Paper Money - Vol. XXI, No. 5 - Whole No. 101 - September - October 1982

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Djibouti REPUBLIC OF DJIBOUTI :4111412i Original Cachet Art created Exclusively for this Limited Edition Specially Designed Sleeve (permanently protects currency) Valuable Currency (removeable for closer inspection) Official United Nations Stamp (with national flag & U.S. First Class denomination) All currency is uncirculated or in very fine condition. 2 Covers shipped approximately every 6 weeks! GUARANTEE You must be completely satisfied with your Currency Covers or return them any time within 30 days for a full refund. AdditionalReference on Back FREE Collectors Album Included ( World Currency An Educational Collection of Lithographs Featuring Bank Notes From Around the World Interesting Commentary Shown Much Smaller than Actual Size! Actual Size: 9 1/2"X11" Official "First Day of Issue" Cancellation Official H.P.M. Seal & Regis- tration Number _ _ _ ORDER FORM ------ — — — The Historic Providence Mint Dept. PM-1, 222 Harrison Street, Providence, Rhode Island 02901 Enter my subscription to the official Historic Providence Mint series of First Day of Issue Currency Covers, each of which will have the official United Nations stamp of a member country, the First Day of Issue cancellation, and official currency of that country. I understand that so long as I continue to collect this series, I shall have the same registration number on each Curren- cy Cover and that the cost is guaranteed at $9.95 per Cover. After I receive my first two Covers, I may return them within 30 days for a full refund or charge card credit. At any time, I may cancel my subscription by simply notifying The Historic Providence Mint that I want no further Covers. A free custom-designed album will accompany my third shipment of Covers; as the series continues, I shall receive additional free Albums. I understand that I will be entitled to receive the current issue and all future issues of this program. Should I choose to purchase previous World Currency issues, I may do so subject to availability. PLEASE CHECK ONE BOX q I enclose check for $19.90 plus $1.50 shipping and handling (total $21.40) for my first two World Currency Covers q Charge to my credit card when you ship me the Covers. q VISA q Master Charge q American Express q Diners Club q Carte Blanche No. Exp. Date Signature Name Address City State Zip FOR CHARGE ORDERS ONLY CALL TOLL FREE 1-800-556-6860 8AM to 4PM (Monday thru Friday) L ©1982 H.F.MJ Society Ptipt>r IN:lonk-v Collectors, All rights reserved. isle. in whale or (it }.lout express written prohibited rship dues III SPMC pies of current SING RATES r mit; i nmE ,46'PimKS RepriitluetiP' in part, pii'mis .t And.4 are $12 Inriv issues$1:IPP411,.. DVE:i SpA(IE tin'-jde hit I\ littS 1 1.01 1 h 1 ;:t ,1 1 ■1 1 I § . 1 Paper Money Page 2Q.1 SE)C I Fr Y of I) PE R YN EY E( 'TOR S IsIrlore, PAPER•MONEY is published every Either month beginning in .1anuaiy by The socipty'of Paper Money Colleen:Ts, P. 0. Box l3. S. C. tieconclelaSs: postage paid at Camden, S. C. 29020. , 45.00 299.00. 8. $185.00 $ 4 26.0 at a minimum ,Is.t.riising. rato slow, zrdurusin orders rnai..I prop aid in udvonec according to scholui(... In the exceptional cases where: .irt\s,iii; or extra typing are .. cc cc , will In notified and for thi., 111 S ate tt au it tut bit- Prot cc nplutri I ittust ite in the offive no Burr than tit( first-act the • inont It pre, itclingt ni nth tit* issue te.g. I frig 1.\.lartill issuer, izoin \ 1/ I N■1111,■ig either v4.1 .11 ,:iii tir le -,"),111:, 2tt nicer fhcltli ^^ recce1)1.11)1, ii,,1 •=)111 , N111111)1 hi , L., 1 v 8I'Mt tiers te oa l Official Bimonthly Publication of The Society of Paper Money Collectors, Inc. Vol. XXI No. 5 Whc1e No. 101 SEP/OCT 1982 ISSN 0031-1162 BARBARA R. MUELLER, Editor 225 S. Fischer Ave. Jefferson, W1 53549 414-674-5239 Manuscripts and publications for review should be addressed to the Editor. Opinions expressed by the authors are their own and do not necessarily reflect those of SPMC or its staff. PAPER MONEY reserves the right to edit or reject any copy. Deadline for editorial copy is the 1st of the month preceding the month of publication (e.g., Feb. 1 for March issue, etc.) IN THIS ISSUE EARLY ENGRAVINGS OF ANDREW JACKSON AND THEIR BANK NOTE AND STAMP APPLICATION 203 GRADING THE BOTTOM END Wendell Wolka 215 1982 - 1983 ANNUAL BUDGET CITY OF COVINA 218 THE ONLY 14,000 SERIES VERMONT CHARTER SURFACES M. Owen Warns, NLG 219 THE DEBT FUNDING OF MONTANA TERRITORY A SCRIPOPHILIC STUDY Ray Miller 222 ANA 1982 SOUVENIR CARD 225 POST WORLD WAR II COUNTERFEITING OF U.S. CURRENCY IN CHINA 227 ANOTHER VARIETY IN THE LARGE SIZE NOTES Rev. Frank H. Hutchins 227 THE UNIQUE $1,000 INTEREST-BEARING TREASURY NOTE OF 1860 AND AN ECLIPSED PRESIDENT Gene Hessler 228 DERIVATION OF DESIGN ON INDO-CHINESE NOTES 231 UA "AIR CURRENCY" COUPONS 230 NEW VARIETY OF ENCASED POSTAGE STAMP FOUND 936 FIRST -4D LAST NOTES FROM BUREAU OF ENGRAVING & PRINTING PACKAGES Geor I. Wettach 236 CONFI 'SATE NOTES AND OBSOLETE STOCKS FOR SALE'. 242 t,tek ro■ el- ti() ;!;19., 7,0 Itsitir Book I 'over 7.5(1 81:81 0 f ill t iiPs itte S94; titoliter-prige it) it 51 0.041I 'I'tt ocirnint>trtttive REGULAR FEATURE, INTEREST BEARING NOTES 233 MONEY MART 238 THE PAPER COLUMN 174 COPE REPORT 226 SECRETARY'S REPORT 232 Page 202 Whole No. 101 en∎ Society of Paper Money Collectors OFFICERS PRESIDENT Wendell Wolka, P.O. Box 366, Hinsdale, IL 60521 VICE-PRESIDENT Larry Adams, 969 Park Circle, Boone, IA 50036 SECRETARY Robert Azpiazu, Jr., P. 0. Box 1433, Hialeah, FL 33011 TREASURER Roger H. Durand, P.O. Box 186, Rehoboth, MA 02769 APPOINTEES EDITOR Barbara R. Mueller, 225 S. Fischer Ave., Jefferson, WI 53549 LIBRARIAN Wendell Wolka, P.O. Box 366, Hinsdale, IL 60521 PUBLICITY CHAIRMAN Larry Adams, 969 Park Circle, Boone, IA 50036 NEW MEMBERSHIP COORDINATOR Ron Horstman, P.O. Box 6011, St. Louis, MO 63139 BOARD OF GOVERNORS Larry Adams, A. R. Beaudreau, Charles Colver, Michael Crabb, Jr., Martin Delger, Roger H. Durand, C. John Ferreri, William Horton, Peter Huntoon, Richard Jones, Robert Medlar, Dean Oakes, Stephen Taylor, Steven Whitfield, Harry Wigington. The Society of Paper Money Collectors was organized in 1961 and incorporated in 1964 as a non-profit organization under the laws of the District of Columbia. It is affiliated with the American Numismatic Association and holds its annual meeting at the ANA Convention in August of each year. MEMBERSHIV—REGULAR. Applicants must be at least 18 years of age and of good moral character. JUNIOR. Applicants must be from 12 to 18 years of age and of good moral character. Their application must be signed by a parent or a guardian. They will be preceded by the letter "j". This letter will be removed upon notification to the secretary that the member has reached 18 years of age. Junior members are not eligible to hold office or to vote. Members of the A.N.A. or other recognized numismatic organizations are eligible for membership. Other applicants should be sponsored by an S.P.M.C. member, or the secretary will sponsor persons if they provide suitable references such as well known numismatic firms with whom they have done business, or bank references, etc. DUES—The Society dues are on a calendar year basis. Annual dues are $12. Members who join the Society prior to October 1st receive the magazines already issued in the year in which they join. Members who join after October 1st will have their dues paid through December of the following year. They will also receive, as a bonus, a copy of the magazine issued in November of the year in which they joined. PUBLICATIONS FOR SALE TO MEMBERS BOOKS FOR SALE: All cloth bound books are 8 1/2 x 11" INDIANA OBSOLETE NOTES & SCRIP Non-Member MINNESOTA OBSOLETE NOTES & SCRIP, $12.00 $15.00 NEW JERSEY'S MONEY, Wait $15.00 Non-Member $18.50 TERRITORIALS—A GUIDE TO U.S. TERRITORIAL Rockholt $12.00 BANK NOTES, Huntoon $12.00 Non-Member $15.00 Non Member $15.00 MAINE OBSOLETE NOTES & SCRIP. Wait . $12.00 INDIAN TERRITORY / OKLAHOMA / KANSAS Non-Member $15.00 OBSOLETE NOTES & SCRIP, Burgett & OBSOLETE NOTES & SCRIP OF RHODE ISLAND Whitefield $12.00 AND THE PROVIDENCE PLANTATIONS, Non-Member $15.00 Durand $20.00 IOWA OBSOLETE NOTES & SCRIP, Oakes .... $12.00 Non-Member $25.00 Non-member $15.00 ORDERING INSTRUCTIONS 1. Give complete description for all items ordered. 2. Total the cost of all publications ordered. 3. ALL publications are postpaid except orders for less than 5 copies of Paper Money. Write for Quantity Prices on the above books. 4. Enclose payment (U.S. funds only) with all orders. Make your check or money order payable to: Society of Paper Money Collectors. 5. Remember to include your ZIP CODE. 6. Allow up to six weeks for delivery. We have no control of your package after we place it in the mails. Order from: The Camden Co.—SPMC Book Sales Dept. P. 0. Box 9, Camden, S. C. 29020 Library Services The Society maintains a lending library for the use of Librarian — Wendell Wolka, P.O. Box 366, Hinsdale, Ill. the members only. For further information, write the 60521. Paper Money Page 203 Early Engravings of Andrew Jackson and Their Bank Note and Stamp Applications Fig. 1. - The "Black Jack" 2-cent stamp design. Based on a research paper by CRAIG J. TURNER written in 1975 and published first in The SPA Journal. The author was a member of the staff of the Smithsonian Institution and a specialist in the bank note company production of classic U. S. stamps and the men who engraved them. ************* On March 3, 1863, Congress abolished the one-cent post office carrier's fee and established a postage rate of two cents for drop (local) letters. It further established the 2nd and 3rd class postage rates at two cents for each four ounces, or fraction thereof, and the rate for circulars, up to three in number, at two cents. The Act also required that these fees be paid by affixing postage stamps to the individual envelope or wrapper. With these rate changes, it soon became apparent to the Post Office Department that the issuance of a two- cent stamp should be undertaken immediately. Consequently, on April 8, 1863, the following letter was sent to the National Banknote Company, holder of the then-current postage stamp contract: Post Office Department Finance Office Washington, April 8, 1863 Sir: Under the New Postage Law, stamps of the denomination of two cents will be required for the payment of postage on local letters on and after 1st July next. I have therefore to request that you will at your earliest convenience, furnish this office with a design for a postage stamp of that denomination which stamp shall be so different in all respects from those now in use, as to be readily distinguishable from them without reference to color. I am, respectfully, etc. A. N. ZEVELY Third Asst., P.M. General Due to the short lead time involved (April 8 to July 1), James MacDonough, Secretary and stamp designer of the National Banknote Company, decided to use one of his "stock" engravings as the central design of this new two-cent postage stamp. As this relatively low value stamp was to be used to carry "wastepaper basket" material such as circulars, price quotations, newspapers and the like, riot too much effort would be / // //// ///1 13 NIG 0 WI IE Page 204 expended upon the design, so from the stock dies available, MacDonough chose a vignette engraving of Andrew Jackson. William D. Nichols was the man chosen to engrave the frame and lettering for this stamp. He had been working as an engraver in New York City since 1840. By 1848, he had become well enough known and sufficiently popular to have had his works exhibited at the National Academy of Design. Prior to joining the National Banknote Company, he had been an engraver for Danforth, Wright & Company. He left Danforth in 1859 to become one of the founders and trustees of the newly formed National when he subscribed to 136 shares of their stock. The New York City Directory lists him as an artist from 1865 to 1869, and then lists him as a printer at 1 Wall Street in 1874. In 1878, he still resided in New York but by then he owned 1,600 shares in the National Banknote Company. Nichols has been credited with engraving the lettering on all the 1861- 1866 stamps for National except the one-cent blue Franklin. Whole No. 101 engraving and worked for both the National and Continental Banknote Companies in New York and for the American in Philadelphia. Ourdan later entered the service of the United States Treasury Department in Washington, D. C., and in time became Chief of the Bureau of Engraving and Printing. For the Bureau, he engraved the portrait of Salmon P. Chase for the one dollar Civil War era Legal Tender note. He died on May 10, 1881, in Washington, D. C. For years, students of United States classical stamps have searched for the model Ourdan used for the Andrew Jackson vignette. Many students agree that it was John Wood Dodge's miniature painting of the President which had been painted many years earlier. Dodge had gone to Jackson's home, The Hermitage, at Nashville, Tennessee in 1842, and painted, on ivory, in miniature, a three-quarter length rendition of Jackson in a seated position. In his left hand, Jackson held his glass case and his right arm rested on a table which also holds a leather-bound book. Behind Jackson's right shoulder, Dodge had painted "Old Hickory's" sword and scabbard. The artist had surmounted his painting with an elaborate Urn and the Capitol of the United Fig. 2 - 1861 Confederate States of America $1,000 banknote. Designer: National Banknote Company, Vignette engraved by Joseph Prosper Ourdan. The stock engraving of Andrew Jackson chosen by James MacDonough for the new two-cent stamp vignette had originally been used by the National Banknote Company as part of a Confederate States $1,000 banknote. This one thousand dollar bill had been ordered from National in 1861, and Joseph Prosper Ourdan, National's portrait and pictorial engraver, had been assigned the job of engraving the vignette of Jackson to be used as the lower right portion. Joseph Prosper Ourdan, portrait and pictorial engraver, was the son ofJoseph James Prosper Ourdan, a letter engraver. The son served his apprenticeship as an engraver with William L. Ormsby of New York. He engraved some good line portraits and illustrative work for book publishers under his own name while still quite young. He soon became interested in banknote States, while he had painted The Hermitage at the bottom. Fortified with this word picture of Dodge's miniature, your author began a search for the original ivory painting. Contact was made with the Curator of The Hermitage, The Boston Antiquarian Society, The National Collection of Fine Arts and The National Portrait Gallery in an effort to locate the Dodge miniature. Needless to say, the search was fruitless. Further, Mrs. Ada Whisenhunt, Curator of The Hermitage, told your author that historians and writers have been searching for Dodge's miniature for years, but to date, no one has found it. Mrs. Whisenhunt went on to say, "In my judgement, the Dodge miniature must have been the model for the 1863 United States stamp which bears the likeness of Andrew Jackson. Certainly, we have no engravings here (at The Hermitage) which Paper Money Fig. 3 - A version of the Dodge miniature engraved by W. J. Edwards. faintly resemble this stamp. In fact, we have no prints which are not listed in the material which you sent." Your author did find, however, an engraving of Dodge's painting in The National Collection of Fine Arts of the Smithsonian Institution done by Mosely Isaac Danforth in 1843 — just one year after Dodge painted his ivory miniature. Upon finding this engraving, your author also discovered there were more than 30 other engravings of Andrew Jackson done by many of the great engravers of the nineteenth century. It was learned that Asher Brown Durand, Peter Maverick, James Barton Longacre, Gideon Fairman, Francis Kearny, and J. R. E. Prud'homme all engraved Jackson at one time or another. To assist collectors and exhibitors in their search for collateral material for stamp and paper money collections, and to acquaint readers with the type material available, a listing of these Jackson engravings follows: Stipple Oval. Bust to left in cloak: face 3/I right. Inscribed: Protector and Defender of Beauty and Booty// Orleans. Painted by J. Wood. Engraved on steel by Cephas G. Childs, Philadelphia - 1828. Oval: 3 1/16 x 2 1/2" Page 205 Stipple Rectangle. Full bust in uniform: face 3/4 right. Inscribed: Wheeler, painter — Edwin, engraver. Edwin is David Edwin, 1776-1841. Line Rectangle. Full length in uniform, to front, face 3/4 left. Right hand across body with drawn sword. Chapeau in left hand. To left, horse held by orderly; to right, a battle scene. Inscribed: Painted by John Vanderlyn - New York. Published June 1828. Engraver: Asher Brown Durand. Printed: James R. Burton, Rectangle: 20% x 1478" Mixed stipple and line rectangle, frame ornamented. Half length; face 3/4 left. Inscribed: N. Dearborn - Boston//Andrew Jackson//7th President of the United States of America; signature. Engraved by Nathanal Dearborn. Rectangle: 2% x 2'/4" Stipple Vignettes. Series of vignettes of Presidents done in ovals arranged against an entablature, with festoons of ribbons and flowers. On top an open book against books, inkstand, caduceus, etc. Bust portraits of Washington, Jefferson, Adams, Madison, Monroe, and — at the bottom — Jackson. Engraved by David Edwin and George Murray. Ovals are: 6% x 4" Stipple Oval. Full bust; face 3/4 right. Inscribed: J. Wood - painter. Engraved by: Gideon Fairman. Oval: 3 x 2" Stipple Vignette. Half length in uniform; face 3/4 right. Inscribed: Goodman & Piggot. Engravers were Charles Goodman and Robert Piggot. Vignette: 21/2 x 3" Line, circular frame. Full bust to left; face 3/4 right. Inscribed: Engraved by W. Harrison, Washington City// Painted by J. Wood//General Andrew Jackson. Engrav- ing: 3 x 3" Stipple Oval. Full bust to left; face 3/4 right. Inscribed: Thomas Kelly, engraver//General Andrew Jackson. Oval: 33/4 x 2%" Stipple, Rectangle Frame. Full length; standing; face 1/4 right. Right hand holding the "Constitution." Inscribed: Engraved from an original drawing by Francis Kearny//Andrew Jackson//President of the United States//March 1, 1829. Rectangle: 10 x 7" Line Vignette. Half length in uniform, surrounded by clouds; face 3/4 left. Inscribed: S. L. Waldo, painter — Peter Maverick, sculptur- er/Maj General Andrew Jackson (restrike) Vignette: 81/4 x 61/2" Stipple Vignette. Full bust; face 3/4 right. Inscribed: J. Wood, painter - Peter Maverick, engraver// Maj General Andrew Jackson. Frontispiece to Civil and Military History of Andrew Jackson, etc, by an American Officer, New York, P. M. Davis, 1825. Vignette: 3% x 21/4" Stipple and Line Rectangle. Full bust in Uniform; face 1/4 right. Inscribed: Engraved by Charles Phillips from a painting by Jarvis taken from life, 1815//now in the possession of Jonathan Hunt Esq/ /Andrew Jackson//Engraved for the U. S. Magazine and Democratic Review//J & H G Langley, New York. Rectangle: 5 x 4" Stipple Oval. Bust in uniform; face to right. Inscribed: Reed & Stiles engravers. (Samuel Stiles & Abner Reed) Oval: 3 3/4 x 2 7/8" Line Rectangle. Full length; standing; hat and cane in right hand; face 3/4 right. Page 206 Whole No. 101 Inscribed: R. E. W. Earl - painter//J. R. E. Prud'homme - engraver//General Andrew Jackson//at The Hermi- tage//R. Miller - Printer. Rectangle: 5 1/8 x 4 1/8" Line Rectangle. Half length in uniform; face 3/4 left. Cloak over left arm; right arm across body. Inscribed: Smith - engraver (William D.)//General Andrew Jackson. Rectangle: 8% x 7 3/8" Line Rectangle; frame ornamented. Full bust to left in cloak; face 3/4 right. Inscribed: Painted by J. Wood//1829//Andrew Jackson// Engraved by James W. Steel for the Jackson Wreath// Printed by S. Tiller. Rectangle: 5 3/4 x 4" Acquatint Vignette. Half length in uniform; face 34 left; cocked hat on head; beneath: clouds, cannon, etc and on ribbon: "Defeated 8,000 British at New Orleans 1815." Inscribed: Acquatint by William Strickland//General Jackson //Hero of New Orleans. Vignette: 7 1/4 x 61/4" Stipple Rectangle. Half length in cloak; face 3/4 right. Inscribed: Engraved by Asaph Willard on steel. Rectangle: 3% x 2 7/8" Stipple Vignettes. Group of one rectangle; four ovals and one octagonal frame against plinth, surmounted by eagle with divergent rays; with flags and military trophies. Inscribed: Tanner, Valiance, Kearney & Company (Henry Tanner, John Valiance and Francis Kearny). Vignettes depict American generals, i.e., Dearborn, Jackson, Brown, Scott, Harrison and Pike. Stipple Rectangle. Full bust to right in uniform. Inscribed: Peale - painter, D. Edwin - engraver//Honour & Gratitude to the man who has filled the measure of his Country's Glory//Jackson//The States whole thunder born to wield//And shakes alike the Senate and the Field / /Philadelphia/ /Published for a Grateful People. Engraving: 5 x 4" Line Rectangle, border line, 3/4 length seated. Inscribed: Drawn, engraved and published by//Proof - 0. H. Throop, Baltimore, Aug 25, 1828//This is to certify that I did sit to 0. H. Throop on the 12th inst for my Like- ness//Andrew Jackson (autograph)//S. Sands, printer// copyright secured. Engraving: 17 1/2 x 14 3/16" Stipple Oval, bust. Decorations, 'zossed swords above and wreath. Inscribed: Jackson//Leney - engraver, Chataiguer - paint- er and sculptor//Dedicated to Maj Genl Andrew Jackson for his gallant defense at New Orleans//Sold by Spencer Crane & Co., 126 Broadway and Mr. Ferre, 24 Thomas St., New York//copyright secured. Oval: 3 3/16 x 2 5/16" Line Vignette. Bust, head to left. Inscribed: Engraved by Vistus Balch from a drawing by Longacre//Andrew Jackson (autograph). Stipple Rectangle, framed. Bust to front, head to left. Inscribed: Andrew Jackson//Engraved by Charles C. Torrey, from an original picture by R. E. W. Earl, in the possession of H. M. Rutledge, esq.,//Nashville, Tennessee. Published June 1, 1826. Rectangle: 16 x 14 1/8" James Barton Longacre had a special liking for Andrew Jackson and painted, drew and engraved him many times. The following ten engravings are all by Longacre: Stipple Rectangle. Full bust in cloak to left; face 3/4 right. No Fig. 4 - Charles Phillip's stipple and line engraved rendition of Jackson taken from a painting by Jarvis done in 1815. inscription. Rectangle: 5 1/2 x 4 1/2" Stipple Rectangle, with ornamented frame. Full bust in cloak to left; face 3/4 right. No inscription. Stipple Rectangle. Full bust; face 3/4 left. After a portrait by R. E. W. Earl. No inscription. Stipple, broad rectangle, frame ornamented, and suspended. Full bust to right in caped cloak, face 3/4 right. Inscribed: Andrew Jackson//Engraved by James B. Longacre from an original miniature by J. Wood//Pub- lished by B. 0. Tyler//Washington City//1824. Engrav- ing 5% x 3 3/4" Stipple Rectangle. Full bust; face slightly to left; face long and narrow. No inscription. Rectangle: 3 3/4 x Vs" Stipple Vignette. Full bust; face 3/4 left. Inscribed: Andrew Jackson//President of United States// Drawn from Life & Engraved by Longacre. Vignette: 7 x 6 3/4" Stipple Rectangle, Full bust; face 3/4 left. Inscribed: Drawn from life and engraved by James B. Longacre//Andrew Jackson//President of the United States//signature. Rectangle: 4% x 3 3/8" stipple Rectangle. 3/4 length in uniform; face front; right hand on hilt of sword by side; left hand on holster holding reins of a horse behind him. Inscribed: Painted by Thomas Sully - engraved by James B. Longacre//Maj Genl Andrew Jackson//Published and Paper Money Fig. 5 - Andrew Jackson, as President, drawn from life and engraved by James Barton Longacre. entered according to Act of Congress, Nov 2, 1820 by Joshua Shaw. Rectangle: 14 1/4 x 11 3/4" Stipple Rectangle, Full bust; face slightly to left. Inscribed: Andrew Jackson//Engraved by James B. Longacre from an original picture by R. E. W. Earl// Painted at the Hermitage in the summer of 1826//Proof. Stipple Rectangle. Full bust; face 3/4 left. Inscribed: Drawn from life, September 23, 1829 and en- graved by J. B. Longacre//Andrew Jackson of Tennessee //President of the United States. Rectangle: 3 3/4 x 3 1/4" During the search for Jackson engravings, it was also discovered that vignettes of Jackson appear on 158 state bank notes - 44 from Jackson's own State of Tennessee. David McNeely Stauffer lists these banknotes alphabetically, by state, in his American Engravers on Copper and Steel. To further assist readers in their search for collateral material for their stamp and paper money collections, Stauffer's listing follows: ALABAMA - Northern Bank of Alabama, Huntsville - $20. ARKANSAS - Exchange Bank, Helena - $5. CONNECTICUT - Manufacturers Bank, Birmingham - $3. Central Bank, Middletown - $2. Se•gatuck Bank, Westport - $10. Page 207 DELAWARE - Farmers & Mechanics Bank, Milford - $1. Citizens Bank, Middletown - $2. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA - Merchants Bank, Washington- $3. National Bank, Washington - $3 FLORIDA - Commercial Bank of Florida, Appalachicola - $2, $3, $4, $5. Bank of Jacksonville - $2. Bank of West Florida, Mariana - $1 GEORGIA - Southern Bank of Georgia, Bainbridge - $2 Manufacturers Bank, Macon - $5 INDIANA - Cambridge City Bank, Cambridge - $10. State Stock Bank, Jamestown - $5. Western Bank, Plymouth - $1. LOUISIANA - Canal Bank, New Orleans - $50. MAINE - State Bank, Augusta - $5. Village Bank, Bowdoinham - $5. Marine Bank, Damariscotta - $10. Newcastle Bank, Newcastle - $50. Orono Bank, Orono - $2. Bank of Cumberland, Portland - $5, $500, $1,000. Bank of Somerset, Skowhegan - $20, $500. Peoples Bank, Waterville - $100. MARYLAND - American Bank, Baltimore - $3. Chesapeake Bank, Baltimore - $10, $20. Howard Bank, Baltimore - $100. Farmers & Merchants Bank of Cecil County, Elkton - $5. Frederick County Bank, Frederick - $10. Farmers & Merchants Bank, Greensborough - $5, $10. MASSACHUSETTS - Union Bank, Boston - $2. Pemberton Bank, Lawrence - $3. Milford Bank, Milford - $3. Powow River Bank, Salisbury - $3. MICHIGAN - Government Stock Bank, Ann Arbor - $1, $1.25, $1.50. Bank of Monroe, Monroe - $10. MISSOURI - Bank of the State of Missouri, Branch, Fayette - $20. NEW HAMPSHIRE - Mechanics Bank, Concord - $5. Langdon Bank, Dover - $5. Pennichuck Bank, Nashua - $50. New Market Bank, New Market - $20. Peterborough Bank, Peterborough - $50. Piscataqua Exchange Bank, Portsmouth - $10. Lake Bank, Wolfborough - $20. NEW JERSEY - Belvidere Bank, Belvidere - $5. Hacketstown Bank, Hacketstown - $5. Franklin Bank of New Jersey, Jersey City - $100. New Hope and Delaware Bridge Company, Lambertville - $5. Sussex Bank, Newton - $2. Passaic County Bank, Paterson - $2. NEW YORK - Commercial Bank, Albany - $3. Bank of Orleans, Albion - $5. Cayuga County Bank, Auburn - $3. Canajoharie Bank, Canajoharie - $2. Columbia Bank, Chatham Four Corners $2, $3. Merchants Bank, Granville - $5. Genessee County Bank, Leroy - $10. Page 208 Cambridge Valley Bank, North White Creek - $20. Oswegatchie Bank, Ogdensburg - $5, $5. Bank of Poughkeepsie, Poughkeepsie - $1. Fort Stanwix Bank, Rome - $50. Bank of Ulster, Saugerties - $2. Merchants Bank, Syracuse - $3. Watertown Bank and Loan Company, Watertown - $5. West Winfield Bank, West Winfield - $20. NORTH CAROLINA - Bank of Wilmington, Wilmington - $8 OHIO - Commercial Bank of Cincinnati, Second, Cincinnati - $20. Stark County Orphans Institute, Fulton - $5. Bank of the Ohio Savings Institute, Tiffin - $5, $5. Whole No. 101 PENNSYLVANIA - Bank of Commerce, Erie - $10. Central Bank of Pennsylvania, Hollidaysburg - $50 Lock Haven Bank, Lock Haven - $2. Manual Labor Bank, Philadelphia - $1, $2. Mechanics Bank of the City and County of Philadelphia - $2. Bank of Phoenixville, Phoenixville - $2. Bank of Fayette County, Uniontown - $10. Wyoming Bank, Wilkes Barre - $5. RHODE ISLAND - Jackson Bank, Providence - $1, $2, $5, $10, $100. Tiverton Bank, Tiverton - $5, 15, 1.5. Fig. 6 - 1863 Farmers & Merchants $5.00 banknote from Elkton, Maryland, Designer: National Banknote Company, Vignette engraver: Joseph Prosper Ourdan. Fig. 7 - 1863 American Bank of Baltimore, Maryland $3.00 banknote. Designer: National Banknote Company. Vignette Engraver: Joseph Prosper Ourdan. Paper Money Page 209 Fig. 8 - 1850 Ohio Savings Institute of Tiffin, Ohio $5.00 banknote. Designer: Danforth, Wright & Company. Vignette probably engraved by Mosely Isaac Danforth but could have been done by Neziah Wright. Fig. 9 - 1856 Tiverton Bank of Tiverton, Rhode Island $5.00 banknote. Designer: Baldwin, Bald & Cousland. Vignette could have been done by Robert Bald, J. Dorsey Bald or William Cousland. Fig. 10 - Undated (18--) Bank of America (parent), Clarksuille. Tennessee $5.00 banknote. Designer: American Banknote Company (prior to consolidation in 1858). Vigtwtw engraver: Unknown. Page 210 Whole No. 101 Fig. 11 - Undated (185-) West River Bank of Jamiaca, Vermont $50.00 banknote. Designer: Rawdon, Wright, Hatch & .Edson. Vignette could have been done by Freeman Rawdon, Neziah Wright, George Whitfield Hatch, Tracy Robinson Edson or Asher Brown Durand. (Top design of mythical goddess riding an eagle and the classically undraped "Justice" on the left of the banknote are excellent examples of the work Asher Brown Durand did for banknotes, certificates, etc.). Fig. 12. 1854 Mechanics Bank of Memphis, Tennessee $1.00 banknote. Designer: Danforth, Wright & Company. Vignette probably done by Mosely Isaac Danforth or Neziah Wright. SOUTH CAROLINA - Bank of the State of South Carolina, Branch, Camden - $2. State Bank of South Carolina, Parent, Charleston - $50. Planters Bank of Fairfield, Winnsboro - $50, $50. TENNESSEE - Bank of East Tennessee, Branch, Chattanooga $1. Bank of America, Parent, Clarksville - $5, 15, 15. Bank of East Tennessee, Branch, Jonesboro - $1. Bank of East Tennessee, Parent, Knoxville - $1. Citizens Bank of Nashville & Memphis, Branch - $1, $5, $10, $20. Bank of Middle Tennessee, Lebanon - $5. Buck's Bank, McMinnville - $5. Citizens Bank of Nashville & Memphis, Memphis - $1, $3, $5, $10, $20, $50, $100. Citizens Bank of Nashville & Memphis, Nashville - $1, $3, $5, $10, $20, $50, $100. Mechanics Bank, Memphis - $1, $1, $3, $5, $5. Memphis Banking Company, Memphis - $4. Southern Bank of Tennessee, Memphis - $3, $5. Bank of Tennessee, Parent Bank, Nashville - $10, $10. Bank of Union, Nashville - $5, $5. Merchants Bank, Nashville - $5. Nashville Life & General Insurance Company, Nashville - $2. Planters Bank of Tennessee, Parent, Nashville - $50. Union Bank of Tennessee, Parent, Nashville - $1. Shelbyville Bank of Tennessee, Shelbyville - $20, $20. VERMONT - Lamoille County Bank, Hyde Park - $100. West River Bank, Jamaica - $50. Bank of Lyndon, Lyndon - $1, $2, $5. St. Albans Bank, St. Albans - $10. Exchange Bank, Springfield - $2. WISCONSIN - North Western Bank, Stevens Point - $10. This overwhelming usage of Jackson vignettes on state bank notes by bankers from all parts of the country appears to be unusual until it is pointed out that Andrew Jackson was directly responsible for the very Paper Money existence of these State Banks. During his last year in office as President of the United States, Jackson successfully crushed the all-powerful Second Bank of the United States and sponsored the system of deposit in state banks. Many of the state bank presidents subsequently honored their hero by choosing his picture to be placed on their currency issues. The reader will quickly note that there are slight differences in many of the Jackson vignettes. Although your author has ascribed certain vignettes to certain engravers, there is no positive way of identifying which of the engravers accomplished which vignette unless certain dates are known or the engraver signed his work. When the engraver did not sign his work, then the "date" method of identification must be used. That is, knowing for certain which engraver worked for which banknote company during a specific time period. Even with this dating information it is not always possible, at this late date, to identify positively the engraver of each vignette illustrated in this article. These early engravings of Andrew Jackson were not always restricted to use on postage stamps and banknotes. They were also used on many other types of United States security paper. Fig. 13 illustrates an 1851 bounty land certificate which has Mosely Isaac Danforth's engraving of Andrew Jackson in its lower right corner. This certificate granted 80 acres of bounty land to Private James Meritt, a member of Captain Seberne's Company of Kentucky Volunteers. These certificates were printed in compliance with the September 28, 1850 Act of Congress entitled, "An Act Granting Bounty Land to Certain Officers and Soldiers Who have been Engaged in the Military Service of the United States." Fig. 13a an enlargement of the lower right corner of the certificate showing Jackson's vignette surrounded by muskets, cannon, flags and cannonballs. Page 211 Fig. 14 depicts the 1871 one-eig th barrel, 12 1/2-cent beer stamp with an engraving c. Jackson given the same "curl in the middle of the forehead" treatment that Charles Phillips gave Jackson in his 1815 engraving. It is difficult to name the engraver of this vignette as the National Banknote Company imprint shows clearly at the bottom of the stamp, but the center of the stamp reads, "Engraved and Printed at the Bureau of Engraving & Printing." If indeed the vignette was done at the National Banknote Company, any one of the following four engravers could have been responsible for it: Luigi (Lewis) Del Noce, portrait and picture engraver, who worked for National from 1860 through 1879; Christian Wilhelm Rost, vignette engraver who worked for National from 1868 to 1878; our old friend, Joseph Prosper Ourdan, portrait and pictorial engraver who worked for National from 1861 through 1873; or possibly William Edgar Marshall, painter and portrait engraver who started working for National in 1859 and was still with them in 1869 and possibly beyond. The next time this "curl on the forehead" engraving of Jackson appears on United States Government security paper is in 1872 when the Act of June 6, 1872 brings forth the first series of Tobacco Stamps. Fig. 15 shows the Bureau of Engraving & Printing's one ounce 1872 tobacco stamp with Jackson's vignette at one end of the stamp. Figures 16 and 17 show Jackson's vignette as used on the 1878 Exportation Stamps for Cigars and Tobacco or Snuff. These large sized Exportation Stamps were engraved and printed at the Bureau of Engraving & Printing. Although Jackson vignettes were used on many other postage stamps and items of security paper from 1878 to the present, the vignette we are most familiar with Fig. 13 - 1851 Bounty Land Certificate issued by the Department of the Interior. Designer: Danforth, Bald & Company. Engraver: Mosely Isaac Danforth. Page 212 Whole No. 101 Fig. 13a - Enlargement of Jackson vignette from the 1851 Bounty Land Certificate showing ornamented frame, flags, cannon, muskets and cannonballs. today is the small - size twenty - dollar note from the Bureau of Engraving & Printing, portrait by Thomas Sully, engraved by Alfred Sealey. Note the difference in today's style of presenting the vignette of Jackson. During the early years almost every vignette was surrounded with an ornamented frame, but today's artistic trend allows nothing more than an insignificant ribbon at the bottom and two narrow lines encircling the vignette. Andrew Jackson, politician, statesman, financier, and seventh President of the United States, is still very much in the minds and hearts of the American people. Over the years he has been honored many times by the government he helped shape and by the banking institutions he was primarily responsible for bringing into existence. REFERENCES Ackerman, Ernest A., Collection of Proofs, Division of Postal History, Smithsonian Institution. Baker, W. S., American Engravers and Their Works, 1875. Banknotes in the Collection of the Division of Numismatics, Smithsonian Institution. Brazer, C. W., A Historical Catalogue of U. S. Stamp Essays and Proofs, Collectors Club Philatelist, 1938, 1945. Brookman, Lester G., The United States Postage Stamps of the 19th Century, 1966. Cole, Maurice F., The Black Jacks of 1863-1867, Chambers Handbook Series, 1950. Eagle, Clarence H., Collection of Essays and Proofs, Division of Postal History, Smithsonian Institution. Engravings in the Collections of the National Collection of Fine Arts, Smithsonian Institution. Engravings in the Collections of the National Portrait Gallery, Smithsonian Institution. Lane, Maryette B., The Harry F. Allen Collection of Black Jacks, A.P.S. Handbook Series, 1969. Mekeel's Weekly Stamp News, Jan. 15, 1934. One Hundred Notable American Engravers 1683-1850, New York Public Library. Schlesinger, Arthur M., The Age of Jackson, 1928. Stauffer, David McN., /_7ri==;-ican Engravers on Copper and Steel. Schriber, L., Encyclopedic of Designs, Designers, Engravers, Artists of United States Postage Stamps, 1847-1900, The American Philatelist. Toppan, Robert Noxon, A Hundred Years of Banknote Engrav- ing in the United States, 1896. Paper Money Page 213 Fig. 14 - 1871 One-Eighth Barrel, 12'/2 cent Beer Stamp with "Curl in the middle of the forehead" engraving of Jackson. Fig. 15 - 1872 One Ounce Tobacco Stamp, 1st Series, issued in compliance with the June 6, 1872 Act of Congress. • • ••• sAd4gg:',',:ge • • •"MIMEO ATVS "4/•••.,)-1: ..1..1 i . ;i j...,, : : r_.,a>- ; .."-c s:) k_.‘'I,- .., tj(.t''.-.: ..' 't . '. -...... ti; : :I,w.I, sir:? T "fic. 'Yrk.',>) ''k ' T ■ : i r' '' 1.:P4 .; .!,4:,0, • 1 -4/ .;;■t-1- 1 i- :-1,•., ...r,.-",.) t..A: •j• ::, '"- 7 ' -- s . 7, :', -,):. 4-' , '"' -. ',,':',- !.■rt.!.,,, „ - *s: SUPPORT YOUR SOCIETY The Society of Paper Money Collectors has an informative handout brochure available for the asking. Contained in the brochure is information on the Society and paper money in general. Take some with you to the next coin club meeting or show. Write S.P.M.C. secretary Bob Azpiazu. Bahamas, C & D, Contemporary notes. 6354 Marlin Kravitz, 13187 Gatehouse Ct., St. Louis, Mo. 64141, C, Colonial. 6355 Linda Reed, 1012 Hamilton PMC, Allentown, Pa 18101, C & D, US Large and small. 6357 A. E. Melanson, P. 0. Box 6408, Santa Ana, Ca. 92706, C, Mexico. 6358 Robin Ellis, 408 Ira Ave. Apt. 6, San Antonio, Tx 78209, C, Small size US Scrip. 6359 Walt Alcott, Box 3037, Quartz Hills, Ca. 93534, D. 6360 Deno Evangelista, 1020 12th St., Sacramento, Ca. 95814, C. 6361 Terence Pellman, 10956 S. Springfield, Chicago, Ill, C, FRBN and Nationals. 6362 Les Winners, P. 0. Box 212, Pineville, La. 71360, C, Louisiana, Obsolete, foreign. 6363 Laymon Ballard, 719 N 12, Poplar Bluff, Mo. 63901, D. 6364 Mark Bentsen, 25 Wagner Rd. Apt. 305, Lynn, Ma 01905, C, Fed. R. notes. 6365 Robert S. Timms, 55 Gingham Lane, Levittown, N.Y. 11756, C, All paper money. 6366 Bernard DeGraff, 7287 Rt. 20 A, Perry, N. Y. 14530, C, General foreign. 6367 Jack W. Bonner III, 27 Windsor Rd., Asheville, N. C. 28804, C. 6368 Wayne Sampson, 2404 South Oswego, Tulsa, Ok. 74114, C, US & Colonial. 6369 Al Tom, Box 787, San Bruno, Ca. 94066, D, Oriental. '1r ' :. Read Money Mart Interest settv Wendell Wolka 1 Paper Money That curse of editors, column writers, and Presidents, the deadline, has left me with little to share with you this time out. The final reports covering the results of the Society's fiscal year which ended June 30, 1982 are not quite complete yet. While the ANA convention is still three weeks away at the time this is being written, you will not be reading this until well after the show's conclusion. I, therefore, thought that I would use this column to give you an illustrated tour of the 1982 International Paper Money Show in Memphis. I would like to thank fellow SPMC member ROY PETERSON for supplying all of these excellent pictures. While the economy had some effect on the show, it was still a good one for most collectors and dealers attending. 1. Registration 2. The Bourse witnessed steady activity. 3. The exhibits were particularly strong this year, both in terms of quantity and quality. The auction, conducted by Hickman and Oakes, was also of interest to many people attending the show. 4. Dean Oakes conducting auction lot viewing. 5. One of the auction sessions. Most of the hobby organizations held meetings in conjunction with the show. These meetings offered plenty of both educational and social opportunities. 6. IBNS meeting: President Neil Shafer is seated, watching Clyde Reedy expound. Secretary Milan Alusic is in the middle. Page 233 The SPMC Awards Breakfast on Saturday morning was well attended. Over 130 people heard the new ANA Museum Curator, Robert Hoge, speak on the ANA's new museum facilities as well as its collections. Due to the superior quality of the exhibits, not one, but two, Best of Show awards were presented. Both Steven Whitfield and Joseph Boling were declared the winners by the judges. Mr. Whitfield also won the Bank Note Reporter's award for having the most inspirational exhibit. 7. Vice - President Larry Adams introduces the morning's speaker as Wendell Wolka and Mike Crabb look on. 8. Robert Hoge, ANA Museum Curator, addresses those in attendance at the SPMC Breakfast. 9. Steve Whitfield (center) and Joe Boling (right) accept SPMC's Memorial Best of Show Award. 10. Nancy Wilson accepts the final door prize at the conclusion of the breakfast. The SPMC table outside the bourse was also a beehive of activity with both souvenir card and book sales a uite brisk. In fact, for the first time ever, every book which we had at the show was sold. Souvenir card sales, in terms of the number of cards sold, were down a little from last year. However, mail sales were and are particularly good. I expect that we will sell at least as many cards as last year. 11. SPMC Treasurer Roger H. Durand mans the SPMC table. 12.Julia Crabb, wife of show chairman Mike Crabb, lent a hand with souvenir card sales. 13.The "assembly line" for souvenir card mail sales, manned by (from left to right) Stephen Taylor, Bob Azpiazu, Julia Crabb, and Wendell Wolka, cranks up to move those orders out! 14.The end of the line! I was advised that this chore was found in my job description in the "other duties as required" section. 2 See next two pages • ••••••;:>. 6 Page 234 Whole No. 101 Candid Canter at Memphis 1982 Paper Money Show (See key to pictures in "Interest Bearing Notes" 4 7 Paper Money Page 235 Candid Camera at Memphis 1982 Paper Money Show (See key to pictures in "Interest Bearing Notes") 9 12 10 13 11 14 Page 236 Whole No. 101 First and Last Notes from Bureau of Engraving & Printing Packages Addenda to the article in Paper Money No. 99, page 105 New Variety of Encased Postage Stamp Found by GEORGE H. WETTACH Richard J. Balbaton, a dealer in philatelic and numismatic materials, recently found in a old-time collection a previously unreported and unlisted variety of encased postage stamp. As shown here, it is the 24c of the 1861-67 series of stamps in an encasement of Joseph L. Bates, with "Fancy Goods" in two words. Since the above article was written, answers to my queries to the Bureau have been received, with the following additions and corrections now available: — The method described is no longer in use at BEP. Notes are still packaged in bricks of 4,000 with 40 packages of 100 notes each, and the blocks of wood are still used, but plastic straps have replaced the steel and a clear plastic wrap has replaced the kraft paper. In addition, only one label which is pasted to the end board is included with each brick. —The method you described was utilized for all denominations just as the current method is used for all notes, no matter what denomination or bank. It was started approximately in 1948. —The kraft paper wrap was terminated in March 19 77. —The standard package was and is 4,000 notes per brick. —Labels were and are different colors for each denomination: $ 1 - light blue $ 2 - green $ 5 - red $ 10 - black $ 20 - purple $ 50 - brown $100 - olive —The packaging procedure did not and does not vary with different Federal Reserve Districts. March-Sowards Forms New Paper Money Company Larry Marsh, formerly of Criswell's, has formed a new company, A-Z Financial Americana of St. Louis, Missouri, in partnership with Neil Sowards of Fort Wayne, Indiana. Marsh was in business from 1974-79 in St. Louis under the name Currency Times Past, before becoming retail director for Criswell's in 1979. Marsh first became a numismatist at the age of six and has been an avid collector of paper money ever since. He received a B.A. in History from Washington University in 1970. He has been a member of both ANA and SPMC for close to 20 years and is active in various other numismatic organizations. Marsh has been married for seven years to Linda Kiel Marsh and they have one child, Lisa, who is two. Linda will once again be assisting him at many of the coin shows. A-Z Financial Americana will deal in obsolete, Confederate and colonial currency, as well as old checks, obsolete stocks and bonds. The company will have possibly the largest stock of old checks for the collector in the country! The business will be conducted principally at major shows around the country and through the mails. In addition, there is contemplated a mail bid auction of rare checks and other paper Americana items in late Spring. The company's address in St. Louis is 1416 South Big Bend Blvd., St. Louis, Missouri 63117. .7ON • ON. I ONE ONIE %,"••■•• IONE4ONKIONKRONCKON.40,E1ONEI WIRMAteirk Paper Money Page 237 1982 ILTV E N IR CARDS drnexican, ,46:tez.4 Established 1858 WEr1116171M81, r - ,J t , als .,...... -" ., -0 E .7•JkA .., .10"" . .1) g) .. . . • .. , :-...-‘.:., .7.• .-./.-, . ./.L,,, ,,,,,,/, ------- '•'`. .t:F. - ', - -'-: .. , / vitar,...,, ,.......t-- 1._-• ----,".7-'.....'•-•...:,..4\17-'7-11trdrearii "/7//'7' After the Civil War, the Southern States had a severe shortage of circulating medium. Many municipalities issued notes to supply their local areas with a means of conducting commerce. The City of Raton Rouge issued the above note for this purpose. "Baton Rouge - translated to English means "Red Stick". During the Creek War 1812-14 some Creek Indians placed sticks painted red in the ground to indicate they wanted war. The center vignette "Red Stick" was engraved by Luigi Delnoce in 1866_ The vignette at the right, engraved by Davis, shows a view of the Louisiana Capital. SOCIETY OF PAPER MONEY COLLECTORS INC. INTERNATIONAL PAPER MONEY CONVENTION MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE - JUNE 18-20,1982 INTAGLIO PRINTED IN RED & BLACK ONLY 10,000 CARDS PRINTED SELLING P ICES FOR 1982 SOUVENIR CARDS Single Card Multiple Cards Mint by mail from Anderson, S. C. $5.50 $4.50 ORDERING INSTRUCTIONS All cards are mailed in heavy cardboard mailers by first class mail. To order MINT CARDS, send your order with a check payable to SPMC to: SPMC 1982 Souvenir Card Single cards are $5.50 each P. 0. Box 858 Anderson, S. C. 29622 Multiple cards are $4.50 each Page 238 Whole No. 101 WANTED: $5 1950E FRN, crisp uncirculated block LD. Will pay $50 and up. Just send for prompt payment. Ted Gozanski, P. 0. Box 303, Superior, WI 54880 (102)ymongmart GENUINE STOCK CERTIFICATES. List SASE. 50different $19.95. 100 different unissued $22.95. 100 differentused without pictures $24.95. 50 different with 50 differentpictures $34.95. 1 to 100,000 wanted. Hollins, Box 112-P, Springfield, VA 22150 (112) Paper Money will accept classified advertising from members only on a basis of 5C per word, with a minimum charge of $1.00. The primary purpose of the ads is to assist members in exchanging, buying, selling, or locating specialized material and disposing of duplicates. Copy must be non-commercial in nature. Copy must be legibly printed or typed, accompanied by prepayment made payable to the Society of Paper Money Collectors, and reach the Editor, Barbara R. Mueller, 225 S. Fischer Ave., Jefferson, WI 53549 by the first of the month preceding the month of issue (i.e. Dec. 1, 1981 for Jan. 1982 issue). Word count: Name and address will count as five words. All other words and abbreviations, figure combinations and initials count as separate. No check copies. 10% discount for four or more insertions of the same copy. Sample ad and word count. WANTED: CONFEDERATE FACSIMILES by Upham for cash or trade for FRN block letters, $1 SC, U.S. obsolete. John W. Member, 000 Last St., New York, N.Y. 10015. (22 words: $1: SC: U.S.: FRN counted as one word each) COLONIAL-CONTINENTAL WANTED - only signa- tures related to Constitution, Articles, Stamp Act, Declaration (Newman p. 22). Buy or trade my Southern States, fractional. Bob Lesnick, 15 Clinton Ct., Monroe, NY 10950. (101) INTEREST-BEARING OBSOLETES wanted, all states. Also vignetted pre-1880 checks, drafts, bills of exchange. No blanks. Brian Mills, 56 The Avenue, Tadworth, Surrey KT20 5DE England (104) COLLECTOR WISHES TO buy or trade for North Carolina Nationals. Owners of small North Carolina notes are requested to send; serial numbers for research project. Jim Greene, Box 725, Sparta, NC 28765 (102 WANTED: OKAWVILLE, ILLINOIS National Currency (charter 11780 only) type one $10, type two $10 and $20. Sam Johnson, 1113 N. Market, Sparta, IL 62286 (106) WANTED: OBSOLETE NOTES and scrip of Pittsburgh, Allegheny, and Birmingham, PA. Also notes with mining vignettes. Please describe and price. Jerry Dzara, Box 35412, Tucson, AZ 85740 (106) WANTED: SERIAL 00000052 and combinations as 52000000. Buy or trade low and unusual numbers. Jim Greene, Box 725, Saprta, NC 28657 (102) WANTED: VOLUMES 1-3 Paper Money. I collect Nebraska obsoletes, Nationals, post cards, railroad schedules, and books. Please send copies and prices. A. A. Armstrong, Jr., 211 W. 39, Scottsbluff, NE 69361 (110) CONFEDERATE OR CSA counterfeits: buy or trade. Marty Sidener, P. 0. Box 932, Carrollton, TX 75006 (106) WANTED: WOLFEBORO, NEW Hampshire notes. Also spelled Wolfboro and Wolfeborough. Obsolete and national currency, all issues and varieties for personal collection. Dave Bowers, Box 1090, Wolfeboro, NH 03894 (104) WANTED: CU $1.00 FRN with serial #05041981 or 09221978. James E. Lund, Route 7, Box 726, Alexandria MN 56308 (106) KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN NATIONALS wanted. Also Kuwait Pick 1-5, Jordan Pick 5, Saudi Arabia Pick 9-10, 11-20, etc., regular and specimen. Jack Fisher, 3123 Bronson, Kalamazoo, MI 49008 (106) ILLINOIS NATIONALS WANTED: Chester #4187, Dahlgren #7750, Dongola #10086, Equality #6978, Fairfield #5009 & #6609, Johnston City #7458, Jonesboro #12373, Mounds City #7443, New Douglas #13696, New Haven #8053, Omaha #10291, Ullin #8180, C.E. Hilliard, 201 E. Cherry, Winchester, IL 62694 (106) WANTED: WAUSEON, OHIO notes #7091, Bowling Green, Ohio notes #4045. Any other NW Ohio notes. Lowell Yoder, Box 100, Holland, OH 43528 (419-865-5516) (110) I COLLECT CALIFORNIA, Nevada, Alaska, Hawaii and all other Western stocks, bonds, checks, drafts. Please sell to me! Ken Prag, Box 531PM, Burlingame, CA 94010 (phone 415- 566-6400). (119) TENNESSEE NATIONALS WANTED for my personal collection. Especially need first and second charters. Largest prices paid. Jasper Payne, Box 3093, Knoxville, TN 37917. (113) MICHIGAN NATIONALS WANTED for personal collection. Large and small sizes. Also old Michigan bank post cards. Write describing material and asking prices. All letters answered. Richard Hatherley, P. 0. Box 48, Brighton, MI 48116 (101) I AM ACTIVELY buying Rhode Island colonial, obsolete, and scrip for my personal collection. Please describe and price. All conditions considered. Roland Rivet, Box 242, Ashton, RI 02864-0242 (108) AKRON, OHIO NATIONALS, scrip, obsoletes and checks wanted. Also, Barberton and Cuyahoga Falls Nationals. David Halaiko, 2425 Myersville Rd., Akron, OH 44312 (103) MISSOURI CURRENCY WANTED: large size Nationals, obsolete notes and bank checks from St. Louise, Maplewood, Clayton, Manchester, Luxemburg, Carondelet and St. Charles. Ronald Horstman, Route 2, Gerald, MO 630337 (106) BUYING NATIONALS AND type notes. Particularly need Nationals from northern and central California for my personal collection. A few notes for sale as well. Send for a free price list. William Litt, P. 0. Box 4770, Stanford, CA 94350 (104) ILLINOIS NATIONALS WANTED: Alton, Berwyn, Champaign, Chicago Heights, Collinsville, DeKalb, Des Plaines, Dolton, Downers Grove, Harvey, Hinsdale, Rock Island, Saint Charles, Waukegan, Wheaton, Wilmette, Wood River. Joe Apelman, Box 283, Covington, LA 70434 (102) Advertise In Bimonthly Publication Official The Society of Paper Money Collectors, Inc. Paper Money QUALITY LARGE AND small U. S. (including FRN's), Canadian special number sets and world currency. Free list. Mill City Currency, Box 7058, Minneapolis, MN 55407 (103) WANTED: COOK, MUSSER State Bank Trust Company, Muscatine, Iowa — information, notes, checks. Also old checks from West, Virginia. Dwight Musser, Box 305, Ridge Manor, FL 33525 (103) I COLLECT ARIZONA and Nevada stock certificates. 602- 885-9685. Jim Reynolds, Box 12324, Tucson, AZ 85732-2324. (101) WANTED: AUTOGRAPHS, STOCKS, bonds, checks, financial paper, broken banknotes. Mark Vardakis, Box 327, Coventry, RI 02816 (ph. 401-884-5868). (105) WANTED: ILLINOIS NATIONALS — Carmi, Crossville, Enfield, Grayville, Norris City, Fairfield, Albion, Omaha, New Haven. Price and Xerox appreciated. Pete Fulkerson, 59 Montgomery Circle, Carmi, IL 62821 (618) 382-8443 (102) WASEINGTON STATE NATIONALS wanted. Interested in all large and small issues. Send Xerox copy and price. Write Jim Sazama, P. 0. Box 1235, Southern Pines, NC 28387(105) (105) $2.00 STARS, 1976: Want new packs from all Districts. Call me last. Will better other offers. 612-721-6832. John T. Martin, Box 7058, Minneapolis, MN 55407. (103) WANTED: WAUSEON, OHIO notes #7091. Also interested in other northwestern Ohio notes. Lowell Yoder, Box 100, Holland, OH 43528 (110) WANTED: TEXAS LARGE Size Nationals in average circulated condition to gems, when priced right. No laundered or doctored notes, and no late date signatures. Chas. R. Craddock, 618 West Parker, Houston, TX 77091 (104) CHICAGO NATIONALS WANTED by collector. Need large and small size. Price and Xerox appreciated. Thank you. Tim Kysivat, 302 N. Stone Ave., LaGrange Park, IL 60525. (101) WANTED: SYCAMORE, DEKALB & Malta, Illinois Nationals. Large and small size needed. Also Sycamore, Ohio & DeKalb, Texas. Bob Rozycki, Sycamore Coin Gallery, 358 W. State, Sycamore, IL 60178 (107) WANT STOCK CERTIFICATES, bonds, sheets, proofs, obsolete coal items, Jenny Lind. Frank Sprinkle, 304 Barbee Blvd., Yaupon Beach, Southport, NC 28461 (103) WANTED: VIRGINIA OBSOLETE notes all types, Bank, city, county, National, scrip. Describe notes. Corbett B. Davis, 2604 Westhampton S. W., Roanoke, VA 24015 (105) Page 239 se mem miss STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP, MANAGEMENT AND CIRCULATION 0,.... 4 m u se aural I MU OF PUBLICATION PAPER MOOT A PUBLICATION NO BOAT, OF F.. 0 013 1 1 [ 11 6 2 10/1/82 ,... fl.OUOICY OF ISSUE Bi-Xonthl ' • I.0 Of I.U. PUBLIPEO ANNUALLY 6 I! ANNUAL SUOACBIFIDOM PRICE 0.2. 00 4. DOMOLBTE MADING ADORE. or ENOS. OFFICE OF PUBLICATION IS.. CO. DouPO IMAM mei rm case, mar ,....1J P. 0. Be. 9, Camden, Keret.% South Carolina 29020 S. COMFY,. MAILING ADD.. Of /NE HEAOODAPTERS OP GENERAL BUMBLES OFFICES OF THE PUOLMINE.11.r ,.M1.0 P. 0, Box 9, Camden, Kershaw, South Camila. 29020 L FULL NAY. AND COMPLETE MAN.° ADORE. OS PUBLIAHER EDITOR .13 MANAGING EDITOR iTAB Non MUST NOT . b..) fiNLISKEROV•en. and Comp,. .11•111. •0.1/..1 The Camden Company, P. 0. Box 9, Camden, S. C. 29020 EDITOR 04... wre ComPoi• .01)M Addle.1 Barbara }hailer, 225 S. Fisher St., Jefferson, Wiac.ain 33310 MANAGING EDITOR /NA,. sr. Cons.. MY, Addnul The Camden Comptnzr, P. 0. Box 9, Casten, S, C. 29020 7 OWN. /I oNnae ET v vorpomBen . nv. No' ...e. /nue f ., OW. and al. irr..../1110,1oricOr th. nem. NNO •.■■••••■ al aloci■ hold., f Iv., I poureAlo. mon, el O. i ...noun( of V.* ll nal eons, • moo...* p.m.. al th,od.....I women F.7::::,,r7: :=Z=4;:=1::".: 7 .77. =7,7: *" i,::.,=''''''' " ''''' " ''. FULL NAME COMPLETE MAILING ADOE. Society of Paper Money Collectors P. 0. B. 9, Candace, S. C293. 20 6 KNOTTimBONDHOLDERS MORTGAGEES AND CMHET1 OR PIT Y HOLDERS OVTNINO OR HM.OING BERCENT OR MORE 04 TOTAL AMOUNT 0 , BONDS MORTGAGES OR OTHER SECUR BJES TT? Mon an nom.. MAIM FULL NAME COMPLETE MAILING ADO.. NOM O. AOR G0,66,7106 0Y NONEROMB ORGANIZATIONS AuTHORIBED TO M•is , SPECIAL R,ES (SoctIon 4111 DWI enNI IV In 0:":'.`,;."1=7" El gg,=`,`;2g,';',?, BT Or*. .III•her .le so.111 °°""°l*go NM el.11•■•■•• ■ rt., EXTENT AND NATURE Of CIRCULANON AvERAGE NO COPIES E•OH ISSUE OUR,. PRECEDING MONTHS ACTUAL NO COPES OF S■NOL .SSUE. PUSLISHEO NEAREST T FILING DATE A. TOT. BO COPME /ANA.. .4.0 2 60 0 0 2 e ta,fmyx.„1,+' ./.... TO ...memo 'nen -0. -0- , .„...,,,,,,,,,„„. 2266 2266 C TOTAL PAM DIACIAAnom MN. At 111. oni M. 2266 2266 L.TAInt=1::=X14:4.2PA=T-' -o- -0.- 1,0y...ea...sue, p,..„ ,,, .., pp 2266 2266 ' c■ oeL":1141",,..r j., usuccowno. SPOIL. en. MIMI. e 334 331 I IM/DMI room rem umers .0 b3. a. TOTA1.14mat . o v. e *WO am. re... . .... il. •1 26C0 2600 ■■ I amity that the etatemente mode by> me above ere cermet end complete ,t,... .1. rizet____ . IS sotemen a ?WOW) Page 240 Whole No. 101 GRAEME M. TON, JR.. SPMC 3873 203 47th Street P."1311593 Gulfport, Mississippi 39501 ANA 93246 (601) 864 -5244 The Scarce NAPIER - THOMPSON Signature:; of 1899 $1 SC 1899 (FR 231) D3857800D Nicely Centered, Bright, four Square Corners, Crispy - A Real Nice Full EF $200.00 $2 SC 1899 (FR 254) small repaired edge tear that does not detract from appearance. A REAL PLUS TO THIS SCARCE NOTE IS EXTREMELY LOW SERIAL NUMBER H40!!! Very nice that many would grade EF - an honest VF+ ...... $350 00 $5 SC 1899 (FR 276) "Indian Chief ' H1412661 Overall a nice specimen - Good margins & Color. Appears to have been pressed to sell at higher grade - a sure VF $275.00 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * LT 1917 (FR 36) CU 135.00 LT 1917 (FR 37) CU 100.00 LT 1917 (FP 37a) Reverse Signatures CU 350.00 LT 1917 (FR 38) CU 135.00 LT 1917 (F1 39) CU 100.00 LT 1923 (FR 40) C U 200.00 LT 1923 (FR 40*) *384290D EF/AU 250.00 LT 1917 (FR 60) A close margin is typical on this issue. CU 125.00 LT 1917 (FR 91) "Woodchopper" CU 150.00 LT 1901 (FR 122) "Bison" CU 800.00 SC 1896 (FR 224) "Educational" It would be impossible to improve upon the quality of this note. CU 850.00 SC 1899 (FR 226a) CU 135.00 SC 1899 (FR 232) CU 135.00 SC 1899 (FR 233) CU 135.00 SC 1899 (FR 235) CU 100.00 SC 1899 (FR 236) CU 100.00 SC 1899 (FR 281) "Indian Chief' CU 700.00 SC 1923 (FR 237) CU 40.00 SC 1923 (FR 238) CU 50.00 All notes listed as CU are Fresh, Crisp, Square Corners with no handling or impairments. Call them Choice or Gem, depending upon your viewpoint. Satisfaction Guaranteed or Immediate Refund. Extensive Catalogue of Small Currency available upon request ESTABLISHED 1974 * * $1 $1 $1 Paper Money Page 241 BRIGGS' COIN & CURRENCY, INC. MAIL BID SALES CONSIGNING: 1. It's so easy to consign to one of our Mail Bid Sales. Just send your material to us by registered mail or call us collect. We would be glad to discuss your consignment with you. 2. We have what we consider to be the lowest commission rates in the business! We charge from a minimum of 7% to a maximum of 15% to our consignors. 3. Your material will be placed in front of a large population of serious collectors and investors and will be extensively advertised in many major trade publications. 4. Your material will be represented in a quality catalog which contains high quality photographs and is fully illustrated. • BIDDING: 1. Bidding in our sales is quite simple. If you are not on our mailing list, simply fill out the attached order form and we will send you a catalog when they are available. 2. Bid the maximum amount that you would pay for a particular note. Chances are that you will receive it for less! We charge the winning bidder a 5% advance over the second highest bidder. A high percentage of our mail bidders receive their winning lots for less than they bid! 3. Our catalogs are as fine a quality as any other in the field. 4. No buyers fees charged! 5. Over 30 years of combined knowledge and experience in the U. S. paper currency field. MEMBERS: ANA NASC 6983 BROCKTON AVE. SPMC CPNA RIVERSIDE, CA. 92506 JERRY BRIGGS (714) 684-7473CSNA SIN TERRY VAVRA FUN NAME• ADDRESS: CITY: STATE: 7IP• Please place my name on your MAIL BID SALE mailing list. I have enclosed $4.00 for a copy of your MAIL BID SALE CATALOG CONFEDERATE NOTES AND OBSOLETE STOCKS FOR SALE CONFEDERATE Type Number is by Criswell Catalog Number $10 CONFEDERATE Type 26, Fine Cut -Cancelled $16.00 Very Fine Cut -Cancelled $20.00 $10 CONFEDERATE Type 28, Very Good - Fine Cut-Cancelled $ 7.50 $100 CONFEDERATE Type 39, About Uncirculated $12.50 $100 CONFEDERATE Type 41, About Uncirculated $14.00 $2 CONFEDERATE Type 42, About Uncirculated $20.00 $1 CONFEDERATE Type 44, About Uncirculated $22.00 $10 CONFEDERATE Type 59, Extra Fine $ 9.00 $50 CONFEDERATE Type 66, Uncirculated $12.00 $10 CONFEDERATE Type 68, Uncirculated $ 5.00 $5 CONFEDERATE Type 69, Uncirculated $ 7.00 $2 CONFEDERATE Type 70, Uncirculated $12.50 $1 CONFEDERATE Type 71, Uncirculated $12.50 A-Z FINANCIAL AMERICANA 1416 SOUTH BIG BEND BLVD. ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI 63117 314-645-3489 OBSOLETE STOCKS AND BONDS CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND and PACIFIC RAILWAY CO. Stock Certificate for 100 Shares. Train Center. Or- ange and Black. $ 20.00 PEORIA and BUREAU VALLEY RAILROAD CO. Stock Certificate. Train and Indians Center. Black and White in the 1850's-1870's $ 45.00 ATLANTIC CITY and SHORE RAILROAD CO. Stock Certificate. Streetcar Center. Green and Black For 100 Shares $ 25.00 WAGNER PALACE CAR CO. Stock Certificate. Passen- ger Train Center. Grand Central Station Left and Right. Brown and Black. Punch-Cancelled $ 10.00 ST. LOUIS BRIDGE COMPANY Stock Certificate For 10 Shares Preferred. Ead's Bridge Center. Black and White. Punch-Cancelled in the 1890's $ 30.00 DUBUQUE and SIOUX CITY RAILROAD CO. Bond For $1,000.00. Passenger Train Center. Rare Revenue Stamp Scott Cat. #RN-V1 Red Overprint in 1870's $200.00 CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND and PACIFIC RAILROAD Bond For $1,000. Trains and Track Laying Crew Center. Unissued Green and Black $ 25.00 CHICAGO and SOUTHWESTERN RAILWAY COM- PANY Stock Certificate For 100 Shares. Train Center. Rare Revenue Stamp Scott Cat. #RNU1. Green and Black. Punch-Cancelled $ 35.00 DUBUQUE and SIOUX CITY RAILROAD COMPANY Stock Certificate. Passenger Train Center. Black and White. Punch-Cancelled in the 1870's. $ 30.00 OSAGE GRAVEL COMPANY Stock Certificate of the 1920's. Eagle Center. Tan and Black $ 6.00 COMMONWEALTH OF PENN. Bond of 1872. Portrait of Lincoln Left. Governor of Penn. Right. Printed by Ameri- can Bank Note Company, Black and White. Cut-Cancel- led. TUNNEL RAILROAD of ST. LOUIS Stock Certificate of 1880's. For 10 Shares. Train by Tunnel Center. Black and White. Punch-Cancelled $200.00 $ 25.00 Page 242 Whole No. 101 WANTED 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10 . 11. 12. RHODE ISLAND 1929 SERIES NATIONALS BANK TOWN CHARNO CASHIER/PRES. TYPE 1 _ TYPE 2 5 10 20 50 1 100 5 10 20 50 1 100 PHENIX N.B. PROV. 948 THOMPSON & KNIGHT YORK & THOMPSON 3 3 1 ...4 2 2 1 ,2 MECHANICS N.B. PROV. 1007 HARRINGTON &HARRINGTON 3 3 2 2 2 1 ISTN.B.SMITHFIELD 1LATERS- VILLE 1035 SEAGRAVE& BARTLETT 2 1 1SEAGRAVE & SWEET ASHAWAY N.B. ASH-1.12 \ y 1150 1ILL&LEVERETTBRIGG j 2 2 1 1 TILL&A 1 LLOYD 1 BRIGGS 1HILL & COLE 1 1 j C ENT R EV I LL E N . B . WAR- WICK 1284 ABRAMSON & WHITFORD tI 2 1 1 PROVIDENCE N . B. PROV. 1302 BATTY & PIERCE 3 3 3 2 2 2 BLACKSTONE CANAL N.B. PROV. 1328 BROWN & PLANT 2 1 1 2 2 1HOWLAND & PLANT I N.B. OF COMMERCE PROV. 1366 PERRY & WILCOX 2 1 1 r :,..koo::.,..W N.B. OF COMMERCE & TRUST CO. PERRY & WILCOX 3 3 3 1 2 -,_RYAN & WILCOX 3 1 1 NEWPORT N.B. NEC-PART 1492 STEVENS & SHERMAN 1 2 1 :,,,--,- STFVFNS & CARR I -,s,., 2 2 ... •AQUIDNECK N. EX. B.NEW-& SAVINGS LO. HOSP. TRUST N.B. PO: PROV. 1546 13901 THOMPSON & KING .•hir f ∎ . .AI ('.APRON & WEST 1- o; NEED FOR MY COLLECTION I 2 3 2 1 I COLUMBUS N.B. PROV. 13981 VERVANA & SCALA . . 3- ALSO BUYING vy+ ,. 2 2 2 -,.. RINATS P.O.B. 33, ASHTON, R. I. 02864-0033 (MANY TRADES!) PETER H TOON P.O. Box 3681, Laramie, WY 82071 Page 243 Here's a promise, in this, our 30th year of publishing Be assured, the trustworthy advertising, accurate value guides and fresh news you need and expect from Numismatic News will continue to come your way — with a speedy delivery unmatched in the hobby. Experience the best of what our great hobby has to offer. Get your information from Numismatic News. numismatic; 6'news 0'7dr aWF*11.:ZriCn.:"Cil*NII.MdAinligK ET Celebrating our 30th year of publishing SPECIAL OPPORTUNITY ... for everyone wanting to get acquainted with Numismatic News. Enjoy a free six-week trial subscription. Send name, address and request to Numismatic News, Dept. AR6, 700 E. State St., Iola, WI 54990. Offer for non-subscribers only. Paper Money Nobody pays more than Huntoon forAnnum& 11/70 ING State and Territorial Nationals WANT ALL SERIES, ANY CONDI- TION, EXCEPT WASHED OR "DOC- TORED" NOTES. If collect World Paper . is Money, send for our itsyou, Thous° n : do s t g f eVV, ri clads l3. arifx notes in stoch. 50e for r 1 II ING OF • WOR1.1) pRoors I STATI 00NEV P.O. Box 3034 OF THE Won.,CURRENCY (181)8rI31&s:51.1:8d!i(n1:(1: .13.:C.S1113119;:2T:141;:ls GA N3O T GARY F. s y n Phone (714) N • "'`)gil)"A' ''OT 0VER NOTE-ISSUING NATIONAL BANKS ALPHABETIC by City Name NUMERIC by Charter Number Don. C. Kelly Nallionraill'aarawsleir WM*Et] WerCet,P 44Nit 10723 (..1441rEECEIZELMW S Twirr meAtobilvig , A useful reference for collectors, researchers, and dealers in national bank notes, the book is divided into two parts: Part one is a listing, alphabetic by town name, of all note-issuing national banks. Following the town name is the state, bank title, and charter number. Part two is a cross reference that lists all towns in numerical order by charter number. If you collect, research, or deal in nationals, you'll find this book a real help. Price: $10, postpaid. Four copies, $25, Order from: THE PAPER MONEY INSTITUTE, INC. BOX 85, OXFORD, OH 45056 1-513-523-6861 PLEASE HELP Find me a Fort Meade Florida National Note FLORIDA NOTES WANTED ALL SERIES P.O. BOX 1358 WARREN HENDERSON VENICE, FLA. 33595 Advertise In Official Bimonthly Publication The Society of Paper Money Collectors, Inc. Page 244 Whole No. 101 FOR SALE SMALL SIZE NOTES EXPERIMENTAL NOTES Silver Certificates 1935A-B Block CU $ 75.00 Five Consecutive Numbered Experimental Notes CU $300.00 SMALL SIZE NATIONAL CURRENCY $20 NAPA, California #7176 CU $300.00 $20 BOONVILLE, Missouri #10915...$85.00 $20 McGILL, Nevada #9452 FINE PLUS $850.00 $ 5 RENO. Nevada #7038 VF $450.00 $20 COBLESKILL, New York #461 VF $70.00 $10 ENNIS, Texas #7331 CU $200.00 $20 CLIFTON FORGE, Virginia #9117 EF $ 90.00 TOM WASS P. 0. Box 1735, Beverly Hills, CA 90213 (Bank Notes, Script, Warrants, Drafts) of the AMERICAN WEST Oregon, California, Idaho, Nevada, Arizona, Utah, Montana, New Mexico, Colorado, Dakota, Deseret, Indian, Jefferson Territories! Cash paid, or fine Obsolete Paper traded. Have Proof notes from most states, individual rarities, seldom seen denominationals, Kirtlands, topicals; Colonial, Continental; CSA, Southern States notes and bonds. Also have duplicate West- ern rarities for advantageous trade. JOHN J. FORD, JR. P.O. DRAWER 706, ROCKVILLE CENTRE, N.Y. 11571 WANTED OBSOLETE 'PAPER MONEY •Siti "Mit MA, / If% ( Ir MUST BUY NATIONALS AND LARGE TYPES FOR OUR MAIL BID AUCTIONS Also take consignments - Lowest commission anywhere SHIP - WRITE - CALL - 1-502-895-1168 Bi-Monthly auctions. About 700 - 800 lots. Write for FREE list. Member: SPMC, ANA, PMCM, BRNA, CENTRAL STATES And the States of Ala., Cal., Fla., Ill., Iowa, Mo., Tenn., Wis., L-M Ky. "ED'S CURRENCY" P. 0. Box 7295 Louisville, KY 40207-0295 Paper Money *-77 * c.)7!rantPartys Page 245 FREE OBSOLETE CURRENCY CATALOG CHARLES E. STRAUB P.O. BOX 200 COLUMBIA, CT 06237 1982 COSTOWER SERVICE ROW krause publication, Page 246 Whole No. 101 FOR SALE CURRENCY FOR SALE U.S.A. LARGE Cr SMALL SIZE CURRENCY INCLUDING: NATIONAL CURRENCY OBSOLETE CURRENCY RADAR & FANCY SERIAL NUMBER NOTES "ERROR" NOTES & OTHER TYPES LARGE MAIL LISTING AVAILABLE FOR A LARGE-SIZE, SELF-ADDRESSED STAMPED ENVELOPE. 10-DAY RETURN PRIVILEGE. YOUR SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. ROBERT A. CONDO P.O. BOX 985, VENICE, FL 33595 SELL HARRY YOUR MISTAKES Harry wants to buy Currency Errors Also Interested in Buying Nationals ... Large and Small size Uncut Sheets Red Seals Type Notes Unusual Serial numbers HARRY E. JONES PO Box 30369 Cleveland, Ohio 44130 216-884-0701 BANKNOTES ARE OUR BUSINESS IF YOU ARE SELLING: We are seriously interested in acquiring large size and scarcer small size United States paper money. We are interested in single items as well as extensive collections. We are especially in need of national bank notes and we also buy foreign paper money. If you have a collection which includes both paper money and coins, it may prove in your best financial interest to obtain a separate bid from us on your paper money as we deal exclusively and full time in paper money. We will fly to purchase if your holdings warrant. IF YOU ARE BUYING: We issue periodic extensive lists of U.S. paper money, both large size, small size and fractional. Our next list is yours for the asking. The VAULT Frank A. Nowak SPMC 933 P. 0. Box 2283 Prescott, Ariz. 86302 Phone (602) 445-2930 Member of: ANA, PMCM G440-4-06040.492 G■641)4,Z Gp4.40""a cs,pieirz Confederate & Obsolete Notes BUY-SELL-APPRAISALS Please contact us if you have one item or a collection. Top prices paid. We want to buy your notes! If you collect we offer our ex- tensire list of notes for $1.00, refundable with purchase. ANN & HUGH SHULL P.O. BOX 712 CIAO C9 C9 CUSTOMER SERVICE WARD LEESVILLE, S.C. 29070 803/532-6747 e..04141., C.04►411., BRNA SPMC SCNA ANA 0 C AN 10.2iK. • U. S. Obsc)lees • U. S. Large & Small Size Type Notes • U. S. Large & Small National Bank Notes BOUGHT AND SOLD FREE PRICE LIST FRANK TRASK SPMC, ANA KENNEBUNK COINS & CURRENCY Shoppers Village, Route 1, Kennebunk, Maine 04043 (207) 985-7431 WANTED! Black & White Pictures of National Bank Notes for Inclusion in the S.P.M.C. Paper Money Library of National Bank Notes Joe Kinney Curator 1133 Lilliam Way, Los Angeles, CA 90038 (213) 465-7056 SCX- I ET Y OF P \ PER \ TONEY C01.1 ,ECTORS INC tamcuz. - Paper Money FOR SALE COLONIAL CURRENCY Want Lists Requested Great American Coin Co. Bertram Cohen, Pres. P. 0. Box 839 Leominster, MA 01453-0839 617-537.7722 OBSOLETE CURRENCY LISTS Broken Bank Notes, Merchant Scrip, Confederate Currency, U. S. Fractional Over 2000 notes suallable: Send your 20c S.A.S.IE. and indicate your specific area of interest with grades desired. DON EMBURY P. 0. Box 61 Wilmington, CA 90748 Page 247 WORLD PAPER MONEY Write for interesting lists. Notgeld Newsletter - samples $1.00 DWIGHT L. MUSSER Box 305, Ridge Manor FL 33525 (Specializing in world notes since 1951) Omaha, Nebraska 681114514 North 30th Street "Pronto Service" Phone 402-451-4766 Page 248 Whole No. 101 U.S. CURRENCY SPECIALS "WHETHER BUYING OR SELLING, FOR A BETTER DEAL TRY BEBEE'S! YOU'LL BECOME A "BEBEE BOOSTER' HISTORICAL FEDERAL RESERVE SETS SCARCE SUPERB CRISP NEW $1 COMPLETE SETS Rapidly Disappearing from the American Scene 10% discount on orders over $200 for any of the following $1 F.R. Sets (except when priced NET) Regular Sets 1963 (12) 33.75 (12) 1963-A (12) 32.75 (12) 1963-B (5) . 16.75 (4) 1969 (12) .. 30.75 (12) 1969-A (12) 29.75 (11) 1969-B (12) 28.75 (12) 1969-C (12) 27.75 (9) 1969-D (12) 4 27.75 (11) 1974 (12) .. ' 26.75 (12) 1977 (12) .. 24.75 (12) 1977-A (12) 23.75 (12) 1981 (12) 21.75 (Sorry, no matching nos.) LIBRARY SPECIALS KRAUSE/LEMKE'S NEW 1st ED. "Standard Catalog of U.S. Paper Money" ... A MUST for collectors & Dealers (With Order $11.75) Ppd. $14.95 O'DONNELL'S NEW 7th ED. Star "Standard Handbook of Modern U.S. Paper Money" Revised Sets and Enlarged (With Order $12.50) Ppd. $15.00 BUY BOTH BOOKS (w/Order $22.75) PPd. $27.7536.75 35.75 16.75 34.75 32.75 33.75 49.75 31.75 30.75 28.75 27.75 SINGLE $2 STARS Dist. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11 (Any 5 Diff. $32.50) EACH $6.95 MIS-MATCHED ERRORS 1957-B $1 Silver Certificate. The Serial Nos. start with U37 & U47. Crisp New $62.50 1977-A $5 Federal Reserve. The Serials Nos. start with L44 & L45. Crisp New $89.50 OBSOLETE SHEETS Beautiful Pristine Uncut Sheets: CANAL BANK, LA. Sheet (2): $500-$1,000.00 Crisp New, Nice "Exhibit Item-Scarce $135.00 FLORENCE BANK, OMAHA, NE Sheet (4) $1 - $1 - $3 - $5 $110.00 CONFEDERATE SPECIAL For any above set with the last TWO serial nos. matching, add $2.00 per set. Special Offer 1963/81 all 12 Sets (Net) 274.75 Last 2 Nos. Match (Net) 294.75 1861 $10 Type 30 "General Marion's Sweet Potato 1963/77A all 11 Star Sets (Net) 309.75 Dinner" VG-Fine $5.95 Last 2 Nos Match (Net) 329.75 1861 $100 Ty. 56. Famous "Lucy H. Pickens" Note. Crisp BLOCK BUSTER SPECIAL New. SPECIAL $26.95 1963-A $1 Scarce "BB" Block. Lists $45.00 SUPERB Crisp New SUMMER SPECIALS (buy two $55.00) Ea. $30.00. WANTED - 1963 BC; DB Blocks. 1928-C $1 SILVER Fine. Small Brown Spot $69.50 Ask for our BIG "Block Buster" Special List. 1928-D $1 VF, light Horizontal Crease 79.50 1928-D $1 Crisp New. Limit One 199.501976 $2 BICENTENNIAL SET 1935-A $1 EXPERIMENTAL, Red "S" Crisp New 129.50 The two last serial nos. match on all 12 Dist. Superb Cr. 1928-B $1 EXPERIMENTAL. XB, YB, ZB. The Set (3) New 32.75 Crisp New 549.50 The Set (12) Serial Nos. don't match 29.75 FIRST DAY SPECIAL -Official Dist. 10" P. 0. Cancels April 13, 1976 "Omaha $5.50 July 4, 1976 "Omaha" $5.50 April 13, 1976 "Coin 1a- $5.50 BUY all three $13.50 1976 $2 STAR SET SET (11) Lacks Dist. 8 Crisp New $74.95 FAMOUS WADE SALE 1956 Sales Catalogue of the Great James M. Wade Collection @ Unbeliveable Prices. Send $5.00 for Your Copy (Postpaid) "Aubrey and Adeline Bebee and their Staff extend to all, Very Best Wishes for a Joyous Holiday Season and a New Year of PEACE - Good Health and Happiness" Please Add $3.00 (Over $300.00 add $4.00). For immediate Shipment send Cashier's Check or Money Order. (Personal Checks take 20 to 25 Banking Days to Clear our Bank. Nebrasks Residents add Sales Tax. 100% Satisfaction Guaranted. All items Offered are "Subject to Prior Sale and Change in Price Without Notice." 419111111161F edait'S RARE COINS and CURRENCY (BESIDE THE ALAMO) 220 ALAMO PLAZA SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS 78205 (512) 226-2311 It pays to look closely. You know that it pays to look closely when collecting. It does when you are thinking of selling, too. Since you collected with such care, we know you want to be equally as careful when selling. At Medlar's, we take pride in the fact that we've been buying and selling currency for over 25 years. So, we feel we must be doing something right for our many friends and customers. WE ARE BUYING: Texas Currency, Obsoletes and Nationals, Western States Obso- letes and Nationals, U.S. and Foreign Coins. We will travel to you to examine your holdings, Profes- sional Appraisals, or as Expert Witness. Member of SPMC, ANA, PNG, NLG, CPN THE DESCRIPTIVE REGISTER OF GENUINE 4.ANK NOTES by Gwynne & Day 1862. 168 pp Cloth bound. 1977 reprint by Pennell Publishing Co. $15.00 postpaid. This book contains descriptions of over 10,000 genuine bank notes from 31 states and terri- tories plus 24 Canadian banks. It also identifies notes known to have been counterfeited. The names and locations of over 800 closed banks are included in the supplements. It is believed that this book was the basis of the famous Wismer Lists published by the ANA 50 years ago. A must for collectors and researchers of obsolete notes. We bound 10 copies in genuine leather and interleaved them with plain pages (for your own notes) and offer them subject to prior sale for $60.00 each. HODGES' AMERICAN BANK NOTE SAFE-GUARD by Edward M. Hodges 1865. 350 pp Cloth bound. 1977 reprint by Pennell Publishing Co. $19.50 postpaid. "Hodges' " as this book is known, contains descriptions of over 10,000 genuine notes from 30 states, 19 Canadian banks, and the United States notes issued prior to 1865. This 1865 edition was copyrighted in 1864 and at this time the United States was at v- ar with the Confederate States. As a result the listing for six Southern states was not included because they were not a part of the United States. Louisiana was included as in 1864 it was occupied by Union troops under the infamous General Butler. West Virginia was added to this edition as it seceded from Virginia and join the Union in 1863. We have added a section from the 1863 edition (copyrighted in 1862) containing the six states deleted from the 1865 edition making this reprint the most comprehensive Hodges' ever printed. The format used consists of three rows of ten notes listed in rectangles on each page. To quote from E.M. Hodges "The SAFEGUARD is almost indispensable." Collectors will agree with him. We bound 10 copies in genuine leather and interleaved them with plain paper (for your own notes) and offer them subject to prior sale for $75.00 each. THE BANK OF THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA by Dr. F. Mauldin Lesesne 1970. 221 pp Hand bound. University of South Carolina Press $14.95 postpaid. The South had many colorful banks prior to the Civil War, but few could compare with the Bank of the State of South Carolina. From its charter in 1812 until 1881 when its history ended, it was colorful, controversial, and redeemed its issued notes. The "faith and credit" of the State of South Carolina was pledged to back this bank. Dr. Lesesne's account of this bank is interesting reading to both collector of paper money and historical students. Few banks have such detailed accounts of their life as the Bank of the State of South Carolina. The book is annotated and has a wonderful bibliography. If you only read one bank history, and should read this one as it will interest both South Carolinians and non-Carolinians alike. It is just an excellent story of a very important bank. PENNELL PUBLISHING 0 ANY P.O. Drawer 858 Anderson, South Carolina 29622 S.C. residents add 4% S.C. sales tax.