. He also discussed some
of the challenges peculiar to this
segment of the hobby, and high-
lighted upcoming Whitman projects
in the paper money field.
The forum concluded with
presentations by Pierre Fricke (left)
and Wendell Wolka, who separately
examined new frontiers in numis-
matic "book publishing."
Fricke, whose Collecting
Confederate Paper Mo n ey was
SPMC's "Book of the Year" last
year, talked about his new venture Collecting Confederate Paper
Money - Type Edition 2007, his new
e-Book designed for new collec-
tors and type collectors of
Confederate paper money.
"This e-book arms people
with the knowledge to navigate the
21st century bourse floor and
community," Fricke said. The
"book" is available as a PDF for-
mat download.
Emcee Wolka (below), whose
other hats include author and
researcher, and SPMC past
President, Paper Money ad manager (and more recently as an
elected governor of the ANA) has been collecting something
for nearly 50 years. He authored our Society Wismer catalogs
on Indiana (1978) and Ohio obsoletes (our SPMC 2005 "Book
of the Year"), and hundreds of articles.
He also is researcher for Hugh
Shull's Southern States and forth-
coming CSA currency books for
Whitman, and is a columnist for
Coin World and Numismatist.
His present work is a 30-year
update on CD for his Indiana
Obsolete notes book (originally co-
authored with jack Vorhies and
Don Schramm). The new e-book
includes color images, and can be
explored with Adobe Acrobat® or
Adobe Reader.®
•The Official RED BOOK'
X Gurde Soul ot
f Southern Stales
Hussh Shull
Paper Money • November/December • Whole No. 252 433
A brief question and answer
session and meet-and-greet fol-
lowed the formal presentations.
SPMC is chartered "to pro-
mote, stimulate, and advance the
study of paper money and other
financial documents in all their
branches, along educational, histori-
cal and scientific lines."
Besides our annual Author's
Forum, another of the ways we sup-
port research and publication is our
George W. Wait Memorial Prize,
available annually to assist researchers engaged in important
research leading to publication of book length works in the
paper money field.
The Official Prize Announcement, including rules and
deadlines for awarding this prize is published annually in our
November/December issue, see page 476.
George W. Wait, a founder and former SPMC President,
was instrumental in launching the Society's successful publish-
ing program. The George W. Wait Memorial Prize is estab-
lished to memorialize his achievements/contributions to this
field in perpetuity. Up to $500 is awarded annually in unre-
stricted research grant(s). (Note: the Awards Committee may
decide to award this amount to a single applicant, or lesser
amounts totaling 5500 to more than one applicant. If no qual-
ifying applicant is found, funds will be held over.)
Past recipents include five individuals and one group.
Each received the maximum award. 1st annual Wait winner
United States Paper Money
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was Robert S. Neale for a book on antebellum Bank of Cape
Fear, NC. The 2nd prize went to Forrest Daniel for a manu-
script on small size War of 1812 Treasury Notes, publication
of which is pending. Gene Hessler was honored for his book
on international bank note engravers. R. Shawn Hewitt and
Charles Parrish received the prize jointly for their splendid
book on Minnesota obsolete notes and scrip which Hewitt
described in our forum. Last year's winner was Dr. Michael
Reynard for Complete Guide to Check Collecting. This year's
winner is Matt Janzen for Wisconsin National Bank Note Census.
A third way the Society supports research and publication
is the our General Research Grant program which awards up
to $500 to authors for more limited research, generally leading
to worthwhile articles for publication in Paper Money or else-
where. Up to six awards are made annually. This program is
administered by the Society's Research Committee chaired by
past president Ron Horstman.
Yet another way SPMC supports such activities is the
Society's \Vismer program which assists catalogers of state
obsolete bank note and scrip volumes. Thus far 18 state cata-
logs have been published. Members have the opportunity to
make contributions to our IAIismer fund with due's renewals.
And not less important is the Society's free lending
library for members, and the insightful columns into informa-
tion flow via books and electronic media by our two most
recent society librarians Bob Schreiner and Jeff Brueggeman.
Periodically book reviews are published too, and Paper Money
recently debuted a special book section to acclaim (see p. 427).
Next year's forum is only seven months or so away, so
pack your bags now so you won't miss out. -- Fred Reed
U.S., All types
Thousands of Nationals, Large and
Small, Silver Certificates, U.S. Notes,
Gold Certificates, Treasury Notes,
Federal Reserve Notes, Fractional,
Continental, Colonial, Obsoletes,
Depression Scrip, Checks, Stocks, etc.
Foreign Notes from over 250 Countries
Paper Money Books and Supplies
Send us your Want List . . . or .. .
Ship your material for a fair offer
P.O. BOX 2395
SPMC #2907 (765) 583-2748 ANA LM #1503
Fax: (765) 583-4584 e-mail:
November/December • Whole No. 252 • Paper Money
was the first national gold bank chartered, and the only one located
outside California. Its life was brief, a little over two years. It is
apparent from the scanty records available that there was not a sig-
nificant need for specie banks in the major port cities along the east coast, even
II By Peter Huntoon
though international trade was conducted on a gold basis, and customs duties
on imports were payable to the treasury in gold.
The bank was organized August 2, 1870, and chartered August 15,
1870. The principal officers were Henry P. Kidder, president, and Oliver W.
Peabody, cashier. Both were principals in the venerable Kidder, Peabody &
Company investment banking firm of Boston. Kidder was the senior partner in
that firm, Peabody the junior partner. Francis H. Peabody, the third principal
in Kidder, Peabody & Company, and Oliver's older brother, also participated.
Opening a specie bank in Boston by these men seemed to be a sensible
business proposition at the time they organized their bank. It is worth placing
the bank, and these gentlemen, in the context of those times.
Civil War Money
Let's first develop a perspective on the circulation of money during this
period. Specie in the form of gold and silver coin did not circulate in all but a
few far western states and territories from late 1861 until early 1879; rather, it
was hoarded by the public. Specie payments by the banks and U. S. Treasury
had been suspended at the end of 1861 in order to conserve what little
remained in reserve.
Paper Money • November/December • Whole No. 252 435
The circulating U. S. paper money during and after the Civil War con-
sisted of Legal Tender Notes, and later National Bank Notes and Fractional
Currency which were redeemable in Legal Tender Notes. Legal Tender Notes
were simply circulating federal debt, carrying a promise by the federal govern-
ment to pay at an unspecified date.
The value of Legal Tender Notes varied in relation to the confidence
the public had in the ability of the U. S. Treasury to ultimately redeem the
notes for gold. Thus, the Legal Tender Notes, and National Bank Notes and
Fractional Currency which were convertible into legal Lender Tender Notes,
circulated at discount relative to gold coin. At the lowest ebb, near the end of
1864, when the treasury's stock of gold was all but depleted, one could buy
Legal Tender Notes for 38.7 cents in gold, if one wanted them.
Specie payments by the treasury were resumed by law on January 1,
1879. The value of Legal Tender Notes and gold converged at that time, and
both circulated at par thereafter. Prior to 1879, local economies in the east were
largely on a legal tender basis, whereas some in the west, particularly in
California, were conducted on a specie basis. Specie convertible National Gold
Bank Notes made sense in the west where they were readily exchangeable,
because they were more easily handled and transported than gold coin.
Kidder, Peabody & Company
It is important to fit a gold bank in Boston into this two-tiered web of
currency. The following account of Kidder, Peabody & Company is distilled
from Carosso (1971), and will set the stage.
The firm opened April 1, 1865, in the Union Bank Building at 40 State
Street in the heart of Boston's financial district. The business was a reorganized
spin off of Thayer and Brother, with roots tracing back to 1824, a firm in which
Kidder and the two Peabodys served as clerks. The Thayers carried investment
accounts, conducted a brokerage business, dealt in state and federal bonds,
invested and traded in Massachusetts real estate and western lands, and dealt in
securities of banks, insurance companies and railroads. In addition, the firm
operated the leading currency exchange in Boston, a business concerned with
discounting bank notes issued by various entities presented at its counter, and
Above left: Henry P. Kidder was the
president of The Kidder National Gold
Bank of Boston. (From Carosso,
1979). Above: Oliver W. Peabody
was the cashier of The Kidder
National Gold Bank of Boston. (From
Carosso, 1979).
436 November/December • Whole No. 252 • Paper Money
either selling them elsewhere or arranging for the redemption of them by their
issuers. Apparently, the firm also dealt in foreign exchange as well.
The importance of the business and its location is reflected by the com-
pany they were keeping. At the time the Thayers occupied the State Street
address, the three story building also hosted five banks, four insurance compa-
nies, nine loan and fund associations, several private banking and brokerage
houses, and the Boston Stock and Exchange Board.
Kidder, Peabody & Company remained in the former Thayer office at
40 State Street, and retained the exchange accounts of the Thayers. They
advertised themselves as offering banking, brokerage and exchange services,
with brokerage activity in stocks, bonds and gold in New York, Philadelphia and
Baltimore. A distinguishing characteristic of the firm as it grew was its ability
to recruit capital needed to launch increasingly large and complex business ven-
tures through the issue of bonds and later stock. Thus the firm grew to be one
of the most influential investment banking firms in the country.
Early on, it was heavily involved in financing and/or financially reorga-
nizing railroads during the heyday of the railroad building boom of the late
1800s. The firm was involved in financing more than 60 railroad lines including
transcontinental systems, major eastern lines, and the Mexican Central Railroad.
One major client was the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad, for whom they
not only provided financing, but also served as the transfer agent, bank of
deposit, and financial consultant.
Kidder, Peabody grew to the challenge of financing the huge and
increasingly complex corporate structures that emerged during the onset of the
industrial era. Clients firms that they launched at the turn of the 20th century
included American Telephone and Telegraph and U. S. Steel, the latter to
become the first billion dollar corporation. At this time, they also became heav-
ily involved in the sale of foreign government loans in the United States, and
even served as the bank of deposit for the Italian government. Of course, such
activities could not be undertaken single handedly, so Kidder, Peabody formed
or joined syndicates of investment bankers to finance these enterprises. One of
its early and strongest partnerships was Baring Brothers & Co. of London.
A considerable part of Kidder, Peabody business in the early years was
dealing in gold and specie, buying and selling foreign exchange, and issuing
commercial and travelers letters of credit. Thus Kidder, Peabody had a major
presence in the domestic and foreign currency and gold markets, all of which
were carried out on a commission basis. Much of its overseas foreign exchange
activity was conducted in partnership with Baring Brothers of London.
Species Banks on the Eastern Seaboard
With this background, it is possible to deduce the appeal of operating a
National Gold Bank in the eastern financial hub of Boston in 1870. Boston
commerce did not operate on a specie basis, so there was little need for specie
notes there. Greenbacks - federal promissory notes - circulated freely on the
east coast, albeit at a discount relative to gold.
Rather, Boston, a major port city with extensive foreign trade, served as
an international financial center in which foreign exchange in the form of specie
played a significant role. Thus such a bank would be engaged primarily in the
international currency exchange business, and underwriting of commercial and
travelers letters of credit backed by gold for international trade.
Comptroller of the Currency Hiland Hulburd contemplated the estab-
lishment of such banks in the principle eastern port cities in his 1870 annual
report to Congress as follows (Hulburd, 1870, p. vii-viii):
Under the provisions of sections 3, 4, and 5 of the act
approved July 12, 1870, authorizing the establishment of national
banks for the issue of circulating notes redeemable in specie, but one
bank has yet been established, the Kidder National Gold Bank, of
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Paper Money • November/December • Whole No. 252 437
Boston, Massachusetts, with a capital of $300,000. Information has
been received that several other institutions of this character are in
the process of organization, or in contemplation, two or three of
which are in California. Is was not anticipated that specie-paying
banks would he established to any considerable extent, at present, in
those sections of the country where a paper currency, based upon the
legal tender issues of the Government, already prevails; although it
was, and is still, supposed that one or more gold banks might be
established and successfully conducted in each of those cities on the
Atlantic seaboard where a considerable foreign trade is carried on,
and in which a certain amount of business is necessarily transacted
upon a specie basis. If all the business of this kind that is carried on
in the cities of Boston, New York, Philadelphia, and Baltimore could
be concentrated in one or two banking institutions in each of those
cities, its extent would undoubtedly warrant the employment of a
very respectable amount for its exclusive accommodation.
This model appears to be exactly the type of operation contemplated by
Kidder and the Peabodys when they organized their National Gold Bank.
However, once it was established, it is clear that their existing investment bank-
ing company could handle the same business more cost effectively, and with less
regulation, because they dissolved the National Gold Bank within two years.
Kidder National Gold Bank
There appears to be very little in the way of records pertaining to the
Kidder National Gold Bank enterprise outside of reports of condition published
in the 1871 and 1872 annual reports of the Comptroller of the Currency, and in
various bank directories of the period. The address of the bank was 40 State
Street, the same as the parent Kidder, Peabody & Company. Its directors in
1872 were Henry P. Kidder, Francis H. Peabody, Oliver W. Peabody, F. G.
Webster and H. C. Sibley.
The resources of the bank approached $400,000. Deposits were a bit in
excess of $70,000 in 1871, and loans almost reached $180,000 in 1872. The
bankers reported profits of $20,984.45 and $17,841.19, respectively in the years
ending October 1871 and 1872.
Despite having National Gold Bank Notes on hand in the bank, none
were placed in circulation. The notes were not used to supply the needs of bor-
rowers, so by not pressing them into circulation, the bankers were able to avoid
paying the tax on circulation. Rather the loans were financed with specie, or at
least covered by specie subject to check.
Kidder National Gold Bank Notes
The history of Gold Bank Notes printed, and sent to the bank, are
available from the currency and bond ledgers housed in the National Archives.
Specimen of the $50 Kidder National
Gold Bank face complete with over-
printed gold tint. There is legitimate
question as to whether the extant $50
and $100 specimens were from the
plates used to print the notes that
were sent to the bank owing to differ-
ences between these and the issued
California National Gold Bank Notes.
(Photo courtesy of Gene Hessler)
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438 November/December • Whole No. 252 • Paper Money
Specimen of the $100 Kidder National
Gold Bank face complete with over-
printed gold tint. (Photo courtesy of
Gene Hessler)
Gold bonds in the amount of $50,000 were deposited with the U. S.
Treasurer to secure the circulation for the bank on August 15, 1870. This was
followed on November 5, 1870, by an additional $100,000 bond deposit.
The first printing of notes for the bank consisted of 50 sheets of
Original Series 50-100s. These were received by the Comptroller's office on
March 9, 1871, and sent to the bank on March 11th. They carried bank sheet
serials 1-50, and treasury serials 273699-273748.
Seventy-five sheets of Original Series 500-1000s were received by the
Comptroller on April 5, 1871, and sent to the bank three days later. They bore
bank sheet serials 1-75, and treasury serials K2343-K2417. The $1000s where
the only National Gold Bank Notes of this denomination ever ordered and
printed. This fact elevates the Kidder story to mythical dimensions among
The high denomination shipment boosted the potential Kidder circu-
lation to a total of $120,000, the 80 percent legal limit for the $150,000 in
bonds that the bankers deposited as security. These two shipments accounted
for all the notes ever printed for the bank. The notes bore Allison-Spinner
treasury signatures, and August 15, 1870, plate dates.
All of the Kidder notes were returned to, and redeemed by, the
Comptroller on December 4, 1871. The bonds for the bank were sold
December 9th and 19th in $140,000 and $10,000 installments, and the bank
was liquidated November 8, 1872.
Proofs survive of the Kidder $50 and $100 denominations (See
Hessler, 1979), but none have been reported from the $500 and $1000 denomi-
nations. However, there is ambiguity that the extant $50 and $100 specimens
are from the plates used to print the actual notes. The specimens exhibit two
differences from the notes that were issued by the California banks. (1) The
banner across the top is "National Gold Note" instead of "Redeemable in Gold
Coin." (2) The Kidder specimens are overprinted with a beautiful gold tint
bearing the word "GOLD" which underlies the treasury signatures, and is
missing from the issued California notes.
It is entirely possible that the specimens were proposed designs that
were later modified, so that nothing remains in private hands to represent the
notes that arrived at the bank. This also may explain the survival of these spec-
imens. They were passed out as models for comment, and not returned.
The Fate of National Gold Banking
The fact remains that no other National Gold Banks were chartered
along the eastern seaboard. The Kidder, Peabody experience demonstrated
that there was no economic incentive to operate special gold banks there. Only
nine other National Gold Banks were organized, all in the hard money west, all
in California, and all between 1870 and 1875.
They operated at a competitive disadvantage because their reserve
111151111: /114 WILLA Ilitko
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Paper Money • November/December • Whole No. 252 439
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Auction 9 5 3-3/4" $29.00 $53.00 $250.00 $450.00
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SIZE INCHES 10 50 100 250
Obsolete Sheet
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National Sheet
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Stock Certificate
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Map & Bond Size
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G(111.1) MOE K2343)
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440 November/December • Whole No. 252 • Paper Money
The Kidder National Gold Bank was
the only gold bank for which $1000
National Gold Bank Notes were made.
This $500-$1000 Original Series sheet
was created from the title blocks made
for the $500 and $1000 notes.
requirements were more stringent than non-specie National Banks, and the
amount of circulation they could issue was limited to 80 percent of the value of
the bonds on deposit with the treasurer rather than 90 percent. They remained
viable only so long as legal tender currencies were shunned by the public.
Congress passed an act that was signed into law on January 14, 1875,
requiring the resumption of specie payments by the treasury on January 1,
1879. Consequently the incentives for circulating National Gold Bank Notes
vanished as the value of federal promissory notes approached specie at the
onset of 1879. Provisions were made to allow the existing National Gold
Banks to convert into regular National Banks through another act passed
February 14, 1880, and those in California did so or liquidated. The First
National Gold Bank of Petaluma was the last of the California gold banks to
convert, an action that was taken in 1884 (Huntoon and Raymond, 1995).
References Cited and Sources of Data
Carosso, Vincent P. More Than a Century of Investment Banking, the Kidder, Peabody
Co. Story. McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1979, 212 pp.
Comptroller of the Currency, 1863-1934, Certificates of Organization for National
Banks. Record Group 101, U. S. National Archives, College Park, MD.
Comptroller of the Currency, 1863 - 1935, Charters for National Banks. Record Group
101, U. S. National Archives, College Park, MD.
Comptroller of the Currency, 1863-1935, National Currency and Bond Ledgers.
Record Group 101, U. S. National Archives, College Park, MD.
Comptroller of the Currency, 1863 - 1912, Receipts of National Currency from the
Engravers. Record Group 101, U. S. National Archives, College Park, MD.
Hulburd, Hiland R., 1870, Report of the Comptroller of the Currency to the Third Session of
the Forty-First Congress of the United States. U. S. Government Printing Office,
597 pp.
Huntoon, Peter., and Raymond, William K. "National Gold Banks and National Gold
Bank Notes," (Chapter 11) in Peter Huntoon. United States Large Size National
Bank Notes. Society of Paper Money Collectors, 1995, 283 pp.
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Paper Money • November/December • Whole No. 252 441
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442 November/December • Whole No. 252 • Paper Money
Labor Exchange Scrip
by Steve Whitfield
many Labor Exchange notes that were simply not generally seen over
the last 30 years. Many of these notes never saw the light of day as
dealers set them aside for the couple, who always bought a note if they
didn't have it, and stuck it in the vault. Although that kept many of the notes
from being reported in numismatic circles, it served the purpose of gathering
up most of the Labor
Exchange notes that had
surfaced; thereby making it
easier to record them at a
single sitting.
I did a piece on
these notes several years ago
(see Paper Money, Whole
#197, page 147 ) after some
research into the Labor
Exchange organization, and
offered to collectors a list of
branches that I had been
able to record from their
state or states of interest.
That research identified around 150 previously unreported branches of the 300
plus that were suspected from 34 states and Canada. (Arizona was listed in
error.) Several collectors took advantage of the offer and requested reports on
their states. Since then, quite a few notes have surfaced in auctions or dealer
listings that verified many branch names and numbers. This most recent
Schingoethe release is a bonanza of newly confirmed notes. It also included
many previously unreported branch notes and corrected a couple of errors.
And since it is unlikely that such a grouping will ever be assembled again, it
seems like a good time to publish what is known and make it a reference for
collectors, past and present; and future auction catalogers.
When I first got interested in these notes there was little known about
them. Occasionally, one would appear at auction or on a dealer's list. The
;s t *Olt:
PETAL 17E1 '[0144.7 IDE I. 4111011,
B.RER ,“•TRooucl- it„,,
designs, although varying slightly, are all of a similar theme proclaiming the
superiority of labor over capital. (A unique set of notes, so far, also surfaced in
this sale; of blue and red notes with entirely different designs from the "Self
Reliance" branch in Cincinnati, Ohio.) The notes are denominated as fractions
of a day's labor, from 1/100th to twenty units. (5/100ths are represented on
some notes as 1/20th but for uniformities sake I have listed all reported notes
of this denomination as 5/100ths.) The notes are not especially attractive but
they have one great quality that has increased their popularity, which is the
wide variation of localities and branch names that appear on the notes. While
it would be relatively easy to put together a denomination type set from
1/100th to 5 units, the 10 and the recently surfaced 20 may be unique. Another
possibility would be to try to collect the different design variations.
A real challenge would be to attempt to collect a note from each of the
34 known issuing states (plus Canada). This may well be impossible as 14 of
those have not surfaced a single note to date. Undoubtedly some of these will
turn up as more and more information is widely disseminated about the hobby
and collectors seek them
out. I believe the main
attraction of these Labor
Exchange notes will
always be the great
"Americana" locations,
and names of the branch
locations; such as: Dixie,
TN; Red Bluff, CA;
Malta Bend, MO; Gray
Cloud Island, MN;
Science Hill, KY;
Vineyard Haven,
Martha's Vineyard, MA;
Freedom, KS and many
others. The greatest
notes, to my way of
thinking would be #157, Toronto, Canada; (SENC) #103, Bernardi, OK;
(SENC) #1, Kansas City, MO; #318, Nashville, IL (currently the highest
branch number), and that "20" from Stevensville, Montana. It should also be
noted that there are other collectibles related to DeBernardi's Labor Exchange
besides the notes, such as receipts, checks and other related paper.
A few stats for those interested: The high branch number is now #318
from Nashville IL. About 185 branches have been identified so there may be
another 130 branches or so remaining to be identified. It is also possible that
most of those 130 never organized or issued notes. A unique 75/100th denom-
ination was listed in the auction catalog for branch #219, Toledo, OR, but I
believe this was a typo for 25/100ths. Only 14 of the former 48 continental
United States do not have a known branch listed. The earliest date seen on a
note is 1895 and the latest is 1898. Of the 34 states that have notes reported,
22 of them have 1 to 5 reported branches, 7 have 5 to 10 branches and 5 states
(CA, CO, OH, OR and PA) have from 11 to 31 branches listed. CA is the
champ for number of branches started. If you want a place to start, pick one of
these five. About 125 of the known branches remain unconfirmed by reported
notes and there are still a lot of missing branches and numbers of the 318 sus-
pected total, so there is a lot of work remaining for dealers and collectors to
root these out. I have recorded about 150 of these notes. I am sure there are
more that I missed or logged incorrectly so if you can add to the list or correct
errors, please do. My e-mail is .
Paper Money • November/December • Whole No. 252
444 November/December • Whole No. 252 • Paper Money
Following is my listing of branch names with numbers, dates and "denomi-
nations" of notes reported, or seen.
State Name Date Reported Denominations
AL 43 Branchville
298 Thomasville
AR 82 Maple
280 Hot Springs
293 Fayetteville 1898 5/100, 1/4, 1/2, 1, 2, 5
CA 26 San Francisco 1898 1, 2, 5
28 San Diego
29 Pleasant Valley (El Dorado)
32 Red Bluff
34 Farmington
39 Los Angeles
41 Arroyo Grande 1896 1/10
46 Stockton 1896 1/10
51 Fresno
64 Bakersfield
74 San Jose 1895 5/100
77 Elsinore
88 Santa Paula
92 Venture
97 Tulare
106 Santa Cruz 1896 5/100
127 Visalia
132 Williams
133 Eureka
135 Dos Palos
136 Portersville 2
138 Carpenteria
144 Santa Barbara
167 San Francisco
177 Santa Maria 1897 5/100
208 Elgin
241 Tulare
257 San Francisco 1897 2
267 Reedley 1897 1
CANADA 157 Toronto
CO 11? Forsythe? (11 is Pfafftown, NC)
66 Trinidad
81 Boulder ?
102 Monta Vista (possibly 202)
104 Fruita 1896 1/4
151 Mosca
153 Hooper 1896 5/100 (Garrison?)
156 Hotchkiss 1896 1/10, 1/2
158 Denver 1897 5/100, 1/10, 1/4, 1/2, 1, 5 (1896)
162 Aspen 1896 5/100, 1/4, 5
165 Del Norte
242 Denver 1897 1
FL 308 Bunnell
Paper Money • November/December • Whole No. 252 445
State Name Date Reported Denominations
GA 16 Atlanta
189 Fitzgerald 1897 1/4
ID 42 Idaho Falls 1895 5/100, 1
IL 179 Chicago 1897 1/100, 1/10, 1, 5
269 Englewood 1897 5/100
318 Nashville 1899 1/4, 1/2, 1
IN 154 Elkhart (20th Century Branch)
240 Kingstown (Knightstown?)
IA 19 Center Point
288 High Creek
186 Mapleton
KS 6 Olathe (shirts)
38 Olathe (Press & Mill)
54 Pittsburg
131 Salina
140 Harding
197 Edwardsville
199 Freedom 1898 1/10, 1/4, 1/2, 1
223 Osage City 1898 5/100 (coal mining)
Ft Scott
KY 134 Science Hill
LA 170 Nugent
271 Lake Charles
MA 150 Haverhill 1897 1/10, 1/4, 1, 2
291 Easthampton
299 Vineyard Haven 1898 5/100, 1/10, 1 (fish)
303 Weymouth
MI 35 E. Lansing
67 Saginaw
233 Manistee
246 Bay City
249 Grand Rapids
252 Detroit
MN 25 Minneapolis
98 St Paul 1896 1/100
225 New Ulm
260 Duluth
277 Gray Cloud Island 1.9 receipt
309 Garfield
MS 260 Biloxi
MO 1 Kansas City 1898 5/100 (#216 E. 15th ST
Tin cans & tailors)
2 Marshall 1/2
36 St. Louis
40 Kansas City
78 Brookfield
183 Marshall 1897 1/2, 1
268 Malta Bend
? Sedalia (large fruit farm)
MT 69 Hamilton
OF 71-1C.
#1"tabor Exchange
gLIN CI N INA - 1 - 1. Ct.
11,./.I.11.:1. 10 1,, AMOUNT
4 I IE---- S
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MA6' 11 pay on
demand to the order or
Secretor), be.sideet
vo' 49f, For Value receiVed the
446 November/December • Whole No. 252 • Paper Money
Great Falls
Guide Rock
New York City
New Philadelphia
Reported Denominations
1/10, 1
1/100, 5/100, 1/10, 1/4
1/100, 1/4, 1
5/100, 1/4
1/100, 5/100 (1896?), 1/10
1/100, 5/100, 1/4, 1
1/100, 5/100, 1
MT 93
NE .70
NJ 195
NY 193
NC 11
OH 84
1 09
220 Cincinnati 1897 5/100 (man/globe), 1/4, 1/10, 1/2, 1
(Self Reliance Branch)
(Unique Designs) 1898 5/100, 10/100, 25/100, 50/100, 1
224 Alliance 1897 1/100, 5/100,1/10, 1/4, 1/2, 1, 2, 5
245 Columbiana
OK 3 Mine ? (nut butter)
Paper Money • November/December • Whole No. 252
On This Date in Paper Money History -- Nov. 2007
By Fred Reed
Nov. 1
1709, New York paper money expressed in denominations of Dutch lion dollars;
1856, American Bank, Dover Hill, IN issues $2 note with depiction of child Jesus;
Nov. 2
1887, Swedish coloratura soprano Jenny Lind, who appears on U.S. obsolete notes,
dies; 1963, Federal Reserve Notes with no promise to pay in "lawtul money" released;
Nov. 3
1778, Office of Comptroller of the Treasury created; 1930, Bank of Italy becomes
Bank of America;
Nov. 4
1823, Eagle Bank of New Haven, CT, issues demand notes with engraved payee L.
Dwight or R. Sherman; 1870, colonial paper money enthusiast Joshua I. Cohen dies;
Nov. 5
1814, Maus van Vranken issues 6 1/4-cent anti-slavery scrip with motto "May Freemen
be Men and All Men be Free"; 1935, Parker Brothers first markets Monopoly widely;
Nov. 6
1863, CSA Treasury agent Clarence T. Thayer arrives at Matamoros, Mexico with $16
million in treasury notes to pay General Kirby Smith's troops; 1963, production of
Series 1963 $1 FRNs with motto "In God We Trust" begins;
Nov. 7
1780, General Francis Marion confronts Colonel Banastre Tarleton at Richbourg's
Mill, SC as depicted on Confederate $100 note; 1912, Paper Money of the United
States author Robert L. Friedberg born; 1950, first delivery of Series 1934D $5 FRNs;
Nov. 8
1823, Banknote engraver Charles Burt born; 1872, Kidder National Gold Bank liqui-
dates; 1955, Abe Kosoff sale of T. James Clarke paper money collection begins;
Nov. 9
1871, Charles J. Whiting, 34 John Street, NYC passes circulars to supply "perfectly
executed counterfeit notes of the Bank of England at low rates"; 1886, dealer and
United States Notes author Wayte Raymond born;
Nov. 10
1796, Jacksonian economist William M. Gouge, author of A Short History of Paper
Money and Banking in the United States, born; 1914, National City Bank of New York
opens first foreign branch of any NB in Buenos Aires;
Nov. 11
1868, Mrs. Catherine Engles arrested in Brooklyn with upwards of $2,000 in counter-
feit money on her person hidden under her skirts; 1988, "Old Money: American
Trompe l'oeil Images of Currency" debuts at Berry-Hill Galleries;
Nov. 12
1881, Lincoln National Bank of the City of New York organized; 1895, encased stamp
issuer Chicago hotel proprietor John B. Drake dies; 1949, dealer Steve Ivy born;
Nov. 13
1850, Scots novelist Robert Louis Stevenson, honored on Royal Bank of Scotland one-
pound note, born; 1864, Stephen Girard's Banking House converts to National Bank;
Nov. 14
1861, Arkansas authorizes issue of Treasury Warrants; 1864, experimental printing of
Liberty 50-cent red back Colby-Spinner fractional currency;
Nov. 15
1777, Articles of Confederation confers rights to Congress to borrow money and emit
bills on credit of the United States; 1867, first stock tickers between NYSE and mem-
ber brokers; 1883, Charles F. Libbie & Co. sells Fergusson Haines CSA notes;
Nov. 16
1864, John Wilkes Booth opens account at Jay Cooke & Co. Bank with $1,500
deposit; 1914, Federal Reserve Banks open for business;
Nov. 17
1867, Spencer M. Clark resigns as Superintendent of National Currency Bureau; 1999,
Dallas Morning News calls attention to new larger currency portraits on S5 and 510
FRNs with catchy headline "Big Wigs Getting Even Bigger";
Nov. 18
1858, Thompson's Bank Note Register and Counterfeit Detector published; 1981,
author Ayn Rand, the mother of Objectivism, speaks at National Committee for
Monetary Reform New Orleans '81 convention;
Nov. 19
1862, NY stationer Leeds & Franklin self card for mounting monetized postage stamps;
1862, New Yorker Ferri. Mayer advertises to print small change bills for merchants;
Nov. 20
1806, earliest dated New Jersey bank note, a post note from the Trenton Banking Co.;
1815, NYC Common Council appoints Daniel E. Tylee to sign municipal change bills;
Nov. 21
1912, end of Napier-McClung combined tenure as Register and Treasurer; 1996,
Ralph Marlin & Co. copyright "U.S. Money New $100 Bill" necktie;
Nov. 22
1864, CSA Senate confirms nomination of George A. Trenholm as Secretary of the
Treasury; 1963, Col. Grover Criswell announces opening of his Criswell's Money
Museum, St. Petersburg Beach, FL;
Nov. 23
1828, Florida Territorial Legislative Council charters first bank, Bank of Florida,
Tallahassee over governor's veto; 1956, auctioneer Abe Kosoff sells William P.
Donlon paper money collection;
Nov. 24
1868, George W. Casilear patents printing numbers against fine line guilloche to toil
tampering; 1955, Stack's sells Frank A. Limpert Collection; 1986, paper money dealer
and author John Muscalus dies;
Nov. 25
1974, Greenback Party organized, advocating paying national debt in greenbacks and
suppression of NBNs; 1953, Matt Rothert writes Treasury Secretary G.W. Humphrey to
consider placing IGWT on our paper money; 1955, Kagin's holds 200th auction;
Nov. 26
1963, Treasury Department says $1 FRNs to replace $1 Silver Certificates; 1997,
Western Publishing Co. renews copyright of Toni & Jerry's comic book "Money";
Nov. 27
1806, encased stamp issuer Detroit merchant Fred Buhl born; 1932, SPMC member
and dealer Lowell C. Horwedel born;
Nov. 28
1863, First National Bank chartered in Rhode Island (FNB of Providence #1341; 1950,
British East Caribbean Territories introduce dollar-denominated currency;
Nov. 29
1872, Horace Greeley, who said "an iniquitous money system is not less cruel than
the old system of chattel slavery," dies; 2006, Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe issues new
$100,000 note;
Nov. 30
1656, Stockholms Banco established; first European bank to issue banknotes in 1661;
1840, Baptism of Pocahontas by John G. Chapman, depicted on back of First Charter
$20 NBNs, purchased by Congress.
November/December • Whole No. 252 • Paper Money
Reported DenominationsState Name Date
OK 103 Bernardi
160 Okarche ? (possibly "Forest")
311 Bellmont
OR 14 Dilley
27 Pittsburg
85 Ukiah
89 McMinnville ? 10 (possibly "Amity")
108 Salem 1896 5/100, 1/10, 1/4, 1/2, 1, 2
118 Detroit
122 LaGrande 1896 1/10, 1
123 Salem (Lakeview)
147 Coquille
185 Oregon City
200 Corvallis 1897 1/10, 1/2, 1
203 Falls City
218 Empire City
219 Toledo 1897 5/100, 1/10, 1/4, 1/2, 75/100,
(note 75/100!)
244 Harrisburg
253 Marshfield 1897 1/4
? The Dalles
PA 12 Lititz 1897 5/100, 1/10, 1
31 Monroeville
86 Erie 1897 (deposit certificate)
119 Reading 1896 5/100, 1/10
171 Leechburg
216 Johnstown 1897 1/2, 1, 2
217 Beaver Falls 1897 1
230 Brunswick Valley 1897 1/100, 5/100, 1/4, 1 (Kepner)
Colony of Eastern PA
231 Sturgeon
255 Williamsport 1897 1
264 Salem
265 Bellaire
274 Corry
? Philadelphia
SD 44 Aberdeen
TN 10 ?
175 Dixie
TX 47 Caddo
239 Gainesville
256 Galveston 1897 5/100, 1/10, 1/4, 1/2, 1
261 ElDorado
287 Houston
300 Cliffton
UT 307 Salt Lake City 1898 5/100
VA 188 Danville
WA 18 Port Angeles
61 Buckley 1895 5/100
62 Marysville 1
68 ?
180 Vancouver
250 LaCenter 1897 5/100, 1/4, 1, 2, 10
WI 187 Milwaukee
222 Stetsonville 1897 10
Paper Money • November/December • Whole No. 252
On This Date in Paper Money History -- Dec, 2007
By Fred Reed ©
Dec. 1
1801, Thomas T. Tucker takes office as U.S. Treasurer; 1862, City of New Brunswick,
NI issues municipal scrip for 5-, 10-, 25-, and 50-cents;
Dec. 2
1816, first savings bank in U.S. to actually accept deposits opens as Philadelphia
Savings Fund Society; 1963, placement atop the Capitol dome of 19-foot six inch stat-
ue "Freedom" by Thomas Crawford which appears on Demand Notes;
Dec. 3
1755, artist Gilbert Stuart, whose Vaughn copy of his Athenaeum portrait of George
Washington was engraved for U.S. currency, born; 1877, Confederate Registrar Robert
Tyler dies; 1917, War Savings Stamps placed on sale;
Dec. 4
1864, Bank of North America converts to National Bank, allowed to keep its historic
name; 1871, Senator Sumner introduces a bill to authorize compound-interest notes as
a substitute for legal tender notes;
Dec. 5
1842, Bank of Louisiana resumes specie payments; 1864, Third Issue of Fractional
Currency commences, according to U.S. Treasurer Jas. Gilfillan;
Dec. 6
1769, due to 'great distress' in the Colony, New Jersey's Assembly authorizes 125,000
pounds in bills of credit; 1835, President Andy Jackson decries irredeemable paper
money in annual message to Congress;
Dec. 7
1863, CSA Treasury Secretary C.G. Memminger reports on finances; 1870, Brooklyn
Daily Eagle once again reports "Philadelphia is overrun with bogus fifty-cent currency";
Dec. 8
1863, Treasury Secretary Chase tells Congress the "national banking law has proved a
valuable support to the public credit"; 1999, current Paper Money Editor Fred L. Reed
III's tenure begins;
Dec. 9
1870, Charles Scott aquitted of passing counterfeit $10 U.S. note when "the most
important witness on the part of the Government was absent"; 2005, John Albanese of
Archival Collectibles announces purchase of American Bank Note Co. archives;
Dec. 10
1863, Mr. Brown submitted resolution to "make Confederate notes a legal tender in
payment of debts after the expiration of six months"; 1863, Mr. Phelan introduced S.
151 to make CSA bond coupons legal tender in payment of debts;
Dec. 11
1865, Congress considers imposing felony charges on anyone who sells Confederate
currency, with penalties of lengthy prison time at hard labor and fines; 1932, innova-
tive bank robber Willie Sutton escapes from prison;
Dec. 12
1811, Colonial Currency engraver Peter Rushton Maverick dies; 1924, Lincoln Credit
Union chartered by state of New York;
Dec. 13
1796, earliest extant dated check bearing $ dollar sign; 1972, world paper money
authority Dr. Arnold Keller dies;
Dec. 14
1864, CSA government posts notice in Richmond Enquirer advertising for Federal
greenbacks; 1976, first Treasury Bills in book-entry form sold;
Dec. 15
1820, Alabama authorizes Comptroller warrants in denoms of 55 and up to circulate
as currency; 1864, CSA Treasury Secretary George Trenholm reports on finances;
Dec. 16
1789, Pennsylvania Gazette lauds the prohibition against the "danger of our having a
paper tender"; 1954, Henry Holtzclaw becomes BEP Director;
Dec. 17
1852, Brooklyn Daily Eagle publishes W.L. Ormsby's description of genuine bank note
company plates employed by counterfeiters; 1878, gold coins and paper money
exchangeable at par;
Dec. 18
1816, banknote engraver Jacob Perkins and Thomas Gilpin patent watermarked paper;
1863, initial delivery of $5 First Charter National Currency to Comptroller;
Dec. 19
1801, Bank of South Carolina chartered, after a decade of operation; 1911, CSA
Treasury and currency scholar Raphael P. Thian dies;
Dec. 20
1819, Jacob Perkins, Gideon Fairman and Charles Heath form partnership to print
English banknotes; 1862, encased stamp issuer Hopkinton, MA merchant Arthur M.
Claflin issues scrip;
Dec. 21
1833, Sen. Daniel Webster requests refreshing of his "usual retainer" to look after Bank
of the United States affairs; 1863, first examination of a National Bank performed;
Dec. 22
1885, auctioneer Ed Frossard sells William Lee collection of Confederate Currency;
1910, U.S. postal savings stamps first issued;
Dec. 23
1785, paper money and U.S. Mint Chief Engraver Christian Gobrecht horn; 1833,
Mississippi charters Grand Gulf RR & Banking Co. with banknote issuing privileges;
Dec. 24
1772, Colonial and Continental Currency printer David Hall dies; 1861, CSA raises
treasury note limit to $150 million; 1864, Boston lithographer Louis Prang sends
President Abraham Lincoln album of scrip , etc. he has printed with Lincoln's image;
Dec. 25
1801, Zenas Crane purchases land for Dalton Paper Mill, at which he will revolution-
ize paper making for currency, for $194; 1933, SPMC member Noel Williams born;
Dec. 26
1928, SPMC member Joseph B. Noll born; 1955, United States Paper Money author
George H. Blake dies;
Dec. 27
1806, General Assembly of Kentucky approves an act to establish a state bank to be
called the Bank of Kentucky; 1878, ABNCo. consolidates NBNCo and CBNCo;
Dec. 28
1861, New York bankers unanimously decide to suspend specie payments on Dec.
30th; 1910, encased stamp issuer Cincinnati merchant John W. Ellis dies;
Dec. 29
1862, Hanover, IL merchant H.A.Hallerman issues scrip "under the law of necessity";
1942, Fed Circular 2564 restricts wartime HAWAII notes in the continental U.S.;
Dec. 30
1833, Massachusetts Colonial Currency author A.M. Davis born; 2005, Alabama
Obsolete Paper Money author Walter Rosene dies;
Dec. 31
1840, Mississippi extends charter of Bank of the State of Mississippi; 1890, U.S.
Treasurer Francis E. Spinner (FR 1324-1342) dies;
450 November/December • Whole No. 252 • Paper Money
SPMC Memphis 2007 Board Meeting Minutes
Meeting date July 7, 2007
Present: Benny Bolin, Mark Anderson, Frank Clark, Rob
Kravitz, Gene Hessler, Bob Moon, Judith Murphy, Fred Reed,
Matt Jantzen, Jeff Bruggeman, Wendell Wolka
Not present: Wes Duran, Jamie Yakes, Tom Minerley, Bob
Guest: John Jackson
Call to order and Determination of Quorum
The meeting was presided over by President Benny Bolin and
began at 7:45 a.m.
Minutes of Last Meeting
The minutes from the November 2006 St. Louis meeting and
the two phone conferences since were approved with correc-
tions as amended
There is no contest to the election this year. Rob Kravitz and
Fred Reed are up for re-election and Matt Jantzen and Robert
Vandevender are seeking positions vacated by Wes Duran and
Bob Schreiner. In the absence of the secretary, VP Anderson
cast one vote for the four candidates and all were elected as
presented. New members Jantzen and Vandevender were wel-
comed to the board.
Election of Officers
Officers are elected for two year terms and this is the year for
elections. Benny Bolin was nominated and re-elected
President; Mark Anderson was nominated and re-elected VP
and Bob Moon was nominated and re-elected Treasurer. All
votes were unanimous. The position of secretary was not
voted on due to an agenda item to restructure the position.
Secretary Position Restructuring
A discussion was held related to the secretary position. Bob
Schreiner developed an excellent job description which was
previously distributed. The discussion was centered on split-
ting the job into a recording and corresponding secretary. It
was noted that creating two positions would require a by-laws
change. Mark Anderson will word this change and distribute
to the board before our next meeting. Judith Murphy made
the motion for this to occur. Second by Rob Kravitz and
passed unanimously.
Election of Secretary
Jamie Yakes was nominated and elected secretary.
Treasurer's Report
The treasurer reported that this was a positive year in terms of
net worth (see attached report). It was noted that due to
advertising in Paper Money, we were in the black. The Forrest
Daniel account has not been tapped and earned $242.50 inter-
est. Of note is the fact that due to the later date for Memphis,
there were no funds related to our annual meeting in the
financials. However, next year, there may be two debits of
same. Mr. Moon reported that he had established a PayPal
account for the society to be used for renewals and new mem-
bers alike. The only potential problem is the need to commu-
nicate new member information that is normally obtained via
an application to the secretary. The use of PayPal will be at
no fee for the users and cost the society about 80¢ for each
use. President Bolin asked that Mssrs. Moon and Reed work
together to include a brief financial statement in at least three
issues of Paper Money and for posting on the web. He asked
these appear at a minimum in the editions pre-Memphis and
pre-St. Louis. Mr. Moon also announced he needed all
receipts and checks ASAP due to his schedule. A discussion
occurred related to submission of advertising checks to the ad
manager and treasurer in a more timely manner. In the end,
Mr. Reed was instructed by President Bolin to make two
copies of all checks he received monthly, one to keep and to
send one copy to the ad manager and the checks to the trea-
surer. A discussion was then entered into related to the pur-
chasing of bulk memberships by commercial firms for gifting
to their customers. After a lengthy discussion, it was decided
that this was allowable but that it would not denote any
endorsement by the society. Motion by Bob Moon, second by
Mark Anderson and passed. Mr. Moon then made a motion to
allow purchasers of greater than 20 memberships to purchase
them for a discounted price of $20. Gene .Hessler seconded.
A vote was taken and the motion failed. The treasurers bond
(a "commercial crime policy") is still active in an amount of
$250,000 for a premium of $120/year. Finally, it was decreed
by President Bolin that all references to Mr. Moon's status as
non-elected would be deleted in both Paper Money and on the
website and he would be referred to solely as treasurer.
Audit Committee
Mark Anderson gave a report of the audit committee. New
members are being solicited and an audit will be done in
November 2007.
Membership Report
Membership Chairman Clark reported that the society gained
227 new members this year. The website was the number one
recruiter followed by Goldstein award winner Tom Denly and
then Wendell Wolka. President Bolin brought up tracking
members who leave between year 3 and 15 and try to gain
insight into their defections. Secretary Yakes will be asked to
do this on a yearly basis.
Grant Committee Report
Committee Chairman Ron Hotstmann submitted a report on
the current grant recipients. All are following the guidelines
for the grants. Peter Huntoon submitted three requests that
were approved on a motion from Wolka and a second from
Gene Hessler.
Editor/Publisher Report
Editor Reed reported and showed the 250th issue of Paper
Money that will be sent to the members soon. He reported
that all is well with the magazine and there are plenty of arti-
cles for the future.
Regional Meetings Report
Murphy and Wolka reported on the activities of the society at
regional meetings and upcoming events.
West Coast Representative
In order to meet the needs of our members on the west coast,
President Bolin announced he had appointed Mark Baskin to
be the non-board member west coast rep.
We are proud to continue the
numismatic legacy begun in 1933
Specializing in Quality and Rare U.S. Currency
U.S. Large Size Fractionals U.S. Small
Nationals National Gold Bank Notes
Kagin's -- an established name for conserva-
tive grading of quality notes.
We specialize in building U.S. currency collections
of premium quality and rare notes. Favorable
terms to suit your individual needs.
98 Main Street #201
Tiburon, CA 94920 1-888-8KAGINS
You are invited to visit our web page
For the past 8 years we have offered a good
selection of conservatively graded, reasonably
priced currency for the collector
All notes are imaged for your review
National Bank NoteS
(708) 784-0974
P.O. Box 451 Western Sprints, IL 60558
k1 -ai, +MIR ■IONTYMRS
Paper Money • November/December • Whole No. 252
Bain Breakfast Report
Due to many unforeseen problems this year resulting in
decreased number of tickets sold vs. guaranteed, we lost
approximately $250 on the breakfast. The raffle was a success
in spite of fewer than normal donations. A discussion was held
related to the future of the event. It was decided to investigate
a different menu for the event, but it was felt by all that it was
important to keep the event at the Marriott. A report on this
will be given at St. Louis and a decision made. It was reiterat-
ed by President Bolin that we needed to get donations well in
advance of Thursday set up at Memphis. Governors Yakes
and Kravitz will be charged with making this a reality for
2008. Donors will be named in thank-you ads placed in Paper
Money and on the website.
Liana Grant Update
Gene Hessler gave an update on the Liana Grant. To date he
has sent copies of The Engraver's Line and The International
Engraver's Line to 62 libraries. He had previously sent out the
list. He has the ability to send about 18 more and is asking
board and regular members for library nominations. We need
to post the list on the website. Gene also asked that a press
release for this activity be put in Bank Note Repoter, Coin World
and Numismatic News as well as noted in Paper Money.
Editor's Contract
Mark Anderson related the status of the contract with the edi-
tor. He will revise it as needed and circulate to the board for
approval and signing by Editor Reed.
Mark Anderson related that the changes previously approved
for by law changes were approved by electronic vote. It was
decided to put an easy link to the by-laws on the website and
the URL listed in the information portion of Paper Money.
President Bolin distributed a list of desired committees for
2007-8 and asked board members to decide which they wanted
to be members of. His vision is that each committee will also
have at least two non-board members on them. These will
include an awards committee, long range planning and strate-
gic growth, nominating, education, research and an editorial
oversight committee to act as a liaison between the members
and Paper Money.
Directors & Officers Insurance
The current D&O insurance is valid through the end of
August. Treasurer Moon was instructed to complete the new
application and renew when the company sent an invoice.
Article Discussion
President Bolin asked for discussion by the group related to a
controversial article that had been named for an award. After
discussion by the group, it was felt that this particular article
did not meet the requirements for any of the award groups and
would not be given an award.
Conference Call
President Bolin asked all members to send dates and times for
a board conference call in the second or third week of August.
President Bolin adjourned the meeting at 10:10 a.m.
November/December • Whole No. 252 • Paper Money
SPMC activities at Memphis
and Milwaukee ANA show
Courtesy of photographs by Bank Note Reporter,
Dave Harper, Dave Kranz and Bob Van Ryzin
Shawn Hewitt (left) receives the SPMC D.C. Wismer "Book of the Year" Award for his Minnesota obsolete note book from Wendell
Wolka, while Mark Tomasko receives the SPMC Julian Blanchard Award for his Memphis exhibit of vignettes, proofs and their use.
Benny Bolin (left) presents Steve Goldsmith an SPMC Award of Merit on behalf of R.M. Smythe and himself, while Bolin presents Roger
Durand the SPMC Nathan Gold lifetime Achievement Award.
Jess Lipka (left) receives the SPMC "Best of Show" exhibit award at Memphis from Wendell Wolka, while John and Nancy Wilson receive
SPMC Awards of Merit from President Bolin.
Paper Money • November/December • Whole No. 252 453
Presenters at the 4th Annual SPMC Author's Forum pose for a family photo. They are, clockwise from above left: Shawn Hewitt, Art
Friedberg, Dennis Tucker, Wendell Wolka, Ray Feller, Steve Feller, Pierre Fricke and Doug Murray.
Wendell Wolka presents an educational lecture on grading at
Memphis. His program has also been presented at FUN & ANA.
Paper Money Editor Fred Reed (left) receives the 1st Forrest
Daniel Memorial Literary Award from Benny Bolin.
Former Paper Money Editor Gene Hessler receives the
Numismatic Literary Guild's highest award, "The Clemy,"
and a congratulatory kiss from Numismatist Editor Barbara
Gregory at the NLG Bash during the Milwaukee ANA show.
Au. _141_ \
November/December • Whole No. 252 • Paper Money
The Mary Moody
Northen Foundation
AMAJOR PAPER MONEY AUCTION OF TEXASNationals hardly ever goes by without at least one men-
tion of the Mary Moody Northen Foundation Collection
(Moody Foundation.) Let me shed some light on the woman
this foundation is named for, her
father and the collection.
William Lewis Moody, Jr. was a
leading Galveston financier for more
than 60 years. Moody established the
Moody Compress Company in 1894
to process cotton for exportation.
This expanded into many businesses
over the years as Moody moved from
commodity-based trade to invest-
ment-oriented capitalism.
In September 1907 Moody
applied for a national charter for the
City National Bank of Galveston.
Capital at the beginning for charter #8899 was $200,000.
Between 1911 and 1932 the City National Bank absorbed
three national banks, the Galveston National Bank #4153, the
First National Bank of Alvin #12580, and the First National
Bank of Dickinson #12855.
During the Third Charter era, the City National Bank
issued $10 and $20 Red Seals, Date Backs and Plain Backs.
The Series 1929 era saw this bank issue $10 and $20 Type
One and Two Nationals. The total amount of circulation
issued was $2,393,850. The City National Bank changed its
name to the Moody National Bank in 1953 to honor its
The cornerstones of banking, insurance and hotels led
Moody to control Galveston for a half a century. This includ-
ed bankrolling the Maceo Syndicate that ran Galveston's well-
known gambling halls openly until the state of Texas finally
closed them down in the 1930s after many years of operation.
Moody was a soft-talking, hard-dealing man who was
regarded as a genius by his business associates, but his employ-
ees considered him a miserly tyrant. He was famous for his
frugality and he once rebuked an insurance executive for giv-
ing a stenographer a $5 raise after 20 years of service.
In 1950 he had a falling out with his only living son,
William L. Moody III. His son had been his executive direc-
tor for 10 years, but after the disagreement, the father never
again spoke in his son's presence and left him only $1 in his
To illustrate this hatred between father and son there is
the following story. In the mid-1960s, William Philpott had
brought to a coin show in Galveston a large size National
sheet on the City National Bank of Galveston with the signa-
ture of W.L. Moody, Jr. as president. Philpott wanted John
Rowe and Tom Bain to act as his agents in selling the sheet to
the Moody family. Rowe and Bain called William L. Moody
III on the phone about the sheet. The younger Moody was
none too interested and he let fly a stream of expletives about
his father. Rowe and Bain reported back to Philpott about
their unfortunate luck. Philpott took the sheet back and con-
tacted Ms. Northen. She gladly purchased the sheet thus lay-
ing the foundation for a larger purchase in the future.
The Moody financial empire ownership was left to the
Moody Foundation, a charitable trust. It was set up in order to
keep the Moody empire intact and thus preventing its breakup
to pay inheritance taxes.
Moody's 62-year-old daughter, Mary Moody Northen,
was named president or chairman of the board of over 50 cor-
porations within the Moody Foundation. This included three
banks, a chain of 30 hotels, eleven ranches, two newspapers, a
commercial printing plant, a cotton company and the
American National Insurance Company, which at the time was
the largest insurance company west of the Mississippi.
Mary had no formal schooling. It was said by a family
friend that Mary did not want to go to school, so she did not.
She did however have a few private tutors up to the age of 16,
but she spent her childhood reading the newspapers for her
education. She liked want ads and property transactions the
In young womanhood, she took a liking to a hotel clerk,
Edwin Clyde (Mike) Northen. He was 19 years older than
Mary. After they were married, the elder Moody set Mr.
Northen up in the insurance business. The Northens did not
have any children. Mr. Northen died on May 30, 1954, of a
heart attack at home. Seven weeks later tragedy struck again as
Mary's father died on July 21, 1954, at the age of 89. He was
considered one of the ten richest men in America and he left
behind an empire worth over $400 million.
Mary spent a lot of time with her father especially after
the setting up of the trust and the falling out he had with his
son. Her father instructed her on making executive decisions
and prepared her for running the foundation. Her frugality
even surpassed her father's. It was said that up to about 1950
she did not have a radio or any other modern appliances in
her home. Food was kept in an old-fashion ice box and her
Paper Money • November/December • Whole No. 252 455
house was heated by a wood stove. She drove a 1928
Studebaker until her father learned that people were laughing
behind her back. Then he bought her a Cadillac.
In the mid-1960s, William Philpott decided to sell his
Texas Nationals collection. He prepared a 40-legal page list-
ing in November 1964. In April 1967 he added five 8.5 by 11
pages of Texas Nationals to the listing. Philpott did not
record the serial numbers. He did record the town, bank,
denomination, Friedberg number, grade and bank officers.
No two notes were alike as Philpott collected by Friedberg
number and bank officer. Total face value was over $35,000
and it was almost all pre-1929 Nationals.
There were only two 1929 Nationals listed in the collec-
tion and they were in the sub-collection of notes bearing the
names of presidents of the Texas Bankers Association. Philpott
was the secretary of the TBA from 1913 to 1964.
In order to read the listing correctly as to Friedberg num-
ber, you will need a pre-ninth edition Friedberg. With that
editon in 1978, the proper order of emission for Third
Charter Red Seals and Date Backs was realized. The Texas
large and small uncut sheets of Nationals were not listed in the
for sale inventory.
In 1968 Bain-Brownlee-Rowe bought the Philpott
Collection. Portions of it were the uncut sheets of Texas
Nationals, the serial number 1 Nationals, notes signed by
presidents of the Texas Bankers Association, and the Texas
First Charter Nationals.
The major part of the collection was the other Texas
Nationals that Philpott collected by bank, Friedberg no. and
bank officer signature. A total of more than 1,000 Nationals
was in this part of the collection. The Texas First Charter
notes were eventually bought by Bill Logan of Houston.
Ms. Northen acting for the Mary Moody Northen
Foundation that she founded in 1963 enters the picture at this
point. She wanted the Nationals that were signed by her
father. There were seven notes that he signed out of the more
than 1000 notes in this part of the collection. It did not phase
her for the foundation to buy this entire part of the Philpott
Collection not part of any of the specialized collections.
John Rowe and Tom Bain delivered the collection to the
designated bank storage room. The notes have rested in their
original Samsonite suitcase ever since. Ms. Northen passed
away on August 25, 1986.
As a sidelight, my high school graduation took place at
Moody Coliseum on the grounds of the Southern Methodist
University campus. It was named for W.L. Moody, Jr.
Conversations with John N. Rowe.
Oakes, Dean and John Hickman. Standard Catolog of National
Bank Notes. 2nd Edition. Krause Publications, Inc. Iola:
WI., 1990.
Thlle magazine - different issues August and September 1954.
Moody National Bank Website.
Official Notice:
Nominations Open for SPMC Board
The following SPMC Governors' terms expire in 2008:
Jamie Yakes Bob Cochran
Tom Minerley Gene Hessler
If you have suggestions for candidates, or if the governors named above wish to run for
another term, please notify Nominations Chairman Judith Murphy, P.O. Box 24056,
Winston-Salem, NC 27114.
In addition, candidates may be placed on the ballot in the following manner: (1) A writ-
ten nominating petition, signed by 10 current members, is submitted; and (2) An acceptance
letter from the person being nominated is submitted with the petition. Nominating peti-
tions (and accompanying letters) must be received by the Nominations Chairman by March
15, 2008.
Biographies of the nominees and ballots (if necessary) for the election will be included in
the May/June 2008 issue of Paper Money. The ballots will be counted at Memphis and
announced at the SPMC general meeting held during the International Paper Money Show.
Any nominee, but especially first-time nominees, should send a portrait and brief biogra-
phy to the Editor for publication in Paper Money. v
— I 1
_ won-. !In 11. 1..1.4, or..
November/December • Whole No. 252 • Paper Money456
The Best of Times
My writings and talks on adventures of "world paper" acquisi-
tion do tend to underline a recurring theme, that the present is
a great time -- recalling Dickens, a "best of times" -- to be col-
lecting and to be striving for growth in knowledge and in
related numismatic comprehension.
This from the perspective of six decades of paper money
Allow me, in that spirit, to provide a glimpse, with rele-
vant note illustrations, of fiscal paper possibilities of immedi-
ate post-war years. We'll share an attractive cluster of King
George VI portrait, British Commonwealth notes that (in our
port city setting) could be acquired in top shape and at face.
Think Barbados, Bermuda, British Caribbean Territories
(as then called), Jamaica. At which point it should be instruc-
tive to compare and contrast with sources and availability of
really fine notes at this relatively late date.
Such could convince you that those "good old days" had
to have been a prime time for creative collecting . . . and, as
importantly, that distinctive advantages can be identified in
connection with imaginative collecting in the here and now.
Portraiture of the late king could have constituted, in
itself, a worthy collecting theme -- as on six then-current
Canadian note denominations (Paper Money 227), but to me it
also represents a mark of integrity, as did the pound Sterling
monetary unit. My summer office job was paying $80 per
month, so even one pound I deemed a significant sum. I tend-
ed to concentrate on lower-value notes in monetary units that
I felt that I could trust.
Four King George VI Classics
The Government of Barbados $1, lowest and commonest
of five Sterling-linked, local-dollar denominations, colorfully
features the royal portrait in dark green, the seal of the colony
in a rich purple, with supporting tints of brown and orange.
Signed by Commissioners of Currency, my Barbados $1 is
issue-dated 1st June, 1943, and so is one of the later releases.
Barbados also (at that time) was served by United Kingdom
and Canadian banks of issue. From 1950 through 1973,
Barbados used currency of the British Caribbean Territories,
Eastern Group, which at that stage were undifferenced as to
domicile. Distinctive issues of the Central Bank of Barbados
date from 1973, with five current values ($1, $5, $10, $20 and
$100) accessible to collectors, and essentially uninflated.
The Bermuda Government's attractive blue one pound of
17th February, 1947, is a relatively common value of a four-
denomination (5-, 10-shillings; 1- and 5-pounds) post-war
release, with a 10 pounds high value from 1964. Bermuda cur-
rency was decimalized, the pound giving way to a par-
American Bermuda dollar, from 1970. Issues in the name of
the Bermuda Monetary Authority date from 1974. Current
releases, deservingly popular with collectors, range to $100,
with signature/date varieties and commemorative themes.
British Caribbean Territories: Among my favorite King
George VI portrait notes is a bright green, 1951-dated $5 of
that monetary union, a favorite because, as things turned out,
the note was to be the forerunning of so much. A scroll serves
to map rather diverse areas where it was expected that the note
would see service, namely: Trinidad and Tobago, Barbados,
Leeward Islands (Anguilla, Antigua, Montserrat, St. Kitts),
Windward Islands (Dominica, Grenada, St. Lucia, St.
Vincent), and British Guiana. Trinidad and Tobago,
Barbados, and British Guiana -- as the Cooperative Republic
of Guyana -- eventually dropped out of the group, inaugurat-
ing national currencies.
Queen Elizabeth II portrait notes of similar early design
date from 1953, with a modified Eastern Caribbean Currency
Authority release from 1965. That same issue introduced
domiciling of East Caribbean currency, by a "letter in circle"
black overprint ("A" for Antigua, "D" for Dominica . . . eight
in all). The Eastern Caribbean Central Bank, from 1985,
Paper Money • November/December • Whole No. 252
Dear Santa
To: S. Claus—North Pole.
From: Benny Bolin—President SPMC.
Dear Santa: I have been a good boy this year. I have not altered
or enhanced any notes. I have not taken advantage of any
unknowing people in posses-
sion of highly collectible
notes. I have not sniped on
eBay. I have presented topics
and tried to make the SPMC
a better organization. I hope
that when you fly your sleigh
over the world this December
25th, you will bring me the following gifts;
1. An ever growing society that numbers at least half the circu-
lation of BM?.
2. A determined direction for the society to go in the next 5
years that is based on the desires and wishes of the member-
3. A cadre of enthusiastic collectors/dealers who want to make
the hobby ever better and will serve the society in many dif-
ferent roles, from presenters of educational activities, to
members on committees, to candidates for the SPMC board
of governors.
4. An effective awards program that is highly influenced by the
membership and rewards the "over and above" labors of
committed members.
As I write this, it is 100°, humid and dry—Summer in Texas.
It seems a long reach to think about Santa and winter, but it was
also not that long ago that the four Santa wishes above were long
reaches as well. Fortunately, Virginia (Tom, Mark, Judy, et. al.)
there is a Santa Claus. And his name is YOU! Yes, you can make
those dreams come true and bring a big smile to this little boy's
face (if Santa can be real, I can be little). Your time and efforts
are all that is needed to make the society one that will last into
perpetuity and ever meet the needs of collectors and dealers. I
have put out a call for committee memberships in the above areas
and others as well. The SPMC is your society; therefore make
the commitment to make it better.
The year is winding down again and it has been another
blockbuster year. We just saw the great results of two auctions—
the CAA auction of the Mayer collection and Stack's auction of
the final lots of John Ford's fractional collection. Please join us if
you can at the PCDA show in St. Louis on November 9-11 (note
earlier weekend this year). The SPMC will be having a general
membership meeting on Friday at 2 p.m. with Wendell Wolka
presenting his great program on grading and detecting altered
notes. Then, after a holiday respite, we start another new year in
Florida with FUN, FUN, FUN!!!
Until next year—happy holidays and a great new year!! Oh
and if you have an extra—one Christmas wish for me—a sheet of
Fr. 1352-135 ,4—no need to wrap it! •
SAS mongy man
Paper Money will accept classified advertising on a basis of 158 per word
(minimum charge of $3.75). Commercial word ads are now allowed. Word
count: Name and address count as five words. All other words and abbrevia-
tions, figure combinations and initials count as separate words. No checking
copies. 10% discount for four or more insertions of the same copy. Authors
are also offered a free three-line classified ad in recognition of their contribu-
tion to the Society. These ads are denoted by (A) and are run on a space
available basis.
Special: Three line ad for six issues = only $20.50!
INTERNATIONAL ENGRAVER'S LINE, World engravers & their work, 392
pages, 700 ill., most in color, $74 incl. post. Premium ed. with signed notes
$140. Gene Hessler, PO Box 31144, Cincinnati., OH 45231 or (252)
Histories and other publications! Offer what you have; send your "Want
List." Bob Cochran, PO Box 1085, Florissant, MO 63031 (PROUD SPM-
CLM691 (252)
LINCOLN PORTRAIT ITEMS. Collector desires bank notes, scrip, checks,
CDVs, engraved/lithographed ephemera, etc. with images of Abraham
Lincoln for book on same. Contact Fred Reed at P.O. Box 11 81 62,
Carrollton, TX 75051-8162 or (252)
became Editor back to 1960s & 1970s. I bought these filling sets. Fill your
needs now. E-mail me & I'll sell you what I got! (252)
WANTED. Canadian Chartered Bank Notes. Wendell Wolka, PO Box 1211,
Greenwood, Indiana 46142 (252)
leasing, law, bail bonds, banking, accounting, royalties, insurance, mort-
gages, etc. (818) 902-0532 (254)
banks (Colchester, Jewett City, Mystic, New London, Norwich, Pawcatuck,
Stonington). Also 1732 notes by New London Society United for Trade and
Commerce and FNB of Tahoka Nationals #8597. David Hinkle, 215
Parkway North, Waterford, CT 06385. (254)
mail or write to: or Don Latino, 1405 Cape St.,
East Lee, MA 01238 (256)
Charter #10295. Neil Schrader, 3320 Minglewood Dr., Beaumont, TX
77703-2734 (256)
Take Note:
SPMC now accepts commercial Money Mart acts
Sell your duplicates; advertise your wants
Permanent Wants:
Paper Money Editor desires
Articles on small size U.S. currency
What are YOU waiting for?
v-pyu NT-T,A.4 teco-vrty&
T.. NOUS Ane a0.91.7111t.BO0012 9 DiE INNIMITOFANT 010.7
VE poirivns
domiciled primarily by a serial number suffix letter, adding
"bar" permutations, possibly machine readable, from 1993.
Later notes are undated.
Issuing authorities, issues, denominations (seven in all),
eight-fold domiciling, and a dozen or more signature permuta-
tions, make for distinct diversity ... plus a unique collecting
challenge. Some East Caribbean notes from early or short-
lived issues, higher denominations, or small or difficult settle-
ments (think Montserrat!), can prove particularly tough.
I'm glad I picked up that King George VI $5 "way back
The Government of Jamaica, King George VI "pound
note," of an overall design introduced in 1939-42, was released
in dark green (pink and light green tints) in 1940 -- mine is
dated 1953 -- and, unusually, was not succeeded by a Queen
Elizabeth II issue until 1960. It should prove a common note.
Still earlier Jamaican notes, government releases under
1904 and 1908 legislation, bank issues of United Kingdom and
Canadian institutions, can prove decidedly difficult, if avail-
able, especially so in higher denominations and better grades.
More recent Jamaican issues, those of a central bank
(Bank of Jamaica), should prove, by and large, relatively acces-
sible. The bank's first notes in Sterling denominations (5- and
10-shillings; 1- and 5-pounds) are Queen Elizabeth II portrait
notes, and cite 1960 enabling legislation. "Dollar" issues
released by the bank in 1970 initially provided five denomina-
tions (50-cents; 1, 2-, 5- and 10-Jamaican dollars) and featured
national figures. A $20 was added in 1977.
An overall reduction in note size dates from 1985.
Four further denominations have entered service, $50 and
$100 values in 1986-88, $500 in 1994, and the Michael Manley
$1000, which dates from 2000.
Late 1940s ... those were the days! I well recall Mexico's
11-cent red peso, the calendar stone; "B" stampings for Berlin;
the striking iridescence of crisp British Honduras dollars
(greens, purples, reds); and the wonderful Irish ploughman
notes -- always brown, so invariably five pounds, and more
than I could afford. Literature, however, was sparse, but
Thomas Cook in Montreal had possessed a wondrous loose-
leaf compendium on note redemption possibilities, known
counterfeits, and such ... which I had been allowed to peruse.
Today, 50 or more years later, international and national
societies, periodicals, general and specialized catalogues, and a
growing number of local clubs, exist to promote and serve the
note-collecting fraternity. "Jobbers" trek through Africa, Asia,
South America, to stockpile new issues for dealers and their
customers, and to hunt down elusive earlier notes. Incredible
possibilities exist for creative individual collecting. You sense
what I mean by the best of times?
To conclude, several high-tech notes of this later genera-
November/December • Whole No. 252 • Paper Money
tion, Queen Elizabeth II portrait on a Gibraltar "millennium"
five pounds, and the 2005 Falkland Island five pounds, and the
recent, enhanced security Canada $5 with portrait of Sir
Wilfrid Laurier. Plus, the new Michael Manley Jamaican high
As I say, you do your thing.
Paper Money • November/December • Whole No. 252
The Kentucky Tragedy
By Clifford F. Thies
Eldon R. Lindsay Professor of Economics and Finance
Shenandoah University
F OLLOWING THE PANIC OF 1 8 1 9, THE STATE OFKentucky sought to provide relief from the suddenly harsh burden ofdebt on many of its citizens, by creating the Bank of theCommonwealth, a new kind of bank, one completely owned by the
state government and not at all bothered by specie, and by suspending foreclo-
sure for up to two years upon the tender of paper money by debtors. There fol-
lowed a period of inflation, a collapse of the economy, political conflict, con-
cern for the preservation of a republican form of government, and murder. A
new history, The Kentucky Tragedy by Dickson Bruce (LSU Press, 2006), tells
the story of a particular murder — one of operatic proportion — that occurred
during this tumultuous period. The story of this murder, the trial of the mur-
derer and of his execution, is compelling. But, so is the context within which
this murder took place.
The Panic of 1819 was precipitated by the effort of the U.S. govern-
ment, aided by the Bank of the United States, to bring about a resumption of
specie payments. During the War of 1812, the banks of the country outside
New England suspended specie payments. And, while they were in suspension
and awash in U.S. Treasury Notes (which they treated as reserves), they
increased their lending and note issuance, and touched off a bubble in land val-
ues. It was expected that, following the war, the banks would resume specie
payments, but this did not happen on its own and, so, the federal government
announced that, as of a certain date, only the paper of specie-paying banks
would be acceptable in payment of taxes and other dues to it, and to its fiscal
agent, the Bank of the United States. Following this announcement, most of
the banks of the country resumed, but for many banks, whose borrowers were
unable, themselves, to repay their debts in specie or bank notes redeemable in
specie, this resumption proved abortive, and much of the country south of
Virginia and west of Pennsylvania relapsed into suspension.
During the relapse into suspension, many of the state legislatures of
the country tried to give relief to debtors through one or both of the following
expedients: First, laws postponing or otherwise making more difficult foreclo-
sure sales; and, second, chartering new banks from which borrowers could refi-
nance their loans on easy payment terms. Kentucky and Tennessee may have
been the foremost states for debtor relief legislation.
The state of Kentucky had already tried the new bank scheme. In
1818, it had authorized up to 43 "independent banks," to go along with the
long-established Bank of Kentucky and the two branches of the (Second) Bank
of the United States in the state. These new banks did not have to redeem their
notes in specie, but could redeem them merely in notes of the Bank of
460 November/December • Whole No. 252 • Paper Money
Kentucky. The idea was that the specie in the vaults of the Bank of Kentucky
could be used, through these new banks, to support an expanded multiplication
of paper money in the state. The new banks were supposed to borrow, in the
aggregate, something like $1 million in notes from the Bank of Kentucky, and
then issue $2 million of their own notes.
But, instead of increasing the amount of paper money in circulation,
the pyramid scheme appears to have disrupted monetary arrangements, with
the withdrawal from circulation of the well-known notes of the Bank of
Kentucky, and the emission of a variety of notes of unknown value. Apparently,
the notes of the new banks were quickly returned to them for redemption, and
this "reflux," as it was called, forced many of the new banks into suspension. As
a result of the many failures of the independent banks, and of their relationship,
via the pyramid scheme, to the Bank of Kentucky, they came to be character-
ized as "The Forty Thieves," as in "Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves."
In mid-August 1819, two of the new banks were reported as being
unable to redeem their notes. The next week, two more were reported to have
failed, and eight others were described as "suspicious." By early September, a
total of sixteen of the new banks were either known or suspected to have failed.
By November, according to one account, 17 of the new banks had failed, and
eight others were suspect or inactive.
With the failure of so many of the independent banks, monetary
arrangements apparently became deranged. Change tickets were issued by mer-
chants and gained a degree of currency, indicative of a lack of coins in circula-
tion. And, advertisements made barterlike offers for commodities produced in
Kentucky for export, e.g., "whiskey at current prices will be taken in payment
of debts," and "the subscriber will receive in payment of debts pork, flour and
whiskey," indicative of a lack both of paper money redeemable in specie and of
coins in circulation.
In February 1820, with the abject failure of its pyramid scheme, the
state tried a new tack. It extended its "replevy" law whereby debtors could
redeem their property following a foreclosure sale, to up to two years.
Kentucky had long had a replevy law, but the period of redemption had previ-
ously been only three months. At about the same time, the Bank of Kentucky
suspended specie payments, and its notes fell to a discount of about 20 percent
against specie.
Monetary arrangements remained deranged through the year. Notes
of the Bank of Kentucky continued to be heavily discounted against specie.
And, advertisements continued to make offers such as "intends selling dry
goods low for cash, hog's lard or hemp. He will also take the above articles in
payment of debts," and, "we offer our groceries at cash prices for the following
items of produce: 20,000 wt bacon hams, 20,000 wt hog's lard, tallow, beeswax,
whiskey, hemp, tobacco, white beans, peas, etc."
Toward the end of the year, the state embarked on yet another course.
It revoked the charters of the independent banks and organized a new kind of
bank, the Bank of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, backed by the full faith and
credit of the state (meaning, not backed by anything of intrinsic value), whose
stock was completely owned by the state, and whose officers and directors were
appointed and paid by the state legislature.
The fact that the Bank of the Commonwealth was completely owned
by the state of Kentucky was considered positively by its supporters. Governor
John Adair, a "Relief" man, said, "The Bank of the Commonwealth is founded
on the wealth and honor of Kentucky, having for its object the general good,
and those who predict its downfall, as much undervalue the riches of the state
as they discredit her character for fair dealing."
,,,/ tt.P./OrTiT, /(47.444".24iftee.2:6/i/
Paper Money • November/December • Whole No. 252 461
The first emissions of the new paper money were made in April 1821.
By October, $2.3 million had been emitted. During this time, the value of the
paper money of Kentucky, in terms of specie, collapsed. One newspaper spoke
of "... the rapid and continued depreciation of our paper money for some
weeks past ... the depreciation is already fortyfive percent or more ..." A few
months later, it said, "Specie now command an advance of 57 percent in notes
of the Bank of the Commonwealth."
Another newspaper cited a letter from a subscriber to an associate in
Tennessee, "Fortyfive advance has been given in Kentucky and
Commonwealth paper for U.S. funds. Fifty is now asked." Several months
later, this newspaper said, "We understand that specie has grown so scarce in
Louisville that 2050 dollars in Commonwealth paper has been given for 1000
dollars in specie." Niles Register of Baltimore reported a curious incident of the
exchange of money in Kentucky: "A person lately paid $5 to a printer in
Kentucky, tendering a ten dollar bill of one the banks of Virginia, and was sur-
prised at obtaining a discharge of his debt and three five dollar notes in the way
change for his own."
In Figure 1
(page 465), I show the
value of the paper money
of Kentucky relative to
specie through the entire
period. I have constructed
this time series from sev-
eral sources. The fall in
the value of the paper
money of Kentucky upon
the opening of the Bank
of the Commonwealth
through 1822 is manifest.
During 1822,
newspapers noticed a peculiar asymmetry in the price changes accompanying
the fall in the value of the paper money of Kentucky. Namely, prices of local
produce and of labor were not rising, only those of imported goods.
Consequently, the inflation adversely effected the terms of trade of the state, as
well as made repayment of "foreign" debts more burdensome, and, in these two
ways, impoverished the state.
Said one newspaper, "We understand that the prices of produce, of the
Country, or of labor have not changed in their value in the banks notes of this
state or of the commonwealth ..." Said another, "such is the moderate price of
every article of domestic produce, that the normal value of the currency ... is
not depreciated ... [But] no man can leave Kentucky and travel into other parts
of the Union, without paying nearly one-third of his funds for the purpose of
converting the remainder into real money." And, "the balance of trade in con-
sequence of our importation and the low price of our produce has been greatly
against us."
With the collapse of the value of the paper money of the Bank of the
Commonwealth, several proposals were made to shore up its value by reducing
the amount in circulation. One proposal was to stop making new loans, and
collect some payments on the loans already made. But, this policy (or, we
might infer from what follows, the mere announcement of the policy) had little
effect in slowing the fall in value of the paper money. Figure 1 shows a
strengthening of the value of the paper money in 1822, but the uptick was
short-lived. In fact, before the policy was implemented, the lower house of the
state legislature passed a resolution disapproving it; and, three days after the
policy was implemented, it was rescinded.
$1 note of the Bank of the
Commonwealth of Kentucky, 1821.
462 November/December • Whole No. 252 • Paper Money
In 1822, two circuit court judges of the state, independently, found that
the application of the replevy law to pre-existing contracts violated the U.S.
Constitution's "impairment of contracts" clause. And, the next year, the Court
of Appeals (the state's Supreme Court) took up the two cases, held three days of
hearings on them, and found, 3-0, that the replevy law was indeed an impair-
ment of contract, unconstitutional, and void.
Following this, for the next several years, the politics of the state
revolved about the constitutionality of the state's relief laws, and the role of the
judiciary relative to the legislative and to the executive branches of government.
The underlying issues of debtor relief and paper money gradually receded, as
their disastrous consequences were made evident.
Indeed, beginning in 1822, there was a spontaneous rejection of the
paper money of the Bank of the Commonwealth, with the recognition of specie
and the notes of the branches of the Bank of the United States in the state,
which could be redeemed in specie, as the unit of account. When the paper
money of the Bank of the Commonwealth was first issued, coin and bank notes
redeemable for specie were exported or hoarded, and only the paper money of
the Bank of the Commonwealth circulated. But, this soon changed.
Through November 1822, the prices in the Louisville Public Advertiser's
price current were given in paper money, then, in December, prices were given
in specie. The Kentucky Gazette, a Relief paper, continued to publish price cur-
rents in paper money through 1825, at which time it, too, began quoting prices
in specie. Later that year, it published a conversion table facilitating the use of
the paper money of the Bank of the Commonwealth as a parallel medium of
exchange to coin and bank notes redeemable in specie.
The state legislature protested the decision of the Court of Appeals,
describing the court's voiding of the law as a usurpation of legislative power.
"The people of Kentucky ... have no preference for judicial tyranny ... They
will not tolerate tyranny under any disguise ..." The legislature then attempted
to remove the judges of the Court of Appeals on the grounds of bad behavior,
but failed to attain the required two-thirds majority by the narrowest of mar-
gins, falling one vote short in the lower house and two in the upper. The legisla-
ture subsequently passed a law "reorganizing" the Court of Appeals, abolishing
the "Old Court" and creating a new state Supreme Court that was staffed with
judges sympathetic to the Relief agenda.
The legislature also expressed its view of the nature of the rights of man:
The right of each member of society must, from the nature of govern-
ment, depend on the will of all, and that will must be displayed by the
agency or expression of the majority.
...the will of the people, in civil society, constitutes the sovereignty of the
state; that sovereignty is essentially a moral force, of unlimited extent ...
In civil society, each of the members enters a double will, the one as a
commoner in nature, the other as a member of a corporate body. The
first is erratic, impulsive and selfish; the other is social, or rather political,
and ... pure, enlightened and disinterested.
Instead of seeing the rights of man as inherent, endowed, as it were, by
the Creator, and seeing governments as formed by men in order to secure these
rights, it sees the rights of man as dependent on something described as the will
of the majority. Instead of seeing interest as inevitable, if not as good, and seek-
ing to restrain the excessive pursuit of interest through a system of checks and
balances, it denigrates the individual, describing the individual as impulsive and
selfish, and glorifies the collective as pure and enlightened.
Paper Money • November/December • Whole No. 252
In late 1824, one of the sons of Governor Joseph Desha, Isaac B.
Desha, was arrested for murder and highway robbery, as reported in the
Louisville Public Advert ser
It appears that [Isaac B.] Desha fell in company with Mr. [Francis] Baker
at some place near Mayslick. After some conversation, by which he
learned that Mr. Baker was traveling eastward, and intended calling on
Captain William Beckly, a relation of his living near Washington, he,
Desha, offered to accompany him, to show him the way to that gentle-
man's, which offer was accepted. Nothing more was seen or heard of Mr.
Baker until he was found several days afterwards in the woods covered
with logs and rubbish, with his throat cut from ear to ear! The back of his
head was much bruised, supposed to have been occasioned by the strokes
of a large whip in Desha's possession and the thumb of his right hand had
been cut — apparently while resisting the knife of the murderer. Desha,
we learn, was met near the place where the murder was committed, by a
lad, who asserts that his hands and clothes were bloody, and that he was
carrying a bridle, which was also bloody. The horse of the deceased was
found in the possession of Desha; and a shirt Desha had on, on being
compared with Baker's, was found to be of the same quality, with the
mark cut out in precisely the same place where Baker's name was written
on the other.
After a change of venue favorable to him, Isaac B. Desha, who was
defended by a team of prominent Relief lawyers, was tried and found guilty. But,
the judge, a Relief man himself, granted Desha a new trial.
The murder, the change of venue and the declaration of a mistrial by a
friend of the Governor dragged down the Relief parry in the elections of 1825.
In this election, the Old Court party gained a large majority of 22 seats in the
100-seat lower house of the state legislature. As Figure 1 shows, the value of the
paper money of the Bank of the Commonwealth rose sharply through from
early 1825 to early 1826.
With an Old Court majority in the lower house of the state legislature,
but with the Governor being a Relief man and the Relief party still in control of
the upper house, the state was headed for a period of stalemate tinctured with
uncertainty. Governor Desha's post-election annual message to the state legisla-
ture was an unapologetic defense of the Relief agenda. "The doctrine of our late
court of appeals," he said, "that an opinion of the Supreme Court of the United
States on subjects involving the rights of the state, is binding and conclusive
upon the state authorities, is believed to be not only erroneous but fatal to the
sovereignty of the states." According to Old Court men, the Governor, together
with another son, Marcus Brutus Desha, brandishing force of arms, threatened
and otherwise attempted to intimidate both the lower house and the judges of
the Old Court.
In the election, Solomon Sharp, a Relief man and a former Attorney
General of the state, won a seat in the state legislature. And, after the gathering
of the new legislature, he was murdered in his home by a man identifying him-
self as "John A. Covington.". A reward for the then enormous sum of $3,000
was offered by the state government for information leading to the arrest and
conviction of the murderer. For the reasons listed below by the Morning Post of
Louisville, Jereboam Beauchamp came to be suspected:
It is said that he [Beauchamp] had conceived an inveterate hostility to
Col. Sharpe ... which delicacy forbids us to mention; and that he had
under this feeling threatened the life of Col. Sharp.
It is known that he arrived in Frankfort on Saturday evening, before the
murder, and departed thence early the next morning.
November/December • Whole No. 252 • Paper Money
It is said that he exhibited no curiosity about the affair in the morning
before he left town; and that he met the representative of his county a
few miles from town on his way to the legislature and conversed with him
some time without mentioning this most extraordinary affair.
It is said that he [lodged with Mr. John Scott] on Sunday evening ...
[and] that during the night he was heard to go out of the house and to
return an hour or two after.
It is said that the patrol at half past one o'clock that night passed and
observed a man in a cloak such as Beauchamp wears, and whose appear-
ance agrees with his.
It is said that the bloody handkerchief that was dropped by the assassin
was] just such a handkerchief as Beauchamp had tied round his forehead
at a tavern and at Mr. Scott's.
A plain track was found in the yard where Mrs. Sharp saw the assassin ...
[and] that track, it is said, corresponds with Beauchamp's boot.
It is said that when he had got near home he denied ever having been at
Frankfort. It is said that when he was arrested he had about him a dirk,
with rather a broad blade made exceedingly sharp, not so broad as the
wound in the deceased, but with which it might have been made if drawn
out obliquely.
The delicate matter of which the paper did not speak was that
Beauchamp's murder of Sharp was an honor killing. Sharp, some years prior,
had an affair with the woman whom Beauchamp later married, which affair cul-
minated in a pregnancy and a still-born child. During the election campaign,
one of Sharp's people started a rumor that Beauchamp's wife had given birth to
a mulatto child, implying that she had an affair with one of her family's servants.
Beauchamp was subsequently arrested, tried, convicted, and condemned to
death (by a non-Relief judge).
While this murder, investigation and trial were transpiring, the case of
Isaac B. Desha was continuing. First, Desha was re-tried, again found guilty, and
again granted a new trial. The newspapers of the state were abuzz with discus-
sion of this trial since the judge was temporarily appointed to fill a vacancy by
the Governor who knew that this appointee would probably hear preside over
his son's case, and because the new trial was granted on a hyper-technical matter
of law (on a post-verdict motion by the defense that the Commonwealth
Attorney had not proven that the murder took place in Fleming County, which,
the Commonwealth Attorney said, was immaterial since that would only have
established Fleming County as the venue of the case and the case had already
been removed to another County).
Then, while on bail waiting yet another trial, and apparently keeping
himself continuously intoxicated, Desha attempted to commit suicide, and cut
his throat badly. The news of this attempted suicide was reported at the same
time as that of Beauchamp's execution. The physicians who attended Desha
were able to save his life with the aid of a silver tube connecting his severed
windpipe, and his case was continued pending his recovery.
Beauchamps' execution was a spectacle. His wife, the woman for whom
he had committed his crime, joined him in his prison cell the evening prior to
his scheduled execution, and they attempted to commit suicide together by stab-
bing themselves. She was successful but he was not nearly so. The next morning,
when they were discovered, he was bandaged up and then taken to the scaffold-
ing that had been erected. There, after the requisite prayers and hymns, and also
after an exchange with a person thought to have been involved in the murder
which led eventually to yet another twist in the story, he was hanged. The
Beauchamp-Sharp affair would become romanticized as "The Kentucky
Paper Money • November/December • Whole No. 252
FIGURE 1. Specie-value of Kentucky Banknotes (Frankfort Argus and Commentator, Lexington Gazette, Reporter and Western Monitor,
Louisville Focus, Morning Call and Public Advertiser; and, Grotjan's and U.S. Gazette of Philadelphia)
• • e.
• cm
9`? cr'
s3. 8
--- Bank of Kentucky
–s-'— Bank of the Commonwealth
1 \
' cfff--Q-00 -0cf-cPcb
9/1818 9/1819 9/1820 9/1821 9/1822 9/1823 9/1824
9/1825 9/1826 9/1827 9/1828
Tragedy," and gain a life of its own in poetry, literature and theater.
The Sharp murder dominated the election of 1826. In the election, the
Old Court party gained control of the upper house of the state legislature and
retained control of the lower house. The new state legislature subsequently
repealed the state's replevy law and resolved the court controversy in favor of
the "Old Court." And, the notes of the Bank of the Commonwealth lost much
of their remaining "moneyness."
From the standpoint of money and banking, Kentucky's experience
with irredeemable paper money led, eventually, to a new majority in the state,
one favoring sound money and the upholding of contractual obligations. The
support of sound money meant, during the remaining term of the Bank of the
United States, that the unit of account and the main medium of exchange in the
state were coins and the notes of the branches of the Bank of the United States
in the state.
Following President Jackson's veto of the re-chartering of the Bank of
the United States, the state chartered three large, well-capitalized banks, the
(new) Bank of Kentucky, the Bank of Louisville, and the Northern Bank of
Kentucky. These and other banks subsequently chartered by the state were
required to maintain a specie reserve. With but a couple exceptions, they were
specie-paying banks through the remaining antebellum period except for times
of general suspension in the country.
Turning to Isaac B. Desha, he recovered enough so that, in mid 1827,
he could again be tried. However, the court was unable to empanel a jury as his
lawyers made many preemptory challenges of prospective members. The judge
466 November/December • Whole No. 252 • Paper Money
in this trial, who was not a Relief man, was going to hold Desha without bail
until the next session of the court. But, Governor Desha, who was present in
the court house at the time, proceeded to grant his son a pardon, and give a
long speech lambasting the judge.
Following his release, Isaac B. Desha next showed up in the newspapers
in conjunction with the murder and highway robbery of another person, in
Texas, where he was traveling under an alias but recognized by a former
Kentuckian by reason of family resemblance and his silver tube. While awaiting
trial there, he "confessed" to his true identity. The reporter or editor worded
this so as to further incriminate him, and then he apparently committed suicide.
A letter from Texas provides the following details:
Last April Desha arrived here on board the schooner Light of Man, from
New Orleans, in company of a man by the name of Thomas or John
Early, of Brown County, Ohio, who visited this country for the purpose
of removing his family here. Desha passed by the name of John Parker.
They arrived in this town [San Felipe de Austin] early in May, and
remained only a few days here, and left ... for San Antonio. When they
left, Desha was without funds and Early had a pretty smart sum with
him. Desha arrived in San Antonio without Early, and spent the money
freely. On his return to this place, I had him arrested, and sent some
men today to examine for the body of said Early. The evidence that I
have been able to collect, as yet, is very strong against him, and I am very
much afraid that he has murdered his companion.
Finally, I will mention that, in the elections of 1828, an Old Court
man, Thomas Metcalf, was elected to succeed Governor Desha. In his first
annual message to the state legislature, Governor Metcalf spoke to the proper
role of government in light of the ordeal through which the state had passed.
The legitimate design of the best government is to preserve to all the cit-
izens equal enjoyment of the absolute rights of personal security and pri-
vate property, and the relative rights, civil, social and domestic, of ratio-
nal and virtuous freemen ...
Kentucky has unhappily, for years past, been harassed by angry contro-
versy. This conflict has left but little worthy to be remembered ...
Public opinion acknowledges no superior ... it is the arbiter, in the last
resort, of all our rights ...
\Arhat then are the elements of our political power and safety? The
aggregate mind and morals of our freemen. The wise man clings to rea-
son and justice and religion ... as the strong anchor[s] of liberty.
Without the prevalence of these peaceful guardians, he has no security
and no rational hope. Whenever these predominate, there is "no one to
make him afraid." So long as they exercise a controlling influence, he
knows that his peace will be undisturbed, his rights respected, and his
country exalted.
Governor Metcalf expressed the "Old Court" or Constitutionalist view
of the rights of man. To be sure, public opinion is acknowledged to be the final
arbiter of our rights. But, while this much is admitted, public opinion does not
define our rights. Our rights, some of which are absolute, exist independently of
public opinion. Accordingly, we need to anchor public opinion in reason, justice
and religion. Otherwise, I will add, our hope is that, when public policies violate
our rights to be secure in our persons and our property, public opinion will
change upon the demonstration of the disastrous consequences of those poli-
cies, in terms, yes, of poor economic performance, but also in terms of political
conflict and social upheaval.
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An Invitation from
are involved in a long-term
project to describe the history
of all currency issued in the
State of New Hampshire, as
well as to compile a detailed
registry of all known notes
(whether for sale or not). Our
area of interest ranges from
early colonial times through
the Revolutionary era, the
state-chartered bank years
(1792-1866), and the era of
National Banks (1863-1935).
This will result in a book
under the imprimatur of the
Society of Paper Money
Collectors, with help from the
New Hampshire Historical
Society, the Smithsonian
Institution, and others.
Apart from the above,
David M. Sandman is president of
Littleton Coin Company and
Q. David Bowers is a principal of
American Numismatic Rarities, LLC,
and both advertisers in the present
book. For other cmnnetchil
transactions and business, refer
to those advertisements.
The ‘1111110IN of the present lath, 110IiiiiktZ a tare
Series of 1902 510 National Bank Note from
West Dem; Nen , Hampshire.
A typical NI I Obsolete
Note, this from the
Winchester Bank.
Series of 1882
$10 Brown Back from the
lVinchester National Hank.
this same buihling was used for the IVincliester Bank
and its successor; the Winchester National Bank.
•Iles window circa 1910, N•drionfi 115, 1/,'
I f you have New Hampshire currency orold records or correspondence relating
to the same, or other items of historical
interest, please contact us. In addition,
Bowers and Sundman are avid collectors
of these bills and welcome contact from
anyone having items for sale. We will pay
strong prices for any items we need!
Visit the Ni I Currency Study l'rojea website: wiew.nlicurreney.cont. Find a listing
of New Hampshire banks that intlirt! rurmnrlt read Sal111 , 10 Chapr•rS, and more.
We look Jim•ard to hearing from you!
Box 539, Wolfeboro Falls, NH 03896
E-m ail: ■ lint/ e-mail will he honuded to both authors.)
• 1111111111•MiSMIIIIIINISIN=MI=
Paper Money • November/December • Whole No. 252
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THE BU V4.0.
A Primer for Collectors
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Euros swallow up national heroes
F IVE YEARS AGO MARKED A BEGINNING AND ANending. The time had arrived for countries within the
European Union to share a common currency, both coins and
paper money, called the Euro.
During the past 150 years, engravers at security compa-
nies and central banks around the world, including those to be
mentioned, have created
beautiful bank note
images. With the intro- 5000 LI
duction of Euro paper
money in 2002, partici-
pating countries lost
their identity as hereto-
fore-portrayed on bank
The Euro notes,
designed by Robert
KalMa in Austria, are
extremely attractive,
however, they purposely
lack the individuality
that in the past identi-
fied the bank notes of
Austria, Belgium, Finland,
France, Germany, Greece,
Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the
Netherlands, Portugal and
Spain. Three additional mem-
bers of this European Union,
Great Britain, Denmark and
Sweden continue to use their
own currency.
In Austria the 5000 schilling
with the image of Mozart, the 50
schilling with Sigmund Freud
and the notes with other famous
Austrians have disappeared. The
Belgian 200-franc note with
Adolph Sax, the inventor of the saxophone, is gone. Composer
Jean Sibelius, honored by Finland on its 100 markaa note, can
join Mozart, composer Bellini (Italy 5000 lire, above) and
composer and pianist Clara Schumann (Germany 100 marks)
in bank note obscurity. All can pay homage and commune
with Apollo (Greece 1000 drachmai) the god of music.
Paul Cezanne (France 100 francs), Raphael (Italy 500,000
lire) and Caravaggio (Italy 100,000 lire, above), artists all, have
November/December • Whole No. 252 • Paper Money
retreated to their studios. Marie and Paul Curie (France 500
francs) have been banished to their laboratories.
Without the architects Giovanni Lorenzo Bernini (Italy
50,000 lire), Otto Wagner (Austria 500 schillings), Neuman
(Germany 50 marks) and Alexandre Gustave Eiffel (France
200 francs), Europe would lack some artistic landmarks.
A. von Droste-Hillshoff (Germany 20 marks), Antoine de
Saint-Exupery, (France 50 francs) and the Brothers Grimm,
(Germany 1000 marks), especially the latter, gave us reading
pleasure as children.
The world took shape from the voyages of Portuguese
navigators and discoverers Henry the Navigator (10,000 escu-
dos), Vasco da Gama (5000 escudos), Bartolomeu Diaz (2000
escudos), P. Alvares Cabral (1000 escudos), Spain's Hernando
Cortez and Francisco Pizarro (1000 pesetas), and Italy's
Columbus (Spain 5000 pesetas).
These explorers and others brought back flora and fauna
for scientists and botanists to study and classify: J.C. Mutis
(Spain 2000 pesetas) and Maria S. Merian (Germany 500
The Euro is being printed in at least six locations.
Moneda & Timbre in Madrid produces notes for Spain; Joh.
Enschede, in the
Netherlands, prints notes
for the Netherlands and
Belgium; Giesecke
Devrient, and the
Bundesdruckerei pro-
vides notes for Austria
and Germany; Thomas
De La Rue was chosen to
provide notes for
Luxembourg; and
Portugal receives its
notes from Oberthur in
France. One of the afore-
mentioned sources will
provide notes for Finland, Greece, Ireland and Italy. For
security and tracking purposes, I suspect there will be some
minute identifying mark for each printing location.
In the future I hope that the children in countries of the
European Union will be told of how their countries once hon-
ored some of their countrymen and women who helped to
shape civilization.
(Reprinted with permission from Cori World Jan. 28, 2001)
SC 0 39 2 5 6 C
gi-freo *my-es
, ,7k276155<1
- ..0 ..4n1C1ACA.Y6t. •_r.,Ltaattits
ger than ever! We have been cherrypicking certified notes for
their eye appeal, brightness of colors, excellent margins, and
overall appearance, with an emphasis on popular designs and
types, many of which are featured in 100 Greatest American
Currency Notes by Q. David Bowers and David Sandman.
are one-of-a-kind in our stock; therefore we suggest you
visit our website and call immediately to make a purchase.
Review. This full color publication highlights paper money
in our inventory, as well as articles and features about this
fascinating collecting specialty. To receive your copy send
us an invoice of a previous paper money purchase. Or, if
you place an order for any paper money totaling $1,000 or
more you will receive the Paper Money Review AND a per-
sonally autographed copy of 100 Greatest American Currency
Notes with our compliments.
61/ rri //I (//e C' PC/I 'lliei
C ' ;K ntei' c tit (Arta ole m/wi/
We are pleased to announce the ongoing sales of
the greatest hoard of bank-note printing plates, dies,
and other material ever assembled. The American
Bank Note Company (ABNCo) was formed in 1858
by combining seven of the most important bank
note engraving firms then in business. Hundreds of
printing plates and other artifacts were brought into the
merger, and survive today. To these are added many
other items made by ABNCo from 1858 onward, a
museum quality selection. In sales in 2007 Stack's will
continue to bring to market hundreds of bank note
printing plates, vignette dies, cylinder dies, and other
artifacts, each unique. These items are so rare that most
numismatic museums and advanced collectors do not
have even a single vignette die, cylinder die, or plate!
If you would like to have more information, contact
us by mail, phone, fax, or on our website. This is an
absolutely unique opportunity!
Stack's New York City: 123 West 57th Street • New York, NY 10019-2280 • Toll free: 800/566/2580 • Telephone 212/582-2580 • Fax 212115 50 B
Stack's Wolfeboro, NH: P.O. Box 1804 • Wolfeboro, NH 03894 • Toll-free 866/811-1804 • 603/569-0823 • Fax 603/569-3875 • www. stacks can
Paper Money • November/December • Whole No. 252 469
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L 1 5 69 6 9 8 7 !
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470 November/December • Whole No. 252 • Paper Money
Circulation find:
Collector receives "split" bill in change
Dear Fred:
I have been carrying around this dollar bill since 1995. I always though it
was just a fake, but I am starting to think it is not. I have been researching
paper money and can not find anything like it. Could you please look at it and
give me your opinion. My Thoughts: The dollar is two separate pieces of paper.
The paper appears to be the same as other money (small fibers). It has adhesive
in the middle. I think it was in a section where paper was spliced together and
was suppose to he thrown out.
My dollar bill appears to be a unique error. I received the note new around
1996 as change from a toy store in California. I
vividly remember the look on the young girl's face
when she handed it to me. I noticed it was very thick.
Upon closer look, I realized it was two pieces of
paper with a very thick adhesive in the middle. I
showed it to friends and family and everyone told me
it was counterfeit.
I have always been puzzled by the detail of the
note and why someone would have the ability to
print so well and lack the ability to print two sides. I
finally took it to the Navy Federal Credit Union to
more or less turn in or report. The teller explained
to me that she was not able to give me another dollar
for it. She proceeded to say it was counterfeit and all
they would do was throw it away.
I told her I would like to keep it
and went on my way.
Over the years I have kept it
in a small pocket in my wallet
and brought it out as a conversa-
tion piece. Recently it came out
of hiding again and I realized it
was in very good shape for a
counterfeit. Of course now, the
internet is my main source of
research and information. I start-
ed looking for others like it and
e-mailing experts in the field. I
received many e-mails from peo-
ple who had no idea what it was
and some still continued to say it
was counterfeit. I finally received
a couple of emails that explained
what exactly it was. It turns out
to be an "end of roll splice
error". I finally found a couple
other examples and for the first
time I saw a couple pictures of
the same type of error.
The note is not in too bad of
Paper Money • November/December • Whole No. 252
Future home of the
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48 Wall Street, New York City
the excitement
and energy of
Wall Street
one block from
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Stock Exchange.
O./ n.0e7^,,,, ,I
Collecting Confederate Paper Money
Better Attribution, Grading, and ValueTM
Award-winning author and collector/dealer Pierre Fricke is helping collectors of Confederate paper money
build type, rare variety and contemporary counterfeit collections. I've owned and helped others acquire:
• 3 of the 5 known T-59 J Green and Son watermarked notes
• 43 inverted backs and many of the known examples of the "Great Rarities"
• Complete collections of Wookey Hole Mill and J Whatman watermarked notes
• A complete plen error (e.g., T-43 1-10 error) set and complete collections of T-10s, T-26s and T-33s
• Many T-21 and T-24 "NY" watermarked notes and Non-Collectible (NCs) rare Confederate notes
• Getting started collections, type, contemporary counterfeit, T-39, 40 and 41 specialty items too
Pierre Fricke; P. 0. Box 52514; Atlanta, GA 30355 ; pfricke(&
Buy * Sell * Auctions * New Varieties * Provenance
Email or write to get your rare notes in the Census!
Alexandria, La. Issue Wookey Hole Mill watermarkT-23 PF-1
472 November/December • Whole No. 252 • Paper Money
shape which T do know makes a big difference in
value. One thing I do know from my research is that
it is very unique. Others like it are in two pieces or
just a very tiny adhesive mark. Mine has a very large
amount of adhesive (60%) and is two complete
pieces back and front.
This is the first time I have put this story togeth-
er since the day I received the note. I would love to
get it in the magazine and have the chance to tell my
story to others. I have not attempted to clean the
note. I put it between two pieces of paper and in the
middle of a hard back book. Sony for such a long
story, but I think it is an important part of the note's
history. I wish I would have preserved it years ago.
Thanks for taking the time to read my email.
-- Don Fox
Editor's Note: Error currency experty Fred Bart confirms this unusual
Federal Reserve Note's origin. He wrote: "Don's note consists of two separate
pieces of paper; one from the tail end of one roll, the other from the head of the
next roll. Crane actually supplies the BEP with paper in roll form. It is cut into
sheets at the Bureau. Affixing one sheet to the next is a transverse band of
tourquise-color adhesive, similar to paper tape used for wrapping packages. This
overlapping section (with the adhesive) should have been discarded, rather than
used as a sheet. Occassionally the weld or glue fails after being released but such
is not the case here. We have seen other examples, which are worth several
hundreds of dollars. Regards, -- Frederick J. Bart v
Paper Money • November/December • Whole No. 252
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *** ** ** *
* P.O. BOX 847 -- Flemington, NJ 08822 *
* Office: (908) 782-1635 Fax: (908) 782-6235 *
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* *
* *
* *
* *
Ill *•
* *
* *
* *
Buying All 50 States, Territorials, Entire State and *
* Regional Collections, Red Seals, Brown Backs,
Statistical Rarities, New Jersey. *
* Also Buying Coin Collections and Type
* *
* NO DEAL TOO LARGE! ** * * ** * * * * * * * -7k * * * * * * * * * * *
- - • nt fir 24
.1S SE1100,15 *95-0f.% , ) U282479(_t4 - TEE.1i-* ,
43:E=1)t4 y
NOBODY* ** *
November/December • Whole No. 252 • Paper Money
Emanuel Ninger
An "Honest" Counterfeiter?
by Harrison Knowlton
EMANUEL NINGER, ALSO KNOWN AS"Tim the Penman" (at right), was a German painter
and impressionist. Ninger moved to America
with a nice sum of money, which was soon
gone. This was the start of Emanuel
Ninger's counterfeiting career.
Ninger chose a bond paper — the
best of its kind — manufactured by
Crane Company of
Massachusetts, who also supplied
the bond paper for the United
States government... and still
does today. However, the paper
available to Ninger did not have,
of course, the red and blue fibers
embedded. Only the paper sold to
the government had this special
Once he cut the paper to the
appropriate size, Ninger would soak
it in a bath of weak coffee. This gave it
a moderately circulated look and feel.
While the paper was still wet, Ninger would
lay it over a genuine note and begin to trace.
The lathe work (more intricate detail) was only
suggested by Ninger,
and even with this
method, he was still
under the impression
his notes where better
than that of the
Bureau. Although this
process was tedious,
the real work began
when Ninger had to
color each note with a
camel-hair brush and
fake the red and blue
fibers with ink.
Ninger was
known for omitting
the credit line, "Engraved & Printed at the Bureau,
Engraving & Printing" and the "Act of March 3, 1863."
(This act of Congress stated, "The United States will
pay to bearer dollars. This note is legal tender at
its face value for all debts public and private, except
duties on imports and interest on the public debt.")
It is believed by some that he did not use this infor-
mation in an effort to be somewhat "honest."
For more than 15 years Ninger suc-
cessfully counterfeited $50s and $100s.
One evening while relaxing at a local
saloon before taking the ferry
home, he requested change from
the bartender. Ninger left and
the bartender retrieved the
note off the wet counter.
As he placed the note in
the till, he saw his fingertips
were smeared with ink.
Moments later the police
found Ninger counting his
change on the ferry. Ninger
was arrested and sentenced to
six years in prison and a one-dol-
lar fine.
A Secret Service officer once
said after seeing Ninger's studio,
"The simplest outfit, and yet it pro-
duced the most dangerous counterfeits, that
I ever saw."
For many years one of Ninger's fakes (above) was
on display at the Smithsonian Institution National
Numismatic Collection exhibition in the Hall of
Monetaiy History. v
Paper Money • November/December • Whole No. 252
vor*Oxix' 007N5E0)=&K.u---9.4 .
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Air:VA 'z...23-ttort,._
wmeAvOttoiei, A 11.40,64.
St. Louis Welcomes
You to the 22n d Annual
National and World Paper
Money Convention
Nov. 8-10, 2007
PCDA Thursday thru Saturday, IXXXXXXXX7' X10047 PCDA
St. Louis Airport Hilton Hotel, 10330 Natural Bridge Road, St. Louis, MO
Rooms $99.00 Call (314) 426-5500 Rate Code PRO-1
All Paper Money Bourse Area
Lyn Knight Auction
Society Meetings
Educational Programs
Complimentary Airport Shuttle
Show Hours: Thursday 9am-noon
(Professional Preview) $50 fee
Public Admission Noon-6pm
Friday 10am-6pm
Saturday 10am-6pm
Bourse Applications:
Kevin Foley
P.O. Box 573
Milwaukee, WI 53201
Ron Horstman
P.O. Box 2999
Leslie, MO 63056
November/December • Whole No. 252 • Paper Money
8th Annual George W. Wait Memorial Prize
Society of Paper Money Collectors
Official Announcement
Purpose: The Society of Paper Money Collectors is
chartered "to promote, stimulate, and advance the study
of paper money and other financial documents in all
their branches, along educational, historical and scientif-
ic lines."
The George W. Wait Memorial Prize is available
annually to assist researchers engaged in important
research leading to publication of book length works in
the paper money field.
George W. Wait, a founder and former SPMC
President, was instrumental in launching the Society's
successful publishing program. The George W. Wait
Memorial Prize is established to memorialize his
achievements/contributions to this field in perpetuity.
Award: $500 will be awarded in unrestricted research
grant(s). Note: the Awards Committee may decide to
award this amount to a single applicant, or lesser
amounts totaling $500 to more than one applicant. If,
in the opinion of the Awards Committee, no qualifying
applicant is found, funds will be held over.
Prior Award Winners: five individuals and one group have
thus far been awarded the Wait Memorial Prize. Each
received the maximum award. 1st annual Wait winner was
Robert S. Neale for a book on antebellum Bank of Cape Fear,
NC. The 2nd went to Forrest Daniel for a manuscript on
small size War of 1812 Treasury Notes, publication of which
is pending. Gene Hessler was honored for a book on interna-
tional bank note engravers that has recently been published.
Honorees also included R. Shawn Hewitt and Charles Parrish
for a book on Minnesota obsolete notes, and Michael Reynard
for a book on check collecting, and Matt Janzen for a work on
Wisconsin nationals. In one year, no award was made.
Eligibility: Anyone engaged in important research on paper money
subjects is eligible to apply for the prize. Paper Money for the
purposes of this award is to be defined broadly. In this context
paper money is construed to mean U.S. federal currency,
bonds, checks and other obligations; National Currency and
National Banks; state-chartered banks of issue, obsolete notes,
bonds, checks and other scrip of such banks; or railroads,
municipalities, states, or other chartered corporations; private
scrip; currency substitutes; essais, proofs or specimens; or sim-
ilar items from abroad; or the engraving, production or coun-
terfeiting of paper money and related items; or financial histo-
ry in which the study of financial obligations such as paper
money is integral.
Deadline for entries: March 15, 2008
A successful applicant must furnish sufficient information to
demonstrate to the Society of Paper Money Collectors Awards
Committee the importance of the research, the seriousness of
the applicant, and the likelihood that such will be published
for the consumption of the membership of SPMC and the
public generally.
The applicant's track record of research and publication
will be taken into account in making the award.
A single applicant may submit up to two entries in a sin-
gle year. Each entry must be full and complete in itself. It
must be packaged separately and submitted separately. All
rules must be followed with respect to each entry, or disquali-
fication of the non-conforming entry will result.
Additional rules: The Wait Memorial Prize may be awarded
to a single applicant for the same project more than once;
however awards for a single project will not be given to a sin-
gle applicant more than once in five years, and no applicant
may win the Wait Memorial Prize in consecutive years.
An applicant who does not win an annual prize may sub-
mit an updated entry of the non-winning project in a subse-
quent year. Two or more applicants may submit a single entry
for the Wait Prize. No members of the SPMC Awards
Conmittee may apply for the Wait Memorial Prize in a year
he/she is a member of the awarding committee.
Winner agrees to acknowledge the assistance of the
Society of Paper Money Collectors and the receipt of its
George W. Wait Memorial Prize in any publication of
research assisted by receipt of this award and to furnish a copy
of any such publication to the SPMC library.
Entries must include:
• the full name of the applicant(s)
• a permanent address for each applicant
• a telephone number for each applicant
• the title of the research project/book
• sufficient written material of the scope and progress of the
project thus far, including published samples of portions
of the research project, if appropriate
Entries may also include:
• the applicant's SPMC membership number(s)
• the applicant's e-mail address (if available)
• a bibliography and/or samples of the applicant's past pub-
lished paper money research
• a photograph of each applicant suitable for publicity
• a publishable photograph(s) of paper money integral to
the applicant's research
• a statement of publishability for the project under consid-
eration from a recognized publisher
Judging: All entries must be received by March 15, 2008. All
entries must be complete when submitted, and sufficient
return postage should be included if return is desired. Address
entries to SPMC, attn. Fred Reed, George W. Wait Memorial
Prize, P.O. Box 793941, Dallas, TX 75379.
The single, over-riding criterion for the awarding of the
Wait Memorial Prize will be the importance of publication of
the applicant's research to SPMC members and general pub-
lic. All decisions of the Awards Committee will be final.
Announcement of the awarding of the Wait Memorial
Prize will be in the May/June 2008 issue of Paper Money, with
subsequent news release to additional media.
Paper Money • November/December • Whole No. 252 477
Consider your book's goals
they want to achieve, such as: recruiting people to collect what
they collect or wanting others to appreciate what they appreciate.
Authors may want personal recognition as a leader in their field.
They may want to contribute to society. Or they may just like to be
paid for their efforts. Of course, when more than one author con-
tributes to a book they each may have different goals.
It is important for an author to be honest with himself about
goals, because goals should dictate the best format, pricing, and pub-
lisher of their hook and any updates. Hopefully a few examples will
illustrate the point. Standard guide to Small-Size U.S. Paper Money
now written by Schwartz and Lindquist is published by Krause and is
being updated every few years. Although no other book covers small
size U.S. currency in the same detail, this book is essentially a price
guide. Some new varieties have been added, but most of the value of
this book comes from listing market prices. It is just about the mini-
mal size needed for such a book, does not have color photos, and is
published by Krause. With these choices, the authors have made
sure the bookwill reach a broad base of collectors at a minimal price.
We can compare this to Silent Witnesses: Civilian Camp honey of
World War II by Ray Feller and Steve Feller. One of the major goals
of this book is to foster appreciation of World War II civilian camp
money. Although it may have not been an explicit goal, my guess is
that a secondary goal of the authors is to contribute to society. Ray
and Steve have written a book full of photos and color scans that add
SPMC Librarian's Notes
By Jeff Brueggeman, PhD
in a major way to the presentation of the material. In addition, they
have chosen the perfect publisher in BNR Press. BNR Press has an
expertise in this area. While it would be great for this book to gain
access to chains such as Barnes & Nobles, it would not have nearly
the public appeal as the Schwartz and Lindquist hook.
For a third example, consider Pierre Fricke's Collecting
Confederate Paper Money which was published by R.M. Smythe.
Pierre's main goal seems to be to increase the number of collectors of
Confederate paper money. He has attained this goal in several ways.
In his book, he explicitly gives several ways to collect Confederate
money. He has difficult goals, easy goals, and expensive goals. He
also furthered his interests by having R.M Smythe as the publisher.
In addition to publishing, R.M. Smythe is also an auctioneer and
retail seller of Confederate material whose goal as a company is not
profit above all else. So Pierre has aligned his interests with those of
his publisher. Although it is a very large book, the price is very rea-
sonable. Pierre and R.M. Smythe may have been able to make a larg-
er profit per book, but they chose to position the price so as to make
a reasonable profit and sell many books. In addition to this, Pierre
has added a S10 e-Book edition of his book on his website. Providing
this option is an easy and inexpensive way for anyone to learn about
Confederate paper money.
Hopefully authors will be honest with themselves concerning
their true goals, and will not choose price points and formats which
maximize the economic benefits of writing their books. After the
book has been written, authors may try to think of what the material
is worth to a collector or dealer. If the goal of an author is to have
more people appreciate the material, think instead of what it would
take to get a more casual reader to pick up your book. •
New Advertisers
The quality of our SPMC Journal
and information available to YOU
depends on the quality
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It's a fact: advertising plays
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478 November/December • Whole No. 252 • Paper Money
"Certified and Graded Notes"
in plastic envelopes from the very beginning. It only made
sense to me where very large quantities of a particular note
existed. For example, if there were 1,000 510 Bison notes
extant, grading from rags to Gem Uncirculated, then it is logi-
cal that condition of the notes would have a major bearing on
their individual values.
The numismatic hobby is rife with stories of enthusiastic
newcomers who bought without understanding the grade or
condition of a note, but relied on the seller's grade and price.
Later to discover when they tried to sell the note that it really
wasn't the grade or value they had paid for. Thus they
became discouraged and gave up the hobby. Therefore to add
assurance to novice buyers or "investors" looking to flip notes
for a profit, the need for a universally accepted grading service
If a note is rare, the principal part of its value is in its rari-
ty. A unique note probably has the
same value whether it is graded VF
35 or AU 55. Who cares what num-
ber was assigned by some grader? I
cringe when I see rare notes pack-
aged and graded GOOD or FINE
It occurs to me...
Steve Whitfield
15, etc. The packaging makes it difficult for a knowledgeable
collector to properly evaluate the note. It also constricts the
venues for exhibiting the note.
And there are only arbitrary "standards" for grading in
the first place. Different graders frequently mean different
grades for the very same note.
For example, a recommended way to "make money" for
coin collectors is to "crack out" large numbers of graded coins
and resubmit them to another grading service in hopes of get-
ting higher grades assigned. There is enough potential of get-
ting a higher grade that it makes it worthwhile to pay the
grading fees over and over until someone gives your coin the
grade you want. This may already be happening in notes and,
if not, it probably will.
The problem is amplified because of the very large pric-
ing differences between number grades from MS 60 to MS 70.
A note graded MS 67 can be priced hundreds, if not thou-
sands, of dollars more than one graded MS 66. I have trouble
believing that anyone can tell the difference, consistently,
between a grade of 66 and 67.
The bottom line is, if you are going to be spending large
amounts of money on rare bank notes, you should first take
the time to learn how to grade and authenticate them yourself.
Then if you feel more comfortable with a grading service
number and a plastic holder, go ahead and have it graded. At
least you'll know in advance what the grade should be.
That's how it looks to me anyway. If you have different
views on grading paper money let me know. You can write to
me in care of the Editor. He'll forward your responses.
-- Steve Whitfield
Paper Money lauded
THIS YEAR ONCE AGAIN OUR SPMC JOURNALwas recognized by outsiders as being one of the best in
our hobby. We would like to thank the American
Numismatic Association and the Numismatic Literary Guild
for these laurels, which truly honor the writers whose works
appeared in Paper Money in 2006/07. Take a bow; you know
who you are. Since this is practically an annual affair, it goes
far to prove my contention that our authors are the best in the
business. May their numbers providentially increase!
This time around, ANA's club publications contest voted
Paper Money its third-place award in national club publica-
tions, behind the Casino Chip magazine and the John Reich
journal, which both deserve congratulations. NLG cited our
Jan/Feb 2007 issue on Alexander Hamilton as its Best Issue
among large club publications (a category which also includes
the magazines produced by the ANA and the ANS). Since
that issue was a joint effort of the Society and the Museum of
American Finance, our hats are off to Kristin Aguilara, editor
of Financial History, and our Vice President Mark Anderson
Who served as liaison in the effort. Illustrations of the awards
may be viewed in a future issue of this publication.
NLG also awarded past Paper Money Editor Gene Hessler
its coveted highest honor "The Clemy" for his lifetime contri-
butions to numismatic research and publication. Gene is, of
course, the author of several award winning books including
The Comprehensive Catalog of U.S. Paper Money (7 editions); The
Engraver's Line, an encyclopedia of -paper money and postage stamp
art; An Illustrated History of U.S. Loans, 1775-1898; U.S. Essay,
Proof and Specimen Notes (two editions); The International
Engraver's Line, and many hundreds of research and feature
articles. He has also been a columnist for The Numismatist and
Coin World. He edited this journal for more than 14 years.
Our Society has awarded him two Nathan Gold Memorial
Lifetime Achievement Awards, an Award of Merit, several lit-
erary awards and numerous Julian Blanchard Awards. He is
currently in his 21st year of service on our Board.
I've been proud to call Gene a friend for more than 30
years, and consider him the greatest living U.S. paper money
scholar. I am eagerly anticipating his next book venture.
After five years of work, Gene is on the verge of publishing his
autobiography, which covers his years as a professional musi-
cian at Carnegie Hall and with touring bands, his stints as
curator of the Chase National Bank Money Museum and Eric
Newman's first money museum in St. Louis, as well as his
internationally acclaimed research and publishing ventures.
"Phis one should be one good read, as they say.
100 500 1000
Small (2 7/8" x 6 1/2") $39 $160 $300
Large (3 1/2" x 8") $44 $175 $320
Auction/Check (3 3/4" x 9") $48 $200 $360
Payment by check or money order. All prices include shipping.
NY State residents must add sales tax or provide completed
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information, please see our website at
Linda and Russell Kaye, Life member, ANA, SPMC
Sell itstore, Inc.
P.O. Box 635, Shrub Oak, NY 10588
7379 Pearl Rd. #1
Cleveland, Ohio 44130-4808
Join the American Society of Check Collectors or write to
Lyman Hensley, 473 East Elm St., Sycamore, IL 60178.
Dues are $13 per year for US residents,
$17 for Canadian and Mexican residents,
and $23 for those in foreign locations.
Paper Money • November/December • Whole No. 252
Frank Clark
P.O. Box 117060
Carrollton, TX
SPMC NEW MEMBERS - 09/05/2007
These memberships expire 12/31/2007.
12358 Barbara E. Lyon, PO Box 71, North Bridgton, ME
04057 (C, Obsoletes, Fractionals, Confederate, and
Southern State), Website
12359 William Swagman (C), BNR
12360 Michael Szkrybalo, 10512 Oak View Dr, Austin, TX
78759 (US Large & Small, Nationals), Website
12361 Jim White, 165 Sunset Hills NW, Grand Rapids, MI
49534 (C), Website
12362 Donald J. Schultz, 501 Edgerton St Apt E2, Minoa,
NY 13116 (C, US Large & Small, Obsoletes,
Confederate, Tom Denly
12363 Charles R. Lipcon (C), Website
12364 Donald H. Karsten, 27 Mattheson Rd, Antrium, NH
(C, US Small), Tom Denly
12365 Michael McDaniel (D), Larry Adams
12366 Anthony J. Swiatek, PO Box 218, Manhasset, NY
11020 (D), Judith Murphy
12367 Tim Day (C), Judith Murphy
12368 Thomas D. Dombrowski, 4052 N. 39th, Milwaukee,
WI 53216-1641 (C & D), Judith Murphy & Wendell
12369 Zachary Beasley, C/O Beast Coins, PO Box 510897,
New Berlin, WI 53151 (C & D, Obsoletes), Judith
Murphy & Wendell Wolka
12370 Jorge Garcia, PO Box 70983, Houston, TX 77270 (D,
Obsoletes), Judith Murphy
12371 Douglas McKernan (C), Wendell Wolka
12372 Nicholas Cheung, PO Box 1085, Boston, MA 021 17-
1085 (C, 1963 to Present FRN's, World, Europe),
8228 Rick Rounds (C), Robert Schreiner
Write about your specialty for Paper Money
Articles on checks, bonds, stocks
Always wanted
Our SPMC Journal exists to fulfill our mandate
to promote education in all these fiscal paper areas
So spread your knowledge around to our members
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480 November/December • Whole No. 252 • Paper Money
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7 Reasons you should sell to Littleton...
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Maynard Sundrnan David Sundman Jim Reardon
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They also specialize in Large Size Type Notes, Small Size Currency,
National Currency, Colonial and Continental Currency, Fractionals,
Error Notes, MPC's, Confederate Currency, Encased Postage,
Stocks and Bonds, Autographs and Documents, World Paper Money .. .
and numerous other areas.
is the leading organization of OVER 100 DEALERS in Currency,
Stocks and Bonds, Fiscal Documents and related paper items.
• Hosts the annual National and World Paper Money Convention each fall in St. Louis, Missouri.
Please visit our Web Site for dates and location.
• Encourages public awareness and education regarding the hobby of Paper Money Collecting.
• Sponsors the John Hickman National Currency Exhibit Award each June at the Memphis Paper
Money Convention, as well as Paper Money classes at the A.N.A.'s Summer Seminar series.
• Publishes several "How to Collect" booklets regarding currency and related paper items. Availability
of these booklets can be found in the Membership Directory or on our Web Site.
• Is a proud supporter of the Society of Paper Money Collectors.
TO be assured of knowledgeable, professional, and ethical dealings
when buying or selling currency, look for dealers who
proudly display the PCDA emblem.
The Professional Currency Dealers Association
For a FREE copy of the PCDA Membership Directory listing names, addresses and specialties
of all members, send your request to:
James A. Simek — Secretary
P.O. Box 7157 • Westchester, IL 60154
(630) 889-8207
Or Visit Our Web Site At:
To receive a complimentary
book or catalog of your choice,
register online at
PM6051, or call
866-835-3243 and mention
reference #PM6051.
Allen Mincho, Ext. 1327
Director of Auctions
Len Glazer, Ext. 1390
Director of Auctions
Allen Mincho, Director of Auctions
OK. If you know me for more than ten minutes, you realize that I am not "technology-driven:' I don't dislike
computers - I just see them as useful tools. It wouldn't be possible to present the wonderful currency that we
sell to 300,000+ possible clients in any other manner. Plus, computers are great tools for preparing our catalogs,
as they allow me to focus on describing the notes and not worry about production issues. With your free
membership at, you can view all the information on every one of 200,000+ currency lots that we've
auctioned over the last decade (catalog descriptions, full-color enlargeable images, and prices realized). Finally,
our incredible images could only be delivered through the Worldwide Web. Great technology.
Still, I see all of Heritage's technological leadership as tools to be used to reinforce personal relationships, with
both our consignors and bidders. Yes, it's easier to reach more people with a superior product, but we never
forget that our clients buy their notes from people they trust. Everything that Len and I do is designed to
reinforce that trust, and has been from the first. We're not neo-Luddites, we just prefer people! We personally
enjoy leading Heritage's currency team, in every aspect of examining, researching, lotting, and cataloging - all
so we can sell your notes for top dollar. We especially appreciate more people bidding - and Heritage sells more
rare currency to more collectors (versus only dealers bidding for inventory) than any other auction firm.
Our bidders demand fresh material, and we depend on our long-standing personal relationships to bring
important consignments to market. For decades, Len and I have known the players. We speak their language,
and we understand their motivations for collecting - and ultimately for selling. Most of these are business
relationships, but they are also friends. We helped them grow in the hobby, in knowledge and experience. As
important as it was to help build a great collection, our service to our clients doesn't end until we help them
realize the maximum prices in the marketplace. Heritage's technological leadership certainly helps them make
the selling decision, as they recognize the importance of reaching the maximum number of qualified bidders
in setting price records. The pride they felt in assembling an important collection is matched by their pride in
selling in the highest quality catalog — and one that is forever enshrined in our Permanent Auction Archives at .
Len and I have been generous with our time over many decades helping several generations of collectors. We
have sold hundreds of millions of dollars of rare currency, but serving our clients has never ended with simply
selling. We are all just temporary guardians of these numismatic treasures, and someday the pride of ownership
will pass to new collectors. Our job isn't finished until our successful buyers become successful sellers; until their
buying decisions are validated by new bidders willing to pay top dollar to share in that pride of ownership. To
that end, Heritage's technology has become an indispensable tool!
You'll just have to forgive me if I would rather talk to you on the phone than IM or email. And when the time
comes to sell the important collections we have helped assemble, Len and I would rather personally come to
your bank, home, or office. We want to look you in the eye when we decide together whether auction or private-
treaty is your best option. That's part of how we define service. And while other dealers can provide personal
service, nobody else has Heritage's technological leadership to back it up!
If you have any questions, please give us a call.
The World's #1 Numismatic Auctioneer
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CALL TODAY TO CONSIGN TO F.U.N. 2008! Consignment deadline Nov. 15, 2007
Annual Sales Exceeding $500 Million • 300,000+ Online Registered Bidder-Members
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HERITAGE NUMISMATIC AUCTIONS, INC.: CA Bond #RSB2004175, Florida AB665, Ohio 2006000050. CURRENCY AUCTIONS OF AMERICA: Florida AB 2218.
Auctioneers: Leo Frese: Florida AU 1059, California #RSB2004176, New York City 1094965. Samuel Foose: Texas 11727, California #RSB2004178, Florida AU3244,
Ohio 2006000048, New York City 0952360, Phoenix 07102052, and North Carolina 8373. Jim Fitzgerald: Texas Associate 16130. Mike Sadler: Texas Associate 16129. Scott Peterson: Texas 13256,
Florida AU3021. Robert Korver: North Carolina 8363, Ohio 2006000049, Phoenix 07102049, Texas 13754, Wisconsin 2412-52, and New York City 1096338.
This auction subject to a 15% buyer's premium. 6051
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